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This assignment is one of two assignments that need to be written by the same writer. Please assign to a writer that can deliver High Quality Solution only!Thank you

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This assignment is one of two assignments that need to be written by the same writer. Please assign to a writer that can deliver High Quality Solution only!Thank you
Answered Same Day Apr 22, 2020


Akansha answered on Apr 28 2020
143 Votes
Australia Greens- The Environmental Political Party    1
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Essay Topic - Examine the ideology, core beliefs, and support base of the Australian Greens. What challenges does your chosen party face to become or remain a viable player in Australian politics? Does the party have a future?
The political system of Australia is relatively new as compared to the countries supporting the political history going back nearly thousands of years. The Australian constitution sets the rule and regulations that the elected government have to abide by its three
anches-legislative, executive, and judicial. The increasing concern related to environment gave birth to various groups, and one that emerged as the unified political force was Australian Greens. The given essay will aim to conduct extensive research on the ideologies, support base and core beliefs to develop an understanding the cu
ent position of the party in fighting the raised challenges and what lies in future for them.
This essay examines the inherent tension between the Green political party’s genesis, its official ideologies, conventional forms and practices of the party. A vi
ant picture is presented of the ongoing conflict through a case study of the Australian Greens with clear explanations given on organisational leadership problems by Australian state and federal Green members of parliaments. What surfaces from the information is the Australian Green MPs' problem in retaining the democratic and participating equality theory while seeking to develop their existing structure of leadership to be both more realistic and adapted towards active involvement in government. This essay
iefly examines varied perspectives of leadership in Australian politics and then outlines the methodology underpinning the research project.
Australian Greens are Still Green
Section 1
This section of the essay will...

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