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This assignment divided into 3 parts Refrences words not included in 2000 words Deadline 10 april Weighting 60% You have the opportunity to submit a draft plan of your assignment part 1. You will need...

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This assignment divided into 3 parts
Refrences words not included in 2000 words
Deadline 10 april
Weighting 60%
You have the opportunity to submit a draft plan of your assignment part 1. You will need to provide an outline of your proposed case study. The plan should not be more than two pages and provides a
ief description of what you will present in each section of your final case study.
· Part 1.
The preliminary work for this assignment involves choosing a social issue that you are interested in exploring further (eg. elder abuse, ma
iage equality, disability discrimination, climate change, asylum seekers, gender equity, bullying, children in detention etc. Ideally choose an issue that matters to you but something that you could realistically begin to change through advocacy. For example ending hunger and global poverty is too big but ensuring all children who attend your local school have access to a healthy
eakfast might be achievable.
Your first task is to use a range of literature to gather information on this social issue including:
· A definition of the problem and explanations about the causes of the problem
·  Information about the problems and challenges experienced by those effected
· The size or scale of the issue and the setting or context in which this issue is being examined (eg. schools, family, workplace, church, community)
Part 2.
In the second part you need to explain the social justice or human rights issues implicated in the social issue you have selected. Consider the power relations inherent in the situation and how they might be addressed through advocacy.
Part 3.
In part three you develop a hypothetical plan for advocacy action for addressing the social issue that you have described earlier in the paper. Here you can use the framework for advocacy action identified during the semester to guide your plan of action. If you prefer to use another framework you may do so. In this plan you need to identify the change that your advocacy action seeks to achieve. You identify the types of advocacy that you will use and the methods or techniques that will be applied. You will need to identify who will be involved and a time-frame for action.
Note: this paper should be presented in a formal academic style of writing. A range of citation sources should be used with at least three sources from the unit reading list and five from other sources.
Marking criteria
Assessment Criteria PART A
Information about content for each section of case study (30%)
Well formulated and structured plan for PART B (20%)
Clear, coherent written expression (25%)
Preliminary reference list (25%)
Assessment Criteria PART B
    Accurate information about the issue or group (25)
    Accurate description of group/ issue/ problem
Relevant definitions provided
Up to date statistics provided
Scale and scope of problem outlined clearly
Impact on people described
Causes of problem outline where appropriate
    Critical analysis of human rights or social justice and power relations (20)
    Considers relationships of powe
Refers to appropriate international conventions, and/or domestic legislation
Considers social justice issues including any of the following: access, equity, participation, rights and responsibilities, fairness
Analyses these issues rather than just describes or mentions them
    Well formulated and appropriate action plan (25)
    Applies a planning framework (week 2 lecture o
and Rickets or other) and identifies appropriate steps for advocacy
Strategies clearly outlines
Timeline mentioned
Identifies type of advocacy
Implementation plan in form of table included (Who, what, when)
    Clear, coherent written expression and logical structure and organisation of information (20)
    Well structured- logical sequence of information
Includes intro and conclusion
Paragraphs and sections clearly linked
Writing has no grammatical e
ors. Written work has no major e
ors in word selection and use, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization
Written in an appropriate academic style
    Appropriate referencing (10)
ect style (APA, UC Li
ary Guide)
Minimum 8 references
3 references from essential readings appropriately integrated into paper ( These can include resources provided on Moodle each week)
Answered Same Day Apr 05, 2020


Soumi answered on Apr 08 2020
144 Votes
Running Head: WORKPLACE BULLYING        1
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Social Issue to be explored    3
Definition and Causes of Bullying    4
Problems, Effects and Challenges experienced of Bullying on Individual    4
Context of Bullying in Workplace    5
Violation of Human Rights through Bullying    5
Sex Discrimination Act 1984    6
Racial Discrimination Act 1975    6
Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958    7
Hypothetical Plan for addressing the Social Issue of Workplace Bullying    7
Conclusion    9
References    10
The development of the human society is a remarkable achievement in the history of human evolution. However, the regional, environmental and cultural diversity has made
ought in the concept of diversity and social issues in the equation. The social issues form out of mismatch of preferences and abuse of rights and power. Similar to that of any other country with a population of diverse culture and social practices, Australia has found itself su
ounded with several social issues at hand. Among the social problems, the aspect of bullying in local workplaces has emerged as a burning problem. In the cu
ent assignment, the aspect of workplace, bullying is discussed in details with the aim to develop a solution out of the discussion.
Social Issue to be explored
The desperation and ambition of people lead them towards working in organisations, which are drastically different from their familiar way and culture of life. In such unfamiliar working atmospheres, people are often treated badly by staffs, which form the majority of the workforce, forcing them to behave in a specific manner so that they can blend into the majority, giving very little scope for individual cultural preferences. The people, who do not belong to the main cultural background or female gender, are often dominated, discriminated, and abused for their different background, sex as well as for the lack of knowledge about local customs. In the cu
ent assignment, the issues of bullying in local organisations are considered, analysed and criticised in details.
Definition and Causes of Bullying
Bullying is an aggressive way of dominating one or a few people by others who form the majority in a fixed setting. According to Rong and Tha
e (2018), bullying is an unethical way of expressing dislike about a particular group or individual, which requires careful attention. Contradicting to the above-mentioned assessment about bullying, Valentine, and Fleischman (2018) said that bullying is the outcome of failed values, equality and lack of surveillance on the part of the authority. Bullying has no specified area of occu
ence. It can be observed in schools, colleges, offices or even within family. It is worth the mention that the act of bullying is present all over the globe, which requires long-term management. However, in the context of Queensland in Australia, reports of bullying can be tackled with the extensive use of the countries legislature regarding the safeguarding of human rights.
Problems, Effects and Challenges experienced of Bullying on Individual
The victims of bullying generally belong to the minority of people, sex or culture in a large group, where the majority of the group inflict mental as well as physical torture on the minors. As assessed by Sheehan, McCabe and Garavan (2018), the victims of bullying suffer from mild to severe depression. The reason for being alienated from the mainstream of a group creates a sense of isolation that eventually leads to depression.
Another adverse effect of bullying, as mentioned by Glambek, Nielsen, Gjerstad, and Einarsen (2018), is the development of low self-esteem. When a person is dominated or forced to do something unwillingly makes him or her lose confidence in everyday tasks as well as in making decisions. The lack of self-esteem and confidence is also generated from bullying which involves harassment, rejection, ridiculing and punishing. In the worst-case scenarios, bullying leads to suicide of individuals.
Context of Bullying in Workplace
Among the various environments, in which the act of bullying takes place, the bullying at the workplace proves itself the most concerning one. In the...

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