Anju Lata answered on
May 20 2020
According to the Protection of women from Domestic Violence Act 2005, domestic violence is a sexual, physical, ve
al, economic and emotional abuse perpetrated by a partner or by another member of the family, against the women (Boyko,2017). It is a behavior mainly driven for the purpose of gaining power and control over a spouse, partner, girlfriend
oyfriend or intimate family member. Domestic violence may involve physical harassment, psychological, social, sexual and emotional abuse, and social isolation. Although the males and females, both can be the victims of domestic violence, the women are more intensive victims and suffer from more vigorous consequences. According to National Statistics which uses Conflicts tactics Scale to assess domestic violence, more than 40% women suffer from domestic abuse by their partners in India (Yoshikawa, Agrawal, Poudel, & Jimba, 2012). The systematic review by WHO also reflects that women not only in South East Asia but around the world, experience greater risk of domestic abuse from partner than the men (WHO,2013).
The highest rate of domestic violence and sexual assault is perceived by the women of 16 to 24 years of age, in the world (Yoshikawa et al,2012). About 15.5 million US children live in the families having partner violence at least once a year. In US, each one in three adolescent girls is physically, emotionally and ve
ally abused by the dating partners. While there are many policies and many national frameworks to prevent this curse but still the outcomes at ground level are not as effective as expected. There are very minor evidences that the women who seek protection from the police are at low risk of being abused again and the men who are a
ested for perpetuating the domestic violence, are less violent after the completion of their sentence. Nowadays there are many better facilities and services launched for the assistance of victims of domestic violence like emergency shelters, legal advocacy and crisis lines etc. To address the problem, there must be effective inte
uption, and sincere collaborative efforts for prevention of violent behaviors of men.
Women may feel consistent challenging consequences after undergoing physical, emotional and mental abuse (Yoshikawa et al, 2012). It may take time for the women to re-adapt living in secure environment, mainly if the person doing the violence was extremely violent or had been perpetrating the violence for a prolonged period. While conveying the pain can be staggering, the process of healing may assist the women in recollecting the inner strength and reduce their anxiety for their own safety and the security of her children. The impact of this devastating incident may vary enormously from one woman to another. The common physical visible impact of domestic violence can be Bruises,
oken or sprained wrists, muscle tension, involuntary shaking, purple or red marks on the neck, fatigue, pain, changes in sleeping and eating pattern, sexual and menstrual problems. Women may develop mental issues like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) involving flashbacks, depression, low self-confidence, chronic anxiety, nightmares and suicidal thoughts. They may feel unworthy, hopeless, discouraged and unmotivated (Joyful Heart Foundation, 2018). The children who witness the domestic violence may be at increased risk of behavioral and psychological problems. They may develop fear, depression, anxiety, and academic degrades.
The domestic violence has serious socio-economic impacts resulting into homelessness and adversely affecting the psychological development of children. In United States, the domestic violence leads to homelessness of more than 38% women annually, being the third most important cause of homelessness in families (Yoshikawa et al,2012).
In u
an cities, there are many factors which grow into differences in couples and progressively take the form of domestic violence. For example, when women earn more than the men, late night working hours of women, negligence of household duties by women, more active participation in social clubs etc.. These things may develop gap or differences in the mindset of both the partners causing dissatisfaction. Moreover, in India, most women bear the atrocities of domestic violence imposed by their husbands silently without openly reporting about the incidents in police or before the law. One of the reasons may me the hardships that the children may have to suffer if she leaves the house of her husband. In general, the fear of leaving is greater than the fear of staying and bearing the violence (YKA,2010).
Amidst various other causes of domestic violence, an important cause is male dominant society and the role of woman as a subordinate to men throughout the lifetime, in most of the countries like India. Even during the pregnancy, many people prefer to have a boy instead of a girl. It may lead to preferential care for boys, gender-specific abortions and infanticides (Gundappa & Rathod, 2012). The education of girl child is given less importance and in some places the practice of early ma
iage prevails in many societies, increasing the susceptibility of young women towards the domestic violence. Moreover, the women who give birth only to female children may be at increased risk of domestic violence in their families. They often experience nutritional, medical and financial deprivation. Additionally, the widow women may also be subjected to the harmful effects of domestic violence by other members of the family.
Domestic violence is also associated with many harmful health behaviors and awful physical and mental health. The behaviors involve lack of condom use or contraceptives, repetitive instances of depression, stress related to trauma, sexually transmitted diseases, chronic fatigue, and HIV. The Domestic violence from the...