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This is a unique request but I need a complex ATM program written in C# with at least 100 lines of code. I would also need for there to be comments on the functionality. Thanks

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This is a unique request but I need a complex ATM program written in C# with at least 100 lines of code. I would also need for there to be comments on the functionality. Thanks
Answered Same Day Aug 01, 2021


Neha answered on Aug 02 2021
148 Votes
/* This code is to develop a code which can be used to perform all the operations related with the ATM.
The following code uses the switch case and if else conditions. This is the basic code which can help the
developer to understand the basic format of the C#. If else statement is used to check for the valid pin
and the code shows 4 options to the user which can make the changes in the account.
using System;
namespace atm_program
    class a
        static void Main(String[] args)
            int amt=10000,a,cu
            string name;
code will ask the user to enter the name and will print a welcome message
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter your name");
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome, "+name);
code asks user to enter the pin
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the pin");
this condition will check for the pin entered by the use
Menu for the user
                Console.WriteLine("1.To check balance");
                Console.WriteLine("2.To withdraw money");
                Console.WriteLine("3.To deposite...

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