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The purpose of this assessment is to observe yourself and write a reflective paper about your own communication style in the workplace. In any form of communication, it is important to be aware of how...

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The purpose of this assessment is to observe yourself and write a reflective paper about your own communication style in the workplace. In any form of communication, it is important to be aware of how we influence the process and to do this, we need to be able to identify our strengths and weakness in our communication skills. Developing self-awareness relies on being able to reflect deeply and recognise the role of ‘self’ impacting on outcomes of communication interactions. To complete this task, first you will need to observe your professional communication in the form of face to face communication over the course of a week. Following this, select two examples of face to face communication to analyse and discuss: one example should showcase your communication weakness(es) and one example should showcase your communication strength(s). The suggested format for this reflective essay is as follows: • Brief introduction to paper. • Brief description of your face to face communication example demonstrating your weakness(es). • Using a clear reflective cycle (citing which reflective cycle you are using), critically reflect on your weakness(es) in the face to face communication example, and analyse the impact of those ‘self’ weakness(es) to the outcome of the communication exchange. Use theory to support your analysis. • Brief description of your face to face communication example showcasing your strength(s). • Using a clear reflective cycle (citing which reflective cycle you are using), critically reflect on your strengths in the face to face communication example, and analyse the impact of those ‘self’ strength(s) to the outcome of the communication exchange. Use theory to support your analysis. • Analyse what you have learned about your persuasive professional communication abilities and how these impact on the outcomes of the communication. • Brief conclusion to paper. Page 11 of 20 As this is a reflective task, you may use first person. Please ensure that you maintain confidentiality and privacy, so be sure to use pseudonyms for any descriptions of people or organisations. As this is an academic essay, no headings or dot points may be used. You are expected to use literature to support the discussion throughout the paper. Correct APA (7th ed.) should be used.
Answered Same Day Jul 27, 2021 James Cook University


Bandita answered on Jul 28 2021
129 Votes
Running Head: REFLECTIVE PAPER                            1
REFLECTIVE PAPER                                    2
Title of the Paper:
Reflective Paper about Communication Style in Workplace
University Name:
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Significance of Communication Skills at Workplace for a Nurse    3
Face to Face Communication Exhibiting Weakness    3
Reflecting on Weakness using a Clear Reflective Cycle    4
Theory    5
Face to Face Communication Showcasing Strengths    6
Reflecting on Strength Using a Clear Reflective Cycle and Impact of Abilities on Communication    6
Conclusion    7
References    9
Communication is a pivotal part of our life and is a necessary skill, especially when dealing with individuals in a healthcare setting. There are enough evidences that show the experience of the individual seeking healthcare services has a huge effect in the outcome of the treatment and service, and even lays impacts on how the healthcare organizations provide their services and care (Boissy et al., 2016). In patient centred care setting, communication skills have in extracting the need and emotions of the patient by actively listening to the patient without creating any inte
uption while they speak.
Significance of Communication Skills at Workplace for a Nurse
Communication skills help in understanding the patient’s outlook, which further helps in understanding the need, ideas, feelings, wo
ies, and their experience with the effect of the illness as well as their expectations from the healthcare professionals (Hashim, 2017). Communication skills would help in enhancing the qualities of healthcare services and safety of these services worldwide. This essay helps in understanding the role of communication skills in work place and different aspects of these skills.
Face to Face Communication Exhibiting Weakness
    A constructive and powerful communication skill is one of the essential skills that a healthcare professional should have in order to provide better healthcare services. The impact of the illness can affect the life of the patient dramatically by different means, either physically or mentally. For example, a patient undergoing any surgery or diagnosis of cancer feels a series of emotions at the same time and is petrified to life. During this time, a better communication skill of the any healthcare provider, such as physicians, surgeons, nurses etc. can help in providing support and can even help in strengthening the bond between the patient and the healthcare personnel.
Being a healthcare professional myself, I have been in various situations where I have felt the importance of communication skills. With the possession of various strengths in my communication skills, there are also some weaknesses of mine, which have created a huge miscommunication and mess at times. My weakness in communication skills is the fast speed of talking in English. I speak excessively fast and that creates huge miscommunications between the patients and their families. It becomes difficult for them sometimes to understand what I am speaking.
Since English is my second language, I sometimes fumble some words or misinterpret, which causes mess in helping the patients. There was one incident where my weaknesses in communication created a huge misunderstanding between the patient and their families. While assisting a patient...

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