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PUBH6013_Assessment_3A_Investigation_Report_Week_11 Page 1 of 5 ASSESSMENT BRIEF Subject Code and Title PUBH6013: Qualitative Research Methods Assessment Assessment 3A: Investigation Report...

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PUBH6013_Assessment_3A_Investigation_Report_Week_11 Page 1 of 5

Subject Code and Title PUBH6013: Qualitative Research Methods
Assessment Assessment 3A: Investigation Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1500 words (+/-10%)
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:
c) Apply qualitative research methods through undertaking
data collection through, e.g. focus group, interviews,
observational methods
d) Appreciate cultural and ethical considerations for
qualitative research in Public Health
e) Understand sampling techniques, bias and rigour as they
apply to qualitative research
f) Apply coding and analysis techniques to qualitative data
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Week 11
Weighting 30%
Total Marks 100 marks
This assessment involves preparing a report with data analysis/discussion of interviews and a
ief presentation.
There are two steps for this assignment. Part A involves writing a report and Part B involves
a 10 minute presentation in class.
Assessment 3A advances skills in analysing and reporting qualitative data, and reflexivity of
practice. Key understanding includes how to generate meaning from qualitative data, how
to report the results of qualitative analysis, and how to reflect on one’s own performance to
identify strengths and opportunities for growth. The assessment prepares students for an
important task common to the public health practitioner role.
Analysis: Use the resources in module six to:
1. Code the data that you collect from your interviewees.
2. Develop themes based on your coding.
PUBH6013_Assessment_3A_Investigation_Report_Week_11 Page 2 of 5

3. Report on the themes that you’ve identified, supported by relevant quotes from your
interviewees. Report this part in the same style as the results section of a qualitative journal
Reflection: reflect on your experience of interviewing and analysing the data. What did you do well,
and what did you struggle with? What could you learn to do better? What did you learn through this
Assessment Criteria:
• Ability to interpret and analyse data, and report the results appropriately (50%)
• Reflection upon the interview experience and demonstrates reflexivity (30%)
• Use of academic conventions (20%)
PUBH6013_Assessment_3A_Investigation_Report_Week_ XXXXXXXXXXPage 3 of 5

Learning Ru
Attributes Fail (Unacceptable)
High Distinction
Grade Description
(Grading Scheme)
Evidence of unsatisfactory achievement
of one or more of the learning
objectives of the course, insufficient
understanding of the course content
and/or unsatisfactory level of skill
Evidence of satisfactory
achievement of course
learning objectives, the
development of
elevant skills to a
competent level, and
interpretation and
critical analysis skills.
Evidence of a good
level of understanding,
knowledge and skill
development in
elation to the content
of the course or work
of a superior quality on
the majority of the
learning objectives of
the course.
Demonstration of a
high level of
interpretation and
critical analysis skills.

Evidence of a high
level of
achievement of the
learning objectives
of the course
demonstrated in
such areas as
interpretation and
critical analysis,
logical argument,
use of
methodology and
Evidence of an
exceptional level of
achievement of
learning objectives
across the entire
content of the course
demonstrated in such
areas as
interpretation and
critical analysis, logical
argument, creativity,
originality, use of
methodology and
communication skills.

Reflection upon the
interview experience
and demonstrates

Does not meet minimum standard

Demonstrates no awareness of context
and/or purpose of reflection in practice.

Meets minimum

Demonstrates limited
awareness of context
and/or purpose of
eflection in practice.

Moves beyond
minimum standard

consistent awareness
of context and/or
purpose reflection in

Exceeds minimum

Demonstrates an
advanced and
understanding of
context and/or
purpose of
eflection in

Exceeds minimum
standard and exhibits
high levels of

demonstrates a
systematic and critical
understanding of
context and purpose
of reflection in

PUBH6013_Assessment_3A_Investigation_Report_Week_ XXXXXXXXXXPage 4 of 5

Ability to
interpret and
analyse data, and
eport the results


Limited synthesis and analysis.

Limited application
ased upon analysis.

Makes assertions that are not justified

Demonstrated analysis
and synthesis of new
knowledge with

Shows the ability to
interpret relevant
information and

Justifies any
conclusions reached
with arguments not
merely assertion.

analysis and synthesis.

Shows strong ability to
interpret relevant
information and

Justifies any
conclusions reached
with well-formed
arguments not merely

developed and
creative analysis
and synthesis.

Shows excellent
ability to interpret
information and

Justifies any
eached with well-
formed arguments

Highly sophisticated
and creative analysis,
synthesis of new with
existing knowledge.

Shows outstanding
ability to interpret
elevant information
and literature.

Strong application by
way of pretested
models and / or
developed models.

Use of academic and
discipline conventions
and sources of

Poorly written with e
ors in spelling,

Demonstrates inconsistent use of good
quality, credible and relevant research
sources to support and develop ideas.

There are mistakes in using the APA
Is written according to
academic genre (e.g.
with introduction,
conclusion or
summary) and has
accurate spelling,
grammar, sentence and
Is well-written and
adheres to the
academic genre (e.g.
with introduction,
conclusion or

Is very well-written
and adheres to the
academic genre.

expert use of good
quality, credible
Expertly written and
adheres to the
academic genre.

Demonstrates expert
use of high-quality,
credible and relevant
esearch sources to
PUBH6013_Assessment_3A_Investigation_Report_Week_ XXXXXXXXXXPage 5 of 5



consistent use of
credible and relevant
esearch sources to
support and develop
ideas, but these are not
always explicit or well

There are no mistakes
in using the APA style.

consistent use of high
quality, credible and
elevant research
sources to support and
develop ideas.

There are no mistakes
in using the APA style.

and relevant
esearch sources to
support and
arguments and
statements. Shows
evidence of
eading beyond the
key reading

There are no
mistakes in using
the APA style.
support and develop
arguments and
position statements.
Shows extensive
evidence of reading
eyond the key

There are no mistakes
in using the APA Style.

Page 1 of 4
Subject Code and Title PUBH6013: Qualitative Research Methods
Assessment Assessment 3B: Investigation Presentation
Individual/Group Individual
Length 500 words (+/-10%)
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:
c) Apply qualitative research methods through undertaking
data collection through, e.g. focus group, interviews,
observational methods
d) Appreciate cultural and ethical considerations for
qualitative research in Public Health
e) Understand sampling techniques, bias and rigour as they
apply to qualitative research
f) Apply coding and analysis techniques to qualitative data
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Week 12
Weighting 10%
Total Marks 100 marks
This assessment involves preparing a report with data analysis/discussion of interviews and a
ief presentation.
There are two steps for this assignment. Part A involves writing a report and Part B involves
a 10 minute presentation in class.
Assessment 3B advances skills in presenting the rationale, process, and results of a
qualitative project. Key understanding includes how to present key information from their
project design and results in a concise and effective fashion, and how to deliver a
Answered Same Day Aug 13, 2021 PUBH6013


Popi answered on Aug 16 2021
154 Votes
Table of contents
Background    3
Methodology    3
Data collection    4
Assessment tool    4
Data analysis    4
Ethics and consent    5
Result and findings    5
Diet management awareness    6
Behavior related to the medication    6
Discussion    6
Conclusion    7
References    8
Interview questions    10
In this era of the modern century, diabetes can be considered as one of the most vulnerable diseases (Shanbhogue, Hansen, Frost, Brixen, & Hermann, 2017). It spreads rapidly by increasing the blood sugar levels of human beings. It has been reported that more than 400 million people are suffering from diabetes in this cu
ent decade (Fuhrman, 2018). According to the survey of national health, nearly 3% of an adult around the age group of 25 or above are suffering from diabetes and the percentage of elderly people age group 65 or above are suffering from diabetes is 7.5% (Keel, et al., 2017).
To continue this specific assessment various research methodologies has needed to be understood. And finally, the community-based participatory method of research has been followed. In the research field of public health, the qualitative research approaches are getting popularity nowadays (Hitchings, & Latham, 2017). In order to accomplish any methodical qualitative research, it is needed to go to the depth of the research. The na
ative and the ground theory both are equally important in terms of getting the depth of the theoretical research (Saunders, et al., 2018). The coding is also categories as deductive as well as inductive mode. The collected dada are necessary for the coding and it also can be mentioned that the coding and the theme is a necessary part of any qualitative research.
The na
ative theory tells about the holistic approach of the research and summarizes all the necessary information and emphasizes more in the details of the content (Ashworth, McDermott, & Cu
ie, 2019).
On the other hand, the ground theory focuses on the collected data. This theory considered the logical approach to research. This theory approaches the generation of new theories. The collection of data and the analysis of those data are being done properly by judging these theories (Glaser, & Strauss, 2017).
Data collection
The method of the data collection for this particular research is the interview and prioritizing the group. The interviewers are free to make the structure of the interview pattern and structure. In the case of the interview of the mental health status of an individual, the semi-structured interviews are being considered as one of the efficient keys. The interview question has been listed both the open-ended and the close-ended patterns. The researchers are free to opt for any pattern of interview questions. Based on the depth of the situation and the condition of the circumstances the interview questions are being structured. The interview has been conducted by questioning 10 people face to face. The responses are being recorded and the data have been collected and stored properly. The implementation of the ground theory can be observed over here throughout the process of the assessment.
Assessment tool
Here in this assessment, the semi-structured process of the interview has been followed. According to the needs of the research, a set of open-ended and close-ended questioned have been selected for the interview process. The questions related to the blood sugar level, medication process, and the degrees of awareness have been chosen for this interview purpose. And based on those questions a suitable overview of the awareness level and the severity of the disease among the community as well as the te
itory can be judged.
Data analysis
The overall interview was recorded and the voice of the participant has also been recorded. The consent has also been taken before recording the...

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