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"The 'stakeholder' is one of the most important concepts in health care. Effective leaders know their stakeholders, paying close attention to the barriers that distort communication... Health care...

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"The 'stakeholder' is one of the most important concepts in health care. Effective leaders know their stakeholders, paying close attention to the barriers that distort communication... Health care organizations are located in especially complex stakeholder environments. Take, for example, a large academic hospital. It can easily have more than two dozen stakeholders, as illustrated by Figure 6.5. Each stakeholder group has interests that predispose it to support or contest the hospital's initiative" (Chapter 5).

Please write approximately 1,750-2,000 words addressing the following scenario:

You are a senior executive at a community hospital that is considering hiring a hospitalist physician.


What stakeholders would you include in a stakeholder analysis to evaluate adoption of a hospitalist model of care?


For this paper, please perform a stakeholder analysis that:

- Assesses stakeholder interests and "stakes"

- Develops strategies for effective communication, gaining support, and reducing obstacles/opposition.

Answered Same Day May 24, 2023


Bidusha answered on May 25 2023
35 Votes
Stakeholder Analysis        2
Table of Contents
Stakeholders to include in a stakeholder analysis    3
Stakeholder Interests and "Stakes" Assessment    4
Strategies for effective communication, gaining support, and reducing obstacles    8
References    11
Stakeholders To Include in A Stakeholder Analysis
An instrument utilized by associations to distinguish, assess, and deal with the assumptions for individuals or gatherings with a stake in the association is the partner examination. It's significant to consider all stakeholders — internal and external — and to measure their degree of impact and interest while playing out a partner investigation. The execution of a hospitalist model of care ought to be surveyed considering various stakeholders (Benda et al., 2020). Coming up next are a couple of the stakeholders, despite the fact that there are others too:
Patients: The hospitalist worldview of treatment will quickly affect patients. While choosing whether to utilize this model or not, it's basic to consider their requests and assumptions. Making patients go through many processes can help solve the main issue of guiding them to the appropriate doctors and departments. The front office managers no longer need to spend as much time as they may have in most conventional workflow systems thanks to these automated stages.
Doctors: As per the hospitalist worldview, doctors are accountable for focusing on patients. To have the option to give their patients the most ideal treatment, they should be part in the dynamic cycle.
Nurses: The hospitalist approach will be done by nurses, who are accountable for giving patients care. To have the option to give their patients the most ideal treatment, they should take part in the dynamic cycle. Nurses just require little instruction to become confident using the programme, allowing them to do their duties quickly and effortlessly. Since Hospital Management Systems' user interfaces are easy to use, this may be completed relatively rapidly (Bernstein, Weiss & Cu
y, 2020).
Hospital organization: To ensure that the hospitalist model of care is executed in a manner that is ideal for the hospital, hospital the executives should be engaged with the dynamic cycle. The hospital management systems often incorporate many clinic/hospital departments. This enables nurses to obtain data from a single instrument, including lab results, x-ray results, and prescription information. They don't have to spend as much time wandering around the hospital now.
Hospital board: To ensure that the hospitalist model of care is ca
ied out in the manner that is best for the hospital, the hospital board should be associated with the dynamic cycle. Without needing additional work from personnel, the programme makes managing schedules easy for hospitals or clinics. With only a few clicks, managers may set up appointments and reservations (Cagliero et al., 2023).
Insurance agency: To ensure the hospitalist model of care is ca
ied out in a manner that is ideal for the hospital, insurance agency should be remembered for the dynamic cycle.
Government: To ensure that the hospitalist model of care is executed in a manner that is best for the hospital, the government should be engaged with the dynamic cycle.
Albeit not all stakeholders ought to be considered while doing a partner examination, the rundown gave above gives a strong outline.
Stakeholder Interests and "Stakes" Assessment
The most common way of distinguishing and assessing the meaning of significant stakeholders in a specific situation is known as a partner examination. It is regularly utilized with regard to corporate or political decision-production to ensure that all relevant gatherings are considered and that the decision that is made is to the greatest advantage of every interested individual (Doran et al., 2022). Partner examination should be possible in different strategies, but the principal technique frequently comprises of the accompanying four stages:
1. Distinguishing stakeholders: This stage involves posting each individual, gathering, or association that can be influenced by a specific choice.
2. Assessing interests: Following the recognizable proof of every single significant party, it is important to assess each party's advantages to comprehend what the choice will mean for them.
3. Stakes evaluation: The third stage is to survey the meaning of every partner's advantages. This will make it simpler to rank the partner interests and conclude which ones ought to be considered while going with the decision.
4. Dissecting stakeholders: After stakes and partner interests have been evaluated, it is feasible to investigate stakeholders to choose how to proceed most successfully. The stakeholders might should be engaged with extra conversations, or it might simply involve adjusting their separate advantages.
A fundamental device for guaranteeing that all relevant stakeholders are considered while going with choices is the partner examination. To pursue sure...

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