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This Discussion Board has 3 parts: 1 Describe the four elements of a good performance appraisal. 2 many factors can lead to a company failing. discuss the external conditions that occur that will...

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This Discussion Board has 3 parts:
1 Describe the four elements of a good performance appraisal.
2 many factors can lead to a company failing. discuss the external conditions that occur that will hinder the success of a company
3 Discuss your understanding of the POWER SWOT. How can this method increase the effectiveness of a strategic plan. It is the same as the previous assignment
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Answered Same Day Apr 12, 2020


Ritika answered on Jun 04 2020
163 Votes
Running Head: ASSIGNMENT
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Performance appraisal is one that deals with great amount of anxiety and suspicion. Elements of a good performance appraisal are:
· There should be a good and clear appraisal process. This should be a transparent and effective tool that is used by people for doling out punishments or increments to employees who deserve certain growth in the organization.
· Standards for appraisal should be objective and those that can be applicable for critical performance standards and adherence to liberal policy.
· The performance appraisal must be more of a review that can surprise people with their performance evaluation.
· Appraisal...

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