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Course Project: News Stance Detection Qiang Zhang, Bill Lampos February 23, 2018 1 Task Definition In context of news, a claim is made in a news headline, as well as in the piece of text in an article...

1 answer below »
Course Project: News Stance Detection
Qiang Zhang, Bill Lampos
uary 23, 2018
1 Task Definition
In context of news, a claim is made in a news headline, as well as in the piece of text in an article
ody. Quite often, the headline of a news article is created so that it is attractive to the readers,
even though the body of the article may be about a different subject/may have another claim than
the headline.
Stance Detection involves estimating the relative perspective (or stance), of two pieces of text
elative, i.e. do the two pieces agree, disagree, discuss or are unrelated to one another. Your task
in this project is to estimate the stance of a body text from a news article relative to a headline.
The goal in stance detection is to detect whether the headline and the body of an article
have the same claim. The stance can be categorized as one of the four labels: “agree”, “disagree”,
“discuss” and “unrelated”. Formal definitions of the four stances are as:
• “agree” – the body text agrees with the headline;
• “disagree” – the body text disagrees with the headline;
• “discuss” – the body text discusses the same claim as the headline, but does not take a
• “unrelated" – the body text discusses a different claim but not that in the headline.
2 Dataset
We will be using the publicly available FNC-1 dataset 1. This dataset is divided into a training
set and a testing set. The ratio of training data over testing data is about 2:1. Every data sample
is a pair of a headline and a body. There are 49972 pairs in the training set, with 49972 unique
headlines and 1683 unique bodies. This means that an article body can be seen in more than one
“unrelated” data takes the majority (over 70%) in both sets while the percentage of “disagree”
is less than 3%. The percentage of “agree” and “discuss” are less than 20% and 10%, respectively.
Severe class imbalance exits in the FNC-1 dataset.
FNC-1 implements an official baseline 2 that may be helpful to read files, and to split the train
dataset into a training subset and a validation subset.
3 Involved Subtasks
The course project involves several subtasks that are required to be solved. This is a research
oriented project so you are expected to be creative and coming up with your own solutions is
strongly encouraged for any part of the project.
• Split the training set into a training subset and a validation subset with the data numbe
proportion about 9:1.The training subset and the validation subset should have similar ratios
of the four classes. Statistics of the ratios should be presented.
• Extract vector representation of headlines and bodies in the all the datasets, and compute
the cosine similarity between these two vectors. You can use representations based on bag-of-
words or other methods like Word2Vec for vector based representations. You are encouraged
to explore alternative representations as well.
• Establish language model based representations of the headlines and the article bodies in all
the datasets and calculate the KL-divergence for each pair of headlines and article bodies.
Feel free to explore different smoothing techniques for language model based representations.
• Propose and implement alternative features/distances that might be helpful for the stance
detection task. Describe feature meaning and extraction process.
• Choose two kinds of representative distances/features that you think may be most important
for stance detection and plot the distance distribution for the four stances. Comment on why
you think these are the important features and try to validate their importance using the
• Using the features that you have created, implement a linear regression and a logistic re-
gression model using gradient descent for stance classification. The implementations of these
learning algorithms should be your own.
• Analyse the performance of your models using the test set. Describe the evaluation metric
you use and explain why you think would be suited for this task. Feel free to use alternative
metrics that you think may fit. Compare and contrast the performance of the two models
you have implemented. Analyse the effect of learning rate on both models.
• Explore which features are the most important for the stance detection task by analysing
their importance for the machine learning models you have built.
• Do a literature review regarding the stance detection task,
iefly summarize and compare
the features and models that have been proposed for this task.
• Propose ways to improve the machine learning models you have implemented. You can
either propose new machine learning models, new ways of sampling/using the training data,
or propose new features. You are allowed to use existing li
aries/packages for this part.
4 What to submit
You are expected to submit all the code you have written, together with a written report up to 5
pages. Your report should describe the work you have done for each of the aforementioned steps.
Unless otherwise stated above, all the code should be your own and you are not allowed to reuse
any code that is available online. You are allowed to use both Python and Java as the programming
5 Deadline
The deadline for submitting your project is midnight on April 6th.
    Task Definition
    Involved Subtasks
    What to submit
Answered Same Day Mar 20, 2020


Abr Writing answered on Mar 25 2020
150 Votes
train_stances.csvHeadline,Body ID,Stance
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,712,unrelated
Hundreds of Palestinians flee floods in Gaza as Israel opens dams,158,agree
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",137,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,1034,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1923,disagree
'Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December' Fake News Story Goes Viral,154,agree
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",962,unrelated
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,2033,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,1739,agree
British Aid Worker Confirmed Murdered By ISIS,882,unrelated
Gateway Pundit,2327,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1468,agree
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1003,unrelated
"No, that high school kid didn't make $72 million trading stocks",2132,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",47,discuss
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax),615,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,2463,discuss
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",295,agree
N. Korea’s Kim has leg injury but in control,570,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,608,discuss
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,1500,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1681,discuss
NBC's Tom Brokaw reportedly wants Brian Williams fired over fa
icated Iraq helicopter story,1545,unrelated
Would you take a bite out of the world's oldest burger? Men keep Quarter Pounder they bought 20 YEARS ago for a friend who never showed up to meet them,1196,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,1014,agree
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,633,agree
"Luke Somers Dies In Rescue Attempt, Sister Says; Yemeni Defense Ministry Says Unnamed US Hostage Freed",56,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1658,unrelated
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,2327,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1157,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,132,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1896,discuss
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",625,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",2176,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,394,discuss
Fisherman lands 19 STONE catfish which could be biggest in world to be hooked,2161,agree
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,1040,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1251,unrelated
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Michael Phelps' Cougar Girlfriend Revealed?,1337,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",280,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,534,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,213,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",1299,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1481,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",289,unrelated
Student accidentally sets college on fire during fireworks proposal,1592,agree
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",2248,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1255,unrelated
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,1120,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,2045,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,2296,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',459,unrelated
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,1905,disagree
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,2295,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,759,agree
A Husband Breaks Down In Tears After Lost Voicemail Message By His Late Wife Is Recovered,2406,unrelated
Bali Awry,181,unrelated
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,2036,unrelated
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,941,unrelated
"No, it's not Tiger Woods selling an island in Lake Mälaren",965,disagree
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",816,unrelated
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,2106,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,367,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,373,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,1934,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",703,discuss
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,167,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,1175,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),724,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',2441,agree
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,1338,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,2248,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1040,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,527,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',32,discuss
Saudi fatwa banning snowmen triggers heated debate,26,unrelated
Paul Rudd Is Not the Viral Video Hero Who Tackled a Gay Basher in Dallas,487,unrelated
"Soldier, Gunman Killed In Shooting Incident Near Canadian Parliament",1089,agree
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",205,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1435,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",190,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1808,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2246,discuss
Mystery woman behind the 'richest hands on the internet' revealed: Former pornstar 'makes $5m a year unwrapping Disney toys on YouTube',1315,agree
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",1362,discuss
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,2033,unrelated
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,472,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',1125,unrelated
Islamic State militants allegedly used chlorine gas against Iraqi security forces,1590,discuss
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,2240,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,702,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1165,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1720,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1358,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",1832,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",346,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found in BUCKINGHAM PALACE by Alan Titchmarsh,1374,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2404,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,1744,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1832,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1406,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1818,agree
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1958,agree
"NYPD to issue tickets instead of a
est for weed possession, report says",775,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,2115,agree
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,1849,unrelated
Seth Rogen reported to play Woz in the upcoming Steve Jobs movie,1966,unrelated
How did a Texas plumber's truck end up with Syrian rebels? (+video),2174,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,992,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,731,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,2097,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,2045,unrelated
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",1212,unrelated
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor,777,unrelated
J.J. A
ams Asks Disney To Move Up 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Release Date,2084,discuss
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,213,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,922,discuss
Former U.S. soldier says IS used chemical weapons in Kobani,1758,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,2132,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,1681,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,900,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,40,unrelated
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,36,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,488,agree
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2495,discuss
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",821,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",1628,unrelated
What TBS’s Sped-Up Seinfeld Reruns Tell Us About the So
y State of America,2237,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1385,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1125,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,2448,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',345,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",2087,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,2463,discuss
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,2045,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1661,discuss
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1899,unrelated
Court Orders Probe Into Complaints Of 'Forced Castration' In Religious 'Dera' Sect,1048,unrelated
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,35,unrelated
Actor has his testicles stolen after meeting ‘young blonde woman at a bar’,573,discuss
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,618,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,321,unrelated
Amazon plans ad-supported video streaming service - NY post,887,unrelated
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,2336,discuss
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1818,discuss
Armed U.S. drones spotted flying over Syria in possible hunt for ISIS leader,1509,discuss
"Oh Hey, Paul Rudd Was One Of The Dallas Airport Homophobe Heroes, No Big",119,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,2045,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,2168,discuss
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,1547,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,176,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,855,discuss
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',689,unrelated
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",2342,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,2132,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,2477,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,2149,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,2064,agree
"Feminist Aborts Baby For Being A Boy, Shocked People Don’t Approve",1363,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,115,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,313,disagree
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,472,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,2046,agree
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,139,unrelated
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",986,unrelated
Sergeant-at-Arms stopped shooter on Parliament Hill,1568,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),975,disagree
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,2210,unrelated
PopWatch Teenager fights for the right to be recognized as Teletu
ies' smiling sun-baby,2081,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1438,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',2531,unrelated
J.J. A
ams Asks Disney To Move Up 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Release Date,808,unrelated
iPhone Game Developer Quits Job By Hiding The Greatest Letter Of Resignation Ever Inside His Game,125,unrelated
Lego letter to parents in 1974 on gender equality still resonates 40 years on,1547,agree
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,687,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",1627,unrelated
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,2290,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,2307,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',320,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1948,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1720,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",271,unrelated
Lego letter from the 1970s still offers a powerful message to parents 40 years later,1169,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',254,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1574,unrelated
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,1242,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,2530,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1982,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,1107,unrelated
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),775,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,1627,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1786,unrelated
ESPN's Domestic Violence Panel Is Missing Something Important,1020,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,381,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2047,discuss
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2302,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',844,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1471,discuss
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,1949,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,214,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",2061,agree
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",1985,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1476,discuss
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,1718,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,2293,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1104,unrelated
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,1987,discuss
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,1419,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1603,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1301,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",467,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",2045,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,2269,unrelated
"Woman, Ting Su, Finds Husband Cheating With Her Own Twin, Gets Spectacular Revenge",1058,agree
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",1081,discuss
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,1355,unrelated
Police hunt tweed-jacket wearing man who slaps shoppers for SNEEZING,678,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,971,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,639,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1795,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,874,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,2492,unrelated
Reports: Big Bank Hank of pioneering rap group Sugarhill Gang has died,2398,discuss
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,1720,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,2327,unrelated
First bendgate... now it's HAIRGATE: Angry iPhone 6 owners claim design is causing chunks of their hair to be ripped out when they make a phone call,403,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",2130,discuss
ISIS Getting Ebola,720,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1602,discuss
Apple Watch may be powered by Samsung processor,1658,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1786,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",1081,discuss
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,908,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",666,agree
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,734,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1299,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1093,discuss
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1603,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",1541,unrelated
Apple in talks to become launch partner for cable-free HBO Now service,2306,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1372,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport,2489,unrelated
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,2509,unrelated
Woman Spends Entire Week In KFC After Getting Dumped By Her Boyfriend,1805,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,972,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2127,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1778,discuss
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,1586,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1580,agree
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,2455,discuss
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",125,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,2453,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,511,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1726,unrelated
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,2177,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",1115,discuss
Could Kim Jong Un open a restaurant in Scotland?,773,unrelated
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,2252,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,524,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1864,discuss
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,1988,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: Actor is victim of another death hoax,2022,unrelated
Did Comcast Get a Man Fired From His Job for Complaining About Its Service?,1338,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,694,discuss
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,1648,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1125,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",2156,unrelated
Comcast blocks Tor,1403,disagree
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,1034,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",139,unrelated
Staff Reporter,707,discuss
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,2337,disagree
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",2025,discuss
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",1854,discuss
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,2054,discuss
The Apple Watch Will Debut by Late March [Report],670,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,2288,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,2175,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",2033,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,2403,discuss
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,1693,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1471,discuss
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,2097,unrelated
"ISIS Unleash ""Scorpion"" Bombs In Iraq",185,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1321,disagree
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,645,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,139,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",465,unrelated
"Despite no Ebola case in Kansas City, the rumor goes viral",1943,agree
Don’t ‘Reset All Settings’ in iOS 8 unless you want to lose your iCloud files,1155,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,2269,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",731,unrelated
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,698,unrelated
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",513,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1883,unrelated
This Woman Is Wrongly Being Called A Sexual Predator After Her Private Sex Tape Was Used For A Hoax,1734,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,1780,discuss
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,1400,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1349,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,859,unrelated
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",1020,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1004,discuss
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1605,discuss
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,1011,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
"UBS survey finds 10% of consumers want a smartwatch, expects 24M Apple Watch sales in fiscal 2015",568,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,36,unrelated
Bugatti Veyron Vandalized With Penis Graffiti? Viral Photo Isn’t What It Seems,1148,agree
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),81,unrelated
North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Is Still In Charge: Source,1580,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,43,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,2492,unrelated
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',2352,unrelated
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,1489,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,776,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,831,unrelated
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired,1951,agree
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,1458,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1347,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,1349,agree
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",826,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",344,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',1034,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,2475,agree
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,887,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,171,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,984,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,1950,unrelated
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,487,unrelated
"Absent from duty for 25 years, CPWD official dismissed",1242,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,373,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,715,discuss
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,2287,unrelated
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,964,unrelated
Small red book among finds in 113-year-old Boston time capsule,690,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,1253,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1569,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,2367,disagree
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',298,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,1737,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",2003,discuss
URGENT: ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah,969,agree
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,311,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1803,unrelated
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",2260,unrelated
Did Paul Rudd Help Tackle That Dallas Airport Gay-Basher?,1844,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,373,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,1528,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",2356,discuss
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,2223,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",1009,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1439,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",2096,unrelated
"North Korea leader Kim is still in charge, has injured leg: source",1933,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,570,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",2188,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2287,unrelated
Missing Planes,1958,discuss
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1372,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1905,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,2139,disagree
Report: Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of suicide airliner attacks on 9/11,1699,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,1846,disagree
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1888,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,1013,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1547,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2235,discuss
"Apple Watch to Feature Time-Only 'Power Reserve' Mode, Prototypes Disguised as Samsung Watches",2423,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2388,discuss
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,2078,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',401,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1627,unrelated
"No, that high school kid didn't make $72 million trading stocks",2407,agree
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,2304,unrelated
Tiger Woods serving secret PED suspension?,757,discuss
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,1084,agree
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,1958,agree
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",1702,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,108,discuss
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,2154,discuss
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",121,unrelated
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,1627,agree
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",776,unrelated
Cold Turkey,1949,agree
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,2061,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1261,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,913,unrelated
You may be able to make appointments at the Apple Store to try on the Apple Watch when it launches,2056,discuss
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,2156,agree
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",366,discuss
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,313,unrelated
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,1301,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1574,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,1631,unrelated
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",1358,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,975,unrelated
Jose Canseco shoots self in hand,2000,discuss
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,1934,unrelated
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,1015,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],1795,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,2313,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,646,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,527,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1933,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1776,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,847,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",2081,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,1697,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1658,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",2268,discuss
Hilarious: North Dakota Pays Special Tribute to President Obama,265,unrelated
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',730,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1314,discuss
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1234,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,986,disagree
Confusion as Cuba’s Castro mourned instead of Kenya’s Fidel,2377,unrelated
Apple's 12-Inch Retina MacBook Air Shown in Artist's Renditions,1362,discuss
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",534,discuss
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,2374,discuss
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,467,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,1948,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,2141,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",720,unrelated
Microsoft turns to robotic security guards to watch for trouble,2306,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,568,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2138,discuss
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,2421,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,984,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",419,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,2341,discuss
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1803,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1540,disagree
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1372,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1374,agree
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,487,unrelated
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,723,unrelated
"Palestine accuses Israel of opening dams, flooding Gaza, forcing evacuations",993,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],1681,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,2356,discuss
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,1572,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1818,discuss
Hospital Officials: Kansas City Patient Not Being Treated For Ebola,707,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,1597,discuss
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,2192,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,2520,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,646,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,8,unrelated
"Tiger Woods is not on suspension for failing a drug test, his agent and a PGA official say",173,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,1221,unrelated
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,2220,unrelated
Apple Watch launch expected in late March,2273,discuss
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",788,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,1347,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,2463,discuss
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",2147,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1825,discuss
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1299,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,2299,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,61,unrelated
Apple Watch mass production kicks off in January: Report,2116,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1223,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,693,unrelated
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,1681,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: The death hoax is once again on the child actor,1423,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),1029,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1739,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,416,discuss
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,2293,discuss
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,1849,agree
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,2192,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",922,discuss
y, KFC isn't going to be selling weed in Colorado restaurants",527,unrelated
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,879,agree
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,539,unrelated
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,1477,unrelated
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,1266,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",908,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,367,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1213,agree
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",2338,discuss
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,2410,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",490,unrelated
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",1256,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,1385,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1349,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,530,unrelated
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,1435,unrelated
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO),2305,agree
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,1002,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1860,disagree
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,2313,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",986,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1217,discuss
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,2225,disagree
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1575,unrelated
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,214,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,2141,unrelated
"North Korea ordered citizens named Kim Jong Un to change their names, says new report",520,unrelated
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,1408,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",472,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",1461,unrelated
Is this proof of bigfoot? New 'yeti' video shows giant hairy beast walking through forest,2377,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,7,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1628,unrelated
Wayward sister ‘nun the wiser’ about baby,699,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,2509,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1339,unrelated
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,2344,unrelated
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,1534,discuss
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1089,agree
"Whoa, Paul Rudd Was One of the Airport Heroes Who Took Down the Homophobe",1814,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",2367,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2296,unrelated
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",964,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1790,discuss
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1528,unrelated
Kanye Banned,514,discuss
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,2296,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1943,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,608,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1959,agree
“Axl Rose dead 2014” : Guns N' Roses frontman killed by internet death hoax,633,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,458,agree
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2141,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1380,agree
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,1438,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,1237,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",125,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",2448,discuss
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,1368,discuss
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',2296,unrelated
"Hundreds of dog-lovers from around the world offer home to pet abandoned at the railway station with a suitcase containing his pillow, toy, bowl and favourite food",54,unrelated
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",1296,unrelated
Meet the X-BOY: Electric shock turns kid into MAGNETO,2415,discuss
iOS 8 bug reportedly erases iCloud Drive documents when settings are reset,1278,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1008,agree
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1283,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,1787,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1912,discuss
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,621,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,511,unrelated
Iraqi airstrike kills key ISIL leader,1871,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',26,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",2304,discuss
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',1103,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",365,unrelated
"Apple's New MacBook Will Be A Thinner, Cleaner, Faster 12-Inch MacBook Air",2497,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1875,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1131,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,614,discuss
Mechanical polar bear ‘threatened with ASBO for singing Christmas songs’,2290,discuss
"No, that
oken pencil illustration isn't by Banksy",1545,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",2520,discuss
Cannibal mum tries to EAT her own baby shortly after giving birth,867,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,961,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",1574,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,1682,discuss
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",1946,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1471,discuss
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,2213,unrelated
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,2076,agree
80's Brat Pack star Judd Nelson forced to deny that he's dead after fake news story starts trending on social media,1906,unrelated
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel,2016,unrelated
Vladimir Putin’s Motorcade Looks Like A Massive Knob,837,unrelated
Her Majesty’s magic mushrooms,2424,agree
"Predator Drone Reportedly Sighted Circling Raqqa, Syria",304,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,983,discuss
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,220,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,2526,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,1481,unrelated
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,761,unrelated
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,2367,unrelated
Singing polar bear facing ASBO after noise complaint,2299,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,932,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1877,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,550,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,1202,discuss
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,1574,unrelated
American hostage killed in rescue attempt in Yemen - senior official,2495,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,962,unrelated
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO),1395,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2450,agree
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,171,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",1314,discuss
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,1299,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1003,unrelated
TBS Speeds up SEINFELD by 7.5% to Add 2 More Minutes of Commercials,26,unrelated
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",2132,unrelated
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,1502,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1899,unrelated
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,2327,unrelated
Hidden Diagnostic Port on Apple Watch Could Allow for Smart Band Accessories [Updated],664,discuss
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,1948,unrelated
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,936,unrelated
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,2254,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2130,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",2524,agree
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1289,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1789,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1003,unrelated
Apple Orders More Than 5 Million Watches for Initial Run,676,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,1045,agree
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,2307,unrelated
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,1494,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,2326,agree
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",521,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",1603,unrelated
Armed U.S. drones spotted flying over Syria in possible hunt for ISIS leader,35,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,214,unrelated
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,1547,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,2249,discuss
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,345,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1720,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,609,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1358,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",1594,agree
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,695,discuss
Shocking picture shows mother trying to sell her own son to pay for twin daughter's cancer treatment,803,unrelated
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,144,unrelated
"ISIS Unleash ""Scorpion"" Bombs In Iraq",2257,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,856,discuss
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,959,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),213,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,574,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"No, Saudi TV Didn't Blur Out Michelle Obama's Face When the President Met King Salman",343,agree
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1303,unrelated
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,2215,agree
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",1831,agree
"No, that
oken pencil illustration isn't by Banksy",2375,agree
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,2115,unrelated
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,1670,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",2314,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",524,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,720,unrelated
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,322,unrelated
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,498,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1661,unrelated
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,54,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,1346,discuss
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1446,discuss
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,208,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,345,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",2141,unrelated
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",993,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",450,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,321,agree
Paul Rudd Helped Tackle A Violent Homophobe So That’s Another Reason To Love Him [UPDATE],853,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",524,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1857,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1738,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2404,unrelated
American Predator Drone Circling Islamic State’s Stronghold,1400,unrelated
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,1289,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",2043,agree
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,532,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2202,discuss
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,2367,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",2096,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,826,discuss
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2304,unrelated
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,2236,discuss
Kim Jong-Un 'Has Difficulty Walking And Needs About 100 Days To Recuperate',570,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1187,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,2097,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1661,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1435,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1120,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,387,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1419,discuss
Lego letter to parents in 1974 on gender equality still resonates 40 years on,2412,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,2230,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,826,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",2526,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,271,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",858,unrelated
"'Nasa Confirms Six Days of Darkness in December': No, they really don't - it's a hoax",1002,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1249,discuss
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,2115,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1921,unrelated
Missing Planes,773,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",1605,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports of hand grenade found in a safe at Shortlands property,2079,discuss
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,2295,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,1143,unrelated
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ A
ams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?,2141,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2067,agree
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",887,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,456,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,26,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,40,unrelated
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,2002,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',2118,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1916,discuss
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",1380,agree
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2109,unrelated
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,2477,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1009,unrelated
"Pope Francis did not tell boy heaven has room for pets, contrary to report",1820,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,532,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",345,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,115,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,2129,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1385,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,93,unrelated
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,1349,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2134,agree
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,734,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",2268,discuss
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1547,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2020,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,251,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",2377,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1271,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1898,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",2530,discuss
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1948,discuss
Electric shock turns Russian boy into Marvel's Magneto,1372,unrelated
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",1608,discuss
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",2188,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,2002,unrelated
Rats are still running around at Vogue,2520,discuss
80's Brat Pack star Judd Nelson forced to deny that he's dead after fake news story starts trending on social media,2472,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),755,agree
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1825,unrelated
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,78,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,2360,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,2525,discuss
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,1867,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,483,discuss
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,365,unrelated
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,1073,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,2519,unrelated
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,1921,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1673,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,1339,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",1400,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,600,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,1485,agree
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1921,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",1403,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2450,agree
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,634,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,1789,agree
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",1400,agree
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,1799,agree
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,139,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,1268,unrelated
Apple’s next MacBook could be a 12-inch MacBook Air,1863,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",757,unrelated
ISIS pays tribute to its 'Cub of Baghdadi' child soldier,714,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1760,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1289,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",169,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,2009,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,456,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,2530,discuss
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,530,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,1897,unrelated
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,2265,discuss
"Gold Apple Watch Edition price? Speculators say at least $10,000",1157,unrelated
Tiger Woods selling Swedish villa — island included,1660,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,2152,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,458,disagree
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",1554,agree
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",578,discuss
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2372,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Didn't Blur Out Michelle Obama's Face When the President Met King Salman",2251,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1627,unrelated
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,2192,discuss
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1603,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,1268,unrelated
Seth Rogen set to play Steve Wozniak in Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic,1642,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1900,discuss
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1045,discuss
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,267,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1906,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,2129,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,844,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2434,discuss
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1148,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,2130,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1438,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,2102,discuss
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1681,discuss
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",195,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",903,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,900,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,2314,unrelated
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,2068,unrelated
Italian fisherman catches monstrous 280-pound catfish,204,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1093,discuss
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1361,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1090,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',186,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",40,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,1680,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,550,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",2129,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1296,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1385,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1004,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,213,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2147,discuss
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,119,unrelated
Officials: Report That Area Town Is Under Ebola Quarantine Is False,258,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,35,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",2060,discuss
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1125,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,513,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",304,unrelated
Vladimir Putin’s Motorcade Looks Like A Massive Knob,1549,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale's Steve Jobs,2272,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,1899,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,2045,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,991,discuss
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",542,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,81,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1099,discuss
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",2492,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,662,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",1968,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,1589,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,1423,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",1660,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,267,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,722,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",1048,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],450,unrelated
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,34,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,860,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,804,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",1575,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',1857,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",524,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,1742,disagree
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,706,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,1313,discuss
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',2477,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,2156,agree
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",1877,discuss
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,693,discuss
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,107,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,821,unrelated
"It's 'ru
ish' that Robert Plant turned down £500m Led Zeppelin reformation offer, says publicist",2489,discuss
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,2177,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale's Steve Jobs,999,agree
Robert Plant Reportedly Tears Up $800 Million Led Zeppelin Reunion Contract,2411,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,2452,discuss
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,2385,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1658,agree
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,1680,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1024,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,2060,agree
One of 'Taliban Five' in Bowe Bergdahl swap allegedly returned to militancy,2531,discuss
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",686,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,550,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],1948,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,867,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,7,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",966,agree
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",2530,discuss
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,2411,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,2455,discuss
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",1900,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",1545,agree
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1295,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,862,agree
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,2149,unrelated
NBC's Tom Brokaw reportedly wants Brian Williams fired over fa
icated Iraq helicopter story,277,unrelated
"Is There Really a ‘Sharia Law’ Islamic Tribunal in Dallas, Texas?",2284,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,1125,unrelated
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,1351,discuss
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,831,unrelated
ESPN's Domestic Violence Panel Is Missing Something Important,1148,unrelated
Pull the other Un! North Korean dictator has not been seen for weeks because he 'pulled tendon while doing drill with his generals',117,discuss
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1958,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',1192,discuss
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,1948,unrelated
News sites fall for Putin bird-dropping video,1957,discuss
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1330,discuss
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1883,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2070,unrelated
eal Photos of Fisherman’s Jaw-Dropping Catch Will Likely Have People Wondering If It’s Real,2477,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,2168,discuss
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,125,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,2351,agree
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,568,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1544,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2317,discuss
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,1984,discuss
Texas plumber threatened over jihadis using his old truck,2344,unrelated
"Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before launch",1832,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,1435,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",40,unrelated
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,2519,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,1844,discuss
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1896,discuss
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,723,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,2472,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1125,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,2327,discuss
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,951,discuss
"If you want an Apple Watch, you’ll probably be trekking to an Apple Store",456,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",831,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,932,unrelated
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",401,discuss
"Calm down everyone, Banksy hasn't been a
ested: 9 clues that it's a hoax",2362,agree
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1016,discuss
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO),2370,unrelated
Animal lovers abuzz over pope’s comments that 'paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',686,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2304,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,2434,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,1764,agree
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,1926,discuss
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,570,unrelated
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,1178,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",26,agree
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,1073,unrelated
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,483,unrelated
Star Wars 7: JJ A
ams want to move release to summer 2015,1843,discuss
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,2116,unrelated
Heartwarming video shows son revealing he’s paid off parent’s mortgage as a Christmas gift,1933,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,1289,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,1731,discuss
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,1739,agree
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,115,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,2175,unrelated
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,936,unrelated
Rats are still running around at Vogue,367,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,1821,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,1233,discuss
"Elon University has not banned the term ‘freshman,’ despite rumors",2398,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",2127,unrelated
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",2387,discuss
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,1897,agree
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),2306,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,984,unrelated
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,2091,unrelated
No - a Fox News Twitter account isn't responding to tweets on the #FoxNewsFacts hashtag,1656,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,522,discuss
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",1846,agree
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1358,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2025,discuss
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,346,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,1225,unrelated
eaks down in tears when a lost recording of his deceased wife resurfaces,195,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1481,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,2130,unrelated
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out,55,unrelated
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",1547,unrelated
Penis Drawn On Bugatti Veyron Could Be World's Most Expensive Car Vandalism,442,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,2281,agree
What This Homeless Guy Did With $100 Completely Stunned The Man Who Gave It To Him,321,unrelated
Bali Awry,1478,discuss
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,2118,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),17,unrelated
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,830,agree
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,662,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,43,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",649,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",2152,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",365,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,125,unrelated
Newly-Found Document Holds Eyewitness Account of Jesus Performing Miracle,1298,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1627,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1372,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",1832,agree
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,874,unrelated
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,205,unrelated
"NYPD to issue tickets instead of a
est for weed possession, report says",2389,discuss
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,1041,agree
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,959,unrelated
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,1889,discuss
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,251,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1661,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1461,discuss
Star Wars 7: JJ A
ams want to move release to summer 2015,748,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,195,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,511,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,2087,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1165,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,1303,unrelated
"280 Pound Catfish: Fisherman Makes Huge Catch In Italy, Catfish Could Set Record",793,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1948,unrelated
Saudis Say Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed on TV,2251,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1256,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",524,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,666,agree
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,205,unrelated
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,1292,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",2360,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead hoax: Fake death report spreads on social networks,722,unrelated
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken,331,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,81,unrelated
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,2448,discuss
Comcast gets customer fired for complaining about poor service,2133,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1372,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,2180,discuss
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,1143,unrelated
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,702,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,1825,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1336,agree
Fake Fox News Website Reports Judd Nelson’s Death for Some Reason,2481,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,2124,unrelated
You all had an abortion! [Google Translate],1221,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,1175,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,777,unrelated
Robert Plant Reportedly Tears Up $800 Million Led Zeppelin Reunion Contract,1787,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,687,unrelated
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax),1349,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,958,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,472,discuss
This Dog Was Left At A Railway Station With A Suitcase Of His Belongings After He Was Sold On Gumtree,530,unrelated
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1588,unrelated
Mechanical polar bear ‘threatened with ASBO for singing Christmas songs’,550,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,1179,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,1637,disagree
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',825,discuss
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,304,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,2097,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,1476,unrelated
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,2252,unrelated
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',909,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,984,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,2252,unrelated
Vandal paints penis on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,822,unrelated
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",1939,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,2501,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1346,discuss
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1372,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",830,unrelated
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,1517,agree
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",2468,agree
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2109,unrelated
Penis graffiti drawn on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,822,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,2412,discuss
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",1849,agree
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",269,unrelated
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,2360,agree
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,539,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,844,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2386,agree
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1893,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,633,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1016,discuss
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1574,unrelated
Letter From Lego To Parents In The '70s Makes An Important Point About Gender,1689,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,2277,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1223,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,1480,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,1435,unrelated
Apple Watch won’t be the digital doctor it could have been,1788,discuss
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1003,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",2042,unrelated
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair,867,unrelated
Apple’s next MacBook could be a 12-inch MacBook Air,480,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',2225,discuss
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,1572,discuss
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",304,unrelated
Soldier shot at war memorial in Canada,2404,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",2265,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,2374,agree
Banksy a
est hoax: Internet duped by fake report claiming that the street artist's identity has been revealed,30,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,2039,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",298,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1797,disagree
"Islamic State training pilots to fly MiG fighter planes, says monitoring group",1606,discuss
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,531,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,477,unrelated
PGA Spokesman and Tiger Woods' Agent Deny Drug Suspension Allegations,1175,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",244,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,690,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,2343,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',524,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",816,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,2162,discuss
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",1471,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2304,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,1393,discuss
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,505,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",529,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",1010,unrelated
A Bunch Of People Thought Banksy Got A
ested But It Was A Hoax,1437,unrelated
Microsoft Hires Dalek-style Robocops to Guard Silicon Valley HQ,2306,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,2188,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1379,discuss
ESPN’s All-Male “Monday Night Football” Panel On Domestic Violence Is Not Real,1370,discuss
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,2295,unrelated
Penis Spray-Painted on a $2.5 Million Car Was Just for a Prank Video,2328,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1400,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",524,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",313,unrelated
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,1263,disagree
Cold Turkey,2388,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,1946,discuss
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1658,unrelated
Macklemore Gets Twitter-Trolled with the #MacklemoreJoinedISIS,684,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,2260,unrelated
AWESOME! Canadian Parliament’s Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers Takes Out Gunman,2521,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1864,discuss
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,80,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,1289,unrelated
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,1936,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",381,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,903,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1786,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,1802,unrelated
Italian fisherman catches monstrous 280-pound catfish,18,agree
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,381,unrelated
"Jose Canseco injured in accidental shooting, per reports",1772,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",2223,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,2415,discuss
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,2523,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,1295,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,244,unrelated
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,1502,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,2115,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot from Taliban (video),1934,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,2075,discuss
Saudi cleric issues fatwa on snowmen,1950,unrelated
Kim Jong-un necks litres of rare SNAKE wine because he's too fat to please his wife,55,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,1974,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,213,unrelated
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",403,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,205,agree
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,121,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1865,discuss
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,161,unrelated
Nun complains of stomach pains... and GIVES BIRTH: Sister who had 'no idea' she was pregnant has a baby boy at hospital in Italy,220,unrelated
World's oldest burger,1311,discuss
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,2531,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",2266,discuss
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,483,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1175,discuss
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,2124,unrelated
Saudis Say Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed on TV,343,agree
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1982,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,454,agree
ISIS Getting Ebola,559,unrelated
Claim: Comcast Got Complaining Customer Fired From His Job,1198,unrelated
"Etats-Unis: Mort pendant 48 minutes, un prêtre affirme que Dieu est une femme",1877,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2187,unrelated
Gateway Pundit,2295,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",2248,unrelated
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,741,agree
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1893,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1715,discuss
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",737,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor's Cats & Making Fur Coats,1938,agree
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,1079,discuss
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1438,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,367,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,1528,unrelated
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,2161,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,137,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,2068,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,1296,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1885,discuss
Satirical news site attacks China’s weird English names,1260,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1905,unrelated
ISIS launch SCORPION BOMBS to spread panic in Iraq,1338,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1003,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,704,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,2452,discuss
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,431,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,424,unrelated
"""This is the recording you thought you'd lost forever""",805,unrelated
That’s one way to clean it: Apple Watch will reportedly survive a trip through the shower,2252,unrelated
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,2404,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",2365,discuss
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,2360,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,1746,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,2481,discuss
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',271,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1891,discuss
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,1308,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,991,discuss
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,258,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,608,discuss
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,950,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',756,agree
"Amazon to launch first
ick-and-mortar store, report says",2453,unrelated
REPORT: Apple's Watch Will Come In 2 Storage Sizes,1627,unrelated
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,87,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,431,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",2055,agree
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,1789,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,206,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',971,unrelated
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,1538,unrelated
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,527,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,62,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1974,discuss
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,2268,discuss
Amazon is opening its first physical store,1369,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,650,agree
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1896,discuss
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,942,discuss
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1938,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1862,disagree
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1406,unrelated
"Islamic Tribunal Using Sharia Law In Texas Has Been Confirmed Tribunal members say they will avoid Sharia's ""criminal law.""",1503,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",826,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,167,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead hoax: Fake death report spreads on social networks,2252,unrelated
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,1651,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,992,discuss
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,1757,discuss
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,2156,unrelated
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,450,unrelated
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",2237,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1905,unrelated
"These LEGO Instructions from 1974 Are Awesome (And Yes, They're Real)",989,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1613,discuss
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,23,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",962,unrelated
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,855,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,959,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,524,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,2334,discuss
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',692,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,723,unrelated
Mystery woman behind the 'richest hands on the internet' revealed: Former pornstar 'makes $5m a year unwrapping Disney toys on YouTube',29,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,1253,discuss
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,1338,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",1182,agree
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,1688,discuss
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2070,unrelated
Reports: Big Bank Hank of pioneering rap group Sugarhill Gang has died,40,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,730,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,724,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,11,unrelated
Scorned wife leaves love-rat husband and twin sister NAKED in car park,2284,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1435,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',997,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1319,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,1948,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,961,disagree
"Calm down everyone, Banksy hasn't been a
ested: 9 clues that it's a hoax",1349,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1166,discuss
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,2508,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,936,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,1177,discuss
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1660,unrelated
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',2443,discuss
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",1178,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: Internet duped by fake report claiming that the street artist's identity has been revealed,258,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,755,unrelated
Reports say North Korea's Kim insists on being the only Jong Un,1572,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,7,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1848,unrelated
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,366,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2404,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1564,discuss
Texas Plumber Isn't Sure How Extremists In Syria Ended Up With His Work Truck,1009,unrelated
Now THAT'S a Royal trip! Alan Titchmarsh finds psychedelic mushroom in the Queen's garden at Buckingham Palace,1015,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,2159,discuss
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1549,unrelated
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,1347,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,254,unrelated
US airstrike targets Al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane in Somalia,1936,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1269,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,1012,unrelated
Weather Reporter Mike Seidel Was Caught Off Guard on Live TV and Appeared to Be Urinating in the Snow -- Watch!,1406,unrelated
That powerful Lego letter to parents from the 1970s? It's real,22,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,2187,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,731,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,704,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1288,discuss
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1873,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,1544,agree
Apple Watch Gold Edition rumored to be priced at $1200: Will you buy?,695,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1974,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",214,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',551,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',456,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,1697,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2470,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,649,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1222,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,2272,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,1839,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",2256,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,693,unrelated
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,1740,agree
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",2061,agree
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',132,unrelated
Jose Canseco shoots self in hand,186,unrelated
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,1642,unrelated
Marijuana Law New York: How No-A
est Policy Could Make Things Worse For Minor Offenders ,1295,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1234,unrelated
Someone Trolled Twitter Into Thinking Macklemore Joined ISIS,1637,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",2142,unrelated
"Tee-off in your own putting paradise: Swedish luxury island owned by Tiger Woods up for sale - and it comes with a villa, a hot tub and a lodge",1375,agree
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,34,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1013,unrelated
Comcast blocks Tor,87,unrelated
What This Homeless Guy Did With $100 Completely Stunned The Man Who Gave It To Him,2240,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1289,unrelated
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,55,unrelated
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,1012,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),258,unrelated
Do all dogs go to heaven? Pope tells grieving boy: 'Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',932,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",2498,agree
"Report: Stainless steel Apple Watch will be priced $500, gold at $5,000",10,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,2313,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,568,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1461,discuss
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,1936,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,2303,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,366,discuss
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,2257,agree
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",1224,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',1789,unrelated
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,1795,agree
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1697,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,1790,discuss
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,119,unrelated
"Tiger Woods is not on suspension for failing a drug test, his agent and a PGA official say",1339,agree
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,467,unrelated
Paul Rudd Is Not the Viral Video Hero Who Tackled a Gay Basher in Dallas,1844,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,206,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,1708,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',2306,discuss
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,1289,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',377,unrelated
NASA: Viral news on days of darkness in December is hoax,403,disagree
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",2287,discuss
Bugatti Veyron Vandalized With Penis Graffiti? Viral Photo Isn’t What It Seems,1349,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),1029,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,531,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),2523,unrelated
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",190,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,451,discuss
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",2506,discuss
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,1837,unrelated
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,2162,discuss
Viral Photo Shows How Chinese Workers Are Used to Manipulate App Store Rankings,1040,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",2307,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,1494,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",11,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,972,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,1901,unrelated
WATCH: Stan Beaton cries tears of joy when phone engineers find treasured voicemail recording of his late wife he thought was lost forever,1640,agree
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',1549,unrelated
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,1539,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,1735,unrelated
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,1699,unrelated
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",2508,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",2042,unrelated
Al Qaida hostage killed in raid,2411,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",1832,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,2061,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'Has Difficulty Walking And Needs About 100 Days To Recuperate',686,unrelated
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,741,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),999,discuss
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",2024,agree
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1372,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1627,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,874,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,928,discuss
Ebola Scare in Kansas City,1943,discuss
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,2302,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,2070,unrelated
"PGA Tour Pro Claims Tiger Woods Is Cu
ently Suspended For PEDs, Compares Him To Lance Armstrong",1735,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,1312,discuss
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,251,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",359,unrelated
Shocking picture shows mother trying to sell her own son to pay for twin daughter's cancer treatment,1627,agree
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1574,unrelated
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",2022,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2047,discuss
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,2078,unrelated
Kim Jong-un drinks rare snake wine to boost love life!,941,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",7,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,1752,agree
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",725,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1423,unrelated
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,693,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1543,unrelated
Woman Dumped by Boyfriend Spends Entire Week Mourning at KFC,2414,agree
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,1426,unrelated
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",932,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',754,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,1917,discuss
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',2015,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,1252,unrelated
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,1689,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",2156,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1022,agree
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2403,discuss
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1982,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,81,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",1438,agree
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,527,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,1317,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1837,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,511,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",1407,agree
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,731,discuss
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,572,unrelated
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,2052,disagree
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",1001,discuss
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,208,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,847,discuss
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,1466,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2287,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',818,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,691,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1500,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1294,unrelated
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,1949,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1422,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,2039,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",1374,unrelated
"Woman At Dulles Plays It Safe, Wears A Rain Poncho And Mask",817,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',304,unrelated
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament,2134,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,626,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,830,agree
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,205,unrelated
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it,2496,agree
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1549,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1175,discuss
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",979,unrelated
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1500,unrelated
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,68,unrelated
Constipated goldfish operated on by North Walsham vet,1541,agree
NASA: Viral news on days of darkness in December is hoax,487,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,1173,discuss
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,2307,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,1660,unrelated
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,860,unrelated
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",663,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,824,agree
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1950,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2526,unrelated
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",1408,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1970,agree
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,298,unrelated
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',1786,discuss
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,344,unrelated
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,1697,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,186,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',2223,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",244,unrelated
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,186,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",880,discuss
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,350,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,2528,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",40,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,60,unrelated
Popular 'Banksy' Instagram account offers powerful message of perseverance after Paris attack,730,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,1939,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",908,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,626,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,530,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,625,unrelated
NBC's Tom Brokaw reportedly wants Brian Williams fired over fa
icated Iraq helicopter story,2252,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",1565,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,2020,unrelated
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,1406,unrelated
Pull the other Un! North Korean dictator has not been seen for weeks because he 'pulled tendon while doing drill with his generals',686,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2020,unrelated
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,816,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1689,discuss
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,1954,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",280,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1240,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1744,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,2329,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang co-founder Big Bank Hank dies,2421,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2127,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",2177,disagree
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1574,unrelated
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,2055,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,308,unrelated
Penis Spray-Painted on a $2.5 Million Car Was Just for a Prank Video,1183,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),706,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",585,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,1906,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1029,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,1148,unrelated
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",2184,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",1242,disagree
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,524,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,2448,discuss
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1438,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,2328,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,40,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1603,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",1197,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",1940,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",683,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1368,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1786,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1594,disagree
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,2118,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1867,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],2124,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,2042,agree
"BREAKING: ""Brat Pack"" Judd Nelson Found Dead in Los Angeles Condo",2278,disagree
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,574,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1549,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,167,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,1708,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,2328,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,431,unrelated
Mohammed Islam Denies Making $72 Million From Stock Market Trading,550,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1336,discuss
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,2367,discuss
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2220,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",505,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,2526,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1760,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",2187,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,170,discuss
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,1004,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,730,unrelated
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",2265,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,2463,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,983,discuss
HBO Reportedly in Talks with Apple for Launch of New Unbundled Streaming Service,516,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",1458,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",1938,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1795,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,244,unrelated
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",1263,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1547,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1289,unrelated pulls story accusing prof of sending ‘racist’ emails,1075,discuss
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,1853,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,2475,disagree
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",373,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",2114,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,2434,discuss
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,1869,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1288,discuss
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",1789,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,654,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1646,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,551,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Woman Dumped by Boyfriend Spends Entire Week Mourning at KFC,971,unrelated
Crank-Boosting Behind Top Apps in App Store,1384,agree
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,1036,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2109,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,800,discuss
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,2403,discuss
How did a Texas plumber's truck end up with Syrian rebels? (+video),2379,agree
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,170,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2524,discuss
This Dog Was Left At A Railway Station With A Suitcase Of His Belongings After He Was Sold On Gumtree,54,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1547,unrelated
Wayward sister ‘nun the wiser’ about baby,1480,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2015,unrelated
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,2302,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1976,agree
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,1097,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,1888,unrelated
Now THAT'S a Royal trip! Alan Titchmarsh finds psychedelic mushroom in the Queen's garden at Buckingham Palace,2480,discuss
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,2075,discuss
Has this Argentine woman fallen victim to a cruel online hoax? Adult video claiming to show teacher having sex with pupil isn't all it seems,1608,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",296,discuss
The next Apple Watch could be platinum,1048,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,1644,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,93,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,1949,agree
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,1019,unrelated
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1439,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',2015,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,321,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",1410,agree
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2367,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,992,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1372,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],1058,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,2092,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,1689,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,585,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,167,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,737,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,788,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1808,unrelated
Rumors about Fidel Castro’s death again circulate on the Internet,2028,discuss
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",2188,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,527,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2287,unrelated
ISIS: Desperate mum told 'you've just eaten your son' after visiting militants' base in search of kidnap victim,1659,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",1574,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1011,discuss
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",2287,discuss
NEWS/ Meet the Teletu
ies Sun Baby: 19-Year-Old Jess Smith Reveals Herself as the Smiling Face Who Looked Over Teletu
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,81,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,121,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1289,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,1808,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1803,unrelated
BREAKING: Soldier shot at War Memorial in Ottawa,2269,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,2252,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",2123,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,2406,discuss
Has a woman aborted her baby because it's a boy?,698,unrelated
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,2223,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,2177,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1661,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,1680,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,387,unrelated
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",296,unrelated
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,2303,discuss
Michael Phelps Sex Scandal: Troubled Olympian’s Girlfriend Was Born A Man!,2528,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,29,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1299,discuss
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",1439,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,1347,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,72,unrelated
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,2405,discuss
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2044,unrelated
"Hundreds of dog-lovers from around the world offer home to pet abandoned at the railway station with a suitcase containing his pillow, toy, bowl and favourite food",2523,agree
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",209,unrelated
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",1545,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,720,unrelated
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,1024,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1660,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,666,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,2520,unrelated
Meet The College Student Who Claims She Was The ‘Teletu
ies’ Sun Baby,2076,discuss
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,2118,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,190,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',2299,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,559,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,1256,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,1385,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,195,unrelated
Texas plumber threatened over jihadis using his old truck,13,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,105,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1661,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1294,unrelated
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,387,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),2297,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,1179,unrelated
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,1205,unrelated
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,81,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",2097,unrelated
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",398,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1361,unrelated
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",777,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1638,discuss
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1569,unrelated
Don’t ‘Reset All Settings’ in iOS 8 unless you want to lose your iCloud files,2330,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,874,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",2240,disagree
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",623,agree
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,2341,agree
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",1572,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1019,disagree
That’s one way to clean it: Apple Watch will reportedly survive a trip through the shower,72,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,2458,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1658,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1355,discuss
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,2519,discuss
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,1299,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1707,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,1802,discuss
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1489,discuss
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken,15,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1003,unrelated
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,1178,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,844,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,2495,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",424,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,2097,unrelated
Hero soldier Nathan Cirillo killed by convicted criminal Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1266,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2450,agree
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,214,unrelated
"Piper Jaffray pegs stainless steel Apple Watch price at $499, Edition at $4,999",1047,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,456,unrelated
Developer quits using the app he was hired to make—or did he?,2328,discuss
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",2297,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',2042,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,1459,discuss
The Unluckiest Man In The World Set His College On Fire With A Fireworks Ma
iage Proposal,1592,agree
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",80,unrelated
US airstrike targets Al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane in Somalia,1853,unrelated
What This Homeless Guy Did With $100 Completely Stunned The Man Who Gave It To Him,1940,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1588,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",2192,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,829,agree
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",2254,unrelated
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,304,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1027,discuss
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1412,agree
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",524,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1890,agree
Hundreds of Palestinians flee as Israel opens dams into Gaza Valley,1965,disagree
Teacher suspended after sex session with teen pupil ends up on hardcore porn website,933,unrelated
Has a woman aborted her baby because it's a boy?,447,discuss
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,1572,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",639,discuss
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Stronghold,1802,unrelated
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax),2235,unrelated
"North Korea ordered citizens named Kim Jong Un to change their names, says new report",979,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",2009,unrelated
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,1179,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1042,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,2329,unrelated
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,1925,discuss
Seth Rogen reported to play Woz in the upcoming Steve Jobs movie,1707,unrelated
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,1855,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,1752,agree
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,983,discuss
The “Flood Libel” Propagandists of 2015,1965,agree
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,35,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,208,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,1076,discuss
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1422,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',1693,discuss
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,1858,discuss
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,1263,disagree
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",1806,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1875,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,2129,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,2149,discuss
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1966,agree
Research Medical Center denies reports that a patient has Ebola,2443,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2175,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,2042,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",1296,unrelated
‘The cub of Baghdadi': ISIS reports its youngest jihadist ‘got martyred’ in battle,1785,discuss
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,1565,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,694,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",1574,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,2314,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,2129,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,195,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1351,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1885,discuss
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2296,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1148,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",1678,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1943,unrelated
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,1009,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,1948,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,1815,unrelated
ESPN to save NFL's image with all-male domestic abuse discussion,283,disagree
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",2097,unrelated
Knightscope Security Robots Are Keeping Microsoft Campuses Safe (and They Look Really Scary),2529,agree
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,712,discuss
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',271,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",714,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,2197,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1009,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1125,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,2123,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,239,unrelated
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,2141,unrelated
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",1658,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,1125,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,1500,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Didn't Blur Out Michelle Obama's Face When the President Met King Salman",1242,unrelated
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,1360,unrelated
Amazon plans ad-supported video streaming service - NY post,1137,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2234,unrelated
"Woman, Ting Su, Finds Husband Cheating With Her Own Twin, Gets Spectacular Revenge",1197,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,909,unrelated
Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired Over Iraq Helicopter Story: Report,2370,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,2463,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,2175,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,472,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",2118,unrelated
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters,2161,agree
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,299,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",1608,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,220,unrelated
"Etats-Unis: Mort pendant 48 minutes, un prêtre affirme que Dieu est une femme",2520,unrelated
ESPN's Domestic Violence Panel Is Missing Something Important,615,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,1294,unrelated
Paul Revere's 1795 time capsule unearthed,1239,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,693,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1921,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",933,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,826,unrelated
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers,1260,agree
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1873,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,1252,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",829,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,2266,discuss
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",1689,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,299,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,524,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1336,discuss
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,225,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1478,agree
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",2307,unrelated
Has Apple quietly fixed its iPhone 6 Plus ‘Bendgate’ problem?,370,discuss
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,324,unrelated
This Is The Most Epic Way To Quit Your Job,1569,unrelated
Nasty iOS 8 Bug Could Erase Your iCloud Drive Documents,1278,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,225,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,882,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1347,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2492,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,1588,unrelated
Saudi cleric says snowmen are anti-Islamic,1090,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,2515,agree
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,2304,discuss
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,2360,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,1426,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,402,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,2330,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1950,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,2118,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,2337,discuss
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,2124,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,2191,discuss
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",1978,disagree
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,286,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1288,discuss
World's oldest burger,1913,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,527,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,446,discuss
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,1234,unrelated
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",1885,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,968,unrelated
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,1645,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,80,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,456,unrelated
The next Apple Watch could be platinum,34,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,125,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1697,unrelated
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,2414,agree
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,1407,agree
Ottawa shooting: Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers hailed a hero for shooting rampaging gunman,1666,agree
"How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?",1439,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,938,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,760,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1040,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,860,discuss
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1195,discuss
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,2127,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,693,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1905,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,286,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,1424,discuss
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",2477,unrelated
"Boy, 16, secretly films sex with teacher then uploads it to WhatsApp",1018,agree
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,167,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2261,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',258,unrelated
"These egalitarian Lego instructions from the 1970s are pretty cool, but are they real?",22,unrelated
Reports say North Korea's Kim insists on being the only Jong Un,2252,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",80,unrelated
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",1372,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",1029,unrelated
Italian catches huge wels catfish; is it a record?,1183,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,346,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,1538,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1120,unrelated
Cold Turkey,2116,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",2134,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,1648,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1221,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
"Why the most expensive Apple Watch will probably cost around $10,000",1481,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1251,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,1795,unrelated
"Islamic State Militants Have Been Flying 3 Captured Warplanes Over Syrian Airport, Witnesses Say",2218,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,776,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,205,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,1222,agree
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,2269,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,1372,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,1178,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1467,unrelated
This Man Paid Off His Parents' Mortgage for Christmas (Video),651,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,2055,agree
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Matt Tai
i Disappears From Omidyar’s First Look Media,1293,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,1058,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,2187,unrelated
Cesar Millan is Not Dead: Dog Whisperer Death Hoax Circulates,742,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,662,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1660,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,651,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1702,unrelated
‘Feminist’ says she aborted baby because it was a boy,698,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,132,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,381,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1364,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",1866,discuss
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",1549,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1528,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",271,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,769,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,186,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,2075,discuss
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,2304,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,917,unrelated
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,359,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",5,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,1778,unrelated
Cold Turkey,2223,unrelated
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,1820,unrelated
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,1167,discuss
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1795,agree
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1661,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1083,unrelated
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,1500,unrelated
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",1097,unrelated
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,1834,agree
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",900,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,34,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,539,unrelated
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),2034,agree
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,206,unrelated
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",667,unrelated
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,1528,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,1718,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Stronghold,2413,unrelated
American hostage killed in rescue attempt in Yemen - senior official,2411,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1249,discuss
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,1372,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,61,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1921,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,161,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",1839,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1985,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1022,unrelated
Jordan Vs ISIS: Reports Say King Abdullah II Could Personally Lead Airstrikes After Pilot’s Death,1365,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,1883,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1500,unrelated
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,1255,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1982,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,702,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,181,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1692,discuss
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,472,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1627,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1358,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1467,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,1263,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",503,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,61,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,2344,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,591,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),83,disagree
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,903,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',892,discuss
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,2078,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",1875,unrelated
Islamic State accused of using chlorine gas on Iraqi soldiers,969,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1605,discuss
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,2309,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1615,discuss
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,757,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,251,unrelated
After ISIS trick mum into eating son - 5 other reluctant cannibals including those forced to eat own body parts,2219,discuss
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1883,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,731,unrelated
"No, that
oken pencil illustration isn't by Banksy",428,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1751,unrelated
Confusion as Cuba’s Castro mourned instead of Kenya’s Fidel,892,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,2389,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1913,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,2272,disagree
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",1439,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,1854,unrelated
"Tom Brokaw 'wants Brian Williams out': NBC legend 'furious' at Iraq war lie, as it's claimed executives warned anchor to stop exaggerating the story in the past",277,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1627,unrelated
US airstrike targets Al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane in Somalia,1921,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,731,discuss
“Willie Nelson dead 2015” : Guitarist killed by internet death hoax,185,unrelated
American hostage killed in rescue attempt in Yemen - senior official,271,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2304,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2386,discuss
Michelle Obama's Hair Appeared Totally Uncensored on Saudi TV,1498,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1679,discuss
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",2448,unrelated
You're Not Going to Become Weightless on January 4th,2367,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,298,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",760,agree
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",121,unrelated
No - a Fox News Twitter account isn't responding to tweets on the #FoxNewsFacts hashtag,1795,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1880,disagree
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1384,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2067,discuss
China: Satirical site warns citizens over name choices,1137,agree
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1506,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,1372,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1938,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,26,unrelated
Has this Argentine woman fallen victim to a cruel online hoax? Adult video claiming to show teacher having sex with pupil isn't all it seems,1357,unrelated
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,1815,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,2290,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,385,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,723,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,1950,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",181,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1019,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1603,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1860,agree
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,1627,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,2364,discuss
Teacher sex tape exposed as a FAKE after internet detectives trace the origin of pornographic clip,1896,unrelated
Hundreds of Palestinians flee floods in Gaza as Israel opens dams,244,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,2188,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",798,discuss
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,1003,unrelated
'Feminist' Lana 'Aborts Baby Because It's A Boy' And Is Surprised By Backlash,614,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,2317,discuss
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",1968,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",2096,unrelated
Heartwarming video shows son revealing he’s paid off parent’s mortgage as a Christmas gift,651,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1934,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,997,discuss
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1336,agree
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1893,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,2441,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,2295,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,2090,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,2434,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",2367,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1506,discuss
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1744,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,578,discuss
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,1897,unrelated
Time Capsule from Paul Revere and Samuel Adams Discovered in Boston,1261,unrelated
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",15,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,573,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',2404,discuss
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,1256,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1638,disagree
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,195,unrelated
"Soldier shot, Parliament locked down after gunfire erupts at war memorial",2252,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,2470,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,397,agree
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,880,discuss
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,958,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee who was swapped in prisoner deal for Bowe Bergdahl 'tried to rejoin 'Al Qaeda',819,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,1423,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,2526,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,724,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2096,discuss
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,251,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",2153,discuss
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),892,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,1543,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1157,discuss
Unconfirmed Reports Say UK Hostage Held By ISIS Found Innocent,382,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1426,unrelated
British man pays $460 to save constipated goldfish's life,2280,unrelated
‘Cannibal mother tries to eat her newborn baby after giving birth’,272,discuss
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,880,discuss
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1883,agree
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2287,discuss
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,1795,unrelated
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,1148,unrelated
"Despite no Ebola case in Kansas City, the rumor goes viral",99,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,1239,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,1048,unrelated
"Apple Watch Specs Tipped; Said to Feature 512MB RAM, 4GB of Storage",1438,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,2264,discuss
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",2129,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,1361,discuss
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,1605,unrelated
"This boy nearly died, now he has a superpower like Marvel’s Magneto",1372,unrelated
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",1049,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,450,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,962,unrelated
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,1660,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2495,discuss
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1312,unrelated
One of 'Taliban Five' in Bowe Bergdahl swap allegedly returned to militancy,1251,unrelated
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired,829,agree
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1661,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Comcast gets customer fired for complaining about poor service,2149,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,321,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,804,unrelated
eaks down in tears when a lost recording of his deceased wife resurfaces,1921,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,1079,discuss
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,1020,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,621,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1622,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",2153,discuss
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,2528,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,2307,agree
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',2476,discuss
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,2087,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,1263,unrelated
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",1180,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,2090,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1547,unrelated
"BMO forecasts 19M Apple Watch sales in 2015, with more than half selling in holiday season",1323,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2434,discuss
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1873,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,377,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,2240,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2404,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",2139,disagree
Newly-Found Document Holds Eyewitness Account of Jesus Performing Miracle,1775,disagree
Isis claims to behead US journalist,26,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,2252,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Made It Further Into Building Than Reported,1916,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2078,unrelated
"Marine Gets Shot in the Head, Walks Away",2389,unrelated
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,401,unrelated
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,752,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2287,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,830,unrelated
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,694,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,533,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1351,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1789,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,2296,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,533,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,14,discuss
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",724,agree
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,1996,unrelated
Original Apple Watch Health Features Were Dropped Due to Consistency Issues,116,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,713,discuss
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,414,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,226,unrelated
"No, that high school kid didn't make $72 million trading stocks",405,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,1949,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,1423,agree
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",1739,agree
Cold Turkey,2295,discuss
Lego letter from the 1970s still offers a powerful message to parents 40 years later,2171,agree
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,280,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,1880,disagree
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',2415,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",1036,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",646,discuss
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",2118,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,950,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,169,unrelated
"Unhappy Customer: Comcast Told My Employer About Complaint, Got Me Fired",1814,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",1372,unrelated
ush list actually do so sister you tired it?,2407,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,2385,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,633,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,625,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,2246,discuss
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",459,unrelated
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,1178,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",903,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,2055,agree
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",1267,discuss
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1697,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,2528,discuss
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1938,unrelated
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,1610,discuss
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1260,unrelated
ISIS pays tribute to its 'Cub of Baghdadi' child soldier,2302,unrelated
Cold Turkey,220,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",684,agree
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,1840,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,2297,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2003,discuss
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,2042,unrelated
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ A
ams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?,2084,discuss
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,2269,agree
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,1559,discuss
Report: Michael Phelps’ Tinder ‘Girlfriend’ Was Born Male; “We Made Love During Halftime”,527,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',1923,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,305,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,115,unrelated
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO),1940,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1950,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,997,discuss
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",2377,unrelated
Time Capsule from Paul Revere and Samuel Adams Discovered in Boston,1442,unrelated
N. Korea’s Kim has leg injury but in control,236,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1778,agree
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,959,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1871,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,2139,discuss
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),529,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1547,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1692,discuss
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1437,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2200,discuss
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1605,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,2192,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,1303,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,304,unrelated
Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired Over Iraq Helicopter Story: Report,2469,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,388,unrelated
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,2531,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1661,discuss
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,1837,agree
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,1985,discuss
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",431,unrelated
PopWatch Teenager fights for the right to be recognized as Teletu
ies' smiling sun-baby,1094,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",2265,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1166,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1139,discuss
Latest iOS 8 bug reportedly causes unwanted deletion of iCloud Drive documents,2054,discuss
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,913,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,195,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1822,discuss
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,1565,discuss
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,855,discuss
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,1806,unrelated
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,2070,agree
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1308,unrelated
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",634,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2526,unrelated
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",137,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1835,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,2009,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1139,discuss
"Soldier shot, Parliament locked down after gunfire erupts at war memorial",1325,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1056,agree
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1857,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',573,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1825,unrelated
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,1094,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,2404,unrelated
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',2287,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,2299,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,2509,discuss
Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed Out on Saudi TV,979,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1818,discuss
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,2379,agree
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1295,unrelated
"Gene Munster Predicts $499 Steel Apple Watch, $4,999 for 18k Gold Edition",2448,unrelated
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Everything you need to know about Michael Phelps’ intersex girlfriend,2454,discuss
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1622,discuss
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1660,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,938,unrelated
Comcast calls rumor that it disconnects Tor users “wildly inaccurate”,1104,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,2317,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,2192,unrelated
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO),1971,disagree
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,385,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1923,agree
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1251,unrelated
"Unconfirmed: ISIS Claims Kayla Mueller, American Female Hostage, Is Dead",2188,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",61,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',2078,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1982,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,2261,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',585,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1266,unrelated
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,855,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,35,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",330,discuss
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1885,disagree
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,2213,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",2489,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment",2523,unrelated
"What they earn: Vice CEO Shane Smith’s $300,000 steak dinner",505,unrelated
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out,1185,unrelated
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),2523,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,2264,discuss
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,331,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,419,discuss
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,1746,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",115,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,2459,unrelated
"Report: new 12-inch MacBook Air slims down, has single USB port",1863,unrelated
You're Not Going to Become Weightless on January 4th,26,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,40,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,1333,agree
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",676,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,206,unrelated
Hundreds of Palestinians flee floods in Gaza as Israel opens dams,1461,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,2338,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",756,discuss
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,687,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",190,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,945,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1866,discuss
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,573,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,2531,unrelated
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,1988,discuss
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1403,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",1958,discuss
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",2403,discuss
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,1920,discuss
SHOCKING: Indian Man's Penis Cut-off After He Was Caught Attempting Rape [Photos],2115,agree
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",68,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1040,unrelated
Meet the X-BOY: Electric shock turns kid into MAGNETO,1433,agree
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,2152,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,1658,unrelated
"BREAKING: ""Brat Pack"" Judd Nelson Found Dead in Los Angeles Condo",1317,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),527,unrelated
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,1849,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",2103,discuss
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,126,unrelated
Son pays off his parents' mortgage in a heartwarming Christmas video,2072,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2411,unrelated
State House time capsule from 1795 unearthed,2003,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,2218,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",984,unrelated
University Bans Word ‘Freshman’ Because It’s Sexist and Promotes Rape,655,agree
PGA Spokesman and Tiger Woods' Agent Deny Drug Suspension Allegations,1735,unrelated
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,2506,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,651,discuss
REPORT: Apple's Watch Will Come In 2 Storage Sizes,2124,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",1398,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1679,discuss
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",2093,discuss
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,1785,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1528,unrelated
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,686,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,5,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,1806,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,1029,agree
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,1427,discuss
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1744,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",829,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1913,discuss
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",5,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,524,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,2421,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,744,unrelated
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,304,unrelated
Apple was forced to nix key health features from its smartwatch -- report,2174,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2399,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2096,discuss
Rumor Fatigue Sets In at False Alarms of Castro’s Death,47,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1781,discuss
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated,1966,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",951,discuss
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1355,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1009,unrelated
Saudi cleric issues fatwa on snowmen,1090,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1543,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1889,discuss
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",1465,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,524,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,683,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,887,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,2261,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,612,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,493,unrelated
"Predator Drone Reportedly Sighted Circling Raqqa, Syria",833,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,524,unrelated
400 men cut their testicles off believing it would help them meet God,684,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,2097,agree
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1375,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,511,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1120,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,2328,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",1221,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,311,unrelated
Report: Apple Watch Will Need Charging Every Day,1020,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],704,discuss
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,244,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,387,unrelated
"Vice CEO Shane Smith reportedly spent $300,000 on a steak dinner at CES",737,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,2153,discuss
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",168,unrelated
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",137,unrelated
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair,22,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,524,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,490,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,235,unrelated
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,887,agree
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",2351,agree
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,964,unrelated
"No, that
oken pencil illustration isn't by Banksy",1584,discuss
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,1368,unrelated
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",483,unrelated
Utah Man Hospitalized After Winning Eggnog Chugging Contest,1269,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1346,discuss
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,2501,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",125,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,938,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",573,unrelated
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor,524,unrelated
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,2252,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2481,discuss
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1899,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,1213,unrelated
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax),1781,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",1461,unrelated
A Letter Lego Sent to Parents in 1974 Holds an Important Message for the Parents of 2014,989,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1905,unrelated
Apple Watch won’t be the digital doctor it could have been,382,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1897,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1294,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",320,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",2078,unrelated
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",964,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,1408,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,2093,discuss
University Bans Word ‘Freshman’ Because It’s Sexist and Promotes Rape,2398,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",984,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,359,unrelated
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ID’d as Canadian Shooting Suspect in Ottawa,205,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",1388,discuss
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,220,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',2247,discuss
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,170,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,1531,unrelated
‘The cub of Baghdadi': ISIS reports its youngest jihadist ‘got martyred’ in battle,2288,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,1785,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1896,discuss
NYC relaxes response to marijuana possession,2483,unrelated
"Soldier shot, Parliament locked down after gunfire erupts at war memorial",0,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1120,unrelated
Saudi cleric issues fatwa on snowmen,942,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",2367,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",2475,disagree
Google Said to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585 Million,1503,unrelated
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,859,unrelated
REPORT: Apple's Watch Will Come In 2 Storage Sizes,1585,discuss
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",2045,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2354,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,235,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,621,discuss
"Tee-off in your own putting paradise: Swedish luxury island owned by Tiger Woods up for sale - and it comes with a villa, a hot tub and a lodge",1826,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2388,discuss
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,2046,agree
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1848,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,632,discuss
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out,1923,unrelated
There was never a panel discussion on domestic violence planned for ESPN’s ‘Monday Night Football’ pregame show,2167,unrelated
"Tee-off in your own putting paradise: Swedish luxury island owned by Tiger Woods up for sale - and it comes with a villa, a hot tub and a lodge",1836,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1715,discuss
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,2177,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,2000,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,704,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,557,discuss
Gateway Pundit,572,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,882,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",305,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,0,unrelated
Report—Jose Canseco accidentally shot at his home tonight,2352,discuss
Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage for Christmas,988,agree
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,932,agree
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",1661,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,2114,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1430,discuss
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1437,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,1808,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1295,unrelated
This Guy Paid Off His Parents’ Mortgage For Christmas,2072,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1681,discuss
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1679,discuss
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,776,unrelated
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",2417,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1347,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,1481,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1846,agree
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,1161,discuss
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,81,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1547,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",1071,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,816,discuss
Staff Reporter,1349,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,1303,disagree
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,401,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",1832,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",2003,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,1547,unrelated
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,2113,discuss
Matt Tai
i Disappears From Omidyar’s First Look Media,569,unrelated
Hero soldier Nathan Cirillo killed by convicted criminal Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,431,unrelated
"#Hairgate: Reports of iPhone 6 pulling out hair, beards, likely exaggerated",2184,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
ury Christ Church University student Jess Smith, from Chatham, sta
ed as Teletu
ies' sun",2256,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,1120,discuss
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,190,unrelated
"Apple Watch Specs Tipped; Said to Feature 512MB RAM, 4GB of Storage",1681,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",2002,unrelated
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,1410,agree
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,1477,unrelated
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,1255,discuss
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,2184,unrelated
Apple Watch’s Power Reserve feature combats short battery life,1911,discuss
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1786,unrelated
That’s one way to clean it: Apple Watch will reportedly survive a trip through the shower,88,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",10,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,646,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,2272,agree
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1826,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,2296,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,2130,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,2421,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,2020,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",1329,discuss
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,704,unrelated
Tiger Woods serving secret PED suspension?,173,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",527,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1580,discuss
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",1913,discuss
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,649,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,1034,unrelated
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,137,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,2375,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1649,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1708,unrelated
Teacher sex tape exposed as a FAKE after internet detectives trace the origin of pornographic clip,1153,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,244,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,1853,unrelated
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,2313,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1693,discuss
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1237,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",1547,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,950,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2250,discuss
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",1247,agree
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,643,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",693,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1896,discuss
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,2421,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,570,unrelated
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,1169,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1747,discuss
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1948,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,11,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),304,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,1790,unrelated
"Evander Kane ""On Way Out"" From Source, Price Is Very High; Who Is In?",484,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,2115,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,757,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',298,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',2385,unrelated
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in Fe
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,1185,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",651,unrelated
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,1781,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2495,discuss
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,1835,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1786,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",26,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,618,unrelated
TBS Speeds up SEINFELD by 7.5% to Add 2 More Minutes of Commercials,1875,discuss
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,2044,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2044,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1019,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1573,agree
Apple May Or May Not Hold An Event On The 24th Of Fe
uary [Rumor],1251,unrelated
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,993,agree
'Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December' Fake News Story Goes Viral,787,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1372,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",7,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,1261,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,1637,unrelated
Nujaifi Condemns / Daash / crime in Saqlawiyah and Alsiger areas of Anbar.,2224,discuss
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,887,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1034,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1116,discuss
"It was me! Student, 19, reveals SHE was the Teletu
ies' giggling baby in the sky - and was paid just £250 and a box of toys",979,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",648,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,730,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,119,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,1745,discuss
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1761,discuss
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],1744,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1010,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",2448,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,533,unrelated
Mohammed Islam Denies Making $72 Million From Stock Market Trading,1781,discuss
Sergeant-at-Arms stopped shooter on Parliament Hill,2113,discuss
Latest iOS 8 bug reportedly causes unwanted deletion of iCloud Drive documents,2330,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1547,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,2385,agree
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1184,unrelated
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,1876,agree
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,87,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1048,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1893,unrelated
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,723,unrelated
Does ISIS have an airforce? Te
orist 'fighter pilots' are being trained on captured MiGs by Saddam Hussein's ex-air force officers,2218,unrelated
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,1837,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",1419,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",1192,discuss
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,2240,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,944,discuss
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",169,unrelated
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,1419,unrelated
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters,793,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,2197,discuss
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,359,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1899,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,2142,agree
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",1813,unrelated
Official: Gitmo prisoner traded for Bergdahl reaching out to Taliban,2524,unrelated
Samsung Supposedly Wins Orders to Produce Apple Watch Components,1771,discuss
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,761,unrelated
North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Is Still In Charge: Source,2266,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1747,agree
Rumor Fatigue Sets In at False Alarms of Castro’s Death,2399,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1936,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1904,discuss
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,1339,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",206,unrelated
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,1435,unrelated
No One In North Korea Is Allowed To Share Kim Jong Un's Name,734,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,2287,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",585,agree
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,2211,disagree
Al Qaida hostage killed in raid,271,unrelated
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,403,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,1521,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",1989,agree
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1869,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,11,unrelated
#RIPFidel fuels false rumors of Cuban leader's death after another Fidel Castro dies,1439,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1299,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",2265,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,1925,disagree
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,2280,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",612,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,757,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,618,unrelated
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,1883,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1678,unrelated
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),17,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,1363,discuss
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",401,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2115,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,2299,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',205,unrelated
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",652,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',0,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,125,unrelated
Somali te
orist leader dead after US airstrike,882,unrelated
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",331,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,928,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,115,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,959,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,1069,discuss
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",387,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,181,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,1368,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1195,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2192,unrelated
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,176,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1724,discuss
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,858,unrelated
Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired Over Iraq Helicopter Story: Report,1794,discuss
AWESOME! Canadian Parliament’s Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers Takes Out Gunman,1586,unrelated
"Google seals massive Sunnyvale, Redwood City deals",816,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,1395,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,1314,discuss
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",125,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,1943,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,1137,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),530,unrelated
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,573,unrelated
i takes time out from First Look after “disagreements.” Can I publish our emails now, Matt?",879,agree
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,928,discuss
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor's Cats & Making Fur Coats,1939,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,789,unrelated
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",1888,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,226,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,630,unrelated
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,2115,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",433,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,789,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,1906,unrelated
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,2472,unrelated
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,1301,disagree
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,2016,agree
Hero soldier Nathan Cirillo killed by convicted criminal Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2302,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,472,unrelated
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,643,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,968,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1438,unrelated
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,1197,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,1817,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,1498,unrelated
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",1840,discuss
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2526,unrelated
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,2097,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,2362,agree
Does ISIS have an airforce? Te
orist 'fighter pilots' are being trained on captured MiGs by Saddam Hussein's ex-air force officers,2362,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,2304,discuss
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,1224,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1898,unrelated
#RIPFidel fuels false rumors of Cuban leader's death after another Fidel Castro dies,1534,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",2042,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2448,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1311,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,1210,unrelated
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",1293,discuss
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",2192,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,2313,unrelated
Michelle Obama's Hair Appeared Totally Uncensored on Saudi TV,396,unrelated
"Nuts! Indian guru coaxes 400 followers to cut off their testicles, grow closer to God",2265,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,2296,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,235,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,2037,discuss
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2127,unrelated
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",405,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,1410,agree
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1403,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi allegedly killed by US airstrikes,539,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2180,discuss
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1808,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,2476,discuss
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,571,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,682,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",1893,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,568,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,296,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,524,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2250,discuss
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",773,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,690,unrelated
Bali Awry,1602,discuss
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1817,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2317,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2261,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,1294,discuss
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,2476,discuss
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,1646,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",1295,unrelated
Amazon Is Going To Open A Physical Store!,2453,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,321,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1528,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",737,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',2176,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2377,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2450,discuss
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,459,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,81,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,1289,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,2305,agree
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,35,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,2175,unrelated
"This boy nearly died, now he has a superpower like Marvel’s Magneto",844,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,409,unrelated
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,2483,agree
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,2328,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,388,unrelated
"High-end Apple Watch to start at $5,000 -- analyst",1013,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,368,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1012,discuss
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,568,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,1660,agree
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,975,unrelated
Jordan’s King Abdullah Did Not Personally Fly Airstrikes On ISIS,2490,discuss
Report: HBO Now coming to Apple TV next month,203,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",2042,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,1832,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,1022,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,311,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi allegedly killed by US airstrikes,518,unrelated
"These LEGO Instructions from 1974 Are Awesome (And Yes, They're Real)",1689,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,2025,discuss
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,7,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,1185,discuss
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,993,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,1125,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,1948,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2306,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,720,unrelated
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",2412,unrelated
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",387,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,1807,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,2471,discuss
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,398,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1239,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1598,discuss
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1166,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,1681,unrelated
American Predator Drone Circling Islamic State’s Stronghold,2413,unrelated
Psychoactive magic mushroom found in grounds of Buckingham Palace,513,unrelated
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",1549,agree
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",1708,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1374,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1829,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: Internet duped by fake report claiming that the street artist's identity has been revealed,1898,unrelated
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,557,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",992,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,1299,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1724,discuss
Setting the record straight on tor,271,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",1439,unrelated
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,1481,agree
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,2520,unrelated
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",2344,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",2096,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1661,unrelated
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,205,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,2295,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,1357,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",1943,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,2061,agree
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1251,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,1461,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1756,discuss
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",1807,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,43,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,2415,discuss
"Islamic State training pilots to fly MiG fighter planes, says monitoring group",2408,discuss
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1880,disagree
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",2403,discuss
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1982,unrelated
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,2448,discuss
Nun who gave birth ‘had no idea’ she was pregnant,699,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,2523,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,1461,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,1857,unrelated
"Google seals massive Sunnyvale, Redwood City deals",1572,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1564,disagree
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,1202,discuss
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",1393,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1515,discuss
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,195,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,2404,unrelated
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,689,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,1981,agree
"It was me! Student, 19, reveals SHE was the Teletu
ies' giggling baby in the sky - and was paid just £250 and a box of toys",2391,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1603,unrelated
"Etats-Unis: Mort pendant 48 minutes, un prêtre affirme que Dieu est une femme",858,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1034,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1893,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2404,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2180,agree
Texas plumber threatened over jihadis using his old truck,2242,agree
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,2476,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,331,unrelated
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',1826,unrelated
Michael Abdul Zehaf Bibeau Pictures: Photos of Alleged ISIS-Linked Gunman in Canada,205,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,190,unrelated
"'Star Wars VII' News, Update: JJ A
ams Pushing for Summer Release?",1897,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",821,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,816,discuss
ESPN’s All-Male “Monday Night Football” Panel On Domestic Violence Is Not Real,2181,agree
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,499,unrelated
Ski Resort Opens With Snow Stored From Last Season,1213,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,533,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1580,unrelated
Google Said to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585 Million,244,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,1269,unrelated
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,931,discuss
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,2261,discuss
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,1361,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2261,unrelated
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,1115,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",186,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1638,agree
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,26,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",1673,unrelated
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,1137,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Italian fisherman catches monstrous 280-pound catfish,1028,agree
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,214,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",1271,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,1433,agree
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,2448,unrelated
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,1921,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,534,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",260,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,760,unrelated
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,205,unrelated
Country Music Legend Willie Nelson Dies at Age 81,1355,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,1301,agree
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,1363,agree
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",2188,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1948,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,239,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1572,unrelated
'I aborted my baby because it was a boy': Outrage after 'feminist' blogger claims gender prompted termination,1363,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,5,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,313,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",402,unrelated
Seth Rogen reported to play Woz in the upcoming Steve Jobs movie,646,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",690,unrelated
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,1252,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",1266,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",2016,agree
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1669,discuss
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,2520,unrelated
The Unluckiest Man In The World Set His College On Fire With A Fireworks Ma
iage Proposal,504,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,2240,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1702,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,144,unrelated
"Report: Stainless steel Apple Watch will be priced $500, gold at $5,000",2188,discuss
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,267,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,630,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,2090,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1916,discuss
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,776,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,137,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",2336,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1217,discuss
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,757,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,616,discuss
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",2061,unrelated
"ISIS Unleash ""Scorpion"" Bombs In Iraq",922,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,2175,unrelated
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,1419,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,34,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,2297,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",2251,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2070,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,1889,discuss
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,1437,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1630,discuss
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",800,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",1541,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,2042,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",959,unrelated
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",1049,unrelated
Italian catches huge wels catfish; is it a record?,188,agree
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,533,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",818,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,1461,unrelated
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters,677,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,691,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,132,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",2240,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),830,agree
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1681,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',1465,discuss
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,225,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,564,discuss
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,730,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,630,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1679,discuss
"'Star Wars VII' News, Update: JJ A
ams Pushing for Summer Release?",119,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,446,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1841,disagree
Lucita Sandoval sex tape hoax: Viral Argentine video features college student ― not 16-year-old boy,2149,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",825,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,533,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,235,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,1718,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1331,discuss
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",1567,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,5,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,2287,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,320,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,1308,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,2483,agree
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,185,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2075,discuss
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,1808,unrelated
Robert Plant Reportedly Tears Up $800 Million Led Zeppelin Reunion Contract,1267,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2116,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,1022,agree
PopWatch Teenager fights for the right to be recognized as Teletu
ies' smiling sun-baby,1832,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,2272,discuss
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,1313,discuss
ISIS Getting Ebola,737,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",1791,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,2037,agree
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,744,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,803,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1336,discuss
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,1832,unrelated
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,22,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,1506,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,1097,agree
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",2367,unrelated
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,615,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,81,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",2317,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",2078,unrelated
A Bogus Banksy,1584,discuss
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,551,unrelated
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",678,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2296,unrelated
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,2526,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1984,agree
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,1948,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1295,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,1413,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,757,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",344,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,773,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1530,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1073,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",568,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1374,discuss
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",388,unrelated
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',2102,unrelated
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,1739,disagree
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1921,unrelated
If Only A Bird Really Did Poop on Putin,2502,unrelated
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",1234,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1948,unrelated
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",401,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",667,unrelated
y, KFC isn't going to be selling weed in Colorado restaurants",2114,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,760,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1679,discuss
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,1921,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1379,discuss
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,2297,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",1786,unrelated
Italian catches huge wels catfish; is it a record?,2371,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,77,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",794,disagree
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,472,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",26,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1843,discuss
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1802,unrelated
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',322,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,2147,discuss
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",1549,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1016,discuss
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,2523,agree
"NYPD to stop a
esting for low-level marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead: source",666,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",534,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,30,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,2342,discuss
"Apple Watch Battery Life Cu
ently 'About a Day', but May Improve for 2015 Launch",2002,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,2314,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",840,discuss
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",304,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",816,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,2125,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2526,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,1897,agree
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1461,unrelated
Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus now guarded by Daleks,2295,unrelated
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,1471,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,2202,discuss
Apple Reportedly Relying More Heavily on Samsung for iPhone 6 and Apple Watch Components,1926,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,773,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,816,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,11,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,776,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,438,agree
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",649,unrelated
Electric shock turns Russian boy into Marvel's Magneto,497,agree
That's one way to get through security! Frustrated traveller strips completely NAKED at airport to pass through metal detectors,342,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',2034,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1438,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,539,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,1840,discuss
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1358,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,271,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,723,unrelated
"It's 'ru
ish' that Robert Plant turned down £500m Led Zeppelin reformation offer, says publicist",158,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,104,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,425,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",2469,discuss
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,398,discuss
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,1471,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,1024,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",1408,unrelated
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,2334,discuss
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,1234,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,181,unrelated
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,1913,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,2277,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,1221,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,30,unrelated
"Tiger Woods is not on suspension for failing a drug test, his agent and a PGA official say",2330,agree
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',483,unrelated
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,819,unrelated
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",1240,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1913,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,1817,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,633,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,551,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",1968,agree
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1289,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1538,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",2154,discuss
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",2149,discuss
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,1289,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,472,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,2058,discuss
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,2296,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",2028,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1627,unrelated
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Beaten In Prison? Satirical Site Claims Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Blinded And Paralyzed,1355,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,2295,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1461,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,1251,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld a full 7.5 percent - here is the proof,1921,unrelated
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,1843,discuss
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,2088,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),1673,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1242,unrelated
"NYPD to issue tickets instead of a
est for weed possession, report says",269,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1013,discuss
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",388,unrelated
"Woman At Dulles Plays It Safe, Wears A Rain Poncho And Mask",1178,unrelated
Magic mushroom found growing at Buckingham Palace,1258,agree
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,2114,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,706,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1839,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1575,discuss
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1357,agree
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,446,discuss
Ebola Scare in Kansas City,99,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,1958,discuss
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac? Nope, ‘Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options’ Article is Fake",776,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,964,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,2172,agree
Man who slaps people around the head for sneezing hunted by police,2477,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,844,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1212,unrelated
First bendgate... now it's HAIRGATE: Angry iPhone 6 owners claim design is causing chunks of their hair to be ripped out when they make a phone call,2276,discuss
Did Paul Rudd Help Tackle That Dallas Airport Gay-Basher?,2514,discuss
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,1224,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",1239,agree
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1802,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,521,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2197,unrelated
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",975,unrelated
Texas Plumber Isn't Sure How Extremists In Syria Ended Up With His Work Truck,2344,unrelated
Apple Watch launch has new timetable: Analyst,2431,discuss
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,2398,unrelated
"Tiger Woods is not on suspension for failing a drug test, his agent and a PGA official say",1735,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2144,discuss
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1883,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,281,discuss
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,62,unrelated
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,258,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",40,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1857,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,2302,discuss
"Why the most expensive Apple Watch will probably cost around $10,000",472,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,1473,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),755,discuss
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1721,discuss
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",1814,discuss
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1820,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",1465,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,632,discuss
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,550,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,1627,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1883,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,1012,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1308,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",217,discuss
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",882,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",2322,discuss
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,1559,agree
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",1697,unrelated
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",1107,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,1081,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',633,unrelated
y, KFC isn't going to be selling weed in Colorado restaurants",1439,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,706,unrelated
Weather Reporter Mike Seidel Was Caught Off Guard on Live TV and Appeared to Be Urinating in the Snow -- Watch!,40,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,2338,unrelated
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,526,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,972,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,2458,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,1917,unrelated
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,516,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2261,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1255,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",1036,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",2200,discuss
Chinese 'mistress' is stripped naked and beaten senseless in backlash against booming country's 'concubine culture',1141,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy,1342,agree
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,298,unrelated
'Banksy' Reacts To Paris Attack With Poignant Drawing,1688,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,524,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",47,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,570,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1442,discuss
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,592,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,1319,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2367,unrelated
Update: Frisco paramedics transporting patient believed to be exhibiting Ebola-like symptoms,224,unrelated
Somali te
orist leader dead after US airstrike,646,unrelated
Customer: I was fired for Comcast complaint,32,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,944,unrelated
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",2274,agree
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,225,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,104,unrelated
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,1790,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,1787,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1077,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,2272,agree
"'Star Wars VII' News, Update: JJ A
ams Pushing for Summer Release?",1393,discuss
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,214,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',2445,unrelated
‘Feminist’ says she aborted baby because it was a boy,947,discuss
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,616,discuss
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,45,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,677,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1403,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1361,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,2022,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,2240,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1603,unrelated
oken girl spends week in KFC after getting dumped,2087,discuss
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",634,unrelated
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,1921,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,2328,unrelated
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",1000,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,80,agree
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1925,agree
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,1708,unrelated
Police Looking For A Man That Slaps People When They Sneeze!,1521,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',534,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",524,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],2421,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,1375,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Made It Further Into Building Than Reported,508,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",917,disagree
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,296,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,54,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,2336,unrelated
"NASA: Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness???",169,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1251,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1073,discuss
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1575,unrelated
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,646,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1817,discuss
Fake Fox News Website Reports Judd Nelson’s Death for Some Reason,1906,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,1817,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",220,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,139,unrelated
Singing polar bear facing ASBO after noise complaint,1606,unrelated
Islamic State fighters detonate 'SCORPION bombs' in te
or siege,2257,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,2375,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,1864,discuss
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,2163,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1042,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,5,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",821,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1603,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,816,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1093,discuss
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,1240,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1358,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,2093,discuss
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1916,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",2147,unrelated
Hospital Officials: Kansas City Patient Not Being Treated For Ebola,781,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1865,discuss
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1905,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,321,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1034,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,368,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1481,unrelated
North Korea reportedly bans anyone sharing Kim Jong Un's name,1175,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,955,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,2520,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,251,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,2156,unrelated
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,2447,unrelated
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",2155,discuss
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,1825,discuss
'Snake wine' to the rescue of Kim Jong-un's love life,55,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,298,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",104,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,2250,discuss
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1888,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,56,agree
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1090,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2531,unrelated
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,2016,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1746,discuss
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,381,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1104,agree
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,2144,discuss
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2386,discuss
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,450,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,687,agree
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,1848,unrelated
A New iOS 8 Bug Can Delete All Of Your iCloud Documents,2054,discuss
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,626,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1385,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1774,discuss
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",524,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",214,unrelated
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,240,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1974,discuss
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,938,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1494,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",2277,discuss
More American Weapons for ISIS,2295,discuss
"In New York City, Marijuana May Mean Ticket, Not A
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,295,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",2344,discuss
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1885,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,1981,agree
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated,1197,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,2078,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1295,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,984,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,2296,unrelated
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,1588,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",34,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,36,unrelated
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",2472,discuss
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
Seth Rogen reported to play Woz in the upcoming Steve Jobs movie,2124,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",1090,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1206,agree
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",367,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",2481,discuss
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",93,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,754,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1549,unrelated
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',1239,unrelated
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,258,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,226,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,630,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,826,unrelated
or Leader Ahmed Abdi Godane Killed in U.S. Strike,1835,discuss
Nun 'has surprise baby' after complaining of stomach pains,2492,discuss
NYC relaxes response to marijuana possession,2307,unrelated
"Unconfirmed: ISIS Claims Kayla Mueller, American Female Hostage, Is Dead",2283,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,2078,unrelated
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,1365,agree
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1157,discuss
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1883,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1574,unrelated
"Amazon to launch first
ick-and-mortar store, report says",1840,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',2141,unrelated
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,882,unrelated
"Woman, Ting Su, Finds Husband Cheating With Her Own Twin, Gets Spectacular Revenge",1539,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,961,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1803,unrelated
80's Brat Pack star Judd Nelson forced to deny that he's dead after fake news story starts trending on social media,35,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",1686,unrelated
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,1383,discuss
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",1331,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",5,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1569,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,1045,agree
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,7,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,2088,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,119,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2287,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",757,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1120,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,961,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,2045,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,704,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",657,discuss
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,1916,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,1013,unrelated
'I aborted my baby because it was a boy': Outrage after 'feminist' blogger claims gender prompted termination,1398,unrelated
"Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before launch",837,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",2175,unrelated
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",1934,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,568,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",2309,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1406,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1103,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,800,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1864,discuss
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,2080,agree
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1351,unrelated
"What they earn: Vice CEO Shane Smith’s $300,000 steak dinner",1176,unrelated
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,599,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1361,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,903,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1689,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,195,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,1737,discuss
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1040,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1223,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1222,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,2329,unrelated
Al Qaida hostage killed in raid,1187,discuss
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,1917,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',30,discuss
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1299,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,682,unrelated
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,1776,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,740,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",1260,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",2314,unrelated
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,1931,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1347,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,1789,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,1951,agree
ISIS Getting Ebola,592,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,137,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,568,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1873,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1185,discuss
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2130,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,689,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,40,unrelated
Claim: Comcast Got Complaining Customer Fired From His Job,169,unrelated
This Man Paid Off His Parents' Mortgage for Christmas (Video),1567,agree
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,941,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1131,discuss
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,503,unrelated
Rodney Constantine keeps Facebook promise and turns himself in to police,571,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",840,discuss
HBO Reportedly in Talks with Apple for Launch of New Unbundled Streaming Service,2434,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1760,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),305,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],80,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,304,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,2138,discuss
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,56,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,2502,agree
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,2348,discuss
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1427,agree
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,732,agree
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,44,agree
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,931,discuss
Satirical news site attacks China’s weird English names,1588,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,2115,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1818,discuss
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been stolen after kissing young woman in sauna,662,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2147,discuss
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,388,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,2020,unrelated
News sites fall for Putin bird-dropping video,2502,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,2483,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1213,unrelated
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,2080,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1271,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,40,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',2307,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1034,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,1893,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",344,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",1125,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1574,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2313,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,263,unrelated
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",572,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",105,discuss
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,1814,disagree
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",516,agree
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,2338,unrelated
“Axl Rose dead 2014” : Guns N' Roses frontman killed by internet death hoax,1645,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1107,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2404,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,22,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1439,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1630,discuss
Big Bank Hank dead: Sugarhill Gang member and rapper dies aged 57,2351,agree
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1481,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1573,disagree
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,1679,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,347,unrelated
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,591,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,1141,discuss
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',217,discuss
What This Homeless Guy Did With $100 Completely Stunned The Man Who Gave It To Him,1681,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,1619,discuss
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2109,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1351,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang co-founder Big Bank Hank dies,2398,agree
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,2360,agree
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,1938,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2495,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",1689,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1385,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",1678,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,1239,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",30,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1982,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,321,unrelated
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,1737,unrelated
According to some Russians this dark figure stumbling through the snowy woods is a Yeti - and they even have a footprint. Hmmmmm,1656,discuss
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",2197,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1818,agree
A Husband Breaks Down In Tears After Lost Voicemail Message By His Late Wife Is Recovered,2020,agree
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,1678,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,1611,discuss
Ebola Scare in Kansas City,1349,unrelated
"Evander Kane ""On Way Out"" From Source, Price Is Very High; Who Is In?",22,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,48,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,2176,unrelated
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,1372,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1196,unrelated
First bendgate... now it's HAIRGATE: Angry iPhone 6 owners claim design is causing chunks of their hair to be ripped out when they make a phone call,689,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",615,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,1883,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,2017,discuss
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,2441,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,2084,unrelated
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,1644,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",1627,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Woman Dumped by Boyfriend Spends Entire Week Mourning at KFC,1473,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1574,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,704,unrelated
No One In North Korea Is Allowed To Share Kim Jong Un's Name,719,discuss
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),2016,discuss
Reports: Islamic State uses chlorine gas against Iraqi forces,693,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,7,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1093,discuss
REPORT: Apple's Watch Will Come In 2 Storage Sizes,254,unrelated
Now THAT'S a Royal trip! Alan Titchmarsh finds psychedelic mushroom in the Queen's garden at Buckingham Palace,91,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1602,discuss
"No, Jordan's King Abdullah II is not personally flying planes against Isis",2490,discuss
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,409,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,2287,unrelated
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",1103,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",551,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,793,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1549,disagree
Penis graffiti drawn on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,1781,unrelated
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,2103,discuss
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,692,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment",1293,unrelated
Islamic State fighters detonate 'SCORPION bombs' in te
or siege,776,agree
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,81,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,1877,discuss
North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Is Still In Charge: Source,2022,unrelated
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,1291,unrelated
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,2360,unrelated
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,521,unrelated
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,592,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1744,unrelated
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",571,unrelated
China App Store Manipulation Photo Goes Viral - But Is It Real?,658,unrelated
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,2496,agree
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1589,discuss
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,1848,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,1466,unrelated
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,1627,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1821,unrelated
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,609,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,928,discuss
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,1422,unrelated
Man Severed Penis That Failed To Impress Girls,1799,agree
Another ISIS Massacre: ISIS Kills 300 Iraqi Soldiers With Chlorine Gas,2411,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1974,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,1875,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,1836,discuss
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,2175,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,2263,discuss
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,2240,agree
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,2175,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,1875,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1547,unrelated
"Tom Brokaw 'wants Brian Williams out': NBC legend 'furious' at Iraq war lie, as it's claimed executives warned anchor to stop exaggerating the story in the past",833,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,993,unrelated
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",2130,discuss
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1251,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,570,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,2211,agree
"It was me! Student, 19, reveals SHE was the Teletu
ies' giggling baby in the sky - and was paid just £250 and a box of toys",2076,agree
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1430,discuss
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,2130,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,2252,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,40,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,2348,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,928,discuss
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,1224,unrelated
"Man chops off own penis, throws it in a dustbin after poor show in bed",1517,agree
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,571,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,1802,discuss
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,2297,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1658,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin: Death claims about former child star revealed to be yet another hoax,2022,unrelated
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",1395,unrelated
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",1853,unrelated
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,1631,unrelated
Big Bank Hank dead: Sugarhill Gang member and rapper dies aged 57,234,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,1891,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,667,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",54,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,304,unrelated
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,1477,unrelated
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,2242,agree
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",1125,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,2148,discuss
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",206,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah,2224,discuss
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',2153,discuss
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,2309,unrelated
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,2421,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,950,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,900,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,1506,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,2175,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1210,unrelated
eal Photos of Fisherman’s Jaw-Dropping Catch Will Likely Have People Wondering If It’s Real,2034,unrelated
"Want a Gold Apple Watch? All You Need is $5,000",2201,discuss
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,1708,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,1648,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1073,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",1789,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Teacher sex tape exposed as a FAKE after internet detectives trace the origin of pornographic clip,795,agree
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,1913,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,2385,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,687,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1697,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1252,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,1240,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",955,discuss
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,320,unrelated
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,2515,disagree
1901 Boston time capsule yields small red book,601,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',225,agree
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,2103,discuss
"Luke Somers Dies In Rescue Attempt, Sister Says; Yemeni Defense Ministry Says Unnamed US Hostage Freed",1165,unrelated
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",2520,unrelated
Rats are still running around at Vogue,891,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1331,discuss
"280 Pound Catfish: Fisherman Makes Huge Catch In Italy, Catfish Could Set Record",842,agree
This Is What It Looks Like When A Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage As A Christmas Present,1933,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,286,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",2307,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",737,unrelated
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,2388,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,36,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,1251,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',539,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,7,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,1210,unrelated
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,1471,unrelated
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,964,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,972,unrelated
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,126,unrelated
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,1481,unrelated
"McDonald’s to Stop Serving Overweight Customers in January? Nope, ‘1/15/2015′ Story is Fake",714,unrelated
Report—Jose Canseco accidentally shot at his home tonight,1580,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,2520,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,413,unrelated
ISIS supporters mourn death of ‘youngest fighter’,1744,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",17,unrelated
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",2409,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1255,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',425,discuss
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,1781,discuss
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,2334,discuss
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,2459,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",782,agree
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,941,unrelated
"Tom Brokaw 'wants Brian Williams out': NBC legend 'furious' at Iraq war lie, as it's claimed executives warned anchor to stop exaggerating the story in the past",1507,discuss
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,1355,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,1195,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1875,unrelated
This Is The Most Epic Way To Quit Your Job,527,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,570,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,1048,discuss
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,2015,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1289,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2304,unrelated
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",242,unrelated
Fake BBC News website set up to ca
y Charlie Hebdo attack conspiracy theories,1261,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1900,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",1289,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2526,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1197,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1439,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,959,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,964,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,2475,agree
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,346,discuss
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",304,unrelated
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,1498,discuss
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',845,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,1476,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,2415,unrelated
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,367,unrelated
Macklemore Gets Twitter-Trolled with the #MacklemoreJoinedISIS,1217,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1873,agree
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2287,discuss
Did Comcast Get a Man Fired From His Job for Complaining About Its Service?,2438,discuss
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,1541,agree
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,2349,agree
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1125,unrelated
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,409,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",2485,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1239,unrelated
SHOCKING: Indian Man's Penis Cut-off After He Was Caught Attempting Rape [Photos],689,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",385,unrelated
"Whoa, Paul Rudd Was One of the Airport Heroes Who Took Down the Homophobe",853,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,639,unrelated
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake,1195,unrelated
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,1177,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",1778,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,1423,agree
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1347,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",2241,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1426,discuss
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1358,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,2313,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1807,discuss
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,511,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1905,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,104,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1439,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,2404,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,1646,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1549,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,242,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",404,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Reports: Big Bank Hank of pioneering rap group Sugarhill Gang has died,2420,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",35,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,1473,disagree
Texas plumber baffled after truck ends up in the hands of Syrian rebels,917,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,1709,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",1210,unrelated
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,1137,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1948,discuss
Update: Did Make Up This Story About The Web Sheriff Ben Edelman Sending Racist Emails?,1029,unrelated
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,119,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,388,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1709,unrelated
Son pays off his parents' mortgage in a heartwarming Christmas video,950,unrelated
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,1939,unrelated
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,1197,unrelated
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,1022,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",1245,agree
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2115,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1854,unrelated
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,1136,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2388,discuss
"No, That Wasn’t Paul Rudd Tackling an Airport Homophobe",1094,discuss
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,1071,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,634,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,2088,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1893,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",2053,agree
400 men cut their testicles off believing it would help them meet God,322,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1338,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,689,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,975,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2034,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,2309,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1807,discuss
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,971,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Wozniak in Steve Jobs Biopic,646,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,2389,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",521,unrelated
America's oldest time capsule unearthed at Boston statehouse after being buried in 1795 by Sam Adams and Paul Revere,690,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,2307,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,2376,discuss
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1933,unrelated
Axl Rose NOT Dead: Fake MSNBC Death Hoax Goes Viral On Facebook,2343,unrelated
Claim: Comcast Got Complaining Customer Fired From His Job,2405,discuss
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,17,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1923,disagree
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,2313,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,2269,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",800,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,2220,discuss
Google Said to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585 Million,1006,discuss
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",2208,discuss
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2109,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1950,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,821,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,2042,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1120,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,1787,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,984,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,1374,discuss
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,2498,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1658,agree
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,724,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",444,unrelated
"Woman catches husband cheating with her twin, humiliates them",2403,unrelated
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,1721,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,1071,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1906,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1939,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1040,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,419,agree
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,2261,discuss
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,920,discuss
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1737,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],986,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,1921,unrelated
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,529,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1502,disagree
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,524,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,646,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,991,discuss
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,821,agree
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1034,unrelated
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,2237,discuss
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",1087,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,1627,unrelated
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,1438,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1251,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,1400,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2450,agree
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,1311,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1291,unrelated
Italian fisherman catches monstrous 280-pound catfish,1221,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,344,unrelated
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,2263,agree
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1299,disagree
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,1744,unrelated
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,2236,discuss
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,125,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,754,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',115,unrelated
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,139,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,991,discuss
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',1883,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1255,unrelated
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,1223,unrelated
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",1987,discuss
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1819,agree
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2149,discuss
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",1251,unrelated
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",258,unrelated
Ski Resort Opens With Snow Stored From Last Season,1670,agree
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',1562,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1790,discuss
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',1260,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1940,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,1949,discuss
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,2470,unrelated
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,1817,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1197,unrelated
Have Kanye & Kim Been Banned From Future Grammy Ceremonies?,1595,unrelated
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),54,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,1077,unrelated
Bergdahl: Senator Says Jihadists Swapped For U.S. Troop ‘In Touch’ With Al-Qaida Affiliate,2236,discuss
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,720,unrelated
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",205,unrelated
ESPN's Domestic Violence Panel Is Missing Something Important,1370,discuss
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,1744,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,524,unrelated
or Leader Ahmed Abdi Godane Killed in U.S. Strike,1024,unrelated
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,2153,discuss
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Michael Phelps' Cougar Girlfriend Revealed?,2290,unrelated
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,686,unrelated
Sadly Vladimir Putin Hasn’t Been Driving Round In A Motorcade Shaped Like A Penis,2069,agree
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,1438,unrelated
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",478,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,803,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),1893,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,2463,discuss
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,1598,discuss
400 men cut their testicles off believing it would help them meet God,2336,agree
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",2197,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,1699,agree
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1213,disagree
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,320,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1854,discuss
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,524,unrelated
"Kurt Sutter Announces Plans For ‘Sons Of Anarchy’ Movie Sta
ing Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt",203,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",615,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,1385,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,2168,discuss
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",1095,unrelated
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1549,unrelated
"280 Pound Catfish: Fisherman Makes Huge Catch In Italy, Catfish Could Set Record",612,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1678,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,826,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1157,unrelated
Has a woman aborted her baby because it's a boy?,1363,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,61,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1873,unrelated
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax),1678,unrelated
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",524,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,321,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",2078,unrelated
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,527,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",381,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",643,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1385,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,1724,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,2278,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,2343,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,2344,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1905,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,465,discuss
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1400,agree
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",2142,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,964,unrelated
Country Music Legend Willie Nelson Dies at Age 81,1936,unrelated
Animal lovers abuzz over pope’s comments that 'paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',2152,unrelated
WATCH: Stan Beaton cries tears of joy when phone engineers find treasured voicemail recording of his late wife he thought was lost forever,1864,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",2208,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,2495,discuss
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,1979,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",615,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,2364,discuss
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1083,unrelated
Unlucky in love man CHOPS OFF own penis because he was fed up with not having a girlfriend,2459,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,2403,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2070,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,830,unrelated
Enormous 20-stone catfish caught with fishing rod in Italy after 40-minute boat battle,677,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,855,discuss
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",2362,agree
Lego letter from the 1970s still offers a powerful message to parents 40 years later,1292,agree
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,2293,discuss
Confusion as Cuba’s Castro mourned instead of Kenya’s Fidel,1010,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1506,unrelated
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",2419,discuss
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1403,unrelated
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,712,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",698,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1789,unrelated
Rats are still running around at Vogue,639,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1358,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",706,unrelated
Kim Jong-un drinks rare snake wine to boost love life!,2018,discuss
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,1686,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',40,unrelated
Islamic State fighters training to fly captured jets — watchdog,2188,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,171,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",72,unrelated
American hostage killed in rescue attempt in Yemen - senior official,120,unrelated
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,1006,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1860,agree
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,1708,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,2240,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",2419,discuss
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,2328,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,551,discuss
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',213,unrelated
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",1036,discuss
Brian Williams Debunks Peeing Meteorologist Report On ‘NBC Nightly News': Video,775,unrelated
No One In North Korea Is Allowed To Share Kim Jong Un's Name,520,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,2118,unrelated
Rumor: Apple to hold event this month to unveil Retina MacBook Air & finalize Apple Watch specs,1805,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",244,unrelated
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ A
ams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?,1352,discuss
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,1954,agree
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,804,discuss
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",2177,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",2403,discuss
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,2524,unrelated
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,2371,discuss
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),2124,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1176,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,2526,unrelated
Newly-Found Document Holds Eyewitness Account of Jesus Performing Miracle,1498,unrelated
Man chops off his penis after his girlfriend
eaks up with him,1560,discuss
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),1210,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1506,discuss
Latest iOS 8 bug reportedly causes unwanted deletion of iCloud Drive documents,527,unrelated
Someone Spraypainted A Penis On A £1.5m Bugatti Veyron And It Went Very Viral,442,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",2360,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1853,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,1761,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,271,unrelated
Court Orders Probe Into Complaints Of 'Forced Castration' In Religious 'Dera' Sect,322,unrelated
If Only A Bird Really Did Poop on Putin,2174,disagree
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1459,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,220,unrelated
"ISIS using bombs containing live SCORPIONS in effort to spread panic, in tactic used 2,000 years ago against Romans",1474,agree
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",874,unrelated
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,1832,disagree
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1249,discuss
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,2155,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,959,unrelated
Someone painted a graffiti dick on a $2.5 million car,2369,agree
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,2354,discuss
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1744,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,955,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1374,unrelated
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,2044,discuss
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1400,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1340,agree
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,2342,discuss
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,2404,unrelated
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Michael Phelps' Cougar Girlfriend Revealed?,1217,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",2473,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",2356,discuss
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,844,unrelated
"Want a Gold Apple Watch? All You Need is $5,000",1598,unrelated
This College Student Claims She Was The 'Teletu
ies' Sun Baby,1834,unrelated
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,800,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1219,agree
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1340,discuss
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,2404,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,633,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",459,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,465,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2508,agree
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,2511,discuss
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",169,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,2015,agree
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2304,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1288,discuss
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,2388,discuss
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,1746,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1541,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,1718,unrelated
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",1398,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1605,discuss
The news of Cesar Millan's death is false,2528,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1702,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1478,disagree
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1913,unrelated
Female teacher facing sack after making SEX TAPE with teenager,933,unrelated
"No, that high school kid didn't make $72 million trading stocks",1024,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,40,unrelated
"Don't Wo
y, 'The Breakfast Club' Star Judd Nelson Is Not Dead",2481,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",478,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,132,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,80,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,1737,discuss
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1605,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",186,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,570,unrelated
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,2002,unrelated
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,628,discuss
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",682,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",551,discuss
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",186,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1630,disagree
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1422,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1921,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,1828,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,2115,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),626,unrelated
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',2252,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",2132,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2388,discuss
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,1913,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1358,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1295,unrelated
eBay is planning an Apple Watch app,70,agree
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',40,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,578,discuss
Rumors Of Fidel Castro's Death Circulate After Prolonged Absence From Public Life,545,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],1940,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1883,unrelated
"Amazon to launch first
ick-and-mortar store, report says",1772,discuss
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,295,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,1968,agree
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,2344,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1295,discuss
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,139,agree
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1385,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2115,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,1487,discuss
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,1408,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",2526,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,1465,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,666,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,1679,unrelated
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,2372,discuss
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1368,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,1660,unrelated
Islamic State Flying Three Jets in Syria,886,unrelated
Would you take a bite out of the world's oldest burger? Men keep Quarter Pounder they bought 20 YEARS ago for a friend who never showed up to meet them,2474,agree
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,54,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,734,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,304,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,2033,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),382,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,844,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",1140,agree
iPhone Game Developer Quits Job By Hiding The Greatest Letter Of Resignation Ever Inside His Game,2185,discuss
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,572,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found in BUCKINGHAM PALACE by Alan Titchmarsh,2478,agree
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,1575,discuss
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired,860,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",773,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,1277,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,1107,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,10,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,1165,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",1515,discuss
Woman spends a week in KFC to get over her
eak up,1473,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,1673,unrelated
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ID’d as Canadian Shooting Suspect in Ottawa,804,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1948,discuss
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,2453,unrelated
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,2367,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",2367,disagree
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",2177,unrelated
Willie Nelson Dead? Viral Hoax Fools Internet,933,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,1820,agree
Popular 'Banksy' Instagram account offers powerful message of perseverance after Paris attack,740,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1564,discuss
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been stolen after kissing young woman in sauna,271,unrelated
"Forty years ago, Lego wrote a powerful letter to parents about how gender works",1169,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,51,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,524,unrelated
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,1934,unrelated
Axl Rose NOT Dead: Fake MSNBC Death Hoax Goes Viral On Facebook,2166,agree
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1141,discuss
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2009,discuss
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,1735,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1786,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,2407,disagree
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1921,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",551,discuss
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,1673,unrelated
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,1627,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,1900,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1974,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,320,unrelated
"Report: new 12-inch MacBook Air slims down, has single USB port",2039,discuss
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,2114,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",1637,unrelated
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,819,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2044,unrelated
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,2235,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1721,discuss
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,1034,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,1001,discuss
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",398,unrelated
ISIS supporters mourn death of ‘youngest fighter’,649,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2130,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1093,discuss
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",2047,discuss
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,1330,discuss
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,775,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,2248,agree
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,513,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,2317,discuss
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2130,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",2154,discuss
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,2130,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,2432,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',2360,unrelated
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",2156,agree
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,984,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,1854,discuss
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,723,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1403,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",1921,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,2129,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,2354,unrelated
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',304,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,1948,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,2261,unrelated
Apple's 12-Inch Retina MacBook Air Shown in Artist's Renditions,1049,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,939,discuss
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,1785,unrelated
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,1982,discuss
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,693,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,2009,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1435,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,304,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,524,unrelated
"Gene Munster Predicts $499 Steel Apple Watch, $4,999 for 18k Gold Edition",2176,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,526,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,139,unrelated
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated,1642,unrelated
News sites fall for Putin bird-dropping video,1843,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,365,unrelated
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,630,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",381,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,2293,discuss
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2481,discuss
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,77,unrelated
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,1022,unrelated
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,754,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",693,unrelated
Shocking! Chinese parents sell their son to fund for daughter’s Cancer treatment,720,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,139,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",1925,disagree
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,1374,agree
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',2155,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,513,unrelated
Amazon is opening its first physical store,2453,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,2448,unrelated
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,1048,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,456,unrelated
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,2317,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",2142,discuss
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1681,discuss
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),2114,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1825,discuss
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,984,unrelated
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,2280,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",2134,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1293,unrelated
HBO in talks with Apple to be launch partner for coming web service 'HBO Now',93,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,900,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,825,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,1254,discuss
Would you take a bite out of the world's oldest burger? Men keep Quarter Pounder they bought 20 YEARS ago for a friend who never showed up to meet them,414,unrelated
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,1097,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,847,discuss
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",267,unrelated
"Feminist Aborts Baby For Being A Boy, Shocked People Don’t Approve",1398,unrelated
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",205,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,2317,discuss
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1954,unrelated
BREAKING: Soldier shot at War Memorial in Ottawa,0,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,917,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,922,discuss
Tips for Chinese choosing an English name,674,disagree
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated,2272,unrelated
Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage for Christmas,2036,discuss
iFixit Debunks iPhone 6 Plus Reinforcement Claims,387,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2304,unrelated
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",607,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1489,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1325,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',2127,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,1222,unrelated
Cold Turkey,1938,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1438,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,2452,discuss
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1896,discuss
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1471,discuss
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",162,discuss
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1982,unrelated
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,2438,discuss
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1217,discuss
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,305,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1873,unrelated
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),234,discuss
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,689,unrelated
"Evander Kane ""On Way Out"" From Source, Price Is Very High; Who Is In?",1854,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1379,discuss
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,1008,agree
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,724,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1289,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",2039,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1888,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,2397,discuss
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,483,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),2348,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2450,discuss
Soldier shot at war memorial in Canada,1466,unrelated
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,522,discuss
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",388,unrelated
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,2336,discuss
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1465,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,649,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",1918,discuss
Microsoft turns to robotic security guards to watch for trouble,2432,agree
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",874,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,2141,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,2155,unrelated
Official: Gitmo prisoner traded for Bergdahl reaching out to Taliban,2367,unrelated
Code/Red: Apple Watch Battery Life — “Charge Nightly”,708,discuss
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1004,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",242,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,586,unrelated
"Yes, you can wear your Apple Watch in the shower",2472,discuss
"Gold Apple Watch Edition price? Speculators say at least $10,000",2211,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",1642,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,887,unrelated
Texas Plumber Has ‘No Idea’ How Company Truck Ended Up With ISIS,2084,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1721,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,2116,unrelated
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers,487,unrelated
Somali te
orist leader dead after US airstrike,1355,unrelated
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1574,unrelated
"No, Vladimir Putin did not get pooped on by a bird during a First World War speech",2367,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2109,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2296,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],1955,discuss
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',2106,discuss
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,346,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",206,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",345,unrelated
Apple Watch launch expected in late March,2154,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",2365,discuss
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1195,discuss
Islamic State Flying Three Jets in Syria,487,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1938,unrelated
NYPD to stop a
ests for small amounts of marijuana,2307,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),879,unrelated
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters,1221,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1658,discuss
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1900,discuss
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1921,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,1828,discuss
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),244,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,825,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,1480,agree
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated,2174,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1355,discuss
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,1890,discuss
ISIS Kobani Update: Possible ISIS Chemical Attack On Kurdish Civilians In Kobani,428,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,1660,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2388,discuss
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1722,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1627,unrelated
Popular 'Banksy' Instagram account offers powerful message of perseverance after Paris attack,2375,discuss
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",1817,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",2045,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,737,discuss
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,971,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1948,discuss
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,1492,disagree
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1471,discuss
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",2175,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1905,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1692,discuss
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1347,unrelated
SEE IT: NBC meteorologist Mike Seidel appears to relieve himself during
oadcast; network says he was looking for phone,1169,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: The death hoax is once again on the child actor,498,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1789,unrelated
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,2055,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,742,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1540,discuss
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,917,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1849,unrelated
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,1535,unrelated
Mohammed Islam Denies Making $72 Million From Stock Market Trading,2407,agree
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,26,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',2448,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,844,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",2090,discuss
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,1708,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1549,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,26,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,2307,unrelated
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,1590,discuss
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
'Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December' Fake News Story Goes Viral,2423,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,2249,agree
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",1223,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,879,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",2210,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",720,discuss
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,2447,unrelated
ESPN to save NFL's image with all-male domestic abuse discussion,615,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,1707,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1446,discuss
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,1802,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,213,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1893,discuss
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",1125,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,1040,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,225,unrelated
"Etats-Unis: Mort pendant 48 minutes, un prêtre affirme que Dieu est une femme",169,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,1883,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2067,agree
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,1789,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,1883,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,80,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1346,discuss
Isis claims to behead US journalist,115,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1893,discuss
ISIS supporters mourn death of ‘youngest fighter’,345,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",984,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,693,unrelated
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,2055,agree
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1299,disagree
Apple’s next MacBook could be a 12-inch MacBook Air,727,unrelated
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",2109,discuss
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,1574,agree
Apple's 12-Inch Retina MacBook Air Shown in Artist's Renditions,2509,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,2463,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",2306,discuss
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
You all had an abortion! [Google Translate],2248,agree
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,1506,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,1403,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,80,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,1718,discuss
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1107,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',509,discuss
PopWatch Teenager fights for the right to be recognized as Teletu
ies' smiling sun-baby,2371,discuss
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2044,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",2115,unrelated
Hundreds of Palestinians flee as Israel opens dams into Gaza Valley,2055,unrelated
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",373,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,1808,unrelated
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",2440,agree
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",208,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,1076,discuss
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,1893,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",365,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',2360,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',322,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2296,unrelated
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",1437,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1430,discuss
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,1893,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",2123,discuss
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1271,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,2141,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,1883,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,344,unrelated
Former U.S. soldier says IS used chemical weapons in Kobani,367,discuss
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,2528,discuss
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2115,unrelated
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,120,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,1437,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,1488,discuss
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",2411,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,1374,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",1307,discuss
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,666,agree
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",286,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1419,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,347,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",609,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1299,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,979,disagree
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,1981,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,1141,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1296,unrelated
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",296,discuss
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,695,unrelated
"What they earn: Vice CEO Shane Smith’s $300,000 steak dinner",500,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",846,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,1022,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1090,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,524,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,530,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,2096,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,1920,discuss
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",1240,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy,1524,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,80,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,1197,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",2152,unrelated
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,1383,unrelated
Unlucky in love man CHOPS OFF own penis because he was fed up with not having a girlfriend,2212,agree
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,737,unrelated
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria,524,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,1862,discuss
TBS Speeds up SEINFELD by 7.5% to Add 2 More Minutes of Commercials,399,unrelated
"Boy, 16, secretly films sex with teacher then uploads it to WhatsApp",1153,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",2056,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,932,unrelated
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,643,unrelated
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,1073,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",483,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,984,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2434,discuss
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",1148,unrelated
Bali Awry,1860,discuss
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2220,discuss
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",263,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,2176,unrelated
#RIPFidel fuels false rumors of Cuban leader's death after another Fidel Castro dies,2251,discuss
Fake Fox News Website Reports Judd Nelson’s Death for Some Reason,1317,unrelated
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,1266,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,2344,discuss
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,1255,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,1826,unrelated
"""This is the recording you thought you'd lost forever""",2406,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",2046,unrelated
"Texas, Hold 'Em",1467,discuss
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",2176,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,1854,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1921,unrelated
Moment U.S. Marine is saved by his Kevlar helmet as Taliban sniper bullet hits him in head,1481,agree
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2096,discuss
Comcast Declares War on Tor?,1403,discuss
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,1197,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,2288,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,137,unrelated
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!,787,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,986,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,77,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1646,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,217,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,845,agree
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,7,unrelated
Scorned wife leaves love-rat husband and twin sister NAKED in car park,1852,agree
PopWatch Teenager fights for the right to be recognized as Teletu
ies' smiling sun-baby,1834,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,1893,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,1543,unrelated
Rumors Of Fidel Castro's Death Circulate After Prolonged Absence From Public Life,1534,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1439,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,900,unrelated
Report: HBO Now coming to Apple TV next month,1534,discuss
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,367,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,2445,disagree
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,2481,discuss
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",185,discuss
REPORT: Apple's Watch Will Come In 2 Storage Sizes,241,unrelated
1901 Boston time capsule yields small red book,2288,agree
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,2263,agree
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1891,discuss
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,1890,discuss
Cesar Millan is Not Dead: Dog Whisperer Death Hoax Circulates,1175,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",359,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,734,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1130,disagree
"No, a mechanical polar bear is not about to be given an Asbo",2290,agree
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,1949,discuss
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,667,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",993,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1079,discuss
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,808,unrelated
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,858,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',1988,discuss
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",2515,disagree
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,812,unrelated
"Texas Turkey Farm Contaminated With Ebola, Over 250,000 Holiday Turkeys Infected",2210,agree
Amazon Is Opening a Brick-and-Mortar Store in Manhattan,1948,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2177,unrelated
"Why the most expensive Apple Watch will probably cost around $10,000",2403,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,2123,discuss
Microsoft turns to robotic security guards to watch for trouble,572,unrelated
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,775,unrelated
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",1349,unrelated
Judd Nelson isn't dead; report is a hoax,2332,agree
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',2218,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2524,discuss
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",2230,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,1148,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',365,unrelated
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,1164,agree
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy,618,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",2155,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,2024,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,2064,agree
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,1922,discuss
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",1934,unrelated
"Dogs DO go to heaven… and cats, and horses: Pope assures young boy that there is a place in paradise for animals as well",932,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1268,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,844,unrelated
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament,1554,agree
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,190,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,2293,discuss
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,516,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",2144,discuss
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2313,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",1020,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",381,unrelated
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,1210,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2404,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1379,agree
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,2327,discuss
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,649,unrelated
Report: Michael Phelps’ Tinder ‘Girlfriend’ Was Born Male; “We Made Love During Halftime”,1234,discuss
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1165,discuss
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,511,unrelated
"Forty years ago, Lego wrote a powerful letter to parents about how gender works",989,unrelated
Chugging eggnog sends Utah man to hospital,1325,unrelated
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,1943,unrelated
PopWatch Teenager fights for the right to be recognized as Teletu
ies' smiling sun-baby,1221,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",1314,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2495,discuss
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,2141,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,879,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2025,discuss
Customer: I was fired for Comcast complaint,2434,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,483,discuss
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1009,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,1256,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1923,unrelated
Tiger Woods Is Selling His Private Island For $7.1 Million,2508,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1761,discuss
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,2458,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,220,unrelated
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",500,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,1934,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,1130,unrelated
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,2068,discuss
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1502,agree
Italian fisherman catches monstrous 280-pound catfish,2196,agree
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,2096,unrelated
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,1984,agree
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,585,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1125,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1361,unrelated
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,368,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",385,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,304,unrelated
The Apple Watch Will Debut by Late March [Report],808,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,2132,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,1938,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],1029,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),167,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2313,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,225,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2453,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1891,discuss
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",1538,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,932,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,2116,discuss
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,344,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",520,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,754,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,26,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],1539,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],1034,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",724,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,919,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',2175,unrelated
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,1837,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,919,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1786,unrelated
‘Little old lady’ A
ested for Making Fur Coats with Neighbor’s Cats,1829,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
'Feminist' Lana 'Aborts Baby Because It's A Boy' And Is Surprised By Backlash,1363,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1846,agree
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,472,discuss
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,1829,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,874,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,1473,disagree
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,2463,discuss
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1294,unrelated
ISIS launch SCORPION BOMBS to spread panic in Iraq,1127,agree
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",2441,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1012,unrelated
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",1165,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,170,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",41,discuss
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',1001,discuss
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,503,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,695,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",2463,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1547,unrelated
Mohammed Islam Denies Making $72 Million From Stock Market Trading,1205,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",1849,agree
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,1988,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1948,discuss
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,2403,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,2367,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,1678,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1471,discuss
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,2492,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,2197,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,2343,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1744,discuss
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,1351,unrelated
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,1853,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1569,discuss
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,662,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,932,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,267,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1349,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",640,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1982,discuss
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1435,unrelated
Man Chops Off and Throws Away His Small Penis After Bad Breakup,1560,discuss
"Yes, you can wear your Apple Watch in the shower",2196,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,2530,discuss
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,1538,discuss
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1982,unrelated
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit,199,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,311,unrelated
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",1360,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,1800,discuss
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,225,unrelated
Iraqi airstrike kills key ISIL leader,1805,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1093,discuss
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2287,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,530,unrelated
Mechanical polar bear ‘threatened with ASBO for singing Christmas songs’,2367,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,298,unrelated
"Comcast Turns Complaints Back On Customer, Gets His Employer To Fire Him",2238,discuss
Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus now guarded by Daleks,1721,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Giant 8ft 9in catfish weighing 19 stone caught in Italy is thought to be the biggest ever reeled in with a rod and line,0,unrelated
[Updated] Saudi State Television Allegedly Blurs Michelle Obama’s Face During Meeting With New Saudi King,396,unrelated
A Bogus Banksy,2375,agree
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1628,unrelated
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,550,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",2197,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,984,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,170,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,1938,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,630,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,2039,unrelated
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,847,unrelated
North Korea reportedly bans anyone sharing Kim Jong Un's name,1648,discuss
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,1338,unrelated
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,26,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1268,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),724,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,821,unrelated
Penis Drawn On Bugatti Veyron Could Be World's Most Expensive Car Vandalism,822,unrelated
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",107,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,1127,agree
"Could Gold Apple Watch cost $5,000?",2188,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",2306,discuss
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1549,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,2060,discuss
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,538,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,346,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",2492,agree
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,2385,unrelated
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,2362,disagree
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1948,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",2142,agree
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1351,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,2443,discuss
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1948,discuss
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,900,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,1294,unrelated
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,35,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,1854,discuss
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,344,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1893,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1797,disagree
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,1808,discuss
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',40,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",532,agree
400 men cut their testicles off believing it would help them meet God,1950,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1966,agree
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,928,discuss
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1822,discuss
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1940,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,1485,agree
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',472,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",731,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,760,unrelated
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",2124,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,2235,discuss
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,2313,unrelated
Cold Turkey,2448,unrelated
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",1372,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: Actor is victim of another death hoax,1423,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",649,discuss
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,1019,unrelated
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",971,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1800,discuss
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,104,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1477,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,1839,agree
Electric shock turns Russian boy into Marvel's Magneto,2203,discuss
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",2102,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),35,unrelated
Reports: Big Bank Hank of pioneering rap group Sugarhill Gang has died,234,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,281,unrelated
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",513,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",1740,agree
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,721,discuss
"McDonald’s to Stop Serving Overweight Customers in January? Nope, ‘1/15/2015′ Story is Fake",2096,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",1299,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",847,discuss
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,874,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1358,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,691,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,2118,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,586,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",1333,agree
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,676,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1438,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1481,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1013,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1731,discuss
"It was me! Student, 19, reveals SHE was the Teletu
ies' giggling baby in the sky - and was paid just £250 and a box of toys",1744,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: The death hoax is once again on the child actor,2313,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,568,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,724,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",1949,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',493,discuss
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",1305,discuss
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,1097,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2367,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,1751,agree
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax),822,unrelated
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,1256,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",269,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1950,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,1646,unrelated
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",633,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,2317,discuss
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1362,discuss
'Feminist' Lana 'Aborts Baby Because It's A Boy' And Is Surprised By Backlash,524,unrelated
Magic mushroom found growing at Buckingham Palace,2480,discuss
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1661,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",125,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,288,discuss
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,527,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,2342,discuss
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1832,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",2092,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2304,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1197,unrelated
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,1707,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,1198,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",2330,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,608,discuss
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',2088,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,189,discuss
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,818,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,2397,discuss
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1439,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: The death hoax is once again on the child actor,2523,unrelated
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,81,unrelated
Tiger Woods selling Swedish villa — island included,2463,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",1834,agree
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,2202,discuss
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",992,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,1891,discuss
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,855,unrelated
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,2280,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,557,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,706,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,2125,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,776,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1825,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',1385,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,1899,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",574,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,387,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",2472,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1661,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,1785,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,387,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'Has Difficulty Walking And Needs About 100 Days To Recuperate',236,unrelated
The next Apple Watch could be platinum,2265,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,737,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1019,discuss
Report: Michael Phelps’ Tinder ‘Girlfriend’ Was Born Male; “We Made Love During Halftime”,1524,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,2175,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1692,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,456,discuss
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,81,unrelated
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,1574,unrelated
Islamic State militants allegedly used chlorine gas against Iraqi security forces,2197,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",181,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",874,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,2187,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",767,disagree
Hospital Officials: Kansas City Patient Not Being Treated For Ebola,2306,unrelated
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,2341,agree
"Luckiest Pizza Delivery Guy Ever Gets $2,000 Tip",2122,agree
It Begins: HazMat-Wearing Passenger Spotted At Airport,1178,unrelated
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,1568,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: Internet duped by fake report claiming that the street artist's identity has been revealed,2283,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1372,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,1506,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,205,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",630,unrelated
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,2511,discuss
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,2078,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,1875,unrelated
This Woman Is Wrongly Being Called A Sexual Predator After Her Private Sex Tape Was Used For A Hoax,1496,disagree
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",1613,discuss
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,1210,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1891,discuss
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,962,unrelated
A Bunch Of Folks Are Passing Around This Hoax Video Of A Bird Pooping On Vladimir Putin,2174,disagree
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,26,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,13,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,1426,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",1597,discuss
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,2340,discuss
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,2343,discuss
Man chops off his penis after his girlfriend
eaks up with him,1379,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,2524,unrelated
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,892,unrelated
Texas plumber threatened over jihadis using his old truck,1467,unrelated
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,712,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1178,discuss
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1213,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,761,unrelated
"Omar Gonzalez, White House Fence-Jumper, Made it Farther Inside",687,unrelated
Woman Dumped by Boyfriend Spends Entire Week Mourning at KFC,1791,unrelated
"NYPD to issue tickets instead of a
est for weed possession, report says",221,unrelated
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",640,discuss
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1574,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,2530,discuss
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,7,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,1427,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,2476,unrelated
Did Comcast Get a Man Fired From His Job for Complaining About Its Service?,1355,unrelated
Willie Nelson Dead? Internet Freaks Out As Another Cele
ity Death Hoax Makes The Rounds,2186,agree
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',2459,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",539,unrelated
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,205,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,254,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,2403,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,324,unrelated
oken girl spends week in KFC after getting dumped,1225,agree
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1789,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1388,discuss
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1572,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",608,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,511,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,137,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',40,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,2248,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,777,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,855,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",367,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,2327,unrelated
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",88,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1437,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",239,disagree
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor,886,unrelated
The next Apple Watch could be platinum,2296,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",61,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,205,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,1985,unrelated
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,1835,discuss
Saudi fatwa banning snowmen triggers heated debate,599,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,961,agree
80's Brat Pack star Judd Nelson forced to deny that he's dead after fake news story starts trending on social media,1273,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",304,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,2118,discuss
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,586,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,986,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1252,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1224,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",2177,unrelated
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,1339,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,220,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,173,unrelated
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,1256,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,2431,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot from Taliban (video),2091,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1921,unrelated
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Michael Phelps' Cougar Girlfriend Revealed?,1535,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",10,unrelated
Time Capsule from Paul Revere and Samuel Adams Discovered in Boston,2003,unrelated
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,568,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1715,discuss
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,1890,discuss
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),1498,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1197,agree
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,1277,unrelated
Jordan Vs ISIS: Reports Say King Abdullah II Could Personally Lead Airstrikes After Pilot’s Death,803,unrelated
Cesar Millan is Not Dead: Dog Whisperer Death Hoax Circulates,1975,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1169,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,472,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,2152,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),1959,agree
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1709,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,2458,unrelated
Reports: Big Bank Hank of pioneering rap group Sugarhill Gang has died,754,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,2118,discuss
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,666,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,2314,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,928,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2415,unrelated
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,666,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,1465,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",1125,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",2445,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,2192,unrelated
Isis supporters claim US hostage killed in coalition air strike in Syria,1337,discuss
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2047,discuss
Seth Rogen set to play Steve Wozniak in Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic,1539,unrelated
Marijuana Law New York: How No-A
est Policy Could Make Things Worse For Minor Offenders ,2483,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,2458,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,964,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2526,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,2042,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",2115,unrelated
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1157,unrelated
Apple Watch delayed for Fe
uary in limited quantity,2401,discuss
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,269,unrelated
Saudi fatwa banning snowmen triggers heated debate,1090,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,251,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1631,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,533,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",1294,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,1383,unrelated
"Gene Munster Predicts $499 Steel Apple Watch, $4,999 for 18k Gold Edition",2016,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,2379,agree
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',1789,unrelated
"At Elon, ‘first-year’ has not replaced ‘freshman,’ university says",2321,discuss
Woman Spends Entire Week In KFC After Getting Dumped By Her Boyfriend,1473,unrelated
Judd Nelson isn't dead; report is a hoax,1317,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,1869,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,2343,discuss
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",2129,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",704,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,2360,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",1835,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1461,discuss
Purdon Ebola Hoax: ‘Texas Town Quarantined After Family Of Five Test Positive For The Ebola Virus’ Article is Fake,1625,agree
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1049,unrelated
Reports say North Korea's Kim insists on being the only Jong Un,1857,discuss
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",964,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,385,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1296,unrelated
Is the iPhone 6 Really Pulling Out Your Hair?,2476,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2495,discuss
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,2092,unrelated
Police hunt tweed-jacket wearing man who slaps shoppers for SNEEZING,2277,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,2115,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,2296,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,321,unrelated
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,2149,unrelated
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",72,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,1312,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,80,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",1407,discuss
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,626,unrelated
Official: Gitmo prisoner traded for Bergdahl reaching out to Taliban,2254,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,495,discuss
iPhone Game Developer Quits Job By Hiding The Greatest Letter Of Resignation Ever Inside His Game,2377,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor's Cats & Making Fur Coats,964,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1289,unrelated
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,382,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,2052,disagree
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,1439,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",195,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1821,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,186,unrelated
Nun 'has surprise baby' after complaining of stomach pains,1412,discuss
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,2443,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",1494,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,2015,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Made It Further Into Building Than Reported,1547,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,860,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,984,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1361,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2096,discuss
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,155,discuss
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1658,discuss
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,1693,discuss
Citi sees Apple Watch price points of $550 and $950; myriad accessories,187,unrelated
Someone painted a graffiti dick on a $2.5 million car,1435,unrelated
Bali Awry,962,unrelated
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,2410,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,2240,unrelated
"Evander Kane ""On Way Out"" From Source, Price Is Very High; Who Is In?",333,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",1689,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,1948,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,585,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,2116,unrelated
Rumor Fatigue Sets In at False Alarms of Castro’s Death,2377,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",1385,unrelated
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,304,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",472,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,950,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,87,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1530,discuss
After ISIS trick mum into eating son - 5 other reluctant cannibals including those forced to eat own body parts,1786,discuss
Cold Turkey,816,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",2192,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,2114,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,942,discuss
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,944,unrelated
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,936,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,295,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",220,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",1853,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,2042,discuss
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,574,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,1556,discuss
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1948,unrelated
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,527,unrelated
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",2127,agree
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,119,unrelated
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",530,unrelated
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,532,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",755,unrelated
"UBS survey finds 10% of consumers want a smartwatch, expects 24M Apple Watch sales in fiscal 2015",1149,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,2072,discuss
Gateway Pundit,1478,unrelated
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,1170,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,456,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',819,discuss
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,804,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,337,discuss
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,887,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,2235,discuss
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1541,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1438,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,195,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",682,unrelated
How did a Texas plumber's truck end up with Syrian rebels? (+video),1009,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,2349,agree
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",612,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",1338,unrelated
Al Qaida hostage killed in raid,2247,discuss
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,2156,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',509,discuss
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1905,unrelated
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,1972,discuss
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,2492,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,530,unrelated
"Led Zeppelin Reunion: Robert Plant Rips Up $300 Million Contract, Refuses To Rejoin Legendary Band",1978,agree
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",903,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",1869,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",564,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,1339,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,1506,unrelated
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,2367,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",800,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,80,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,1820,unrelated
Sick Mum Sedated After Trying To Eat Baby,10,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,2269,unrelated
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,1610,agree
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,54,discuss
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,742,discuss
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2127,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,819,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,2123,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,804,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,731,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",531,discuss
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,1966,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2299,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,1939,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,115,unrelated
'Feminist' Lana 'Aborts Baby Because It's A Boy' And Is Surprised By Backlash,2443,unrelated
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",1760,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,1400,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,2003,discuss
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,186,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,298,unrelated
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,387,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",2520,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,769,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,1498,discuss
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,950,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,365,discuss
Police hunt tweed-jacket wearing man who slaps shoppers for SNEEZING,634,discuss
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,538,discuss
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",2520,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1692,discuss
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,345,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,2123,discuss
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,373,unrelated
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,557,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,712,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,34,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,1893,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1437,unrelated
Russians Bag Better Bigfoot Footage,227,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],2177,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,874,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,1299,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),1087,agree
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,305,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,737,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,1483,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1808,discuss
ISIS pays tribute to its 'Cub of Baghdadi' child soldier,2432,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,2017,discuss
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1419,discuss
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1848,unrelated
Don’t ‘Reset All Settings’ in iOS 8 unless you want to lose your iCloud files,2054,discuss
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,2304,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,35,unrelated
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants,1968,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1187,discuss
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1252,unrelated
Heartwarming video shows son revealing he’s paid off parent’s mortgage as a Christmas gift,2072,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1722,discuss
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,1808,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,2398,unrelated
Vladimir Putin’s Motorcade Looks Like A Massive Knob,1331,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1825,discuss
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,2257,unrelated
The news of Cesar Millan's death is false,1331,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,17,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,941,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1465,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,1289,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,2379,agree
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,1921,discuss
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,724,unrelated
"Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before launch",1746,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,1659,discuss
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,15,unrelated
Jose Canseco Shot in the Hand During Accidental Shooting at Vegas Home,2352,agree
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,2034,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1982,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',625,unrelated
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",1834,agree
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1637,unrelated
Putin’s motorcade looks suspiciously like a massive…,2391,agree
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,687,unrelated
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",1820,agree
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,403,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,2116,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,800,discuss
"'See you Monday': N.L. man keeps Facebook promise to police, turns himself in Read more: http:",1950,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1692,discuss
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,1996,disagree
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1252,unrelated
Apple in talks to become launch partner for cable-free HBO Now service,2295,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1883,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",592,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1671,discuss
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,2269,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",2314,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",2459,unrelated
No One In North Korea Is Allowed To Share Kim Jong Un's Name,1857,discuss
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),1764,discuss
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,2078,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,299,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2002,unrelated
Hundreds of Palestinians flee floods in Gaza as Israel opens dams,1965,disagree
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1747,discuss
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,1708,unrelated
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",1627,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,304,unrelated
Saudi fatwa banning snowmen triggers heated debate,1130,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",550,unrelated
KFC Marijuana Sales To Begin In Colorado? It’s Unbelievable — Literally,213,unrelated
‘The cub of Baghdadi': ISIS reports its youngest jihadist ‘got martyred’ in battle,847,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1435,unrelated
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,1263,unrelated
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,1107,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2020,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1808,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,2281,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,634,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1744,discuss
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,2299,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,782,agree
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,2184,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1849,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,195,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,2223,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,754,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,2470,discuss
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,1267,unrelated
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,2432,disagree
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1638,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1603,unrelated
Research Medical Center denies reports that a patient has Ebola,1843,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,816,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,1893,unrelated
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",1240,unrelated
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",1682,discuss
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",2009,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,513,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1361,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1299,agree
"NYPD to stop a
esting for low-level marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead: source",1022,unrelated
Robert Plant Reportedly Tears Up $800 Million Led Zeppelin Reunion Contract,1198,unrelated
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,2055,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],1921,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1164,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1589,agree
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,472,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,1906,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,281,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,782,discuss
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",2421,discuss
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",1020,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,539,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,2237,discuss
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1900,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",313,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),2152,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",2421,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,35,unrelated
Israel denies causing Gaza floods by opening dams,993,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1549,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,557,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,2223,unrelated
Confusion as Cuba’s Castro mourned instead of Kenya’s Fidel,47,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,267,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1481,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",2175,unrelated
Cold Turkey,666,unrelated
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),527,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1843,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1234,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",2042,unrelated
"PGA Tour Pro Claims Tiger Woods Is Cu
ently Suspended For PEDs, Compares Him To Lance Armstrong",2432,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,2022,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found on Buckingham Palace Grounds,2519,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",2370,disagree
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,2418,discuss
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2130,unrelated
Has J.J. A
ams Asked for THE FORCE AWAKENS Release Date to be Moved Up?,1686,discuss
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,60,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',1854,discuss
‘Evocative shape': Is Vladimir Putin trolling the world with his motorcade formation?,2391,discuss
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,2297,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,524,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,741,unrelated
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",830,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",2314,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,1545,unrelated
Rodney Constantine keeps Facebook promise and turns himself in to police,1950,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,740,agree
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,2452,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,511,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,1502,unrelated
iOS 8 bug could delete your iCloud Drive documents,1413,unrelated
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,714,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,1323,unrelated
Soldier shot at war memorial in Canada,401,unrelated
Tiger Woods' agent shoots down report of failed drug test,1718,agree
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",600,discuss
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,1549,agree
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,2329,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1939,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,1506,unrelated
The Apple Watch's battery life will reportedly be just like any other smartwatch,2370,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,1140,agree
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,1921,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1179,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,1299,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,365,unrelated
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,251,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",43,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",932,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",1477,discuss
A Bunch Of Folks Are Passing Around This Hoax Video Of A Bird Pooping On Vladimir Putin,1028,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1569,discuss
"280 Pound Catfish: Fisherman Makes Huge Catch In Italy, Catfish Could Set Record",2161,agree
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",1844,discuss
'Banksy' Reacts To Paris Attack With Poignant Drawing,176,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",2080,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1385,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,2481,discuss
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1974,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,428,discuss
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,1565,unrelated
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,2002,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,527,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",754,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,450,unrelated
How did a Texas plumber's truck end up with Syrian rebels? (+video),1707,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',871,discuss
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,2407,agree
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",928,discuss
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1883,agree
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,666,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",2156,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,830,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1549,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1121,discuss
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1438,unrelated
'Snake wine' to the rescue of Kim Jong-un's love life,2018,discuss
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1582,unrelated
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",853,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,359,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,450,unrelated
Judd Nelson isn't dead; report is a hoax,1273,unrelated
Govt fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,686,unrelated
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,559,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1385,unrelated
Chinese 'mistress' is stripped naked and beaten senseless in backlash against booming country's 'concubine culture',1334,agree
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1825,discuss
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,2067,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,1299,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1342,unrelated
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,732,agree
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,944,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",402,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",2129,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,505,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2495,discuss
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,2309,discuss
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2149,discuss
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",324,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,1815,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,903,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2248,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1893,unrelated
Constipated goldfish operated on by North Walsham vet,1361,unrelated
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1256,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2296,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,1084,agree
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,1702,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1252,unrelated
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,777,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1439,unrelated
"No, that high school kid didn't make $72 million trading stocks",550,unrelated
It Begins: HazMat-Wearing Passenger Spotted At Airport,4,discuss
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,527,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",1757,discuss
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,1637,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2118,discuss
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1125,unrelated
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,1210,unrelated
Monster catfish which looks big enough to swallow a man whole caught in Italy,677,unrelated
“Axl Rose dead 2014” : Guns N' Roses frontman killed by internet death hoax,144,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,263,unrelated
orist Plot Targeting Black Friday Shoppers Uncovered,2091,agree
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",7,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1384,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",1795,discuss
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,1268,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,776,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",2302,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2287,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,720,unrelated
"Cloistered nun gives birth to a baby The convent: ""There is a sister"" [Google Translate]",2388,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,2451,agree
Robert Plant Reportedly Tears Up $800 Million Led Zeppelin Reunion Contract,2508,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,2375,unrelated
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",22,discuss
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,26,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1857,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,858,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",892,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,459,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,2068,unrelated
Country Music Legend Willie Nelson Dies at Age 81,2186,disagree
"Apple's New MacBook Will Be A Thinner, Cleaner, Faster 12-Inch MacBook Air",1234,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,1169,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",2055,unrelated
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,1985,discuss
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",2404,unrelated
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,636,discuss
"Islamic State training pilots to fly MiG fighter planes, says monitoring group",819,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1002,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,595,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,1921,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",34,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",1610,discuss
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,1839,unrelated
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1020,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,1095,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",1407,agree
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,214,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",2266,discuss
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,1900,unrelated
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,1875,unrelated
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",385,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1459,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",2271,discuss
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1058,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,625,unrelated
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers,569,unrelated
Actor has his testicles stolen after meeting ‘young blonde woman at a bar’,803,unrelated
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,1347,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',1213,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,313,unrelated
[Updated] Saudi State Television Allegedly Blurs Michelle Obama’s Face During Meeting With New Saudi King,913,discuss
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",381,unrelated
ISIS pays tribute to its 'Cub of Baghdadi' child soldier,1024,discuss
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,1130,agree
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,1708,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",1921,unrelated
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,2283,discuss
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",105,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1747,agree
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",1746,unrelated
Apple in talks to become launch partner for cable-free HBO Now service,1195,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,2307,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,1183,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',2314,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1034,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),227,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",1266,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,903,discuss
Rumor Fatigue Sets In at False Alarms of Castro’s Death,1010,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,646,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),2472,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,1622,discuss
Son pays off his parents' mortgage in a heartwarming Christmas video,651,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",2068,discuss
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,2252,unrelated
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair,2088,discuss
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,267,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1406,unrelated
This Is What The Sun Baby From ‘Teletu
ies’ Looks Like Now,837,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",530,agree
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Someone painted a graffiti dick on a $2.5 million car,1781,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1164,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,1478,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2261,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1549,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",304,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,2404,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,2211,disagree
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,1565,discuss
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1347,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,2044,unrelated
Nun 'has surprise baby' after complaining of stomach pains,699,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,1256,unrelated
"Piper Jaffray pegs stainless steel Apple Watch price at $499, Edition at $4,999",1095,unrelated
Saudi cleric issues fatwa on snowmen,732,agree
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,373,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1818,discuss
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,1970,discuss
Nun complains of stomach pains... and GIVES BIRTH: Sister who had 'no idea' she was pregnant has a baby boy at hospital in Italy,391,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",2070,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1622,discuss
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,1125,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,1802,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,2295,discuss
Satirical news site attacks China’s weird English names,1769,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,2338,discuss
A Husband Breaks Down In Tears After Lost Voicemail Message By His Late Wife Is Recovered,1171,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",511,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",1120,unrelated
News sites fall for Putin bird-dropping video,2463,unrelated
ESPN's Domestic Violence Panel Is Missing Something Important,2181,disagree
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,511,unrelated
or Leader Ahmed Abdi Godane Killed in U.S. Strike,1936,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,1742,disagree
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1904,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1385,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,107,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1966,discuss
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',2197,discuss
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1237,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,368,unrelated
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",2490,discuss
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,730,unrelated
ISIS: Desperate mum told 'you've just eaten your son' after visiting militants' base in search of kidnap victim,220,unrelated
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,1024,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",903,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",720,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,2191,discuss
Utah Man Hospitalized After Winning Eggnog Chugging Contest,1437,unrelated
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,1271,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",40,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1873,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,984,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,1461,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",2458,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1574,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,640,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,2264,discuss
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,2261,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",1439,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2044,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',1519,discuss
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1645,unrelated
You all had an abortion! [Google Translate],313,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,706,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,513,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,1778,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,2434,unrelated
"Islamic Tribunal Using Sharia Law In Texas Has Been Confirmed Tribunal members say they will avoid Sharia's ""criminal law.""",2284,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1311,discuss
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,2303,discuss
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,2531,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1438,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1097,unrelated
Time Capsule from Paul Revere and Samuel Adams Discovered in Boston,1239,unrelated
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,1035,agree
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",539,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Made It Further Into Building Than Reported,1323,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2197,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,1637,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,1948,unrelated
"Islamic State training pilots to fly MiG fighter planes, says monitoring group",2283,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,206,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1298,agree
"Gold Apple Watch Edition Could Cost As Much As $1,200",742,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,527,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2070,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,2261,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",559,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1985,discuss
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,2307,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1169,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],1395,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,1385,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",2520,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1034,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,2147,discuss
"Islamic Tribunal Using Sharia Law In Texas Has Been Confirmed Tribunal members say they will avoid Sharia's ""criminal law.""",1436,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",1943,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1019,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,416,discuss
Seth Rogen Is Woz,1588,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2176,unrelated
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,633,unrelated
Lego letter from the 1970s still offers a powerful message to parents 40 years later,53,discuss
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,1646,unrelated
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",2218,unrelated
Seth Rogen reported to play Woz in the upcoming Steve Jobs movie,626,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,43,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',1465,discuss
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,1343,unrelated
Islamic State Flying Three Jets in Syria,1293,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,650,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,816,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,186,unrelated
Fake Fox News Website Reports Judd Nelson’s Death for Some Reason,2281,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,968,unrelated
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,82,agree
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1815,unrelated
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,2104,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",663,agree
ISIS Getting Ebola,1615,discuss
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,2045,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,139,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,557,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,1331,discuss
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,938,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,788,discuss
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1689,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1913,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1923,disagree
How did a Texas plumber's truck end up with Syrian rebels? (+video),917,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1355,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",692,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,776,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,574,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,951,discuss
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",1530,discuss
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,1817,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,2220,discuss
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,2070,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",1528,agree
This Guy Paid Off His Parents’ Mortgage For Christmas,651,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",2141,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1500,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",1808,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,1157,unrelated
"Rodney Constantine, Newfoundland Suspect, Keeps Facebook Pledge To Turn Himself In",1408,agree
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",77,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1873,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,2044,unrelated
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,1623,agree
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",2144,discuss
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,2501,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,2091,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,2526,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,707,unrelated
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,22,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',524,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2130,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],271,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1234,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,77,unrelated
KC hospital: Patient does not have symptom profile of Ebola,1015,agree
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,1253,discuss
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2307,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',1764,agree
Officials: Report That Area Town Is Under Ebola Quarantine Is False,638,agree
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,527,unrelated
Amazon Is Opening a Brick-and-Mortar Store in Manhattan,2453,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,550,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1642,unrelated
NYPD to stop a
ests for small amounts of marijuana,2237,discuss
"Cloistered nun gives birth to a baby The convent: ""There is a sister"" [Google Translate]",391,unrelated
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,1253,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",1611,discuss
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1888,unrelated
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,2459,unrelated
Will King of Jordan lead airstrikes on ISIS HIMSELF? Reports say trained pilot plans to take part in attack after quoting Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven to Congressmen,902,discuss
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,251,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,2404,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,2412,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1291,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1588,agree
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,2410,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,2088,unrelated
"Unconfirmed: ISIS Claims Kayla Mueller, American Female Hostage, Is Dead",2313,unrelated
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,2015,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",761,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",731,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,921,discuss
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1588,discuss
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,2046,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",115,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',964,unrelated
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,1528,unrelated
Nujaifi Condemns / Daash / crime in Saqlawiyah and Alsiger areas of Anbar.,1177,unrelated
Man cut off manhood and threw it in bin after girlfriend dumped him over small penis,413,unrelated
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,298,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2403,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,1439,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1242,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,450,discuss
Nasa’s ‘six days of total darkness in December 2014’ is a hoax,804,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1832,unrelated
"Whoa, Paul Rudd Was One of the Airport Heroes Who Took Down the Homophobe",118,agree
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,2067,discuss
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,2241,discuss
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1627,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,1296,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment",2240,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2526,unrelated
Apple was forced to nix key health features from its smartwatch -- report,1917,discuss
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,1338,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1602,discuss
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",693,unrelated
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,693,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,2526,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2115,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1862,discuss
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,1338,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',72,unrelated
"McDonald’s to Stop Serving Overweight Customers in January? Nope, ‘1/15/2015′ Story is Fake",831,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,534,unrelated
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,220,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",480,unrelated
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,2334,discuss
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,2519,discuss
"Comcast Turns Complaints Back On Customer, Gets His Employer To Fire Him",32,unrelated
Apple scrapped advanced Apple Watch health monitoring features due to reliability issues,1917,discuss
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1003,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,2360,unrelated
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,2411,agree
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",951,discuss
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,139,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1419,discuss
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,2469,discuss
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,2165,discuss
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,899,agree
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,741,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,2307,unrelated
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",2528,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",1661,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1905,unrelated
Government employee fired after skipping work for 24 years,1844,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",239,unrelated
Texas plumber baffled after truck ends up in the hands of Syrian rebels,1467,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1588,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",748,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,726,discuss
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,2080,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,2104,agree
Did Paul Rudd Help Take Down Dallas Airport Homophobe?,1844,unrelated
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,2133,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,1294,discuss
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",1939,unrelated
"NYPD to issue tickets instead of a
est for weed possession, report says",139,unrelated
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,2314,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,2278,agree
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,2410,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,1024,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,2385,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,582,discuss
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,298,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,125,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,1747,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",493,discuss
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ID’d as Canadian Shooting Suspect in Ottawa,1458,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,1943,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",467,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,1494,unrelated
"Is There Really a ‘Sharia Law’ Islamic Tribunal in Dallas, Texas?",1415,unrelated
Apple Watch delayed for Fe
uary in limited quantity,1056,unrelated
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",2415,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1251,unrelated
Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot Himself in the Hand,744,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,844,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,1863,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,1821,unrelated
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,1002,discuss
Govt fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1213,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',258,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,2453,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,972,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,999,agree
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,2115,unrelated
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,2330,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,2474,agree
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",2162,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,2002,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",2261,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2096,discuss
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1939,unrelated
80's Brat Pack star Judd Nelson forced to deny that he's dead after fake news story starts trending on social media,2286,agree
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1506,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1379,discuss
Air travelers wary of Ebola fears seen with surgical masks ... and a HAZMAT suit,1826,agree
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,254,unrelated
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,263,unrelated
NYPD to stop a
ests for small amounts of marijuana,666,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,683,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,712,discuss
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,1042,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,81,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",2213,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,344,discuss
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax),2286,unrelated
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,1802,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",2058,unrelated
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,571,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1627,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,1268,unrelated
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),2127,discuss
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,186,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1933,unrelated
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,2175,unrelated
A Bogus Banksy,730,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1826,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",2386,agree
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,1465,discuss
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",848,discuss
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",891,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1336,agree
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",986,disagree
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,1893,discuss
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,213,unrelated
Microsoft turns to robotic security guards to watch for trouble,2295,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,754,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2152,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',844,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',2042,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,2156,discuss
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",1731,disagree
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",305,unrelated
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",144,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,941,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,2033,discuss
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2296,unrelated
Paul Rudd Helped Tackle A Violent Homophobe So That’s Another Reason To Love Him [UPDATE],1735,disagree
Mirfield man's tears of joy after lost voicemail of wife retrieved,2020,agree
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,1500,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],1746,discuss
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',551,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,571,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,298,unrelated
"Apple's New MacBook Will Be A Thinner, Cleaner, Faster 12-Inch MacBook Air",2211,unrelated
Rodney Constantine keeps Facebook promise and turns himself in to police,2022,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Didn't Blur Out Michelle Obama's Face When the President Met King Salman",1742,agree
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,1875,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2237,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1603,unrelated
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,1148,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,1789,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,1547,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",267,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',7,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,2404,discuss
Marijuana Law New York: How No-A
est Policy Could Make Things Worse For Minor Offenders ,1192,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,2434,discuss
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',950,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,800,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",1642,unrelated
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,1221,unrelated
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,1306,agree
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,213,unrelated
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,1970,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1839,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",626,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1873,discuss
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,60,unrelated
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,2014,disagree
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1288,discuss
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,298,unrelated
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",516,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,1291,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1253,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1951,agree
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',11,unrelated
"ISIS using bombs containing live SCORPIONS in effort to spread panic, in tactic used 2,000 years ago against Romans",2175,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,643,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,539,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,997,discuss
More American Weapons for ISIS,2448,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,2463,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1422,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,220,unrelated
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",305,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1157,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1917,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,2036,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",2240,discuss
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",493,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,2191,discuss
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2287,unrelated
Jordan’s King Abdullah Did Not Personally Fly Airstrikes On ISIS,699,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",1893,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1197,unrelated
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers,1647,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1120,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1430,discuss
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",1471,unrelated
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,478,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,1471,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",40,unrelated
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,1318,agree
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,1268,unrelated
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,513,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",2265,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',1802,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,574,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,1634,discuss
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,195,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1950,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,933,discuss
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1832,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1089,agree
Sugarhill Gang’s Big Bank Hank dead at 57,1458,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,1795,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,2220,discuss
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,1349,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1780,discuss
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,470,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,7,discuss
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',586,unrelated
Saudi cleric issues fatwa against building snowmen,35,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,280,unrelated
Tips for Chinese choosing an English name,2260,disagree
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",1253,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead hoax: Fake death report spreads on social networks,1805,agree
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1289,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,2385,unrelated
KC hospital: Patient does not have symptom profile of Ebola,707,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,181,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1896,discuss
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,1946,discuss
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,2156,unrelated
Comcast gets customer fired for complaining about poor service,391,unrelated
Macklemore Gets Twitter-Trolled with the #MacklemoreJoinedISIS,322,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,1933,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],167,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",511,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,919,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",737,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",119,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,2192,discuss
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1116,discuss
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",950,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),591,discuss
"Woman catches husband cheating with her twin, humiliates them",1725,agree
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1564,discuss
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",533,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,2455,discuss
Court Orders Probe Into Complaints Of 'Forced Castration' In Religious 'Dera' Sect,648,unrelated
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,2290,unrelated
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,533,agree
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",2043,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2070,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,533,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,2172,agree
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,1972,discuss
Search launched for dog's owner after pooch found dumped next to suitcase filled with belongings,16,agree
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2096,discuss
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,1125,unrelated
Kim Jong-un necks litres of rare SNAKE wine because he's too fat to please his wife,2018,discuss
Apple Orders More Than 5 Million Watches for Initial Run,1681,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2003,discuss
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,816,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",280,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1438,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",2251,discuss
Microsoft turns to robotic security guards to watch for trouble,633,disagree
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",886,unrelated
"Luke Somers Dies In Rescue Attempt, Sister Says; Yemeni Defense Ministry Says Unnamed US Hostage Freed",1256,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,1034,unrelated
The Unluckiest Man In The World Set His College On Fire With A Fireworks Ma
iage Proposal,842,unrelated
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",2208,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,633,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,40,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,1427,discuss
Letter From Lego To Parents In The '70s Makes An Important Point About Gender,1169,unrelated
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,254,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,34,unrelated
"No, a mechanical polar bear is not about to be given an Asbo",2299,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,2166,agree
This resignation letter in a video-game could be the greatest ever,860,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",2214,agree
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1011,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1438,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,527,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,852,agree
ISIS Kobani Update: Possible ISIS Chemical Attack On Kurdish Civilians In Kobani,1840,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,564,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",381,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,2127,unrelated
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",2269,agree
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,459,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1826,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,1506,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1430,discuss
Would you take a bite out of the world's oldest burger? Men keep Quarter Pounder they bought 20 YEARS ago for a friend who never showed up to meet them,1195,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",568,unrelated
"What they earn: Vice CEO Shane Smith’s $300,000 steak dinner",1805,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,632,discuss
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,2080,unrelated
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,532,unrelated
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,1489,unrelated
Amazon Is Going To Open A Physical Store!,2045,discuss
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1689,discuss
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,2093,discuss
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2261,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1107,unrelated
This Man Paid Off His Parents' Mortgage for Christmas (Video),950,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",932,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1938,unrelated
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",2133,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2067,agree
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1913,disagree
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,900,unrelated
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,2351,agree
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,195,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,2211,disagree
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,2156,unrelated
Big Bank Hank dead: Sugarhill Gang member and rapper dies aged 57,752,unrelated
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",1843,discuss
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,2328,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2524,discuss
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,1355,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,7,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1921,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1679,discuss
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,709,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1679,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),830,unrelated
Hundreds of Palestinians flee as Israel opens dams into Gaza Valley,1461,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1818,disagree
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',2087,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,651,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,858,unrelated
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,789,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",2356,discuss
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,115,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",206,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,633,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,2334,discuss
North Korea denies plans to open a restaurant in Scotland,2290,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,1931,disagree
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,1923,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1661,unrelated
"Apple Watch Specs Tipped; Said to Feature 512MB RAM, 4GB of Storage",1384,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,423,discuss
Satirical news site attacks China’s weird English names,2220,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2056,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,35,unrelated
ESPN to save NFL's image with all-male domestic abuse discussion,1148,unrelated
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",2334,discuss
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1692,discuss
Staff Reporter,2407,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,2412,discuss
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2287,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1330,discuss
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",2247,discuss
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,1721,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,26,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2388,discuss
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,1498,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1419,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2156,unrelated
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,2470,unrelated
Someone Spraypainted A Penis On A £1.5m Bugatti Veyron And It Went Very Viral,2369,discuss
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,939,discuss
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,2034,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",704,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,1020,unrelated
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",2329,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,80,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1195,discuss
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,1899,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",2142,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,206,discuss
"Despite no Ebola case in Kansas City, the rumor goes viral",1342,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',206,unrelated
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,15,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",2269,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,2528,discuss
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,2225,discuss
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",2313,unrelated
"In New York City, Marijuana May Mean Ticket, Not A
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",581,agree
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,5,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,1423,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',2210,unrelated
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,324,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1855,discuss
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,2412,unrelated
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,1256,unrelated
Govt fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2441,agree
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,687,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",2218,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,75,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,2458,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2096,unrelated
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,1217,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,859,unrelated
Tiger Woods' agent shoots down report of failed drug test,438,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",1543,discuss
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,1671,discuss
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,2342,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",2521,unrelated
Frisco: Sick patient claims to have had contact with Ebola victim,1283,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",800,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,1802,unrelated
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,714,unrelated
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,1623,agree
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,2501,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,1494,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,2349,discuss
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,115,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,2016,unrelated
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",2329,discuss
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",1605,unrelated
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,1588,unrelated
Apple Watch launch reportedly planned for Fe
uary with limited supply,137,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,2252,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,1549,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,2409,discuss
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,220,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",244,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",2213,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,1355,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,1012,discuss
"No, Vladimir Putin did not get pooped on by a bird during a First World War speech",2081,agree
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,1299,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",2009,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,712,discuss
"Dogs DO go to heaven… and cats, and horses: Pope assures young boy that there is a place in paradise for animals as well",2297,agree
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1506,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,2453,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,1020,unrelated
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,524,unrelated
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",2277,discuss
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,1351,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin: Death claims about former child star revealed to be yet another hoax,1012,unrelated
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,2184,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1786,unrelated
Judd Nelson isn't dead; report is a hoax,2281,unrelated
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",487,unrelated
Saudi cleric issues fatwa against building snowmen,760,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,2372,discuss
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",800,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,205,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,798,discuss
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,919,unrelated
"Don't Wo
y, 'The Breakfast Club' Star Judd Nelson Is Not Dead",1906,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",62,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1120,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",1481,unrelated
Apple Watch launch has new timetable: Analyst,2116,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,1465,unrelated
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,1996,agree
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,2329,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,26,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',493,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,1921,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",2421,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1817,discuss
SHOCKING: Indian Man's Penis Cut-off After He Was Caught Attempting Rape [Photos],2106,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",2147,unrelated
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,516,unrelated
Bali Awry,1923,discuss
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,2421,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1916,discuss
#RIPFidel fuels false rumors of Cuban leader's death after another Fidel Castro dies,1918,discuss
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1506,discuss
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated,1361,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,30,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1790,discuss
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1083,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",693,unrelated
Latest iOS 8 bug reportedly causes unwanted deletion of iCloud Drive documents,1155,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang co-founder Big Bank Hank dies,40,unrelated
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,1478,unrelated
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,651,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",87,unrelated
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),1843,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",630,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,777,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,1646,unrelated
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,263,agree
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',917,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",565,unrelated
"Islamic State training pilots to fly MiG fighter planes, says monitoring group",2342,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,1648,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2220,discuss
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,1877,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,346,discuss
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1295,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1351,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,298,unrelated
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants,754,discuss
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,682,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,650,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',1360,unrelated
Someone painted a graffiti dick on a $2.5 million car,822,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,757,unrelated
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,2125,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,612,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2404,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,195,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,467,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,456,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",2453,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",742,unrelated
Texas Plumber Has ‘No Idea’ How Company Truck Ended Up With ISIS,2015,agree
Student accidentally sets college on fire during fireworks proposal,1651,unrelated
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,2092,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,2031,agree
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,320,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1669,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,533,unrelated
"Woman At Dulles Plays It Safe, Wears A Rain Poncho And Mask",1885,unrelated
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!,2423,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,2093,discuss
Widower Cries Tears Of Joy After Hearing Late Wife's Voice Again,1640,agree
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,1883,unrelated
"Tom Brokaw 'wants Brian Williams out': NBC legend 'furious' at Iraq war lie, as it's claimed executives warned anchor to stop exaggerating the story in the past",1545,unrelated
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,32,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1116,discuss
AWESOME! Canadian Parliament’s Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers Takes Out Gunman,2104,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,1355,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1611,discuss
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,2295,discuss
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1026,unrelated
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,1489,unrelated
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,887,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1939,unrelated
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated,1540,unrelated
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",2327,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",909,unrelated
Islamic State accused of using chlorine gas on Iraqi soldiers,1267,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',1119,discuss
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",254,unrelated
Customer: I was fired for Comcast complaint,1338,unrelated
Vladimir Putin Bird Poop Video is Fake,1843,unrelated
Is the iPhone 6 Really Pulling Out Your Hair?,431,unrelated
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,26,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2495,discuss
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,1829,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,1913,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,251,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",2078,unrelated
"Therefore, the ""feminist blogger"" who aborted a boy probably fake",2526,discuss
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",1802,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",381,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",1365,agree
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",1355,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1361,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,709,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2386,discuss
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1857,unrelated
America's oldest time capsule unearthed at Boston statehouse after being buried in 1795 by Sam Adams and Paul Revere,855,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,2240,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",1237,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,702,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1251,unrelated
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated,2410,unrelated
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,1853,agree
Tiger Woods selling Swedish villa — island included,1991,agree
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,2210,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1686,unrelated
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,2317,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,1543,discuss
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,1245,agree
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",808,agree
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",2197,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,1690,discuss
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),972,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',130,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",1708,discuss
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1821,discuss
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",2042,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,1003,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1040,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1368,unrelated
US airstrike targets Al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane in Somalia,2374,discuss
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,546,discuss
Report: Michael Phelps’ Tinder ‘Girlfriend’ Was Born Male; “We Made Love During Halftime”,1847,discuss
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,2280,unrelated
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,1738,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,776,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",720,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,2078,unrelated
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,1256,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,2524,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,633,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",880,discuss
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,512,discuss
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",403,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",686,unrelated
Microsoft Hires Dalek-style Robocops to Guard Silicon Valley HQ,552,agree
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1857,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,149,discuss
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",2020,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,649,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,35,unrelated
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,1718,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1252,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1034,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1857,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,1180,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,922,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,1020,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,788,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1905,unrelated
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,737,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1588,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1534,unrelated
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",1530,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1237,unrelated
"No, ESPN is not having an all-male domestic violence panel tonight",1374,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',1789,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,2248,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",132,unrelated
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,158,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,2072,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,2344,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,844,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,1256,unrelated
Woman spends a week in KFC to get over her
eak up,1551,agree
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,1673,agree
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,1137,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,2177,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",1240,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",280,unrelated
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,2125,disagree
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,2025,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1120,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,1921,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,634,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,2127,unrelated
Update: Did Make Up This Story About The Web Sheriff Ben Edelman Sending Racist Emails?,480,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,263,unrelated
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,2433,discuss
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,1483,unrelated
Court Orders Probe Into Complaints Of 'Forced Castration' In Religious 'Dera' Sect,1950,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,755,agree
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,388,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,29,discuss
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,242,unrelated
Purdon Ebola Hoax: ‘Texas Town Quarantined After Family Of Five Test Positive For The Ebola Virus’ Article is Fake,1383,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1840,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,388,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,1074,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,938,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,731,discuss
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,2187,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,2191,discuss
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",119,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",2192,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,1589,unrelated
Islamic State Flying Three Jets in Syria,2188,unrelated
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,882,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1358,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',402,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,2129,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1022,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",1672,discuss
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1166,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,1071,unrelated
Did Paul Rudd Help Tackle That Dallas Airport Gay-Basher?,1814,unrelated
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",2338,unrelated
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,1831,agree
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,975,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1347,unrelated
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",648,unrelated
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Michael Phelps' Cougar Girlfriend Revealed?,2314,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,2156,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1857,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1116,discuss
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,882,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,945,agree
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1589,discuss
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",1817,unrelated
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,562,unrelated
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,2042,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2261,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,467,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,1015,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,367,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,1239,unrelated
"Google seals massive Sunnyvale, Redwood City deals",993,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",690,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,251,unrelated
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",1544,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1306,discuss
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",1883,unrelated
"How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?",322,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1697,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,2305,disagree
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,534,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",2034,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,1807,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,2062,discuss
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,36,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,1826,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,2202,discuss
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,887,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],321,unrelated
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,2192,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2525,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,933,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1747,discuss
"North Korea leader Kim is still in charge, has injured leg: source",527,unrelated
This College Student Claims She Was The 'Teletu
ies' Sun Baby,979,unrelated
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,15,unrelated
HBO Reportedly in Talks with Apple for Launch of New Unbundled Streaming Service,1660,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,1829,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,955,disagree
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,830,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1419,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,909,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,720,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,1582,unrelated
US airstrike targets Al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane in Somalia,2268,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,920,discuss
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,2480,unrelated
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,311,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,2404,discuss
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,195,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",1989,agree
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,2521,unrelated
Reports: Big Bank Hank of pioneering rap group Sugarhill Gang has died,281,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,130,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,1836,discuss
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1904,discuss
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,615,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,518,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,931,discuss
Female teacher facing sack after making SEX TAPE with teenager,2447,disagree
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,2463,discuss
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,387,unrelated
Penis Spray-Painted on a $2.5 Million Car Was Just for a Prank Video,1144,discuss
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,2124,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1893,discuss
Bug in iOS 8's 'Reset All Settings' Option Also Erases iCloud Drive Documents,1413,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1950,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2115,unrelated
Apple’s next MacBook could be a 12-inch MacBook Air,879,unrelated
Report: Jose Canseco accidentally shot,186,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,2202,discuss
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,754,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1116,discuss
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,1807,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1403,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,958,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,2153,discuss
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,1681,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1531,disagree
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1925,agree
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",724,unrelated
This Is The Most Epic Way To Quit Your Job,1372,unrelated
"Gene Munster Predicts $499 Steel Apple Watch, $4,999 for 18k Gold Edition",1095,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,782,discuss
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,1849,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,34,unrelated
"Islamic State Militants Have Been Flying 3 Captured Warplanes Over Syrian Airport, Witnesses Say",2362,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,626,agree
Government employee fired after skipping work for 24 years,2134,agree
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1374,unrelated
"Omar Gonzalez, White House Fence-Jumper, Made it Farther Inside",1137,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2526,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,789,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,483,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,75,unrelated
Wayward sister ‘nun the wiser’ about baby,220,unrelated
Brian Williams Debunks Peeing Meteorologist Report On ‘NBC Nightly News': Video,54,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,181,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,2345,discuss
‘Cannibal mother tries to eat her newborn baby after giving birth’,867,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,125,unrelated
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,1795,unrelated
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,626,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',725,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2296,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",2076,discuss
ESPN’s Domestic Abuse Tonight Panel Will Be 100% Dudes,2181,disagree
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,1457,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,2251,unrelated
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,633,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",244,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',1115,discuss
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,2297,unrelated
A Husband Breaks Down In Tears After Lost Voicemail Message By His Late Wife Is Recovered,1864,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),932,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,7,unrelated
"BREAKING NEWS: Female American aid worker, 26, held hostage by ISIS for 18 months has been 'killed in Jordanian air strike'",2473,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,1395,unrelated
"BREAKING: ""Brat Pack"" Judd Nelson Found Dead in Los Angeles Condo",1273,unrelated
'Snake wine' to the rescue of Kim Jong-un's love life,1738,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",834,agree
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1897,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",2434,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",1368,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",2192,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1506,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,93,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,818,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,217,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,1906,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",933,discuss
University Bans Word ‘Freshman’ Because It’s Sexist and Promotes Rape,286,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1899,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1769,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,961,unrelated
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,684,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,720,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,2455,discuss
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!,2409,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,2067,unrelated
ESPN to save NFL's image with all-male domestic abuse discussion,373,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,251,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,104,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1034,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,1815,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,2531,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",2252,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,330,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1594,discuss
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",1642,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,527,agree
Fake-News: 'McDonald's Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers',1848,disagree
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1681,unrelated
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit,1196,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',856,discuss
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,2261,discuss
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,1529,discuss
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,527,unrelated
Paul Revere's 1795 time capsule unearthed,2257,agree
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,2261,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],752,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",586,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",2336,unrelated
Court Orders Probe Into Complaints Of 'Forced Castration' In Religious 'Dera' Sect,858,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,1817,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,2220,discuss
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,2345,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,1498,unrelated
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,1137,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1438,unrelated
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",1269,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',900,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,1822,discuss
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,737,unrelated
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",2037,agree
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,703,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,932,unrelated
Reports: Big Bank Hank of pioneering rap group Sugarhill Gang has died,1979,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",359,unrelated
Apple Watch reportedly set to ship in the U.S. by March,2273,discuss
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1589,agree
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",2042,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,730,discuss
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1296,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,2305,agree
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1586,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2115,unrelated
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,1681,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,2113,discuss
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,1789,agree
US Marine survives headshot from Taliban (video),532,unrelated
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,388,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1808,unrelated
Iraqi airstrike kills key ISIL leader,789,unrelated
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,1239,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",964,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,1800,discuss
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,2431,unrelated
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",35,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1893,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",99,unrelated
iOS 8 bug could delete your iCloud Drive documents,221,unrelated
Axl Rose Dies? Guns N’ Roses Singer Dead ‘West Hollywood Home at Age 52′ is Fake,1180,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,472,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,1143,discuss
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,1178,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1296,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,950,unrelated
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",618,unrelated
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,978,discuss
NEWS/ Meet the Teletu
ies Sun Baby: 19-Year-Old Jess Smith Reveals Herself as the Smiling Face Who Looked Over Teletu
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1217,discuss
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1982,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1818,discuss
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,105,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1747,discuss
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,2009,unrelated
Kevin Vickers Hailed As Hero For Reportedly Shooting Gunman Inside Parliament,342,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1166,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",1056,disagree
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1383,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,1325,discuss
Reports: Islamic State uses chlorine gas against Iraqi forces,1590,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,167,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1299,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1873,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,26,unrelated
Actor has his testicles stolen after meeting ‘young blonde woman at a bar’,2343,unrelated
Apple’s next MacBook could be a 12-inch MacBook Air,2509,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,2526,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2287,unrelated
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",1849,unrelated
Apple Orders More Than 5 Million Watches for Initial Run,344,unrelated
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it,1434,discuss
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",1109,discuss
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel,763,discuss
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1669,discuss
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,755,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1954,unrelated
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,2174,agree
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",2445,disagree
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1459,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1439,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",26,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",1253,discuss
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,1637,agree
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,1022,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1841,agree
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been STOLEN after he is drugged in Russian bar by attractive blonde working for organ traffickers,271,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,1934,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,304,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,1938,unrelated
ISIS supporters mourn death of ‘youngest fighter’,586,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',2242,agree
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,398,unrelated
Woman spends a week in KFC to get over her
eak up,2531,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,1588,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",2141,unrelated
"No, Jordan's King Abdullah II is not personally flying planes against Isis",902,agree
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,1598,discuss
Would you take a bite out of the world's oldest burger? Men keep Quarter Pounder they bought 20 YEARS ago for a friend who never showed up to meet them,199,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,1658,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",1806,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),170,unrelated
"12in Retina MacBook Air release date rumours: All-new 12in MacBook Air design for 2015, launching at WWDC?",2497,discuss
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,1274,discuss
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,1545,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,1913,agree
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,1627,unrelated
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,803,unrelated
Kim Jong-un drinks rare snake wine to boost love life!,55,unrelated
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,682,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,874,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,104,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,455,discuss
Sergeant-at-Arms stopped shooter on Parliament Hill,2404,unrelated
Rumors Of Fidel Castro's Death Circulate After Prolonged Absence From Public Life,879,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2130,unrelated
Jordan’s King Abdullah Did Not Personally Fly Airstrikes On ISIS,803,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),2458,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,1253,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,2187,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,2296,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",1319,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1197,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,1471,unrelated
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,846,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,539,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,686,disagree
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",1011,unrelated
Satirical news site attacks China’s weird English names,663,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1934,unrelated
"Kurt Sutter Announces Plans For ‘Sons Of Anarchy’ Movie Sta
ing Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt",342,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",1010,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,601,disagree
Saudi cleric says snowmen are anti-Islamic,1064,agree
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,2096,discuss
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,1383,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,2250,discuss
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2047,discuss
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,2020,unrelated
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,2034,unrelated
"Apple is limiting features on the Apple Watch to save battery life, according to developers",885,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,2354,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,712,unrelated
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",2309,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1461,discuss
"Rajasthan: Man Tries to Rape Teenager, Angry Mob Chops His Penis Off",689,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",2307,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,917,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",5,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2453,unrelated
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,1269,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,2234,unrelated
Apple Orders More Than 5 Million Watches for Initial Run,1948,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,5,unrelated
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,634,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),296,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",1240,unrelated
There was never a panel discussion on domestic violence planned for ESPN’s ‘Monday Night Football’ pregame show,1857,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,682,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,2141,unrelated
Chinese parents try to SELL their son to pay for medical treatment for his sick twin sister,886,agree
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,2476,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1968,discuss
Tiger Woods' former luxury island goes on sale,1375,agree
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",1294,discuss
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,1179,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),1815,unrelated
Spec leak suggests Apple Watch will be on par with Android Wear rivals,1302,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1817,discuss
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,1574,unrelated
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,2398,agree
Hero soldier Nathan Cirillo killed by convicted criminal Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1458,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",1071,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,40,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,2070,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,381,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1913,agree
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",35,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",40,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1899,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',2471,discuss
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",344,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",213,unrelated
Putin’s motorcade looks suspiciously like a massive…,1549,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1709,unrelated
Now THAT'S a Royal trip! Alan Titchmarsh finds psychedelic mushroom in the Queen's garden at Buckingham Palace,513,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",754,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,626,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2175,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1905,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1625,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1099,discuss
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,775,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,139,unrelated
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,513,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,1981,agree
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,2172,agree
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",1875,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,206,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,1893,unrelated
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,320,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1669,discuss
Kim Jong-un necks litres of rare SNAKE wine because he's too fat to please his wife,941,unrelated
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria,2283,unrelated
Giant 8ft 9in catfish weighing 19 stone caught in Italy is thought to be the biggest ever reeled in with a rod and line,1913,unrelated
"Rajasthan: Man Tries to Rape Teenager, Angry Mob Chops His Penis Off",17,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",2492,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,1857,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",1239,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,304,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1252,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,2115,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1224,unrelated
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,104,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",173,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1375,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1097,unrelated
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",2177,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1040,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,2261,unrelated
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,2092,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1931,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,1900,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,1372,unrelated
SEE IT: NBC meteorologist Mike Seidel appears to relieve himself during
oadcast; network says he was looking for phone,205,unrelated
Report: Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of suicide airliner attacks on 9/11,846,unrelated
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,1090,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,986,unrelated
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in Fe
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,1889,discuss
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1832,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",1360,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,1760,discuss
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,1341,discuss
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,2197,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",1277,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,1267,discuss
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",524,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,2287,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),1028,unrelated
ISIS Kobani Update: Possible ISIS Chemical Attack On Kurdish Civilians In Kobani,1093,unrelated
"#Hairgate: Reports of iPhone 6 pulling out hair, beards, likely exaggerated",403,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2287,unrelated
World's oldest burger,199,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",304,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,298,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,2296,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2450,agree
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1212,unrelated
"Oh Hey, Paul Rudd Was One Of The Dallas Airport Homophobe Heroes, No Big",1735,disagree
More American Weapons for ISIS,2252,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",2009,unrelated
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,851,discuss
Comcast blocks Tor,2277,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin: Death claims about former child star revealed to be yet another hoax,2326,agree
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1747,discuss
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,2385,unrelated
Apple Watch launch reportedly planned for Fe
uary with limited supply,964,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,1678,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,295,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",388,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,1547,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,882,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,1637,agree
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,1821,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],344,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,2124,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,132,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,1313,discuss
"Dogs DO go to heaven… and cats, and horses: Pope assures young boy that there is a place in paradise for animals as well",240,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2299,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1603,unrelated
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,1742,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,662,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,169,unrelated
Jose Canseco shoots self in hand,2230,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2192,unrelated
Constipated goldfish operated on by North Walsham vet,1540,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1939,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1293,unrelated
"Pope Francis did not tell boy heaven has room for pets, contrary to report",2370,agree
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,2520,discuss
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,2455,discuss
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',992,discuss
J.J. A
ams Asks Disney To Move Up 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Release Date,1843,discuss
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,2345,discuss
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,2156,unrelated
"#Daysofdarkness: No, There Won't Be Six Days Of Darkness In December",1491,agree
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",1103,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,311,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,533,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1530,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",2421,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,208,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',720,discuss
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!,2520,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1116,discuss
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,2459,unrelated
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,2417,discuss
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,1538,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,860,unrelated
Amazon Is Opening a Brick-and-Mortar Store in Manhattan,2045,discuss
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,511,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2261,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,190,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,1897,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,847,unrelated
The next Apple Watch could be platinum,1877,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,1670,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',120,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,367,unrelated
Rats are still running around at Vogue,1737,unrelated
Meet the X-BOY: Electric shock turns kid into MAGNETO,1317,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,2421,unrelated
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,2374,agree
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1917,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,467,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,391,agree
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1234,unrelated
iPhone 6 and Even Apple Watch To Feature Samsung Components (Rumor),1693,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,472,unrelated
Meet The College Student Who Claims She Was The ‘Teletu
ies’ Sun Baby,2391,unrelated
Latest iOS 8 bug reportedly causes unwanted deletion of iCloud Drive documents,2163,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,2017,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1358,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,1950,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",2227,agree
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,167,unrelated
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,1221,unrelated
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,676,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1808,unrelated
Snowmen Declared Anti-Islamic As Snow Falls in Saudi Arabia,1266,discuss
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",2009,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1803,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,646,agree
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,1939,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",1212,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,760,unrelated
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",2240,unrelated
Willie Nelson Dead? Internet Freaks Out As Another Cele
ity Death Hoax Makes The Rounds,1372,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,1184,discuss
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1374,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,2223,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],1013,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,214,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,1724,discuss
Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Wozniak in Steve Jobs Biopic,616,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,235,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,220,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,2307,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",938,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,1240,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,729,agree
Apple Watch mass production kicks off in January: Report,2278,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1931,unrelated
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,1372,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,472,unrelated
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,1996,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1040,unrelated
eal Photos of Fisherman’s Jaw-Dropping Catch Will Likely Have People Wondering If It’s Real,1183,unrelated
"#Hairgate: Reports of iPhone 6 pulling out hair, beards, likely exaggerated",161,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,251,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,2299,unrelated
China: Satirical site warns citizens over name choices,761,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',2314,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1104,disagree
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1502,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,2009,unrelated
Report: Apple Watch to Ship in March,447,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1166,discuss
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',984,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,2526,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,2247,discuss
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,2241,discuss
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,568,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",2485,discuss
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),687,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,357,discuss
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',2475,discuss
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,821,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,2520,discuss
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",1498,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,730,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",992,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,472,unrelated
"Amazon reportedly launching free, ad-supported video service (updated)",686,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,1458,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,1438,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2304,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,1274,discuss
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,2067,discuss
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,2410,discuss
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1020,unrelated
"Apple Watch Specs Tipped; Said to Feature 512MB RAM, 4GB of Storage",126,discuss
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',955,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,1179,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,472,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",844,agree
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,938,discuss
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1461,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,320,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1547,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,478,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",2498,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",1661,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,2078,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',2144,discuss
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2287,discuss
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,724,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,738,disagree
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,1877,unrelated
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,945,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1569,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,2016,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1166,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",933,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,2483,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,2265,unrelated
One of 'Taliban Five' in Bowe Bergdahl swap allegedly returned to militancy,2254,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1678,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",104,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1299,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,171,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,2135,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1481,unrelated
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,2398,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1538,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,34,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,1832,unrelated
"NYPD to issue tickets instead of a
est for weed possession, report says",2307,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",1476,unrelated
China: Satirical site warns citizens over name choices,2220,unrelated
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,1825,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,2483,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,800,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1658,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1296,discuss
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,844,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",190,unrelated
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",570,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,2404,unrelated
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",1988,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",586,unrelated
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,1871,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,938,discuss
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1549,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,176,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2261,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",539,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,35,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",2299,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,2152,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),2330,unrelated
Tiger Woods' agent shoots down report of failed drug test,1584,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,2187,unrelated
"'A wonderful, wonderful sound': Man
eaks down after hearing voicemail from his late wife that was lost for 14 years",1640,agree
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1288,discuss
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1319,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1009,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1853,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1014,agree
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",1293,unrelated
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",173,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",413,unrelated
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,2278,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",7,unrelated
"NYPD to stop a
esting for low-level marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead: source",221,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,1853,unrelated
Future Apple Watches could include platinum models - report,2389,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,616,unrelated
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",651,discuss
Air travelers wary of Ebola fears seen with surgical masks ... and a HAZMAT suit,817,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1871,unrelated
"BREAKING: ""Brat Pack"" Judd Nelson Found Dead in Los Angeles Condo",1906,unrelated
Saudi cleric issues fatwa against building snowmen,599,unrelated
Killing in the name of! Kim Jong-un launches attack on others named 'Kim Jong-un',520,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1744,discuss
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,1465,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",962,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,1605,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,608,discuss
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,945,unrelated
"Unconfirmed: ISIS Claims Kayla Mueller, American Female Hostage, Is Dead",1337,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,2177,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Made It Further Into Building Than Reported,2068,unrelated
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,169,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",2184,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1192,unrelated
Enormous 20-stone catfish caught with fishing rod in Italy after 40-minute boat battle,0,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,1905,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1808,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",1148,unrelated
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,513,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1034,unrelated
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,114,agree
British Aid Worker Confirmed Murdered By ISIS,2034,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1295,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1564,discuss
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,1019,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',568,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1081,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1698,agree
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",254,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",1603,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],706,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1298,discuss
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1931,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,344,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",529,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",455,discuss
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1358,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2093,discuss
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",2266,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2313,unrelated
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,1855,discuss
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",34,unrelated
Nasty iOS 8 Bug Could Erase Your iCloud Drive Documents,221,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,2192,unrelated
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",2327,unrelated
Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot Himself in the Hand,1697,discuss
British Aid Worker Confirmed Murdered By ISIS,331,unrelated
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",414,discuss
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),961,unrelated
First bendgate... now it's HAIRGATE: Angry iPhone 6 owners claim design is causing chunks of their hair to be ripped out when they make a phone call,161,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",1069,discuss
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1299,unrelated
'Banksy' Reacts To Paris Attack With Poignant Drawing,1735,unrelated
i takes time out from First Look after “disagreements.” Can I publish our emails now, Matt?",1761,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,2330,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,1982,discuss
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1603,unrelated
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,2347,discuss
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
J.J. A
ams Asks Disney To Move Up 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Release Date,119,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,1419,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,2288,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,524,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,729,agree
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",125,unrelated
If Only A Bird Really Did Poop on Putin,1087,disagree
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1905,unrelated
How did a Texas plumber's truck end up with Syrian rebels? (+video),803,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1921,unrelated
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,1634,discuss
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',1893,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1003,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,1913,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,1645,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",446,discuss
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,2313,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1541,unrelated
Tiger Woods' luxe Viking island in Sweden is for sale,1836,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1068,discuss
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,2288,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,609,unrelated
The news of Cesar Millan's death is false,1929,agree
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,2470,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1666,agree
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,826,discuss
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",1197,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,8,unrelated
"Mom Calls 911 On Mastu
ating Teenage Son; Boy A
ested, Charged With New ‘Self-Rape’ State Law",27,agree
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",524,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,1549,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2078,unrelated
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated,1670,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1330,discuss
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,1171,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1109,disagree
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",630,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,26,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',2307,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2147,discuss
The Force Awakens News: Director J.J. A
ams Eyes Summer Release for Star Wars 7 Because of Too Many Spoilers,1087,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,1382,discuss
"Rajasthan: Man Tries to Rape Teenager, Angry Mob Chops His Penis Off",2523,unrelated
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,2483,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,634,unrelated
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,444,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,2420,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport,181,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,35,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,703,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,742,unrelated
Update: Did Make Up This Story About The Web Sheriff Ben Edelman Sending Racist Emails?,1545,unrelated
SEE IT: NBC meteorologist Mike Seidel appears to relieve himself during
oadcast; network says he was looking for phone,1406,unrelated
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,1681,unrelated
eal Photos of Fisherman’s Jaw-Dropping Catch Will Likely Have People Wondering If It’s Real,612,unrelated
Islamic State militants allegedly used chlorine gas against Iraqi security forces,2024,unrelated
Kevin Vickers Hailed As Hero For Reportedly Shooting Gunman Inside Parliament,1900,discuss
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,1528,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1580,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1852,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,35,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1817,discuss
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,900,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",643,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,2317,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,2078,unrelated
Heartwarming video shows son revealing he’s paid off parent’s mortgage as a Christmas gift,988,agree
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",2334,discuss
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,1234,unrelated
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",1730,discuss
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,40,unrelated
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,2412,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,1804,unrelated
"Unhappy Customer: Comcast Told My Employer About Complaint, Got Me Fired",1007,discuss
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1197,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1841,agree
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,263,agree
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2070,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1539,unrelated
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",815,discuss
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1982,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",2330,unrelated
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,1319,unrelated
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,672,discuss
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,104,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1291,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,2520,discuss
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),2034,unrelated
"Islamic Tribunal Using Sharia Law In Texas Has Been Confirmed Tribunal members say they will avoid Sharia's ""criminal law.""",1416,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,816,unrelated
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,2354,discuss
Hero soldier Nathan Cirillo killed by convicted criminal Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2134,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",887,unrelated
ISIS supporters mourn death of ‘youngest fighter’,220,unrelated
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",1406,unrelated
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,2302,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2388,discuss
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,2526,unrelated
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!,2521,disagree
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",879,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",1693,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,511,agree
Amazon plans ad-supported video streaming service - NY post,2152,discuss
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1702,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",2374,discuss
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1500,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,527,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,251,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,663,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",1019,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,267,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,2443,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",1014,agree
Viral Photo Shows How Chinese Workers Are Used to Manipulate App Store Rankings,23,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,676,unrelated
Texas Town Quarantined After Family Of Five Test Positive For The Ebola Virus,968,disagree
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,1637,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1778,agree
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",286,discuss
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2508,agree
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",693,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",2192,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1786,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",2147,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,958,unrelated
"Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before launch",1069,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",87,discuss
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,1034,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,1500,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",817,unrelated
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,1368,unrelated
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,2314,unrelated
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,2142,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1857,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1549,disagree
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,1877,agree
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,737,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",324,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,872,discuss
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1442,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale's Steve Jobs,1642,unrelated
Air travelers wary of Ebola fears seen with surgical masks ... and a HAZMAT suit,1955,discuss
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,2375,unrelated
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",670,unrelated
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,244,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",1457,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],2003,discuss
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,1107,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,2445,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,726,agree
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",2252,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,755,agree
US Marine survives headshot from Taliban (video),2421,unrelated
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,2010,discuss
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,428,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1795,disagree
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,1790,discuss
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",1839,unrelated
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,941,unrelated
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",2033,unrelated
"The gold Apple Watch Edition could set you back a whopping $4,999",2188,unrelated
Update: Frisco paramedics transporting patient believed to be exhibiting Ebola-like symptoms,1119,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1795,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1120,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,26,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2187,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,704,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1374,unrelated
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,2132,agree
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1921,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1697,unrelated
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,1338,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,1107,unrelated
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",2329,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,2042,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,2364,discuss
NASA: Viral news on days of darkness in December is hoax,696,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,2344,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",137,unrelated
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,171,discuss
Google said to buy six silicon valley buildings for $585 million,1549,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",2155,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",1481,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1806,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,2175,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,234,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,2296,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1340,discuss
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",447,unrelated
Saudi cleric issues fatwa on snowmen,1498,discuss
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,2472,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,694,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1692,discuss
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",2404,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,706,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2463,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1213,disagree
Italian catches huge wels catfish; is it a record?,0,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2407,unrelated
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,1778,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",505,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,2528,unrelated
"No, Jordan's King Abdullah II is not personally flying planes against Isis",803,unrelated
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,1790,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,239,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,533,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,2404,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,2344,discuss
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",2302,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1883,agree
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,752,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,2388,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1789,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1351,unrelated
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",1239,unrelated
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,1888,agree
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1104,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",26,unrelated
"Report: Stainless steel Apple Watch will be priced $500, gold at $5,000",1651,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',2060,discuss
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2524,agree
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1648,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1120,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2147,discuss
or Leader Ahmed Abdi Godane Killed in U.S. Strike,1921,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1040,unrelated
"Apple's New MacBook Will Be A Thinner, Cleaner, Faster 12-Inch MacBook Air",879,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",359,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,34,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1921,unrelated
Actor has his testicles stolen after meeting ‘young blonde woman at a bar’,1365,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,40,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",2106,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,1885,discuss
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",405,unrelated
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,1899,discuss
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',190,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",534,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1790,discuss
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,572,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,1478,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,754,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',1769,discuss
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,693,unrelated
"Islamic State Militants Have Been Flying 3 Captured Warplanes Over Syrian Airport, Witnesses Say",2408,discuss
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,171,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,2055,discuss
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,511,unrelated
Shocking picture shows mother trying to sell her own son to pay for twin daughter's cancer treatment,1467,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1697,unrelated
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,1787,unrelated
Amazon is opening its first physical store,703,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),2125,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,1406,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",2389,discuss
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',269,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,2061,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",2338,discuss
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,1817,unrelated
HBO in talks with Apple to be launch partner for coming web service 'HBO Now',2419,unrelated
Man cut off manhood and threw it in bin after girlfriend dumped him over small penis,908,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",2230,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1807,discuss
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,2431,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1678,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,1478,unrelated
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",263,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1549,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,115,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,2033,unrelated
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,1742,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,7,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1271,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,1574,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Apple Watch to reportedly offer 'Power Reserve' to help extend battery life,2124,discuss
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",1940,agree
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,570,unrelated
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,1338,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,2191,discuss
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",2354,agree
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",1296,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,2478,agree
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,7,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,1889,discuss
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,687,unrelated
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,2327,discuss
"ISIS Unleash ""Scorpion"" Bombs In Iraq",386,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1966,discuss
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,830,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,225,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,472,unrelated
Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed girlfriend says she was born a BOY and reveals 'amazing' sex with Olympian,1820,agree
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1291,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,1670,unrelated
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,431,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,1797,disagree
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",511,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1900,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",634,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1071,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,533,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",773,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1403,unrelated
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",521,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,1940,unrelated
"280 Pound Catfish: Fisherman Makes Huge Catch In Italy, Catfish Could Set Record",2371,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1921,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1545,agree
Apple Watch launch reportedly planned for Fe
uary with limited supply,2278,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",1017,agree
ISIS Getting Ebola,1807,discuss
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,1217,unrelated
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,1697,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1588,discuss
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,2389,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1002,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,1569,discuss
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],616,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",280,unrelated
American Predator Drone Circling Islamic State’s Stronghold,1657,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1906,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1478,agree
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",273,discuss
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1912,discuss
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,1825,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1368,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,1708,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,2317,discuss
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,1325,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,286,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",80,unrelated
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,1169,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",1237,discuss
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,542,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,320,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,387,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2130,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,2252,unrelated
ISIS Hostage Alan Henning's Wife Invokes Sharia Law in New Plea,1416,discuss
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",1426,unrelated
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,615,discuss
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",2497,discuss
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,1936,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,2297,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1549,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment",2502,agree
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,483,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",2295,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1361,unrelated
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria,1406,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',244,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,2421,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,2250,discuss
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1375,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1022,agree
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,2409,discuss
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",1740,unrelated
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",2142,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,125,unrelated
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,2152,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,1883,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',2016,agree
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1817,unrelated
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",712,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1569,unrelated
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",1795,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,704,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,1785,unrelated
A Bunch Of Folks Are Passing Around This Hoax Video Of A Bird Pooping On Vladimir Putin,2502,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,2067,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",1996,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,1938,unrelated
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,1256,unrelated
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,2470,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2386,discuss
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,2025,discuss
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,971,unrelated
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",2434,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,1317,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1234,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,11,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,511,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),93,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1821,agree
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,2483,unrelated
"Amazon reportedly launching free, ad-supported video service (updated)",531,unrelated
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,2236,discuss
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy,89,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead hoax: Fake death report spreads on social networks,195,unrelated
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,387,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,2483,agree
North Korea denies plans to open a restaurant in Scotland,2418,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",2265,unrelated
Actor has his testicles stolen after meeting ‘young blonde woman at a bar’,845,agree
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1821,discuss
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,2067,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2044,unrelated
Putin’s motorcade looks suspiciously like a massive…,1385,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,1048,unrelated
"Predator Drone Reportedly Sighted Circling Raqqa, Syria",1802,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,1361,discuss
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,304,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,511,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,572,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,2481,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2261,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1744,discuss
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,1757,discuss
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",1177,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,2263,agree
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,2236,discuss
"What they earn: Vice CEO Shane Smith’s $300,000 steak dinner",1299,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1541,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,1905,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,2155,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",208,unrelated
"High-end Apple Watch to start at $5,000 -- analyst",2092,discuss
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Michael Phelps' Cougar Girlfriend Revealed?,1806,discuss
Has a woman aborted her baby because it's a boy?,2213,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1036,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,2037,discuss
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1658,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,2045,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,206,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",891,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,214,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,1291,unrelated
"'Star Wars VII' News, Update: JJ A
ams Pushing for Summer Release?",2434,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",1996,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",1852,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1256,unrelated
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,80,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,2176,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,1528,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",1314,discuss
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,2434,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1166,discuss
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,1740,agree
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,1780,discuss
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,179,agree
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1956,discuss
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,2123,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,2177,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,2196,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1627,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,992,unrelated
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit,1500,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,903,discuss
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1530,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found in BUCKINGHAM PALACE by Alan Titchmarsh,562,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot from Taliban (video),2046,agree
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,975,agree
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",2448,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1579,discuss
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,1936,unrelated
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),80,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2525,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,2061,unrelated
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,404,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,1323,unrelated
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,1905,agree
Comcast Declares War on Tor?,1104,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,1240,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,2116,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1252,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",2088,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",1305,discuss
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',1938,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,144,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,1385,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',800,unrelated
A Man Says Comcast Called His Boss And Got Him Fired After He Complained About Its Service,1338,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,305,unrelated
News sites fall for Putin bird-dropping video,1087,discuss
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1751,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",1926,unrelated
Will King of Jordan lead airstrikes on ISIS HIMSELF? Reports say trained pilot plans to take part in attack after quoting Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven to Congressmen,1365,unrelated
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,1746,discuss
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,465,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",2296,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,1237,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1379,discuss
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,1724,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2403,unrelated
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",2044,unrelated
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,1952,discuss
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,1979,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,793,agree
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1921,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",508,discuss
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",399,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",324,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",134,agree
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",2295,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2450,discuss
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",568,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,913,unrelated
Another ISIS Massacre: ISIS Kills 300 Iraqi Soldiers With Chlorine Gas,2016,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,51,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",1890,agree
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",121,unrelated
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",1476,unrelated
US airstrike targets Al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane in Somalia,941,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,816,discuss
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",950,unrelated
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",1863,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1351,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1722,discuss
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1269,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,761,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,900,unrelated
Apple was forced to nix key health features from its smartwatch -- report,821,unrelated
EBay appears to be planning an Apple Watch app,1397,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1569,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1471,agree
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1137,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1167,discuss
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1489,discuss
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,2045,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1034,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,2458,unrelated
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",239,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,844,unrelated
"No, Vladimir Putin did not get pooped on by a bird during a First World War speech",2472,unrelated
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),1343,discuss
Wayward sister ‘nun the wiser’ about baby,2388,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",398,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",296,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],2211,unrelated
Lucita Sandoval sex tape hoax: Viral Argentine video features college student ― not 16-year-old boy,933,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1786,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1473,discuss
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1223,unrelated retracts claim about racist email from professor,1863,discuss
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,1234,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1658,agree
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2187,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,1776,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1047,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1899,unrelated
"Predator Drone Reportedly Sighted Circling Raqqa, Syria",2186,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,949,agree
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,2142,discuss
Comcast blocks Tor,1572,discuss
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,2497,discuss
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",2045,unrelated
ESPN to save NFL's image with all-male domestic abuse discussion,825,unrelated
Willie Nelson Dead? Internet Freaks Out As Another Cele
ity Death Hoax Makes The Rounds,1383,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1358,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,2313,unrelated
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",1277,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",171,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,874,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1905,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),2328,unrelated
Mirfield man's tears of joy after lost voicemail of wife retrieved,996,agree
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1339,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],1002,discuss
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',1888,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,1864,discuss
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1580,discuss
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,298,unrelated
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,2102,agree
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",137,unrelated
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,2305,agree
Vladimir Putin Bird Poop Video is Fake,2174,disagree
"Comcast Turns Complaints Back On Customer, Gets His Employer To Fire Him",1814,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,961,agree
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,720,unrelated
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,529,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",1938,unrelated
Missing Planes,1022,unrelated
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,981,agree
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,2070,agree
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,1954,discuss
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,1442,discuss
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,1034,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,1528,discuss
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,1347,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,190,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1263,disagree
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1974,unrelated
"What they earn: Vice CEO Shane Smith’s $300,000 steak dinner",1791,agree
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1853,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,1921,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,1323,unrelated
SEE IT: NBC meteorologist Mike Seidel appears to relieve himself during
oadcast; network says he was looking for phone,775,unrelated
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,1660,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,2240,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',2309,discuss
British man pays $460 to save constipated goldfish's life,271,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1291,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1939,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,742,discuss
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,2115,unrelated
Tiger Woods' agent shoots down report of failed drug test,1589,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1004,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,35,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,2283,unrelated
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,72,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1256,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",1439,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1426,unrelated
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,2440,discuss
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1848,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,872,discuss
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,217,discuss
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',381,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",737,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,833,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),2410,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,387,unrelated
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,60,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",992,unrelated
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",879,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,562,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1406,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,958,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,2463,discuss
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1631,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,2483,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,1589,unrelated
You're Not Going to Become Weightless on January 4th,169,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,1022,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1195,discuss
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1923,disagree
This Dog Was Left At A Railway Station With A Suitcase Of His Belongings After He Was Sold On Gumtree,2483,agree
"NYPD to issue tickets instead of a
est for weed possession, report says",1217,unrelated
North Korea denies plans to open a restaurant in Scotland,1217,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,320,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,321,unrelated
Man cut off manhood and threw it in bin after girlfriend dumped him over small penis,1400,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2317,discuss
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',803,unrelated
High School Student Rumored to Have Made $72 Million Trading Stocks,1693,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,826,unrelated
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",686,unrelated
"Islamic State Militants Have Been Flying 3 Captured Warplanes Over Syrian Airport, Witnesses Say",487,unrelated
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",781,unrelated
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,518,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,2165,discuss
‘The cub of Baghdadi': ISIS reports its youngest jihadist ‘got martyred’ in battle,6,discuss
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,423,discuss
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,387,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,1095,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,1422,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,1803,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead hoax: Fake death report spreads on social networks,1545,agree
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1840,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,5,unrelated
Tiger Woods serving secret PED suspension?,1339,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1681,discuss
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',170,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,1398,discuss
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,640,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",1519,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
Amazon Is Opening a Brick-and-Mortar Store in Manhattan,195,unrelated
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,72,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,1372,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,1487,discuss
Islamic State Flying Three Jets in Syria,2362,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1921,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,991,discuss
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,34,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',1374,unrelated
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,1948,unrelated
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,1931,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,662,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",832,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,2141,unrelated
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",1251,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,1500,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,2156,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,1982,unrelated
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,592,unrelated
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",972,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2033,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,1846,agree
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,186,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,0,unrelated
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,1472,discuss
“Willie Nelson dead 2015” : Guitarist killed by internet death hoax,2046,unrelated
ury Christ Church University student Jess Smith, from Chatham, sta
ed as Teletu
ies' sun",2076,agree
No One In North Korea Is Allowed To Share Kim Jong Un's Name,2106,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,2417,discuss
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,2087,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,2344,discuss
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1720,unrelated
Amazon's Newest Tablet Will Come With Free News From The Washington Post,1224,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2138,discuss
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,10,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,574,unrelated
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,2526,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,2509,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,690,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,2084,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,983,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1430,discuss
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,313,unrelated
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,1689,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",612,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,2127,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1772,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1206,discuss
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1786,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,1375,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,666,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1131,discuss
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1808,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2434,discuss
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",2147,unrelated
"Man chops off own penis, throws it in a dustbin after poor show in bed",1400,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,1103,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",692,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,1538,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,2281,agree
Utah Man Hospitalized After Winning Eggnog Chugging Contest,2440,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1034,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi allegedly killed by US airstrikes,936,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1605,discuss
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,737,unrelated
"Tiger Woods is not on suspension for failing a drug test, his agent and a PGA official say",438,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,2129,unrelated
Vandal paints penis on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,1453,disagree
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",1954,agree
"Would you pay $10,000 for the Apple Watch?",2187,discuss
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,986,disagree
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,181,unrelated
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",2509,unrelated
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,2306,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,2304,unrelated
"NYPD to stop a
esting for low-level marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead: source",1383,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,502,discuss
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,1258,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,2067,unrelated
EXCLUSIVE: New York Mag’s Boy Genius Investor Made It All Up,1693,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",892,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,2367,discuss
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",1965,disagree
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1179,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1009,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,2046,unrelated
"Want a Gold Apple Watch? All You Need is $5,000",607,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,1707,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2127,unrelated
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",244,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",615,unrelated
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,1831,agree
Report: Apple Watch to Ship in March,554,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,1697,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1299,disagree
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,682,unrelated
Vladimir Putin’s Motorcade Looks Like A Massive Knob,1021,unrelated
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,1210,unrelated
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",487,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,2250,discuss
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,2495,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1471,agree
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,1398,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1948,discuss
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1299,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",125,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,662,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1166,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,2149,discuss
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,300,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",2139,discuss
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",2003,discuss
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1256,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,936,unrelated
NYC relaxes response to marijuana possession,775,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,1539,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,195,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: Internet duped by fake report claiming that the street artist's identity has been revealed,1349,unrelated
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,844,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,2165,agree
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,456,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",2489,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,1795,agree
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,89,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",139,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,1376,agree
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,2481,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,1854,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,171,unrelated
Cesar Millan is Not Dead: Dog Whisperer Death Hoax Circulates,1429,unrelated
The Apple Watch's battery life will reportedly be just like any other smartwatch,1904,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,2096,discuss
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,922,agree
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,2187,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,879,unrelated
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",1795,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1251,unrelated
Michael Phelps' Reported Girlfriend Reveals She Was Born Intersex,521,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1818,discuss
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",1883,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1106,discuss
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",1187,discuss
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,846,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",1634,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",167,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",698,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,964,unrelated
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",2448,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',2053,discuss
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2261,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",403,unrelated
American hostage killed in rescue attempt in Yemen - senior official,1256,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1982,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',530,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",874,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,459,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,2375,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,761,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1430,discuss
Mohammed Islam Denies Making $72 Million From Stock Market Trading,313,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,1314,discuss
Reports: Islamic State uses chlorine gas against Iraqi forces,2197,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,2230,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,1756,discuss
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1179,unrelated
"ISIS using bombs containing live SCORPIONS in effort to spread panic, in tactic used 2,000 years ago against Romans",48,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2248,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,1360,unrelated
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,1256,unrelated
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",1182,agree
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1744,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,503,unrelated
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,2251,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,239,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,11,discuss
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,61,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,1948,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,2511,discuss
A Letter Lego Sent to Parents in 1974 Holds an Important Message for the Parents of 2014,212,discuss
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,86,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1358,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,731,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,2410,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,2230,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1299,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1438,unrelated
No One In North Korea Is Allowed To Share Kim Jong Un's Name,1975,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1974,discuss
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",2064,discuss
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,2135,discuss
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",858,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1372,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",2081,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",2356,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",2037,discuss
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',2087,unrelated
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",858,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,1697,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,1673,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,2313,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",527,unrelated
Apple in talks to become launch partner for cable-free HBO Now service,2028,unrelated
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,760,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,2175,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,125,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,121,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",2240,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2404,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,951,discuss
Son pays off his parents' mortgage in a heartwarming Christmas video,377,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,2419,unrelated
Islamic State Declares Captured Aid Worker to be 'Innocent',2524,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,1004,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,959,unrelated
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',1159,discuss
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,585,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,357,discuss
"Dogs DO go to heaven… and cats, and horses: Pope assures young boy that there is a place in paradise for animals as well",1371,agree
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",1308,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2403,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,158,unrelated
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,1103,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,2520,discuss
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,706,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,874,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',1906,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1746,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2526,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1603,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),730,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,381,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,2039,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",958,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,1125,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],2046,unrelated
"North Korea ordered citizens named Kim Jong Un to change their names, says new report",1175,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1083,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,1179,discuss
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,87,unrelated
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,1611,discuss
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",615,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,320,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1299,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,2387,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1658,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2118,discuss
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",35,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,2042,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1808,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,1826,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,1415,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1715,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1506,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1223,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,539,unrelated
Sick Mum Sedated After Trying To Eat Baby,1462,agree
"Soldier, Gunman Killed In Shooting Incident Near Canadian Parliament",373,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,2068,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1778,discuss
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,1737,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,2520,unrelated
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",147,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,121,unrelated
Russians Bag Better Bigfoot Footage,2377,discuss
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,344,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,2264,discuss
Has J.J. A
ams Asked for THE FORCE AWAKENS Release Date to be Moved Up?,1897,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",919,agree
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,900,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,34,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,1256,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,646,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1603,unrelated
For sale: Tiger's former island in Sweden,965,agree
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,754,unrelated
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,698,discuss
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2317,discuss
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,2299,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1106,discuss
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,847,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,1252,unrelated
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants,1337,discuss
NBC's Tom Brokaw reportedly wants Brian Williams fired over fa
icated Iraq helicopter story,29,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,773,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,450,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,2248,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1502,unrelated
America's oldest time capsule unearthed at Boston statehouse after being buried in 1795 by Sam Adams and Paul Revere,1997,discuss
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1950,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",609,unrelated
Official: Gitmo prisoner traded for Bergdahl reaching out to Taliban,2236,discuss
"Pizza delivery man gets tipped more than $2,000 for a single delivery",542,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1588,discuss
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,186,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,1648,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1351,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,81,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,2078,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,139,unrelated
Texas Plumber Has ‘No Idea’ How Company Truck Ended Up With ISIS,2379,agree
KC hospital: Patient does not have symptom profile of Ebola,1349,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",487,unrelated
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,2328,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",966,agree
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",2313,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,1832,unrelated
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,1019,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,944,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,1149,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,1165,unrelated
Marijuana Law New York: How No-A
est Policy Could Make Things Worse For Minor Offenders ,1022,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1175,discuss
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,1780,discuss
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,1180,agree
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,286,unrelated
Amazon Is Opening a Brick-and-Mortar Store in Manhattan,1369,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,2367,discuss
Widower Cries Tears Of Joy After Hearing Late Wife's Voice Again,565,agree
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,320,unrelated
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,269,unrelated
y, KFC isn't going to be selling weed in Colorado restaurants",2456,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1948,discuss
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,2097,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1709,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1471,agree
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1569,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,1299,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,11,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2287,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1996,agree
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,2081,unrelated
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1708,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1003,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,1010,discuss
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,730,unrelated
American hostage killed in rescue attempt in Yemen - senior official,115,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,1347,unrelated
Killing in the name of! Kim Jong-un launches attack on others named 'Kim Jong-un',1419,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: The death hoax is once again on the child actor,2022,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,2263,agree
Report—Jose Canseco accidentally shot at his home tonight,333,discuss
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,54,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1435,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,304,unrelated
North Korea denies plans to open a restaurant in Scotland,2314,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",2463,discuss
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2403,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",402,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',226,unrelated
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,2370,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,826,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",1020,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,1175,unrelated
Texas Plumber Isn't Sure How Extremists In Syria Ended Up With His Work Truck,2145,agree
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,2078,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2147,discuss
Developer quits using the app he was hired to make—or did he?,562,unrelated
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",1678,unrelated
This Is The Most Epic Way To Quit Your Job,2458,agree
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,2109,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,1950,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',40,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1740,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],1157,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",2303,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2047,discuss
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,1253,unrelated
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,1095,unrelated
Woman Spends Entire Week In KFC After Getting Dumped By Her Boyfriend,1819,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,1855,discuss
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",1528,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1347,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",1227,disagree
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,208,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,1168,discuss
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,423,discuss
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2252,unrelated
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,1175,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",2055,agree
Vladimir Putin Bird Poop Video is Fake,1028,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,346,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",855,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1588,discuss
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",625,unrelated
"ISIS using bombs containing live SCORPIONS in effort to spread panic, in tactic used 2,000 years ago against Romans",2257,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",1572,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,1789,unrelated
That powerful Lego letter to parents from the 1970s? It's real,1292,agree
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,2330,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,2410,unrelated
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",1574,unrelated
Apple Watch’s Power Reserve feature combats short battery life,1223,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,557,unrelated
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",1651,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,850,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),296,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",1360,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1982,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1913,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,2329,discuss
oken girl spends week in KFC after getting dumped,1299,unrelated
What TBS’s Sped-Up Seinfeld Reruns Tell Us About the So
y State of America,1222,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,788,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1966,agree
Iraqi airstrike kills key ISIL leader,1634,discuss
Update: Did Make Up This Story About The Web Sheriff Ben Edelman Sending Racist Emails?,1477,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",991,discuss
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,1966,unrelated
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair,161,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,630,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",225,unrelated
Microsoft Hires Dalek-style Robocops to Guard Silicon Valley HQ,2228,agree
Comcast gets customer fired for complaining about poor service,1164,unrelated
Israel denies causing Gaza floods by opening dams,1803,disagree
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1472,discuss
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1506,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,299,discuss
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1786,unrelated
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,1170,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1466,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,1197,unrelated
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,1746,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,2440,discuss
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,922,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",984,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",225,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,206,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,971,unrelated
Future Apple Watches could include platinum models - report,1724,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,1457,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,459,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,498,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",2045,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",1987,discuss
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,527,unrelated
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,2096,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",530,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",2070,unrelated
Apple 'working on 12-inch MacBook Air',1063,discuss
State House time capsule from 1795 unearthed,419,unrelated
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",2328,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1699,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,2005,agree
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",1355,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",1374,unrelated
Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus now guarded by Daleks,2432,agree
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1905,unrelated
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",687,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",829,unrelated
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,2240,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1966,unrelated
Apple Watch delayed for Fe
uary in limited quantity,2116,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1210,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,2180,discuss
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,56,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1148,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,1627,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,1724,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1438,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,456,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,2234,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,1171,agree
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,2498,unrelated
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,1689,unrelated
Update: Did Make Up This Story About The Web Sheriff Ben Edelman Sending Racist Emails?,1852,unrelated
Saudi cleric issues fatwa against building snowmen,1029,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1009,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,1670,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",130,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,2367,unrelated
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,1097,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,2252,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",1368,unrelated
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,1948,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1019,disagree
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Reports say North Korea's Kim insists on being the only Jong Un,2176,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,258,unrelated
Cold Turkey,2483,unrelated
Report: Apple Watch to Ship in March,376,discuss
"Woman, Ting Su, Finds Husband Cheating With Her Own Twin, Gets Spectacular Revenge",626,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,263,agree
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,304,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,2314,discuss
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,2330,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1438,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,1483,unrelated
Italian catches huge wels catfish; is it a record?,1338,agree
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',724,unrelated
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",1862,discuss
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,311,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',682,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1107,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2304,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",2156,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,1022,unrelated
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,2351,agree
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",2440,unrelated
"#Daysofdarkness: No, There Won't Be Six Days Of Darkness In December",2520,unrelated
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,2197,unrelated
A Murdered Witness?,1289,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1873,unrelated
HBO Reportedly in Talks with Apple for Launch of New Unbundled Streaming Service,1534,discuss
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1948,discuss
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,1595,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1288,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1215,agree
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,524,unrelated
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,311,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1893,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1459,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,1848,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,1143,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1982,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",385,unrelated
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,2054,discuss
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,981,discuss
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1808,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,1574,unrelated
Chugging eggnog sends Utah man to hospital,667,agree
KC Man Does Not Have Ebola,2306,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',1263,disagree
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1040,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,2208,agree
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",61,unrelated
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,2452,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1692,discuss
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1678,unrelated
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,2504,disagree
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1210,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1658,discuss
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",1478,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,1661,unrelated
Man Severed Penis That Failed To Impress Girls,812,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',2084,unrelated
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,2302,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,826,unrelated
"Kevin Vickers, Sergeant-At-Arms, Shoots a Shooting Suspect in Ottawa; Called a ‘Hero’",1002,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,2328,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,626,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,1439,unrelated
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",56,unrelated
Saudi cleric says snowmen are anti-Islamic,942,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2109,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,2463,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,2192,unrelated
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,2423,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1721,discuss
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,559,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,2470,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1949,unrelated
"No, ESPN is not having an all-male domestic violence panel tonight",1148,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",373,unrelated
Female teacher facing sack after making SEX TAPE with teenager,482,disagree
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,2191,discuss
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",2295,unrelated
Penis Spray-Painted on a $2.5 Million Car Was Just for a Prank Video,81,agree
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1330,discuss
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,467,unrelated
"Dogs DO go to heaven… and cats, and horses: Pope assures young boy that there is a place in paradise for animals as well",1408,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1800,discuss
Utah Man Hospitalized After Winning Eggnog Chugging Contest,77,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,40,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,1268,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1471,agree
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,2303,unrelated
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!,1240,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",2293,discuss
Jose Canseco shoots self in hand,1840,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1388,discuss
ush list actually do so sister you tired it?,2420,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,2495,discuss
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,704,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1912,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,139,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',72,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",724,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1358,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Stronghold,1657,discuss
Texas plumber baffled after truck ends up in the hands of Syrian rebels,1562,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,2175,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1839,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2421,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,639,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,754,unrelated
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,1829,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,2397,discuss
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1481,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,860,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,2506,unrelated
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",2385,unrelated
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,388,agree
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,551,unrelated
ESPN’s Domestic Abuse Tonight Panel Will Be 100% Dudes,1370,discuss
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",169,unrelated
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",609,unrelated
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',2456,discuss
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",724,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,2130,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",2520,unrelated
"These LEGO Instructions from 1974 Are Awesome (And Yes, They're Real)",1292,agree
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,1940,discuss
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),35,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1120,unrelated
Has this Argentine woman fallen victim to a cruel online hoax? Adult video claiming to show teacher having sex with pupil isn't all it seems,1734,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",51,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,803,unrelated
#RIPFidel fuels false rumors of Cuban leader's death after another Fidel Castro dies,2399,discuss
SEE IT: NBC meteorologist Mike Seidel appears to relieve himself during
oadcast; network says he was looking for phone,1047,unrelated
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",962,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",2009,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1808,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,2141,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2047,discuss
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1339,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,1296,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2127,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1261,unrelated
Rumors Of Fidel Castro's Death Circulate After Prolonged Absence From Public Life,2399,discuss
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,2431,unrelated
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,2476,discuss
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,1522,discuss
"Despite no Ebola case in Kansas City, the rumor goes viral",2306,unrelated
After ISIS trick mum into eating son - 5 other reluctant cannibals including those forced to eat own body parts,220,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,1361,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,2022,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2130,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1862,disagree
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1708,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,2097,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,1681,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,903,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",2498,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,1647,agree
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1103,unrelated
You all had an abortion! [Google Translate],2124,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",2470,discuss
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',1095,discuss
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,1923,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1539,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,1293,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,186,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,2118,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,1916,discuss
Texas Plumber Has ‘No Idea’ How Company Truck Ended Up With ISIS,1467,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,932,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",125,unrelated
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,1325,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1786,unrelated
Is this proof of bigfoot? New 'yeti' video shows giant hairy beast walking through forest,1820,unrelated
Woman spends a week in KFC to get over her
eak up,1791,unrelated
'Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December' Fake News Story Goes Viral,2520,unrelated
Matt Tai
i takes a leave of absence from First Look Media,1438,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1125,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",251,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,1213,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2134,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1744,discuss
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel,251,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,450,unrelated
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,1277,unrelated
That's one way to get through security! Frustrated traveller strips completely NAKED at airport to pass through metal detectors,1568,agree
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,1308,discuss
Man who slaps people around the head for sneezing hunted by police,1660,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1897,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,304,unrelated
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,382,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",682,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,2141,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,214,unrelated
North Korea denies plans to open a restaurant in Scotland,773,unrelated
Mechanical polar bear ‘threatened with ASBO for singing Christmas songs’,2252,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1179,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,450,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,2268,unrelated
ISIS supporters mourn death of ‘youngest fighter’,1261,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],570,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,34,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,186,unrelated
Does ISIS have an airforce? Te
orist 'fighter pilots' are being trained on captured MiGs by Saddam Hussein's ex-air force officers,2188,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,703,disagree
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,2067,unrelated
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,1434,discuss
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,1256,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,1461,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,220,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1846,discuss
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2495,discuss
iOS 8 bug reportedly erases iCloud Drive documents when settings are reset,883,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,2149,discuss
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,2106,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1658,discuss
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",2269,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,2445,disagree
Report: Apple Watch Will Need Charging Every Day,1349,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,2266,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,2092,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,903,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",530,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",1249,discuss
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",1198,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,1976,discuss
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,2176,discuss
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",321,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",2302,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,839,agree
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,1702,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,530,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",235,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2302,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1439,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,2056,unrelated
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it,812,unrelated
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel,1233,discuss
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,1336,unrelated
"PGA Tour Pro Claims Tiger Woods Is Cu
ently Suspended For PEDs, Compares Him To Lance Armstrong",2330,discuss
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,964,unrelated
What TBS’s Sped-Up Seinfeld Reruns Tell Us About the So
y State of America,2187,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",1521,disagree
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1873,unrelated
Paul Rudd Helped Tackle A Violent Homophobe So That’s Another Reason To Love Him [UPDATE],1814,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1659,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1215,disagree
Vice squad’s $1m win lights up Las Vegas,737,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,527,unrelated
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,404,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1384,unrelated
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired,217,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1034,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1347,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",1036,unrelated
Amazon's Newest Tablet Will Come With Free News From The Washington Post,2061,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1413,unrelated
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,1439,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,2520,unrelated
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,2417,discuss
Guantanamo detainee who was swapped in prisoner deal for Bowe Bergdahl 'tried to rejoin 'Al Qaeda',1398,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,1079,agree
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1175,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',298,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,1360,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,2175,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1299,disagree
Apple Watch’s Power Reserve feature combats short battery life,78,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,1769,unrelated
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,636,agree
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1789,unrelated
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,1921,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1873,unrelated
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,1680,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',404,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,567,discuss
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2404,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",559,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,2477,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,311,unrelated
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",2090,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,511,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,600,discuss
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,125,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1646,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,2248,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,731,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1603,unrelated
HBO in talks with Apple to be launch partner for coming web service 'HBO Now',551,unrelated
Comcast gets customer fired for complaining about poor service,2447,unrelated
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,2508,agree
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1319,agree
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,2290,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,633,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",2356,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1166,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,2450,agree
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,173,agree
Saudi cleric says snowmen are anti-Islamic,2456,agree
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',2385,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,704,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,2434,discuss
Saudis Say Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed on TV,1975,agree
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,1909,unrelated
What This Homeless Guy Did With $100 Completely Stunned The Man Who Gave It To Him,2370,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1438,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,2152,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,1996,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2386,discuss
"Report: Stainless steel Apple Watch will be priced $500, gold at $5,000",1983,discuss
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,1372,disagree
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',2045,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",2044,unrelated
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in Fe
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1013,unrelated
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",1447,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1569,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1897,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,2097,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1125,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1009,discuss
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,1457,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2096,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,2344,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",752,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1893,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",777,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",2132,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,1192,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1437,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",235,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,2526,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Baseball star Jose Canseco hurt in accidental shooting,2352,agree
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,2330,agree
"Why the most expensive Apple Watch will probably cost around $10,000",1631,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,874,unrelated
"How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?",648,agree
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1009,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,908,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1603,unrelated
Chinese parents try to SELL their son to pay for medical treatment for his sick twin sister,1698,agree
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1148,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1333,discuss
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1481,unrelated
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",2344,discuss
Update: Did Make Up This Story About The Web Sheriff Ben Edelman Sending Racist Emails?,1049,unrelated
"12in Retina MacBook Air release date rumours: All-new 12in MacBook Air design for 2015, launching at WWDC?",1545,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",825,discuss
"Amazon reportedly launching free, ad-supported video service (updated)",1408,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,34,unrelated
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,2116,unrelated
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,2360,unrelated
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,2295,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1722,discuss
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",932,unrelated
Matt Tai
i Disappears From Omidyar’s First Look Media,2188,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,2529,agree
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,304,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1427,unrelated
"Tiger Woods is not on suspension for failing a drug test, his agent and a PGA official say",550,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,214,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",125,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",298,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",1003,unrelated
Nasa’s ‘six days of total darkness in December 2014’ is a hoax,2423,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1795,unrelated
Research Medical Center denies reports that a patient has Ebola,99,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",119,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,1048,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,433,discuss
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1298,discuss
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1958,agree
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,269,unrelated
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,2397,discuss
Apple Watch won’t be the digital doctor it could have been,2409,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",1739,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,1239,unrelated
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,1089,discuss
This Dog Was Left At A Railway Station With A Suitcase Of His Belongings After He Was Sold On Gumtree,269,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,2450,discuss
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",2314,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,571,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,716,discuss
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1891,discuss
"Apple: Citi Sees $550 and $950 Apple Watches, Accessory Plethora",2414,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1720,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,2440,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,570,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,2078,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,719,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,2166,agree
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1966,agree
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1883,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,225,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,1949,agree
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,662,unrelated
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,1473,disagree
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,586,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",1347,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],2463,unrelated
Official: Gitmo prisoner traded for Bergdahl reaching out to Taliban,819,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,1042,disagree
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been STOLEN after he is drugged in Russian bar by attractive blonde working for organ traffickers,91,unrelated
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",1708,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",1921,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1574,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),2470,discuss
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,2268,discuss
Google said to buy six silicon valley buildings for $585 million,2329,discuss
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,900,unrelated
Rodney Constantine keeps Facebook promise and turns himself in to police,467,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,1883,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1896,discuss
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",1026,agree
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",267,unrelated
Michael Phelps Sex Scandal: Troubled Olympian’s Girlfriend Was Born A Man!,330,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,267,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,826,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,428,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,760,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,1680,unrelated
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",524,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],721,discuss
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2489,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1637,unrelated
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1262,discuss
Small red book among finds in 113-year-old Boston time capsule,1239,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,1854,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1093,discuss
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1613,discuss
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",2398,agree
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,1835,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1891,discuss
'Snake wine' to the rescue of Kim Jong-un's love life,941,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,2252,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',1457,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",557,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,1572,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,35,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,1572,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",304,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1897,unrelated
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',724,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1234,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,2340,discuss
"Man chops off own penis, throws it in a dustbin after poor show in bed",1379,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",2118,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1435,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",800,unrelated
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,761,unrelated
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,1395,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,137,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,2299,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,687,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,1427,unrelated
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,1598,discuss
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,2016,unrelated
Killing in the name of! Kim Jong-un launches attack on others named 'Kim Jong-un',979,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",2031,agree
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,633,unrelated
J.J. A
ams Asks Disney To Move Up 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Release Date,1269,discuss
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,609,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1776,discuss
American hostage killed in rescue attempt in Yemen - senior official,2184,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1263,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,1940,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,1355,unrelated
Someone Spraypainted A Penis On A £1.5m Bugatti Veyron And It Went Very Viral,557,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1613,discuss
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',2314,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,1461,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1574,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",571,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1192,discuss
Giant 8ft 9in catfish weighing 19 stone caught in Italy is thought to be the biggest ever reeled in with a rod and line,2196,agree
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",2403,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1471,agree
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",220,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,633,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,137,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,43,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,93,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,633,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",1605,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",220,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,87,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1361,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',2283,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",2118,discuss
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,958,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,696,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,649,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,75,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",239,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,781,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,26,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,286,unrelated
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,409,agree
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1427,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1351,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1226,discuss
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1634,discuss
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers,399,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,2091,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,706,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1293,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,244,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",891,unrelated
Al Qaida hostage killed in raid,56,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,1686,unrelated
Jose Canseco shoots self in hand,695,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",1603,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",703,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,777,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,1877,unrelated
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",1269,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,40,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2525,unrelated
Islamic State fighters detonate 'SCORPION bombs' in te
or siege,48,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,676,unrelated
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,2175,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",1457,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,359,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,1853,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,2306,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,2506,unrelated
Animal lovers abuzz over pope’s comments that 'paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',1832,disagree
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,2223,unrelated
Hilarious: North Dakota Pays Special Tribute to President Obama,2367,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,2067,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,2459,unrelated
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,599,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',1648,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",2118,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,346,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",459,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,43,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",2044,agree
“Axl Rose dead 2014” : Guns N' Roses frontman killed by internet death hoax,292,agree
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,2129,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",704,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi allegedly killed by US airstrikes,2036,unrelated
20-year-old burger: McDonald's Quarter Pounder looks eerily new after 2 decades,1806,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",1867,unrelated
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,1670,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,2337,disagree
BREAKING NEWS: Baseball star Jose Canseco hurt in accidental shooting,1772,unrelated
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,1757,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,1565,unrelated
"Hoax Report Claims 250,000 Texas Turkeys Infected With Ebola",2035,unrelated
Willie Nelson Dead? Viral Hoax Fools Internet,858,unrelated
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1249,discuss
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1787,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1670,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,1535,unrelated
Bali Awry,1422,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,359,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,251,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1670,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,1524,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,121,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,591,unrelated
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,1563,disagree
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,1365,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",139,unrelated
Islamic State militants allegedly used chlorine gas against Iraqi security forces,251,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",313,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",829,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,450,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1439,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,2388,discuss
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1289,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,1538,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",1311,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1702,unrelated
China App Store Manipulation Photo Goes Viral - But Is It Real?,2087,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,1547,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1175,discuss
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",242,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,1673,agree
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",206,unrelated
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,817,unrelated
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,2338,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,271,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,666,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",132,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,693,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1438,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2149,discuss
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',2403,discuss
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,2192,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,1130,agree
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1125,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",1357,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1627,unrelated
iOS 8 bug reportedly erases iCloud Drive documents when settings are reset,221,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1873,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,1899,discuss
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,821,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,1477,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1358,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,1406,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,821,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,2406,discuss
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",858,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,527,unrelated
Jose Canseco Shot in the Hand During Accidental Shooting at Vegas Home,186,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),2266,discuss
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,1012,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,1439,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,1681,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1708,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",632,discuss
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament,1883,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,941,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1029,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,1519,discuss
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",227,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",2088,unrelated
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",1900,agree
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,72,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,17,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,345,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,45,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,2129,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,821,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,2188,unrelated
Apple Watch to reportedly offer 'Power Reserve' to help extend battery life,487,discuss
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1175,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1143,discuss
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,2016,unrelated
"#Hairgate: Reports of iPhone 6 pulling out hair, beards, likely exaggerated",22,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,2257,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,2044,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,2468,agree
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,1660,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,2087,discuss
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,1806,unrelated
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",652,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,2463,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1016,agree
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,972,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1407,agree
"Absent from duty for 25 years, CPWD official dismissed",7,unrelated
Apple Watch reportedly has low-energy 'power reserve' mode,1911,discuss
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,1572,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,503,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,529,unrelated
Nun who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth after going to hospital with stomach pains,699,unrelated
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,2407,disagree
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,2042,discuss to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,1938,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,40,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2388,discuss
North Dakota Names Landfill After Obama,1599,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",530,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",2520,unrelated
"BREAKING: ""Brat Pack"" Judd Nelson Found Dead in Los Angeles Condo",2286,disagree
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,1737,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,757,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,2102,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,446,discuss
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired,686,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",695,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,712,unrelated
PGA Spokesman and Tiger Woods' Agent Deny Drug Suspension Allegations,1589,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",305,unrelated
[Updated] Saudi State Television Allegedly Blurs Michelle Obama’s Face During Meeting With New Saudi King,1531,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,695,discuss
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,40,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,10,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,777,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,2056,unrelated
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,1906,agree
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,2154,discuss
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,2223,unrelated
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,1984,disagree
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,1597,unrelated
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",62,unrelated
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',305,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,683,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,1622,discuss
Government employee fired after skipping work for 24 years,1242,unrelated
Research Medical Center denies reports that a patient has Ebola,570,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,2137,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1379,discuss
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1580,discuss
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,220,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,1011,unrelated
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",137,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",1897,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1099,discuss
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair,1787,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,1461,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,950,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,830,unrelated
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken,2477,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,277,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2463,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",62,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2367,discuss
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1574,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,267,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,186,unrelated
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,208,unrelated
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,304,unrelated
"Luke Somers Dies In Rescue Attempt, Sister Says; Yemeni Defense Ministry Says Unnamed US Hostage Freed",1500,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,1076,discuss
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",1560,discuss
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,125,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",1805,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,2296,unrelated
KC Man Does Not Have Ebola,1226,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,1671,discuss
Macaulay Culkin dead hoax: Fake death report spreads on social networks,1502,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2070,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,2524,agree
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1347,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1905,unrelated
"Soldier shot, Parliament locked down after gunfire erupts at war memorial",892,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,776,unrelated
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",837,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,533,unrelated
Rumors about Fidel Castro’s death again circulate on the Internet,2399,discuss
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,459,discuss
This College Student Claims She Was The 'Teletu
ies' Sun Baby,2391,unrelated
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,1832,unrelated
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it,2302,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",608,discuss
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1715,discuss
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,2116,unrelated
According to some Russians this dark figure stumbling through the snowy woods is a Yeti - and they even have a footprint. Hmmmmm,829,unrelated
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,626,unrelated
"NYPD to stop a
esting for low-level marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead: source",269,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,171,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,2520,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,269,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,137,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",1358,agree
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",32,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,1631,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,1826,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1372,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1543,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,1224,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1106,discuss
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1613,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1295,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,1256,unrelated
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",2296,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1090,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1966,discuss
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,860,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,1839,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,626,unrelated
This Guy Paid Off His Parents’ Mortgage For Christmas,1599,discuss
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2481,discuss
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",1790,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1461,unrelated
Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed Out on Saudi TV,396,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1673,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1019,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1645,discuss
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,1197,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1361,unrelated
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,77,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1056,agree
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1575,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,2313,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",1277,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,2364,discuss
Research Medical Center denies reports that a patient has Ebola,1349,unrelated
Scorned wife leaves love-rat husband and twin sister NAKED in car park,1904,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,1800,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1873,unrelated
Islamic State militants allegedly used chlorine gas against Iraqi security forces,1357,unrelated
Woman Spends Entire Week In KFC After Getting Dumped By Her Boyfriend,1523,agree
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1883,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,564,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,867,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,480,unrelated
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,2463,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",115,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2434,discuss
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1347,unrelated
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,77,unrelated
A Bunch Of People Thought Banksy Got A
ested But It Was A Hoax,2468,agree
Wayward sister ‘nun the wiser’ about baby,2192,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,2220,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1439,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',1009,unrelated
Heartwarming video shows son revealing he’s paid off parent’s mortgage as a Christmas gift,2036,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,2097,unrelated
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,2046,unrelated
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",1063,discuss
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",1419,unrelated
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,2389,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,1073,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1808,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",676,agree
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1004,unrelated
"Unhappy Customer: Comcast Told My Employer About Complaint, Got Me Fired",2238,discuss
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",2526,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2261,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,2343,discuss
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,601,agree
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,2072,discuss
"NYPD to issue tickets instead of a
est for weed possession, report says",666,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,959,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,599,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,1368,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1251,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",1034,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,2520,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,689,discuss
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1646,unrelated
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,737,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2067,discuss
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1468,discuss
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,1681,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,2042,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1384,unrelated
"These LEGO Instructions from 1974 Are Awesome (And Yes, They're Real)",1926,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,346,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",427,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1234,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1888,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,666,unrelated
Is the iPhone 6 Really Pulling Out Your Hair?,2184,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,195,unrelated
High School Student Rumored to Have Made $72 Million Trading Stocks,1205,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,26,unrelated
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,1024,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1857,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1034,unrelated
Weather Reporter Mike Seidel Was Caught Off Guard on Live TV and Appeared to Be Urinating in the Snow -- Watch!,831,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,2342,discuss
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,2175,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",858,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1950,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",1764,discuss
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,816,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",1240,unrelated
"High-end Apple Watch to start at $5,000 -- analyst",277,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",592,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,36,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1506,discuss
"#Daysofdarkness: No, There Won't Be Six Days Of Darkness In December",487,unrelated
Podcast: Brown Moses on what’s flying over Iraq and Syria,933,unrelated
Someone Spraypainted A Penis On A £1.5m Bugatti Veyron And It Went Very Viral,1435,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,941,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1299,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2519,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",788,discuss
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,887,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,2313,unrelated
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,2306,discuss
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,1036,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,1996,disagree
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",2515,agree
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,195,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",984,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,2337,agree
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,2397,discuss
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,544,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',2263,discuss
NBC's Tom Brokaw reportedly wants Brian Williams fired over fa
icated Iraq helicopter story,2469,unrelated
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,54,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",1026,agree
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",35,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",1906,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",10,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,2070,unrelated
Penis Drawn On Bugatti Veyron Could Be World's Most Expensive Car Vandalism,2286,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,1339,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],2138,disagree
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2130,unrelated
PopWatch Teenager fights for the right to be recognized as Teletu
ies' smiling sun-baby,1331,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1019,disagree
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1803,unrelated
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,1372,disagree
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1027,discuss
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",2334,discuss
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,2264,discuss
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,2415,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1804,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1644,unrelated
Actor has his testicles stolen after meeting ‘young blonde woman at a bar’,477,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,731,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",1628,unrelated
ush list actually do so sister you tired it?,126,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,651,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",213,unrelated
Weather Reporter Mike Seidel Was Caught Off Guard on Live TV and Appeared to Be Urinating in the Snow -- Watch!,1855,discuss
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",220,agree
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,568,unrelated
"Therefore, the ""feminist blogger"" who aborted a boy probably fake",698,unrelated
Nasty iOS 8 Bug Could Erase Your iCloud Drive Documents,2423,agree
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1040,unrelated
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",2070,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,720,agree
"BREAKING NEWS: Female American aid worker, 26, held hostage by ISIS for 18 months has been 'killed in Jordanian air strike'",532,unrelated
Fake-News: 'McDonald's Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers',568,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",2067,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,2088,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",702,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,2459,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1588,discuss
Brian Williams Debunks Peeing Meteorologist Report On ‘NBC Nightly News': Video,2419,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,950,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1751,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,2388,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,359,unrelated
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,2045,unrelated
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,1407,disagree
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2002,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,731,unrelated
Has this Argentine woman fallen victim to a cruel online hoax? Adult video claiming to show teacher having sex with pupil isn't all it seems,1153,unrelated
"ISIS Claims Female American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Killed in Airstrike",959,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2132,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1210,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1385,unrelated
Does ISIS have an airforce? Te
orist 'fighter pilots' are being trained on captured MiGs by Saddam Hussein's ex-air force officers,777,unrelated
"Cloistered nun gives birth to a baby The convent: ""There is a sister"" [Google Translate]",706,discuss
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been stolen after kissing young woman in sauna,2044,agree
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1905,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,860,unrelated
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1543,unrelated
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,740,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2202,discuss
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2386,agree
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,1936,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,381,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,2096,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,2180,agree
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,2078,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,1256,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,1240,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",269,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,1630,discuss
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,2302,discuss
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",2045,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1120,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",1385,unrelated
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,1360,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1982,unrelated
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!,487,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',1097,unrelated
Nasty iOS 8 Bug Could Erase Your iCloud Drive Documents,1224,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,2445,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1375,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",2078,unrelated
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,2472,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,2015,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
"Islamic State Militants Have Been Flying 3 Captured Warplanes Over Syrian Airport, Witnesses Say",1606,discuss
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,1708,discuss
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,922,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2403,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1308,unrelated
"This boy nearly died, now he has a superpower like Marvel’s Magneto",887,agree
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1808,unrelated
Update: Did Make Up This Story About The Web Sheriff Ben Edelman Sending Racist Emails?,45,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",2163,discuss
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,1435,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",205,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,2306,unrelated
Tips for Chinese choosing an English name,2443,unrelated
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,1991,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",498,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,1867,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,826,unrelated
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,1627,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1385,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1615,discuss
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,1642,agree
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",821,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,626,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",126,unrelated
Confusion as Cuba’s Castro mourned instead of Kenya’s Fidel,2506,discuss
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",299,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1761,discuss
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",2078,unrelated
‘Feminist’ says she aborted baby because it was a boy,614,unrelated
SEE IT: NBC meteorologist Mike Seidel appears to relieve himself during
oadcast; network says he was looking for phone,40,unrelated
Report: Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of suicide airliner attacks on 9/11,2208,discuss
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,860,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1083,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",1301,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,879,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,2463,discuss
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,513,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,1223,agree
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,1473,discuss
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,1169,unrelated
Chinese 'mistress' is stripped naked and beaten senseless in backlash against booming country's 'concubine culture',1131,unrelated
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,220,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",2463,unrelated
"ISIS Unleash ""Scorpion"" Bombs In Iraq",1474,agree
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,1319,unrelated
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),1095,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,373,unrelated
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",2277,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1848,unrelated
Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed girlfriend says she was born a BOY and reveals 'amazing' sex with Olympian,1029,agree
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,126,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",226,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,2044,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,1680,unrelated
Apple Watch Smartwatch to Ship 15 Million Units Worldwide in 2015,406,discuss
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,634,unrelated
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel,2489,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",1645,unrelated
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,2297,disagree
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1805,agree
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,2248,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",601,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,936,discuss
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',7,unrelated
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,2196,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1821,discuss
Islamic State fighters training to fly captured jets — watchdog,2362,unrelated
American Predator Drone Circling Islamic State’s Stronghold,2443,discuss
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1602,discuss
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers,242,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",227,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,817,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,398,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,225,unrelated
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,2046,agree
"Texas Turkey Farm Contaminated With Ebola, Over 250,000 Holiday Turkeys Infected",2171,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper Big Bank Hank Dies at 57,2080,agree
Utah Man Hospitalized After Winning Eggnog Chugging Contest,667,agree
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',43,unrelated
"In New York City, Marijuana May Mean Ticket, Not A
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,730,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",2519,agree
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,612,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",80,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,595,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,472,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,1024,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment",1752,agree
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1603,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",1314,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1628,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,706,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",2042,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,722,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1256,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,2434,discuss
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1372,disagree
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",1011,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,1820,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,388,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,1488,discuss
ISIS supporters mourn death of ‘youngest fighter’,847,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1347,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1959,agree
Best Christmas present ever? Heartwarming moment app developer reveals to his parents he had paid off their mortgage,651,unrelated
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",2330,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,2403,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',2266,discuss
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",344,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,938,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1406,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,524,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,1898,discuss
Nasa’s ‘six days of total darkness in December 2014’ is a hoax,487,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1689,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,600,discuss
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1058,unrelated
Someone painted a graffiti dick on a $2.5 million car,1144,discuss
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,1198,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2047,discuss
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,2180,discuss
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,2036,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,2144,discuss
Amazon Is Going To Open A Physical Store!,941,discuss
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,2302,discuss
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,858,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",1939,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,557,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2525,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",2144,discuss
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",2317,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2115,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,2078,agree
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,524,unrelated
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,527,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,574,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,1946,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1589,agree
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,1097,discuss
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,1649,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),574,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,964,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,1565,discuss
That's one way to get through security! Frustrated traveller strips completely NAKED at airport to pass through metal detectors,2410,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,643,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,693,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,115,agree
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",2403,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,2181,disagree
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1574,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),2034,disagree
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",724,unrelated
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",2211,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,214,unrelated
‘Little old lady’ A
ested for Making Fur Coats with Neighbor’s Cats,2451,agree
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,706,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2192,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,324,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,630,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,756,discuss
Macaulay Culkin dead: Actor is victim of another death hoax,1752,agree
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,693,discuss
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria,805,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Is this proof of bigfoot? New 'yeti' video shows giant hairy beast walking through forest,1651,unrelated
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,1785,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,1893,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,2483,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,1237,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",2528,discuss
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",714,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,1644,unrelated
Nasty iOS 8 Bug Could Erase Your iCloud Drive Documents,2061,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,964,discuss
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,626,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",2123,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,740,unrelated
Texas plumber baffled after truck ends up in the hands of Syrian rebels,2280,discuss
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2495,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1011,discuss
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2296,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,56,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang co-founder Big Bank Hank dies,1107,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",1388,discuss
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,903,unrelated
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,1795,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,1744,unrelated
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,419,unrelated
iOS 8 bug could delete your iCloud Drive documents,2033,discuss
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,2367,unrelated
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,693,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,35,unrelated
"Dogs DO go to heaven… and cats, and horses: Pope assures young boy that there is a place in paradise for animals as well",2002,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,1289,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",564,unrelated
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,289,agree
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1385,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",2122,agree
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",1095,agree
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,1658,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,7,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,1751,agree
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,391,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",1877,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,571,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,2240,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",2028,discuss
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',304,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2070,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1351,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,132,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: The death hoax is once again on the child actor,1012,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,320,unrelated
Saudis Say Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed on TV,1342,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",1500,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1077,discuss
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1744,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1009,unrelated
Bugatti Veyron Vandalized With Penis Graffiti? Viral Photo Isn’t What It Seems,442,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,2177,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,2307,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1564,discuss
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,1155,agree
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2526,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,295,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1295,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,296,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,2088,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",1165,discuss
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",2022,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,205,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,1291,unrelated
Magic mushroom found growing at Buckingham Palace,1184,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,1459,unrelated
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",2042,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,483,discuss
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,2234,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",345,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,1015,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,663,agree
"Apple Watch Battery Life Cu
ently 'About a Day', but May Improve for 2015 Launch",1746,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1116,discuss
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",645,discuss
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1939,discuss
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,40,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],1934,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",527,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1921,unrelated
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),51,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1224,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,1311,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',2397,discuss
World's oldest burger,1183,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,972,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,2097,agree
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,2106,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1438,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1747,agree
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,816,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,1125,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,1344,discuss
Weather Reporter Mike Seidel Was Caught Off Guard on Live TV and Appeared to Be Urinating in the Snow -- Watch!,1169,unrelated
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",295,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,633,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1295,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,2022,unrelated
Tiger Woods' former luxury island goes on sale,84,unrelated
"Cloistered nun gives birth to a baby The convent: ""There is a sister"" [Google Translate]",699,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),205,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",1820,unrelated
"Feminist Aborts Baby For Being A Boy, Shocked People Don’t Approve",447,discuss
Air travelers wary of Ebola fears seen with surgical masks ... and a HAZMAT suit,1178,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1120,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1073,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,1375,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',503,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",1358,unrelated
Google said to buy six silicon valley buildings for $585 million,1572,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,2042,disagree
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',2080,unrelated
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,1940,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1721,discuss
PGA Spokesman and Tiger Woods' Agent Deny Drug Suspension Allegations,2330,agree
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",186,unrelated
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,2348,agree
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",10,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,2307,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1921,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",1634,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",1483,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,601,disagree
Jilted lover spends a week in KFC to try and get over her ex,2061,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,2192,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1786,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,2269,discuss
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1077,unrelated
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,1178,discuss
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",714,unrelated
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,2268,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,195,unrelated
Has this Argentine woman fallen victim to a cruel online hoax? Adult video claiming to show teacher having sex with pupil isn't all it seems,379,discuss
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,2155,discuss
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,2526,unrelated
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,2297,unrelated
"It was me! Student, 19, reveals SHE was the Teletu
ies' giggling baby in the sky - and was paid just £250 and a box of toys",837,unrelated
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,483,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1921,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1242,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,1933,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1744,discuss
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1196,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",533,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1439,unrelated
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,1707,agree
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,572,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,1337,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1875,unrelated
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,761,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,269,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",206,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1739,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,727,discuss
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",2458,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1347,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,534,unrelated
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor,2035,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,390,discuss
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",787,unrelated
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",26,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,208,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,1179,unrelated
Paul Rudd Helped Tackle A Violent Homophobe So That’s Another Reason To Love Him [UPDATE],1647,unrelated
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,2440,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,2266,discuss
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,321,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,938,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,1921,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,7,unrelated
Amazon is opening its first physical store,2116,discuss
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",478,discuss
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,1003,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1860,agree
This Dog Was Left At A Railway Station With A Suitcase Of His Belongings After He Was Sold On Gumtree,1214,agree
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,304,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),2141,unrelated
"Rajasthan: Man Tries to Rape Teenager, Angry Mob Chops His Penis Off",1760,unrelated
Apple Watch Developers Told to Limit Features to Save Battery Life,1025,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,217,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,2409,discuss
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken,1360,agree
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,36,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,1844,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,571,unrelated
"Woman, Ting Su, Finds Husband Cheating With Her Own Twin, Gets Spectacular Revenge",388,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,2509,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',1438,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",1083,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",1506,unrelated
"Analyst: Apple Watch Edition Could Cost $5,000",1447,discuss
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,321,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,2034,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1299,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",909,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1574,unrelated
Saudi cleric issues fatwa against building snowmen,1498,discuss
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2317,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,321,unrelated
Report—Jose Canseco accidentally shot at his home tonight,2266,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1821,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld a full 7.5 percent - here is the proof,1372,unrelated
"No, that high school kid didn't make $72 million trading stocks",2052,agree
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,1585,unrelated
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,2118,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",591,unrelated
Tiger Woods serving secret PED suspension?,2330,discuss
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",1943,unrelated
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,1574,agree
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,1781,unrelated
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,409,unrelated
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',1130,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",777,discuss
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,1588,unrelated
Report of quarantined Texas town NOT real; shared on a 'fake' news website,1383,unrelated
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,2058,discuss
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",403,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,144,unrelated
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2261,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,754,unrelated
Comcast calls rumor that it disconnects Tor users “wildly inaccurate”,1589,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1299,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,2191,discuss
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,2531,unrelated
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,648,unrelated
Kevin Vickers Hailed As Hero For Reportedly Shooting Gunman Inside Parliament,1586,unrelated
Female teacher facing sack after making SEX TAPE with teenager,1153,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2317,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",1877,agree
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,513,unrelated
Hospital Officials: Kansas City Patient Not Being Treated For Ebola,1226,unrelated
Search launched for dog's owner after pooch found dumped next to suitcase filled with belongings,1853,agree
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,511,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1720,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",373,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1670,unrelated
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,126,unrelated
Jilted lover spends a week in KFC to try and get over her ex,1473,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",858,discuss
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,2295,discuss
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,68,unrelated
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,125,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2235,discuss
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,1921,unrelated
Apple Watch launch reportedly planned for Fe
uary with limited supply,483,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,2248,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1195,discuss
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,2523,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,559,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,1179,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,26,unrelated
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",72,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",1658,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1034,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1905,unrelated
Singing polar bear facing ASBO after noise complaint,2290,disagree
Unconfirmed Reports Say UK Hostage Held By ISIS Found Innocent,54,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,887,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,2385,unrelated
"#Hairgate: Reports of iPhone 6 pulling out hair, beards, likely exaggerated",2476,discuss
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,2127,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1226,agree
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,40,unrelated
Axl Rose Found Dead of Sh*tty Hoax Website at Age 52,633,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2250,discuss
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,1395,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1251,unrelated
‘Islamic tribunal confirmed in Texas’,1416,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,1457,discuss
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",571,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",2096,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,908,discuss
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1893,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,2127,unrelated
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,848,discuss
Her Majesty’s magic mushrooms,2519,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,204,unrelated
North Korea reportedly bans anyone sharing Kim Jong Un's name,979,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1375,unrelated
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out,403,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,816,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,933,discuss
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],649,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1356,discuss
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1538,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1120,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',2520,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,1648,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",2269,unrelated
This Dog Was Left At A Railway Station With A Suitcase Of His Belongings After He Was Sold On Gumtree,144,unrelated
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,831,unrelated
"Don't Wo
y, 'The Breakfast Club' Star Judd Nelson Is Not Dead",1131,unrelated
Brian Williams Debunks Peeing Meteorologist Report On ‘NBC Nightly News': Video,40,unrelated
"These egalitarian Lego instructions from the 1970s are pretty cool, but are they real?",989,unrelated
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,1435,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,1083,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",34,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,533,unrelated
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',1234,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1157,discuss
"Hundreds of dog-lovers from around the world offer home to pet abandoned at the railway station with a suitcase containing his pillow, toy, bowl and favourite food",304,unrelated
Popular 'Banksy' Instagram account offers powerful message of perseverance after Paris attack,614,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,2434,discuss
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,1047,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,2501,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,1368,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2047,discuss
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1116,discuss
Samsung Supposedly Wins Orders to Produce Apple Watch Components,1835,unrelated
VIDEO: Son Stuns Parents By Paying Off Their Mortgage As Christmas Surprise,1933,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1731,disagree
You all had an abortion! [Google Translate],571,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2109,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,2287,discuss
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,1644,discuss
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',2141,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",1808,unrelated
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",2114,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,1848,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",2138,discuss
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,431,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1269,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1256,unrelated
"'Nasa Confirms Six Days of Darkness in December': No, they really don't - it's a hoax",2404,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2448,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Made It Further Into Building Than Reported,1365,agree
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,320,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,936,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,855,agree
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1541,unrelated
"Tiger Woods is not on suspension for failing a drug test, his agent and a PGA official say",1406,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,1646,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,922,discuss
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',1574,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",2061,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,2450,discuss
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,1538,discuss
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1820,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,2149,discuss
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",1361,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1179,unrelated
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,1471,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,1221,agree
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,1385,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',1528,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",2413,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,687,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,562,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1249,discuss
Michelle Obama's Hair Appeared Totally Uncensored on Saudi TV,1531,unrelated
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",1802,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",61,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,2087,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",903,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1681,discuss
"Boy, 16, secretly films sex with teacher then uploads it to WhatsApp",822,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1120,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1251,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,409,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,1921,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin: Death claims about former child star revealed to be yet another hoax,195,unrelated
Willie Nelson Dead? Internet Freaks Out As Another Cele
ity Death Hoax Makes The Rounds,185,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,2187,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",731,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,2141,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,8,unrelated
You all had an abortion! [Google Translate],612,unrelated
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",706,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,2132,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,2106,unrelated
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,1778,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,1361,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1252,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1760,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",168,unrelated
"This boy nearly died, now he has a superpower like Marvel’s Magneto",1317,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",2252,unrelated
A Letter Lego Sent to Parents in 1974 Holds an Important Message for the Parents of 2014,1547,agree
"Etats-Unis: Mort pendant 48 minutes, un prêtre affirme que Dieu est une femme",398,unrelated
EBay appears to be planning an Apple Watch app,2321,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",612,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,643,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,381,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1808,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,2477,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,2075,discuss
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",2498,discuss
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",2277,discuss
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",269,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,2272,agree
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1974,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",2192,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1166,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",1862,discuss
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1549,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,2501,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,1489,discuss
"Unhappy Customer: Comcast Told My Employer About Complaint, Got Me Fired",32,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,537,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,304,unrelated
Has J.J. A
ams Asked for THE FORCE AWAKENS Release Date to be Moved Up?,119,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,2176,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,258,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1125,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",2459,unrelated
You're Not Going to Become Weightless on January 4th,933,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,2526,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,295,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,304,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',2247,discuss
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,1699,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1040,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',842,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,324,agree
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1921,unrelated
"Report: new 12-inch MacBook Air slims down, has single USB port",1730,discuss
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,932,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",2307,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1009,unrelated
Star Wars 7: JJ A
ams want to move release to summer 2015,1269,discuss
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1808,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",7,discuss
Report: Jose Canseco accidentally shot,1697,discuss
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,139,unrelated
Does ISIS have an airforce? Te
orist 'fighter pilots' are being trained on captured MiGs by Saddam Hussein's ex-air force officers,1337,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,2072,discuss
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,2062,discuss
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1893,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1406,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,649,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1933,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,2434,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,40,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1427,discuss
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,126,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,2104,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1034,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,634,discuss
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,1480,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",533,unrelated
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,508,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1040,unrelated
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,1130,disagree
US officials: Video shows American's execution,539,unrelated
Brian Williams Debunks Peeing Meteorologist Report On ‘NBC Nightly News': Video,633,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",1268,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",11,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1603,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,1293,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1747,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,933,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1426,discuss
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',1019,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,2135,discuss
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1905,unrelated
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,1814,unrelated
#RIPFidel fuels false rumors of Cuban leader's death after another Fidel Castro dies,227,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,2347,agree
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2453,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1974,discuss
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1361,unrelated
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,1125,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2256,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,2196,unrelated
Hilarious: North Dakota Pays Special Tribute to President Obama,2443,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1213,agree
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,687,unrelated
For sale: Tiger's former island in Sweden,1991,agree
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2296,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,961,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,1931,discuss
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",2175,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",938,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1715,discuss
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1330,discuss
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,382,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,2296,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1271,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",1789,unrelated
"NYPD to stop a
esting for low-level marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead: source",2483,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1921,unrelated
Apple Watch mass production kicks off in January: Report,2401,discuss
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,2142,agree
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1821,discuss
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,115,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,195,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",2176,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",1549,unrelated
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",1419,unrelated
A New iOS 8 Bug Can Delete All Of Your iCloud Documents,1155,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",715,discuss
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",2090,discuss
"Dogs DO go to heaven… and cats, and horses: Pope assures young boy that there is a place in paradise for animals as well",686,unrelated
'I aborted my baby because it was a boy': Outrage after 'feminist' blogger claims gender prompted termination,374,agree
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,938,discuss
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,2165,agree
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",2521,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,1670,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',909,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1679,discuss
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",754,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,298,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1625,agree
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1679,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,539,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,643,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,2261,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,2156,agree
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",1970,agree
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1446,discuss
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,321,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",377,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,1239,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang’s Big Bank Hank dead at 57,2340,discuss
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,1361,discuss
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),2092,unrelated
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,1125,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,2031,agree
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,1383,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1361,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1950,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,662,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,2060,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",2191,discuss
Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed girlfriend says she was born a BOY and reveals 'amazing' sex with Olympian,2480,unrelated
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken,2034,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,431,unrelated
"These LEGO Instructions from 1974 Are Awesome (And Yes, They're Real)",451,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1242,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',1854,discuss
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,818,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1966,discuss
US airstrike targets Al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane in Somalia,1746,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',529,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1549,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2287,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,132,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,206,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,121,unrelated
Cloistered nun has a stomach ache hospital gives birth to a baby [Google Translate],359,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,346,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,1422,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1413,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,1921,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,2475,discuss
"Apple Watch to Feature Time-Only 'Power Reserve' Mode, Prototypes Disguised as Samsung Watches",78,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",760,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,958,unrelated
Tiger Woods selling Swedish villa — island included,240,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,2360,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",2045,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,2498,agree
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",712,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",844,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1489,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1966,agree
Customer: I was fired for Comcast complaint,1814,unrelated
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,1331,unrelated
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament,2214,agree
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",8,agree
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,958,unrelated
This Guy Paid Off His Parents’ Mortgage For Christmas,648,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",115,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1340,discuss
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,658,unrelated
Popular 'Banksy' Instagram account offers powerful message of perseverance after Paris attack,176,unrelated
That powerful Lego letter to parents from the 1970s? It's real,2171,agree
This Is What It Looks Like When A Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage As A Christmas Present,2187,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,132,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",1916,unrelated
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,1813,disagree
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,1266,discuss
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,2252,unrelated
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",43,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1295,unrelated
Viral Photo Shows How Chinese Workers Are Used to Manipulate App Store Rankings,1711,agree
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1439,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",1605,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",120,unrelated
That’s one way to clean it: Apple Watch will reportedly survive a trip through the shower,1155,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2147,discuss
Tiger Woods selling Swedish villa — island included,2502,unrelated
Comcast calls rumor that it disconnects Tor users “wildly inaccurate”,1280,unrelated
J.J. A
ams Asks Disney To Move Up 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Release Date,1697,unrelated
People On Twitter Think Macklemore Has Joined ISIS,1483,discuss
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",481,discuss
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,93,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,2022,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,724,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,533,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,1419,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,382,unrelated
"Rajasthan: Man Tries to Rape Teenager, Angry Mob Chops His Penis Off",1981,agree
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,387,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,2028,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,1212,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,533,unrelated
eBay developing Apple Watch software with ties to iOS app,209,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1934,discuss
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,539,unrelated
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,1840,discuss
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1541,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,2185,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",2277,discuss
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,1627,unrelated
Report: Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of suicide airliner attacks on 9/11,1588,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
"No, a Planetary Alignment on Jan. 4, 2015, Won’t Decrease Gravity",1123,agree
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",1634,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,1435,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,2184,unrelated
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,428,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",1563,disagree
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,17,agree
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,2307,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1786,unrelated
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been STOLEN after he is drugged in Russian bar by attractive blonde working for organ traffickers,2443,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1278,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Stronghold,1234,unrelated
British man pays $460 to save constipated goldfish's life,1364,agree
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,2252,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1627,unrelated
NYC relaxes response to marijuana possession,2372,discuss
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",1103,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,800,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,1180,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1826,unrelated
Apple 'working on 12-inch MacBook Air',1730,discuss
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",30,unrelated
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),1483,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,77,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,2127,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,1471,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1939,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",755,unrelated
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,2268,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,1375,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,633,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Wozniak in Steve Jobs Biopic,1575,discuss
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,592,unrelated
Apple Watch to reportedly offer 'Power Reserve' to help extend battery life,2106,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,632,discuss
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,997,discuss
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,755,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,1560,discuss
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1506,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,1909,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,2404,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1104,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",1438,unrelated
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,2520,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,958,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,346,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1778,discuss
Sergeant-at-Arms stopped shooter on Parliament Hill,1356,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",691,unrelated
Islamic State accused of using chlorine gas on Iraqi soldiers,2411,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,2385,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",2141,unrelated
Customer: I was fired for Comcast complaint,2238,discuss
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,204,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,1940,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1950,unrelated
Doubts raised over authenticity of Charlie Hebdo footage.,1683,agree
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",513,unrelated
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,2287,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1786,unrelated
US airstrike targets Al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane in Somalia,60,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,1177,discuss
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,81,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,2371,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1857,unrelated
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out,2276,discuss
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,195,unrelated
NEWS/ Meet the Teletu
ies Sun Baby: 19-Year-Old Jess Smith Reveals Herself as the Smiling Face Who Looked Over Teletu
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",2037,discuss
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",271,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",737,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,2360,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,30,unrelated
"Evander Kane ""On Way Out"" From Source, Price Is Very High; Who Is In?",1385,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,1234,unrelated
Bugatti Veyron Vandalized With Penis Graffiti? Viral Photo Isn’t What It Seems,822,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,2526,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",213,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2175,unrelated
Tiger Woods serving secret PED suspension?,2432,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",2078,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,2511,discuss
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,269,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1619,discuss
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,1483,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1679,discuss
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,1459,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1016,discuss
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",1094,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),190,unrelated
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,413,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1022,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1296,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,1179,discuss
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,859,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1256,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,40,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,226,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1802,unrelated
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",1761,unrelated
The news of Cesar Millan's death is false,1429,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1938,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",239,unrelated
"No, a Planetary Alignment on Jan. 4, 2015, Won’t Decrease Gravity",1625,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',2155,discuss
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in Fe
"Etats-Unis: Mort pendant 48 minutes, un prêtre affirme que Dieu est une femme",1048,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,321,unrelated
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,582,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1818,discuss
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,2125,agree
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",81,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),1789,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,592,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,1360,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,254,unrelated
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,2106,discuss
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",470,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1426,discuss
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",1323,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,2010,discuss
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,387,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1670,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,2088,discuss
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",1817,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",381,unrelated
Shocking picture shows mother trying to sell her own son to pay for twin daughter's cancer treatment,565,unrelated
"Calm down everyone, Banksy hasn't been a
ested: 9 clues that it's a hoax",2051,agree
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",505,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1580,discuss
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1949,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,1790,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1361,unrelated
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,1826,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,2149,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1853,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,1819,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,2093,discuss
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,2175,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,2135,discuss
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1549,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,607,unrelated
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,1227,disagree
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,72,unrelated
Nun complains of stomach pains... and GIVES BIRTH: Sister who had 'no idea' she was pregnant has a baby boy at hospital in Italy,1760,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",2327,unrelated
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",2365,discuss
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1880,disagree
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1740,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1083,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",1804,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,2330,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",1751,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,1660,unrelated
iOS 8 bug reportedly erases iCloud Drive documents when settings are reset,1413,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,2463,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,466,agree
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Stronghold,2443,discuss
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,125,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,816,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",30,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,2172,agree
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,789,unrelated
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria,1293,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,689,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,2496,agree
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",1841,agree
Nun who gave birth ‘had no idea’ she was pregnant,2479,discuss
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,2509,discuss
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,1574,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,917,unrelated
Apple Users Add Hairgate to iPhone 6 Problems,1923,unrelated
y, KFC isn't going to be selling weed in Colorado restaurants",1256,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,2458,unrelated
"These LEGO Instructions from 1974 Are Awesome (And Yes, They're Real)",2171,agree
The next Apple Watch could be platinum,2421,discuss
Armed U.S. drones spotted flying over Syria in possible hunt for ISIS leader,1170,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',568,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2526,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,2056,unrelated
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,789,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1213,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1815,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',1293,unrelated
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",1195,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2002,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",1950,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2386,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1361,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1786,unrelated
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,1374,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2450,agree
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1040,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",527,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1506,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2281,unrelated
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,971,agree
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,1419,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",800,unrelated
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,1769,discuss
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',1267,discuss
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1438,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,1637,unrelated
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,891,discuss
Amazon Is Opening a Brick-and-Mortar Store in Manhattan,718,discuss
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1974,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1379,agree
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1873,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,2037,agree
Setting the record straight on tor,1034,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",2418,discuss
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,803,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,344,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1948,unrelated
KC Man Does Not Have Ebola,1349,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1934,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,1034,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,2058,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",1836,discuss
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',1854,discuss
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1398,discuss
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,1574,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,1577,unrelated
Jordan’s King Abdullah Did Not Personally Fly Airstrikes On ISIS,1689,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,633,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",298,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",2520,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1351,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,2268,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1467,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy,330,unrelated
"Apple's New MacBook Will Be A Thinner, Cleaner, Faster 12-Inch MacBook Air",1049,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",10,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",40,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',1217,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,1346,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1251,unrelated
Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus now guarded by Daleks,1074,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,1909,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,1531,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,2520,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",626,unrelated
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,1605,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,137,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",800,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1016,agree
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1372,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,1857,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,942,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',818,unrelated
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,1738,discuss
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,2022,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",959,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1917,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",1222,unrelated
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",1660,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,1174,agree
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,573,unrelated
Bug in iOS 8's 'Reset All Settings' Option Also Erases iCloud Drive Documents,906,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,524,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,220,unrelated
"These egalitarian Lego instructions from the 1970s are pretty cool, but are they real?",451,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",1494,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2078,unrelated
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,2042,unrelated
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,592,agree
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,1921,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1832,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,2509,discuss
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,2129,discuss
ISIS leader dead?,789,unrelated
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",1349,unrelated
This Is What It Looks Like When A Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage As A Christmas Present,648,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1002,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),2455,discuss
iOS 8 bug reportedly erases iCloud Drive documents when settings are reset,2054,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,2287,discuss
ISIS Getting Ebola,1974,discuss
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,1459,discuss
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,1521,disagree
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1336,discuss
Texas plumber baffled after truck ends up in the hands of Syrian rebels,565,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',938,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",499,unrelated
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",0,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",1807,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,843,discuss
eal Photos of Fisherman’s Jaw-Dropping Catch Will Likely Have People Wondering If It’s Real,1528,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",1661,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1347,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,1774,discuss
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,2087,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',170,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,1256,agree
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,1905,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1321,disagree
Now THAT'S a Royal trip! Alan Titchmarsh finds psychedelic mushroom in the Queen's garden at Buckingham Palace,1374,unrelated
Tiger Woods Is Selling His Private Island For $7.1 Million,858,unrelated
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,1570,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",2156,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1905,unrelated
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,886,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,1649,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',992,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1120,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,628,discuss
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1873,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),2272,unrelated
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,2385,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,1293,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,640,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,691,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,2078,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,344,unrelated
Hilarious: North Dakota Pays Special Tribute to President Obama,1599,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,2520,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,950,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,945,disagree
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,280,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",367,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1569,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,195,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1019,unrelated
A Bunch Of People Thought Banksy Got A
ested But It Was A Hoax,1349,unrelated
One of 'Taliban Five' in Bowe Bergdahl swap allegedly returned to militancy,236,unrelated
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",1301,unrelated
Kanye Banned,2048,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,2506,unrelated
No One In North Korea Is Allowed To Share Kim Jong Un's Name,2143,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,2338,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,938,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,2196,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,121,unrelated
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,240,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,2211,disagree
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,608,unrelated
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,1136,discuss
"Forty years ago, Lego wrote a powerful letter to parents about how gender works",22,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',731,unrelated
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,1427,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,1789,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,1808,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1873,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1224,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,859,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,955,disagree
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,2417,discuss
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,2003,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,744,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,1802,unrelated
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,2172,agree
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,2345,discuss
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,649,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi allegedly killed by US airstrikes,1631,unrelated
Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus now guarded by Daleks,1195,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,821,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",693,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1926,disagree
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",2445,disagree
Parents' anger after seven Bosnian schoolgirls aged 13 and 14 fall pregnant on class trip,208,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",2139,agree
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,1375,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2524,discuss
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1210,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,2010,discuss
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,1913,agree
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',2210,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",72,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,687,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,2235,discuss
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,2354,unrelated
It Begins: HazMat-Wearing Passenger Spotted At Airport,1955,discuss
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,721,discuss
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",539,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,8,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,1954,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1699,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,61,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",2139,agree
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,649,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,1107,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",239,unrelated
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,586,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1430,discuss
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,388,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1549,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1627,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,1339,agree
VIDEO: Son Stuns Parents By Paying Off Their Mortgage As Christmas Surprise,651,unrelated
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,1137,unrelated
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,320,unrelated
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,313,unrelated
"How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?",1789,disagree
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,298,unrelated
"Gold Apple Watch Edition price? Speculators say at least $10,000",790,discuss
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1034,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,2453,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,591,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,130,unrelated
"Evander Kane ""On Way Out"" From Source, Price Is Very High; Who Is In?",1406,unrelated
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,1938,unrelated
"Elon University has not banned the term ‘freshman,’ despite rumors",655,disagree
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Beaten In Prison? Satirical Site Claims Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Blinded And Paralyzed,2268,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",1458,discuss
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1296,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead hoax: Fake death report spreads on social networks,2523,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",639,unrelated
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,251,unrelated
American hostage killed in rescue attempt in Yemen - senior official,2318,discuss
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,1364,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",60,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,2483,unrelated
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,1802,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,2096,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1573,disagree
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,1004,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,933,discuss
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,2483,agree
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",2175,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2313,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1012,unrelated
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,225,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,1806,unrelated
Electric shock turns Russian boy into Marvel's Magneto,1839,unrelated
IS using scorpion bombs to te
ify Iraqi civilians,922,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1948,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,682,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,2115,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,511,unrelated
Tiger Woods' luxe Viking island in Sweden is for sale,1802,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1180,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2526,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,858,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,503,unrelated
Research Medical Center denies reports that a patient has Ebola,1943,agree
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),391,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1307,discuss
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1540,discuss
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1312,agree
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,1478,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,1735,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,2441,unrelated
Woman spends a week in KFC to get over her
eak up,1805,unrelated
Vice squad’s $1m win lights up Las Vegas,1834,agree
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,2096,discuss
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,992,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,938,discuss
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',1026,unrelated
Seth Rogen reported to play Woz in the upcoming Steve Jobs movie,1262,discuss
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",1670,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Made It Further Into Building Than Reported,263,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',702,agree
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,2525,unrelated
Is the iPhone 6 Really Pulling Out Your Hair?,1769,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2147,discuss
Nasa’s ‘six days of total darkness in December 2014’ is a hoax,787,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,2463,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1837,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,2045,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,2261,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers hailed a hero for shooting rampaging gunman,1586,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,1572,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,2295,discuss
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,1019,unrelated
Fake Fox News Twitter account emerges after #FoxNewsFacts goes viral,1795,unrelated
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,1584,discuss
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1873,unrelated
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",1256,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1438,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,402,unrelated
eal Photos of Fisherman’s Jaw-Dropping Catch Will Likely Have People Wondering If It’s Real,1028,discuss
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',867,discuss
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,214,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1681,discuss
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,1530,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,1313,discuss
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,1678,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,431,unrelated
HBO Reportedly in Talks with Apple for Launch of New Unbundled Streaming Service,551,unrelated
Seth Rogen set to play Steve Wozniak in Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic,1141,discuss
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",1568,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],398,discuss
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,2360,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
There was never a panel discussion on domestic violence planned for ESPN’s ‘Monday Night Football’ pregame show,373,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,2385,discuss
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",34,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',2431,unrelated
Matt Tai
i takes a leave of absence from First Look Media,1681,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,2153,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1336,discuss
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1721,discuss
"Man chops off his own penis, throws it in the trash after getting dumped for bad bedroom skills",908,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1669,discuss
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,816,agree
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",1637,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,115,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1195,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,2404,discuss
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1342,discuss
Fake BBC News website set up to ca
y Charlie Hebdo attack conspiracy theories,1683,disagree
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,267,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,313,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",1817,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,1697,unrelated
20-year-old burger: McDonald's Quarter Pounder looks eerily new after 2 decades,1586,discuss
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,2114,unrelated
"'Nasa Confirms Six Days of Darkness in December': No, they really don't - it's a hoax",696,unrelated
Apple's 12-Inch Retina MacBook Air Shown in Artist's Renditions,1679,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,917,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",2367,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',1242,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2525,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,1535,unrelated
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,1079,discuss
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",1786,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,43,unrelated
A really devoted man spent $460 on surgery for his constipated goldfish,1707,agree
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,666,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,2208,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,198,agree
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",633,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,206,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",1149,discuss
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,1343,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',567,discuss
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2328,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1934,discuss
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,1002,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,961,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1109,disagree
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,81,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,2411,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,239,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1917,unrelated
Giant 8ft 9in catfish weighing 19 stone caught in Italy is thought to be the biggest ever reeled in with a rod and line,1028,agree
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1679,discuss
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",1184,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",2130,discuss
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1849,unrelated
"Tiger Woods is not on suspension for failing a drug test, his agent and a PGA official say",147,agree
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,296,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,2123,discuss
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1906,unrelated
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,2367,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,1036,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,267,unrelated
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,760,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,181,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1974,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",882,unrelated
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",1844,discuss
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,2290,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",2132,unrelated
"BREAKING: ""Brat Pack"" Judd Nelson Found Dead in Los Angeles Condo",1131,unrelated
This resignation letter in a video-game could be the greatest ever,997,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,761,agree
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,7,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,748,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1254,disagree
WATCH: Stan Beaton cries tears of joy when phone engineers find treasured voicemail recording of his late wife he thought was lost forever,996,agree
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,734,discuss
No - a Fox News Twitter account isn't responding to tweets on the #FoxNewsFacts hashtag,125,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",339,agree
If Only A Bird Really Did Poop on Putin,1991,unrelated
"#Hairgate: Reports of iPhone 6 pulling out hair, beards, likely exaggerated",431,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,220,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,387,unrelated
This College Student Claims She Was The 'Teletu
ies' Sun Baby,504,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1395,unrelated
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,2280,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1897,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,1253,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),586,discuss
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,1693,unrelated
Ebola Scare in Kansas City,260,discuss
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,1234,unrelated
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,1029,unrelated
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,2476,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2495,discuss
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",900,unrelated
Amazon Is Going To Open A Physical Store!,195,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2214,agree
Michelle Obama's Hair Appeared Totally Uncensored on Saudi TV,1975,agree
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,2039,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,527,unrelated
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,1296,unrelated
"Want a Gold Apple Watch? All You Need is $5,000",403,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1817,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,456,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment Decrease Gravity Hoax on Jan 4, 2015: ‘Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness’ in January is Totally Bogus",2413,agree
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",218,unrelated
“Axl Rose dead 2014” : Guns N' Roses frontman killed by internet death hoax,1859,agree
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,2134,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,2115,agree
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1832,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,1877,disagree
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",304,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,321,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,185,unrelated
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",691,unrelated
Did a plumber's pick-up truck from Texas end up ca
ying an anti-aircraft gun for Islamic fighters on the front lines of Syria?,339,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1661,discuss
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,269,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,2053,discuss
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",1017,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1588,unrelated
Amazon is opening its first physical store,195,unrelated
KC Man Does Not Have Ebola,99,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,367,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2109,unrelated
Michelle Obama's Hair Appeared Totally Uncensored on Saudi TV,2251,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,2015,agree
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,1296,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',533,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,2385,unrelated
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",812,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,1089,discuss
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",2208,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1372,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1461,discuss
Banksy a
est hoax: Internet duped by fake report claiming that the street artist's identity has been revealed,2468,agree
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1669,discuss
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,2005,agree
Man Severed Penis That Failed To Impress Girls,413,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,2287,unrelated
Axl Rose Dies? Guns N’ Roses Singer Dead ‘West Hollywood Home at Age 52′ is Fake,2166,agree
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,919,unrelated
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,1760,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',1588,discuss
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,2337,disagree
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,2302,discuss
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',450,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,984,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,527,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1658,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,1341,discuss
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,524,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,2470,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,220,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,1883,unrelated
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",2328,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,2480,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,1294,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,1829,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,2192,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,1875,unrelated
"'Star Wars VII' News, Update: JJ A
ams Pushing for Summer Release?",1352,discuss
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,1459,unrelated
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",1356,discuss
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,1769,discuss
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,2391,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,2501,agree
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,1979,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1905,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,1588,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,104,unrelated
Do all dogs go to heaven? Pope tells grieving boy: 'Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',1651,agree
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1669,discuss
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1439,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,2458,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",703,agree
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1245,agree
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',388,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,816,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,1885,agree
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1071,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,1884,agree
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",2055,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,1524,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),1210,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,1466,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1435,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,712,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",2062,discuss
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken,1277,unrelated
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",955,unrelated
"Led Zeppelin Reunion: Robert Plant Rips Up $300 Million Contract, Refuses To Rejoin Legendary Band",2476,unrelated
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,1355,unrelated
Israel denies causing Gaza floods by opening dams,289,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1744,discuss
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",646,unrelated
"North Korea leader Kim is still in charge, has injured leg: source",236,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,311,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2388,discuss
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,2264,discuss
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1864,discuss
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2067,agree
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",955,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',7,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,346,unrelated
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",1301,agree
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,1351,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac? Nope, ‘Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options’ Article is Fake",505,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,592,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],527,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,2448,discuss
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,125,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",321,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1857,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1009,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1744,discuss
"No, Vladimir Putin did not get pooped on by a bird during a First World War speech",2524,unrelated
It Begins: HazMat-Wearing Passenger Spotted At Airport,1926,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1223,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",633,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2345,discuss
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,2458,unrelated
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,1293,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2025,discuss
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,972,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1786,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1873,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",1979,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1808,unrelated
Shocking! Chinese parents sell their son to fund for daughter’s Cancer treatment,1776,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",403,unrelated
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",1269,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1125,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",2421,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",2265,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",903,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,1213,disagree
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,730,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,757,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1721,discuss
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,1959,agree
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1697,unrelated
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,342,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1761,discuss
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",477,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1933,unrelated
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,107,unrelated
A New iOS 8 Bug Can Delete All Of Your iCloud Documents,1351,discuss
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),385,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1541,unrelated
Nun who gave birth ‘had no idea’ she was pregnant,1480,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,900,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",737,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1538,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,1839,agree
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",2142,unrelated
Italian catches huge wels catfish; is it a record?,204,unrelated
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,917,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,1363,agree
Police hunt tweed-jacket wearing man who slaps shoppers for SNEEZING,195,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2187,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,505,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1242,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: The death hoax is once again on the child actor,1293,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Stronghold,2367,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1828,discuss
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,2135,discuss
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1948,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1437,unrelated
Robert Plant Reportedly Tears Up $800 Million Led Zeppelin Reunion Contract,1177,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,981,agree
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",662,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,43,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2261,unrelated
Podcast: Brown Moses on what’s flying over Iraq and Syria,2443,discuss
US Marine survives headshot from Taliban (video),1137,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,1649,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,298,unrelated
Michael Abdul Zehaf Bibeau Pictures: Photos of Alleged ISIS-Linked Gunman in Canada,1739,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1438,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,1758,discuss
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,608,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,761,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,1269,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1351,unrelated
Matt Tai
i takes a leave of absence from First Look Media,1384,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,387,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1178,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1589,agree
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1848,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1916,discuss
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,932,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),388,unrelated
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,40,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",2520,unrelated
Report of quarantined Texas town NOT real; shared on a 'fake' news website,1048,unrelated
"Jose Canseco injured in accidental shooting, per reports",1154,discuss
NYPD to stop a
ests for small amounts of marijuana,1192,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,693,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,26,unrelated
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,2141,unrelated
Microsoft Hires Dalek-style Robocops to Guard Silicon Valley HQ,1577,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1374,unrelated
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",2087,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2526,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,625,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",2463,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",346,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,34,unrelated
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",524,unrelated
US airstrike targets Al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane in Somalia,1543,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",2352,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,859,discuss
ESPN to save NFL's image with all-male domestic abuse discussion,1020,unrelated
This Is The Most Epic Way To Quit Your Job,1048,unrelated
Michael Phelps' Reported Girlfriend Reveals She Was Born Intersex,1820,agree
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",2463,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",938,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,1572,unrelated
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,2410,unrelated
That's one way to get through security! Frustrated traveller strips completely NAKED at airport to pass through metal detectors,1831,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,321,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1375,unrelated
"What they earn: Vice CEO Shane Smith’s $300,000 steak dinner",2251,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2473,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",251,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1883,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,2202,discuss
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,2410,unrelated
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax),1320,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1403,unrelated
"""Oldest Time Capsule"" in U.S. Unearthed in Boston",1239,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,2360,agree
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1832,unrelated
Apple Watch won’t be the digital doctor it could have been,2174,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,1921,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,226,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1950,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2250,discuss
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,1419,unrelated
"No, that
oken pencil illustration isn't by Banksy",526,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1224,unrelated
Lucita Sandoval sex tape hoax: Viral Argentine video features college student ― not 16-year-old boy,2034,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",1289,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,950,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1803,unrelated
Missing Planes,1569,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,1501,agree
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,2078,unrelated
North Korea reportedly bans anyone sharing Kim Jong Un's name,520,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,615,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,1883,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,1900,unrelated
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",199,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,945,disagree
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,961,disagree
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,2192,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1905,unrelated
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,1459,discuss
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1009,unrelated
Matt Tai
i Disappears From Omidyar’s First Look Media,487,unrelated
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,1813,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1939,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,2202,discuss
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers,82,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1854,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1252,unrelated
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,773,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1403,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,1916,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,695,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',2283,discuss
Michael Phelps Sex Scandal: Troubled Olympian’s Girlfriend Was Born A Man!,1524,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1966,agree
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,1950,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",1176,discuss
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",2520,unrelated
"NASA: Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness???",1123,discuss
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,2254,unrelated
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,1936,unrelated
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",2415,unrelated
Bali Awry,959,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,1651,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,1822,discuss
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,1708,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",2016,discuss
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,531,discuss
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,1921,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",2115,unrelated
Has J.J. A
ams Asked for THE FORCE AWAKENS Release Date to be Moved Up?,2434,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1040,discuss
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in Fe
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,690,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,2455,discuss
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",483,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,962,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",2053,discuss
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,1019,unrelated
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,1922,discuss
"McDonald’s to Stop Serving Overweight Customers in January? Nope, ‘1/15/2015′ Story is Fake",2184,disagree
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1234,unrelated
Tiger Woods Is Selling His Private Island For $7.1 Million,34,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,2068,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1408,unrelated
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,1642,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,1611,discuss
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",320,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,2172,agree
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,1029,unrelated
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,743,agree
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,405,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",847,discuss
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,859,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,381,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2261,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,539,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,2403,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,226,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,704,unrelated
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,1649,discuss
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,2125,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,139,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,87,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1217,discuss
Animal lovers abuzz over pope’s comments that 'paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',1408,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,2152,unrelated
"Apple Watch Power Reserve feature will save battery life, report says",2106,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",649,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),195,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",1913,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",1820,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,1860,agree
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,986,unrelated
Man cut off manhood and threw it in bin after girlfriend dumped him over small penis,831,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,1358,unrelated
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",1718,agree
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,2187,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1574,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,2045,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1731,agree
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,1478,unrelated
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,1843,unrelated
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,2473,discuss
ESPN to save NFL's image with all-male domestic abuse discussion,2181,disagree
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,1637,unrelated
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,440,discuss
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,1192,discuss
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',885,discuss
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake,387,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1569,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,1751,discuss
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,388,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang co-founder Big Bank Hank dies,2351,agree
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1720,unrelated
NYC relaxes response to marijuana possession,269,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2450,discuss
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,2039,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1821,discuss
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1582,agree
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,2075,discuss
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,720,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,830,unrelated
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,1627,unrelated
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament,107,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,704,unrelated
A New iOS 8 Bug Can Delete All Of Your iCloud Documents,2061,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,2342,discuss
Enormous 20-stone catfish caught with fishing rod in Italy after 40-minute boat battle,1183,unrelated
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,1966,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi allegedly killed by US airstrikes,1634,discuss
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,1820,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",2520,unrelated
Apple Orders More Than 5 Million Watches for Initial Run,2492,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,2088,unrelated
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,1875,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1808,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",533,unrelated
"Cloistered nun gives birth to a baby The convent: ""There is a sister"" [Google Translate]",1720,discuss
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),125,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,298,discuss
Judd Nelson isn't dead; report is a hoax,2481,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,2109,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,955,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,1103,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,2096,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1800,discuss
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,1024,unrelated
Viral Photo Shows How Chinese Workers Are Used to Manipulate App Store Rankings,1073,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,539,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,1125,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1385,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,2309,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,11,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,2434,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1403,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1547,unrelated
"No, that
oken pencil illustration isn't by Banksy",1747,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,1109,agree
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,526,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,686,unrelated
Somali te
orist leader dead after US airstrike,1543,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1819,agree
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1120,unrelated
'Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December' Fake News Story Goes Viral,2521,agree
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,2276,discuss
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,2307,unrelated
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,1465,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1627,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,186,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,950,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',109,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,320,unrelated
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",1646,unrelated
Gateway Pundit,1079,agree
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,115,unrelated
Apple Watch Gold Edition rumored to be priced at $1200: Will you buy?,424,discuss
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1179,unrelated
"This boy nearly died, now he has a superpower like Marvel’s Magneto",2215,agree
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,1831,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",2337,agree
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1917,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",1406,discuss
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",887,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,2295,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,1968,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1361,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,2175,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2134,unrelated
"Marine Gets Shot in the Head, Walks Away",320,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,632,discuss
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,1000,agree
ISIS: Desperate mum told 'you've just eaten your son' after visiting militants' base in search of kidnap victim,2219,discuss
Man Severed Penis That Failed To Impress Girls,1434,discuss
ESPN’s Domestic Abuse Tonight Panel Will Be 100% Dudes,2167,unrelated
Confusion as Cuba’s Castro mourned instead of Kenya’s Fidel,2028,discuss
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1540,agree
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,280,unrelated
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,2016,unrelated
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",438,unrelated
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1966,unrelated
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,1590,agree
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,603,agree
"No, it's not Tiger Woods selling an island in Lake Mälaren",1802,unrelated
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,242,unrelated
Has ISIS used chemical weapons on Kobane? Claims under-siege town was hit by crude rocket attack,1283,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1630,discuss
"It was me! Student, 19, reveals SHE was the Teletu
ies' giggling baby in the sky - and was paid just £250 and a box of toys",769,agree
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1832,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,859,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,1437,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",195,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,731,discuss
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2020,unrelated
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been STOLEN after he is drugged in Russian bar by attractive blonde working for organ traffickers,2343,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,972,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,132,unrelated
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,1437,unrelated
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,320,unrelated
That powerful Lego letter to parents from the 1970s? It's real,1926,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,787,unrelated
80's Brat Pack star Judd Nelson forced to deny that he's dead after fake news story starts trending on social media,1991,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",2240,unrelated
ush list actually do so sister you tired it?,796,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,304,unrelated
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,1371,disagree
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,524,unrelated
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake,787,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,2152,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,903,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,1122,discuss
"No, it's not Tiger Woods selling an island in Lake Mälaren",1888,disagree
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,2304,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2234,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,205,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,367,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1251,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,115,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1637,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,125,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",1004,discuss
Seth Rogen Is Woz,2141,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,775,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,1877,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,1900,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1786,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1034,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,962,unrelated
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,743,agree
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1844,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,662,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,2039,unrelated
"In New York City, Marijuana May Mean Ticket, Not A
REPORT: Apple's Watch Will Come In 2 Storage Sizes,822,unrelated
"Piper Jaffray pegs stainless steel Apple Watch price at $499, Edition at $4,999",1854,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",1737,agree
'Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December' Fake News Story Goes Viral,696,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',1318,agree
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,842,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,1103,discuss
80's Brat Pack star Judd Nelson forced to deny that he's dead after fake news story starts trending on social media,2502,unrelated
"Soldier, Gunman Killed In Shooting Incident Near Canadian Parliament",2156,agree
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",171,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,2016,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,2187,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],718,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",508,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2214,discuss
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,1074,unrelated
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",690,discuss
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,1808,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),2177,unrelated
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake,696,agree
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',54,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,195,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld a full 7.5 percent - here is the proof,2096,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,816,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",2036,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1817,discuss
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",2010,discuss
KC hospital: Patient does not have symptom profile of Ebola,2104,agree
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,634,unrelated
How did a Texas plumber's truck end up with Syrian rebels? (+video),116,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2404,discuss
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,609,unrelated
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,1789,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,137,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1921,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,524,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,1681,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,1857,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1603,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,724,unrelated
"Tee-off in your own putting paradise: Swedish luxury island owned by Tiger Woods up for sale - and it comes with a villa, a hot tub and a lodge",1549,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,955,discuss
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,1791,agree
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,777,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1323,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
"It was me! Student, 19, reveals SHE was the Teletu
ies' giggling baby in the sky - and was paid just £250 and a box of toys",2081,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,2042,unrelated
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,2046,agree
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",1260,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,505,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,2403,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",2130,unrelated
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,1325,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',737,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1547,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',2290,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1899,discuss
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),1372,unrelated
State House time capsule from 1795 unearthed,1997,discuss
Jose Canseco Shot in the Hand During Accidental Shooting at Vegas Home,1580,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",2403,discuss
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,2375,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1351,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,2448,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,972,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1439,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",1301,unrelated
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,2123,discuss
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,26,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,2295,discuss
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,2123,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,1398,discuss
Rats are still running around at Vogue,1940,unrelated
"Whoa, Paul Rudd Was One of the Airport Heroes Who Took Down the Homophobe",1094,discuss
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,1439,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1821,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,1644,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,206,discuss
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,1149,discuss
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,1295,unrelated
Apple was forced to nix key health features from its smartwatch -- report,521,discuss
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,608,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,1180,agree
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),1829,agree
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,609,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1295,discuss
Macaulay Culkin dead: Actor is victim of another death hoax,2502,agree
N. Korea’s Kim has leg injury but in control,1148,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1266,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,1697,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,1268,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,2329,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",467,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,678,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,72,unrelated
Did Comcast Get a Man Fired From His Job for Complaining About Its Service?,32,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,2379,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,1921,unrelated
You all had an abortion! [Google Translate],821,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1438,unrelated
A Bunch Of Folks Are Passing Around This Hoax Video Of A Bird Pooping On Vladimir Putin,1843,unrelated
"Evander Kane ""On Way Out"" From Source, Price Is Very High; Who Is In?",1577,discuss
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,689,unrelated
"It's 'ru
ish' that Robert Plant turned down £500m Led Zeppelin reformation offer, says publicist",169,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,1751,agree
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1206,discuss
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1541,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1787,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,1778,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1790,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],1107,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,220,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Didn't Blur Out Michelle Obama's Face When the President Met King Salman",1498,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",1925,agree
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,650,agree
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,2252,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1883,agree
iOS 8 bug could delete your iCloud Drive documents,545,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2524,discuss
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1789,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,1916,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,2078,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",830,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",40,unrelated
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,2531,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1807,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",856,discuss
Electric shock turns Russian boy into Marvel's Magneto,844,unrelated
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,1465,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,1529,discuss
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,1127,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,35,unrelated
Man who slaps people around the head for sneezing hunted by police,1897,agree
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,342,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',2192,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",574,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1982,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1351,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1791,discuss
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1651,unrelated
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,1789,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1321,disagree
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",2377,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,1269,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1120,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1319,unrelated
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,513,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",1465,discuss
American Predator Drone Circling Islamic State’s Stronghold,1081,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,1934,discuss
Seth Rogen Is Woz,388,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,968,unrelated
1901 Boston time capsule yields small red book,1442,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",871,discuss
'I aborted my baby because it was a boy': Outrage after 'feminist' blogger claims gender prompted termination,843,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1295,unrelated
Saudi fatwa banning snowmen triggers heated debate,2456,agree
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,532,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",570,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,704,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,149,discuss
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,1221,unrelated
VIDEO: Son Stuns Parents By Paying Off Their Mortgage As Christmas Surprise,2036,discuss
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,773,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1476,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1740,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,975,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1934,unrelated
"Pope Francis did not tell boy heaven has room for pets, contrary to report",2348,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,1017,agree
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1807,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1948,discuss
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',2349,discuss
US Marine survives headshot from Taliban (video),2389,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,2016,agree
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1165,unrelated
Michael Abdul Zehaf Bibeau Pictures: Photos of Alleged ISIS-Linked Gunman in Canada,1266,unrelated
One of 'Taliban Five' in Bowe Bergdahl swap allegedly returned to militancy,1398,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1351,unrelated
"These egalitarian Lego instructions from the 1970s are pretty cool, but are they real?",1689,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1948,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",2192,unrelated
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,1973,agree
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1923,agree
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1786,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,2248,agree
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2256,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,958,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2525,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1435,unrelated
eBay developing Apple Watch software with ties to iOS app,1393,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,1863,unrelated
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,1807,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",1125,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1183,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,121,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,258,unrelated
Staff Reporter,1711,agree
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,1468,disagree
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,1853,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",2138,agree
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,1900,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1740,unrelated
"Feminist Aborts Baby For Being A Boy, Shocked People Don’t Approve",2526,discuss
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",84,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,984,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,1426,unrelated
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in Fe
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",2009,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,913,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,2139,discuss
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,1458,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1011,discuss
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,1853,unrelated
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",1760,discuss
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1797,disagree
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",2515,disagree
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,205,unrelated
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,2240,unrelated
Giant 8ft 9in catfish weighing 19 stone caught in Italy is thought to be the biggest ever reeled in with a rod and line,612,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,2419,unrelated
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,646,unrelated
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,2152,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,530,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,1572,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,2123,discuss
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,900,discuss
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,1022,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,550,discuss
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,2020,unrelated
Man Chops Off and Throws Away His Small Penis After Bad Breakup,1347,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",271,unrelated
Has this Argentine woman fallen victim to a cruel online hoax? Adult video claiming to show teacher having sex with pupil isn't all it seems,1496,discuss
Bergdahl: Senator Says Jihadists Swapped For U.S. Troop ‘In Touch’ With Al-Qaida Affiliate,773,discuss
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1707,unrelated
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,1197,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1446,discuss
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,2143,unrelated
Bugatti Veyron Vandalized With Penis Graffiti? Viral Photo Isn’t What It Seems,2369,disagree
A Man Says Comcast Called His Boss And Got Him Fired After He Complained About Its Service,86,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,780,discuss
Scorned wife leaves love-rat husband and twin sister NAKED in car park,1828,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",615,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,608,unrelated
"Vice CEO Shane Smith reportedly spent $300,000 on a steak dinner at CES",832,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,513,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1483,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,299,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1589,agree
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',77,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1905,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",1183,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1720,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1751,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2268,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1883,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2302,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at Russian airport,1651,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,755,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,855,unrelated
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,2015,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,830,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1056,disagree
Ottawa shooting: Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers hailed a hero for shooting rampaging gunman,2404,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",2313,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',2096,unrelated
AWESOME! Canadian Parliament’s Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers Takes Out Gunman,1666,agree
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,2509,discuss
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",2123,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2187,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",2075,discuss
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,2338,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",346,discuss
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,1011,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1602,discuss
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,1502,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,2327,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",1686,unrelated
"Rajasthan: Man Tries to Rape Teenager, Angry Mob Chops His Penis Off",1042,unrelated
This College Student Claims She Was The 'Teletu
ies' Sun Baby,1832,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,2370,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",171,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",551,unrelated
Apple May Or May Not Hold An Event On The 24th Of Fe
uary [Rumor],660,discuss
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1347,unrelated
Report: Apple Watch to Ship in March,670,unrelated
"Pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",472,unrelated
Missing Planes,2010,discuss
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,269,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,2403,discuss
This Is What The Sun Baby From ‘Teletu
ies’ Looks Like Now,2371,discuss
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",1347,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,2434,unrelated
Report of quarantined Texas town NOT real; shared on a 'fake' news website,26,unrelated
"Forty years ago, Lego wrote a powerful letter to parents about how gender works",1969,discuss
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,1598,discuss
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2287,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,1226,disagree
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1956,discuss
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1900,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2220,discuss
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2096,discuss
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,511,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,826,unrelated
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,93,unrelated
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,2208,agree
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,2261,discuss
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,2317,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,1438,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,2354,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,2338,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1323,unrelated
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",2410,unrelated
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",932,unrelated
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",1458,discuss
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,2410,discuss
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",1405,discuss
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,2348,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1385,unrelated
Comcast blocks Tor,1104,unrelated
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",1240,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",625,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,1648,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,2118,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,1549,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1252,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,7,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,2463,discuss
Did Paul Rudd Help Tackle That Dallas Airport Gay-Basher?,837,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1871,unrelated
This resignation letter in a video-game could be the greatest ever,2185,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1009,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",2337,agree
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,465,agree
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,36,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1569,unrelated
Search launched for dog's owner after pooch found dumped next to suitcase filled with belongings,1164,agree
"Marine Gets Shot in the Head, Walks Away",2267,agree
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',2020,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,761,agree
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,1351,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",1720,discuss
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,1869,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1893,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,304,unrelated
Missing Planes,1644,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1627,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,1938,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,568,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2345,discuss
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,81,unrelated
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,15,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,1294,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",2411,unrelated
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',2016,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1896,discuss to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,5,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,1744,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,263,unrelated
Saudis Say Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed on TV,1498,unrelated
Fisherman lands 19 STONE catfish which could be biggest in world to be hooked,1913,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,687,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,304,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",2313,unrelated
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,1020,unrelated
"#Hairgate: Reports of iPhone 6 pulling out hair, beards, likely exaggerated",1769,discuss
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1122,discuss
Country Music Legend Willie Nelson Dies at Age 81,1853,unrelated
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,1269,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,971,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,132,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,2130,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,2017,discuss
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2118,discuss
Hospital Officials: Kansas City Patient Not Being Treated For Ebola,1843,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2172,discuss
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),2002,unrelated
Nun complains of stomach pains... and GIVES BIRTH: Sister who had 'no idea' she was pregnant has a baby boy at hospital in Italy,1891,unrelated
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",1315,agree
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,1789,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,2272,discuss
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,2163,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,2264,discuss
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,2056,unrelated
Has ISIS used chemical weapons on Kobane? Claims under-siege town was hit by crude rocket attack,1093,unrelated
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),1169,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1347,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1785,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,2415,unrelated
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,1740,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,847,discuss
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,342,discuss
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,524,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",1803,unrelated
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,1950,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,1645,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,776,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,2307,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",2045,unrelated
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,1549,disagree
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,2354,unrelated
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,520,unrelated
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,1681,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1832,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,2470,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,1231,agree
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,860,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",1459,unrelated
Texas Plumber Isn't Sure How Extremists In Syria Ended Up With His Work Truck,339,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",545,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",170,unrelated
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,1083,agree
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,269,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1817,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2386,discuss
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",2154,discuss
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",698,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",2175,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,155,unrelated
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,176,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",2371,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,168,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,2360,agree
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,936,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,1374,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,938,unrelated
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),208,unrelated
Islamic State fighters training to fly captured jets — watchdog,2408,discuss
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,1036,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,1899,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,1323,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",2354,agree
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,2343,discuss
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,89,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1574,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,269,unrelated
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,1637,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1481,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Made It Further Into Building Than Reported,2303,discuss
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),859,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,557,discuss
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",1948,unrelated
Utah man hospitalized after eggnog-chugging competition,1901,agree
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,43,unrelated
Apple Reportedly Relying More Heavily on Samsung for iPhone 6 and Apple Watch Components,1726,unrelated
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,727,discuss
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,2062,discuss
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,682,discuss
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,2287,discuss
ISIS leader dead?,2187,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,682,unrelated
"Man chops off his own penis, throws it in the trash after getting dumped for bad bedroom skills",2302,unrelated
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,235,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',2303,unrelated
"Evander Kane ""On Way Out"" From Source, Price Is Very High; Who Is In?",1926,unrelated
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,1678,discuss
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,1384,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1661,discuss
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,1813,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1574,unrelated
iPhone Game Developer Quits Job By Hiding The Greatest Letter Of Resignation Ever Inside His Game,377,unrelated
It Begins: HazMat-Wearing Passenger Spotted At Airport,1885,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,1686,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,616,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,964,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1896,discuss
Wayward sister ‘nun the wiser’ about baby,1164,unrelated
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,2002,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1004,unrelated
No One In North Korea Is Allowed To Share Kim Jong Un's Name,1175,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1317,unrelated
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,513,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,304,unrelated
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",702,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',662,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",1544,unrelated
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,873,discuss
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,2044,unrelated
A Bunch Of Folks Are Passing Around This Hoax Video Of A Bird Pooping On Vladimir Putin,1991,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1227,disagree
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,1439,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,676,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1826,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,1143,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,712,unrelated
Claim: Comcast Got Complaining Customer Fired From His Job,158,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,2070,unrelated
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",1477,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,373,unrelated
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,304,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,1844,unrelated
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),368,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',1471,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,693,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,472,unrelated
WATCH: Stan Beaton cries tears of joy when phone engineers find treasured voicemail recording of his late wife he thought was lost forever,2227,unrelated
"Soldier shot, Parliament locked down after gunfire erupts at war memorial",1253,unrelated
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,1359,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,734,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",281,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1541,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,754,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2045,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,2470,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,2111,discuss
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,1943,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,2530,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1294,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1011,discuss
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,2371,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",1295,discuss
Vandal paints penis on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,1349,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,1939,discuss
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,404,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,777,discuss
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,1237,unrelated
ESPN's Domestic Violence Panel Is Missing Something Important,373,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,1498,unrelated
Axl Rose NOT Dead: Fake MSNBC Death Hoax Goes Viral On Facebook,1161,agree
Official: Gitmo prisoner traded for Bergdahl reaching out to Taliban,366,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,2528,discuss
“Willie Nelson dead 2015” : Guitarist killed by internet death hoax,2186,agree
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,1224,unrelated
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,2220,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1734,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],2061,agree
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",1530,discuss
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1187,discuss
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",280,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,11,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,1349,unrelated
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',26,unrelated
Star Wars 7: JJ A
ams want to move release to summer 2015,193,discuss
Pope Francis tells boy whose dog had died that heaven is open to all,2297,agree
ESPN’s Domestic Abuse Tonight Panel Will Be 100% Dudes,1020,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,1541,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,2115,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,1619,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,1559,agree
Microsoft turns to robotic security guards to watch for trouble,1577,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,2115,unrelated
NASA: Viral news on days of darkness in December is hoax,804,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,2453,unrelated
"Predator Drone Reportedly Sighted Circling Raqqa, Syria",2367,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,2367,discuss
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2525,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,691,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,983,discuss
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,2091,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,242,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,1835,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,1628,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,1081,discuss
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,2306,unrelated
Texas Plumber Has ‘No Idea’ How Company Truck Ended Up With ISIS,1213,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,2045,unrelated
"Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before launch",1702,discuss
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1786,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1022,unrelated
Apple’s next MacBook could be a 12-inch MacBook Air,1545,unrelated
Reports: Islamic State uses chlorine gas against Iraqi forces,2411,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,2453,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",824,agree
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,738,agree
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1252,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1157,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,662,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2156,unrelated
"Islamic State training pilots to fly MiG fighter planes, says monitoring group",2218,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,872,discuss
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,2434,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1034,unrelated
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",125,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',431,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1605,discuss
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,2434,unrelated
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,1671,discuss
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1899,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",1950,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,1539,agree
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,2075,discuss
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,2039,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1622,discuss
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1769,discuss
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",643,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,984,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1358,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2234,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",93,agree
Hospital Officials: Kansas City Patient Not Being Treated For Ebola,1252,unrelated
ISIS pays tribute to its 'Cub of Baghdadi' child soldier,1905,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1489,discuss
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,1376,discuss
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,2388,discuss
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,35,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,1492,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1916,discuss
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,950,unrelated
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,1628,discuss
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1873,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",167,unrelated
The Force Awakens News: Director J.J. A
ams Eyes Summer Release for Star Wars 7 Because of Too Many Spoilers,565,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",2305,disagree
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',1689,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,1737,unrelated
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,585,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",2056,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1549,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,720,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1040,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,304,unrelated
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,405,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,1785,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,2186,unrelated
Sick Mum Sedated After Trying To Eat Baby,2208,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1921,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,81,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,2072,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",2009,unrelated
That's one way to get through security! Frustrated traveller strips completely NAKED at airport to pass through metal detectors,139,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2187,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1139,discuss
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,75,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,1528,agree
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,2492,unrelated
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Michael Phelps' Cougar Girlfriend Revealed?,645,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,5,unrelated
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',1400,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1622,discuss
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",137,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2453,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1839,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",855,unrelated
'I aborted my baby because it was a boy': Outrage after 'feminist' blogger claims gender prompted termination,2014,disagree
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,688,discuss
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1739,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1385,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,1239,unrelated
Widower Cries Tears Of Joy After Hearing Late Wife's Voice Again,1171,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1471,agree
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",2302,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1948,discuss
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,77,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,337,discuss
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,2459,unrelated
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,93,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,944,discuss
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",1442,discuss
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,2314,unrelated
That's one way to get through security! Frustrated traveller strips completely NAKED at airport to pass through metal detectors,1175,unrelated
"It's 'ru
ish' that Robert Plant turned down £500m Led Zeppelin reformation offer, says publicist",1385,unrelated
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,1678,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,2197,discuss
"Pope Francis did not tell boy heaven has room for pets, contrary to report",321,unrelated
Robert Plant Reportedly Tears Up $800 Million Led Zeppelin Reunion Contract,2489,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1252,unrelated
"Gold Apple Watch Edition price? Speculators say at least $10,000",712,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,2520,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2288,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,1149,discuss
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,2055,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,787,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,54,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1670,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,958,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,1904,discuss
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,61,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",530,unrelated
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,1011,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1019,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',691,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",2445,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',2153,discuss
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,2192,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',900,unrelated
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,1740,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",2191,discuss
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,1820,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1721,discuss
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1795,unrelated
Rats are still running around at Vogue,2106,discuss
"Why the most expensive Apple Watch will probably cost around $10,000",2187,discuss
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1215,disagree
NYPD to stop a
ests for small amounts of marijuana,775,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,524,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,186,discuss
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1439,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1795,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,922,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2147,discuss
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was shot nearly a dozen times before Kevin Vickers fatally wounded him,1900,agree
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,1678,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",740,agree
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,844,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,1090,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",524,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1139,discuss
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',1040,unrelated
"Kayla Jean Mueller, U.S. hostage, killed in Jordan airstrike, ISIS claims",1881,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",2087,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,2531,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,304,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,887,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,698,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2192,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",694,discuss
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,2418,discuss
Vladimir Putin Bird Poop Video is Fake,2463,unrelated
"Comcast Turns Complaints Back On Customer, Gets His Employer To Fire Him",1338,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",2470,discuss
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1149,discuss
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1586,unrelated
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,2055,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,2470,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1403,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1776,discuss
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,568,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,424,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,1224,discuss
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",391,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,7,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,2252,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1720,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,2130,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,1020,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,2314,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1471,discuss
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",607,agree
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,506,agree
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,2349,unrelated
Police Looking For A Man That Slaps People When They Sneeze!,1952,discuss
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,381,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,1720,discuss
"Apple Watch Battery Life Cu
ently 'About a Day', but May Improve for 2015 Launch",2213,agree
A Murdered Witness?,121,discuss
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,346,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',633,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1524,unrelated
Axl Rose Found Dead of Sh*tty Hoax Website at Age 52,2525,agree
Best Christmas present ever? Heartwarming moment app developer reveals to his parents he had paid off their mortgage,1933,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2096,discuss
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,2252,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),1155,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2470,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',214,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",2025,discuss
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,1966,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",1681,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",171,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,1899,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,2307,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,2130,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,847,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,1689,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1374,discuss
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1489,unrelated
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",2471,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,487,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,2118,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1347,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,527,unrelated
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,1644,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,2519,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,483,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1340,discuss
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,1926,unrelated
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,1545,unrelated
"Nuts! Indian guru coaxes 400 followers to cut off their testicles, grow closer to God",322,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,125,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,373,unrelated
Customer: I was fired for Comcast complaint,1007,discuss
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,1197,unrelated
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,1198,unrelated
Utah man hospitalized after eggnog-chugging competition,1127,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,1210,unrelated
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ID’d as Canadian Shooting Suspect in Ottawa,1266,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,1459,discuss
Nun who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth after going to hospital with stomach pains,2058,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",2283,discuss
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",1351,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,499,discuss
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out,1738,discuss
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake,1074,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1125,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",1574,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",882,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale's Steve Jobs,1746,discuss
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,1681,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1832,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,139,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Feature Time-Only 'Power Reserve' Mode, Prototypes Disguised as Samsung Watches",1420,agree
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1569,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,2180,agree
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,634,unrelated
One of 'Taliban Five' in Bowe Bergdahl swap allegedly returned to militancy,2236,discuss
American hostage killed in rescue attempt in Yemen - senior official,2015,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,2044,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,2033,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",858,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,2009,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",2072,discuss
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",959,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,2523,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,720,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",2139,discuss
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",125,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',2290,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,704,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,2039,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",2326,agree
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",2188,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1215,agree
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,2434,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,2009,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1877,unrelated
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,1165,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",2403,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1439,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers hailed a hero for shooting rampaging gunman,139,unrelated
"12in Retina MacBook Air release date rumours: All-new 12in MacBook Air design for 2015, launching at WWDC?",879,unrelated
Gateway Pundit,125,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,1747,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,757,discuss
"Apple Watch Battery Life Cu
ently 'About a Day', but May Improve for 2015 Launch",1069,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',538,discuss
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in Fe
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,185,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,236,unrelated
Unconfirmed Reports Say UK Hostage Held By ISIS Found Innocent,650,unrelated
Robert Plant Reportedly Tears Up $800 Million Led Zeppelin Reunion Contract,2197,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,756,agree
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,2167,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,2295,discuss
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',618,unrelated
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,1487,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2149,discuss
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,913,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",1789,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,2334,discuss
A Bogus Banksy,740,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1383,unrelated
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,1637,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,2403,discuss
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1003,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",1883,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1197,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1630,agree
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1385,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,1269,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,2252,unrelated
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,60,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1605,discuss
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',34,unrelated
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",818,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1372,disagree
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,26,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,800,unrelated
"PGA Tour Pro Claims Tiger Woods Is Cu
ently Suspended For PEDs, Compares Him To Lance Armstrong",1406,unrelated
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",1605,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1206,discuss
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,2448,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",75,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1361,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,1848,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2187,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",56,unrelated
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,513,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,2367,disagree
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,1671,discuss
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,32,unrelated
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,1213,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1569,unrelated
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",1175,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,527,unrelated
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,1148,disagree
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",1921,discuss
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",2155,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",1175,unrelated
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,339,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",545,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,1040,unrelated
This Is The Most Epic Way To Quit Your Job,773,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,821,agree
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,844,unrelated
Man With Ebola-Like Symptoms Claims Contact With 'Patient Zero' in Texas,1021,discuss
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',2411,unrelated
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,1869,unrelated
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",2459,unrelated
Rats are still running around at Vogue,964,unrelated
Government employee fired after skipping work for 24 years,1213,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,511,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,956,discuss
Man chops off his penis after his girlfriend
eaks up with him,805,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1720,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,707,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,1853,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,239,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,2404,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,586,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",1483,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",2343,discuss
Nun who gave birth ‘had no idea’ she was pregnant,1307,discuss
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,608,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1681,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1034,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1438,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,1572,unrelated
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,971,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,1017,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',2068,discuss
ISIS leader dead?,1673,unrelated
"Tee-off in your own putting paradise: Swedish luxury island owned by Tiger Woods up for sale - and it comes with a villa, a hot tub and a lodge",84,unrelated
Bali Awry,1502,discuss
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',867,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1547,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,2115,unrelated
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,1959,agree
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,22,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,2328,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,2477,discuss
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,1393,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2524,discuss
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,2106,unrelated
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,2448,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",171,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2096,discuss
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,530,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,683,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,2431,unrelated
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,1519,discuss
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',2268,discuss
Unlucky in love man CHOPS OFF own penis because he was fed up with not having a girlfriend,1646,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,80,unrelated
Tiger Woods' agent shoots down report of failed drug test,17,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',684,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,1934,unrelated
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,816,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1564,disagree
PGA Spokesman and Tiger Woods' Agent Deny Drug Suspension Allegations,1651,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,1217,unrelated
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,775,unrelated
Moment U.S. Marine is saved by his Kevlar helmet as Taliban sniper bullet hits him in head,2267,agree
Jilted lover spends a week in KFC to try and get over her ex,1551,agree
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor,2068,discuss
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",1948,unrelated
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",649,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,2115,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",776,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,649,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,347,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',2153,discuss
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1946,discuss
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,168,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,742,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,263,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1506,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,2044,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',56,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1263,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,2196,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,472,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",737,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1588,unrelated
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",908,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,667,unrelated
ESPN’s All-Male “Monday Night Football” Panel On Domestic Violence Is Not Real,373,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,2060,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",2344,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,1406,unrelated
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,2519,agree
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,524,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1288,discuss
"NYPD to stop a
esting for low-level marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead: source",775,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers hailed a hero for shooting rampaging gunman,2521,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,2240,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,1311,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,724,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,2448,discuss
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,1338,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1024,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,539,agree
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,1338,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1808,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,583,discuss
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1839,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,1157,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1120,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1832,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,2351,disagree
Islamic State accused of using chlorine gas on Iraqi soldiers,2224,discuss
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',826,discuss
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",2443,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,666,unrelated
HBO in talks with Apple to be launch partner for coming web service 'HBO Now',2434,unrelated
Student accidentally sets college on fire during fireworks proposal,842,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",2492,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1385,unrelated
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,1545,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,2386,agree
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,413,unrelated
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",2328,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2367,unrelated
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been stolen after kissing young woman in sauna,1015,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1660,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1746,discuss
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1966,agree
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,2523,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,2075,discuss
Judd Nelson isn't dead; report is a hoax,1382,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,2481,discuss
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,1177,discuss
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,346,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",186,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,1708,unrelated
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",554,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",754,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,1940,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1093,discuss
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1974,unrelated
Apple Watch won’t be the digital doctor it could have been,521,discuss
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,414,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",251,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",1825,discuss
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',2452,discuss
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,205,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",1223,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,1835,discuss
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,524,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1579,discuss
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,17,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,132,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1036,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,903,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",2096,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1857,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",1853,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,618,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,2411,discuss
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,35,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,2070,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,206,unrelated
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,2042,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',704,unrelated
iFixit Debunks iPhone 6 Plus Reinforcement Claims,2374,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,724,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,2087,unrelated
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,2218,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1461,discuss
ury Christ Church University student Jess Smith, from Chatham, sta
ed as Teletu
ies' sun",2081,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,1867,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,1003,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,1832,unrelated
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,2078,unrelated
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,2477,unrelated
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,2268,discuss
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,1931,disagree
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,1383,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,959,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",382,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,226,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,816,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,2293,discuss
Islamic State Flying Three Jets in Syria,295,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,1299,unrelated
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),1406,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,724,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,559,unrelated
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,2152,discuss
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',2269,unrelated
i takes time out from First Look after “disagreements.” Can I publish our emails now, Matt?",569,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,2156,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,1256,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,1972,discuss
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,639,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,2138,discuss
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1422,unrelated
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,2397,discuss
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",2103,discuss
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,968,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,2235,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,530,unrelated
"Apple: Citi Sees $550 and $950 Apple Watches, Accessory Plethora",1415,discuss
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",87,unrelated
Doctors confirmed the first case of death from ingesting GMOs,2098,agree
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,206,agree
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1312,agree
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1040,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1720,unrelated
The next Apple Watch could be platinum,1436,unrelated
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,539,unrelated
Cesar Millan is Not Dead: Dog Whisperer Death Hoax Circulates,520,unrelated
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",1521,disagree
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,483,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,819,discuss
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,859,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,704,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,564,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",1689,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1808,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',40,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,1940,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,649,unrelated
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,1901,agree
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,40,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,2345,discuss
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,10,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,337,discuss
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",1853,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,381,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",2304,unrelated
Someone Spraypainted A Penis On A £1.5m Bugatti Veyron And It Went Very Viral,2286,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",1435,discuss
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,1530,discuss
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,1498,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",2356,discuss
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1873,unrelated
Seth Rogen set to play Steve Wozniak in Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic,2272,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,17,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,244,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1803,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",181,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1195,discuss
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,305,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1347,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,1660,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1498,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',819,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2453,unrelated
Gateway Pundit,633,unrelated
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,2506,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",2485,discuss
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,2531,unrelated
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",1645,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',891,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,2404,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,847,discuss
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1173,discuss
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1786,unrelated
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,2067,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,190,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1948,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1940,unrelated
"Piper Jaffray pegs stainless steel Apple Watch price at $499, Edition at $4,999",2092,discuss
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,7,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",2296,unrelated
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),205,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",1833,agree
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",2307,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1166,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,645,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2003,discuss
Gateway Pundit,8,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah,251,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,2338,unrelated
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,2477,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1761,discuss
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,730,discuss
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,775,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,239,discuss
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy,1849,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",115,unrelated
"""Oldest Time Capsule"" in U.S. Unearthed in Boston",1442,unrelated
"Rumor: Apple shooting for 19 hours of Apple Watch battery life under normal conditions, 2.5 hours 'heavy' use",1734,unrelated
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,1966,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",2409,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1547,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,1459,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1574,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,2354,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",1854,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1175,discuss
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,2306,discuss
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,1678,unrelated
Tiger Woods Is Selling His Private Island For $7.1 Million,1888,agree
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1720,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,1022,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,1439,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,2070,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi allegedly killed by US airstrikes,35,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1156,agree
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor,819,unrelated
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,2509,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,1984,discuss
Weather Reporter Mike Seidel Was Caught Off Guard on Live TV and Appeared to Be Urinating in the Snow -- Watch!,258,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,687,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,1311,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1166,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1708,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,1010,discuss
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,704,unrelated
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,2375,agree
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",1885,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,693,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,1476,unrelated
eal Photos of Fisherman’s Jaw-Dropping Catch Will Likely Have People Wondering If It’s Real,2196,discuss
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',939,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,2187,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1458,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1430,discuss
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,942,discuss
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',1509,discuss
Saudi cleric issues fatwa on snowmen,2317,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,527,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1461,discuss
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,789,agree
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2520,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,209,discuss
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1347,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1873,unrelated
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,730,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,1808,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,2338,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,529,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1175,agree
Fake-News: 'McDonald's Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers',2096,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1580,discuss
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",984,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",2458,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",373,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,984,unrelated
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",2531,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,1374,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,2420,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,824,agree
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,385,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,40,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,648,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',208,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1107,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,373,unrelated
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,858,unrelated
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,754,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,2034,unrelated
"Tee-off in your own putting paradise: Swedish luxury island owned by Tiger Woods up for sale - and it comes with a villa, a hot tub and a lodge",1888,agree
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,2240,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",254,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,804,agree
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",1751,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,1022,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,139,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",704,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,190,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1802,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1240,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1379,discuss
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",213,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,344,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",1795,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',634,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,695,discuss
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',1498,unrelated
ISIS supporters mourn death of ‘youngest fighter’,388,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,2154,discuss
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2403,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1948,discuss
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1682,agree
"Tiger Woods is not on suspension for failing a drug test, his agent and a PGA official say",757,agree
‘Islamic tribunal confirmed in Texas’,1049,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,1724,discuss
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,10,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",686,agree
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,132,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1368,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',2102,agree
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,267,unrelated
SEE IT: NBC meteorologist Mike Seidel appears to relieve himself during
oadcast; network says he was looking for phone,54,unrelated
NASA: Viral news on days of darkness in December is hoax,2521,agree
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",2434,discuss
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,961,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1294,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2109,unrelated
Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage for Christmas,651,unrelated
Man who slaps people around the head for sneezing hunted by police,678,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,2124,unrelated
Texas plumber baffled after truck ends up in the hands of Syrian rebels,803,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1057,disagree
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,1936,unrelated
WATCH: Stan Beaton cries tears of joy when phone engineers find treasured voicemail recording of his late wife he thought was lost forever,2020,agree
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1003,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',595,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",769,agree
'Feminist' Lana 'Aborts Baby Because It's A Boy' And Is Surprised By Backlash,2115,unrelated
"These egalitarian Lego instructions from the 1970s are pretty cool, but are they real?",1969,discuss
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,7,unrelated
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,1574,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,776,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,816,unrelated
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,61,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,1524,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,324,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1019,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,1893,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),851,discuss
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,61,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,1686,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,726,agree
Ebola Scare in Kansas City,1404,discuss
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,1534,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,2043,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,2526,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,1438,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2147,discuss
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',524,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,559,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,1805,agree
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,1603,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,431,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,1372,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,662,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1256,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,2278,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,54,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1709,discuss
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2463,discuss
Apple scrapped advanced Apple Watch health monitoring features due to reliability issues,821,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,2483,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,2440,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1938,unrelated
Apple Users Add Hairgate to iPhone 6 Problems,867,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1720,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1646,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,75,unrelated
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,176,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,524,unrelated
"Gold Apple Watch Edition Could Cost As Much As $1,200",1820,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",1055,agree
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,226,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,295,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,991,discuss
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,919,unrelated
Man chops off his penis after his girlfriend
eaks up with him,2330,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,1574,unrelated
KC Man Does Not Have Ebola,1943,agree
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",1648,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',2092,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,2045,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,1459,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1299,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",2397,discuss
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",618,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",2078,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',2156,unrelated
Reports: Islamic State uses chlorine gas against Iraqi forces,1267,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,299,discuss
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,513,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,1815,unrelated
Soldier shot at war memorial in Canada,0,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',2314,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",1834,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,1240,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],505,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1263,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1891,discuss
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,1026,unrelated
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,1574,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,2269,unrelated
"Gene Munster Predicts $499 Steel Apple Watch, $4,999 for 18k Gold Edition",2092,discuss
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",296,unrelated
Italian catches huge wels catfish; is it a record?,677,unrelated
"Absent from duty for 25 years, CPWD official dismissed",2002,unrelated
Armed U.S. drones spotted flying over Syria in possible hunt for ISIS leader,1081,unrelated
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,1196,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',1821,discuss
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1982,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2481,discuss
"Cloistered nun gives birth to a baby The convent: ""There is a sister"" [Google Translate]",2058,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,776,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,1489,unrelated
Constipated goldfish operated on by North Walsham vet,1707,agree
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,1168,discuss
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),986,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",571,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,2498,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,630,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,495,discuss
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers,955,unrelated
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',1743,discuss
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1825,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2370,unrelated
ESPN’s All-Male “Monday Night Football” Panel On Domestic Violence Is Not Real,2531,unrelated
China App Store Manipulation Photo Goes Viral - But Is It Real?,1784,discuss
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',2145,agree
Now THAT'S a Royal trip! Alan Titchmarsh finds psychedelic mushroom in the Queen's garden at Buckingham Palace,1184,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",933,discuss
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,2307,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,2141,unrelated
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",502,agree
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1826,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'Has Difficulty Walking And Needs About 100 Days To Recuperate',2325,discuss
Does ISIS have an airforce? Te
orist 'fighter pilots' are being trained on captured MiGs by Saddam Hussein's ex-air force officers,917,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,195,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,831,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1439,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",2307,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1613,discuss
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,359,unrelated
Do all dogs go to heaven? Pope tells grieving boy: 'Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',2370,disagree
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1891,discuss
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,1476,unrelated
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,2210,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,2296,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,1948,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1299,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",2141,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,1630,agree
TBS speeds up Seinfeld a full 7.5 percent - here is the proof,1217,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,43,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1384,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,892,unrelated
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,1492,disagree
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",91,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",1538,discuss
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1589,agree
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1361,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",1893,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",526,agree
Apple's 12-Inch Retina MacBook Air Shown in Artist's Renditions,480,unrelated
Report: Jose Canseco accidentally shot,1772,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',1435,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2067,agree
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1790,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2525,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",1934,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,1427,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,34,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,874,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2304,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,2296,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,633,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,2404,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1197,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,1923,agree
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,388,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,1498,unrelated
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,1217,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1589,discuss
Wayward sister ‘nun the wiser’ about baby,2479,discuss
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2235,discuss
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",725,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",649,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1165,discuss
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2180,agree
Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed girlfriend says she was born a BOY and reveals 'amazing' sex with Olympian,568,discuss
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,1613,discuss
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,1981,unrelated
ESPN’s All-Male “Monday Night Football” Panel On Domestic Violence Is Not Real,1148,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,195,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1083,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,477,unrelated
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1539,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",190,unrelated
The Apple Watch's battery life will reportedly be just like any other smartwatch,1477,discuss
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,72,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,1605,unrelated
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",120,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,2264,discuss
Report: Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of suicide airliner attacks on 9/11,1022,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1011,discuss
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',75,unrelated
Tiger Woods selling Swedish villa — island included,1028,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,1022,agree
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,845,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,754,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1574,unrelated
Crank-Boosting Behind Top Apps in App Store,1711,agree
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1540,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,844,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1427,unrelated
Update: Frisco paramedics transporting patient believed to be exhibiting Ebola-like symptoms,1252,discuss
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,2142,discuss
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',2302,discuss
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',1090,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",1012,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',532,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,60,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,11,unrelated
Someone Trolled Twitter Into Thinking Macklemore Joined ISIS,80,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,93,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,2168,discuss
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,731,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1744,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Baseball star Jose Canseco hurt in accidental shooting,695,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",504,agree
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,2145,agree
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",1483,unrelated
Penis Drawn On Bugatti Veyron Could Be World's Most Expensive Car Vandalism,557,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,816,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,388,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",1572,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1500,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1347,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,1642,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1565,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,1306,agree
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,244,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,93,unrelated
Woman spends a week in KFC to get over her
eak up,817,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,2297,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1547,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",368,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,775,unrelated
"Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before launch",504,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",1036,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,633,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,527,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,2360,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1256,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,115,unrelated
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,2407,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",1547,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1442,discuss
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,1127,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1744,discuss
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",2220,discuss
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",2134,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,2526,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,524,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,646,unrelated
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,2091,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,585,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,1549,unrelated
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",1739,unrelated
BREAKING: Soldier shot at War Memorial in Ottawa,2252,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1948,unrelated
Islamic State fighters detonate 'SCORPION bombs' in te
or siege,2175,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,1606,discuss
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",2519,discuss
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,130,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,2343,discuss
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,2338,discuss
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,1637,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2078,unrelated
Nun complains of stomach pains... and GIVES BIRTH: Sister who had 'no idea' she was pregnant has a baby boy at hospital in Italy,2479,discuss
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1503,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",367,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',2147,unrelated
ush list actually do so sister you tired it?,2087,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",404,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,206,unrelated
"Hundreds of dog-lovers from around the world offer home to pet abandoned at the railway station with a suitcase containing his pillow, toy, bowl and favourite food",1214,agree
Macaulay Culkin: Death claims about former child star revealed to be yet another hoax,2313,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,1296,discuss
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,2072,discuss
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,1871,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1175,unrelated
Islamic State militants allegedly used chlorine gas against Iraqi security forces,2411,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2434,discuss
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,2197,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1269,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,564,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",186,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1196,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1658,unrelated
Wayward sister ‘nun the wiser’ about baby,2269,unrelated
eal Photos of Fisherman’s Jaw-Dropping Catch Will Likely Have People Wondering If It’s Real,0,unrelated
Nun who gave birth ‘had no idea’ she was pregnant,1760,unrelated
Soldier shot at war memorial in Canada,2410,discuss
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1375,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,855,unrelated
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",2520,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1602,discuss
"If you want an Apple Watch, you’ll probably be trekking to an Apple Store",2077,discuss
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1385,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,2490,discuss
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",648,unrelated
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,414,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1295,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,1651,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,1555,agree
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1215,disagree
Iraqi airstrike kills key ISIL leader,1255,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,60,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,1177,discuss
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,2118,unrelated
N. Korea’s Kim has leg injury but in control,1567,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,2372,discuss
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1800,discuss
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,2281,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,1982,unrelated
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was shot nearly a dozen times before Kevin Vickers fatally wounded him,1175,unrelated
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",1807,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1627,unrelated
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,511,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2147,discuss
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",734,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,2116,unrelated
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,614,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1709,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,1974,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1419,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1351,unrelated
Reports: Big Bank Hank of pioneering rap group Sugarhill Gang has died,2035,discuss
Fake-News: 'McDonald's Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers',2163,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,840,discuss
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,706,discuss
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,950,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,2266,discuss
Hundreds of Palestinians flee as Israel opens dams into Gaza Valley,1967,discuss
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,530,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",846,discuss
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",227,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,941,unrelated
British man pays $460 to save constipated goldfish's life,1670,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2170,agree
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",1795,unrelated
N. Korea’s Kim has leg injury but in control,61,discuss
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,2061,discuss
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,304,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,689,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",720,unrelated
Cannibal mum tries to EAT her own baby shortly after giving birth,1462,agree
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,595,unrelated
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was shot nearly a dozen times before Kevin Vickers fatally wounded him,139,unrelated
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,1459,unrelated
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,1319,disagree
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,2411,unrelated
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,2421,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,139,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,1485,agree
This Is The Most Epic Way To Quit Your Job,169,unrelated
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,2046,agree
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',1149,discuss
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,2044,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,2337,disagree
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1120,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",2055,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",933,discuss
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,7,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,304,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,105,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,2317,discuss
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",2495,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1731,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",1395,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,564,unrelated
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,2318,discuss
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,2187,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,2265,unrelated
‘The cub of Baghdadi': ISIS reports its youngest jihadist ‘got martyred’ in battle,908,discuss
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1897,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),945,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1846,agree
Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired,2176,discuss
Islamic State militants allegedly used chlorine gas against Iraqi security forces,2489,unrelated
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,1933,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",950,unrelated
Nun 'has surprise baby' after complaining of stomach pains,2269,unrelated
KC hospital: Patient does not have symptom profile of Ebola,2306,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,1906,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,527,unrelated
Hospital Officials: Kansas City Patient Not Being Treated For Ebola,1256,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,511,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,2367,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,2115,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,2455,discuss
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,1923,disagree
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,2154,discuss
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,2048,discuss
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,299,unrelated
ESPN to save NFL's image with all-male domestic abuse discussion,1370,discuss
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,208,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,1002,discuss
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1068,discuss
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,2523,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,2342,discuss
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,1355,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,1529,discuss
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,855,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1251,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1347,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2096,discuss
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,1839,unrelated
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,1024,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,121,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,2020,unrelated
NYC relaxes response to marijuana possession,1383,unrelated
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",2472,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1423,unrelated
Marijuana Law New York: How No-A
est Policy Could Make Things Worse For Minor Offenders ,1528,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",373,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,1822,discuss
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,950,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,2272,agree
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,1589,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1848,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,559,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',1787,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,917,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",7,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,984,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,2096,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,139,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2525,unrelated
Crank-Boosting Behind Top Apps in App Store,2407,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1720,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,2093,discuss
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired,844,unrelated
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,1613,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",206,unrelated
Best Christmas present ever? Heartwarming moment app developer reveals to his parents he had paid off their mortgage,43,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',29,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1883,agree
'Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December' Fake News Story Goes Viral,348,agree
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,1022,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,630,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,625,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,359,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',1837,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,1795,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1210,unrelated
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,2020,unrelated
"Tom Brokaw 'wants Brian Williams out': NBC legend 'furious' at Iraq war lie, as it's claimed executives warned anchor to stop exaggerating the story in the past",2469,unrelated
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,271,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,2051,agree
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,2175,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1251,unrelated
Gateway Pundit,1598,discuss
America's oldest time capsule unearthed at Boston statehouse after being buried in 1795 by Sam Adams and Paul Revere,419,unrelated
Islamic State fighters detonate 'SCORPION bombs' in te
or siege,1474,agree
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1877,agree
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1268,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,1355,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',2344,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",395,discuss
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1422,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1047,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,2314,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,950,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,2530,discuss
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1905,unrelated
Hopeless romantic BURNS DOWN college sports hall after fireworks proposal stunt fails,842,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,30,unrelated
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",2210,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1815,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,456,discuss
Setting the record straight on tor,1461,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,125,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",2109,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",1240,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,903,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",26,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",652,unrelated
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,2524,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1439,unrelated
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",755,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,144,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,687,disagree
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,1055,agree
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,2129,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers hailed a hero for shooting rampaging gunman,1900,agree
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,487,unrelated
Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired,277,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,585,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,1125,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1215,disagree
Cloistered nun has a stomach ache hospital gives birth to a baby [Google Translate],391,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,2483,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1885,discuss
First bendgate... now it's HAIRGATE: Angry iPhone 6 owners claim design is causing chunks of their hair to be ripped out when they make a phone call,304,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1125,unrelated
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,695,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",298,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,217,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1255,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,1219,agree
Boy who suffered powerful electric shock claims he now has 'superpowers' like X-Men's Magneto as metal objects stick to him,2203,discuss
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",2223,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1627,unrelated
Best Christmas present ever? Heartwarming moment app developer reveals to his parents he had paid off their mortgage,950,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1166,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,2445,unrelated
"Woman At Dulles Plays It Safe, Wears A Rain Poncho And Mask",1955,discuss
Now THAT'S a Royal trip! Alan Titchmarsh finds psychedelic mushroom in the Queen's garden at Buckingham Palace,2137,unrelated
20-year-old burger: McDonald's Quarter Pounder looks eerily new after 2 decades,199,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1569,unrelated
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out,2184,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,1541,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,2087,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,585,agree
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2453,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1034,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,2309,unrelated
"No, it's not Tiger Woods selling an island in Lake Mälaren",604,disagree
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,2033,unrelated
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,2072,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",121,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,964,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1720,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),235,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,2152,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",670,discuss
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,1528,unrelated
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,95,agree
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,723,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2261,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,2096,unrelated
REPORT: Apple's Watch Will Come In 2 Storage Sizes,499,unrelated
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,1369,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1873,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,1083,unrelated
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
"Soldier, Gunman Killed In Shooting Incident Near Canadian Parliament",1437,discuss
Bergdahl: Senator Says Jihadists Swapped For U.S. Troop ‘In Touch’ With Al-Qaida Affiliate,1095,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",1442,discuss
Mystery woman behind the 'richest hands on the internet' revealed: Former pornstar 'makes $5m a year unwrapping Disney toys on YouTube',1125,agree
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",10,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,529,unrelated
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",1344,discuss
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,737,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,304,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,649,unrelated
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",564,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,1938,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,2138,agree
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,1857,unrelated
Woman Says She Gave Her Cheating Man a Printout of His DMs for Christmas,1528,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",892,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,2118,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,125,unrelated
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,1921,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,1212,unrelated
"Marine Gets Shot in the Head, Walks Away",1934,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,1438,unrelated
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,1042,agree
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,741,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,984,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,401,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1921,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,651,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,267,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1939,unrelated
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,235,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,941,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1125,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,743,agree
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2524,discuss
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,132,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1786,unrelated
Has ISIS used chemical weapons on Kobane? Claims under-siege town was hit by crude rocket attack,1895,discuss
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,241,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1349,unrelated
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,568,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1722,discuss
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit,56,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1400,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),2055,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),773,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",2240,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2115,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2118,discuss
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,776,unrelated
Armed U.S. drones spotted flying over Syria in possible hunt for ISIS leader,2129,discuss
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",1407,agree
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,2410,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,1949,discuss
Chinese parents try to SELL their son to pay for medical treatment for his sick twin sister,720,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1826,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1040,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,871,discuss
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,2223,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,2031,agree
Rats are still running around at Vogue,2080,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,626,unrelated
People On Twitter Think Macklemore Has Joined ISIS,1022,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1419,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1670,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),984,discuss
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1815,unrelated
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",1157,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1438,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1853,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,800,unrelated
Lego letter to parents in 1974 on gender equality still resonates 40 years on,1582,agree
"NYPD to issue tickets instead of a
est for weed possession, report says",1718,unrelated
Did Paul Rudd Help Tackle That Dallas Airport Gay-Basher?,1331,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1446,discuss
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1718,unrelated
Update: Frisco paramedics transporting patient believed to be exhibiting Ebola-like symptoms,1104,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,478,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1224,unrelated
PGA Spokesman and Tiger Woods' Agent Deny Drug Suspension Allegations,173,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,2525,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,2106,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,2463,discuss
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,1982,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,702,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,121,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,2197,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",1996,unrelated
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",330,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,2223,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,387,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,724,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1358,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: The death hoax is once again on the child actor,2175,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",693,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",706,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1966,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1580,discuss
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,258,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1921,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Feature Time-Only 'Power Reserve' Mode, Prototypes Disguised as Samsung Watches",664,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,359,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,161,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",532,agree
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1022,agree
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,2459,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1819,agree
Axl Rose Found Dead of Sh*tty Hoax Website at Age 52,414,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,321,unrelated
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,2052,disagree
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1744,unrelated
China: Satirical site warns citizens over name choices,1660,disagree
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,2252,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",2153,discuss
Knightscope Security Robots Are Keeping Microsoft Campuses Safe (and They Look Really Scary),1577,unrelated
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,2531,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",11,unrelated
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,2072,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,2058,unrelated
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,614,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,298,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1087,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,169,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1579,discuss
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1661,unrelated
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",431,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,125,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,2374,discuss
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",2016,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1372,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1289,unrelated
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",17,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",1001,discuss
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,586,unrelated
"Rajasthan: Man Tries to Rape Teenager, Angry Mob Chops His Penis Off",2072,unrelated
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',8,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",425,discuss
Macklemore Gets Twitter-Trolled with the #MacklemoreJoinedISIS,1483,agree
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",75,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,1437,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,1572,unrelated
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,60,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,586,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1016,agree
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1034,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
"Luke Somers Dies In Rescue Attempt, Sister Says; Yemeni Defense Ministry Says Unnamed US Hostage Freed",115,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,2455,discuss
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,1424,discuss
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,1565,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah,2489,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',649,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,1234,unrelated
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,1645,unrelated
"""This is the recording you thought you'd lost forever""",1406,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,2492,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1615,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1679,discuss
Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed girlfriend says she was born a BOY and reveals 'amazing' sex with Olympian,1658,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1034,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",119,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",1341,discuss
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",1897,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,1603,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1860,disagree
"Soldier shot, Parliament locked down after gunfire erupts at war memorial",2269,unrelated
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,1222,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1921,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1760,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,632,discuss
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',304,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,958,unrelated
Amazon Is Opening a Brick-and-Mortar Store in Manhattan,428,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,2132,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,634,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",244,unrelated
Electric shock turns Russian boy into Marvel's Magneto,1426,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,1921,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1528,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,1435,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,1176,discuss
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,381,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,2283,agree
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",2003,discuss
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",2039,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2127,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1384,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",1972,discuss
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,1009,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1131,discuss
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1627,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2296,unrelated
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,236,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1572,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,2356,discuss
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1206,discuss
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],105,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,305,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1531,disagree
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",687,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2434,discuss
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",1506,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,1422,unrelated
"Despite no Ebola case in Kansas City, the rumor goes viral",2104,agree
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,2252,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,1724,discuss
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",788,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,1247,discuss
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,931,discuss
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",781,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1940,unrelated
"No, a mechanical polar bear is not about to be given an Asbo",1864,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,72,unrelated
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,304,unrelated
Bugatti Veyron Vandalized With Penis Graffiti? Viral Photo Isn’t What It Seems,1144,discuss
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,513,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,2520,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,298,unrelated
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,1438,unrelated
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated,1058,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,1820,agree
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",971,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2404,unrelated
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,1311,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,767,disagree
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1295,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",2511,discuss
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",1483,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,2295,discuss
Nun who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth after going to hospital with stomach pains,1597,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,533,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",731,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,321,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,2248,unrelated
Bird defecates on Vladimir Putin during speech (video),2278,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",2367,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,513,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1974,discuss
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,1808,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1547,unrelated
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers,1921,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,2252,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",2044,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",2530,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1982,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,1384,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,1419,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",2419,discuss
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1125,unrelated
Missing Planes,1372,discuss
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',2329,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,2144,discuss
This Is What The Sun Baby From ‘Teletu
ies’ Looks Like Now,1623,agree
More American Weapons for ISIS,168,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,11,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,337,discuss
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,2017,discuss
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2526,unrelated
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1375,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',826,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2450,agree
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,1726,unrelated
Mohammed Islam Denies Making $72 Million From Stock Market Trading,1693,unrelated
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,1778,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,1974,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,874,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2287,unrelated
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,2264,discuss
Apple Watch may be powered by Samsung processor,1835,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,134,discuss
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,295,unrelated
Cold Turkey,2168,discuss
Amazon plans ad-supported video streaming service - NY post,1804,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,225,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",844,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,1659,discuss
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",142,discuss
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,2078,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",1312,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1817,unrelated
Jose Canseco shoots self in hand,2352,agree
Tiger Woods' former luxury island goes on sale,1954,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,304,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",35,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,533,unrelated
This Man Paid Off His Parents' Mortgage for Christmas (Video),1439,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",2155,discuss
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",2307,unrelated
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,2003,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,724,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1202,discuss
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,1885,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1988,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1338,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1057,disagree
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,173,unrelated
Apple's 12-Inch Retina MacBook Air Shown in Artist's Renditions,1730,discuss
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",706,discuss
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",239,agree
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1720,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2075,discuss
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,1544,unrelated
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ A
ams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?,1393,discuss
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,43,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,121,unrelated
KFC Marijuana Sales To Begin In Colorado? It’s Unbelievable — Literally,2456,unrelated
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,1660,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,2326,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1681,discuss
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1905,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,2234,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",2367,unrelated
Apple Watch reportedly features unannounced diagnostics port under strap connector,1295,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1424,discuss
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1786,unrelated
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),2196,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,1374,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",524,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,7,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,2297,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1603,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,2403,discuss
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,2375,unrelated
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,2502,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",2251,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1817,discuss
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,518,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2397,discuss
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,760,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1157,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,2186,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",381,unrelated
Apple Watch launch expected in late March,1302,discuss
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,2530,discuss
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1790,discuss
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,490,unrelated
"Feminist Aborts Baby For Being A Boy, Shocked People Don’t Approve",2161,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,511,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,1708,discuss
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2044,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,1680,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,2328,unrelated
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",1760,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2453,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",139,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",305,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,304,unrelated
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,209,discuss
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",1808,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,195,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,724,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1403,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,2042,agree
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,2515,agree
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2130,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,666,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",840,discuss
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,2124,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,304,unrelated
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,1936,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,298,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2044,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,1539,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1040,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",539,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,2118,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1786,unrelated
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Everything you need to know about Michael Phelps’ intersex girlfriend,2322,discuss
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1073,discuss
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1280,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,2524,discuss
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,220,unrelated
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,2072,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1351,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",972,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,119,unrelated
Apple Watch reportedly features unannounced diagnostics port under strap connector,1393,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1864,discuss
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,1267,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1841,disagree
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,2309,discuss
iPhone Game Developer Quits Job By Hiding The Greatest Letter Of Resignation Ever Inside His Game,879,unrelated
Amazon Is Going To Open A Physical Store!,428,unrelated
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,1656,unrelated
Is this proof of bigfoot? New 'yeti' video shows giant hairy beast walking through forest,359,discuss
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",1224,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",2299,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,1295,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1883,unrelated
Has this Argentine woman fallen victim to a cruel online hoax? Adult video claiming to show teacher having sex with pupil isn't all it seems,1896,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,693,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1437,discuss
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,2046,unrelated
Nasty iOS 8 Bug Could Erase Your iCloud Drive Documents,906,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,2481,discuss
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,304,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",1528,unrelated
Paul Rudd Is Not the Viral Video Hero Who Tackled a Gay Basher in Dallas,1647,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,1565,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,754,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,450,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",208,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",2118,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1825,discuss
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",2448,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,1347,unrelated
"Etats-Unis: Mort pendant 48 minutes, un prêtre affirme que Dieu est une femme",2515,agree
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1251,unrelated
Kanye Banned,2255,discuss
"Palestine accuses Israel of opening dams, flooding Gaza, forcing evacuations",289,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,402,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",1294,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,1795,unrelated
Psychoactive magic mushroom found in grounds of Buckingham Palace,1560,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1709,discuss
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,1471,unrelated
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,1913,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,2042,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,454,disagree
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,304,unrelated
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,837,unrelated
Cold Turkey,2213,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1815,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",2002,unrelated
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,32,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1982,unrelated
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,1802,discuss
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1661,unrelated
Chinese parents try to SELL their son to pay for medical treatment for his sick twin sister,1225,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),686,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",17,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",1651,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,808,agree
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1984,agree
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2287,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,87,unrelated
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,2463,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",1893,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,2009,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,346,unrelated
"Apple's New MacBook Will Be A Thinner, Cleaner, Faster 12-Inch MacBook Air",2039,agree
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,2379,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,704,discuss
Mechanical polar bear ‘threatened with ASBO for singing Christmas songs’,1205,discuss
Banksy a
est hoax: Internet duped by fake report claiming that the street artist's identity has been revealed,1020,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,2068,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,2118,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1857,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2296,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,1268,discuss
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",1931,disagree
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,676,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1206,discuss
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,962,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1839,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1950,unrelated
Seth Rogen reported to play Woz in the upcoming Steve Jobs movie,2410,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",2266,discuss
Big Bank Hank dead: Sugarhill Gang member and rapper dies aged 57,1979,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,304,unrelated
Comcast blocks Tor,1280,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,1405,discuss
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",1921,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2419,unrelated
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,1689,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,964,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,1237,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,1314,discuss
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,387,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,2070,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,1074,unrelated
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,2431,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,1939,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,2314,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2388,discuss
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",2495,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,1950,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",1036,discuss
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',40,unrelated
"Soldier shot, Parliament locked down after gunfire erupts at war memorial",633,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,571,unrelated
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,1921,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1549,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1355,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",2495,discuss
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1289,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2404,unrelated
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it,2330,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1857,unrelated
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,472,unrelated
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1427,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,959,discuss
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,1772,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,2341,agree
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,1140,agree
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",1644,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,2093,discuss
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",2002,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",1622,discuss
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,1547,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,992,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,2156,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2403,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,2296,unrelated
"Unconfirmed: ISIS Claims Kayla Mueller, American Female Hostage, Is Dead",959,unrelated
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,1689,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Didn't Blur Out Michelle Obama's Face When the President Met King Salman",235,agree
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,2203,discuss
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,500,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",1637,agree
Nun who gave birth ‘had no idea’ she was pregnant,2058,unrelated
"No, that
oken pencil illustration isn't by Banksy",1688,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,7,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,2115,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",387,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",1940,unrelated
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,1543,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1013,unrelated
Did a plumber's pick-up truck from Texas end up ca
ying an anti-aircraft gun for Islamic fighters on the front lines of Syria?,2344,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,2070,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',568,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,499,discuss
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,2127,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,11,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",2441,unrelated
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,1125,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1939,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1481,unrelated
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,2432,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,2296,unrelated
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,2313,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,1071,discuss
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,2115,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1519,discuss
Newly-Found Document Holds Eyewitness Account of Jesus Performing Miracle,213,unrelated
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,181,unrelated
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,1808,unrelated
For sale: Tiger's former island in Sweden,240,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",1551,agree
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Islamic State Declares Captured Aid Worker to be 'Innocent',2254,discuss
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken,1011,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1939,discuss
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,2385,discuss
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,2080,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1661,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,892,discuss
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",2472,unrelated
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,2531,discuss
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,2314,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,573,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,2520,unrelated
Police hunt tweed-jacket wearing man who slaps shoppers for SNEEZING,2114,unrelated
NEWS/ Meet the Teletu
ies Sun Baby: 19-Year-Old Jess Smith Reveals Herself as the Smiling Face Who Looked Over Teletu
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1649,discuss
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,61,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,1968,unrelated
#RIPFidel fuels false rumors of Cuban leader's death after another Fidel Castro dies,892,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,116,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,2147,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,472,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",817,discuss
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,137,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1899,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,714,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1340,discuss
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,304,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",1744,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,648,unrelated
Isis supporters claim US hostage killed in coalition air strike in Syria,663,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2147,unrelated
American Predator Drone Circling Islamic State’s Stronghold,1170,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1213,disagree
White House Fence Jumper Made It Further Into Building Than Reported,1426,unrelated
Big Bank Hank dead: Sugarhill Gang member and rapper dies aged 57,281,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",533,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",2520,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",1107,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2078,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,1406,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",859,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,903,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",331,unrelated
"Piper Jaffray pegs stainless steel Apple Watch price at $499, Edition at $4,999",40,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2047,discuss
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,481,discuss
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1818,discuss
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",1651,unrelated
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,682,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,625,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1883,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,944,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,167,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",1221,unrelated
Report—Jose Canseco accidentally shot at his home tonight,1154,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1951,agree
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",2155,discuss
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,2147,unrelated
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,308,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2248,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,859,unrelated
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',942,unrelated
"Rodney Constantine, Newfoundland Suspect, Keeps Facebook Pledge To Turn Himself In",467,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",2463,discuss
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",1661,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,1658,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1580,discuss
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",1606,discuss
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),945,disagree
"12in Retina MacBook Air release date rumours: All-new 12in MacBook Air design for 2015, launching at WWDC?",2509,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,1271,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,499,discuss
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,2092,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,1227,disagree
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,61,unrelated
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",2447,unrelated
Unconfirmed Reports Say UK Hostage Held By ISIS Found Innocent,695,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,381,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,125,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",289,unrelated
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,1631,discuss
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2296,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",304,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,557,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,1363,agree
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2495,discuss
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1948,unrelated
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",626,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,2260,disagree
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,832,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",752,unrelated
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,2496,agree
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1549,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,1239,unrelated
Man cut off manhood and threw it in bin after girlfriend dumped him over small penis,1905,unrelated
"Would you pay $10,000 for the Apple Watch?",490,unrelated
Report: Jose Canseco accidentally shot,1580,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1787,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",2399,discuss
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,787,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,456,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,267,unrelated
Vandal paints penis on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,442,unrelated
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,2141,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,900,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1825,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1857,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,2463,discuss to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,1301,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1547,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang’s Big Bank Hank dead at 57,1996,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,414,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,2463,unrelated
Fisherman lands 19 STONE catfish which could be biggest in world to be hooked,0,unrelated
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,1909,discuss
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1295,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,591,agree
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),125,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",1442,discuss
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1679,discuss
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",2154,discuss
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,2148,discuss
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,2113,discuss
Hospital Officials: Kansas City Patient Not Being Treated For Ebola,2125,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1252,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,649,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',2031,discuss
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,1893,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",467,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2345,discuss
"Despite no Ebola case in Kansas City, the rumor goes viral",8,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1372,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,2206,discuss
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1540,discuss
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1530,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,539,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",608,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,1438,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,2252,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1116,discuss
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2525,unrelated
Update: Did Make Up This Story About The Web Sheriff Ben Edelman Sending Racist Emails?,2509,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,125,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",1293,unrelated
"No, ESPN is not having an all-male domestic violence panel tonight",2167,unrelated
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,2445,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,1764,discuss
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,2192,unrelated
Apple Watch won’t be the digital doctor it could have been,648,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1628,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,1543,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2450,discuss
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,2374,agree
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,2297,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1251,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1574,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1815,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",2180,discuss
80's Brat Pack star Judd Nelson forced to deny that he's dead after fake news story starts trending on social media,1155,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,971,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,1471,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,2124,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1795,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1549,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,682,unrelated
Bali Awry,1826,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,2313,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,933,discuss
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1210,unrelated
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,2452,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,1817,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,1198,unrelated
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,2147,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",1375,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1139,discuss
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,1572,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1253,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,121,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2127,unrelated
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,2210,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,2455,discuss
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,220,unrelated
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,126,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1175,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,2044,unrelated
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,1592,agree
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,526,unrelated
Report: Apple Watch to Ship in March,2273,discuss
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,900,unrelated
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,887,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,1020,unrelated
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,2420,discuss
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,776,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,913,discuss
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,1535,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1034,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",1468,discuss
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,2281,agree
High School Student Rumored to Have Made $72 Million Trading Stocks,2132,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,822,discuss
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,1707,unrelated
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,1857,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1787,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,2037,agree
Seth Rogen to play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale's Steve Jobs,1002,discuss
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1589,agree
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",975,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,258,unrelated
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,1347,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,2025,discuss
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1197,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1256,unrelated
ISIS Kobani Update: Possible ISIS Chemical Attack On Kurdish Civilians In Kobani,703,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",227,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1439,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1056,disagree
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",2520,discuss
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",139,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",2356,discuss
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',1281,unrelated
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,1985,discuss
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",1555,agree
Officials: Report That Area Town Is Under Ebola Quarantine Is False,1627,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,1342,agree
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,572,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",320,unrelated
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,1853,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'Has Difficulty Walking And Needs About 100 Days To Recuperate',2471,unrelated
Penis Drawn On Bugatti Veyron Could Be World's Most Expensive Car Vandalism,1435,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,2240,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,125,unrelated
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,883,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,574,unrelated
Pull the other Un! North Korean dictator has not been seen for weeks because he 'pulled tendon while doing drill with his generals',1815,discuss
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,938,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',931,discuss
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,789,unrelated
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,1659,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",1459,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',2411,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1295,agree
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,703,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,2295,unrelated
Meet The College Student Who Claims She Was The ‘Teletu
ies’ Sun Baby,837,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,1949,discuss
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,2340,discuss
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1982,unrelated
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,2147,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2287,discuss
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit,115,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',346,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,933,discuss
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,971,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,1988,discuss
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,2141,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1125,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1885,agree
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1821,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,524,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,304,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,220,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,2528,discuss
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,850,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,2523,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1210,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1659,unrelated
NYPD to stop a
ests for small amounts of marijuana,1295,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",2096,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,1349,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,731,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1011,discuss
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,1804,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,220,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1299,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1893,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,2443,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,2452,unrelated
NYC relaxes response to marijuana possession,139,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,244,unrelated
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,2252,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,1185,discuss
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,391,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",539,unrelated
"Dogs DO go to heaven… and cats, and horses: Pope assures young boy that there is a place in paradise for animals as well",289,agree
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1968,unrelated
Star Wars 7: JJ A
ams want to move release to summer 2015,2084,discuss
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1166,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',2458,unrelated
"ISIS Claims Female American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Killed in Airstrike",532,unrelated
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",1274,discuss
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1481,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,346,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,1913,discuss
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,226,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2044,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,2051,agree
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",2088,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,1278,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,1210,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",190,unrelated
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,662,unrelated
"Islamic State Militants Have Been Flying 3 Captured Warplanes Over Syrian Airport, Witnesses Say",1337,unrelated
Comcast blocks Tor,1589,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,1338,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",648,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",2314,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,2367,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,1549,unrelated
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",2376,discuss
US Marine survives headshot from Taliban (video),1724,unrelated
"High-end Apple Watch to start at $5,000 -- analyst",1461,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,1952,discuss
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,2115,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",2187,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,731,unrelated
Newly-Found Document Holds Eyewitness Account of Jesus Performing Miracle,2141,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,2132,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,125,unrelated
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,1689,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,592,agree
North Korea denies plans to open a restaurant in Scotland,1143,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2003,discuss
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",879,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,913,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1289,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",941,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,1543,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,2398,unrelated
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,1502,unrelated
Nun who gave birth ‘had no idea’ she was pregnant,2009,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1385,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2354,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',1289,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,734,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),932,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1372,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,2156,agree
Bali Awry,1638,discuss
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,1268,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',1645,unrelated
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,1022,agree
'Banksy' Reacts To Paris Attack With Poignant Drawing,1747,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,845,unrelated
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,170,unrelated
Country Music Legend Willie Nelson Dies at Age 81,2268,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1271,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2184,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,2307,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,938,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1786,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,2370,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,54,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1465,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",1905,disagree
"NYPD to issue tickets instead of a
est for weed possession, report says",2372,discuss
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,2042,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1299,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,634,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2127,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1213,unrelated
‘Feminist’ says she aborted baby because it was a boy,1363,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',524,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,1785,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,1457,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,722,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1120,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,244,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,1627,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,382,unrelated
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",2003,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,1137,disagree
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,299,unrelated
"#Daysofdarkness: No, There Won't Be Six Days Of Darkness In December",787,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,2045,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",1419,unrelated
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,2188,unrelated
Axl Rose Found Dead of Sh*tty Hoax Website at Age 52,1857,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2127,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1821,unrelated
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),1893,unrelated
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,2208,discuss
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,2501,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,2141,unrelated
Cold Turkey,1026,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,1090,unrelated
Comcast gets customer fired for complaining about poor service,2238,discuss
1901 Boston time capsule yields small red book,2257,agree
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1904,discuss
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,1863,unrelated
This Is What The Sun Baby From ‘Teletu
ies’ Looks Like Now,979,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",1547,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1294,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",938,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",2192,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1786,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1627,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,431,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",2296,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,572,disagree
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,267,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,1097,unrelated
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,34,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",891,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,405,discuss
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2453,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,1831,disagree
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',404,discuss
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,1988,unrelated
Isis supporters claim US hostage killed in coalition air strike in Syria,2473,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2403,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,2177,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1506,unrelated
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,1670,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1219,discuss
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,2496,agree
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",2045,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',2385,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",845,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1009,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",2240,agree
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,2267,agree
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",2087,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2313,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2147,discuss
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,2385,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,777,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,2483,unrelated
Apple Watch won’t be the digital doctor it could have been,1917,discuss
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",2475,disagree
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,2471,discuss
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1019,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',2192,discuss
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",837,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,2215,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,986,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",500,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1819,agree
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",2463,discuss
"Islamic State training pilots to fly MiG fighter planes, says monitoring group",1608,discuss
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,2265,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,80,unrelated
1901 Boston time capsule yields small red book,1239,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,2463,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1628,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1829,unrelated
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,1805,unrelated
US airstrike targets Al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane in Somalia,1869,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment",1423,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,2010,discuss
British Aid Worker Confirmed Murdered By ISIS,1011,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,2354,unrelated
eBay is planning an Apple Watch app,1342,unrelated
Tiger Woods selling Swedish villa — island included,1836,unrelated
"Omar Gonzalez, White House Fence-Jumper, Made it Farther Inside",607,unrelated
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,524,unrelated
American hostage killed in rescue attempt in Yemen - senior official,634,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2060,agree
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,2084,discuss
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1251,unrelated
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",695,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1009,discuss
ESPN’s All-Male “Monday Night Football” Panel On Domestic Violence Is Not Real,1500,agree
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,1530,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1681,discuss
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,1267,discuss
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,2249,agree
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,950,discuss
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1253,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1009,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,344,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,2192,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,2213,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1880,disagree
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1157,discuss
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,1372,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1982,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",35,unrelated
Italian fisherman catches monstrous 280-pound catfish,188,agree
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,1040,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,2501,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,2215,agree
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,1888,unrelated
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),689,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',527,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,900,agree
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",879,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1854,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,456,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,573,unrelated
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,816,unrelated
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,2087,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),964,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,324,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1958,agree
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1289,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",1949,unrelated
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,125,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment Decrease Gravity Hoax on Jan 4, 2015: ‘Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness’ in January is Totally Bogus",169,unrelated
World's oldest burger,793,agree
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",1336,unrelated
Frisco: Sick patient claims to have had contact with Ebola victim,155,unrelated
eBay developing Apple Watch software with ties to iOS app,796,discuss
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",1790,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found on Buckingham Palace Grounds,330,unrelated
"Unhappy Customer: Comcast Told My Employer About Complaint, Got Me Fired",1268,unrelated
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,2256,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,533,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,992,discuss
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",2261,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,498,unrelated
Her Majesty’s magic mushrooms,1575,unrelated
Saudis Say Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed on TV,691,agree
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,286,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,458,disagree
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1120,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,1004,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,2187,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,508,unrelated
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,345,agree
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",788,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,387,unrelated
"No, that high school kid didn't make $72 million trading stocks",2472,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1776,discuss
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,1642,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,1029,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor's Cats & Making Fur Coats,2451,agree
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,75,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,1036,discuss
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,2175,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,346,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1844,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,1234,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1896,discuss
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,1913,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,1483,unrelated
20-year-old burger: McDonald's Quarter Pounder looks eerily new after 2 decades,1195,unrelated
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,648,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1826,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,1217,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",2115,unrelated
Is the iPhone 6 Really Pulling Out Your Hair?,1787,unrelated
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,1786,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,2418,discuss
According to some Russians this dark figure stumbling through the snowy woods is a Yeti - and they even have a footprint. Hmmmmm,2280,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,2283,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),1022,agree
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1178,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,1686,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1034,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,324,unrelated
North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Is Still In Charge: Source,744,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,1358,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",607,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,2354,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets tipped more than $2,000 for a single delivery",2122,agree
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1807,discuss
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1702,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1923,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),1528,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,1465,unrelated
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,689,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1580,agree
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,2090,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",2463,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,564,unrelated
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,304,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,632,discuss
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",305,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',714,discuss
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],625,unrelated
Putin’s motorcade looks suspiciously like a massive…,1021,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",220,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,125,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',1549,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,381,unrelated
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,313,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,2039,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",2252,agree
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,2176,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",472,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,1853,agree
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2138,discuss
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,1808,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,958,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,2283,agree
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",43,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,654,discuss
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,2139,discuss
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,917,discuss
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1774,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,195,unrelated
Govt fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,844,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,2175,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",1646,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,1989,agree
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,1988,unrelated
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",1252,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,2096,unrelated
A Bogus Banksy,1196,agree
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,975,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1795,agree
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,742,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,2155,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,34,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,2448,discuss
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,2134,unrelated
British Aid Worker Confirmed Murdered By ISIS,2440,agree
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,1938,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,1361,discuss
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,205,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",1917,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,2360,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1346,discuss
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,459,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,966,disagree
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",181,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1195,discuss
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',2412,discuss
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,1826,unrelated
[Updated] Saudi State Television Allegedly Blurs Michelle Obama’s Face During Meeting With New Saudi King,682,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,1130,unrelated
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,431,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1569,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1009,discuss
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",345,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,503,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,1628,discuss
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,1040,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1352,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",1837,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,2078,unrelated
Weather Reporter Mike Seidel Was Caught Off Guard on Live TV and Appeared to Be Urinating in the Snow -- Watch!,2511,discuss
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",1875,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,2450,agree
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel,1357,unrelated
Man Chops Off and Throws Away His Small Penis After Bad Breakup,40,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1206,discuss
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,1000,agree
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,1693,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,1192,unrelated
Ebola Scare in Kansas City,707,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1549,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,1584,unrelated
Saudi cleric issues fatwa against building snowmen,1950,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],1966,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,132,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",2234,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,2090,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,8,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1164,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",1679,unrelated
iOS 8 bug could delete your iCloud Drive documents,1224,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1166,unrelated
Rumors about Fidel Castro’s death again circulate on the Internet,1832,unrelated
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,2129,discuss
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",1996,agree
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,2016,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1939,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",505,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",121,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,1807,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,2404,unrelated
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1933,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,2116,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",1094,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",226,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,2370,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,1921,discuss
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",2263,agree
Spec leak suggests Apple Watch will be on par with Android Wear rivals,1585,discuss
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,34,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1564,discuss
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,26,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",666,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2109,unrelated
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,1673,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,443,discuss
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was shot nearly a dozen times before Kevin Vickers fatally wounded him,1586,unrelated
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,1997,discuss
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,2044,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1019,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,533,unrelated
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,1984,agree
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,1731,discuss
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,2304,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,0,unrelated
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",125,unrelated
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,936,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,508,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",539,unrelated
"Tiger Woods is not on suspension for failing a drug test, his agent and a PGA official say",2175,discuss
Does ISIS have an airforce? Te
orist 'fighter pilots' are being trained on captured MiGs by Saddam Hussein's ex-air force officers,886,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1547,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",132,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1821,unrelated
NASA: Viral news on days of darkness in December is hoax,348,agree
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",2250,discuss
Hopeless romantic BURNS DOWN college sports hall after fireworks proposal stunt fails,2345,unrelated
What TBS’s Sped-Up Seinfeld Reruns Tell Us About the So
y State of America,1871,discuss
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,467,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1786,unrelated
A Letter Lego Sent to Parents in 1974 Holds an Important Message for the Parents of 2014,1169,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,15,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,1398,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,475,discuss
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",2399,discuss
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,2010,discuss
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1538,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,1024,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,2096,unrelated
Somali te
orist leader dead after US airstrike,1921,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,1939,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,2409,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,206,unrelated
Somali te
orist leader dead after US airstrike,1746,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1427,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,88,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,385,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,1437,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1262,discuss
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1688,discuss
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',684,unrelated
Ebola Scare in Kansas City,2501,discuss
Apple Watch reportedly set to ship in the U.S. by March,2154,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1266,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,903,discuss
This Is What It Looks Like When A Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage As A Christmas Present,651,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",220,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,1372,discuss
Shocking picture shows mother trying to sell her own son to pay for twin daughter's cancer treatment,1698,agree
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,1358,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1966,discuss
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1137,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,692,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,1545,agree
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,387,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1234,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,2349,agree
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,639,unrelated
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),781,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,1788,discuss
Animal lovers abuzz over pope’s comments that 'paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',2002,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",676,unrelated
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,1022,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",244,unrelated
The Force Awakens News: Director J.J. A
ams Eyes Summer Release for Star Wars 7 Because of Too Many Spoilers,2084,discuss
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,830,agree
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2191,discuss
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,1940,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,539,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,1260,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",1813,agree
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,702,unrelated
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,1176,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,634,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",687,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,891,discuss
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1795,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,539,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),88,unrelated
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,1987,discuss
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1679,discuss
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,693,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],1291,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",1081,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,880,discuss
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,61,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,2115,unrelated
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,1699,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,1048,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,2403,unrelated
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax),1419,unrelated
‘The cub of Baghdadi': ISIS reports its youngest jihadist ‘got martyred’ in battle,2372,unrelated
Report: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,833,unrelated
Nun 'has surprise baby' after complaining of stomach pains,2192,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2070,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,220,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,513,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,1940,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",185,discuss
N. Korea’s Kim has leg injury but in control,1419,unrelated
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,550,unrelated
Rumors Of Fidel Castro's Death Circulate After Prolonged Absence From Public Life,1439,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,908,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",2454,discuss
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,1637,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",478,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",220,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",171,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",879,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1009,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,805,agree
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1251,unrelated
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it,1517,agree
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,2124,unrelated
SHOCKING: Indian Man's Penis Cut-off After He Was Caught Attempting Rape [Photos],2196,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1122,discuss
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,2132,unrelated
Claim: Comcast Got Complaining Customer Fired From His Job,2149,unrelated
Constipated goldfish operated on by North Walsham vet,803,agree
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,2483,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,1690,discuss
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1361,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Feature Time-Only 'Power Reserve' Mode, Prototypes Disguised as Samsung Watches",295,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,993,agree
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy,862,agree
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,1588,unrelated
'Banksy' Reacts To Paris Attack With Poignant Drawing,1584,discuss
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,903,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1681,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,775,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,550,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1549,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2214,agree
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,2506,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",938,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",1471,unrelated
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,1747,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",2196,unrelated
Snowmen Declared Anti-Islamic As Snow Falls in Saudi Arabia,2317,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",847,discuss
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,1338,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,1697,unrelated
North Dakota Names Landfill After Obama,468,agree
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",760,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),218,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",2248,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",2240,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1661,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,2078,unrelated
oken girl spends week in KFC after getting dumped,2414,agree
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1948,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,1681,unrelated
‘The cub of Baghdadi': ISIS reports its youngest jihadist ‘got martyred’ in battle,1336,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,666,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,2061,agree
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',757,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,524,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1459,unrelated
Podcast: Brown Moses on what’s flying over Iraq and Syria,2367,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",1572,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1627,unrelated
This Dog Was Left At A Railway Station With A Suitcase Of His Belongings After He Was Sold On Gumtree,304,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1296,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,1888,unrelated
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",612,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1439,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1982,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',2336,unrelated
How did a Texas plumber's truck end up with Syrian rebels? (+video),2084,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",1313,disagree
Cold Turkey,1572,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1949,unrelated
Nun complains of stomach pains... and GIVES BIRTH: Sister who had 'no idea' she was pregnant has a baby boy at hospital in Italy,2269,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1588,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1857,unrelated
Apple's 12-Inch Retina MacBook Air Shown in Artist's Renditions,1852,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,195,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,295,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1786,unrelated
"Tee-off in your own putting paradise: Swedish luxury island owned by Tiger Woods up for sale - and it comes with a villa, a hot tub and a lodge",43,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1406,unrelated
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,405,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1622,discuss
Apple Watch reportedly set to ship in the U.S. by March,808,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,220,unrelated
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",2252,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,2434,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,968,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,2360,unrelated
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,15,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,483,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,1860,disagree
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1034,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1478,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1597,unrelated
Michelle Obama's Hair Appeared Totally Uncensored on Saudi TV,1343,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1288,discuss
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1873,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,2385,discuss
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1934,discuss
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,508,discuss
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",320,unrelated
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,1939,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,900,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,1109,agree
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,1458,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,2156,unrelated
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,1489,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,821,unrelated
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,2269,unrelated
The Force Awakens News: Director J.J. A
ams Eyes Summer Release for Star Wars 7 Because of Too Many Spoilers,808,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1251,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,244,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1857,unrelated
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,1543,unrelated
US airstrike targets Al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane in Somalia,882,unrelated
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,1178,unrelated
"Unhappy Customer: Comcast Told My Employer About Complaint, Got Me Fired",2447,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1034,unrelated pulls story accusing prof of sending ‘racist’ emails,375,discuss
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1361,unrelated
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",236,agree
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,2421,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,1790,discuss
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,388,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1361,unrelated
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO),1820,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,2345,discuss
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1375,unrelated
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated,2280,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,816,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1206,discuss
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,650,agree
"Man chops off own penis, throws it in a dustbin after poor show in bed",831,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",2034,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,2356,discuss
Isis supporters claim US hostage killed in coalition air strike in Syria,1293,discuss
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,692,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2495,discuss
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",731,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",1938,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",2090,unrelated
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",1840,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1950,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1899,discuss
Now THAT'S a Royal trip! Alan Titchmarsh finds psychedelic mushroom in the Queen's garden at Buckingham Palace,2478,agree
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",1317,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1897,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,2138,discuss
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,1681,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",286,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",11,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",1940,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,2307,agree
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,2483,unrelated
Paul Rudd Is Not the Viral Video Hero Who Tackled a Gay Basher in Dallas,1814,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,431,unrelated
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",10,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,2266,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",1171,agree
Macaulay Culkin dead: The death hoax is once again on the child actor,722,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,1673,agree
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1383,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1271,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1120,unrelated
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",2251,unrelated
Rumors about Fidel Castro’s death again circulate on the Internet,2009,discuss
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",1808,discuss
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,1299,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,913,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,1483,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,1859,agree
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1970,agree
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,773,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1016,agree
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',321,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",2317,discuss
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1699,unrelated
British Aid Worker Confirmed Murdered By ISIS,68,unrelated
"Pope Francis did not tell boy heaven has room for pets, contrary to report",240,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],2299,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1107,unrelated
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,1670,unrelated
oken girl spends week in KFC after getting dumped,2061,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1403,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1547,unrelated
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,650,unrelated
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,516,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,2408,discuss
"Pizza delivery man gets tipped more than $2,000 for a single delivery",1017,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,26,unrelated
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,903,unrelated
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,43,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2313,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1631,unrelated
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,526,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],1885,unrelated
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,1921,discuss
Lucita Sandoval sex tape hoax: Viral Argentine video features college student ― not 16-year-old boy,1734,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2404,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1841,discuss
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1289,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,2078,unrelated
State House time capsule from 1795 unearthed,971,agree
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1385,unrelated
Seth Rogen reported to play Woz in the upcoming Steve Jobs movie,1588,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,1026,unrelated
"Predator Drone Reportedly Sighted Circling Raqqa, Syria",909,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",359,unrelated
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,2238,discuss
"Hundreds of dog-lovers from around the world offer home to pet abandoned at the railway station with a suitcase containing his pillow, toy, bowl and favourite food",2483,agree
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,320,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,1308,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,2520,discuss
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,1004,unrelated
NEWS/ Meet the Teletu
ies Sun Baby: 19-Year-Old Jess Smith Reveals Herself as the Smiling Face Who Looked Over Teletu
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,313,unrelated
Apple Watch launch reportedly planned for Fe
uary with limited supply,1790,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",1817,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2296,unrelated
Meet The College Student Who Claims She Was The ‘Teletu
ies’ Sun Baby,2227,discuss
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,1179,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",1361,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,1826,unrelated
Woman Spends Entire Week In KFC After Getting Dumped By Her Boyfriend,2414,agree
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",1817,unrelated
"Texas, Hold 'Em",241,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,932,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",630,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",1097,agree
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,321,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,26,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1073,unrelated
ISIS: Desperate mum told 'you've just eaten your son' after visiting militants' base in search of kidnap victim,2352,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1120,unrelated
Marijuana Law New York: How No-A
est Policy Could Make Things Worse For Minor Offenders ,666,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1860,discuss
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,2398,agree
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,2197,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,271,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1839,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1803,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",1849,disagree
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,2326,agree
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,214,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,2525,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,800,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1669,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,2135,discuss
"#Daysofdarkness: No, There Won't Be Six Days Of Darkness In December",506,agree
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,1920,discuss
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,742,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1071,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1921,unrelated
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",195,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,1825,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2495,discuss
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,2526,unrelated
Developer quits using the app he was hired to make—or did he?,2185,discuss
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,1313,agree
The Unluckiest Man In The World Set His College On Fire With A Fireworks Ma
iage Proposal,1876,agree
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,819,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,2175,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,1948,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,2299,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1077,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2463,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,932,agree
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1720,discuss
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,2016,agree
Has a woman aborted her baby because it's a boy?,947,discuss
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",620,agree
This Man Paid Off His Parents' Mortgage for Christmas (Video),1535,agree
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,48,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,903,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,958,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2526,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,2362,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2328,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,1839,unrelated
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,1083,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,2039,unrelated
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,1926,agree
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,1545,agree
Penis Spray-Painted on a $2.5 Million Car Was Just for a Prank Video,442,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1109,agree
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,1530,unrelated
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,2256,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,924,agree
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,1120,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1786,unrelated
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,1543,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,1781,discuss
Police hunt tweed-jacket wearing man who slaps shoppers for SNEEZING,438,agree
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',2031,discuss
Parents' anger after seven Bosnian schoolgirls aged 13 and 14 fall pregnant on class trip,1408,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,1877,disagree
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,2220,discuss
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,662,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",1034,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2096,discuss
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,961,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,1839,unrelated
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,932,unrelated
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,1500,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1375,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,1224,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,633,unrelated
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,1212,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,1877,unrelated
Lego letter to parents in 1974 on gender equality still resonates 40 years on,451,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,2432,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,2344,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2525,unrelated
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,2187,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,1893,unrelated
This Man Paid Off His Parents' Mortgage for Christmas (Video),1217,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,689,unrelated
"Man chops off own penis, throws it in a dustbin after poor show in bed",40,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",816,unrelated
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,68,agree
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,125,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",2097,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,2520,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,388,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,1803,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,186,unrelated
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,1183,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1896,discuss
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2127,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,388,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,1137,unrelated
Moment U.S. Marine is saved by his Kevlar helmet as Taliban sniper bullet hits him in head,320,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",1240,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1500,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1073,discuss
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",1957,agree
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1574,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,1746,discuss
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,971,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,1681,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,365,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",1906,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,1494,unrelated
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),1256,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,1349,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,757,unrelated
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",1843,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,2142,unrelated
Has a woman aborted her baby because it's a boy?,614,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,524,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,1368,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",2296,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,1849,unrelated
Reports: Islamic State uses chlorine gas against Iraqi forces,1136,discuss
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,40,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,958,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,757,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2481,discuss
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',2252,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",533,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper Big Bank Hank Dies at 57,1996,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,2385,unrelated
Apple Watch reportedly has low-energy 'power reserve' mode,719,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2299,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1839,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,330,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,2530,discuss
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",2009,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,1058,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,1406,unrelated
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters,1652,agree
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1817,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,1359,unrelated
A Husband Breaks Down In Tears After Lost Voicemail Message By His Late Wife Is Recovered,1640,agree
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,2241,discuss
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",1909,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,1120,discuss
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,964,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,2211,agree
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,818,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,821,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,381,unrelated
EBay appears to be planning an Apple Watch app,209,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,539,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,26,unrelated
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,2409,unrelated
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers,1871,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1125,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,2367,discuss
Court Orders Probe Into Complaints Of 'Forced Castration' In Religious 'Dera' Sect,2336,discuss
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",992,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",533,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1288,discuss
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",1804,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,2288,unrelated
Macklemore Gets Twitter-Trolled with the #MacklemoreJoinedISIS,450,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,2177,unrelated
Has Apple quietly fixed its iPhone 6 Plus ‘Bendgate’ problem?,1134,discuss
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",2078,unrelated
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),40,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2261,unrelated
KFC Marijuana Sales To Begin In Colorado? It’s Unbelievable — Literally,1814,agree
What This Homeless Guy Did With $100 Completely Stunned The Man Who Gave It To Him,467,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,2445,disagree
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,2504,agree
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1166,unrelated
Islamic State fighters detonate 'SCORPION bombs' in te
or siege,386,discuss
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,1708,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Police Looking For A Man That Slaps People When They Sneeze!,1359,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1040,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,2283,discuss
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,2272,agree
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,2283,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,304,unrelated
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",1492,agree
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",609,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1299,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1289,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),2307,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1206,discuss
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,251,unrelated
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,1081,unrelated
Utah Man Hospitalized After Winning Eggnog Chugging Contest,1296,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,933,discuss
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1720,unrelated
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,1223,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",2328,unrelated
Apple May Or May Not Hold An Event On The 24th Of Fe
uary [Rumor],1828,unrelated
You may be able to make appointments at the Apple Store to try on the Apple Watch when it launches,260,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,144,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,2502,discuss
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,1625,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1948,unrelated
"Unhappy Customer: Comcast Told My Employer About Complaint, Got Me Fired",2034,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,2133,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,1521,disagree
High School Student Rumored to Have Made $72 Million Trading Stocks,945,unrelated
"How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?",1240,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,724,unrelated
"PGA Tour Pro Claims Tiger Woods Is Cu
ently Suspended For PEDs, Compares Him To Lance Armstrong",1584,unrelated
Woman Spends Entire Week In KFC After Getting Dumped By Her Boyfriend,971,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,945,disagree
"Woman catches husband cheating with her twin, humiliates them",660,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1166,discuss
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",2459,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",879,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,570,unrelated
Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired,2469,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",2388,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,296,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,2045,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,757,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,1920,discuss
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1289,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,1808,unrelated
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",304,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,2175,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,1948,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",527,unrelated
Don’t ‘Reset All Settings’ in iOS 8 unless you want to lose your iCloud files,1278,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,699,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,1933,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1627,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",195,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',35,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,1634,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,1487,discuss
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,1934,unrelated
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,941,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",87,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,821,unrelated
Amazon is about to open its first-ever physical store in New York City,1439,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,992,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,1197,unrelated
"Texas, Hold 'Em",1627,unrelated
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,2434,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,385,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,2252,agree
"McDonald’s to Stop Serving Overweight Customers in January? Nope, ‘1/15/2015′ Story is Fake",1383,unrelated
Psychoactive magic mushroom found in grounds of Buckingham Palace,2137,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,2234,unrelated
"10% of Consumers 'Very Likely' to Buy a Smartwatch in 2015, Suggesting 24M Apple Watches",2299,discuss
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2304,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,1195,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2009,unrelated
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',1531,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",2459,unrelated
Unbearable! Carolling toy in Shefford 'gagged' by council,2299,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,190,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,2248,agree
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1034,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,1708,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1435,unrelated
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",190,unrelated
"NYPD to stop a
esting for low-level marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead: source",1863,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1329,discuss
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,830,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,867,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1900,unrelated
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,2367,unrelated
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,2314,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,2313,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,2003,discuss
Apple hopes to sell over 50 million watches in 2015,2311,discuss
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,2187,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",633,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,385,unrelated
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",920,discuss
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,730,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,1689,unrelated
Al Qaida hostage killed in raid,298,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,93,unrelated
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,1760,discuss
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1822,discuss
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,720,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",992,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",955,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,455,discuss
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,1938,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,258,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,104,unrelated
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,1939,unrelated
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,882,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",1478,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,2445,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",1808,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",190,unrelated
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in Fe
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1573,agree
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,524,unrelated
American Predator Drone Circling Islamic State’s Stronghold,2186,unrelated
Unlucky in love man CHOPS OFF own penis because he was fed up with not having a girlfriend,1761,unrelated
"Report: new 12-inch MacBook Air slims down, has single USB port",1679,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",2330,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2261,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,121,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1317,unrelated
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,1654,discuss
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,2419,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1817,discuss
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,729,disagree
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,125,unrelated
Texas Plumber Isn't Sure How Extremists In Syria Ended Up With His Work Truck,1562,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,586,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,2078,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1574,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,1746,discuss
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,1077,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",344,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,1197,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,2314,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',693,unrelated
Texas plumber baffled after truck ends up in the hands of Syrian rebels,1009,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1500,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),320,discuss
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1022,unrelated
eal Photos of Fisherman’s Jaw-Dropping Catch Will Likely Have People Wondering If It’s Real,1913,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2520,unrelated
Islamic State accused of using chlorine gas on Iraqi soldiers,1136,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,944,discuss
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,5,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1900,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1669,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1873,unrelated
After ISIS trick mum into eating son - 5 other reluctant cannibals including those forced to eat own body parts,2197,discuss
REPORT: Apple's Watch Will Come In 2 Storage Sizes,1383,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",214,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",1744,unrelated
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,1853,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,2134,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,2156,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,2360,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",195,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,2191,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2307,unrelated
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),831,unrelated
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,269,unrelated
"Whoa, Paul Rudd Was One of the Airport Heroes Who Took Down the Homophobe",487,unrelated
"Tom Brokaw 'wants Brian Williams out': NBC legend 'furious' at Iraq war lie, as it's claimed executives warned anchor to stop exaggerating the story in the past",1492,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",367,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1549,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,1466,discuss
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2313,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,1494,unrelated
That’s one way to clean it: Apple Watch will reportedly survive a trip through the shower,62,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2147,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1721,discuss
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",511,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,2016,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead hoax: Fake death report spreads on social networks,2022,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,2064,discuss
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1375,unrelated
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,1363,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1678,unrelated
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,1177,unrelated
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",1294,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,2197,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",794,disagree
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,308,unrelated
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,882,unrelated
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,381,unrelated
"NYPD to issue tickets instead of a
est for weed possession, report says",1528,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,1148,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2047,discuss
Rumors about Fidel Castro’s death again circulate on the Internet,1439,unrelated
"No, That Wasn’t Paul Rudd Tackling an Airport Homophobe",176,agree
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1528,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,121,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,687,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,2197,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1358,unrelated
400 men cut their testicles off believing it would help them meet God,1572,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",1854,discuss
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,777,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,2196,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,1744,unrelated
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,1843,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: The death hoax is once again on the child actor,2266,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",652,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,1481,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,2389,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1893,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',2329,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1819,agree
"No, ESPN is not having an all-male domestic violence panel tonight",1020,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,2252,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",666,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,570,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1438,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,2345,agree
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,1943,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1720,unrelated
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,81,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1897,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,1419,unrelated
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,693,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1169,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1966,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,1198,discuss
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1288,discuss
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,761,unrelated
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,616,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",1802,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,2016,unrelated
"Yes, you can wear your Apple Watch in the shower",72,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,984,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,213,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,35,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1122,discuss
Letter From Lego To Parents In The '70s Makes An Important Point About Gender,451,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,694,discuss
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,1848,unrelated
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Michael Phelps' Cougar Girlfriend Revealed?,17,unrelated
"'A wonderful, wonderful sound': Man
eaks down after hearing voicemail from his late wife that was lost for 14 years",1294,unrelated
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,225,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1602,discuss
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,311,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,1103,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1786,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,1939,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1042,unrelated
Apple Watch launch expected in late March,554,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,847,discuss
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,239,unrelated
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,1853,unrelated
Widower Cries Tears Of Joy After Hearing Late Wife's Voice Again,1467,unrelated
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,2372,discuss
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",1435,unrelated
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,68,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2109,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,2141,unrelated
Staff Reporter,1843,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1786,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',320,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,531,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1966,agree
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,405,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,1572,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,984,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",2417,discuss
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,2192,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1226,disagree
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,2313,unrelated
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,2531,discuss
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,2521,unrelated
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,280,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,1605,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,22,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1939,unrelated
‘Cannibal mother tries to eat her newborn baby after giving birth’,444,discuss
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,726,discuss
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1004,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1737,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),2293,discuss
“Axl Rose dead 2014” : Guns N' Roses frontman killed by internet death hoax,769,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2250,discuss
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,760,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1821,unrelated
Confusion as Cuba’s Castro mourned instead of Kenya’s Fidel,545,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,1323,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,2154,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,690,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,1253,discuss
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,1034,unrelated
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,964,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2127,unrelated
Did Comcast Get a Man Fired From His Job for Complaining About Its Service?,2034,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,757,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,2184,unrelated
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters,612,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,874,unrelated
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,480,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1938,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1251,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',1802,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,2088,unrelated
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,1178,unrelated
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,2053,agree
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,704,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,662,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,1888,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,571,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,368,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,1148,unrelated
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired,1318,agree
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1966,unrelated
"Despite no Ebola case in Kansas City, the rumor goes viral",1226,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,2403,discuss
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,731,unrelated
Monster catfish which looks big enough to swallow a man whole caught in Italy,2371,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,2177,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,2375,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,87,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,1202,discuss
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1661,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",2053,discuss
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,959,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,2016,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,761,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,1949,agree
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,2470,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2039,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1013,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1294,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,1400,discuss
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,530,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,1789,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,99,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,984,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,208,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",2272,disagree
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",971,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2481,discuss
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1974,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",2155,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",1625,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,1289,unrelated
Psychoactive magic mushroom found in grounds of Buckingham Palace,1575,unrelated
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,413,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",478,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',2042,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',1289,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,730,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",258,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",428,unrelated
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,2472,unrelated
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",1349,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,699,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",1097,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',2441,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,1299,unrelated
Govt fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1844,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,513,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,320,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,788,discuss
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1439,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,1360,unrelated
Search launched for dog's owner after pooch found dumped next to suitcase filled with belongings,424,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,972,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,1306,agree
No - a Fox News Twitter account isn't responding to tweets on the #FoxNewsFacts hashtag,119,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",1884,agree
Cold Turkey,2307,agree
Lego letter from the 1970s still offers a powerful message to parents 40 years later,1969,discuss
Mechanical polar bear ‘threatened with ASBO for singing Christmas songs’,2009,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,941,unrelated
Marijuana Law New York: How No-A
est Policy Could Make Things Worse For Minor Offenders ,221,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,1819,agree
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,36,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: Internet duped by fake report claiming that the street artist's identity has been revealed,667,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",2078,unrelated
Is the iPhone 6 Really Pulling Out Your Hair?,1289,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2354,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",537,discuss
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,251,unrelated
Islamic State Flying Three Jets in Syria,1337,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,2403,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1737,unrelated
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",1943,unrelated
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,964,unrelated
Apple Users Add Hairgate to iPhone 6 Problems,161,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1901,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,2214,discuss
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",444,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1627,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1808,unrelated
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,1400,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),1498,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,2354,agree
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",1263,discuss
Hundreds of Palestinians flee floods in Gaza as Israel opens dams,289,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,2327,discuss
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1422,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,43,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",1212,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1981,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,7,unrelated
PGA Spokesman and Tiger Woods' Agent Deny Drug Suspension Allegations,269,unrelated
Apple Watch Pop-Up Shop Also Planned for London's Selfridges Department Store,510,discuss
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,2364,discuss
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",832,unrelated
Nun who gave birth ‘had no idea’ she was pregnant,1164,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,874,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,1263,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',933,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1974,discuss
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ A
ams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?,512,discuss
Bergdahl: Senator Says Jihadists Swapped For U.S. Troop ‘In Touch’ With Al-Qaida Affiliate,592,unrelated
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,2354,agree
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,1555,discuss
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,986,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,614,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",403,unrelated
Viral Photo Shows How Chinese Workers Are Used to Manipulate App Store Rankings,658,unrelated
Amazon is opening its first physical store,1840,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",1637,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",975,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1198,agree
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2313,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1807,discuss
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,2144,discuss
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,281,unrelated
Bug in iOS 8's 'Reset All Settings' Option Also Erases iCloud Drive Documents,221,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,320,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2109,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,1120,discuss
PGA Spokesman and Tiger Woods' Agent Deny Drug Suspension Allegations,2307,unrelated
A Bogus Banksy,526,unrelated
REPORT: Apple's Watch Will Come In 2 Storage Sizes,1302,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1223,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1786,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,5,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,214,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,213,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,891,unrelated
Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed Out on Saudi TV,2453,agree
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",75,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1622,discuss
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,5,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,169,unrelated
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,2411,unrelated
Someone painted a graffiti dick on a $2.5 million car,1453,disagree
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,2228,agree
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,646,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,1223,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,2055,discuss
Man With Ebola-Like Symptoms Claims Contact With 'Patient Zero' in Texas,1582,unrelated
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,2267,agree
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2130,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,513,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,984,unrelated
"Rumor: Apple shooting for 19 hours of Apple Watch battery life under normal conditions, 2.5 hours 'heavy' use",718,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,1308,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1099,agree
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,195,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1912,discuss
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",225,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,742,discuss
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",2272,agree
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,2024,agree
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,1934,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1099,discuss
Comcast Declares War on Tor?,1589,unrelated
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,1921,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1068,discuss
Seth Rogen set to play Steve Wozniak in Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic,616,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",35,unrelated
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,1024,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2504,agree
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2152,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,2404,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,844,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,2386,discuss
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1594,agree
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,2115,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",1681,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale's Steve Jobs,1707,unrelated
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,2520,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",227,unrelated
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO),1996,agree
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",2434,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,1916,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",2042,agree
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated,646,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1215,agree
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,524,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1807,unrelated
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,1103,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2463,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,630,unrelated
"Rajasthan: Man Tries to Rape Teenager, Angry Mob Chops His Penis Off",1291,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",2388,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",1022,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",609,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",1948,unrelated
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,186,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,830,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1821,disagree
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1832,unrelated
Omsk schoolboy turned into a man-magnet after shock,1426,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",609,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,524,unrelated
Staff Reporter,796,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,2314,agree
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,958,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,2459,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,2475,agree
eBay is planning an Apple Watch app,1397,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,446,discuss
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,2097,unrelated
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,2124,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',35,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,1829,disagree
Search launched for dog's owner after pooch found dumped next to suitcase filled with belongings,347,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,2328,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,2115,agree
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,220,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1106,discuss
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',754,unrelated
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,478,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1569,agree
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,2463,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,1996,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,1137,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",2010,discuss
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",2463,discuss
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,2237,discuss
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2463,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",2498,unrelated
Meet the X-BOY: Electric shock turns kid into MAGNETO,2109,discuss
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1481,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,2078,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1403,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,534,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,321,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",2248,agree
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",2124,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,961,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1358,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",171,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",2404,unrelated
"'Nasa Confirms Six Days of Darkness in December': No, they really don't - it's a hoax",2521,agree
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2261,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1530,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,167,discuss
Cold Turkey,2009,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",1376,agree
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,1789,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1580,discuss
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",950,unrelated
Axl Rose Dies? Guns N’ Roses Singer Dead ‘West Hollywood Home at Age 52′ is Fake,633,unrelated
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,2448,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,961,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2078,unrelated
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,1854,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1731,discuss
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,2176,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",186,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,387,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,2523,unrelated
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,54,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2506,discuss
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,205,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2067,agree
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1858,disagree
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1982,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",583,discuss
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,214,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1020,unrelated
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,693,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2434,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",1898,unrelated
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,322,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",1549,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1016,agree
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",220,unrelated
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,23,unrelated
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,831,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,2103,discuss
Macaulay Culkin: Death claims about former child star revealed to be yet another hoax,2266,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1888,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,968,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',1301,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,542,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,2345,disagree
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,1457,discuss
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,730,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,941,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,741,unrelated
Paul Rudd Helped Tackle A Violent Homophobe So That’s Another Reason To Love Him [UPDATE],1094,discuss
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,304,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],614,discuss
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,2053,discuss
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,2176,unrelated
"Don't Wo
y, 'The Breakfast Club' Star Judd Nelson Is Not Dead",2286,agree
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1921,unrelated
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,497,agree
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",2340,discuss
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,1406,unrelated
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,1900,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,539,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1289,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,518,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1374,agree
eaks down in tears when a lost recording of his deceased wife resurfaces,2044,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,170,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,822,discuss
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it,1905,unrelated
"280 Pound Catfish: Fisherman Makes Huge Catch In Italy, Catfish Could Set Record",1183,unrelated
Penis graffiti drawn on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,2286,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,2130,unrelated
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",1095,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1301,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2042,unrelated
"UBS survey finds 10% of consumers want a smartwatch, expects 24M Apple Watch sales in fiscal 2015",527,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,13,agree
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',818,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),1933,unrelated
or Leader Ahmed Abdi Godane Killed in U.S. Strike,1543,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",945,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,2307,unrelated
Texas plumber threatened over jihadis using his old truck,1009,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",527,unrelated
Apple Watch launch has new timetable: Analyst,320,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1422,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2349,agree
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,2249,discuss
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,2307,unrelated
Google Said to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585 Million,993,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,2039,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin: Death claims about former child star revealed to be yet another hoax,1293,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",1429,discuss
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",887,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,2483,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,2156,unrelated
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,1939,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',2318,discuss
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,1325,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,1338,unrelated
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",366,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,331,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,2088,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1435,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1549,unrelated
Robert Plant Reportedly Tears Up $800 Million Led Zeppelin Reunion Contract,2476,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,2033,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1891,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1789,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1869,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1885,disagree
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",2264,discuss
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,2328,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",1805,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,1400,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,723,discuss
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1004,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2386,agree
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",60,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1905,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1871,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,694,discuss
Mystery woman behind the 'richest hands on the internet' revealed: Former pornstar 'makes $5m a year unwrapping Disney toys on YouTube',2176,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),2097,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,1234,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,1707,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1692,discuss
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,1437,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,1697,discuss
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,531,discuss
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,2509,discuss
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",195,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,698,unrelated
Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage for Christmas,888,agree
KFC Locations In Colorado To Begin Selling Marijuana,1277,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,829,agree
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,2045,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead hoax: Fake death report spreads on social networks,1174,agree
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,8,unrelated
"Report: new 12-inch MacBook Air slims down, has single USB port",1545,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1419,discuss
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",754,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1351,unrelated
Apple Watch launch expected in late March,281,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1549,unrelated
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",382,unrelated
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,789,unrelated
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,1648,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,800,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,2483,unrelated
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,5,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,2225,disagree
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1299,unrelated
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",2408,discuss
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1206,discuss
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,776,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),2343,discuss
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",826,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,15,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,242,discuss
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2525,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,822,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,144,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,808,agree
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1325,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,1778,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1017,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1336,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2287,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,2385,unrelated
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,917,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,1076,discuss
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Report—Jose Canseco accidentally shot at his home tonight,1840,unrelated
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,2266,unrelated
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,1434,discuss
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",1828,discuss
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,1654,discuss
Setting the record straight on tor,2299,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1808,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,385,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,1905,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1271,unrelated
Apple Watch’s Power Reserve feature combats short battery life,2124,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,498,unrelated
"This boy nearly died, now he has a superpower like Marvel’s Magneto",1426,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",698,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,537,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,2191,discuss
Code/Red: Apple Watch Battery Life — “Charge Nightly”,2213,agree
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",2020,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,368,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,220,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,139,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,662,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",1178,discuss
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,800,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1948,discuss
Kevin Vickers Hailed As Hero For Reportedly Shooting Gunman Inside Parliament,139,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,2317,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",214,unrelated
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1699,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1574,unrelated
North Korea denies plans to open a restaurant in Scotland,1806,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',2263,discuss
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,2520,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1547,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1905,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2235,discuss
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",1400,agree
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1761,discuss
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,1577,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,2523,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1948,discuss
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1040,unrelated
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,2344,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1821,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,1095,agree
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,2016,discuss
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,1610,agree
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",169,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,1658,unrelated
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,1506,unrelated
TBS Speeds up SEINFELD by 7.5% to Add 2 More Minutes of Commercials,2314,agree
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,401,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1786,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1073,discuss
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',1787,unrelated
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,824,agree
Matt Tai
i takes a leave of absence from First Look Media,1083,agree
Popular 'Banksy' Instagram account offers powerful message of perseverance after Paris attack,1688,discuss
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,788,discuss
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,2470,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1009,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1906,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,168,unrelated
Nun who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth after going to hospital with stomach pains,1302,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,2523,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'Has Difficulty Walking And Needs About 100 Days To Recuperate',1567,unrelated
80's Brat Pack star Judd Nelson forced to deny that he's dead after fake news story starts trending on social media,1843,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,737,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",984,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1093,discuss
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,1435,unrelated
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,2372,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2453,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,2130,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1740,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1040,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,1988,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,1948,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',77,unrelated
A Murdered Witness?,148,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1821,discuss
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,1839,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,2116,discuss
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1361,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,1459,unrelated
Mohammed Islam Denies Making $72 Million From Stock Market Trading,1858,agree
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2130,unrelated
Sergeant-at-Arms stopped shooter on Parliament Hill,1900,agree
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,2410,unrelated
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,1724,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,2403,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1803,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1269,unrelated
"Unconfirmed: ISIS Claims Kayla Mueller, American Female Hostage, Is Dead",663,unrelated
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",72,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament,804,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,2367,disagree
ESPN’s Domestic Abuse Tonight Panel Will Be 100% Dudes,1857,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,1263,unrelated
Apple Orders More Than 5 Million Watches for Initial Run,2240,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,2314,unrelated
Tiger Woods' luxe Viking island in Sweden is for sale,84,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,672,discuss
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",1143,discuss
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1426,discuss
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,696,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,2219,discuss
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,719,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1862,disagree
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2070,unrelated
Samsung Supposedly Wins Orders to Produce Apple Watch Components,1098,discuss
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,1940,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1744,discuss
Rumor Fatigue Sets In at False Alarms of Castro’s Death,2506,discuss
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1242,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,662,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,2252,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,2175,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",125,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',524,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1034,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,614,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",487,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1720,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,936,unrelated
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,40,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,2251,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",1708,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,2448,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1883,unrelated
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,2328,unrelated
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,2354,agree
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",759,agree
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,2343,discuss
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,139,unrelated
The Force Awakens News: Director J.J. A
ams Eyes Summer Release for Star Wars 7 Because of Too Many Spoilers,2434,unrelated
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,1040,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,2078,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,2463,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,1588,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",1757,discuss
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",874,unrelated
What This Homeless Guy Did With $100 Completely Stunned The Man Who Gave It To Him,2492,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,1308,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,1971,agree
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,1627,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,2104,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1829,agree
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1225,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,687,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,1361,discuss
"Don't Wo
y, 'The Breakfast Club' Star Judd Nelson Is Not Dead",442,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,944,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,1981,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2481,discuss
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",413,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1658,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",1104,unrelated
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,694,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,847,discuss
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,2124,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,1119,discuss
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,964,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,530,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,712,unrelated
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,1012,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",2420,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1166,discuss
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,320,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,1036,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",2078,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1780,discuss
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",186,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",1893,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',505,unrelated
Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired Over Iraq Helicopter Story: Report,1570,discuss
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,1939,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,800,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,1202,discuss
Rats are still running around at Vogue,30,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,1437,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2287,unrelated
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,882,unrelated
You all had an abortion! [Google Translate],1408,unrelated
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,1802,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1658,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2109,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,1365,agree
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,34,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,1921,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],676,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",534,discuss
Iraqi airstrike kills key ISIL leader,2187,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,1890,agree
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,2247,unrelated
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,208,unrelated
Somali te
orist leader dead after US airstrike,941,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",402,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,720,unrelated
20-year-old burger: McDonald's Quarter Pounder looks eerily new after 2 decades,1364,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1252,unrelated
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,1347,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,816,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,1722,discuss
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",676,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,955,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,1107,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",1991,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,1458,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,2504,agree
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,115,unrelated
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,1223,unrelated
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,2472,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,885,unrelated
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",1107,discuss
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1720,unrelated
Nun 'has surprise baby' after complaining of stomach pains,1891,unrelated
"Nuts! Indian guru coaxes 400 followers to cut off their testicles, grow closer to God",1909,discuss
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,1237,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",698,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1697,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",2088,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,1976,discuss
Enormous 20-stone catfish caught with fishing rod in Italy after 40-minute boat battle,1652,agree
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,1434,discuss
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",2520,unrelated
Pope Francis tells boy whose dog had died that heaven is open to all,686,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2138,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1939,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",1299,unrelated
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,35,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1808,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",298,unrelated
Apple Reportedly Relying More Heavily on Samsung for iPhone 6 and Apple Watch Components,1835,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",2336,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,1875,unrelated
"Pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",2532,agree
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,2330,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,1252,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2235,disagree
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",2192,unrelated
eBay working on bidding app for Apple Watch,209,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,649,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1466,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,1212,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2404,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2304,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,524,unrelated
Bali Awry,1864,discuss
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2345,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,992,unrelated
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,1577,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,1152,discuss
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",539,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",698,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1224,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,570,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,1826,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,2367,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',1913,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,40,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1347,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",816,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1458,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,816,agree
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2388,discuss
Comcast Declares War on Tor?,569,discuss
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1351,unrelated
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,137,unrelated
Nujaifi Condemns / Daash / crime in Saqlawiyah and Alsiger areas of Anbar.,2489,unrelated
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,524,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,2132,disagree
Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed Out on Saudi TV,1498,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,190,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,2296,unrelated
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,1853,agree
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,529,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,871,discuss
Jordan’s King Abdullah Did Not Personally Fly Airstrikes On ISIS,2433,discuss
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,82,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2525,unrelated
Matt Tai
i Disappears From Omidyar’s First Look Media,2283,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,844,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,1670,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",281,unrelated
"Marine Gets Shot in the Head, Walks Away",2421,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1689,discuss
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,1376,discuss
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,720,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,167,unrelated
Bergdahl: Senator Says Jihadists Swapped For U.S. Troop ‘In Touch’ With Al-Qaida Affiliate,2367,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,2299,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,1649,unrelated
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,2002,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,2080,unrelated
"Tee-off in your own putting paradise: Swedish luxury island owned by Tiger Woods up for sale - and it comes with a villa, a hot tub and a lodge",1660,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,115,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1385,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1251,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,84,unrelated
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,724,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1020,agree
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",1744,unrelated
Original Apple Watch Health Features Were Dropped Due to Consistency Issues,1788,discuss
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,942,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,615,unrelated
"Soldier shot, Parliament locked down after gunfire erupts at war memorial",2338,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1530,discuss
Jose Canseco Shot in the Hand During Accidental Shooting at Vegas Home,695,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',2247,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,11,unrelated
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",1849,disagree
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,818,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",830,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,900,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1040,unrelated
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it,908,unrelated
Star Wars 7: JJ A
ams want to move release to summer 2015,808,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,2192,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1489,discuss
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",62,unrelated
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",465,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,1498,unrelated
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),1606,unrelated
Parents' anger after seven Bosnian schoolgirls aged 13 and 14 fall pregnant on class trip,2508,agree
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,1195,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,208,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,295,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],2078,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1003,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1697,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],1707,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1871,unrelated
This Man Paid Off His Parents' Mortgage for Christmas (Video),1459,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",803,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,1435,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,1996,agree
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,2097,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1487,discuss
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,1403,agree
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2525,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",324,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,2187,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,206,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,181,unrelated
Giant 8ft 9in catfish weighing 19 stone caught in Italy is thought to be the biggest ever reeled in with a rod and line,677,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1883,agree
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",2191,discuss
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,5,unrelated
20-year-old burger: McDonald's Quarter Pounder looks eerily new after 2 decades,414,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",381,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",564,unrelated
Developer quits using the app he was hired to make—or did he?,22,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,226,unrelated
Armed U.S. drones spotted flying over Syria in possible hunt for ISIS leader,909,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,571,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,1012,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,984,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1605,discuss
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,2328,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,1314,discuss
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1372,discuss
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,1959,agree
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",2404,discuss
"""Oldest Time Capsule"" in U.S. Unearthed in Boston",851,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1904,discuss
Texas plumber threatened over jihadis using his old truck,2280,discuss
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",121,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,882,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1195,unrelated
iOS 8 bug could delete your iCloud Drive documents,2163,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,721,discuss
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",640,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1294,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1896,discuss
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,298,unrelated
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,1004,discuss
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,2385,agree
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,760,unrelated
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,1608,discuss
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,586,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1047,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',2520,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1797,disagree
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",26,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1252,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1148,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1547,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,2299,unrelated
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel,693,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,1789,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,2056,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,692,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,1355,unrelated
Italian fisherman catches monstrous 280-pound catfish,1338,agree
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1500,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1291,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,887,agree
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",2362,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,1090,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",220,unrelated
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,1485,agree
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",2046,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2124,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,1351,unrelated
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,1875,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,1869,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,972,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,181,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",344,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1317,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,559,unrelated
Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus now guarded by Daleks,2306,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",1820,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2248,unrelated
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,1212,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1351,unrelated
World's oldest burger,2474,agree
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,2009,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1355,discuss
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",842,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,2367,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,2124,unrelated
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,2042,unrelated
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,87,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",1804,unrelated
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Beaten In Prison? Satirical Site Claims Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Blinded And Paralyzed,1936,discuss
eal Photos of Fisherman’s Jaw-Dropping Catch Will Likely Have People Wondering If It’s Real,1301,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,320,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1465,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1934,discuss
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,678,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1226,agree
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,2187,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,583,discuss
'Feminist' Lana 'Aborts Baby Because It's A Boy' And Is Surprised By Backlash,1120,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,821,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,761,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',530,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,2097,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,1483,unrelated
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',1950,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1681,discuss
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",2152,unrelated
"Led Zeppelin Reunion: Robert Plant Rips Up $300 Million Contract, Refuses To Rejoin Legendary Band",169,unrelated
ISIS launch SCORPION BOMBS to spread panic in Iraq,364,agree
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",1906,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",2043,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),650,agree
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,1538,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',1480,discuss
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,984,unrelated
Islamic State fighters training to fly captured jets — watchdog,933,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",2042,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,2304,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",572,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,789,agree
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1721,discuss
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,2367,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',1637,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,1271,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,456,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1299,disagree
"North Korea leader Kim is still in charge, has injured leg: source",2033,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,26,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',1737,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1380,discuss
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),959,unrelated
Jilted lover spends a week in KFC to try and get over her ex,1791,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,1359,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1646,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",2520,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",1477,unrelated
"Google seals massive Sunnyvale, Redwood City deals",1909,unrelated
"'See you Monday': N.L. man keeps Facebook promise to police, turns himself in Read more: http:",1292,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",107,unrelated
"What they earn: Vice CEO Shane Smith’s $300,000 steak dinner",1817,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1438,unrelated
Chugging eggnog sends Utah man to hospital,1127,unrelated
"Yes, you can wear your Apple Watch in the shower",1985,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,2356,discuss
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,1476,discuss
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,1242,discuss
"Calm down everyone, Banksy hasn't been a
ested: 9 clues that it's a hoax",2283,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1976,agree
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1549,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,818,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",139,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1656,unrelated
This Dog Was Left At A Railway Station With A Suitcase Of His Belongings After He Was Sold On Gumtree,382,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,2375,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1471,discuss
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,139,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: Actor is victim of another death hoax,690,unrelated
ISIS supporters mourn death of ‘youngest fighter’,2288,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1266,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,1182,agree
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,2410,unrelated
A Bogus Banksy,1688,discuss
Unbearable! Carolling toy in Shefford 'gagged' by council,1864,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',2334,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1569,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1506,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,168,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,1013,unrelated
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,2061,unrelated
North Korea reportedly bans anyone sharing Kim Jong Un's name,1678,discuss
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,737,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,1251,agree
eBay is planning an Apple Watch app,209,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,132,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,1042,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1338,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1435,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,1948,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,573,unrelated
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,1884,disagree
Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed girlfriend says she was born a BOY and reveals 'amazing' sex with Olympian,521,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,874,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",1157,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2045,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1658,agree
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,2053,discuss
Jordan Vs ISIS: Reports Say King Abdullah II Could Personally Lead Airstrikes After Pilot’s Death,17,unrelated
Have Kanye & Kim Been Banned From Future Grammy Ceremonies?,1739,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,1361,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',2526,unrelated
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",2265,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,2531,discuss
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1245,agree
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,2472,discuss
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,2084,discuss
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',1572,unrelated
"Why the most expensive Apple Watch will probably cost around $10,000",1730,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,2096,discuss
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,269,unrelated
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel,2024,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,826,unrelated
NEWS/ Meet the Teletu
ies Sun Baby: 19-Year-Old Jess Smith Reveals Herself as the Smiling Face Who Looked Over Teletu
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,1071,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1011,discuss
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",542,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,1642,agree
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1708,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,121,unrelated
iPhone Game Developer Quits Job By Hiding The Greatest Letter Of Resignation Ever Inside His Game,93,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,2334,discuss
Islamic State fighters training to fly captured jets — watchdog,487,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,724,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,1439,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",922,discuss
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,1253,discuss
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,1359,unrelated
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in Fe
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,1840,unrelated
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,2042,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,1744,unrelated
'Feminist' Lana 'Aborts Baby Because It's A Boy' And Is Surprised By Backlash,2526,discuss
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,2367,unrelated
No - a Fox News Twitter account isn't responding to tweets on the #FoxNewsFacts hashtag,2141,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",2313,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,1952,discuss
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",615,discuss
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",640,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,1549,unrelated
Spurned wife leaves cheating husband and twin naked in busy car park,1828,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,1699,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,1125,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1489,discuss
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",385,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,472,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,121,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,2498,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1009,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',373,unrelated
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,1351,unrelated
Electric shock turns Russian boy into Marvel's Magneto,887,agree
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",139,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1720,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,2398,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
KC Man Does Not Have Ebola,570,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1374,unrelated
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",2102,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",529,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1438,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,195,unrelated
"Amazon reportedly launching free, ad-supported video service (updated)",2152,discuss
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,483,discuss
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2304,unrelated
Kevin Vickers Hailed As Hero For Reportedly Shooting Gunman Inside Parliament,2404,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1588,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1217,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2115,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],972,unrelated
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",887,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",1899,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,530,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1255,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',1968,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,170,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",2471,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,244,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,1545,unrelated
Popular 'Banksy' Instagram account offers powerful message of perseverance after Paris attack,1867,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1720,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",1926,agree
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,2290,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",2264,discuss
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,313,unrelated
#RIPFidel fuels false rumors of Cuban leader's death after another Fidel Castro dies,1010,unrelated
Pull the other Un! North Korean dictator has not been seen for weeks because he 'pulled tendon while doing drill with his generals',570,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,1673,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,498,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,2133,discuss
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',63,discuss
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",1103,unrelated
Teacher suspended after sex session with teen pupil ends up on hardcore porn website,1734,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",2009,discuss
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1296,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1574,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,234,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",220,unrelated
A Murdered Witness?,346,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,26,unrelated
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,2084,discuss
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1906,unrelated
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,633,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,2345,disagree
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,10,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1063,discuss
Magic mushroom found growing at Buckingham Palace,1223,agree
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,649,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1603,unrelated
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,68,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,761,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",2056,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",2156,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2127,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1196,agree
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,571,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,419,agree
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",7,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,2010,discuss
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,2192,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,367,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,2020,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,2168,discuss
"Vice CEO Shane Smith reportedly spent $300,000 on a steak dinner at CES",1605,unrelated
Did Paul Rudd Help Tackle That Dallas Airport Gay-Basher?,1735,discuss
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",724,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,662,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",1268,agree
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,1423,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",559,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1368,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,1939,discuss
Amazon Is Going To Open A Physical Store!,1369,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,2398,disagree
Isis supporters claim US hostage killed in coalition air strike in Syria,2260,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),43,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,365,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",1737,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,472,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,472,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1786,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1372,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',1120,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,509,discuss
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,1034,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2042,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,1522,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),852,discuss
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,2307,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1948,discuss
Singing polar bear facing ASBO after noise complaint,1864,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",1480,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,694,discuss
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,1808,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",715,discuss
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,385,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",23,discuss
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,1555,agree
"Luckiest Pizza Delivery Guy Ever Gets $2,000 Tip",1358,agree
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,1949,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,521,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1535,unrelated
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,725,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,1239,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",816,unrelated
Giant 8ft 9in catfish weighing 19 stone caught in Italy is thought to be the biggest ever reeled in with a rod and line,793,unrelated
Is this proof of bigfoot? New 'yeti' video shows giant hairy beast walking through forest,855,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,40,unrelated
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,527,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",2020,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,1239,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,1263,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,706,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,831,unrelated
"Rodney Constantine, Newfoundland Suspect, Keeps Facebook Pledge To Turn Himself In",1292,unrelated
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",1832,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,305,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",478,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,2277,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1040,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,0,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",2295,discuss
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,2116,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy,1349,agree
'Banksy' Reacts To Paris Attack With Poignant Drawing,2375,discuss
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1846,agree
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,2197,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",304,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1554,agree
Crank-Boosting Behind Top Apps in App Store,658,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",472,unrelated
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,691,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",2415,unrelated
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",902,agree
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,490,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,2191,discuss
"'Star Wars VII' News, Update: JJ A
ams Pushing for Summer Release?",2084,discuss
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,887,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1549,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",2096,unrelated
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,2343,unrelated
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,1253,unrelated
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,775,unrelated
What This Homeless Guy Did With $100 Completely Stunned The Man Who Gave It To Him,1948,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2296,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,2097,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,2078,unrelated
oken girl spends week in KFC after getting dumped,1523,agree
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1385,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,2463,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,527,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1922,discuss
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1372,unrelated
Son pays off his parents' mortgage in a heartwarming Christmas video,2459,agree
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,1338,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,2327,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,1950,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],776,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"'A wonderful, wonderful sound': Man
eaks down after hearing voicemail from his late wife that was lost for 14 years",1171,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",942,discuss
"No, that
oken pencil illustration isn't by Banksy",176,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,286,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1400,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,1480,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,780,discuss
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",381,unrelated
That powerful Lego letter to parents from the 1970s? It's real,989,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1213,disagree
Penis graffiti drawn on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,1320,discuss
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",2208,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",1178,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",298,unrelated
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",2456,unrelated
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,125,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1718,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1009,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
PopWatch Teenager fights for the right to be recognized as Teletu
ies' smiling sun-baby,470,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,2268,unrelated
No - a Fox News Twitter account isn't responding to tweets on the #FoxNewsFacts hashtag,1728,agree
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1016,discuss
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,986,unrelated
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),570,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,40,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,2249,discuss
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1776,discuss
Texas plumber threatened over jihadis using his old truck,1213,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,2187,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,2162,discuss
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",1808,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,968,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,132,unrelated
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,816,unrelated
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,1364,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,527,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,757,agree
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,586,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,258,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1786,unrelated
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",2268,discuss
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1368,unrelated
"Hoax Report Claims 250,000 Texas Turkeys Infected With Ebola",1658,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,2524,agree
Macaulay Culkin dead: The death hoax is once again on the child actor,2240,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,846,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,2385,unrelated
Do all dogs go to heaven? Pope tells grieving boy: 'Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',2348,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,2235,discuss
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,1813,unrelated
iPhone 6 and Even Apple Watch To Feature Samsung Components (Rumor),1513,discuss
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,1177,unrelated
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1438,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,80,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,1308,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1057,disagree
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1572,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,2139,discuss
Isis supporters claim US hostage killed in coalition air strike in Syria,2387,discuss
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2147,discuss
Search launched for dog's owner after pooch found dumped next to suitcase filled with belongings,695,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",2154,discuss
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,1795,unrelated
"Amazon to launch first
ick-and-mortar store, report says",744,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,104,unrelated
A New iOS 8 Bug Can Delete All Of Your iCloud Documents,2423,agree
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',2096,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,1170,unrelated
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,2240,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,2003,discuss
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1406,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",2271,discuss
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,271,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",2313,discuss
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,345,unrelated
Research Medical Center denies reports that a patient has Ebola,1404,agree
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,2213,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,887,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,757,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,2005,agree
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1506,unrelated
"Jose Canseco injured in accidental shooting, per reports",1580,unrelated
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,1837,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,2056,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,1198,unrelated
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,1125,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,527,unrelated
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,2344,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,77,unrelated
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",832,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",431,unrelated
Apple Watch launch expected in late March,1374,unrelated
Is the iPhone 6 Really Pulling Out Your Hair?,2276,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1288,discuss
"Gold Apple Watch Edition price? Speculators say at least $10,000",333,unrelated
Comcast blocks Tor,503,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,2175,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,186,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,298,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,633,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',2421,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,2296,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,1036,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,140,discuss
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",2015,unrelated
Letter From Lego To Parents In The '70s Makes An Important Point About Gender,2412,unrelated
First bendgate... now it's HAIRGATE: Angry iPhone 6 owners claim design is causing chunks of their hair to be ripped out when they make a phone call,1787,unrelated
or Leader Ahmed Abdi Godane Killed in U.S. Strike,1982,discuss
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1351,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,1483,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",608,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',559,unrelated
Nun 'has surprise baby' after complaining of stomach pains,2479,discuss
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,992,unrelated
Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed girlfriend says she was born a BOY and reveals 'amazing' sex with Olympian,190,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1148,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,724,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,221,unrelated
HBO in talks with Apple to be launch partner for coming web service 'HBO Now',879,unrelated
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,1274,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1215,discuss
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",887,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,1877,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",459,unrelated
Best Christmas present ever? Heartwarming moment app developer reveals to his parents he had paid off their mortgage,2072,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",1893,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',1481,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2230,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",242,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1308,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1720,unrelated
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,1007,discuss
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants,532,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,1572,unrelated
‘Feminist’ says she aborted baby because it was a boy,2213,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,1628,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,959,discuss
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",478,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,32,unrelated
Amazon is about to open its first-ever physical store in New York City,1948,unrelated
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,1083,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",2431,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,1938,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,35,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1314,discuss
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",269,agree
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,958,unrelated
Hospital Officials: Kansas City Patient Not Being Treated For Ebola,1095,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',2398,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1308,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1569,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",1438,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,564,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",542,unrelated
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,2463,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,2307,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1923,discuss
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,2035,agree
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,826,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1839,unrelated
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,499,unrelated
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,1931,unrelated
"Cloistered nun gives birth to a baby The convent: ""There is a sister"" [Google Translate]",2269,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1637,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',2307,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,539,unrelated
Paul Revere's 1795 time capsule unearthed,2284,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,2252,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",2078,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1891,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,205,discuss
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,539,unrelated
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,1671,discuss
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,2009,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',2192,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,402,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",2377,unrelated
Al Qaida hostage killed in raid,1119,discuss
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,205,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1689,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",80,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,693,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,559,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1319,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",2129,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",1212,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,214,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,992,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,226,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",1481,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,2134,agree
Cloistered nun has a stomach ache hospital gives birth to a baby [Google Translate],699,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,2304,unrelated
Kim Jong-un drinks rare snake wine to boost love life!,587,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,527,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1764,agree
Update: Did Make Up This Story About The Web Sheriff Ben Edelman Sending Racist Emails?,1261,unrelated
This Man Paid Off His Parents' Mortgage for Christmas (Video),2459,agree
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,2431,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1027,disagree
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",30,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,139,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,2458,unrelated
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",516,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],1926,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,121,unrelated
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,2137,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,1707,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,2180,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,1805,agree
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",1897,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1613,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,633,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",35,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,2167,agree
ESPN’s Domestic Abuse Tonight Panel Will Be 100% Dudes,1148,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",1483,unrelated
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",1269,unrelated
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,95,agree
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1006,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",47,unrelated
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,698,unrelated
Police hunt tweed-jacket wearing man who slaps shoppers for SNEEZING,1839,agree
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,2407,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",524,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,1192,discuss
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,2531,unrelated
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",2210,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,5,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,592,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1916,discuss
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2450,agree
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,860,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1003,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,1528,unrelated
"High-end Apple Watch to start at $5,000 -- analyst",1314,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,1125,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",2186,unrelated
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,692,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,776,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,121,unrelated
Rodney Constantine keeps Facebook promise and turns himself in to police,821,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),1438,disagree
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,2344,unrelated
Hero soldier Nathan Cirillo killed by convicted criminal Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2002,unrelated
Apple 'working on 12-inch MacBook Air',879,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",220,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,900,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1658,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",1502,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,2044,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1427,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",573,discuss
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,513,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,984,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",1197,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,950,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1681,discuss
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",344,unrelated
y, KFC isn't going to be selling weed in Colorado restaurants",81,unrelated
"Hundreds of dog-lovers from around the world offer home to pet abandoned at the railway station with a suitcase containing his pillow, toy, bowl and favourite food",530,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1594,disagree
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,349,discuss
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,1289,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',221,discuss
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1461,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1832,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,1693,discuss
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,941,unrelated
"Gold Apple Watch Edition price? Speculators say at least $10,000",490,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1498,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",470,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",879,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,244,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,527,unrelated
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,72,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,220,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,181,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",304,unrelated
Apple Watch reportedly has low-energy 'power reserve' mode,1857,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,796,unrelated
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,1835,unrelated
Comcast Declares War on Tor?,1461,unrelated
"Hundreds of dog-lovers from around the world offer home to pet abandoned at the railway station with a suitcase containing his pillow, toy, bowl and favourite food",1198,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1921,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,1549,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,882,unrelated
According to some Russians this dark figure stumbling through the snowy woods is a Yeti - and they even have a footprint. Hmmmmm,359,discuss
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",2118,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1916,discuss
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",2147,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,1296,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,1429,discuss
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1938,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1545,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1699,unrelated
Scorned wife leaves love-rat husband and twin sister NAKED in car park,660,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1299,agree
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",271,unrelated
This resignation letter in a video-game could be the greatest ever,562,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",7,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1372,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,35,unrelated
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",1385,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,2252,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",754,unrelated
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,1349,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,450,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1720,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,527,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),1946,discuss
Tiger Woods' agent shoots down report of failed drug test,2432,unrelated
Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus now guarded by Daleks,696,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',387,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1016,discuss
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,1883,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,80,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1579,discuss
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,1296,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1661,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1019,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',387,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",1385,unrelated
"Oh Hey, Paul Rudd Was One Of The Dallas Airport Homophobe Heroes, No Big",1814,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,493,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,2483,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1521,disagree to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,832,unrelated
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,2125,disagree
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,2142,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,450,unrelated
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,169,unrelated
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,1871,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",2252,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1982,unrelated
Axl Rose NOT Dead: Fake MSNBC Death Hoax Goes Viral On Facebook,414,unrelated
Claim: Comcast Got Complaining Customer Fired From His Job,86,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,1468,discuss
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,2476,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1040,unrelated
Tips for Chinese choosing an English name,2115,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2044,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,1355,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,2414,agree
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,1237,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1898,unrelated
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,1799,agree
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1580,discuss
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,321,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,847,discuss
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,2360,unrelated
Man Severed Penis That Failed To Impress Girls,2496,agree
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,2116,discuss
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,2048,discuss
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",984,unrelated
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,2087,discuss
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,2106,discuss
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,2445,disagree
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,941,unrelated
Bird defecates on Vladimir Putin during speech (video),2463,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,2343,discuss
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,1361,unrelated
"It was me! Student, 19, reveals SHE was the Teletu
ies' giggling baby in the sky - and was paid just £250 and a box of toys",2227,agree
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2483,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1419,discuss
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,367,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1658,agree
NYC relaxes response to marijuana possession,221,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,626,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,903,discuss
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",7,unrelated
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",821,unrelated
Wayward sister ‘nun the wiser’ about baby,2058,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,385,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,1893,unrelated
"Man chops off own penis, throws it in a dustbin after poor show in bed",2496,agree
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1948,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,2372,discuss
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",1534,unrelated
[Updated] Saudi State Television Allegedly Blurs Michelle Obama’s Face During Meeting With New Saudi King,2042,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,2360,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1786,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,2248,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,1825,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",269,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,2495,unrelated
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,2096,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1438,unrelated
Cold Turkey,391,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,472,unrelated
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,2280,discuss
Did a plumber's pick-up truck from Texas end up ca
ying an anti-aircraft gun for Islamic fighters on the front lines of Syria?,565,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",527,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,2313,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,2192,discuss
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1295,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,368,unrelated
Man Chops Off and Throws Away His Small Penis After Bad Breakup,831,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",2141,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah,2002,discuss
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',2417,discuss
Letter From Lego To Parents In The '70s Makes An Important Point About Gender,989,unrelated
‘Evocative shape': Is Vladimir Putin trolling the world with his motorcade formation?,213,discuss
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,2003,unrelated
Islamic State fighters training to fly captured jets — watchdog,1337,unrelated
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,2459,unrelated
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,2328,unrelated
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),2022,unrelated
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",1637,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1351,unrelated
"Want a Gold Apple Watch? All You Need is $5,000",2271,discuss
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,1833,agree
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1569,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1948,discuss
Teacher sex tape exposed as a FAKE after internet detectives trace the origin of pornographic clip,482,agree
Purdon Ebola Hoax: ‘Texas Town Quarantined After Family Of Five Test Positive For The Ebola Virus’ Article is Fake,1277,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2022,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",1921,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1027,discuss
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,2445,agree
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,381,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",2419,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,1897,agree
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',432,agree
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,2421,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,2097,agree
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,89,unrelated
Singing polar bear facing ASBO after noise complaint,1968,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,666,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1554,discuss
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been stolen after kissing young woman in sauna,91,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",2318,discuss
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,72,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1786,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1197,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",107,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,451,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",586,unrelated
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,1242,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2525,unrelated
Tiger Woods selling Swedish villa — island included,1006,unrelated
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,2272,unrelated
If Only A Bird Really Did Poop on Putin,2472,unrelated
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,812,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",1948,unrelated
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament,2256,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',666,agree
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",206,unrelated
Frisco: Sick patient claims to have had contact with Ebola victim,1119,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,2342,discuss
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,2052,agree
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",847,discuss
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,167,unrelated
"Tom Brokaw 'wants Brian Williams out': NBC legend 'furious' at Iraq war lie, as it's claimed executives warned anchor to stop exaggerating the story in the past",1570,discuss
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,737,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,220,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,304,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,1323,discuss
"Jose Canseco injured in accidental shooting, per reports",1145,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",2127,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,87,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,474,discuss
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,699,unrelated
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,1266,discuss
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2314,unrelated
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,373,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,116,unrelated
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,1361,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,7,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2434,discuss
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,1720,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",986,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,503,unrelated
Man Chops Off and Throws Away His Small Penis After Bad Breakup,714,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,2404,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,1832,unrelated
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,1360,unrelated
"Yes, you can wear your Apple Watch in the shower",401,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,511,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,1306,agree
SEE IT: NBC meteorologist Mike Seidel appears to relieve himself during
oadcast; network says he was looking for phone,2511,discuss
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,1311,unrelated
Islamic State fighters training to fly captured jets — watchdog,2342,unrelated
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",304,unrelated
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,269,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",387,unrelated
iOS 8 bug could delete your iCloud Drive documents,2330,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1223,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",2306,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1818,discuss
Hospital Officials: Kansas City Patient Not Being Treated For Ebola,570,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1891,discuss
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,2385,discuss
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",205,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,11,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2020,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",944,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,1613,discuss
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,941,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",1984,discuss
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1271,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,1649,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,2338,discuss
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,2125,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,1813,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1574,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,1832,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1478,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,1645,discuss
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',874,unrelated
Rumor Fatigue Sets In at False Alarms of Castro’s Death,1534,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1832,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,93,unrelated
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,186,unrelated
Country Music Legend Willie Nelson Dies at Age 81,1869,agree
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,962,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2386,discuss
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,1233,discuss
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),2039,unrelated
"No, That Wasn’t Paul Rudd Tackling an Airport Homophobe",1735,agree
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!,403,agree
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,81,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,81,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,2009,unrelated
Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired Over Iraq Helicopter Story: Report,1625,unrelated
Amazon plans ad-supported video streaming service - NY post,1916,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1166,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,1478,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,1223,unrelated
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",1544,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1385,unrelated
Bali Awry,1375,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1891,discuss
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1873,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,2272,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),571,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",2093,discuss
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,2387,discuss
Claim: Comcast Got Complaining Customer Fired From His Job,2238,discuss
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,2147,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1883,agree
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2044,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1921,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',2344,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,900,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2526,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",524,unrelated
This Dog Was Left At A Railway Station With A Suitcase Of His Belongings After He Was Sold On Gumtree,695,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,1427,unrelated
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,2410,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",1787,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,126,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,2235,disagree
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,2317,unrelated
Google Said to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585 Million,1240,discuss
[Updated] Saudi State Television Allegedly Blurs Michelle Obama’s Face During Meeting With New Saudi King,2453,discuss
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1697,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,132,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1251,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,1424,discuss
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",2441,unrelated
Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed Out on Saudi TV,1343,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1589,agree
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",2118,unrelated
"Forty years ago, Lego wrote a powerful letter to parents about how gender works",1926,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1795,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,2184,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",139,unrelated
"BREAKING NEWS: Female American aid worker, 26, held hostage by ISIS for 18 months has been 'killed in Jordanian air strike'",1588,unrelated
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,2278,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1004,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,936,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,481,discuss
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,1948,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,2299,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,2266,discuss
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,1165,discuss
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1019,unrelated
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,1155,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,2367,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1905,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,816,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1478,disagree
Utah Man Hospitalized After Winning Eggnog Chugging Contest,251,unrelated
"ISIS Claims Female American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Killed in Airstrike",1260,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1483,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,933,discuss
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",391,unrelated
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',2141,unrelated
"Gold Apple Watch Edition Could Cost As Much As $1,200",467,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,788,discuss
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,1920,discuss
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",1303,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,1180,unrelated
Someone Trolled Twitter Into Thinking Macklemore Joined ISIS,1217,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,1718,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Knightscope Security Robots Are Keeping Microsoft Campuses Safe (and They Look Really Scary),2306,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,2374,discuss
"Whoa, Paul Rudd Was One of the Airport Heroes Who Took Down the Homophobe",1000,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,2096,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2147,discuss
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,144,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),2097,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,2498,agree
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,2017,discuss
Spec leak suggests Apple Watch will be on par with Android Wear rivals,1828,unrelated
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,1628,discuss
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,1429,unrelated
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1384,unrelated
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",2090,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,2130,unrelated
ury Christ Church University student Jess Smith, from Chatham, sta
ed as Teletu
ies' sun",504,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,903,discuss
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1361,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,75,unrelated
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",2052,disagree
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),483,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1880,disagree
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2118,discuss
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,2132,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1034,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1731,agree
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1897,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,1597,discuss
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,313,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,511,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,984,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,2412,unrelated
Bergdahl: Senator Says Jihadists Swapped For U.S. Troop ‘In Touch’ With Al-Qaida Affiliate,2207,discuss
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,1852,unrelated
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",1476,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,2044,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",651,unrelated
ESPN's Domestic Violence Panel Is Missing Something Important,1261,agree
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",1565,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1786,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,2261,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",382,unrelated
Govt fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,72,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,105,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2096,discuss
Sadly Vladimir Putin Hasn’t Been Driving Round In A Motorcade Shaped Like A Penis,2391,disagree
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",251,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,586,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,2362,unrelated
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired,432,agree
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,1183,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,2144,discuss
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,557,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,2327,discuss
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",467,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,2137,agree
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1249,discuss
"Gold Apple Watch Edition Could Cost As Much As $1,200",320,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',1477,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,586,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",367,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",2129,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1400,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1465,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1644,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",1649,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2481,discuss
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",498,unrelated
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,618,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1815,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1095,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",941,unrelated
"Omar Gonzalez, White House Fence-Jumper, Made it Farther Inside",917,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1438,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1083,unrelated
"Soldier shot, Parliament locked down after gunfire erupts at war memorial",964,unrelated
Police Looking For A Man That Slaps People When They Sneeze!,195,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1883,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,1438,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,139,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",387,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1240,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,35,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,2406,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,845,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,1658,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1569,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,1437,unrelated
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,1931,unrelated
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,2016,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,296,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",1020,unrelated
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,1921,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,1631,unrelated
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,80,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1269,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,462,discuss
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1247,agree
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,630,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,2450,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1899,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,1982,discuss
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),2458,agree
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",2078,unrelated
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,1221,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,871,discuss
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",321,unrelated
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,964,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",2468,agree
Lego letter from the 1970s still offers a powerful message to parents 40 years later,779,agree
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,1435,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,1289,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1461,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,1883,agree
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,1028,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',1296,discuss
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,724,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2525,unrelated
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",2485,discuss
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1289,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,487,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,826,unrelated
Shocking! Chinese parents sell their son to fund for daughter’s Cancer treatment,2531,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,2252,unrelated
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",2412,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,741,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,130,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,269,unrelated
NEWS/ Meet the Teletu
ies Sun Baby: 19-Year-Old Jess Smith Reveals Herself as the Smiling Face Who Looked Over Teletu
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",2526,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,167,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',2327,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2304,unrelated
Kim Jong-un drinks rare snake wine to boost love life!,2296,agree
Kevin Vickers Hailed As Hero For Reportedly Shooting Gunman Inside Parliament,1002,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1323,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",11,unrelated
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1083,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,821,agree
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,1107,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1819,agree
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,1985,discuss
Reports say North Korea's Kim insists on being the only Jong Un,2016,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1040,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",2188,discuss
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,546,discuss
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",1079,agree
IS using scorpion bombs to te
ify Iraqi civilians,1474,agree
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1347,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,8,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2223,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,2235,discuss
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,1423,discuss
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,2314,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1295,unrelated
Cold Turkey,305,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,346,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,800,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",1242,agree
Electric shock turns Russian boy into Marvel's Magneto,1637,unrelated
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,1056,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',251,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",298,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,1547,unrelated
"Rodney Constantine, Newfoundland Suspect, Keeps Facebook Pledge To Turn Himself In",2164,agree
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1948,unrelated
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,1985,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,759,discuss
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',2116,unrelated
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,2076,agree
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,2360,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1974,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",2356,discuss
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,2248,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,724,unrelated
"BREAKING: ""Brat Pack"" Judd Nelson Found Dead in Los Angeles Condo",35,unrelated
Man chops off his penis after his girlfriend
eaks up with him,1517,agree
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1549,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1615,discuss
N. Korea’s Kim has leg injury but in control,2360,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,75,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,1821,discuss
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,258,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1500,unrelated
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,2473,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1720,unrelated
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,398,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,1485,discuss
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,992,unrelated
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",961,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',1185,discuss
"ISIS using bombs containing live SCORPIONS in effort to spread panic, in tactic used 2,000 years ago against Romans",1251,agree
URGENT: ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi allegedly killed by US airstrikes,1222,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,634,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1311,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",2096,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',1457,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",742,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,2132,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,2252,unrelated
"Gold Apple Watch Edition Could Cost As Much As $1,200",676,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1789,unrelated
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,1651,agree
Apple Reportedly Relying More Heavily on Samsung for iPhone 6 and Apple Watch Components,1693,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1213,disagree
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,72,unrelated
Ebola Scare in Kansas City,570,unrelated
"How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?",1170,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,1934,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',2156,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,1934,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1125,unrelated
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,1231,discuss
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2127,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,1502,unrelated
Will King of Jordan lead airstrikes on ISIS HIMSELF? Reports say trained pilot plans to take part in attack after quoting Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven to Congressmen,640,discuss
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,438,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1298,disagree
Latest iOS 8 bug reportedly causes unwanted deletion of iCloud Drive documents,2033,discuss
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,2531,discuss
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",2313,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",643,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,1933,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",2530,discuss
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,1357,agree
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",586,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1427,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2116,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1424,discuss
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,195,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1298,discuss
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",2068,unrelated
Confusion as Cuba’s Castro mourned instead of Kenya’s Fidel,93,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,2145,agree
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,2047,discuss
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,2440,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1974,unrelated
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,1802,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2109,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,1968,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",1148,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1502,disagree
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1222,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,1839,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1893,discuss
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,724,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,559,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,1521,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,1671,discuss
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1299,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,761,unrelated
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,793,agree
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",2411,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",321,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",405,discuss
The Force Awakens News: Director J.J. A
ams Eyes Summer Release for Star Wars 7 Because of Too Many Spoilers,1897,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1588,disagree
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters,48,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,373,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,1849,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2450,discuss
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,181,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,1003,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,608,discuss
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,1503,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,56,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot from Taliban (video),2267,agree
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,511,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",2234,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,2034,agree
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,1948,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,2470,discuss
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),181,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1330,discuss
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,1097,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1658,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2246,agree
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,72,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,625,discuss
Monster catfish which looks big enough to swallow a man whole caught in Italy,1221,unrelated
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,1311,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,1679,unrelated
400 men cut their testicles off believing it would help them meet God,1549,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",72,unrelated
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,1252,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,618,unrelated
iPhone Game Developer Quits Job By Hiding The Greatest Letter Of Resignation Ever Inside His Game,2328,agree
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",2097,agree
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,35,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found in BUCKINGHAM PALACE by Alan Titchmarsh,2480,discuss
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1358,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,220,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',964,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",900,unrelated
NYC relaxes response to marijuana possession,1875,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,213,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,1746,discuss
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,666,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",1372,discuss
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",2385,agree
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,80,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,1646,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1361,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1721,discuss
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,2385,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",1764,agree
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2367,unrelated
"Absent from duty for 25 years, CPWD official dismissed",1323,unrelated
Paul Rudd Is Not the Viral Video Hero Who Tackled a Gay Basher in Dallas,1735,agree
ISIS launch SCORPION BOMBS to spread panic in Iraq,730,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,1349,agree
What This Homeless Guy Did With $100 Completely Stunned The Man Who Gave It To Him,941,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1385,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1605,discuss
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',2154,discuss
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1857,unrelated
Axl Rose NOT Dead: Fake MSNBC Death Hoax Goes Viral On Facebook,2525,agree
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,760,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1746,discuss
Apple was forced to nix key health features from its smartwatch -- report,116,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2028,discuss
Texas plumber baffled after truck ends up in the hands of Syrian rebels,1213,unrelated
Report: Apple Watch Will Need Charging Every Day,1048,unrelated
Michael Abdul Zehaf Bibeau Pictures: Photos of Alleged ISIS-Linked Gunman in Canada,2134,unrelated
"#Daysofdarkness: No, There Won't Be Six Days Of Darkness In December",804,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,176,unrelated
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,2043,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,892,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1466,discuss
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1744,discuss
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1966,agree
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,859,discuss
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,2330,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1288,discuss
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1057,disagree
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,1690,discuss
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,972,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",267,unrelated
"Pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",1699,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",564,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,524,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,2235,agree
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1349,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,592,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,2281,discuss
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,2269,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",1372,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",2264,discuss
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1786,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,1949,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1720,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,2455,discuss
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",2281,agree
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,686,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1744,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1857,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],2492,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,126,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1857,unrelated
Big Bank Hank dead: Sugarhill Gang member and rapper dies aged 57,1458,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,997,discuss
Macaulay Culkin: Death claims about former child star revealed to be yet another hoax,2175,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,972,unrelated
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,2364,discuss
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1438,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",1979,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,959,unrelated
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,2185,unrelated
Fake Fox News Twitter account emerges after #FoxNewsFacts goes viral,1728,agree
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",1178,unrelated
ESPN's Domestic Violence Panel Is Missing Something Important,2531,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',2188,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1040,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,205,unrelated
Russians Bag Better Bigfoot Footage,1651,unrelated
Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage for Christmas,1933,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,1303,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,125,unrelated
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair,403,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1009,unrelated
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",1790,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2296,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,220,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1318,agree
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,831,unrelated
"No, That Wasn’t Paul Rudd Tackling an Airport Homophobe",1844,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,2042,agree
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,984,unrelated
China App Store Manipulation Photo Goes Viral - But Is It Real?,126,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1013,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1744,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",2360,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,1336,unrelated
'Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December' Fake News Story Goes Viral,664,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,1234,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",1971,agree
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,1424,discuss
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,269,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1500,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",2526,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,2252,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1786,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,2180,agree
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,958,unrelated
Hundreds of Palestinians flee as Israel opens dams into Gaza Valley,993,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,2269,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",2302,discuss
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1630,disagree
"Omar Gonzalez, White House Fence-Jumper, Made it Farther Inside",1323,unrelated
Lego letter from the 1970s still offers a powerful message to parents 40 years later,451,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',1339,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1790,discuss
Amazon's Newest Tablet Will Come With Free News From The Washington Post,1413,unrelated
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,1319,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,1627,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,1500,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,2526,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1439,unrelated
SHOCKING: Indian Man's Penis Cut-off After He Was Caught Attempting Rape [Photos],1291,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,1466,discuss
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2520,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2524,agree
Matt Tai
i takes a leave of absence from First Look Media,1073,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,880,discuss
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",2360,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,7,unrelated
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",2306,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,539,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,2287,discuss
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,220,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,840,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,533,unrelated
Tips for Chinese choosing an English name,1137,disagree
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",959,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2304,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,2313,unrelated
Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage for Christmas,1599,discuss
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,190,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,752,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,2176,unrelated
Jordan Vs ISIS: Reports Say King Abdullah II Could Personally Lead Airstrikes After Pilot’s Death,2490,discuss
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,2296,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,2187,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1543,unrelated
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",478,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1885,discuss
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,1756,discuss
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1011,discuss
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,339,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",1125,unrelated
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,2080,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1841,agree
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,324,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),428,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1426,discuss
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,299,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,1661,unrelated
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit,2015,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,2096,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,2511,discuss
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1720,unrelated
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,210,agree
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1883,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1375,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,1806,unrelated
Google said to buy six silicon valley buildings for $585 million,586,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,2307,agree
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,2022,discuss
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",731,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1802,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2388,discuss
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1644,unrelated
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,592,agree
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1893,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1974,discuss
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1530,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,1197,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",1003,discuss
Microsoft turns to robotic security guards to watch for trouble,2529,agree
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",730,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",971,unrelated
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",879,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",992,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,1026,unrelated
Chugging eggnog sends Utah man to hospital,126,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1825,unrelated
Report: Michael Phelps’ Tinder ‘Girlfriend’ Was Born Male; “We Made Love During Halftime”,568,discuss
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",1786,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,2078,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,1013,unrelated
Code/Red: Apple Watch Battery Life — “Charge Nightly”,470,discuss
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1844,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),1252,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,532,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1213,unrelated
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,77,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',2329,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",1853,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,2080,unrelated
Jordan’s King Abdullah Did Not Personally Fly Airstrikes On ISIS,773,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1116,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,958,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Seth Rogen set to play Steve Wozniak in Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic,626,unrelated
ury Christ Church University student Jess Smith, from Chatham, sta
ed as Teletu
ies' sun",470,unrelated
Jordan Vs ISIS: Reports Say King Abdullah II Could Personally Lead Airstrikes After Pilot’s Death,773,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,499,unrelated
Vandal paints penis on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,1144,discuss
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,35,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,1949,unrelated
Widower Cries Tears Of Joy After Hearing Late Wife's Voice Again,1864,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1099,discuss
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,1427,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1120,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,214,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1679,discuss
First bendgate... now it's HAIRGATE: Angry iPhone 6 owners claim design is causing chunks of their hair to be ripped out when they make a phone call,1289,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1498,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2248,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1666,discuss
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,1343,unrelated
"#Hairgate: Reports of iPhone 6 pulling out hair, beards, likely exaggerated",513,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,10,unrelated
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,1893,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",137,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1506,discuss
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,1744,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1905,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,2266,discuss
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,54,unrelated
"'Nasa Confirms Six Days of Darkness in December': No, they really don't - it's a hoax",487,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2450,agree
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1594,agree
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,689,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1273,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",105,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,2248,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,704,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",1120,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,2360,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,244,unrelated
Saudi fatwa banning snowmen triggers heated debate,1277,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1251,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1263,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,43,unrelated
"How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?",2526,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1721,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,2127,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,941,discuss
Apple Watch’s Power Reserve feature combats short battery life,2106,unrelated
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,1978,agree
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1336,discuss
Axl Rose NOT Dead: Fake MSNBC Death Hoax Goes Viral On Facebook,1857,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1715,discuss
The news of Cesar Millan's death is false,2081,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Stronghold,933,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,730,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,818,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',1457,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1588,discuss
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,625,unrelated
Nun 'has surprise baby' after complaining of stomach pains,2388,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",244,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1210,discuss
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,139,unrelated
Michael Abdul Zehaf Bibeau Pictures: Photos of Alleged ISIS-Linked Gunman in Canada,804,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,465,unrelated
Nun who gave birth ‘had no idea’ she was pregnant,2269,unrelated
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,2002,discuss
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,2093,discuss
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1821,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",1481,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',1893,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2302,unrelated
Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired Over Iraq Helicopter Story: Report,1492,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1019,unrelated
80's Brat Pack star Judd Nelson forced to deny that he's dead after fake news story starts trending on social media,1028,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1605,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1689,unrelated
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,205,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,2129,discuss
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2109,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1295,agree
Meet the X-BOY: Electric shock turns kid into MAGNETO,308,unrelated
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",2313,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,1786,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2047,discuss
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,730,unrelated
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",2114,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2261,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1905,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",2283,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,1917,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1219,agree
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",1406,unrelated
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,2419,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1899,discuss
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,195,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",724,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,1426,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1841,disagree
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',220,unrelated
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",1433,agree
"Luke Somers Dies In Rescue Attempt, Sister Says; Yemeni Defense Ministry Says Unnamed US Hostage Freed",120,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",2241,discuss
Widower Cries Tears Of Joy After Hearing Late Wife's Voice Again,2406,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",2197,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2526,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,1419,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,220,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,2175,discuss
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",2304,discuss
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1720,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,2034,disagree
Robert Plant Reportedly Tears Up $800 Million Led Zeppelin Reunion Contract,1385,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,2419,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,1010,discuss
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1883,unrelated
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired,72,unrelated
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,1299,unrelated
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",2365,discuss
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1419,discuss
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,527,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",2165,agree
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,971,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,2091,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",1339,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,2123,unrelated
Former U.S. soldier says IS used chemical weapons in Kobani,964,discuss
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,2327,discuss
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1905,unrelated
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,271,unrelated
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,1336,unrelated
Code/Red: Apple Watch Battery Life — “Charge Nightly”,2002,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1358,unrelated
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,1724,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,2303,discuss
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,344,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,1778,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",1412,agree
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,706,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,391,agree
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",296,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2375,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",2261,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,1796,disagree
"'Nasa Confirms Six Days of Darkness in December': No, they really don't - it's a hoax",2410,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,2009,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,1262,discuss
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",2431,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",992,unrelated
Officials: Report That Area Town Is Under Ebola Quarantine Is False,1277,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',682,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,1056,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,2240,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,821,unrelated
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,565,unrelated
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it,831,unrelated
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,1825,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,1863,unrelated
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,1438,unrelated
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,2033,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,1802,discuss
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,1301,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,137,unrelated
Rodney Constantine keeps Facebook promise and turns himself in to police,2164,agree
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,1774,discuss
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,2045,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,1295,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,524,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,2127,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1506,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",1598,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2345,agree
Vandal paints penis on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,1781,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",2210,unrelated
Bali Awry,2042,discuss
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2235,discuss
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",35,unrelated
#RIPFidel fuels false rumors of Cuban leader's death after another Fidel Castro dies,2009,discuss
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,1802,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',1471,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,2313,discuss
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",1325,unrelated
"Texas, Hold 'Em",968,discuss
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,621,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,726,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,1210,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,1210,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",130,unrelated
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",1481,unrelated
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,788,unrelated
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),707,unrelated
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",1939,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1569,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2235,disagree
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,34,unrelated
Moment U.S. Marine is saved by his Kevlar helmet as Taliban sniper bullet hits him in head,1180,agree
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2067,discuss
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,276,agree
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,1815,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,2180,discuss
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1009,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,1175,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,1760,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",1478,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1040,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,2302,unrelated
Woman Says She Gave Her Cheating Man a Printout of His DMs for Christmas,882,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1252,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,40,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found in BUCKINGHAM PALACE by Alan Titchmarsh,2519,unrelated
Report: HBO Now coming to Apple TV next month,1074,discuss
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy,2528,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",2125,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,2515,agree
Texas Plumber Has ‘No Idea’ How Company Truck Ended Up With ISIS,1950,agree
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1435,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,503,unrelated
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,242,unrelated
y, KFC isn't going to be selling weed in Colorado restaurants",2125,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,2498,agree
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1355,discuss
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,743,agree
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,1931,discuss
Big Bank Hank dead: Sugarhill Gang member and rapper dies aged 57,1996,unrelated
Apple Users Add Hairgate to iPhone 6 Problems,304,unrelated
eaks down in tears when a lost recording of his deceased wife resurfaces,662,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,298,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,2385,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,2132,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,822,discuss
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,40,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,1483,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1429,discuss
"No, a mechanical polar bear is not about to be given an Asbo",2446,agree
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,1597,discuss
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1939,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,1837,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',2501,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",345,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1036,discuss
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,2192,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',1187,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,195,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1670,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,1119,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1651,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",2252,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1737,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,5,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1873,unrelated
HBO in talks with Apple to be launch partner for coming web service 'HBO Now',545,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,2299,unrelated
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",1839,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,2524,agree
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1422,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,2314,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,1817,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1939,discuss
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,2448,unrelated
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,2009,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,1588,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,2123,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',2078,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,1268,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],1385,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,271,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1893,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2388,discuss
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,643,unrelated
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,81,unrelated
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,1214,agree
"Texas, Hold 'Em",409,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,190,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,1619,discuss
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,1611,discuss
Woman Says She Gave Her Cheating Man a Printout of His DMs for Christmas,15,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2115,unrelated
Is this proof of bigfoot? New 'yeti' video shows giant hairy beast walking through forest,2280,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,472,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,564,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,1826,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",1467,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,2338,discuss
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,662,unrelated
Confusion as Cuba’s Castro mourned instead of Kenya’s Fidel,1832,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1885,discuss
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,1921,unrelated
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,964,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,503,unrelated
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,2367,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1097,unrelated
Nujaifi Condemns / Daash / crime in Saqlawiyah and Alsiger areas of Anbar.,1357,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,1155,unrelated
Apple Watch reportedly set to ship in the U.S. by March,670,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,1539,unrelated
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,1572,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",2506,discuss
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,1296,unrelated
Paul Rudd Is Not the Viral Video Hero Who Tackled a Gay Basher in Dallas,1175,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1426,discuss
US airstrike targets Al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane in Somalia,2364,discuss
Chinese parents try to SELL their son to pay for medical treatment for his sick twin sister,350,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,2528,discuss
Report: Michael Phelps’ Tinder ‘Girlfriend’ Was Born Male; “We Made Love During Halftime”,1342,discuss
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1481,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",917,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",11,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),1760,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,859,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1817,unrelated
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",2277,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2524,agree
Cloistered nun has a stomach ache hospital gives birth to a baby [Google Translate],467,unrelated
People On Twitter Think Macklemore Has Joined ISIS,1413,discuss
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1415,unrelated
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,687,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,381,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1803,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2020,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,586,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,398,discuss
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2296,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,2177,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,2410,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",1648,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,800,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1531,disagree
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",573,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",7,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2296,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,860,unrelated
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',1648,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,385,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1040,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1224,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1296,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,776,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",2520,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",687,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,1931,unrelated
‘Cannibal mother tries to eat her newborn baby after giving birth’,2434,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",754,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,539,unrelated
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,2170,agree
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,26,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",1347,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",80,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1689,discuss
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1022,unrelated
North Korea reportedly bans anyone sharing Kim Jong Un's name,78,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,1745,discuss
Future Apple Watches could include platinum models - report,2421,discuss
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,2360,unrelated
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,1642,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,687,unrelated
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,204,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,1095,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2109,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,703,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1271,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,2141,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1004,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,2184,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,91,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,2307,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,2017,discuss
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,405,discuss
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",1237,unrelated
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken,1826,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1921,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,1212,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,662,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,2248,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1234,unrelated
Report: Apple Watch to Ship in March,2154,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",2296,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1826,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,1522,discuss
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,2530,discuss
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',769,unrelated
ISIS launch SCORPION BOMBS to spread panic in Iraq,1251,agree
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1926,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,2477,unrelated
"Therefore, the ""feminist blogger"" who aborted a boy probably fake",1363,unrelated
Comcast blocks Tor,1314,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",1699,unrelated
"UBS survey finds 10% of consumers want a smartwatch, expects 24M Apple Watch sales in fiscal 2015",247,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",181,discuss
ESPN's Domestic Violence Panel Is Missing Something Important,825,unrelated
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,1540,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,26,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',1081,discuss
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,40,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",244,unrelated
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,1190,agree
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,1950,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",1549,disagree
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,1026,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,2531,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,244,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1336,discuss
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,2090,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,1252,unrelated
Actor has his testicles stolen after meeting ‘young blonde woman at a bar’,699,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,2211,disagree
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,277,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,1071,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',339,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1747,discuss
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",2525,unrelated
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,1642,unrelated
This Is What The Sun Baby From ‘Teletu
ies’ Looks Like Now,1331,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,2455,discuss
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1866,discuss
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,592,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,1263,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,511,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,2096,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",1019,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),691,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1835,discuss
"NYPD to stop a
esting for low-level marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead: source",1261,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1289,unrelated
iOS 8 bug reportedly erases iCloud Drive documents when settings are reset,93,unrelated
Man Chops Off and Throws Away His Small Penis After Bad Breakup,1799,agree
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1786,unrelated
"Woman catches husband cheating with her twin, humiliates them",374,unrelated
Fake-News: 'McDonald's Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers',1413,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,1529,discuss
ISIS Getting Ebola,1899,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,2520,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,2471,discuss
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",26,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],1820,unrelated
"Omar Gonzalez, White House Fence-Jumper, Made it Farther Inside",1547,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,2141,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1116,discuss
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",1834,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
"Comcast Turns Complaints Back On Customer, Gets His Employer To Fire Him",2405,discuss
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",1372,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1347,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,381,unrelated
1901 Boston time capsule yields small red book,690,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,922,disagree
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,2056,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,220,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,1787,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",903,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1385,unrelated
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ A
ams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?,808,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,359,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,413,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
North Korea reportedly bans anyone sharing Kim Jong Un's name,701,discuss
Ottawa shooting: Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers hailed a hero for shooting rampaging gunman,1002,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,1905,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1530,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,1867,discuss
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,1148,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,1342,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",2241,discuss
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,305,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,874,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,1760,unrelated
"Vice CEO Shane Smith reportedly spent $300,000 on a steak dinner at CES",2463,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1900,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,2075,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2304,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",2097,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",2404,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",938,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,670,discuss
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,2468,disagree
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1840,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',1471,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",2037,agree
How did a Texas plumber's truck end up with Syrian rebels? (+video),2344,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,2469,discuss
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,693,unrelated
eaks down in tears when a lost recording of his deceased wife resurfaces,1171,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,2521,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2525,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1747,agree
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,1737,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1579,discuss
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1661,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,1289,discuss
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",760,agree
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1883,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",1097,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1439,unrelated
Unbearable! Carolling toy in Shefford 'gagged' by council,2446,discuss
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,964,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1252,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,206,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,1649,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,903,discuss
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",2409,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1120,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,777,discuss
Government employee fired after skipping work for 24 years,2441,agree
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1795,discuss
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,2336,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,1721,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1939,unrelated
Report: Apple Watch Will Need Charging Every Day,1625,unrelated
Woman Says She Gave Her Cheating Man a Printout of His DMs for Christmas,2477,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,2220,discuss
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,1212,unrelated
"Luckiest Pizza Delivery Guy Ever Gets $2,000 Tip",781,unrelated
Marijuana Law New York: How No-A
est Policy Could Make Things Worse For Minor Offenders ,139,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",1623,discuss
"Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before launch",2391,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1627,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",742,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,737,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,456,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,132,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,137,unrelated
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",667,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,1422,agree
Electric shock turns Russian boy into Marvel's Magneto,2215,agree
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',2042,unrelated
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,1355,unrelated
Apple Watch launch reportedly planned for Fe
uary with limited supply,2116,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1289,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1291,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2404,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",2129,discuss
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,816,discuss
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,1586,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,646,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,304,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,1002,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,125,unrelated
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',2297,unrelated
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,1212,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1296,unrelated
Wayward sister ‘nun the wiser’ about baby,1597,unrelated
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,2252,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,731,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",880,discuss
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2230,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',385,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",205,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,93,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",1319,disagree
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,1936,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1790,discuss
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',2348,agree
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1586,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,2411,unrelated
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,2349,agree
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,7,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",524,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1256,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',798,discuss
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,1590,agree
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,789,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,1213,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",1003,discuss
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,2249,agree
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,2062,discuss
Latest iOS 8 bug reportedly causes unwanted deletion of iCloud Drive documents,2328,unrelated
"Islamic Tribunal Using Sharia Law In Texas Has Been Confirmed Tribunal members say they will avoid Sharia's ""criminal law.""",1006,unrelated
Paul Revere's 1795 time capsule unearthed,1049,agree
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,381,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,662,unrelated
Hero soldier Nathan Cirillo killed by convicted criminal Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2256,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1730,discuss
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,2235,agree
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1256,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1403,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,2314,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,213,unrelated
Magic mushroom found growing at Buckingham Palace,2478,agree
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,932,unrelated
A Bogus Banksy,428,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,2302,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,107,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,1237,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,462,discuss
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,2334,discuss
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,1637,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,689,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1461,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,578,discuss
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out,1787,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,396,discuss
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",1240,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',298,unrelated
Bigfoot Strolls Through A Russian Forest -- At Least That's The Claim [VIDEO],2377,discuss
America's oldest time capsule unearthed at Boston statehouse after being buried in 1795 by Sam Adams and Paul Revere,601,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,2266,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,2307,agree
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,1680,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,975,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,618,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,77,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1603,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,2492,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,1130,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,1549,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1921,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',2377,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",2111,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1295,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,1489,discuss
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,742,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1547,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",1077,unrelated
Monster catfish which looks big enough to swallow a man whole caught in Italy,2196,agree
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,572,unrelated
"No, Jordan's King Abdullah II is not personally flying planes against Isis",773,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1361,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",2070,unrelated
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,77,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Baseball star Jose Canseco hurt in accidental shooting,744,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1854,unrelated
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,722,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1131,discuss
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,321,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,11,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1715,discuss
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,720,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,481,discuss
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,1022,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",139,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,2296,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,1473,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,917,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",966,agree
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",818,unrelated
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,2326,agree
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",344,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,226,agree
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,2313,unrelated
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,1423,unrelated
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",320,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1384,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",2078,unrelated
This Woman Is Wrongly Being Called A Sexual Predator After Her Private Sex Tape Was Used For A Hoax,2447,agree
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",1156,discuss
Vandal paints penis on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,1435,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,225,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1807,discuss
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,1921,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',1506,unrelated
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",1735,unrelated
"PGA Tour Pro Claims Tiger Woods Is Cu
ently Suspended For PEDs, Compares Him To Lance Armstrong",2175,discuss
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",1658,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",1949,discuss
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1019,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,2351,agree
Apple Watch mass production kicks off in January: Report,1760,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1217,discuss
One of 'Taliban Five' in Bowe Bergdahl swap allegedly returned to militancy,819,unrelated
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",787,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1982,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1329,discuss
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,35,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1459,discuss
"Omar Gonzalez, White House Fence-Jumper, Made it Farther Inside",382,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",2370,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,2445,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],456,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,1439,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1832,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,2463,discuss
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1724,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,1435,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",858,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,1465,unrelated
‘Feminist’ says she aborted baby because it was a boy,2526,discuss
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,891,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1361,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1950,unrelated
Police hunt tweed-jacket wearing man who slaps shoppers for SNEEZING,87,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1720,unrelated
ISIS Hostage Alan Henning's Wife Invokes Sharia Law in New Plea,760,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,1988,unrelated
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',2483,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,1179,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2070,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1795,unrelated
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake,2520,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,2197,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1921,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,542,discuss
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,2115,unrelated
iPhone Game Developer Quits Job By Hiding The Greatest Letter Of Resignation Ever Inside His Game,545,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,2252,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,423,discuss
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,1637,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,2338,discuss
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,1933,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",643,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,742,unrelated
Microsoft Hires Dalek-style Robocops to Guard Silicon Valley HQ,572,unrelated
"Don't Wo
y, 'The Breakfast Club' Star Judd Nelson Is Not Dead",1349,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,40,unrelated
"'A wonderful, wonderful sound': Man
eaks down after hearing voicemail from his late wife that was lost for 14 years",2227,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",266,discuss
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,516,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,2124,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2261,unrelated
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,595,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",1024,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,966,agree
Saudi cleric says snowmen are anti-Islamic,417,agree
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,633,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1934,discuss
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1372,unrelated
Bali Awry,43,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1295,unrelated
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",1836,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2377,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1234,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",1877,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",2022,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,1931,discuss
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1564,discuss
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1515,agree
Al Qaida hostage killed in raid,634,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,1605,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1921,unrelated
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,882,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2115,unrelated
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,2022,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",93,unrelated
Tiger Woods' former luxury island goes on sale,2444,agree
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1948,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,945,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1926,discuss
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),1981,agree
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,1724,unrelated
Report: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,1545,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,1913,unrelated
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,304,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1934,discuss
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,220,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,903,discuss
KFC Locations In Colorado To Begin Selling Marijuana,1826,unrelated
Son pays off his parents' mortgage in a heartwarming Christmas video,1933,unrelated
Crank-Boosting Behind Top Apps in App Store,515,agree
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1034,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1966,discuss
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1731,agree
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1120,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,367,unrelated
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,2161,unrelated
Apple Watch delayed for Fe
uary in limited quantity,1908,agree
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,1427,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2296,unrelated
"Luke Somers Dies In Rescue Attempt, Sister Says; Yemeni Defense Ministry Says Unnamed US Hostage Freed",2318,discuss
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,592,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1489,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,483,unrelated
This Woman Is Wrongly Being Called A Sexual Predator After Her Private Sex Tape Was Used For A Hoax,822,unrelated
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',648,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,281,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",1152,discuss
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1234,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,1871,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,2102,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,1541,unrelated
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,1071,discuss
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],817,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,1252,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,2404,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1446,discuss
Purdon Ebola Hoax: ‘Texas Town Quarantined After Family Of Five Test Positive For The Ebola Virus’ Article is Fake,1467,agree
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,639,unrelated
Reports say North Korea's Kim insists on being the only Jong Un,1678,discuss
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,40,unrelated
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken,882,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,40,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2524,agree
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,365,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,2016,unrelated
Islamic State Flying Three Jets in Syria,2342,unrelated
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,387,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1948,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",298,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",119,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,754,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,1702,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,2175,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,2045,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,630,discuss
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,1987,discuss
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,1905,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",480,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,2501,unrelated
Jordan’s King Abdullah Did Not Personally Fly Airstrikes On ISIS,1365,unrelated
Sadly Vladimir Putin Hasn’t Been Driving Round In A Motorcade Shaped Like A Penis,944,unrelated
Nun 'has surprise baby' after complaining of stomach pains,1307,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1857,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1013,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",971,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,945,discuss
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,1439,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,900,unrelated
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,240,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,573,unrelated
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,1834,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2067,agree
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,130,unrelated
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,999,discuss
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",2296,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1679,discuss
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it,1249,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,1619,discuss
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,2367,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,478,unrelated
Hundreds of Palestinians flee as Israel opens dams into Gaza Valley,719,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,2261,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1166,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",40,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,1071,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,1900,unrelated
Country Music Legend Willie Nelson Dies at Age 81,1383,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1678,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,2528,discuss
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,1949,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,345,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,702,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1815,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,2328,unrelated
After ISIS trick mum into eating son - 5 other reluctant cannibals including those forced to eat own body parts,1743,agree
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,80,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,1966,unrelated
"Rajasthan: Man Tries to Rape Teenager, Angry Mob Chops His Penis Off",1829,unrelated
ESPN’s Domestic Abuse Tonight Panel Will Be 100% Dudes,2531,unrelated
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,703,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,1190,agree
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1826,unrelated
"280 Pound Catfish: Fisherman Makes Huge Catch In Italy, Catfish Could Set Record",1221,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,2070,unrelated
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",2501,agree
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1670,unrelated
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,2009,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,472,unrelated
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,36,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,2106,discuss
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,2078,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1295,unrelated
Mirfield man's tears of joy after lost voicemail of wife retrieved,1864,unrelated
Texas Town Quarantined After Family Of Five Test Positive For The Ebola Virus,1277,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1385,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',938,discuss
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",387,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,368,discuss
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",62,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,2250,discuss
Latest iOS 8 bug reportedly causes unwanted deletion of iCloud Drive documents,81,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1642,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",568,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,1524,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,1213,unrelated
Al Qaida hostage killed in raid,1988,discuss
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",1077,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',281,discuss
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1011,discuss
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,2022,discuss
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,882,unrelated
"These LEGO Instructions from 1974 Are Awesome (And Yes, They're Real)",1726,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,2016,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1786,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,1213,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1948,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1374,unrelated
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,1835,discuss
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,116,agree
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1012,discuss
Hundreds of Palestinians flee as Israel opens dams into Gaza Valley,1070,agree
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",2434,unrelated
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,2087,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead hoax: Fake death report spreads on social networks,2240,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,2296,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,626,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",837,disagree
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,1787,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",2130,unrelated
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,2230,unrelated
Snowmen Declared Anti-Islamic As Snow Falls in Saudi Arabia,1064,agree
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,331,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,524,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,2025,discuss
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1400,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',777,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,533,unrelated
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",2240,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,720,agree
Did a plumber's pick-up truck from Texas end up ca
ying an anti-aircraft gun for Islamic fighters on the front lines of Syria?,2084,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1338,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,2367,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1715,discuss
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,1939,discuss
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,527,unrelated
Man With Ebola-Like Symptoms Claims Contact With 'Patient Zero' in Texas,303,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,1148,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,2009,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1034,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1125,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,2067,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,2509,discuss
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,2526,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,368,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,373,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,1917,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1869,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,226,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),692,disagree
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1680,discuss
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,2034,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,221,unrelated
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",1311,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,472,unrelated
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,1849,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,1846,agree
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1358,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,2070,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1430,discuss
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,104,unrelated
Don’t ‘Reset All Settings’ in iOS 8 unless you want to lose your iCloud files,2423,agree
Vandal paints penis on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,2235,unrelated
Big Bank Hank dead: Sugarhill Gang member and rapper dies aged 57,2398,agree
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,676,unrelated
"Gold Apple Watch Edition Could Cost As Much As $1,200",1948,unrelated
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,1338,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1649,discuss
Airport worker strips naked at Russian airport,989,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,757,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,704,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,649,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',2342,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,704,discuss
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1913,discuss
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,2307,unrelated
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,832,unrelated
"Cloistered nun gives birth to a baby The convent: ""There is a sister"" [Google Translate]",2192,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",26,unrelated
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",1973,discuss
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,2022,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,2280,discuss
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,1840,agree
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,1535,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,2347,discuss
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1271,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,388,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",573,unrelated
Axl Rose Found Dead of Sh*tty Hoax Website at Age 52,1180,unrelated
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",2111,discuss
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,2313,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",757,unrelated
Putin’s motorcade looks suspiciously like a massive…,2069,disagree
"In New York City, Marijuana May Mean Ticket, Not A
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1461,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",298,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,1438,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",2102,unrelated
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",1349,agree
Axl Rose Dies? Guns N’ Roses Singer Dead ‘West Hollywood Home at Age 52′ is Fake,1645,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',2191,discuss
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1715,discuss
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,1971,agree
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,1905,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,595,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1299,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,373,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",539,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),305,unrelated
Crank-Boosting Behind Top Apps in App Store,796,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,344,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1737,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2045,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,533,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,1577,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1436,unrelated
No One In North Korea Is Allowed To Share Kim Jong Un's Name,1678,agree
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),1398,discuss
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1506,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,2296,unrelated
Hundreds of Palestinians flee floods in Gaza as Israel opens dams,1803,agree
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,2385,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1744,discuss
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1628,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",478,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1015,unrelated
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,1143,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,513,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",2296,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,1689,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",2343,unrelated
China: Satirical site warns citizens over name choices,2526,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1721,discuss
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,2463,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1336,agree
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,2197,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,1740,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",754,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,693,unrelated
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,1869,unrelated
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,86,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,2473,discuss
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",704,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,1459,unrelated
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,2529,disagree
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1602,discuss
Ottawa shooting: Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers hailed a hero for shooting rampaging gunman,1356,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1385,unrelated
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",1791,discuss
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",1239,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1841,agree
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,2269,agree
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,550,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1747,agree
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,1481,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,1478,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,1989,discuss
"Unconfirmed: ISIS Claims Kayla Mueller, American Female Hostage, Is Dead",1293,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,726,discuss
ISIS Kobani Update: Possible ISIS Chemical Attack On Kurdish Civilians In Kobani,155,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1291,discuss
"Man chops off own penis, throws it in a dustbin after poor show in bed",1434,discuss
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,388,unrelated
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,1681,unrelated
Pope Francis tells boy whose dog had died that heaven is open to all,43,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,1481,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1179,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1289,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1003,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,682,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,570,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1319,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,1913,discuss
"How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?",377,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,689,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",2297,agree
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,2452,discuss
Has J.J. A
ams Asked for THE FORCE AWAKENS Release Date to be Moved Up?,1843,discuss
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1077,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,2413,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',1972,discuss
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",2360,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",913,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1461,discuss
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,2520,unrelated
A viral photo in China shows how to manipulate App Store rankings the hard way,23,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,968,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",2296,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,2453,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,1060,discuss
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,280,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1430,discuss
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1923,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',2080,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],1210,unrelated
Teacher sex tape exposed as a FAKE after internet detectives trace the origin of pornographic clip,2447,agree
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,61,unrelated
Tiger Woods' agent shoots down report of failed drug test,2175,discuss
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",837,discuss
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,1521,agree
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,789,unrelated
Cold Turkey,1708,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,534,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,975,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",1899,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",821,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper Big Bank Hank Dies at 57,2420,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1786,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),646,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",1970,agree
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2070,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,667,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,84,unrelated
"280 Pound Catfish: Fisherman Makes Huge Catch In Italy, Catfish Could Set Record",1652,agree
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,816,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,345,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",1649,discuss
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),695,unrelated
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,2303,unrelated
Time Capsule from Paul Revere and Samuel Adams Discovered in Boston,419,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2127,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",2016,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,1940,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,2185,unrelated
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,1839,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,2106,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,234,agree
ISIS supporters mourn death of ‘youngest fighter’,1336,unrelated
No One In North Korea Is Allowed To Share Kim Jong Un's Name,78,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1210,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1157,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',1012,discuss
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,1522,discuss
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,1289,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1569,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1120,unrelated
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,740,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1923,disagree
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,887,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1603,unrelated
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",2432,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',1541,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",933,discuss
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1358,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1483,unrelated
"If you want an Apple Watch, you’ll probably be trekking to an Apple Store",1804,unrelated
That powerful Lego letter to parents from the 1970s? It's real,467,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,2506,unrelated
The news of Cesar Millan's death is false,2247,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,611,discuss
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,825,discuss
"Man chops off his own penis, throws it in the trash after getting dumped for bad bedroom skills",413,unrelated
'Snake wine' to the rescue of Kim Jong-un's love life,2296,agree
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1107,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2127,unrelated
or Leader Ahmed Abdi Godane Killed in U.S. Strike,1869,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1913,disagree
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",125,unrelated
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,417,agree
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1179,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1299,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",1948,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",1210,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,662,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,43,unrelated
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",505,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2524,discuss
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,2225,agree
Guantanamo detainee who was swapped in prisoner deal for Bowe Bergdahl 'tried to rejoin 'Al Qaeda',1813,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2250,discuss
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",1438,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,2531,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1403,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",731,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",1725,unrelated
This Woman Is Wrongly Being Called A Sexual Predator After Her Private Sex Tape Was Used For A Hoax,1153,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Wozniak in Steve Jobs Biopic,1966,unrelated
Bali Awry,1848,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,388,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,981,agree
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,298,unrelated
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax),1148,agree
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2115,unrelated
Kevin Vickers Hailed As Hero For Reportedly Shooting Gunman Inside Parliament,1666,discuss
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',2015,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,1137,unrelated
It Begins: HazMat-Wearing Passenger Spotted At Airport,477,agree
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,1917,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",1989,agree
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,2115,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1692,discuss
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1252,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,345,unrelated
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,1385,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",490,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,1708,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1500,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),844,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,1938,agree
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,472,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,2261,unrelated
SEE IT: NBC meteorologist Mike Seidel appears to relieve himself during
oadcast; network says he was looking for phone,258,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,320,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,254,agree
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",1271,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',2463,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,2296,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1921,unrelated
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,2016,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,391,unrelated
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,763,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,381,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,1817,unrelated
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,1197,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",2415,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,190,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,2338,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",919,unrelated
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,719,unrelated
Frisco: Sick patient claims to have had contact with Ebola victim,1385,unrelated
Heartwarming video shows son revealing he’s paid off parent’s mortgage as a Christmas gift,377,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2070,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1358,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",1835,discuss
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,295,unrelated
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,2307,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,539,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,812,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,2033,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",2078,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,1678,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1538,unrelated
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,2034,unrelated
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,431,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",1055,agree
Man who slaps people around the head for sneezing hunted by police,844,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",2367,discuss
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1195,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,1584,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,1293,discuss
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",2277,discuss
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,2338,discuss
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2504,agree
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,760,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1982,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1949,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2287,unrelated
[Updated] Saudi State Television Allegedly Blurs Michelle Obama’s Face During Meeting With New Saudi King,833,discuss
ISIS pays tribute to its 'Cub of Baghdadi' child soldier,1179,discuss
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,1245,disagree
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,1263,agree
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1849,agree
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,2268,discuss
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,938,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,1869,unrelated
"Oh Hey, Paul Rudd Was One Of The Dallas Airport Homophobe Heroes, No Big",2123,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1744,discuss
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1817,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,344,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",570,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,1022,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",634,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,991,discuss
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,2492,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,345,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1984,disagree
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,1594,disagree
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",2406,discuss
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,1299,unrelated
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair,2276,discuss
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,1438,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2313,unrelated
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,331,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,1849,unrelated
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,1157,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,195,unrelated
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",737,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1368,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,1481,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,1427,unrelated
Man Severed Penis That Failed To Impress Girls,908,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,60,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,1610,discuss
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,634,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,2299,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2495,discuss
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,239,unrelated
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,2502,unrelated
iPhone Game Developer Quits Job By Hiding The Greatest Letter Of Resignation Ever Inside His Game,997,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,800,unrelated
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,209,discuss
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1906,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2087,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,2127,unrelated
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,1336,unrelated
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,1708,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1817,discuss
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,239,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1594,disagree
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,2200,discuss
Shocking moment shows 'adulteress' stripped naked and beaten in busy shopping centre,1141,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1374,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,30,unrelated
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,2096,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1253,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,388,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,401,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1803,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,2022,unrelated
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",2256,unrelated
Electric shock turns Russian boy into Marvel's Magneto,152,agree
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1697,unrelated
"Cloistered nun gives birth to a baby The convent: ""There is a sister"" [Google Translate]",2492,discuss
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,320,unrelated
ESPN's Domestic Violence Panel Is Missing Something Important,2137,disagree
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,2404,discuss
Killing in the name of! Kim Jong-un launches attack on others named 'Kim Jong-un',1678,agree
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,1975,disagree
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',2025,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,346,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1234,unrelated
Apple Watch to sell 15M units in 2015 and ‘ignite global smartwatch market’,89,unrelated
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,1253,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2450,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2354,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1034,unrelated
"North Korea leader Kim is still in charge, has injured leg: source",2328,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,1821,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,2256,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,296,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",1921,unrelated
Axl Rose Dies? Guns N’ Roses Singer Dead ‘West Hollywood Home at Age 52′ is Fake,414,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,986,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,2475,disagree
Weather Reporter Mike Seidel Was Caught Off Guard on Live TV and Appeared to Be Urinating in the Snow -- Watch!,527,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',1533,discuss
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,456,unrelated
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,2287,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1077,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),54,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,2354,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1289,unrelated
EBay appears to be planning an Apple Watch app,1342,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",1087,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",2453,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1586,discuss
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,1019,unrelated
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,955,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,2409,discuss
A New iOS 8 Bug Can Delete All Of Your iCloud Documents,2330,unrelated
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,1938,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,1210,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1347,unrelated
"Luke Somers Dies In Rescue Attempt, Sister Says; Yemeni Defense Ministry Says Unnamed US Hostage Freed",634,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1340,disagree
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1503,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",521,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,944,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",887,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,121,unrelated
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",2468,agree
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",5,unrelated
Bali Awry,1500,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,1036,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,7,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,115,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1954,agree
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,87,unrelated
Islamic State fighters detonate 'SCORPION bombs' in te
or siege,185,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",2328,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,2096,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",2115,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1385,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",1737,unrelated
Tiger Woods' agent shoots down report of failed drug test,2314,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',639,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,2036,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,425,discuss
Monster catfish which looks big enough to swallow a man whole caught in Italy,612,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",2391,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1439,unrelated
"Absent from duty for 25 years, CPWD official dismissed",2087,unrelated
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,530,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1921,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,2240,unrelated
"Gene Munster Predicts $499 Steel Apple Watch, $4,999 for 18k Gold Edition",2223,discuss
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,125,unrelated
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,218,disagree
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,2531,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",505,agree
ISIS Getting Ebola,1669,discuss
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",2483,unrelated
or Leader Ahmed Abdi Godane Killed in U.S. Strike,2268,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,1329,discuss
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,621,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,1009,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1166,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,132,discuss
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1883,agree
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,1400,agree
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,2476,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,850,discuss
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',972,unrelated
North Korea denies plans to open a restaurant in Scotland,1535,unrelated
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",1598,discuss
"ISIS Claims Female American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Killed in Airstrike",663,unrelated
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,472,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,2345,discuss
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,2375,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",917,agree
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1291,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,2508,agree
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2175,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,1852,unrelated
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,1545,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1547,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,304,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",2139,discuss
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,649,agree
Will King of Jordan lead airstrikes on ISIS HIMSELF? Reports say trained pilot plans to take part in attack after quoting Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven to Congressmen,516,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1294,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,2278,unrelated
Letter From Lego To Parents In The '70s Makes An Important Point About Gender,1926,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",964,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",533,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1217,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,387,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",89,unrelated
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,725,unrelated
"Islamic Tribunal Using Sharia Law In Texas Has Been Confirmed Tribunal members say they will avoid Sharia's ""criminal law.""",1637,unrelated
Michael Abdul Zehaf Bibeau Pictures: Photos of Alleged ISIS-Linked Gunman in Canada,107,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1679,unrelated
KC hospital: Patient does not have symptom profile of Ebola,1343,agree
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,1374,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",2039,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1921,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",2192,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,1483,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',1890,agree
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1547,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2115,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1786,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',1234,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1857,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,239,unrelated
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,882,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1708,unrelated
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,2370,disagree
NYPD to stop a
ests for small amounts of marijuana,2372,discuss
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",1922,discuss
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,2155,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1786,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,557,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',2419,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,524,unrelated
Will King of Jordan lead airstrikes on ISIS HIMSELF? Reports say trained pilot plans to take part in attack after quoting Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven to Congressmen,2274,discuss
Has a woman aborted her baby because it's a boy?,554,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1540,disagree
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,1628,discuss
"Unconfirmed: ISIS Claims Kayla Mueller, American Female Hostage, Is Dead",2473,unrelated
"Don't Wo
y, 'The Breakfast Club' Star Judd Nelson Is Not Dead",557,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,649,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',254,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,130,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,730,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1540,discuss
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),686,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1198,agree
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,1299,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2296,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,2045,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1406,unrelated
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,932,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,769,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1614,agree
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2127,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,1948,unrelated
Penis graffiti drawn on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,557,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,8,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,1572,unrelated
"Man chops off his own penis, throws it in the trash after getting dumped for bad bedroom skills",1347,unrelated
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,2206,discuss
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Everything you need to know about Michael Phelps’ intersex girlfriend,887,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,17,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2002,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],950,unrelated
Apple was forced to nix key health features from its smartwatch -- report,652,discuss
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1627,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,387,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1638,disagree
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1899,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,2142,discuss
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,1707,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,1899,unrelated
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,2342,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,1293,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,2135,discuss
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,125,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",402,unrelated
Apple scrapped advanced Apple Watch health monitoring features due to reliability issues,1788,discuss
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,1948,unrelated
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,2474,agree
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,2124,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",583,discuss
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,2175,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1340,disagree
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,2443,discuss
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,2202,discuss
Bird defecates on Vladimir Putin during speech (video),2472,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,633,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,1720,discuss
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1549,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,1403,unrelated
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,787,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1385,discuss
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",972,unrelated
iOS 8 bug reportedly erases iCloud Drive documents when settings are reset,2061,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,2398,unrelated
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,1477,unrelated
Man chops off his penis after his girlfriend
eaks up with him,908,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",887,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,2156,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1406,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,1968,unrelated
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,1644,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,1541,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,782,discuss
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,777,unrelated
"NYPD to issue tickets instead of a
est for weed possession, report says",1295,unrelated
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",2431,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,950,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found in BUCKINGHAM PALACE by Alan Titchmarsh,487,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot from Taliban (video),1180,agree
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,1836,discuss
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1382,discuss
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,1426,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",125,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,2523,unrelated
Enormous 20-stone catfish caught with fishing rod in Italy after 40-minute boat battle,2371,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",345,unrelated
"In New York City, Marijuana May Mean Ticket, Not A
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1900,unrelated
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",618,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",1263,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,2197,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",541,discuss
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,725,unrelated
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,77,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",958,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,524,unrelated
Man who slaps people around the head for sneezing hunted by police,1839,agree
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,195,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,2188,unrelated
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,867,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",1103,discuss
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,999,discuss
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2125,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,1002,discuss
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,1660,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,2411,agree
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",2010,discuss
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",2249,agree
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",2307,discuss
"No, Jordan's King Abdullah II is not personally flying planes against Isis",1365,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,1854,unrelated
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",1426,unrelated
The Apple Watch's battery life will reportedly be just like any other smartwatch,1545,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1966,discuss
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",2016,agree
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel,2224,discuss
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1678,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,1789,unrelated
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,281,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,2525,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",11,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1426,discuss
Ebola Scare in Kansas City,781,unrelated
Air travelers wary of Ebola fears seen with surgical masks ... and a HAZMAT suit,490,agree
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,137,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1982,unrelated
What This Homeless Guy Did With $100 Completely Stunned The Man Who Gave It To Him,676,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",206,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1905,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1950,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,104,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1002,discuss
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,365,discuss
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1574,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1143,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),1957,disagree
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1820,unrelated
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),2501,discuss
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired,1323,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,26,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",404,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1645,discuss
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,1473,unrelated
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,365,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,2304,discuss
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",2147,discuss
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,1296,discuss
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",1017,discuss
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1589,agree
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",1477,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",1022,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,1289,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",761,agree
More American Weapons for ISIS,1785,unrelated
Does ISIS have an airforce? Te
orist 'fighter pilots' are being trained on captured MiGs by Saddam Hussein's ex-air force officers,524,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,1899,discuss
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,2036,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",2314,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,773,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,125,unrelated
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,388,unrelated
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,734,unrelated
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,1473,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,346,unrelated
First Human Death Confirmed From Eating GMO [Satire],2098,disagree
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,81,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",1790,discuss
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,181,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1518,agree
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],1575,discuss
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',1375,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1897,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,483,unrelated
Latest iOS 8 bug reportedly causes unwanted deletion of iCloud Drive documents,2125,unrelated
"McDonald’s to Stop Serving Overweight Customers in January? Nope, ‘1/15/2015′ Story is Fake",908,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Didn't Blur Out Michelle Obama's Face When the President Met King Salman",913,discuss
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,683,unrelated
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,1989,agree
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',1170,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,11,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",10,unrelated
"Apple Watch Specs Tipped; Said to Feature 512MB RAM, 4GB of Storage",1828,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,206,unrelated
Parents' anger after seven Bosnian schoolgirls aged 13 and 14 fall pregnant on class trip,557,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",35,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',1034,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,1658,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,936,unrelated
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,1423,agree
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,1786,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1289,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,206,unrelated
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,1866,discuss
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',1003,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,2042,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1040,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",1835,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1897,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,10,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,1807,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',2148,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2130,unrelated
"No, that high school kid didn't make $72 million trading stocks",1205,unrelated
Govt fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,7,unrelated
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,2526,discuss
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,1435,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,77,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1336,agree
"Apple Watch to Feature Time-Only 'Power Reserve' Mode, Prototypes Disguised as Samsung Watches",1293,unrelated
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',1271,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,572,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",1471,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",845,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",2453,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1374,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,258,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,687,unrelated
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,626,unrelated
"Why the most expensive Apple Watch will probably cost around $10,000",121,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,1198,agree
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,438,unrelated
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,698,unrelated
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,381,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,1260,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1627,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1549,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,634,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",1521,discuss
Teacher suspended after sex session with teen pupil ends up on hardcore porn website,1496,agree
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,2144,discuss
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",345,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,936,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,2141,unrelated
Do all dogs go to heaven? Pope tells grieving boy: 'Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',2473,unrelated
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,1981,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",1899,discuss
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,1103,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1419,discuss
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",2042,disagree
Macaulay Culkin dead hoax: Fake death report spreads on social networks,1293,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,125,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",720,unrelated
Bug in iOS 8's 'Reset All Settings' Option Also Erases iCloud Drive Documents,1224,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,1019,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,1365,agree
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2481,discuss
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,1162,agree
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,781,unrelated
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,1036,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,1645,discuss
Police hunt tweed-jacket wearing man who slaps shoppers for SNEEZING,1359,unrelated
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,304,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,1597,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1883,unrelated
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,2149,unrelated
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,737,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,991,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1034,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1437,discuss
The news of Cesar Millan's death is false,734,unrelated
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,917,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,2149,discuss
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1800,discuss
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,126,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,298,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,1406,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],359,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,1223,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead hoax: Fake death report spreads on social networks,2502,agree
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,844,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,534,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1885,agree
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,1631,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,2016,discuss
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,1178,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,776,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,1374,unrelated
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it,1400,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",2327,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,2155,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,625,discuss
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,903,discuss
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",630,discuss
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,720,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",1938,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,565,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1438,unrelated
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,1177,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),729,discuss
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,731,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2141,unrelated
"Woman catches husband cheating with her twin, humiliates them",1852,agree
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1605,discuss
Man Chops Off and Throws Away His Small Penis After Bad Breakup,1249,unrelated
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",213,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,115,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",719,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2109,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",845,unrelated
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,611,discuss
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,2168,discuss
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,2477,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2458,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",2403,unrelated
Matt Tai
i Disappears From Omidyar’s First Look Media,524,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2067,discuss
Kim Jong-un necks litres of rare SNAKE wine because he's too fat to please his wife,1827,discuss
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],844,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',2317,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",345,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2075,discuss
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1627,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,1625,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,826,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",2420,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",2009,discuss
Microsoft turns to robotic security guards to watch for trouble,687,agree
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',1213,unrelated
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,2463,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,2448,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1974,unrelated
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,1426,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,206,unrelated
"Predator Drone Reportedly Sighted Circling Raqqa, Syria",1400,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,2155,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,1492,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1361,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,1405,discuss
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,2257,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,1385,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1240,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1883,unrelated
"Amazon reportedly launching free, ad-supported video service (updated)",2473,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,186,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,258,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,2525,agree
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",1970,agree
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,1572,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1471,discuss
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,365,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,295,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,121,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1125,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",917,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,755,agree
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,2344,unrelated
No One In North Korea Is Allowed To Share Kim Jong Un's Name,1461,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],235,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1831,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1002,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,634,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,1707,unrelated
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",2354,agree
Vandal paints penis on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,2369,agree
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1298,discuss
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,139,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",609,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,830,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",2132,discuss
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,1289,unrelated
According to some Russians this dark figure stumbling through the snowy woods is a Yeti - and they even have a footprint. Hmmmmm,1718,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,694,discuss
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2404,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",240,unrelated
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1709,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,173,unrelated
Sergeant-at-Arms stopped shooter on Parliament Hill,2104,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1385,unrelated
Amazon Is Going To Open A Physical Store!,1772,discuss
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,529,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,1026,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1778,discuss
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,992,unrelated
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,527,unrelated
Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed girlfriend says she was born a BOY and reveals 'amazing' sex with Olympian,330,unrelated
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",803,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",1897,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2096,discuss
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1731,disagree
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,2340,discuss
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",2188,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,205,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",387,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,2017,discuss
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,1268,unrelated
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,2036,unrelated
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",1686,agree
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",320,unrelated
A Husband Breaks Down In Tears After Lost Voicemail Message By His Late Wife Is Recovered,805,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,267,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1580,agree
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,1789,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1603,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",891,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1658,discuss
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1040,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],75,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1916,discuss
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,1442,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,2147,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,2531,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1256,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",2403,discuss
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1974,discuss
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,2307,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",1383,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",171,unrelated
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,2252,unrelated
"'Star Wars VII' News, Update: JJ A
ams Pushing for Summer Release?",1697,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,2342,discuss
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,271,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1120,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,1890,agree
Marijuana Law New York: How No-A
est Policy Could Make Things Worse For Minor Offenders ,2389,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,296,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,2307,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,455,discuss
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",2256,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2127,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,381,unrelated
Missing Planes,1384,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1808,unrelated
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",2342,discuss
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",321,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,1528,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1817,discuss
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,1549,unrelated
SHOCKING: Indian Man's Penis Cut-off After He Was Caught Attempting Rape [Photos],1760,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1803,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,756,agree
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",2318,discuss
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',11,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2386,agree
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,891,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1857,unrelated
Matt Tai
i Disappears From Omidyar’s First Look Media,819,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1720,unrelated
Someone Spraypainted A Penis On A £1.5m Bugatti Veyron And It Went Very Viral,1453,discuss
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,921,discuss
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,35,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1435,unrelated
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,678,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1099,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",2302,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,311,discuss
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,1530,discuss
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,1222,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,2309,discuss
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,686,unrelated
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",2415,discuss
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,585,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1438,unrelated
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,618,unrelated
"280 Pound Catfish: Fisherman Makes Huge Catch In Italy, Catfish Could Set Record",0,unrelated
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,860,unrelated
You all had an abortion! [Google Translate],2304,discuss
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",1296,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,89,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,844,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,281,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",1905,unrelated
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,1205,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,2403,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Wozniak in Steve Jobs Biopic,1131,unrelated
Future Apple Watches could include platinum models - report,1217,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",609,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,1789,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,1398,unrelated
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,1239,unrelated
Court Orders Probe Into Complaints Of 'Forced Castration' In Religious 'Dera' Sect,2296,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Feature Time-Only 'Power Reserve' Mode, Prototypes Disguised as Samsung Watches",2106,unrelated
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,1543,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,1221,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1893,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,414,unrelated
China App Store Manipulation Photo Goes Viral - But Is It Real?,2407,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",1149,discuss
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,1737,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1019,unrelated
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,1327,discuss
This Is The Most Epic Way To Quit Your Job,2296,unrelated
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",1175,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,2192,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,2410,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1917,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",2034,unrelated
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",2078,agree
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,320,unrelated
Amazon is about to open its first-ever physical store in New York City,125,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",618,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,583,discuss
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1481,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,562,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,618,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,60,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,742,discuss
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,195,unrelated
"No, Vladimir Putin did not get pooped on by a bird during a First World War speech",1957,agree
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,35,unrelated
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',919,agree
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,1808,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,81,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,851,discuss
"Dogs DO go to heaven… and cats, and horses: Pope assures young boy that there is a place in paradise for animals as well",1905,agree
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1358,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1120,unrelated
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",2271,discuss
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,524,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',1975,unrelated
Apple Reportedly Relying More Heavily on Samsung for iPhone 6 and Apple Watch Components,1585,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1982,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,1026,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,2016,discuss
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,704,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,761,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1224,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,1916,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,2124,unrelated
Hoax Busted: Report on Popular 'Dog Whisperer' Cesar Millan's Death is False,2143,agree
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,2299,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,2237,discuss
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,972,unrelated
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,2329,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1634,discuss
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,554,discuss
Unlucky in love man CHOPS OFF own penis because he was fed up with not having a girlfriend,460,agree
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1899,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,2061,agree
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",2192,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1351,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,1419,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,431,unrelated
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,2470,unrelated
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,1954,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1776,disagree
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,1981,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1289,unrelated
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,115,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,10,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,633,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1934,discuss
That's one way to get through security! Frustrated traveller strips completely NAKED at airport to pass through metal detectors,2521,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,2266,unrelated
Sick Mum Sedated After Trying To Eat Baby,444,agree
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",968,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,206,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,1383,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1731,disagree
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,119,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,2127,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",761,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",271,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",1921,unrelated
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,394,discuss
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2345,agree
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,324,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,756,agree
Setting the record straight on tor,568,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1786,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,932,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",304,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,1979,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,1020,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,1339,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,80,unrelated
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants,977,discuss
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",662,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,366,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1020,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,2412,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,573,discuss
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',992,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,984,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,2290,unrelated
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit,634,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,821,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",855,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",483,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",505,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,277,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,1634,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,625,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,121,unrelated
Texas Plumber Has ‘No Idea’ How Company Truck Ended Up With ISIS,2280,discuss
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",816,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,2064,agree
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1217,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,992,discuss
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",2309,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,1724,discuss
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1358,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,2046,agree
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",2123,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,2249,discuss
Widower Cries Tears Of Joy After Hearing Late Wife's Voice Again,1208,agree
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,748,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,2297,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1011,discuss
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1263,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,239,unrelated
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake,1721,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,1689,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,755,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1971,disagree
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",2375,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,2200,discuss
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated,1588,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,1438,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,7,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,933,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1435,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",1301,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1627,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,168,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",345,unrelated
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,2360,unrelated
HBO Reportedly in Talks with Apple for Launch of New Unbundled Streaming Service,2419,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,986,unrelated
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,518,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,35,unrelated
Texas Plumber Isn't Sure How Extremists In Syria Ended Up With His Work Truck,2379,agree
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,2299,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,2349,discuss
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2453,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2524,discuss
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1009,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1637,unrelated
This Is The Most Epic Way To Quit Your Job,2328,agree
"Therefore, the ""feminist blogger"" who aborted a boy probably fake",2014,agree
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,456,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",1274,discuss
Gateway Pundit,2434,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1678,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2067,discuss
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1541,unrelated
or Leader Ahmed Abdi Godane Killed in U.S. Strike,941,unrelated
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,2483,agree
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,1829,agree
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,975,unrelated
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,2287,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,959,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1720,unrelated
ury Christ Church University student Jess Smith, from Chatham, sta
ed as Teletu
ies' sun",1832,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,1173,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,2509,discuss
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,1708,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,1104,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1374,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,2055,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,1435,unrelated
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,686,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,190,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",1833,agree
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,1048,unrelated
Mechanical polar bear ‘threatened with ASBO for singing Christmas songs’,1968,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1630,discuss
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,775,unrelated
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,1179,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1820,unrelated
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,2367,unrelated
Nujaifi Condemns / Daash / crime in Saqlawiyah and Alsiger areas of Anbar.,2024,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,693,unrelated
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,428,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1891,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,551,discuss
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,788,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),1042,unrelated
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,2472,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1574,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,1648,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',2118,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,321,unrelated
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",40,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1893,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,740,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",847,discuss
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,1352,discuss
Customer: I was fired for Comcast complaint,2149,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,115,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,120,discuss
"Islamic State training pilots to fly MiG fighter planes, says monitoring group",886,unrelated
"Web Portal publishes death of ""Dog Whisperer""",2247,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,611,discuss
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",190,unrelated
Jilted lover spends a week in KFC to try and get over her ex,1299,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,2458,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2367,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',295,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,964,unrelated
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,30,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1374,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,1825,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,2352,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",1040,unrelated
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",1020,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,724,unrelated
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,1981,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,754,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",2155,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,2213,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",1212,unrelated
British man pays $460 to save constipated goldfish's life,958,agree
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,305,unrelated
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",761,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",244,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,2106,unrelated
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,2445,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",139,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,992,unrelated
Star Wars 7: JJ A
ams want to move release to summer 2015,125,unrelated
World's oldest burger,1196,unrelated
Woman spends a week in KFC to get over her
eak up,1523,agree
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,993,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,1709,discuss
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2265,unrelated
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,1804,agree
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,2458,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,2336,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1904,discuss
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",1598,unrelated
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters,1913,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,1483,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,1351,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1476,unrelated
Judd Nelson isn't dead; report is a hoax,35,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,984,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,962,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,139,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,852,agree
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,2020,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,236,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",1673,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",1269,unrelated
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,1255,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',648,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper Big Bank Hank Dies at 57,2171,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,891,discuss
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1795,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,2272,discuss
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2447,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1974,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1347,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,2314,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,958,unrelated
Italian catches huge wels catfish; is it a record?,2196,agree
Another ISIS Massacre: ISIS Kills 300 Iraqi Soldiers With Chlorine Gas,2489,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",1476,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,816,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",900,unrelated
Does ISIS have an airforce? Te
orist 'fighter pilots' are being trained on captured MiGs by Saddam Hussein's ex-air force officers,2068,discuss
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',513,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,2506,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1605,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",2201,discuss
Fake Fox News Website Reports Judd Nelson’s Death for Some Reason,1273,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1127,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,1197,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,225,unrelated
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,186,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1299,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,831,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2492,unrelated
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,2035,agree
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",2515,agree
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,2498,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,2307,unrelated
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,527,unrelated
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",398,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1093,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1658,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,860,discuss
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,205,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2266,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2302,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,682,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,225,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,1263,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1256,discuss
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,1338,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,40,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,1817,unrelated
Chugging eggnog sends Utah man to hospital,658,agree
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,2413,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,1751,discuss
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,690,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,859,unrelated
Apple 'working on 12-inch MacBook Air',45,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,2165,agree
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,2148,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1817,discuss
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1948,discuss
"Amazon to launch first
ick-and-mortar store, report says",428,unrelated
"North Korea leader Kim is still in charge, has injured leg: source",1567,unrelated
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",2492,unrelated
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it,40,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2078,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,524,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,730,discuss
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,121,unrelated
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,465,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,414,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,2509,discuss
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",1757,discuss
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1574,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,1538,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1948,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1982,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,1294,discuss
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",2056,discuss
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",950,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1974,discuss
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,1170,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,1004,discuss
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,125,unrelated
Female teacher facing sack after making SEX TAPE with teenager,1496,agree
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,2530,discuss
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",313,unrelated
Penis Spray-Painted on a $2.5 Million Car Was Just for a Prank Video,1148,agree
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1862,disagree
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,2165,agree
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1093,discuss
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1321,disagree
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,1438,unrelated
Does ISIS have an airforce? Te
orist 'fighter pilots' are being trained on captured MiGs by Saddam Hussein's ex-air force officers,2283,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",2061,agree
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,456,unrelated
400 men cut their testicles off believing it would help them meet God,450,unrelated
Rats are still running around at Vogue,1036,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',886,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,168,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,726,discuss
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,1544,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1873,unrelated
Government employee fired after skipping work for 24 years,1162,agree
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,565,unrelated
Saudi cleric issues fatwa against building snowmen,942,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Stronghold,1740,discuss
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,2092,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,2078,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,2200,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1131,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",859,unrelated
Could Kim Jong Un open a restaurant in Scotland?,955,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,724,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,2317,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,511,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",2371,discuss
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",2088,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,958,unrelated
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,258,unrelated
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,666,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,2349,agree
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,944,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",40,unrelated
Another ISIS Massacre: ISIS Kills 300 Iraqi Soldiers With Chlorine Gas,1296,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers hailed a hero for shooting rampaging gunman,1175,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',950,discuss
"Gene Munster Predicts $499 Steel Apple Watch, $4,999 for 18k Gold Edition",885,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1253,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,2213,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,1686,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,616,unrelated
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,2520,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,1844,unrelated
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,859,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,1939,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",607,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2115,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1873,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,2526,unrelated
People On Twitter Think Macklemore Has Joined ISIS,2237,unrelated
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",1311,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1549,unrelated
Podcast: Brown Moses on what’s flying over Iraq and Syria,1400,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,2175,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",1406,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",444,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,1311,unrelated
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,2276,discuss
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',1143,discuss
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',324,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,1888,unrelated
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,1634,discuss
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,571,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",991,discuss
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1458,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',2070,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,1949,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,1029,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,195,unrelated
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",2176,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,2343,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,1423,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",2046,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,1637,unrelated
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,505,unrelated
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,1024,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1622,discuss
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",431,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",511,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,957,agree
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,29,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",2155,unrelated
Fake-News: 'McDonald's Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers',2184,disagree
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",640,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,950,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1933,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,1212,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',1081,discuss
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,2385,agree
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been STOLEN after he is drugged in Russian bar by attractive blonde working for organ traffickers,2044,agree
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,1538,discuss
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",34,unrelated
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,1398,unrelated
A Murdered Witness?,662,unrelated
Paul Revere's 1795 time capsule unearthed,2288,agree
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,1934,discuss
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2421,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,35,unrelated
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,1438,unrelated
After ISIS trick mum into eating son - 5 other reluctant cannibals including those forced to eat own body parts,2352,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1090,unrelated
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,844,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,1125,unrelated
"Absent from duty for 25 years, CPWD official dismissed",1844,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,1795,discuss
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,1197,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1939,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,2352,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1580,agree
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1708,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,920,discuss
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",645,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",2256,unrelated
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,646,unrelated
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",242,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,2132,disagree
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1808,unrelated
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",1647,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1155,unrelated
"Elon University has not banned the term ‘freshman,’ despite rumors",2360,unrelated
‘Evocative shape': Is Vladimir Putin trolling the world with his motorcade formation?,303,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",1481,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,1170,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,2313,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",2223,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,961,unrelated
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,626,unrelated
'Feminist' Lana 'Aborts Baby Because It's A Boy' And Is Surprised By Backlash,1549,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,1026,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,1627,unrelated
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",2531,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1950,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,723,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,1192,discuss
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,621,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1877,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,2307,agree
Citi sees Apple Watch price points of $550 and $950; myriad accessories,1201,discuss
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,2431,discuss
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,1480,discuss
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1569,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1226,discuss
iOS 8 bug reportedly erases iCloud Drive documents when settings are reset,545,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1916,discuss
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,2297,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1948,discuss
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,830,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,724,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,2520,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,2237,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,634,unrelated
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,1251,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1372,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1242,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",1213,disagree
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,2420,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,2045,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,1832,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",1819,unrelated
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,698,unrelated
Reports: Islamic State uses chlorine gas against Iraqi forces,2002,discuss
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,105,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,981,agree
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,173,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,859,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,992,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,826,discuss
Did Comcast Get a Man Fired From His Job for Complaining About Its Service?,1268,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,2525,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,269,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1615,discuss
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,17,unrelated
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,1374,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,1900,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1385,unrelated
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,2081,disagree
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",2515,agree
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,2367,unrelated
A really devoted man spent $460 on surgery for his constipated goldfish,1540,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",1361,discuss
Report: Michael Phelps’ Tinder ‘Girlfriend’ Was Born Male; “We Made Love During Halftime”,521,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1758,discuss
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,666,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,1831,agree
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",572,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,639,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1982,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1019,disagree
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1120,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",571,unrelated
Original Apple Watch Health Features Were Dropped Due to Consistency Issues,2379,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,859,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,1708,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",2483,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,269,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1251,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1435,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,2290,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,808,unrelated
"No, Jordan's King Abdullah II is not personally flying planes against Isis",1644,discuss
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1678,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",381,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,1530,discuss
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,1295,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",505,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",1661,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,2176,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1885,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,1744,unrelated
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,1365,discuss
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,2447,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,688,discuss
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2070,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',373,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",621,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,557,discuss
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,2404,discuss
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1549,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",1562,unrelated
If Only A Bird Really Did Poop on Putin,1843,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,2147,unrelated
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,2118,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2044,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,555,disagree
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,2374,discuss
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",2530,discuss
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",1936,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",2096,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,715,discuss
Saudi cleric says snowmen are anti-Islamic,1266,discuss
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1966,agree
This Is The Most Epic Way To Quit Your Job,858,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,2235,discuss
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1982,unrelated
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,2375,unrelated
Tiger Woods' former luxury island goes on sale,1660,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",2299,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1966,discuss
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",1280,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",226,unrelated
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,2175,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1628,unrelated
iPhone Game Developer Quits Job By Hiding The Greatest Letter Of Resignation Ever Inside His Game,227,unrelated
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",447,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,919,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,2147,unrelated
Do all dogs go to heaven? Pope tells grieving boy: 'Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',169,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,692,unrelated
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",570,discuss
Unconfirmed Reports Say UK Hostage Held By ISIS Found Innocent,304,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1379,discuss
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',1943,unrelated
Seth Rogen set to play Steve Wozniak in Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic,1157,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2002,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,1968,unrelated
eBay developing Apple Watch software with ties to iOS app,2321,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2330,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,225,unrelated
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",487,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,244,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2296,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",714,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),286,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,1939,unrelated
Hoax Busted: Report on Popular 'Dog Whisperer' Cesar Millan's Death is False,742,unrelated
Chinese parents try to SELL their son to pay for medical treatment for his sick twin sister,1562,agree
Tiger Woods' former luxury island goes on sale,1212,agree
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1319,discuss
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",1836,discuss
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],1588,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,2192,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,1026,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1658,unrelated
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",500,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1205,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1776,discuss
Shocking picture shows mother trying to sell her own son to pay for twin daughter's cancer treatment,694,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1336,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2109,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,286,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1594,disagree
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",1634,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',474,agree
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1975,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,2314,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',381,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1011,unrelated
Amazon plans ad-supported video streaming service - NY post,1971,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,1795,unrelated
Nun complains of stomach pains... and GIVES BIRTH: Sister who had 'no idea' she was pregnant has a baby boy at hospital in Italy,1164,unrelated
Microsoft turns to robotic security guards to watch for trouble,1074,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,633,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1549,unrelated
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,2165,agree
What This Homeless Guy Did With $100 Completely Stunned The Man Who Gave It To Him,344,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,1012,unrelated
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",2360,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1289,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1139,discuss
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,2010,discuss
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,1097,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,1959,agree
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,2455,discuss
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,1539,discuss
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",2421,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],490,agree
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1615,discuss
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",874,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,2118,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",1737,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2109,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,2130,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,298,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1888,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1786,unrelated
Someone Trolled Twitter Into Thinking Macklemore Joined ISIS,239,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",93,unrelated
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,2434,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",1734,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,1266,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,1029,unrelated
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,2067,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,251,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1852,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,761,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,387,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,1468,disagree
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,1155,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1661,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1761,discuss
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),1338,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,1954,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,450,unrelated
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,722,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,139,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1459,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1948,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,139,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2388,discuss
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",2409,unrelated
"Oh Hey, Paul Rudd Was One Of The Dallas Airport Homophobe Heroes, No Big",2514,agree
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,2448,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,2175,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,773,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,2404,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,1981,unrelated
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1575,discuss
Matt Tai
i takes a leave of absence from First Look Media,1761,unrelated
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,347,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,2034,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1948,discuss
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,1790,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1156,agree
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,403,unrelated
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,1010,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,459,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,1883,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,1195,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,1477,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,1831,agree
Apple Watch won’t be the digital doctor it could have been,1707,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",170,unrelated
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,217,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,2481,discuss
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,2498,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1408,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,2269,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,2296,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,1242,discuss
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",2305,agree
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,2096,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,984,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,2177,unrelated
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",298,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,2097,unrelated
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ID’d as Canadian Shooting Suspect in Ottawa,2087,unrelated
Man Chops Off and Throws Away His Small Penis After Bad Breakup,1400,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,403,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,40,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,720,unrelated
Future Apple Watches could include platinum models - report,887,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1385,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",1693,discuss
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1175,discuss
J.J. A
ams Asks Disney To Move Up 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Release Date,1686,disagree
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1547,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,2458,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,2434,discuss
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,43,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',800,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1627,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,1921,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',703,discuss
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,1722,discuss
Amazon Is Opening a Brick-and-Mortar Store in Manhattan,2116,discuss
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,2477,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",1024,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1206,agree
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,2088,unrelated
Big Bank Hank dead: Sugarhill Gang member and rapper dies aged 57,105,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,1849,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",186,unrelated
Man Severed Penis That Failed To Impress Girls,831,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,1179,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,1588,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,2248,unrelated
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",539,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,964,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,2188,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,1347,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,121,unrelated
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,1724,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,900,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,666,agree
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",271,unrelated
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,2448,discuss
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,1369,unrelated
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,2044,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1522,discuss
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1846,discuss
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",195,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",520,discuss
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",2129,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,345,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,130,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",2076,agree
Best Christmas present ever? Heartwarming moment app developer reveals to his parents he had paid off their mortgage,1646,unrelated
Snowmen Declared Anti-Islamic As Snow Falls in Saudi Arabia,2456,agree
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",115,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,695,discuss
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,25,agree
eBay working on bidding app for Apple Watch,1397,discuss
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,504,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",2297,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,1167,discuss
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,509,discuss
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1166,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,1934,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",2458,unrelated
What This Homeless Guy Did With $100 Completely Stunned The Man Who Gave It To Him,643,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,168,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,2360,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,1489,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,7,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,734,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,93,unrelated
NYPD to stop a
ests for small amounts of marijuana,1022,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",737,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1312,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1786,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2192,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1009,unrelated
Jordan’s King Abdullah Did Not Personally Fly Airstrikes On ISIS,17,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,84,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1057,agree
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,662,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,1213,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1195,discuss
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2453,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2130,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,2155,discuss
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,2318,discuss
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,2306,discuss
The “Flood Libel” Propagandists of 2015,1461,unrelated
Man Severed Penis That Failed To Impress Girls,1400,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",2314,unrelated
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,1934,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,1817,unrelated
This Is What It Looks Like When A Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage As A Christmas Present,377,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,11,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,2477,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,887,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",40,unrelated
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,2317,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1873,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",2020,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,676,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,2096,discuss
"Apple Watch Specs Tipped; Said to Feature 512MB RAM, 4GB of Storage",589,discuss
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",1123,disagree
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,2020,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1022,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1212,unrelated
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,917,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,2240,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',2463,discuss
"Tee-off in your own putting paradise: Swedish luxury island owned by Tiger Woods up for sale - and it comes with a villa, a hot tub and a lodge",2508,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2317,discuss
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,737,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,572,agree
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,1036,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,539,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1720,unrelated
What TBS’s Sped-Up Seinfeld Reruns Tell Us About the So
y State of America,399,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,2398,agree
Unlucky in love man chops off own penis,2212,agree
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",1439,unrelated
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,693,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1832,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,2408,discuss
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,1223,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,2519,discuss
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,77,unrelated
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,1148,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",381,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,431,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1589,discuss
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",2097,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",2123,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,91,unrelated
Vladimir Putin’s Motorcade Looks Like A Massive Knob,504,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,2210,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,2470,unrelated
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,1840,unrelated
Man who slaps people around the head for sneezing hunted by police,1637,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,984,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,565,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1720,unrelated
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,54,unrelated
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,2058,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,472,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,1198,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,132,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,936,discuss
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',2125,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2266,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",1403,disagree
'Feminist' Lana 'Aborts Baby Because It's A Boy' And Is Surprised By Backlash,1040,unrelated
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),570,unrelated
World's oldest burger,414,unrelated
"'A wonderful, wonderful sound': Man
eaks down after hearing voicemail from his late wife that was lost for 14 years",2020,agree
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,859,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1093,discuss
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,845,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,2056,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",603,agree
Armed U.S. drones spotted flying over Syria in possible hunt for ISIS leader,933,unrelated
Texas Plumber Isn't Sure How Extremists In Syria Ended Up With His Work Truck,565,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,195,unrelated
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,666,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1461,unrelated
Apple Watch reportedly has low-energy 'power reserve' mode,2124,discuss
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2524,agree
"Pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",542,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,2307,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",1400,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1224,unrelated
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",1077,discuss
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,2036,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2296,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,2090,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,2141,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,2306,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1661,unrelated
"Unconfirmed: ISIS Claims Kayla Mueller, American Female Hostage, Is Dead",2387,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,578,discuss
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1481,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,2344,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,917,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,1572,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,1368,discuss
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,461,agree
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,125,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,176,unrelated
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,381,unrelated
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants,1769,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,595,unrelated
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,119,agree
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,1681,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,707,unrelated
Bird defecates on Vladimir Putin during speech (video),1028,unrelated
Constipated goldfish operated on by North Walsham vet,1539,unrelated
Willie Nelson Dead? Viral Hoax Fools Internet,1170,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,40,unrelated
Bergdahl: Senator Says Jihadists Swapped For U.S. Troop ‘In Touch’ With Al-Qaida Affiliate,2254,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",1357,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,2354,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),36,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,1047,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1009,discuss
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,959,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,2115,agree
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1195,discuss
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,251,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',367,unrelated
"Apple Watch Power Reserve feature will save battery life, report says",78,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,524,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,2306,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",520,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2249,discuss
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',725,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",1458,unrelated
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,1926,agree
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",1906,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,1148,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,305,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,2470,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,2297,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,968,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot Himself in the Hand,1154,agree
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,2116,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,195,unrelated
Apple in talks to become launch partner for cable-free HBO Now service,477,unrelated
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",752,discuss
Gateway Pundit,1303,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,1835,discuss
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,2281,discuss
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,2009,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,472,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,591,agree
If Only A Bird Really Did Poop on Putin,1438,agree
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1644,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',13,unrelated
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,280,unrelated
Al Qaida hostage killed in raid,115,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",456,discuss
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,615,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,2223,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1056,disagree
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,530,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",244,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,1478,unrelated
The news of Cesar Millan's death is false,1796,agree
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1631,discuss
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,2129,unrelated
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,498,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1690,discuss
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",983,discuss
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,2528,unrelated
Someone Spraypainted A Penis On A £1.5m Bugatti Veyron And It Went Very Viral,822,unrelated
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,2328,unrelated
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",2114,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,220,unrelated
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",1303,unrelated
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,2293,discuss
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,1013,unrelated
"ISIS using bombs containing live SCORPIONS in effort to spread panic, in tactic used 2,000 years ago against Romans",922,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2386,discuss
This Guy Paid Off His Parents’ Mortgage For Christmas,2036,discuss
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,321,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,725,agree
Cesar Millan is Not Dead: Dog Whisperer Death Hoax Circulates,2143,agree
Future Apple Watches could include platinum models - report,1415,unrelated
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",966,disagree
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",2367,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,804,unrelated
"Pope Francis did not tell boy heaven has room for pets, contrary to report",320,unrelated
Government employee fired after skipping work for 24 years,844,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",269,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1709,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,2296,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,1734,agree
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,381,unrelated
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,818,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2404,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1574,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2287,discuss
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1631,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2213,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",2234,unrelated
Heartwarming video shows son revealing he’s paid off parent’s mortgage as a Christmas gift,1535,agree
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1506,unrelated
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",1362,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1040,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,621,unrelated
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,1921,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1289,unrelated
"Unhappy Customer: Comcast Told My Employer About Complaint, Got Me Fired",475,discuss
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1120,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,950,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1299,agree
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,723,discuss
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,459,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",478,unrelated
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",727,discuss
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,2403,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,2116,unrelated
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,266,discuss
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,2498,discuss
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,564,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,2501,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",2132,disagree
This Dog Was Left At A Railway Station With A Suitcase Of His Belongings After He Was Sold On Gumtree,1198,unrelated
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,2269,discuss
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,1312,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2450,discuss
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1042,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1267,discuss
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1361,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",267,unrelated
Amazon plans ad-supported video streaming service - NY post,1323,discuss
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,2476,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,296,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,2523,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",1547,unrelated
Rats are still running around at Vogue,1020,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1458,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,2070,unrelated
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,1950,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",1185,discuss
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",365,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,2147,unrelated
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,1825,unrelated
Texas Town Quarantined After Family Of Five Test Positive For The Ebola Virus,638,disagree
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,2520,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld a full 7.5 percent - here is the proof,298,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,2234,unrelated
Report: HBO Now coming to Apple TV next month,516,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,887,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1689,discuss
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",296,discuss
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,2187,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy,190,unrelated
Cold Turkey,2192,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,2317,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,2155,discuss
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,1569,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,2200,discuss
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,2267,agree
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,1933,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,2240,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1938,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,882,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,26,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,2116,unrelated
The news of Cesar Millan's death is false,520,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1009,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1844,unrelated
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,54,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,520,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],2025,discuss
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,1422,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,2223,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,754,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,880,discuss
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,852,agree
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,1808,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',961,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1806,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1948,unrelated
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,2162,discuss
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,840,discuss
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",511,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,1731,agree
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',499,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,498,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,586,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,139,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,402,unrelated
"Absent from duty for 25 years, CPWD official dismissed",2441,agree
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,2061,disagree
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,1651,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",972,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1670,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,1981,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1058,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,2132,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,2375,unrelated
"No, a mechanical polar bear is not about to be given an Asbo",1968,unrelated
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",477,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",505,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,564,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,368,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1786,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,467,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,986,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1298,discuss
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,2068,unrelated
Saudi cleric issues fatwa on snowmen,1266,discuss
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,190,unrelated
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria,295,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,971,unrelated
ISIS pays tribute to its 'Cub of Baghdadi' child soldier,2372,unrelated
Mohammed Islam Denies Making $72 Million From Stock Market Trading,409,unrelated
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,1866,discuss
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1073,discuss
Man cut off manhood and threw it in bin after girlfriend dumped him over small penis,812,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,691,unrelated
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,568,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2130,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,2403,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,2314,unrelated
This Is What It Looks Like When A Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage As A Christmas Present,1631,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1406,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,2470,discuss
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1923,disagree
You all had an abortion! [Google Translate],1277,unrelated
A viral photo in China shows how to manipulate App Store rankings the hard way,2420,discuss
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,1375,agree
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,68,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',2180,discuss
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2388,discuss
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,1296,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,1848,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,2520,unrelated
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",218,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,844,unrelated
Update: Frisco paramedics transporting patient believed to be exhibiting Ebola-like symptoms,1901,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,17,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1252,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",2072,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,1588,discuss
PGA Spokesman and Tiger Woods' Agent Deny Drug Suspension Allegations,1867,unrelated
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,1893,discuss
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',7,unrelated
"Therefore, the ""feminist blogger"" who aborted a boy probably fake",614,unrelated
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,1528,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1825,discuss
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",413,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,280,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',1867,discuss
Teacher suspended after sex session with teen pupil ends up on hardcore porn website,1153,unrelated
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out,161,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,1985,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,1253,unrelated
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit,414,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,1143,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",2217,discuss
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",724,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2248,unrelated
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,1335,disagree
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1891,discuss
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1720,unrelated
"Kayla Jean Mueller, U.S. hostage, killed in Jordan airstrike, ISIS claims",1588,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,1465,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,1613,discuss
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,1164,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1048,unrelated
"Hoax Report Claims 250,000 Texas Turkeys Infected With Ebola",2171,unrelated
Apple Watch to reportedly offer 'Power Reserve' to help extend battery life,1911,discuss
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",503,unrelated
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",1884,agree
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1549,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,1982,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,1293,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,2144,discuss
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",2269,agree
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,2097,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,2480,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1251,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,1645,discuss
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,1598,discuss
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",220,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,1898,unrelated
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,1699,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",2197,unrelated
Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed girlfriend says she was born a BOY and reveals 'amazing' sex with Olympian,1349,agree
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,158,unrelated
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,1349,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,936,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",2470,unrelated
This Woman Is Wrongly Being Called A Sexual Predator After Her Private Sex Tape Was Used For A Hoax,933,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,964,unrelated
Code/Red: Apple Watch Battery Life — “Charge Nightly”,1048,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1752,agree
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,539,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",848,discuss
ISIS Getting Ebola,1891,discuss
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,1560,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,874,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,682,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,634,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1630,discuss
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,1854,unrelated
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,1836,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,1554,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",205,unrelated
American Predator Drone Circling Islamic State’s Stronghold,1740,discuss
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1321,disagree
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",1252,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1984,disagree
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",2431,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,1817,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,1319,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",724,unrelated
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,1787,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,296,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,2192,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",1751,agree
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,633,unrelated
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",703,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,480,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,483,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,75,unrelated
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ A
ams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?,1966,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,789,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,1183,unrelated
"It's 'ru
ish' that Robert Plant turned down £500m Led Zeppelin reformation offer, says publicist",1198,unrelated
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',666,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,472,unrelated
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",2039,agree
Podcast: Brown Moses on what’s flying over Iraq and Syria,1234,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment",1805,agree
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2453,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,387,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",690,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",1934,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,2235,disagree
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,2458,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1476,discuss
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",2088,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1948,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,2058,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',2093,discuss
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,2184,unrelated
Officials: Report That Area Town Is Under Ebola Quarantine Is False,968,agree
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,2072,unrelated
Nun complains of stomach pains... and GIVES BIRTH: Sister who had 'no idea' she was pregnant has a baby boy at hospital in Italy,2192,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,2213,agree
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2070,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,725,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,816,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1013,unrelated
That powerful Lego letter to parents from the 1970s? It's real,2524,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],1289,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",2061,discuss
Someone painted a graffiti dick on a $2.5 million car,948,disagree
This Is What It Looks Like When A Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage As A Christmas Present,1459,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,505,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2388,discuss
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,2003,discuss
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1034,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,472,unrelated
Man chops off his penis after his girlfriend
eaks up with him,831,unrelated
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,1073,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1761,discuss
EXCLUSIVE: New York Mag’s Boy Genius Investor Made It All Up,1024,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1976,discuss
"No, Vladimir Putin did not get pooped on by a bird during a First World War speech",1251,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1905,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,2523,agree
North Korea denies plans to open a restaurant in Scotland,2452,discuss
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",11,unrelated
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,524,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",220,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1358,unrelated
Someone Spraypainted A Penis On A £1.5m Bugatti Veyron And It Went Very Viral,2235,unrelated
Actor has his testicles stolen after meeting ‘young blonde woman at a bar’,1231,agree
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,2240,unrelated
Now THAT'S a Royal trip! Alan Titchmarsh finds psychedelic mushroom in the Queen's garden at Buckingham Palace,271,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,882,agree
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1761,discuss
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",2313,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,691,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",1347,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,830,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2266,discuss
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",1681,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1721,discuss
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,1224,discuss
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,205,discuss
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,2106,discuss
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,2207,discuss
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1720,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),816,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,2137,disagree
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,2020,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,1565,unrelated
"High-end Apple Watch to start at $5,000 -- analyst",1280,discuss
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",892,unrelated
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Michael Phelps' Cougar Girlfriend Revealed?,2322,discuss
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1786,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,2523,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1106,discuss
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,324,unrelated
"Want a Gold Apple Watch? All You Need is $5,000",382,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,608,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1012,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",2458,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',1483,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,81,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,830,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1720,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2248,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2525,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",1036,discuss
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1139,discuss
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,7,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2453,unrelated
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,1800,discuss
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,1657,discuss
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,1269,unrelated
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,234,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,706,discuss
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,2091,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,2078,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',22,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",1549,unrelated
Texas plumber baffled after truck ends up in the hands of Syrian rebels,2379,agree
Saudi cleric issues fatwa against building snowmen,2287,unrelated
Saudis Say Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed on TV,8,unrelated
Country Music Legend Willie Nelson Dies at Age 81,1931,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',186,unrelated
Woman Spends Entire Week In KFC After Getting Dumped By Her Boyfriend,1299,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,472,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,2020,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,928,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1034,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,99,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1351,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,2338,unrelated
Hospital Officials: Kansas City Patient Not Being Treated For Ebola,81,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,984,discuss
TBS Speeds up SEINFELD by 7.5% to Add 2 More Minutes of Commercials,726,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",1839,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1602,discuss
iOS 8 bug could delete your iCloud Drive documents,2054,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2304,unrelated
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,1212,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1893,unrelated
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,1832,disagree
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1295,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1385,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,1308,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1240,unrelated
Knightscope Security Robots Are Keeping Microsoft Campuses Safe (and They Look Really Scary),2295,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,730,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,2519,agree
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,204,unrelated
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake,2423,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",1401,discuss
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,1269,unrelated
"Evander Kane ""On Way Out"" From Source, Price Is Very High; Who Is In?",1047,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,900,unrelated
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,144,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,2389,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,132,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1040,unrelated
oken girl spends week in KFC after getting dumped,1819,unrelated
Report: Apple Watch Will Need Charging Every Day,1746,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,2362,unrelated
News sites fall for Putin bird-dropping video,1051,discuss
"Gold Apple Watch Edition price? Speculators say at least $10,000",645,discuss
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1943,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1950,unrelated
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,1575,discuss
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,462,discuss
Report—Jose Canseco accidentally shot at his home tonight,484,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1009,discuss
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",1832,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy,521,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1718,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,2116,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,628,discuss
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",396,discuss
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,1500,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,247,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",108,agree
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",2168,discuss
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1419,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2147,discuss
80's Brat Pack star Judd Nelson forced to deny that he's dead after fake news story starts trending on social media,2278,agree
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,1572,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,524,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,822,discuss
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,2343,discuss
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1530,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers hailed a hero for shooting rampaging gunman,342,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,132,unrelated
EBay appears to be planning an Apple Watch app,952,discuss
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,704,discuss
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,773,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1336,agree
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1184,agree
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1800,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,132,unrelated
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,1223,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",844,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1702,unrelated
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),1404,discuss
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,1726,unrelated
Texas Plumber Has ‘No Idea’ How Company Truck Ended Up With ISIS,1009,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,724,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2287,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),1565,unrelated
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",2020,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1087,unrelated
Seth Rogen reported to play Woz in the upcoming Steve Jobs movie,1197,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1744,discuss
Now THAT'S a Royal trip! Alan Titchmarsh finds psychedelic mushroom in the Queen's garden at Buckingham Palace,1519,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,900,agree
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,2302,discuss
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,1212,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2115,unrelated
Comcast blocks Tor,2177,disagree
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,1362,discuss
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,858,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,1291,unrelated
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",251,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",286,unrelated
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",1814,unrelated
Research Medical Center denies reports that a patient has Ebola,2306,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,1427,unrelated
Mirfield man's tears of joy after lost voicemail of wife retrieved,1053,agree
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],999,agree
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,1860,agree
Tips for Chinese choosing an English name,1170,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1589,discuss
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,1815,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1541,unrelated
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,2306,discuss
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",2391,unrelated
Vladimir Putin Bird Poop Video is Fake,2081,agree
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1068,discuss
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,214,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,254,unrelated
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,1988,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1222,unrelated
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,709,discuss
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,1084,agree
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,2375,agree
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,1833,discuss
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,1380,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1457,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,829,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1877,disagree
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,472,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",244,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",382,unrelated
SEE IT: NBC meteorologist Mike Seidel appears to relieve himself during
oadcast; network says he was looking for phone,831,unrelated
Sick Mum Sedated After Trying To Eat Baby,829,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,1170,unrelated
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,1934,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1292,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",483,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',2418,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,2525,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1120,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1019,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,683,unrelated
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,1541,agree
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,1893,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",13,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,855,discuss
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,568,unrelated
Man cut off manhood and threw it in bin after girlfriend dumped him over small penis,40,unrelated
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",1427,unrelated
"Led Zeppelin Reunion: Robert Plant Rips Up $300 Million Contract, Refuses To Rejoin Legendary Band",1198,unrelated
This Guy Paid Off His Parents’ Mortgage For Christmas,950,unrelated
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,2348,discuss
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,2124,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,882,agree
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,1826,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,221,agree
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,2192,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,2234,unrelated
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,2519,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1435,unrelated
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,1237,unrelated
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,2256,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,26,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1368,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1222,unrelated
America's oldest time capsule unearthed at Boston statehouse after being buried in 1795 by Sam Adams and Paul Revere,467,agree
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,220,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",2445,discuss
"Yes, you can wear your Apple Watch in the shower",36,unrelated
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,2489,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,2403,discuss
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,1461,unrelated
Amazon is opening its first physical store,1745,agree
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",831,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",2248,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1864,discuss
This Dog Was Left At A Railway Station With A Suitcase Of His Belongings After He Was Sold On Gumtree,2523,agree
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1166,discuss
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,234,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",244,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,1686,unrelated
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",382,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,2303,discuss
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1372,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",298,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2287,discuss
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",2208,unrelated
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,2441,agree
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,1649,discuss
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,630,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,761,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",2220,unrelated
Parents' anger after seven Bosnian schoolgirls aged 13 and 14 fall pregnant on class trip,2022,unrelated
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ID’d as Canadian Shooting Suspect in Ottawa,530,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,368,unrelated
Rats are still running around at Vogue,1686,unrelated
"Luke Somers Dies In Rescue Attempt, Sister Says; Yemeni Defense Ministry Says Unnamed US Hostage Freed",2495,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,2202,discuss
‘The cub of Baghdadi': ISIS reports its youngest jihadist ‘got martyred’ in battle,125,discuss
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,214,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,2388,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",220,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,308,discuss
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2481,discuss
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2495,discuss
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,1940,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,269,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead hoax: Fake death report spreads on social networks,1752,agree
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,2067,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1531,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,346,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",777,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,559,unrelated
Tiger Woods serving secret PED suspension?,1417,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1630,agree
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",724,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",26,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,2067,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,1764,discuss
Apple Watch reportedly has low-energy 'power reserve' mode,2106,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1661,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1574,unrelated
REPORT: Apple's Watch Will Come In 2 Storage Sizes,821,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,650,unrelated
'Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December' Fake News Story Goes Viral,487,unrelated
"Woman, Ting Su, Finds Husband Cheating With Her Own Twin, Gets Spectacular Revenge",646,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1883,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,1539,agree
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,1383,discuss
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",874,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,48,unrelated
Shocking picture shows mother trying to sell her own son to pay for twin daughter's cancer treatment,1225,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,2097,unrelated
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",181,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,2017,discuss
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,220,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,826,unrelated
'Feminist' Lana 'Aborts Baby Because It's A Boy' And Is Surprised By Backlash,698,unrelated
ury Christ Church University student Jess Smith, from Chatham, sta
ed as Teletu
ies' sun",2227,agree
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,572,unrelated
Somali te
orist leader dead after US airstrike,1853,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,2313,discuss
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,723,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,639,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,1751,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1500,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",35,unrelated
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,13,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,962,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,950,unrelated
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,8,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,511,unrelated
That's one way to get through security! Frustrated traveller strips completely NAKED at airport to pass through metal detectors,1586,unrelated
BREAKING: Soldier shot at War Memorial in Ottawa,401,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,777,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1419,discuss
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",1323,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,917,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",2141,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,17,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,221,unrelated
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,843,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,1888,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,251,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,503,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1019,disagree
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2345,discuss
Lucita Sandoval sex tape hoax: Viral Argentine video features college student ― not 16-year-old boy,1896,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1739,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,2156,agree
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,1848,unrelated
Al Qaida hostage killed in raid,1901,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,1785,discuss
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,75,unrelated
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",1985,discuss
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1057,disagree
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,704,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,2477,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1568,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1888,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,2127,unrelated
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters,32,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1034,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,484,discuss
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,1223,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",1368,unrelated
Isis supporters claim US hostage killed in coalition air strike in Syria,532,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',2367,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",1967,discuss
Matt Tai
i Disappears From Omidyar’s First Look Media,853,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1197,unrelated
State House time capsule from 1795 unearthed,1442,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,87,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,2154,discuss
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,1637,agree
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1226,disagree
Sugarhill Gang Rapper Big Bank Hank Dies at 57,40,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2248,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,447,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1343,unrelated
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,695,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,2235,discuss
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1206,agree
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1289,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1747,discuss
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,346,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,2220,discuss
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',505,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,891,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,586,unrelated
Islamic State fighters training to fly captured jets — watchdog,2406,discuss
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),490,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",2144,discuss
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",2075,discuss
Report: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,2370,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,2186,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1916,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,2123,discuss
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,2251,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,1822,discuss
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,1185,discuss
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",2314,unrelated
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,1222,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1857,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",2039,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,1671,discuss
Nun who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth after going to hospital with stomach pains,1828,discuss
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",1822,discuss
SHOCKING: Indian Man's Penis Cut-off After He Was Caught Attempting Rape [Photos],1042,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,2118,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,26,unrelated
Comcast blocks Tor,2114,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),2042,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1289,unrelated
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",1649,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1040,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,2445,unrelated
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,1384,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1786,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2524,agree
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,539,unrelated
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,531,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',2022,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",2498,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,1853,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1628,unrelated
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,1323,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,11,unrelated
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,1539,unrelated
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,214,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,626,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1298,discuss
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,737,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,2290,unrelated
"Despite no Ebola case in Kansas City, the rumor goes viral",1349,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1323,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,190,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,1873,discuss
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,2123,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1291,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,299,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",1097,agree
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,2299,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,2252,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,321,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1739,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,1917,unrelated
Teacher suspended after sex session with teen pupil ends up on hardcore porn website,1896,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,1948,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',472,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",2314,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1406,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,120,unrelated
A Letter Lego Sent to Parents in 1974 Holds an Important Message for the Parents of 2014,547,agree
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1295,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,874,unrelated
"""Oldest Time Capsule"" in U.S. Unearthed in Boston",1471,unrelated
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,2411,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,2419,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,570,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,169,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1251,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1904,discuss
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",2031,discuss
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,2519,discuss
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,11,unrelated
Pope Francis tells boy whose dog had died that heaven is open to all,1549,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,2404,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",2403,discuss
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1982,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",2142,discuss
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants,281,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,220,unrelated
ISIS Hostage Alan Henning's Wife Invokes Sharia Law in New Plea,2284,unrelated
US airstrike targets Al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane in Somalia,1931,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2177,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,2213,unrelated
"Gene Munster Predicts $499 Steel Apple Watch, $4,999 for 18k Gold Edition",1239,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,692,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",2124,unrelated
“Willie Nelson dead 2015” : Guitarist killed by internet death hoax,1869,disagree
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,87,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,296,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1988,discuss
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,2463,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1372,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,1437,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,687,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,2044,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,586,discuss
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",1503,unrelated
Report: Jose Canseco accidentally shot,2000,discuss
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,2498,agree
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,298,unrelated
Armed U.S. drones spotted flying over Syria in possible hunt for ISIS leader,2413,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1921,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment",498,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1405,discuss
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,1943,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,1877,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,1361,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,1034,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1461,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,220,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,2471,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,472,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,1125,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,1785,discuss
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,1922,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1897,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",244,unrelated
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",472,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",530,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,1337,discuss
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1934,discuss
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,2062,discuss
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake,2295,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1776,discuss
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",1029,unrelated
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,1634,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1689,discuss
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,687,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,2130,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,2154,discuss
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",1010,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",1159,discuss
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,1234,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,1530,unrelated
Kevin Vickers Hailed As Hero For Reportedly Shooting Gunman Inside Parliament,2104,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",2414,agree
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,1026,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,1097,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,1946,discuss
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,1689,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,1549,unrelated
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,10,discuss
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1776,disagree
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,170,unrelated
Comcast Declares War on Tor?,1572,discuss
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1295,agree
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",1361,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee who was swapped in prisoner deal for Bowe Bergdahl 'tried to rejoin 'Al Qaeda',592,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,35,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,1746,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,539,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,75,unrelated
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants,1881,discuss
Former U.S. soldier says IS used chemical weapons in Kobani,1283,unrelated
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,2367,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,2175,unrelated
"Man chops off his own penis, throws it in the trash after getting dumped for bad bedroom skills",1799,agree
America's oldest time capsule unearthed at Boston statehouse after being buried in 1795 by Sam Adams and Paul Revere,2257,agree
Official: Gitmo prisoner traded for Bergdahl reaching out to Taliban,2207,discuss
Cloistered nun has a stomach ache hospital gives birth to a baby [Google Translate],1760,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1540,discuss
"Don't Wo
y, 'The Breakfast Club' Star Judd Nelson Is Not Dead",1273,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",961,agree
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],564,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1361,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,190,unrelated
Woman spends a week in KFC to get over her
eak up,2061,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,1543,discuss
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1347,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,465,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,819,discuss
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,2123,discuss
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2296,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,296,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,2385,discuss
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1747,agree
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',2360,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1206,agree
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",1541,unrelated
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,837,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,2088,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2477,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,2281,agree
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1605,discuss
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,709,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,2296,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1289,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang’s Big Bank Hank dead at 57,2080,agree
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,781,discuss
Rumor Fatigue Sets In at False Alarms of Castro’s Death,892,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,2498,agree
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,1289,unrelated
Report—Jose Canseco accidentally shot at his home tonight,480,discuss
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",125,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,432,agree
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,450,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",2403,discuss
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,121,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,269,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1681,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,2447,unrelated
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,1921,unrelated
"Why the most expensive Apple Watch will probably cost around $10,000",2211,unrelated
Man cut off manhood and threw it in bin after girlfriend dumped him over small penis,1249,unrelated
Putin’s motorcade looks suspiciously like a massive…,944,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,2042,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,702,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2386,discuss
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,298,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,472,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',1439,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,450,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,1291,unrelated
Bali Awry,1549,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,81,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",1921,discuss
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,2309,unrelated
"It was me! Student, 19, reveals SHE was the Teletu
ies' giggling baby in the sky - and was paid just £250 and a box of toys",1834,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,524,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,1458,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1720,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,2034,disagree
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1547,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,2520,discuss
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",1055,agree
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,405,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,186,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,2142,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),2278,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2115,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",2252,agree
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,748,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,271,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1419,discuss
"Gene Munster Predicts $499 Steel Apple Watch, $4,999 for 18k Gold Edition",1958,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1832,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1197,unrelated
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,1898,unrelated
"Forty years ago, Lego wrote a powerful letter to parents about how gender works",451,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,254,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,951,discuss
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,2415,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,1708,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),381,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,2078,discuss
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2047,discuss
Iraqi airstrike kills key ISIL leader,1645,discuss
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,1575,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1361,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",933,discuss
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,2096,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2187,unrelated
Michael Abdul Zehaf Bibeau Pictures: Photos of Alleged ISIS-Linked Gunman in Canada,1970,discuss
Microsoft Hires Dalek-style Robocops to Guard Silicon Valley HQ,1837,agree
If Only A Bird Really Did Poop on Putin,1155,unrelated
"Rajasthan: Man Tries to Rape Teenager, Angry Mob Chops His Penis Off",2005,agree
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,324,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),2473,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,230,discuss
Seth Rogen set to play Steve Wozniak in Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic,1058,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1916,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,704,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,130,unrelated
Report of quarantined Texas town NOT real; shared on a 'fake' news website,1627,unrelated
"What they earn: Vice CEO Shane Smith’s $300,000 steak dinner",737,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,573,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1040,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",2052,disagree
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,40,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,1048,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,646,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",132,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1179,unrelated
A Man Says Comcast Called His Boss And Got Him Fired After He Complained About Its Service,2149,unrelated
"Apple Watch Battery Life Cu
ently 'About a Day', but May Improve for 2015 Launch",1898,discuss
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
NYC relaxes response to marijuana possession,2237,discuss
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,1256,unrelated
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",662,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,503,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,1423,agree
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,2526,unrelated
Woman spends a week in KFC to get over her
eak up,2414,agree
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,251,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,2115,agree
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2109,unrelated
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,2520,discuss
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,533,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found on Buckingham Palace Grounds,2528,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,251,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,2060,discuss
Constipated goldfish operated on by North Walsham vet,1467,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1905,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,446,discuss
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1530,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,827,agree
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,2296,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,2091,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1406,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,225,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,26,unrelated
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,723,unrelated
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,428,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1829,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1131,discuss
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,2440,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,1539,unrelated
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",760,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',2344,unrelated
Have Kanye & Kim Been Banned From Future Grammy Ceremonies?,2048,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,394,discuss
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,666,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",586,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1438,unrelated
Italian catches huge wels catfish; is it a record?,1028,agree
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",1893,discuss
That’s one way to clean it: Apple Watch will reportedly survive a trip through the shower,1028,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",1686,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,299,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1506,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,115,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1543,discuss
"Unconfirmed: ISIS Claims Kayla Mueller, American Female Hostage, Is Dead",1260,unrelated
HBO Reportedly in Talks with Apple for Launch of New Unbundled Streaming Service,1074,discuss
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1906,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1747,discuss
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,15,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1336,discuss
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1921,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1157,discuss
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',972,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",2473,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,130,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1854,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,1024,discuss
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",788,unrelated
Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed Out on Saudi TV,1531,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,839,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1034,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,2118,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',1267,discuss
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,761,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,2448,discuss
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,1565,unrelated
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,2418,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2118,discuss
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,2304,discuss
Doctors confirmed the first case of death from ingesting GMOs,578,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1679,discuss
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",633,unrelated
Axl Rose Found Dead of Sh*tty Hoax Website at Age 52,144,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,2125,unrelated
Reports say North Korea's Kim insists on being the only Jong Un,734,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,35,unrelated
Reports: Islamic State uses chlorine gas against Iraqi forces,2489,unrelated
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,43,unrelated
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,2252,unrelated
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,2520,discuss
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",344,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",944,discuss
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,36,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,2268,unrelated
Federal Judge: Enough With the Stupid Names,748,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1679,discuss
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,5,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,2344,discuss
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",2039,discuss
Female teacher facing sack after making SEX TAPE with teenager,379,discuss
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,2272,discuss
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,2483,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1974,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,2062,discuss
Penis Spray-Painted on a $2.5 Million Car Was Just for a Prank Video,124,disagree
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1295,agree
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,450,unrelated
Hidden Diagnostic Port on Apple Watch Could Allow for Smart Band Accessories [Updated],1393,unrelated
Report: Jose Canseco accidentally shot,2230,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1780,discuss
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,56,unrelated
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,234,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1336,agree
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,1435,unrelated
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,1320,discuss
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1883,agree
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,1312,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,304,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1922,discuss
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,40,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,161,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1708,unrelated
VIDEO: Son Stuns Parents By Paying Off Their Mortgage As Christmas Surprise,950,unrelated
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,0,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,186,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1984,agree
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",734,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Stronghold,2469,discuss
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,634,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,342,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,1597,agree
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,281,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,402,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,1517,agree
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,1125,unrelated
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,1379,unrelated
Report: Apple Watch to Ship in March,808,unrelated
ESPN’s Domestic Abuse Tonight Panel Will Be 100% Dudes,1500,disagree
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',2167,discuss
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1077,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,737,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,280,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,195,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1125,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,938,unrelated
"These LEGO Instructions from 1974 Are Awesome (And Yes, They're Real)",779,agree
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,267,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,821,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,964,unrelated
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,1884,discuss
"Gold Apple Watch Edition Could Cost As Much As $1,200",2254,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',388,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1857,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1004,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2261,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,1899,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,958,unrelated
#RIPFidel fuels false rumors of Cuban leader's death after another Fidel Castro dies,2506,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1786,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,26,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah,693,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,1744,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2526,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,1020,unrelated
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,2524,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2501,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2067,discuss
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",1221,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",1372,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2147,discuss
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Rumors Of Fidel Castro's Death Circulate After Prolonged Absence From Public Life,2506,discuss
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1308,unrelated
"'Star Wars VII' News, Update: JJ A
ams Pushing for Summer Release?",808,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",1234,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2109,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,859,unrelated
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,1738,discuss
ESPN’s All-Male “Monday Night Football” Panel On Domestic Violence Is Not Real,1020,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',1468,discuss
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,1254,agree
Cannibal mum tries to EAT her own baby shortly after giving birth,2434,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,1253,unrelated
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,161,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,938,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1825,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,968,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1774,discuss
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,2070,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",2309,discuss
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,413,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,2424,agree
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1900,unrelated
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,1802,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",2344,discuss
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,286,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',1480,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1857,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1376,agree
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1574,unrelated
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit,2495,unrelated
"Omar Gonzalez, White House Fence-Jumper, Made it Farther Inside",508,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead hoax: Fake death report spreads on social networks,690,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,1776,agree
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",687,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2184,unrelated
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,2162,discuss
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",1478,unrelated
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",10,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,368,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2328,unrelated
Missing Planes,2317,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,1256,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,40,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,971,unrelated
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,1494,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1721,discuss
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1950,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',651,unrelated
"'See you Monday': N.L. man keeps Facebook promise to police, turns himself in Read more: http:",2524,unrelated
"Islamic State Militants Have Been Flying 3 Captured Warplanes Over Syrian Airport, Witnesses Say",819,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,1299,unrelated
That's one way to get through security! Frustrated traveller strips completely NAKED at airport to pass through metal detectors,1733,agree
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",511,unrelated
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,1519,discuss
ISIS Getting Ebola,1289,unrelated
"Amazon reportedly launching free, ad-supported video service (updated)",932,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1289,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2281,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,330,discuss
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",1466,unrelated
"Calm down everyone, Banksy hasn't been a
ested: 9 clues that it's a hoax",258,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",2344,unrelated
Crank-Boosting Behind Top Apps in App Store,2087,unrelated
American Predator Drone Circling Islamic State’s Stronghold,35,unrelated
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,2421,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,321,unrelated
Utah Man Hospitalized After Winning Eggnog Chugging Contest,2509,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1009,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,1071,unrelated
SHOCKING: Indian Man's Penis Cut-off After He Was Caught Attempting Rape [Photos],2523,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,1670,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,720,agree
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,1410,agree
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,403,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1342,unrelated
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",1293,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,568,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1347,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1735,unrelated
"12in Retina MacBook Air release date rumours: All-new 12in MacBook Air design for 2015, launching at WWDC?",1863,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",2044,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",752,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,2009,unrelated
"Soldier, Gunman Killed In Shooting Incident Near Canadian Parliament",1988,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,651,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,712,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),2017,discuss
Meet the X-BOY: Electric shock turns kid into MAGNETO,1839,unrelated
iOS 8 bug reportedly erases iCloud Drive documents when settings are reset,2033,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,2220,discuss
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1786,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1679,discuss
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",2252,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,2070,unrelated
Apple Watch to sell 15M units in 2015 and ‘ignite global smartwatch market’,1556,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",1622,discuss
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,2037,discuss
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,1212,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,1794,discuss
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,505,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",2283,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2125,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,1306,agree
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,511,unrelated
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament,1266,unrelated
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,1921,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,830,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",879,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",1439,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,77,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1873,unrelated
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel,1136,discuss
Does ISIS have an airforce? Te
orist 'fighter pilots' are being trained on captured MiGs by Saddam Hussein's ex-air force officers,819,unrelated
Did a plumber's pick-up truck from Texas end up ca
ying an anti-aircraft gun for Islamic fighters on the front lines of Syria?,1361,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",2078,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),682,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1003,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1040,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,2234,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",1549,disagree
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,2385,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1143,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,752,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,755,agree
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,241,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1293,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1097,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,1805,unrelated
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,2022,discuss
Nun complains of stomach pains... and GIVES BIRTH: Sister who had 'no idea' she was pregnant has a baby boy at hospital in Italy,699,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,1036,discuss
‘Islamic tribunal confirmed in Texas’,1436,discuss
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,1661,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,586,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1841,disagree
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1295,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",80,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,1011,unrelated
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,500,discuss
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1422,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,1900,unrelated
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,2303,discuss
URGENT: ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah,2024,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,2475,disagree
"Jose Canseco injured in accidental shooting, per reports",2266,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",5,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,922,disagree
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2354,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,1519,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,1814,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,2078,unrelated
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",2097,agree
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1808,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,2317,discuss
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,1817,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1251,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1046,disagree
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",2115,unrelated
"Hundreds of dog-lovers from around the world offer home to pet abandoned at the railway station with a suitcase containing his pillow, toy, bowl and favourite food",144,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,269,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",2272,agree
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,944,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,2147,discuss
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,185,discuss
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1873,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',2367,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,2345,discuss
Sugarhill Gang’s Big Bank Hank dead at 57,754,unrelated
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters,0,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,2208,unrelated
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,2192,unrelated
Saudis Say Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed on TV,833,discuss
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2147,discuss
"Report: Stainless steel Apple Watch will be priced $500, gold at $5,000",1458,discuss
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,121,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,1312,agree
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,712,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1648,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,1806,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1786,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,1731,agree
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",564,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,2042,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,1744,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,2445,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,2328,unrelated
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,626,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,2283,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",387,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,816,discuss
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1883,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",573,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,1252,unrelated
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair,2184,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,646,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1574,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",1294,unrelated
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",62,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,816,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,1787,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1298,discuss
"Oh Hey, Paul Rudd Was One Of The Dallas Airport Homophobe Heroes, No Big",2152,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,2432,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",2045,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,2175,discuss
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,1011,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1471,unrelated
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",2470,discuss
KFC Marijuana Sales To Begin In Colorado? It’s Unbelievable — Literally,2141,unrelated
"BREAKING NEWS: Female American aid worker, 26, held hostage by ISIS for 18 months has been 'killed in Jordanian air strike'",1260,unrelated
"Elon University has not banned the term ‘freshman,’ despite rumors",1508,agree
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",1425,discuss
Killing in the name of! Kim Jong-un launches attack on others named 'Kim Jong-un',78,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",2360,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1251,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,908,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,1253,unrelated
Apple Watch to sell 15M units in 2015 and ‘ignite global smartwatch market’,1849,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1642,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",2154,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",1125,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1073,discuss
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,2432,agree
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",829,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,1913,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,462,discuss
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,1785,unrelated
North Dakota Names Landfill After Obama,265,unrelated
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1826,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",2477,discuss
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,1917,discuss
Research Medical Center denies reports that a patient has Ebola,2501,agree
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1340,discuss
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1372,disagree
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,2307,agree
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",225,unrelated
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",72,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,2147,discuss
Court Orders Probe Into Complaints Of 'Forced Castration' In Religious 'Dera' Sect,1731,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,843,discuss
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1807,discuss
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",2055,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,2348,agree
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2134,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1817,unrelated
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,1603,unrelated
Tiger Woods Is Selling His Private Island For $7.1 Million,240,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,1104,unrelated
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,431,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,1077,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,874,unrelated
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,796,unrelated
Is the iPhone 6 Really Pulling Out Your Hair?,1738,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2047,discuss
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,402,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,1724,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,964,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,147,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,2168,discuss
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,1522,discuss
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),2473,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,704,unrelated
Country Music Legend Willie Nelson Dies at Age 81,882,unrelated
Did Paul Rudd Help Tackle That Dallas Airport Gay-Basher?,1832,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,2283,agree
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1540,discuss
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",1777,disagree
This College Student Claims She Was The 'Teletu
ies' Sun Baby,1094,unrelated
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,2009,unrelated
Seth Rogen set to play Steve Wozniak in Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic,1002,discuss
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],693,discuss
Confusion as Cuba’s Castro mourned instead of Kenya’s Fidel,1534,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',1358,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,2080,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1966,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,456,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,1972,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1116,discuss
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,1438,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,2525,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1807,discuss
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,1179,unrelated
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,2452,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,595,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",687,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1040,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,467,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,2351,agree
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1349,discuss
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1240,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",1360,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,1938,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1917,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",1251,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),80,unrelated
Michael Phelps Sex Scandal: Troubled Olympian’s Girlfriend Was Born A Man!,2480,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,1584,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,1185,unrelated
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",387,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",2087,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2141,unrelated
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,1530,discuss
"Tee-off in your own putting paradise: Swedish luxury island owned by Tiger Woods up for sale - and it comes with a villa, a hot tub and a lodge",240,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1875,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",1572,discuss
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1439,unrelated
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,30,unrelated
Paul Rudd Helped Tackle A Violent Homophobe So That’s Another Reason To Love Him [UPDATE],1844,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",1045,agree
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',542,discuss
J.J. A
ams Asks Disney To Move Up 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Release Date,622,discuss
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1817,discuss
"NYPD to issue tickets instead of a
est for weed possession, report says",1192,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),465,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1156,disagree
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1166,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",2299,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,816,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1143,discuss
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1580,agree
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,2303,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,773,unrelated
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,2240,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",2111,discuss
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",139,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper Big Bank Hank Dies at 57,1107,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",206,unrelated
"Therefore, the ""feminist blogger"" who aborted a boy probably fake",1398,unrelated
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,139,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,2165,agree
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,72,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,787,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1331,unrelated
Small red book among finds in 113-year-old Boston time capsule,2288,agree
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",2463,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2087,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2525,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",1934,discuss
"Elon University has not banned the term ‘freshman,’ despite rumors",530,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,324,agree
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,304,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1494,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,296,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,2088,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1217,discuss
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,891,discuss
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,2489,discuss
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,1210,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1939,unrelated
Vladimir Putin Bird Poop Video is Fake,1832,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2187,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,2070,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,235,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,137,unrelated
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,1839,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,81,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,2526,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,568,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,2056,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,646,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",1605,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,1125,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,534,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1347,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,919,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1627,unrelated
Texas Town Quarantined After Family Of Five Test Positive For The Ebola Virus,1627,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,61,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1821,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1179,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,2070,unrelated
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",1572,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,2055,unrelated
A viral photo in China shows how to manipulate App Store rankings the hard way,1040,unrelated
Animal lovers abuzz over pope’s comments that 'paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',1905,agree
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,633,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2246,agree
Michelle Obama's Hair Appeared Totally Uncensored on Saudi TV,2453,agree
KFC Locations In Colorado To Begin Selling Marijuana,1873,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2261,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1022,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,171,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,1839,unrelated
HBO in talks with Apple to be launch partner for coming web service 'HBO Now',2028,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,1263,disagree
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,1989,discuss
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,737,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1573,discuss
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,731,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,1237,unrelated
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Everything you need to know about Michael Phelps’ intersex girlfriend,712,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,2106,discuss
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,1184,agree
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,1034,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,643,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",1252,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),1465,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",2256,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,1871,unrelated
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,1197,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,119,agree
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,1458,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",975,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,1948,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,2450,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2234,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,1071,discuss
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1933,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,704,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1120,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",388,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1122,discuss
"Apple Watch Specs Tipped; Said to Feature 512MB RAM, 4GB of Storage",23,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,1803,unrelated
"Piper Jaffray pegs stainless steel Apple Watch price at $499, Edition at $4,999",1958,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,1981,agree
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,2176,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,401,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',1630,discuss
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,724,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,1205,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2220,discuss
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,1020,disagree
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,757,unrelated
Report: Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of suicide airliner attacks on 9/11,1083,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,1893,discuss
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',1837,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,2388,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,725,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',2495,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,689,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',214,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,1606,discuss
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,571,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,125,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,932,unrelated
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,2412,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),2261,discuss
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,2459,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",608,discuss
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1873,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,2454,discuss
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,2272,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,2338,discuss
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",2113,discuss
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,1308,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1295,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1627,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1943,agree
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,30,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,2531,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,320,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,1301,agree
Apple Watch to reportedly offer 'Power Reserve' to help extend battery life,241,discuss
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,2196,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",2329,unrelated
Do all dogs go to heaven? Pope tells grieving boy: 'Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',1832,disagree
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1122,discuss
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",639,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,938,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',2197,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1192,discuss
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",2327,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",1471,unrelated
Vice squad’s $1m win lights up Las Vegas,1817,unrelated
ury Christ Church University student Jess Smith, from Chatham, sta
ed as Teletu
ies' sun",837,unrelated
Magic mushroom found growing at Buckingham Palace,1374,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Psychoactive magic mushroom found in grounds of Buckingham Palace,1184,unrelated
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",1338,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1438,unrelated
Is this proof of bigfoot? New 'yeti' video shows giant hairy beast walking through forest,964,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,1040,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",2135,disagree
Monster catfish which looks big enough to swallow a man whole caught in Italy,0,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1747,agree
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1055,agree
Popular 'Banksy' Instagram account offers powerful message of perseverance after Paris attack,526,unrelated
SHOCKING: Indian Man's Penis Cut-off After He Was Caught Attempting Rape [Photos],1829,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,2177,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2386,agree
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1873,unrelated
y, KFC isn't going to be selling weed in Colorado restaurants",950,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1875,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1538,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1120,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,2475,disagree
Saudi cleric says snowmen are anti-Islamic,35,unrelated
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1923,discuss
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,167,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2450,agree
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2070,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,1295,unrelated
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,1869,unrelated
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",1040,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,524,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,551,unrelated
"BREAKING: ""Brat Pack"" Judd Nelson Found Dead in Los Angeles Condo",2332,disagree
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2287,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1336,agree
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1740,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,419,discuss
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,17,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,137,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1648,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1904,discuss
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",858,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",938,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,132,unrelated
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,658,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1266,unrelated
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,2410,unrelated
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,1950,agree
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1435,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,1269,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",1301,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,533,unrelated
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,1912,discuss
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,1338,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,60,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1786,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",986,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1351,unrelated
"Pope Francis did not tell boy heaven has room for pets, contrary to report",2152,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,1594,disagree
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,1019,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1271,unrelated
Islamic State fighters training to fly captured jets — watchdog,524,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1679,discuss
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,1628,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1372,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',950,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,1709,discuss
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,344,unrelated
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,2087,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,2152,unrelated
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,1368,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1896,discuss
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,633,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,625,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2403,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,968,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",227,discuss
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,121,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2385,discuss
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1234,unrelated
After ISIS trick mum into eating son - 5 other reluctant cannibals including those forced to eat own body parts,1442,unrelated
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,2087,unrelated
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,1681,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1839,unrelated
Knightscope Security Robots Are Keeping Microsoft Campuses Safe (and They Look Really Scary),572,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1481,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,1120,discuss
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,527,unrelated
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,425,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1808,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,2248,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",1517,agree
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,712,unrelated
British Aid Worker Confirmed Murdered By ISIS,1127,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1009,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,919,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1251,unrelated
Hopeless romantic BURNS DOWN college sports hall after fireworks proposal stunt fails,1651,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,524,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,1538,discuss
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,225,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",1500,unrelated
Claim: Comcast Got Complaining Customer Fired From His Job,2447,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,2156,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,1498,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1361,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,626,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1009,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,1572,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,1036,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,1021,discuss
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",1939,unrelated
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,2442,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment Decrease Gravity Hoax on Jan 4, 2015: ‘Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness’ in January is Totally Bogus",1260,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,2317,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',761,unrelated
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",508,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",632,discuss
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1776,disagree
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,320,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",1649,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1574,unrelated
"Jose Canseco injured in accidental shooting, per reports",2352,discuss
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",2122,agree
"Calm down everyone, Banksy hasn't been a
ested: 9 clues that it's a hoax",2412,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,286,unrelated
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),571,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,844,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1267,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1168,discuss
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1427,disagree
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,539,unrelated
Giant 8ft 9in catfish weighing 19 stone caught in Italy is thought to be the biggest ever reeled in with a rod and line,1221,unrelated
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers,1686,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,346,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1361,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2047,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1905,unrelated
Nun complains of stomach pains... and GIVES BIRTH: Sister who had 'no idea' she was pregnant has a baby boy at hospital in Italy,1412,agree
This Guy Paid Off His Parents’ Mortgage For Christmas,988,agree
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",26,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1034,unrelated
Armed U.S. drones spotted flying over Syria in possible hunt for ISIS leader,1501,agree
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1296,unrelated
y, KFC isn't going to be selling weed in Colorado restaurants",1933,agree
Sushi lover's entire body left riddled with WORMS after eating contaminated sashimi,156,agree
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2526,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,938,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",1267,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1746,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,1001,discuss
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2481,discuss
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,2344,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1836,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,1628,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,1982,discuss
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,1780,discuss
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,2299,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,1586,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,2441,unrelated
Woman Spends Entire Week In KFC After Getting Dumped By Her Boyfriend,1551,agree
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,459,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1289,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,2115,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,1939,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,298,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,459,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2149,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1289,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,258,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",570,unrelated
A Bunch Of People Thought Banksy Got A
ested But It Was A Hoax,2362,agree
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,35,unrelated retracts claim about racist email from professor,1266,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",979,unrelated
Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus now guarded by Daleks,1577,unrelated
Now THAT'S a Royal trip! Alan Titchmarsh finds psychedelic mushroom in the Queen's garden at Buckingham Palace,562,unrelated
Big Bank Hank dead: Sugarhill Gang member and rapper dies aged 57,1107,unrelated
Heartwarming video shows son revealing he’s paid off parent’s mortgage as a Christmas gift,2459,agree
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,571,unrelated
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",1013,discuss
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,846,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,1385,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1867,unrelated
"Unhappy Customer: Comcast Told My Employer About Complaint, Got Me Fired",2133,discuss
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",1358,agree
"Etats-Unis: Mort pendant 48 minutes, un prêtre affirme que Dieu est une femme",2296,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,2211,agree
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',1689,unrelated
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,585,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",704,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,715,discuss
You're Not Going to Become Weightless on January 4th,1625,unrelated
Apple Watch mass production kicks off in January: Report,1056,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,527,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,1406,discuss
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1294,unrelated
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,1442,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,744,discuss
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",34,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2096,discuss
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,1213,unrelated
Could Kim Jong Un open a restaurant in Scotland?,1535,unrelated
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,964,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',2268,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2039,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,2234,agree
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,35,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,2277,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",839,discuss
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,2287,unrelated
"'See you Monday': N.L. man keeps Facebook promise to police, turns himself in Read more: http:",2164,agree
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1461,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1439,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1803,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2287,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,2334,discuss
Reports: Big Bank Hank of pioneering rap group Sugarhill Gang has died,1831,discuss
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",1890,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,936,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1828,discuss
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",2266,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",254,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",242,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,882,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1355,agree
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1506,unrelated
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",313,unrelated
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,1885,unrelated
"Comcast Turns Complaints Back On Customer, Gets His Employer To Fire Him",86,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',1731,unrelated
"McDonald’s to Stop Serving Overweight Customers in January? Nope, ‘1/15/2015′ Story is Fake",1848,disagree
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",713,discuss
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,2115,unrelated
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,2241,discuss
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,2061,disagree
Amazon Is Opening a Brick-and-Mortar Store in Manhattan,1840,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,1597,agree
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",125,unrelated
Apple's 12-Inch Retina MacBook Air Shown in Artist's Renditions,1545,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',2498,discuss
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,704,unrelated
The news of Cesar Millan's death is false,837,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,2254,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],2180,disagree
ISIS Getting Ebola,2299,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,2058,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1077,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",80,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",1708,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1131,discuss
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,467,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,75,unrelated
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,1515,agree
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,2234,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,2154,discuss
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,345,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",650,unrelated
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",1939,unrelated
Report—Jose Canseco accidentally shot at his home tonight,186,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",691,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,1938,unrelated
Somali te
orist leader dead after US airstrike,2268,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,518,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2526,unrelated
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,2360,unrelated
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",1417,discuss
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,1789,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,527,unrelated
Weather Reporter Mike Seidel Was Caught Off Guard on Live TV and Appeared to Be Urinating in the Snow -- Watch!,1926,discuss
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1921,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",2459,unrelated
ESPN to save NFL's image with all-male domestic abuse discussion,2137,disagree
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,975,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1936,disagree
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,2109,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1034,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,703,disagree
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,2477,discuss
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1786,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2304,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],646,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2070,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,508,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1786,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,855,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,1459,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,503,unrelated
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,1648,unrelated
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",87,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1540,discuss
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',682,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",649,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,1646,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1435,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1104,agree
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2453,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",2147,unrelated
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,1737,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),2252,unrelated
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,1303,agree
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1939,unrelated
REPORT: Apple's Watch Will Come In 2 Storage Sizes,409,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",77,unrelated
Missing Planes,1575,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,2002,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,1921,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,167,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2020,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,676,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,240,discuss
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2127,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1939,discuss
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2067,agree
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,2360,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,1804,unrelated
For sale: Tiger's former island in Sweden,1954,unrelated
Hospital Officials: Kansas City Patient Not Being Treated For Ebola,1349,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,344,unrelated
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,851,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,1786,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",115,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,867,unrelated
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,1361,unrelated
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,2142,disagree
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,137,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,1646,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1880,disagree
"ISIS Claims Female American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Killed in Airstrike",2473,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,691,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,321,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,62,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,2299,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,2175,unrelated
"Islamic State Militants Have Been Flying 3 Captured Warplanes Over Syrian Airport, Witnesses Say",2406,discuss
"This boy nearly died, now he has a superpower like Marvel’s Magneto",1433,agree
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,2251,unrelated
"Report: Stainless steel Apple Watch will be priced $500, gold at $5,000",829,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment",690,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,267,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",1732,discuss
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,1857,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,30,unrelated
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",1148,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,725,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1669,discuss
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,2523,agree
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,1883,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",93,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,2367,agree
Man Severed Penis That Failed To Impress Girls,827,agree
Confusion as Cuba’s Castro mourned instead of Kenya’s Fidel,2399,discuss
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,932,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1821,disagree
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,533,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,1789,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,186,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,1940,unrelated
Report: Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of suicide airliner attacks on 9/11,2448,discuss
Gateway Pundit,1263,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,2197,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,524,unrelated
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,1042,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,2403,discuss
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1461,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,723,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,1258,agree
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,1466,discuss
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,171,unrelated
"ISIS Unleash ""Scorpion"" Bombs In Iraq",1251,agree
Court Orders Probe Into Complaints Of 'Forced Castration' In Religious 'Dera' Sect,2305,unrelated
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,1336,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',693,unrelated
Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed girlfriend says she was born a BOY and reveals 'amazing' sex with Olympian,862,agree
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,1549,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,2125,unrelated
China: Satirical site warns citizens over name choices,1987,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,1883,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1913,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,104,unrelated
Apple Watch Smartwatch to Ship 15 Million Units Worldwide in 2015,1524,discuss
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",40,unrelated
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,2370,agree
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,2502,agree
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,11,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,938,discuss
Claim: Comcast Got Complaining Customer Fired From His Job,2034,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport,817,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,137,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,524,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1885,discuss
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1541,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,2268,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1040,unrelated
American Predator Drone Circling Islamic State’s Stronghold,2469,discuss
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1579,discuss
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,1734,agree
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1498,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper Big Bank Hank Dies at 57,2340,discuss
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",2299,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1934,discuss
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1906,unrelated
Utah Man Hospitalized After Winning Eggnog Chugging Contest,741,agree
"In New York City, Marijuana May Mean Ticket, Not A
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,2304,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,757,unrelated
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",748,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",1529,discuss
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",2367,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1347,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",2192,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,1648,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,1708,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,761,unrelated
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,2256,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,2104,unrelated
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",2154,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1857,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,2343,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",687,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,11,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1040,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,568,unrelated
Tiger Woods selling Swedish villa — island included,1802,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,821,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,2345,agree
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1427,unrelated
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1515,agree
No - a Fox News Twitter account isn't responding to tweets on the #FoxNewsFacts hashtag,808,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1981,agree
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,1840,discuss
Rumors about Fidel Castro’s death again circulate on the Internet,244,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,968,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,1921,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2115,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',2367,disagree
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1897,unrelated
"Tiger Woods is not on suspension for failing a drug test, his agent and a PGA official say",1584,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1900,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1368,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",706,unrelated
Satirical news site attacks China’s weird English names,2115,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,837,discuss
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2109,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",206,unrelated
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,2295,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2067,discuss
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,2138,discuss
Apple Watch launch reportedly planned for Fe
uary with limited supply,2431,discuss
‘The cub of Baghdadi': ISIS reports its youngest jihadist ‘got martyred’ in battle,300,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,938,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,1256,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,2139,agree
Amazon Is Going To Open A Physical Store!,737,discuss
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,2192,unrelated
Apple Watch mass production kicks off in January: Report,320,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,2034,unrelated
"Apple Watch Power Reserve feature will save battery life, report says",1223,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1774,discuss
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1857,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,986,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",88,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,714,unrelated
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,723,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",1480,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",2139,discuss
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1361,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2453,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,592,unrelated
Knightscope Security Robots Are Keeping Microsoft Campuses Safe (and They Look Really Scary),1721,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,2329,discuss
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,2389,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,213,unrelated
Widower Cries Tears Of Joy After Hearing Late Wife's Voice Again,1406,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,961,unrelated
US airstrike targets Al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane in Somalia,741,unrelated
Matt Tai
i takes a leave of absence from First Look Media,126,unrelated
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,298,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2016,discuss
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),1047,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1580,agree
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,2070,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',2314,unrelated
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,657,discuss
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,368,discuss
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,121,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1358,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,305,agree
This resignation letter in a video-game could be the greatest ever,1569,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),1855,discuss
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",737,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",2403,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",1940,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1330,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",513,unrelated
‘Cannibal mother tries to eat her newborn baby after giving birth’,1029,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,721,discuss
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,2033,unrelated
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",1547,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,2295,unrelated
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',599,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2134,unrelated
"Is There Really a ‘Sharia Law’ Islamic Tribunal in Dallas, Texas?",1436,discuss
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',776,unrelated
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,505,unrelated
Comcast Declares War on Tor?,503,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",1530,discuss
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1968,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1347,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,139,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,116,agree
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",1572,unrelated
"Unhappy Customer: Comcast Told My Employer About Complaint, Got Me Fired",2438,discuss
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,2511,discuss
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,1369,discuss
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,900,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,539,unrelated
Cloistered nun has a stomach ache hospital gives birth to a baby [Google Translate],1597,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,992,unrelated
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out,941,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',731,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",321,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,1737,agree
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1016,discuss
"Palestine accuses Israel of opening dams, flooding Gaza, forcing evacuations",719,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1374,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),1802,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,431,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2314,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",1429,discuss
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,2009,unrelated
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,169,unrelated
iOS 8 bug could delete your iCloud Drive documents,883,discuss
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2234,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",130,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,1808,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,2147,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",1358,agree
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,2078,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",1296,discuss
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,591,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,1737,agree
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",2329,unrelated
Paul Rudd Is Not the Viral Video Hero Who Tackled a Gay Basher in Dallas,853,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,402,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",2221,discuss
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,2155,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1166,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,2304,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,35,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1832,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,80,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Stronghold,909,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1531,disagree
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,320,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1461,discuss
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',181,unrelated
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,1422,agree
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired,7,unrelated
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",1494,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",1296,discuss
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",1296,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1009,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,1974,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",920,discuss
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,225,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",342,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2296,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,295,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2495,discuss
Someone Trolled Twitter Into Thinking Macklemore Joined ISIS,1893,unrelated
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,1936,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,195,unrelated
"Unhappy Customer: Comcast Told My Employer About Complaint, Got Me Fired",2149,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",115,unrelated
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,1819,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,1240,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,499,discuss
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,1312,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,2155,unrelated
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",1519,unrelated
"Report: Stainless steel Apple Watch will be priced $500, gold at $5,000",62,unrelated
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,1608,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,1697,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1166,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",2441,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1093,discuss
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,2415,discuss
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",418,discuss
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',2202,discuss
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1120,unrelated
Paul Revere's 1795 time capsule unearthed,879,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],2118,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,1890,agree
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,2208,agree
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",621,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1403,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,403,unrelated
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),260,discuss
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",1883,unrelated
Son pays off his parents' mortgage in a heartwarming Christmas video,1439,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",781,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,737,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1040,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,1140,agree
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,822,unrelated
"Woman, Ting Su, Finds Husband Cheating With Her Own Twin, Gets Spectacular Revenge",1588,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1438,unrelated
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,2362,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1808,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,844,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,737,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,104,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,1125,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",1319,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,1013,discuss
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,2477,discuss
Staff Reporter,1384,agree
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",2075,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,2240,unrelated
"Feminist Aborts Baby For Being A Boy, Shocked People Don’t Approve",947,discuss
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,1205,unrelated
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,382,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,1260,unrelated
Gateway Pundit,626,unrelated
Amazon is about to open its first-ever physical store in New York City,1840,unrelated
Islamic State fighters training to fly captured jets — watchdog,295,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Feature Time-Only 'Power Reserve' Mode, Prototypes Disguised as Samsung Watches",242,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,775,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,1923,disagree
"Islamic Tribunal Using Sharia Law In Texas Has Been Confirmed Tribunal members say they will avoid Sharia's ""criminal law.""",1049,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1744,discuss
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,595,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,2531,unrelated
Hospital Officials: Kansas City Patient Not Being Treated For Ebola,1815,unrelated
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",1167,discuss
"Luckiest Pizza Delivery Guy Ever Gets $2,000 Tip",51,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,1658,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,2240,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,1131,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,472,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,885,disagree
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",1681,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,529,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,1898,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,2349,agree
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,1301,discuss
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,305,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,2252,discuss
Parents' anger after seven Bosnian schoolgirls aged 13 and 14 fall pregnant on class trip,821,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,1521,unrelated
Has this Argentine woman fallen victim to a cruel online hoax? Adult video claiming to show teacher having sex with pupil isn't all it seems,482,discuss
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",1361,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,1786,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,2337,disagree
"What they earn: Vice CEO Shane Smith’s $300,000 steak dinner",2130,discuss
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",1634,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,744,discuss
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,1423,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1786,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,2330,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",2080,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,1543,unrelated
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),1680,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1747,agree
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,1355,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,221,unrelated
Animal lovers abuzz over pope’s comments that 'paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',2348,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1839,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,626,unrelated
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,634,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,1849,unrelated
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,529,unrelated
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,2022,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,1120,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,815,discuss
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ID’d as Canadian Shooting Suspect in Ottawa,2246,agree
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,633,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,775,discuss
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,387,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",1406,unrelated
Islamic State Flying Three Jets in Syria,777,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1893,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",1506,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,586,unrelated
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,81,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,1197,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,2261,discuss
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,234,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,2196,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,381,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",1839,unrelated
"Piper Jaffray pegs stainless steel Apple Watch price at $499, Edition at $4,999",1569,unrelated
"Don't Wo
y, 'The Breakfast Club' Star Judd Nelson Is Not Dead",1317,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1638,agree
This Dog Was Left At A Railway Station With A Suitcase Of His Belongings After He Was Sold On Gumtree,1544,agree
Penis Spray-Painted on a $2.5 Million Car Was Just for a Prank Video,527,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',365,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Apple Watch Developers Told to Limit Features to Save Battery Life,2275,discuss
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",87,unrelated
Big Bank Hank dead: Sugarhill Gang member and rapper dies aged 57,40,unrelated
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken,1814,disagree
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,2318,discuss
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1637,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,1234,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",2377,unrelated
"Analyst: Apple Watch Edition Could Cost $5,000",1595,discuss
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2115,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,1256,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,950,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2234,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1347,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Wozniak in Steve Jobs Biopic,388,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,2481,discuss
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,1825,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,1660,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,139,unrelated
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,1137,unrelated
North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Is Still In Charge: Source,686,unrelated
Saudi cleric issues fatwa against building snowmen,2167,agree
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2287,discuss
Do all dogs go to heaven? Pope tells grieving boy: 'Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',240,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1406,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,1853,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,2415,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1968,unrelated
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,2283,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1562,unrelated
"No, that high school kid didn't make $72 million trading stocks",1987,discuss
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",1817,unrelated
Hospital Officials: Kansas City Patient Not Being Treated For Ebola,99,unrelated
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,1224,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,503,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",574,unrelated
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,1562,agree
Woman spends a week in KFC to get over her
eak up,1819,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",702,discuss
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,2405,discuss
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),729,agree
Constipated goldfish operated on by North Walsham vet,1365,unrelated
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,691,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",524,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,761,unrelated
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,1398,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,2272,discuss
"Nuts! Indian guru coaxes 400 followers to cut off their testicles, grow closer to God",450,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2287,unrelated
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",574,unrelated
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,1384,unrelated
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,87,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,2124,unrelated
Search launched for dog's owner after pooch found dumped next to suitcase filled with belongings,1642,agree
Purdon Ebola Hoax: ‘Texas Town Quarantined After Family Of Five Test Positive For The Ebola Virus’ Article is Fake,241,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,77,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,2477,discuss
ESPN’s All-Male “Monday Night Football” Panel On Domestic Violence Is Not Real,2167,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,1649,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,574,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",1637,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,438,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,2354,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,630,unrelated
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,539,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1308,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,1883,unrelated
"Hundreds of dog-lovers from around the world offer home to pet abandoned at the railway station with a suitcase containing his pillow, toy, bowl and favourite food",382,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1574,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,2307,discuss
Armed U.S. drones spotted flying over Syria in possible hunt for ISIS leader,1802,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1406,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,1336,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2250,discuss
"How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?",2443,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,777,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1634,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,1938,unrelated
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",634,unrelated
#RIPFidel fuels false rumors of Cuban leader's death after another Fidel Castro dies,1832,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,1785,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,5,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1166,discuss
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,1760,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,1742,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",570,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,944,unrelated
Singing polar bear facing ASBO after noise complaint,2446,disagree
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,2403,unrelated
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",727,unrelated
One of 'Taliban Five' in Bowe Bergdahl swap allegedly returned to militancy,366,unrelated
Man chops off his penis after his girlfriend
eaks up with him,1434,discuss
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,30,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,2314,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",2045,unrelated
One of 'Taliban Five' in Bowe Bergdahl swap allegedly returned to militancy,1813,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1217,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2354,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2235,discuss
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1888,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,1437,discuss
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",2081,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,570,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",43,unrelated
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,1017,discuss
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,125,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",913,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",950,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],2175,unrelated
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,2432,agree
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,991,discuss
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",2471,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,2061,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1121,discuss
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated,388,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,2002,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,242,unrelated
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,87,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,1708,unrelated
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,775,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,755,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",803,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",837,discuss
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,2142,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,2372,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,1170,unrelated
Magic mushroom found growing at Buckingham Palace,1575,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1131,discuss
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,2109,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,1095,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,2002,unrelated
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,2028,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,2345,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2067,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1786,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1603,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,649,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1913,disagree
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,11,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",2042,agree
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,10,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,2317,discuss
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1251,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,1807,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),1169,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",1289,unrelated
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in Fe
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,1212,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",2055,agree
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,158,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,115,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",167,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,345,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,2056,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",950,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',346,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,900,unrelated
"Oh Hey, Paul Rudd Was One Of The Dallas Airport Homophobe Heroes, No Big",1844,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,955,discuss
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",887,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,2096,unrelated
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",235,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,2388,discuss
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,2135,discuss
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,761,unrelated
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,2421,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,2250,discuss
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,730,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,324,unrelated
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",1545,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,2137,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",2152,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,2096,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1573,agree
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,2044,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,1938,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1071,unrelated
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",557,unrelated
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,1461,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,2155,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,557,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',387,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1148,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,7,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1540,discuss
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",704,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,1073,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,1435,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",1807,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,599,discuss
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,503,unrelated
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",614,unrelated
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",34,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1347,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,2072,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,821,unrelated
A Letter Lego Sent to Parents in 1974 Holds an Important Message for the Parents of 2014,1582,agree
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2526,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1439,unrelated
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,345,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1680,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,2060,discuss
Tiger Woods' agent shoots down report of failed drug test,173,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",2263,discuss
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",2385,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,2191,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",2260,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,115,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",1893,discuss
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,1724,discuss
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,461,discuss
Missing Planes,1660,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",402,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1295,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],5,unrelated
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,1103,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,524,unrelated
"Yes, you can wear your Apple Watch in the shower",62,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,185,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,2463,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,2360,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,887,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,1530,discuss
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",1534,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1481,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1119,discuss
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,2068,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",2192,unrelated
"Report: new 12-inch MacBook Air slims down, has single USB port",1362,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1883,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",195,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,298,unrelated
Star Wars 7: JJ A
ams want to move release to summer 2015,1352,discuss
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,1814,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2495,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",2016,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1465,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",1689,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",754,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,2064,agree
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,2135,agree
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,682,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,1637,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,2009,unrelated
"Tom Brokaw 'wants Brian Williams out': NBC legend 'furious' at Iraq war lie, as it's claimed executives warned anchor to stop exaggerating the story in the past",2370,unrelated
America's oldest time capsule unearthed at Boston statehouse after being buried in 1795 by Sam Adams and Paul Revere,1239,unrelated
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,2124,discuss
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",2141,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,344,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,391,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,404,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,777,discuss
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,1323,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,1263,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,1155,agree
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',2177,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,570,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,1465,discuss
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,2338,discuss
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,2472,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,40,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",298,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",598,agree
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,1245,agree
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",800,unrelated
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",1494,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2175,unrelated
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,614,unrelated
Parents' anger after seven Bosnian schoolgirls aged 13 and 14 fall pregnant on class trip,1277,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1073,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1379,agree
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,1273,unrelated
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,1538,discuss
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,570,unrelated
"Analyst: Apple Watch Edition Could Cost $5,000",761,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,431,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',1103,unrelated
Bugatti Veyron Vandalized With Penis Graffiti? Viral Photo Isn’t What It Seems,1183,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,2281,agree
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1904,discuss
or Leader Ahmed Abdi Godane Killed in U.S. Strike,60,unrelated
Report: Michael Phelps’ Tinder ‘Girlfriend’ Was Born Male; “We Made Love During Halftime”,2528,unrelated
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,2328,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1130,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2525,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,2459,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1821,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,821,unrelated
For sale: Tiger's former island in Sweden,1212,agree
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,126,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1849,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",296,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,1398,discuss
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,2152,discuss
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,2016,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1934,discuss
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,527,unrelated
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,62,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,2336,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",346,unrelated
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,2348,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',40,unrelated
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",80,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1358,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,831,unrelated
Man who slaps people around the head for sneezing hunted by police,2277,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1125,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",2141,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1808,unrelated
"""This is the recording you thought you'd lost forever""",2020,agree
Apple Watch mass production kicks off in January: Report,2431,discuss
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,2302,discuss
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1761,discuss
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,305,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,1242,agree
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,258,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,818,unrelated
"NYPD to issue tickets instead of a
est for weed possession, report says",955,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,2307,unrelated
American Predator Drone Circling Islamic State’s Stronghold,304,unrelated
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,683,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",601,disagree
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",1681,unrelated
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",1256,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken,1933,disagree
"Kayla Jean Mueller, U.S. hostage, killed in Jordan airstrike, ISIS claims",663,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,2403,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,567,discuss
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,2184,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1658,agree
Someone Trolled Twitter Into Thinking Macklemore Joined ISIS,2237,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1580,agree
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,311,discuss
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",2214,agree
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1426,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1361,unrelated
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",305,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,527,unrelated
"Calm down everyone, Banksy hasn't been a
ested: 9 clues that it's a hoax",667,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,1253,discuss
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",1646,unrelated
oken girl spends week in KFC after getting dumped,817,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,2064,agree
Isis supporters claim US hostage killed in coalition air strike in Syria,1769,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,2336,unrelated
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,2431,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",1877,discuss
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,1893,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,2180,discuss
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,757,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",2210,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",2144,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,137,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',304,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,958,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",1789,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1742,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,26,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,1931,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,2015,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,414,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,891,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,2375,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,7,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',2053,discuss
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,1806,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",2144,discuss
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2047,discuss
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,787,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1574,unrelated
Rats are still running around at Vogue,2263,agree
ush list actually do so sister you tired it?,658,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,213,unrelated
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,269,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1547,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,93,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,2264,discuss
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,2375,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,941,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",17,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,2072,discuss
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,959,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2047,discuss
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament,1970,agree
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,54,unrelated
Apple Watch: Release well initially only in Apple Stores,456,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",523,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1040,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,269,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1817,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1166,discuss
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,168,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,2389,unrelated
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,2141,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",1996,unrelated
ISIS launch SCORPION BOMBS to spread panic in Iraq,48,unrelated
"Tiger Woods is not on suspension for failing a drug test, his agent and a PGA official say",1589,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",320,unrelated
VIDEO: Son Stuns Parents By Paying Off Their Mortgage As Christmas Surprise,570,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,2016,unrelated
That powerful Lego letter to parents from the 1970s? It's real,1969,discuss
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,944,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,776,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2481,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",505,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,1020,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,2252,unrelated
"Jose Canseco injured in accidental shooting, per reports",1840,unrelated
Official: Gitmo prisoner traded for Bergdahl reaching out to Taliban,1398,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,971,unrelated
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,572,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,1498,discuss
Viral Photo Shows How Chinese Workers Are Used to Manipulate App Store Rankings,1384,agree
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,1438,disagree
Paul Rudd Helped Tackle A Violent Homophobe So That’s Another Reason To Love Him [UPDATE],487,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,7,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1821,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,1406,unrelated
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,1654,discuss
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2386,agree
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,826,unrelated
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,1737,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,585,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,821,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,2192,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',944,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",456,discuss
"Omar Gonzalez, White House Fence-Jumper, Made it Farther Inside",1778,unrelated
"The gold Apple Watch Edition could set you back a whopping $4,999",1700,discuss
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,2309,discuss
Israel denies causing Gaza floods by opening dams,1392,agree
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2296,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,2230,unrelated
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",81,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,1789,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1384,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1715,discuss
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,324,unrelated
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,1274,discuss
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",2271,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1844,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,591,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,2020,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1206,discuss
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,35,unrelated
Spec leak suggests Apple Watch will be on par with Android Wear rivals,254,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1120,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",1760,discuss
Will King of Jordan lead airstrikes on ISIS HIMSELF? Reports say trained pilot plans to take part in attack after quoting Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven to Congressmen,2490,discuss
Apple Watch won’t be the digital doctor it could have been,1240,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",530,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",1337,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),1521,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1226,unrelated
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,1660,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,40,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",662,unrelated
Apple 'working on 12-inch MacBook Air',1362,discuss
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1476,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,2009,unrelated
Seth Rogen set to play Steve Wozniak in Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic,388,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,1549,unrelated
Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus now guarded by Daleks,2228,agree
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,2309,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1169,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,592,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",2134,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,2398,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,1888,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Wozniak in Steve Jobs Biopic,1746,discuss
Samsung Supposedly Wins Orders to Produce Apple Watch Components,139,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,115,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,608,discuss
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1198,discuss
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,8,unrelated
"Could Gold Apple Watch cost $5,000?",761,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,139,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,10,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,1517,agree
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1549,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1419,discuss
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1689,discuss
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',17,unrelated
REVEALED: Woman Behind $5 Million Per Year Youtube Channel Is a Former Porn Star Read more at: http:
Sergeant-at-Arms stopped shooter on Parliament Hill,1121,discuss
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,1708,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,585,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",757,unrelated
Customer: I was fired for Comcast complaint,2405,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,690,unrelated
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',2186,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,2009,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,803,unrelated
Moment U.S. Marine is saved by his Kevlar helmet as Taliban sniper bullet hits him in head,1934,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1476,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",1651,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,226,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,1237,discuss
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out,2088,discuss
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1358,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,1899,unrelated
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",2142,discuss
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,1268,unrelated
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,1355,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",320,unrelated
North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Is Still In Charge: Source,1772,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1338,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1538,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1212,unrelated
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Beaten In Prison? Satirical Site Claims Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Blinded And Paralyzed,651,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,1686,unrelated
Texas Plumber Has ‘No Idea’ How Company Truck Ended Up With ISIS,803,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,130,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1317,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",832,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",2064,agree
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1803,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,77,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1658,discuss
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,1403,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1093,discuss
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,1459,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2130,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1681,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,22,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1197,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1019,agree
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,26,unrelated
"Hundreds of dog-lovers from around the world offer home to pet abandoned at the railway station with a suitcase containing his pillow, toy, bowl and favourite food",269,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",1026,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,651,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",2440,agree
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",529,unrelated
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,545,discuss
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,77,discuss
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,900,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',2385,unrelated
"No, Nobody's Discovered a New Eyewitness Account of Jesus' Miracles",1775,agree
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,1374,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,91,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,169,discuss
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,755,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',2268,discuss
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in Fe
What TBS’s Sped-Up Seinfeld Reruns Tell Us About the So
y State of America,955,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,1494,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',1634,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,2459,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1212,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,2367,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",1545,unrelated
American hostage killed in rescue attempt in Yemen - senior official,2375,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,1569,unrelated
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,1681,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,269,unrelated
Someone Spraypainted A Penis On A £1.5m Bugatti Veyron And It Went Very Viral,1781,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2250,discuss
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,1521,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",62,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,662,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,891,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1680,unrelated
Newly-Found Document Holds Eyewitness Account of Jesus Performing Miracle,190,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1588,agree
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,2072,discuss
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,2463,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',467,unrelated
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",1916,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,1708,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1446,discuss
Vladimir Putin’s Motorcade Looks Like A Massive Knob,944,unrelated
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,2354,agree
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1958,agree
Report: Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of suicide airliner attacks on 9/11,2309,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,267,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),405,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",971,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1009,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,2515,agree
"Calm down everyone, Banksy hasn't been a
ested: 9 clues that it's a hoax",1940,agree
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1471,discuss
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,2115,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,1385,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2223,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1808,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,81,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,1299,unrelated
WATCH: Stan Beaton cries tears of joy when phone engineers find treasured voicemail recording of his late wife he thought was lost forever,2406,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,2249,agree
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,1368,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,1538,discuss
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,171,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',1239,unrelated
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,1055,agree
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,775,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,132,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',167,unrelated
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,511,unrelated
eaks down in tears when a lost recording of his deceased wife resurfaces,2227,unrelated
Vladimir Putin Bird Poop Video is Fake,2502,unrelated
The Apple Watch's battery life will reportedly be just like any other smartwatch,2469,unrelated
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,498,agree
Unbearable! Carolling toy in Shefford 'gagged' by council,1968,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,900,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1819,agree
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",527,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,72,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,1435,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,788,discuss
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
"Cloistered nun gives birth to a baby The convent: ""There is a sister"" [Google Translate]",1891,unrelated
Apple Watch launch reportedly planned for Fe
uary with limited supply,1056,unrelated
Robert Plant Reportedly Tears Up $800 Million Led Zeppelin Reunion Contract,158,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,500,discuss
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",2009,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1843,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,26,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1339,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1658,unrelated
Psychoactive magic mushroom found in grounds of Buckingham Palace,562,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,61,unrelated
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,524,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",1299,agree
Nun who gave birth ‘had no idea’ she was pregnant,2492,agree
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,186,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',305,unrelated
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,2116,unrelated
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants,2118,unrelated
Comcast Declares War on Tor?,1280,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1681,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",2463,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1832,unrelated
"These LEGO Instructions from 1974 Are Awesome (And Yes, They're Real)",1969,discuss
Utah man hospitalized after eggnog-chugging competition,1325,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",941,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1361,unrelated
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,2468,discuss
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,1948,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,724,unrelated
'Banksy' Reacts To Paris Attack With Poignant Drawing,1589,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,1213,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',387,unrelated
Rumor Fatigue Sets In at False Alarms of Castro’s Death,93,unrelated
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,1921,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1500,unrelated
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",633,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld a full 7.5 percent - here is the proof,2045,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2388,discuss
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,1646,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1966,agree
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,527,unrelated
TBS Speeds up SEINFELD by 7.5% to Add 2 More Minutes of Commercials,1686,unrelated
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken,1843,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,36,unrelated
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,1308,discuss
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',2283,discuss
Amazon Is Opening a Brick-and-Mortar Store in Manhattan,737,discuss
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1426,discuss
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1976,agree
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,205,unrelated
ISIS supporters mourn death of ‘youngest fighter’,269,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,2520,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,280,unrelated
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",1368,unrelated
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,2115,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,483,unrelated
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,2118,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,2061,agree
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,1898,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,2410,unrelated
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,1268,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,2523,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,693,unrelated
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,1295,unrelated
Nasty iOS 8 Bug Could Erase Your iCloud Drive Documents,2330,unrelated
"It was me! Student, 19, reveals SHE was the Teletu
ies' giggling baby in the sky - and was paid just £250 and a box of toys",1331,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,2330,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,704,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,682,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",43,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",1294,discuss
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',2053,discuss
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1034,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1931,disagree
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,1234,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,992,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",431,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,533,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,195,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,968,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",585,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,1029,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,2297,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,1219,agree
Nujaifi Condemns / Daash / crime in Saqlawiyah and Alsiger areas of Anbar.,251,unrelated
"Web Portal publishes death of ""Dog Whisperer""",2528,unrelated
"Oh Hey, Paul Rudd Was One Of The Dallas Airport Homophobe Heroes, No Big",2240,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1011,discuss
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,945,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',115,unrelated
Bigfoot Strolls Through A Russian Forest -- At Least That's The Claim [VIDEO],1651,unrelated
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,1769,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,874,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,1605,unrelated
Kim Jong-un drinks rare snake wine to boost love life!,1185,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,527,unrelated
Islamic State fighters detonate 'SCORPION bombs' in te
or siege,1849,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,585,agree
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,2317,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,709,unrelated
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,186,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1873,unrelated
"Boy, 16, secretly films sex with teacher then uploads it to WhatsApp",933,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1034,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,2307,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,626,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,214,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,1637,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,887,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1198,discuss
Setting the record straight on tor,737,unrelated
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,522,discuss
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1277,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,125,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,1740,discuss
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,545,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,2045,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",2445,disagree
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1141,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),7,unrelated
"It's 'ru
ish' that Robert Plant turned down £500m Led Zeppelin reformation offer, says publicist",2476,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,2003,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,2317,discuss
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,1528,discuss
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,2240,agree
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,1255,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,60,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1471,discuss
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",645,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1251,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",1790,discuss
"Want a Gold Apple Watch? All You Need is $5,000",2409,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1839,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,1875,unrelated
Rodney Constantine keeps Facebook promise and turns himself in to police,2230,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,1862,discuss
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,1338,unrelated
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",615,unrelated
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,1319,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,1982,discuss
Marijuana Law New York: How No-A
est Policy Could Make Things Worse For Minor Offenders ,1875,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1478,agree
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,2185,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,320,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",147,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",403,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,2015,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,722,unrelated
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,527,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,2213,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,1179,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,793,discuss
What TBS’s Sped-Up Seinfeld Reruns Tell Us About the So
y State of America,789,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,2448,discuss
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,465,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,1785,unrelated
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",1975,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,456,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",964,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,1708,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Didn't Blur Out Michelle Obama's Face When the President Met King Salman",755,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,1103,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",205,unrelated
Best Christmas present ever? Heartwarming moment app developer reveals to his parents he had paid off their mortgage,1459,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2287,unrelated
eaks down in tears when a lost recording of his deceased wife resurfaces,2406,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,2463,unrelated
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",2045,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,1790,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1883,agree
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,1312,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,2343,discuss
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2115,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,137,unrelated
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,969,agree
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,1785,discuss
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",1883,unrelated
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),2511,discuss
"12in Retina MacBook Air release date rumours: All-new 12in MacBook Air design for 2015, launching at WWDC?",1362,discuss
SEE IT: NBC meteorologist Mike Seidel appears to relieve himself during
oadcast; network says he was looking for phone,2419,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah,1357,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,2498,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,1289,unrelated
"Could Gold Apple Watch cost $5,000?",147,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,984,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',2252,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,35,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,2025,discuss
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,1597,agree
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",2248,agree
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1358,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,1966,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1541,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1574,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1905,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1855,discuss
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,1528,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",2192,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1896,discuss
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,2477,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,2495,discuss
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",2385,agree
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,592,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,2020,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1213,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",234,unrelated
Saudis Say Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed on TV,2453,agree
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2495,discuss
BREAKING: Soldier shot at War Memorial in Ottawa,2410,discuss
"Rumor: Apple Watch to feature 512MB of RAM, 4GB of storage",1302,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,1958,agree
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,2154,discuss
Rumor Fatigue Sets In at False Alarms of Castro’s Death,545,unrelated
"#Daysofdarkness: No, There Won't Be Six Days Of Darkness In December",2423,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,2250,discuss
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,1785,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,483,discuss
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,2528,discuss
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,55,agree
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,1301,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",2144,discuss
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",1817,unrelated
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,754,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",7,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1921,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1099,discuss
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,2125,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",139,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,2304,unrelated
"How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?",1660,disagree
"Hoax Report Claims 250,000 Texas Turkeys Infected With Ebola",2210,disagree
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2115,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,955,unrelated
That’s one way to clean it: Apple Watch will reportedly survive a trip through the shower,1985,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",1637,unrelated
"UBS survey finds 10% of consumers want a smartwatch, expects 24M Apple Watch sales in fiscal 2015",2299,discuss
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,800,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",2419,discuss
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,2184,agree
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,77,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",788,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,1597,unrelated
Lego letter to parents in 1974 on gender equality still resonates 40 years on,1169,unrelated
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,2521,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,874,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],467,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",1787,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,991,discuss
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1690,discuss
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,2523,agree
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",40,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,171,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1970,discuss
After ISIS trick mum into eating son - 5 other reluctant cannibals including those forced to eat own body parts,204,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,816,unrelated
Missing Planes,1681,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",2317,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",1954,agree
Vladimir Putin’s Motorcade Looks Like A Massive Knob,1094,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",1461,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,958,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,899,agree
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1588,discuss
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,920,discuss
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,322,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,78,discuss
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,11,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1906,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,984,unrelated
Search launched for dog's owner after pooch found dumped next to suitcase filled with belongings,1198,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1966,discuss
Vice squad’s $1m win lights up Las Vegas,2111,discuss
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,280,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2403,unrelated
KC hospital: Patient does not have symptom profile of Ebola,781,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,936,discuss
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,1408,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,2102,agree
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,321,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,1740,unrelated
NBC's Tom Brokaw reportedly wants Brian Williams fired over fa
icated Iraq helicopter story,1572,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1854,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1009,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,2033,unrelated
Missing Planes,723,unrelated
"Woman At Dulles Plays It Safe, Wears A Rain Poncho And Mask",2489,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',777,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2386,agree
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1361,unrelated
Apple Watch’s Power Reserve feature combats short battery life,719,unrelated
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,621,unrelated
Missing Planes,2045,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,2445,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2252,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,2307,agree
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1252,unrelated
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,1532,agree
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",7,unrelated
Claim: Comcast Got Complaining Customer Fired From His Job,2508,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,1291,unrelated
eal Photos of Fisherman’s Jaw-Dropping Catch Will Likely Have People Wondering If It’s Real,1338,discuss
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1438,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',831,discuss
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,1437,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1298,discuss
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,1893,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,1242,discuss
Penis Spray-Painted on a $2.5 Million Car Was Just for a Prank Video,1320,discuss
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,2360,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,633,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1130,unrelated
eaks down in tears when a lost recording of his deceased wife resurfaces,2020,agree
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,942,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,1940,unrelated
Seth Rogen set to play Steve Wozniak in Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic,1746,discuss
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],384,discuss
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,945,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,171,discuss
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,614,discuss
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,2261,discuss
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,2417,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1471,discuss
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1948,discuss
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1615,discuss
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,2078,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1022,unrelated
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,760,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",1476,unrelated
A Murdered Witness?,1921,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,206,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,2509,discuss
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1938,unrelated
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",626,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",1439,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,964,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],239,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,7,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,381,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1385,unrelated
SHOCKING: Indian Man's Penis Cut-off After He Was Caught Attempting Rape [Photos],1680,unrelated
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,1036,discuss
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,2344,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,2036,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,618,unrelated
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,1724,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,1952,discuss
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,195,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,24,agree
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,1790,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,1385,unrelated
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,84,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,826,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",742,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,958,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',688,discuss
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,821,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,2470,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,2118,discuss
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,702,disagree
Giant 8ft 9in catfish weighing 19 stone caught in Italy is thought to be the biggest ever reeled in with a rod and line,1338,agree
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",115,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1721,discuss
Enormous 20-stone catfish caught with fishing rod in Italy after 40-minute boat battle,1221,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",1296,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1268,agree
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,1739,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1949,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,286,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1164,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,1780,discuss
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",2142,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",2295,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",139,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",788,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,511,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",119,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,2015,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1459,unrelated
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,2102,unrelated
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",1988,discuss
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,891,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,544,agree
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,2164,agree
Rumors Of Fidel Castro's Death Circulate After Prolonged Absence From Public Life,244,unrelated
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,1478,unrelated
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria,886,unrelated
WATCH: Stan Beaton cries tears of joy when phone engineers find treasured voicemail recording of his late wife he thought was lost forever,1053,agree
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,81,unrelated
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,699,agree
A Bunch Of People Thought Banksy Got A
ested But It Was A Hoax,1296,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",2127,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,2039,discuss
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",2096,unrelated
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,887,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Made It Further Into Building Than Reported,917,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1574,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1212,unrelated
Israel denies causing Gaza floods by opening dams,1461,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1905,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,1252,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1351,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",1574,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',2210,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,1256,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1569,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,1968,unrelated
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,126,unrelated
Nun who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth after going to hospital with stomach pains,2009,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),357,discuss
Nasa’s ‘six days of total darkness in December 2014’ is a hoax,1491,agree
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,2349,agree
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1921,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,2452,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,1574,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,2042,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,913,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2450,discuss
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",214,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,950,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",1939,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,1899,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1786,unrelated
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",634,unrelated
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,280,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
“Axl Rose dead 2014” : Guns N' Roses frontman killed by internet death hoax,1271,agree
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,2009,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,551,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,2005,agree
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1296,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,132,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",844,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1722,discuss
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,2022,discuss
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,2367,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2296,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,373,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,137,unrelated
Report: HBO Now coming to Apple TV next month,1660,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1347,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,1950,agree
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,1670,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,903,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,1539,discuss
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,1575,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",2385,unrelated
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",311,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1615,discuss
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1530,unrelated
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,633,unrelated
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,829,unrelated
"Kayla Jean Mueller, U.S. hostage, killed in Jordan airstrike, ISIS claims",2260,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,2317,unrelated
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,950,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',1885,discuss
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',2129,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,321,unrelated
Cloistered nun has a stomach ache hospital gives birth to a baby [Google Translate],1820,unrelated
Claim: Comcast Got Complaining Customer Fired From His Job,2434,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,2156,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1939,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,2142,discuss
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1679,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,630,discuss
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,698,unrelated
Latest iOS 8 bug reportedly causes unwanted deletion of iCloud Drive documents,1252,unrelated
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,2141,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,2520,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1009,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,1299,unrelated
China App Store Manipulation Photo Goes Viral - But Is It Real?,1132,discuss
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2096,unrelated
Is this proof of bigfoot? New 'yeti' video shows giant hairy beast walking through forest,1718,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,724,unrelated
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",1472,discuss
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,1738,discuss
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,682,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,99,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,725,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,633,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2176,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,1212,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1615,discuss
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",320,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1832,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,2447,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",720,disagree
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1130,disagree
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,295,unrelated
North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Is Still In Charge: Source,570,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,1575,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1019,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,1347,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,1896,discuss
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,1940,agree
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,1095,unrelated
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",2508,agree
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",662,unrelated
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",158,unrelated
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,734,discuss
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,1787,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",1671,discuss
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1658,agree
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,803,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,490,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,324,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2047,discuss
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",2002,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1825,discuss
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1860,discuss
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,414,unrelated
"Gene Munster Predicts $499 Steel Apple Watch, $4,999 for 18k Gold Edition",693,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2096,discuss
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,1221,unrelated
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",974,disagree
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,530,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2234,unrelated
Fake Fox News Twitter account emerges after #FoxNewsFacts goes viral,1656,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,2208,agree
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",634,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,2338,discuss
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,2056,unrelated
Did Paul Rudd Help Tackle That Dallas Airport Gay-Basher?,1647,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1385,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,296,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1721,discuss
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2434,discuss
Islamic State accused of using chlorine gas on Iraqi soldiers,2016,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,2234,unrelated
Rodney Constantine keeps Facebook promise and turns himself in to police,1277,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2060,agree
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1438,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,1156,agree
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",1921,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2307,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,1048,unrelated
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,2129,unrelated
"Kevin Vickers, Sergeant-At-Arms, Shoots a Shooting Suspect in Ottawa; Called a ‘Hero’",1175,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1252,unrelated
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,1225,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",734,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,239,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,1217,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers hailed a hero for shooting rampaging gunman,1885,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,404,unrelated
Bergdahl: Senator Says Jihadists Swapped For U.S. Troop ‘In Touch’ With Al-Qaida Affiliate,819,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,1435,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,1073,discuss
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,633,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",2022,unrelated
"No, it's not Tiger Woods selling an island in Lake Mälaren",236,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah,1267,unrelated
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,2033,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1422,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1948,discuss
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,773,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,830,agree
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1857,unrelated
"No, that high school kid didn't make $72 million trading stocks",2367,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",298,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,2175,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2177,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",524,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1681,discuss
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,77,unrelated
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria,487,unrelated
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",2141,agree
Update: Frisco paramedics transporting patient believed to be exhibiting Ebola-like symptoms,1758,discuss
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,1948,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,2037,discuss
A New iOS 8 Bug Can Delete All Of Your iCloud Documents,1518,agree
Magic mushroom found growing at Buckingham Palace,2519,unrelated
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',2251,unrelated
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",2125,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,2178,agree
More American Weapons for ISIS,1485,agree
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,267,unrelated
BREAKING: Soldier shot at War Memorial in Ottawa,1466,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),1680,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,8,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,1906,agree
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,2062,discuss
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,1293,unrelated
"""Oldest Time Capsule"" in U.S. Unearthed in Boston",1997,discuss
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,1164,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,839,agree
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1034,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",666,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1786,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",2125,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,35,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,80,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',1588,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,574,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,511,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',513,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1329,discuss
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it,714,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1658,agree
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1934,discuss
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1574,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,220,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1296,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,1971,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2130,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1179,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,1223,unrelated
EXCLUSIVE: New York Mag’s Boy Genius Investor Made It All Up,550,unrelated
Tiger Woods serving secret PED suspension?,1867,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,2186,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,2431,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",35,unrelated
Texas Plumber Has ‘No Idea’ How Company Truck Ended Up With ISIS,339,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2256,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,2033,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",1979,unrelated
Nun complains of stomach pains... and GIVES BIRTH: Sister who had 'no idea' she was pregnant has a baby boy at hospital in Italy,2492,agree
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,2412,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,1036,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",280,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,1465,discuss
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2287,discuss
BREAKING: Soldier shot at War Memorial in Ottawa,633,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1888,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,882,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,35,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,527,unrelated
Meet the X-BOY: Electric shock turns kid into MAGNETO,1637,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,2165,discuss
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,2470,unrelated
‘The cub of Baghdadi': ISIS reports its youngest jihadist ‘got martyred’ in battle,1261,unrelated
"No, that high school kid didn't make $72 million trading stocks",2252,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,2329,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,186,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,450,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1273,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,195,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,1148,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1888,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,244,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,139,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,1159,discuss
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,2078,unrelated
Did a plumber's pick-up truck from Texas end up ca
ying an anti-aircraft gun for Islamic fighters on the front lines of Syria?,2379,discuss
Does ISIS have an airforce? Te
orist 'fighter pilots' are being trained on captured MiGs by Saddam Hussein's ex-air force officers,487,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1166,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,860,discuss
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',320,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,966,disagree
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,2327,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,391,unrelated
"Calm down everyone, Banksy hasn't been a
ested: 9 clues that it's a hoax",77,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,950,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,666,unrelated
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,1313,discuss
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,2165,agree
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,2328,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1883,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,574,discuss
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,1422,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2047,discuss
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,450,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",1256,discuss
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,2044,unrelated
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,1948,unrelated
"NASA: Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness???",844,discuss
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",564,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1943,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,305,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,1795,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2034,unrelated
Reports: Big Bank Hank of pioneering rap group Sugarhill Gang has died,2351,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,826,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",648,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,557,discuss
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,1981,unrelated
Report: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,277,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",720,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,1263,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",992,agree
Apple 'working on 12-inch MacBook Air',2509,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2125,disagree
Michael Abdul Zehaf Bibeau Pictures: Photos of Alleged ISIS-Linked Gunman in Canada,1883,unrelated
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,220,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",2022,discuss
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,1611,discuss
"Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before launch",979,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1803,unrelated
1901 Boston time capsule yields small red book,419,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,1922,discuss
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2404,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,1253,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2115,unrelated
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,115,agree
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,186,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,345,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",65,agree
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",459,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",782,agree
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,666,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",2370,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,731,unrelated
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,1187,discuss
What This Homeless Guy Did With $100 Completely Stunned The Man Who Gave It To Him,2305,agree
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1120,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",986,unrelated
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,1574,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1226,agree
Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired,1507,discuss
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,568,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin: Death claims about former child star revealed to be yet another hoax,1423,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,1864,discuss
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",2458,unrelated
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it,1347,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,1740,unrelated
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1707,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1790,discuss
Matt Tai
i takes a leave of absence from First Look Media,853,unrelated
Someone Trolled Twitter Into Thinking Macklemore Joined ISIS,213,unrelated
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,2313,discuss
ESPN to save NFL's image with all-male domestic abuse discussion,1261,agree
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,1143,discuss
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',601,discuss
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,1164,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1857,unrelated
"What they earn: Vice CEO Shane Smith’s $300,000 steak dinner",640,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,2062,discuss
Sugarhill Gang’s Big Bank Hank dead at 57,234,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1489,unrelated
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,10,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,7,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,1905,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,2303,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2388,discuss
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1761,discuss
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1969,discuss
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,2138,agree
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,2042,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,932,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1437,unrelated
Amazon Is Going To Open A Physical Store!,986,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1252,unrelated
For sale: Tiger's former island in Sweden,2508,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,2334,discuss
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,2307,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,2139,agree
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,93,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi allegedly killed by US airstrikes,1522,discuss
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,706,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1906,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,614,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,2152,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,444,unrelated
"Cloistered nun gives birth to a baby The convent: ""There is a sister"" [Google Translate]",1412,discuss
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1803,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,789,discuss
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,530,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",649,unrelated
Islamic State militants allegedly used chlorine gas against Iraqi security forces,1296,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1489,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1893,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Feature Time-Only 'Power Reserve' Mode, Prototypes Disguised as Samsung Watches",2188,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1588,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1873,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1347,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,2531,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',34,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,2175,unrelated
Hundreds of Palestinians flee floods in Gaza as Israel opens dams,1392,disagree
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1303,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,269,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,2293,discuss
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,1854,unrelated
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,1751,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,2088,discuss
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1948,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",373,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,2317,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,2116,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1588,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2248,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',1041,discuss
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',269,unrelated
"Islamic State Militants Have Been Flying 3 Captured Warplanes Over Syrian Airport, Witnesses Say",1341,discuss
Apple Watch Gold Edition rumored to be priced at $1200: Will you buy?,643,discuss
"This boy nearly died, now he has a superpower like Marvel’s Magneto",2415,discuss
Russians Bag Better Bigfoot Footage,964,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",2155,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,511,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,1867,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",807,discuss
Paul Revere's 1795 time capsule unearthed,690,unrelated
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",734,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1541,unrelated
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,740,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1948,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,321,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",1627,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,1740,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,694,discuss
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,1544,agree
"Led Zeppelin Reunion: Robert Plant Rips Up $300 Million Contract, Refuses To Rejoin Legendary Band",1385,unrelated
ISIS: Desperate mum told 'you've just eaten your son' after visiting militants' base in search of kidnap victim,2197,discuss
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,1081,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,1735,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1588,disagree
High School Student Rumored to Have Made $72 Million Trading Stocks,1024,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1982,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2234,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",804,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,1649,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,808,agree
Ottawa shooting: Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers hailed a hero for shooting rampaging gunman,1400,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,1385,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",725,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",1017,unrelated
Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired,1492,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1530,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1547,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,938,unrelated
Cloistered nun has a stomach ache hospital gives birth to a baby [Google Translate],855,unrelated
"It was me! Student, 19, reveals SHE was the Teletu
ies' giggling baby in the sky - and was paid just £250 and a box of toys",1327,discuss
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1588,discuss
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,723,discuss
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,1689,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,305,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,132,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",214,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1740,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',618,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,2299,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,570,unrelated
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",170,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",2328,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,693,unrelated
Confusion as Cuba’s Castro mourned instead of Kenya’s Fidel,1439,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,1534,unrelated
"In New York City, Marijuana May Mean Ticket, Not A
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',958,unrelated
"Led Zeppelin Reunion: Robert Plant Rips Up $300 Million Contract, Refuses To Rejoin Legendary Band",158,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,2197,unrelated
Islamic State Flying Three Jets in Syria,524,unrelated
Missing Planes,125,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,518,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',777,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,2269,unrelated
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,199,unrelated
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,1651,disagree
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,539,agree
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,1913,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2287,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,1175,disagree
"No, it's not Tiger Woods selling an island in Lake Mälaren",1375,disagree
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,826,unrelated
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",1588,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1029,unrelated
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,251,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,2329,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1506,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,1940,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",931,discuss
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',2124,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,1213,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",2498,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",2520,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,324,unrelated
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,488,agree
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1003,unrelated
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,1477,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,34,unrelated
"In New York City, Marijuana May Mean Ticket, Not A
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1588,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",1494,unrelated
Nun complains of stomach pains... and GIVES BIRTH: Sister who had 'no idea' she was pregnant has a baby boy at hospital in Italy,1480,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",1634,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',829,agree
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",2520,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,397,agree
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,1423,unrelated
"Soldier, Gunman Killed In Shooting Incident Near Canadian Parliament",2281,agree
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1950,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1438,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",1019,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],737,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1970,discuss
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,1680,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Wozniak in Steve Jobs Biopic,1588,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,2415,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",2307,unrelated
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake,748,agree
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,1549,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,968,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2415,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",822,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",500,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1776,disagree
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",2162,discuss
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,1157,unrelated
KC hospital: Patient does not have symptom profile of Ebola,2127,agree
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",11,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",2114,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,1948,unrelated
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,2256,discuss
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",2141,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,388,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,2523,unrelated
Vladimir Putin’s Motorcade Looks Like A Massive Knob,979,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1027,discuss
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,720,unrelated
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,1682,agree
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",244,unrelated
"This boy nearly died, now he has a superpower like Marvel’s Magneto",244,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1400,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,1180,agree
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,405,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,968,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,2125,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,7,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2115,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,2356,discuss
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,626,unrelated
Apple Watch Gold Edition rumored to be priced at $1200: Will you buy?,530,unrelated
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,2415,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,1786,unrelated
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,2068,unrelated
State House time capsule from 1795 unearthed,1273,agree
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1940,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",2356,discuss
Setting the record straight on tor,235,unrelated
ISIS supporters mourn death of ‘youngest fighter’,2372,unrelated
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",917,unrelated
Armed U.S. drones spotted flying over Syria in possible hunt for ISIS leader,2469,discuss
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,2165,agree
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,483,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,2200,discuss
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",633,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",1143,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,1764,discuss
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",126,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),830,unrelated
"Whoa, Paul Rudd Was One of the Airport Heroes Who Took Down the Homophobe",609,agree
Saudi fatwa banning snowmen triggers heated debate,1843,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",167,unrelated
"Cloistered nun gives birth to a baby The convent: ""There is a sister"" [Google Translate]",2009,unrelated
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,550,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],1572,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,1045,agree
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",2042,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,1481,agree
"No, it's not Tiger Woods selling an island in Lake Mälaren",1836,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),1046,disagree
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",1338,unrelated
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,487,unrelated
Lego letter to parents in 1974 on gender equality still resonates 40 years on,1969,discuss
Macaulay Culkin dead: Actor is victim of another death hoax,2341,agree
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,244,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",1795,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1744,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,724,unrelated
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,1844,unrelated
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),190,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2526,unrelated
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",8,unrelated
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,413,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,1829,unrelated
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,1408,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,892,unrelated
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,126,unrelated
Widower Cries Tears Of Joy After Hearing Late Wife's Voice Again,805,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,132,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1385,unrelated
"Pope Francis did not tell boy heaven has room for pets, contrary to report",359,unrelated
"Evander Kane ""On Way Out"" From Source, Price Is Very High; Who Is In?",1169,discuss
"Gene Munster Predicts $499 Steel Apple Watch, $4,999 for 18k Gold Edition",2252,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1295,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,2519,agree
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1535,unrelated
Iraqi airstrike kills key ISIL leader,1921,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1288,discuss
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2299,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,2360,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,450,unrelated
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',859,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",1971,disagree
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,214,discuss
"Nuts! Indian guru coaxes 400 followers to cut off their testicles, grow closer to God",648,unrelated
Michael Abdul Zehaf Bibeau Pictures: Photos of Alleged ISIS-Linked Gunman in Canada,431,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1923,disagree
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1974,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2495,discuss
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,1781,discuss
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2404,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,385,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1891,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",859,discuss
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1351,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1019,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",730,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,258,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,467,unrelated
"How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?",1731,unrelated
"Yes, you can wear your Apple Watch in the shower",88,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1239,discuss
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,1813,unrelated
A Letter Lego Sent to Parents in 1974 Holds an Important Message for the Parents of 2014,1385,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1797,disagree
First bendgate... now it's HAIRGATE: Angry iPhone 6 owners claim design is causing chunks of their hair to be ripped out when they make a phone call,867,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,2175,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,1197,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2097,unrelated
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",2385,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1385,unrelated
ISIS Kobani Update: Possible ISIS Chemical Attack On Kurdish Civilians In Kobani,1758,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1808,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",859,discuss
British man pays $460 to save constipated goldfish's life,1539,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,2118,discuss
Google Said to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585 Million,2078,discuss
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",855,agree
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,591,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,2132,agree
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",846,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,1437,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1478,unrelated
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,687,unrelated
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,1024,unrelated
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,40,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,2009,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,186,discuss
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1686,unrelated
VIDEO: Son Stuns Parents By Paying Off Their Mortgage As Christmas Surprise,2459,agree
Penis graffiti drawn on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,1349,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,2287,unrelated
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",513,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1569,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,848,discuss
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",93,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1891,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,917,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1747,agree
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,825,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1213,unrelated
Female teacher facing sack after making SEX TAPE with teenager,1734,unrelated
Search launched for dog's owner after pooch found dumped next to suitcase filled with belongings,650,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",630,discuss
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1883,disagree
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,703,unrelated
Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed girlfriend says she was born a BOY and reveals 'amazing' sex with Olympian,1849,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1459,unrelated
"ISIS using bombs containing live SCORPIONS in effort to spread panic, in tactic used 2,000 years ago against Romans",730,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,2103,discuss
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",2304,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,608,discuss
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",1125,unrelated
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,1787,unrelated
"Kevin Vickers, Sergeant-At-Arms, Shoots a Shooting Suspect in Ottawa; Called a ‘Hero’",2410,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1251,unrelated
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",404,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,1267,discuss
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1974,discuss
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,5,unrelated
"Vice CEO Shane Smith reportedly spent $300,000 on a steak dinner at CES",1176,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,2234,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,254,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,130,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,1950,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',225,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1939,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,2328,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,2272,discuss
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1966,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1016,discuss
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,1642,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,235,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1638,agree
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",1875,unrelated
"Despite no Ebola case in Kansas City, the rumor goes viral",2127,agree
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,221,agree
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1438,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,900,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,1157,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,592,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,2240,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,2184,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,1939,discuss
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,523,discuss
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,205,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,891,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,2070,unrelated
Has this Argentine woman fallen victim to a cruel online hoax? Adult video claiming to show teacher having sex with pupil isn't all it seems,2447,discuss
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,720,agree
Bergdahl: Senator Says Jihadists Swapped For U.S. Troop ‘In Touch’ With Al-Qaida Affiliate,371,discuss
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1461,discuss
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,169,unrelated
Bugatti Veyron Vandalized With Penis Graffiti? Viral Photo Isn’t What It Seems,1453,agree
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",1435,unrelated
You're Not Going to Become Weightless on January 4th,1260,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2127,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1658,agree
"Islamic Tribunal Using Sharia Law In Texas Has Been Confirmed Tribunal members say they will avoid Sharia's ""criminal law.""",844,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,10,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,2196,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1574,unrelated
Penis Spray-Painted on a $2.5 Million Car Was Just for a Prank Video,2286,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,571,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1083,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2477,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,742,unrelated
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,36,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,1258,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',860,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1068,discuss
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,800,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,267,unrelated
AWESOME! Canadian Parliament’s Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers Takes Out Gunman,1900,agree
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,682,unrelated
KFC Marijuana Sales To Begin In Colorado? It’s Unbelievable — Literally,1973,disagree
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1786,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,190,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,2404,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: Baseball star Jose Canseco hurt in accidental shooting,186,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,11,unrelated
NASA: Viral news on days of darkness in December is hoax,664,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,851,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",2060,agree
Boy who suffered powerful electric shock claims he now has 'superpowers' like X-Men's Magneto as metal objects stick to him,1839,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah,1233,discuss
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",251,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1295,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1502,agree
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1786,unrelated
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,1949,unrelated
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,1839,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,524,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",2485,discuss
Macaulay Culkin: Death claims about former child star revealed to be yet another hoax,2240,unrelated
Missing Planes,2162,discuss
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,2463,discuss
This Is What The Sun Baby From ‘Teletu
ies’ Looks Like Now,2284,discuss
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,205,agree
"Forty years ago, Lego wrote a powerful letter to parents about how gender works",1582,agree
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,2327,discuss
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,399,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,1299,disagree
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,2091,unrelated
BREAKING: Soldier shot at War Memorial in Ottawa,595,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1873,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",1565,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,524,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,2304,unrelated
iPhone Game Developer Quits Job By Hiding The Greatest Letter Of Resignation Ever Inside His Game,562,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2149,discuss
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1966,agree
Paul Revere's 1795 time capsule unearthed,1234,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,533,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1547,unrelated
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1644,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",2118,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2022,unrelated
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,2162,discuss
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",347,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,2266,discuss
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",643,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1982,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,941,unrelated
"Islamic State training pilots to fly MiG fighter planes, says monitoring group",524,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,574,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,1026,unrelated
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",1983,discuss
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",1156,discuss
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,0,unrelated
This Is The Most Epic Way To Quit Your Job,478,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,450,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,2330,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Wozniak in Steve Jobs Biopic,1058,unrelated
Jose Canseco shoots self in hand,1154,agree
"Jose Canseco injured in accidental shooting, per reports",2230,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,2329,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,235,unrelated
NYPD to stop a
ests for small amounts of marijuana,221,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,2530,discuss
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,2196,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang co-founder Big Bank Hank dies,1374,unrelated
This resignation letter in a video-game could be the greatest ever,2328,agree
Meet The College Student Who Claims She Was The ‘Teletu
ies’ Sun Baby,470,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,2096,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",2283,disagree
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,2134,unrelated
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,1277,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",2337,discuss
Search launched for dog's owner after pooch found dumped next to suitcase filled with belongings,1000,agree
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",2328,unrelated
"Marine Gets Shot in the Head, Walks Away",2360,agree
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",2283,unrelated
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,1012,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,800,discuss
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1873,unrelated
Apple's 12-Inch Retina MacBook Air Shown in Artist's Renditions,1101,discuss
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",899,agree
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,1628,unrelated
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel,2411,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2434,discuss
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,2501,unrelated
"Tee-off in your own putting paradise: Swedish luxury island owned by Tiger Woods up for sale - and it comes with a villa, a hot tub and a lodge",2459,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",1379,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,826,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1885,agree
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,1042,unrelated
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,17,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,1547,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,186,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,1535,unrelated
Viral Photo Shows How Chinese Workers Are Used to Manipulate App Store Rankings,2087,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",2327,unrelated
"#Hairgate: Reports of iPhone 6 pulling out hair, beards, likely exaggerated",1867,discuss
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1175,agree
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,1457,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",346,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1846,agree
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1500,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1934,discuss
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1351,unrelated
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,1825,unrelated
A New iOS 8 Bug Can Delete All Of Your iCloud Documents,1278,unrelated
Islamic State accused of using chlorine gas on Iraqi soldiers,693,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',821,discuss
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2168,discuss
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1506,unrelated
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,2348,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,1368,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,1319,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,2139,discuss
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",2067,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,409,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,2154,discuss
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,880,discuss
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,2020,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",2472,unrelated
'Banksy' Reacts To Paris Attack With Poignant Drawing,730,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",570,unrelated
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,1588,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",1049,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,1427,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,1565,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,205,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,666,discuss
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",1289,unrelated
"Soldier shot, Parliament locked down after gunfire erupts at war memorial",2281,agree
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2248,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,1923,agree
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,1521,disagree
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',40,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1027,discuss
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,2044,agree
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,852,disagree
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,1026,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1351,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,271,unrelated
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,2218,discuss
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ID’d as Canadian Shooting Suspect in Ottawa,2256,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",1603,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1776,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2388,discuss
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",170,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,2177,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",10,unrelated
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO),742,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1569,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,342,unrelated
‘Evocative shape': Is Vladimir Putin trolling the world with his motorcade formation?,2141,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1302,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,941,discuss
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,2096,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,80,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1506,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,2211,disagree
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,2418,discuss
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,704,unrelated
Wayward sister ‘nun the wiser’ about baby,1760,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1323,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Made It Further Into Building Than Reported,1921,discuss
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,633,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,1739,unrelated
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,1267,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,874,unrelated
IS using scorpion bombs to te
ify Iraqi civilians,48,unrelated
ESPN’s Domestic Abuse Tonight Panel Will Be 100% Dudes,615,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",971,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,600,discuss
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,815,discuss
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,431,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1358,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1034,discuss
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,2434,discuss
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,1178,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",887,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,1255,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,2230,unrelated
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",1500,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,539,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang’s Big Bank Hank dead at 57,2118,unrelated
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,1857,discuss
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1722,discuss
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,304,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1224,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,639,unrelated
EXCLUSIVE: New York Mag’s Boy Genius Investor Made It All Up,409,unrelated
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,1709,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2523,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1761,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,428,discuss
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1575,unrelated
Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired Over Iraq Helicopter Story: Report,833,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",2223,unrelated
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,1500,unrelated
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,807,agree
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1832,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1821,unrelated
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",1406,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",1212,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",1289,unrelated
"UBS survey finds 10% of consumers want a smartwatch, expects 24M Apple Watch sales in fiscal 2015",1864,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1055,agree
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,304,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,373,unrelated
That's one way to get through security! Frustrated traveller strips completely NAKED at airport to pass through metal detectors,2104,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,503,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,2509,discuss
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1237,unrelated
"No, ESPN is not having an all-male domestic violence panel tonight",2519,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,687,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,2020,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1569,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,357,discuss
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",304,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,115,unrelated
China App Store Manipulation Photo Goes Viral - But Is It Real?,796,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",385,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,1834,discuss
Pope Francis tells boy whose dog had died that heaven is open to all,932,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,2463,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1016,discuss
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,2284,discuss
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,305,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",1330,discuss
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants,2260,unrelated
Her Majesty’s magic mushrooms,2480,discuss
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,2123,discuss
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),616,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,702,discuss
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",346,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,2419,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Axl Rose NOT Dead: Fake MSNBC Death Hoax Goes Viral On Facebook,1271,agree
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2525,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,1036,discuss
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',206,unrelated
North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Is Still In Charge: Source,499,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2386,agree
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,2360,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1125,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,1853,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,2088,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',776,unrelated
Nun 'has surprise baby' after complaining of stomach pains,1760,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",1598,discuss
Court Orders Probe Into Complaints Of 'Forced Castration' In Religious 'Dera' Sect,1281,unrelated
'Feminist' Lana 'Aborts Baby Because It's A Boy' And Is Surprised By Backlash,843,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,190,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2149,unrelated
Star Wars 7: JJ A
ams want to move release to summer 2015,381,discuss
"Marine Gets Shot in the Head, Walks Away",2091,unrelated
Pope Francis tells boy whose dog had died that heaven is open to all,2370,disagree
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,2187,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,625,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,1543,discuss
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",2115,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,1752,agree
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,633,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,962,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,2266,discuss
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,2501,unrelated
"Unhappy Customer: Comcast Told My Employer About Complaint, Got Me Fired",86,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,1686,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,185,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1385,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1347,unrelated
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated,924,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,43,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1883,unrelated
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',959,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",944,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,1001,discuss
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1825,unrelated
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,698,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,754,unrelated
"Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before launch",1898,discuss
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",132,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,226,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,251,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",1556,discuss
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,760,agree
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,121,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,1500,unrelated
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,1820,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,2317,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,882,agree
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",465,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,1424,discuss
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,305,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1564,disagree
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,499,unrelated
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
Bali Awry,1057,discuss
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",1852,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",1598,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,1457,discuss
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,2060,discuss
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1594,agree
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1459,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1867,discuss
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,1325,unrelated
Govt fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,860,unrelated
Newly-Found Document Holds Eyewitness Account of Jesus Performing Miracle,972,unrelated
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,2187,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,2118,unrelated
For sale: Tiger's former island in Sweden,2444,agree
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1720,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1724,discuss
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,2450,discuss
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",1637,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,277,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,683,agree
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,646,unrelated
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,2159,discuss
Has this Argentine woman fallen victim to a cruel online hoax? Adult video claiming to show teacher having sex with pupil isn't all it seems,933,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,2072,discuss
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1069,discuss
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),2124,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,2299,unrelated
"Feminist Aborts Baby For Being A Boy, Shocked People Don’t Approve",2213,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,971,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,2174,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,1256,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,2106,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,2419,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1438,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",51,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",737,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1125,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1893,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1361,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1594,disagree
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,2328,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1383,unrelated
'I aborted my baby because it was a boy': Outrage after 'feminist' blogger claims gender prompted termination,1494,agree
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",1459,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,663,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2130,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',87,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1721,discuss
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,300,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport,1277,unrelated
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,2268,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,225,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,2118,discuss
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",1554,agree
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,2219,discuss
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",2352,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,1543,discuss
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1786,unrelated
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,1299,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",2337,discuss
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,2025,discuss
"Man chops off own penis, throws it in a dustbin after poor show in bed",714,unrelated
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),2307,unrelated
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,1539,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,2415,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',1565,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",524,unrelated
Apple Watch launch expected in late March,670,unrelated
"Why the most expensive Apple Watch will probably cost around $10,000",1157,unrelated
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',1242,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",2403,discuss
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,2372,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1744,discuss
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",2406,discuss
A Bunch Of Folks Are Passing Around This Hoax Video Of A Bird Pooping On Vladimir Putin,2278,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1157,discuss
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',1913,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,493,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,126,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',511,unrelated
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",964,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,1815,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1459,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,840,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,1361,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2386,agree
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was shot nearly a dozen times before Kevin Vickers fatally wounded him,1666,agree
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",1060,discuss
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",2043,unrelated
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",1094,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1403,unrelated
Could Kim Jong Un open a restaurant in Scotland?,17,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",2118,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,1337,unrelated
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,666,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1549,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',217,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,666,unrelated
Is the iPhone 6 Really Pulling Out Your Hair?,22,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,40,unrelated
Small red book among finds in 113-year-old Boston time capsule,1338,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",7,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,2142,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,2403,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,1708,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,1815,unrelated
Staff Reporter,126,unrelated
Mirfield man's tears of joy after lost voicemail of wife retrieved,2406,unrelated
You're Not Going to Become Weightless on January 4th,255,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",205,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,346,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",632,discuss
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",1213,discuss
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",1825,unrelated
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was shot nearly a dozen times before Kevin Vickers fatally wounded him,342,unrelated
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,299,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,359,unrelated
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,1873,discuss
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",2344,discuss
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1697,unrelated
"Web Portal publishes death of ""Dog Whisperer""",1796,agree
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,1883,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1787,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,251,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1631,discuss
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1543,discuss
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,511,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,2473,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2317,discuss
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",2283,unrelated
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,1921,discuss
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,1757,discuss
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,867,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,62,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,2296,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1011,discuss
Saudis Say Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed on TV,1531,unrelated
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in Fe
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",1042,disagree
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,1979,unrelated
"Amazon reportedly launching free, ad-supported video service (updated)",1212,unrelated
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,403,disagree
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,720,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,2412,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1786,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',720,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2067,discuss
State House time capsule from 1795 unearthed,1471,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2304,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",2531,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",1176,unrelated
Apple Orders More Than 5 Million Watches for Initial Run,1395,discuss
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,1543,unrelated
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,1544,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,1385,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,1471,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,1125,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,40,unrelated
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",1457,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,693,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1893,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2404,unrelated
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,2452,unrelated
Constipated goldfish operated on by North Walsham vet,2280,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1541,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1424,discuss
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,782,discuss
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2302,unrelated
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,1645,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1383,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang’s Big Bank Hank dead at 57,1374,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,1212,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1574,unrelated
Original Apple Watch Health Features Were Dropped Due to Consistency Issues,29,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",1888,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,530,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,1426,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1166,discuss
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,125,unrelated
"ISIS Unleash ""Scorpion"" Bombs In Iraq",2175,unrelated
Islamic State Declares Captured Aid Worker to be 'Innocent',760,unrelated
Customer: I was fired for Comcast complaint,1383,discuss
Monster catfish which looks big enough to swallow a man whole caught in Italy,36,unrelated
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",621,unrelated
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",742,unrelated
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",490,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,1528,discuss
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,649,unrelated
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,1338,unrelated
"Absent from duty for 25 years, CPWD official dismissed",205,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",2268,discuss
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,181,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",75,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,1303,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,595,unrelated
"It's 'ru
ish' that Robert Plant turned down £500m Led Zeppelin reformation offer, says publicist",1492,agree
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,2471,discuss
Seth Rogen to play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale's Steve Jobs,1141,discuss
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",2068,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",972,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1120,unrelated
Rumor Fatigue Sets In at False Alarms of Castro’s Death,2221,agree
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,2526,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,105,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,2138,agree
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,2213,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,882,agree
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",2498,agree
Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed girlfriend says she was born a BOY and reveals 'amazing' sex with Olympian,1524,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",2144,discuss
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,625,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,712,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper Big Bank Hank Dies at 57,752,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",2252,unrelated
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,691,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",2341,agree
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,1708,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,1847,agree
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,242,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",1877,unrelated
"No, Jordan's King Abdullah II is not personally flying planes against Isis",17,unrelated
'Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December' Fake News Story Goes Viral,804,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,1034,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,1934,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,938,unrelated
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,2033,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,757,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',670,discuss
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,173,unrelated
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in Fe
Man who slaps people around the head for sneezing hunted by police,2114,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,2200,discuss
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1166,unrelated
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,1222,disagree
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2434,discuss
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,2501,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,1372,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,2342,discuss
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,1483,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,1709,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,1644,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1347,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,2495,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1821,agree
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,2272,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,1848,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1549,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1372,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,616,discuss
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1312,agree
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',787,unrelated
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",2411,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,345,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2213,unrelated
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",1240,agree
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2087,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1116,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,2526,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,2078,unrelated
EXCLUSIVE: New York Mag’s Boy Genius Investor Made It All Up,2407,agree
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,81,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,662,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1913,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,2385,agree
A Bunch Of People Thought Banksy Got A
ested But It Was A Hoax,77,unrelated
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,1708,unrelated
ISIS Kobani Update: Possible ISIS Chemical Attack On Kurdish Civilians In Kobani,195,unrelated
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,2034,discuss
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,186,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,703,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',1943,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,1528,unrelated
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,1384,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1982,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,1325,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,1543,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',1938,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,2187,unrelated
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",2303,discuss
"Texas Turkey Farm Contaminated With Ebola, Over 250,000 Holiday Turkeys Infected",2035,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,2475,discuss
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,1686,unrelated
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,816,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",61,unrelated
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,15,unrelated
Another ISIS Massacre: ISIS Kills 300 Iraqi Soldiers With Chlorine Gas,2024,unrelated
Nasa’s ‘six days of total darkness in December 2014’ is a hoax,696,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,181,unrelated
Shocking picture shows mother trying to sell her own son to pay for twin daughter's cancer treatment,350,unrelated
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",1567,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,969,agree
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",1881,discuss
Mirfield man's tears of joy after lost voicemail of wife retrieved,2227,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',1097,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,2072,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1815,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",1808,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,1690,discuss
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1465,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,503,agree
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",2211,agree
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,1477,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,472,unrelated
Nun who gave birth ‘had no idea’ she was pregnant,1412,agree
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1839,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1940,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1708,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,961,unrelated
Apple Orders More Than 5 Million Watches for Initial Run,1940,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',1608,discuss
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,2022,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,992,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,331,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',757,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,77,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,722,unrelated
Bali Awry,1531,discuss
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,887,unrelated
Man who slaps people around the head for sneezing hunted by police,1372,unrelated
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,1981,agree
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,1539,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,34,unrelated
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,691,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,2072,unrelated
"Texas, Hold 'Em",638,discuss
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,1718,unrelated
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,2327,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,1586,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",2297,disagree
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",2185,unrelated
Lucita Sandoval sex tape hoax: Viral Argentine video features college student ― not 16-year-old boy,1153,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,1709,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1857,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1605,discuss
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,2283,unrelated
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,831,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,2471,discuss
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,139,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,2526,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,574,unrelated
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor,2406,discuss
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2265,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,816,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,913,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,1477,unrelated
Small red book among finds in 113-year-old Boston time capsule,851,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,968,unrelated
Apple in talks to become launch partner for cable-free HBO Now service,1074,discuss
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,115,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport,1826,agree
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1002,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,1699,unrelated
Chugging eggnog sends Utah man to hospital,796,unrelated
That's one way to get through security! Frustrated traveller strips completely NAKED at airport to pass through metal detectors,1835,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1789,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,235,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,367,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1372,unrelated
"Omar Gonzalez, White House Fence-Jumper, Made it Farther Inside",1426,unrelated
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,692,unrelated
Hundreds of Palestinians flee floods in Gaza as Israel opens dams,993,unrelated
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",723,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,524,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,2187,unrelated
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,932,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,35,unrelated
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,1877,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",621,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",2118,unrelated
y, KFC isn't going to be selling weed in Colorado restaurants",1843,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,2075,discuss
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,2495,discuss
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1234,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,630,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',2441,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1095,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2130,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,871,discuss
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1899,unrelated
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",2471,discuss
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1034,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",1347,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1252,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1206,agree
Nasa’s ‘six days of total darkness in December 2014’ is a hoax,664,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,2349,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,573,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets tipped more than $2,000 for a single delivery",472,unrelated
Government employee fired after skipping work for 24 years,7,unrelated
Unlucky in love man chops off own penis,1646,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1358,unrelated
oken girl spends week in KFC after getting dumped,1805,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,524,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,951,discuss
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1681,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,2035,disagree
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',892,discuss
White House Fence Jumper Made It Further Into Building Than Reported,687,unrelated
"Dogs DO go to heaven… and cats, and horses: Pope assures young boy that there is a place in paradise for animals as well",1104,unrelated
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",1598,unrelated
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",2295,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1835,unrelated
"Kayla Jean Mueller, U.S. hostage, killed in Jordan airstrike, ISIS claims",1260,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,2528,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,816,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1424,discuss
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,633,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,1026,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1905,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,2469,discuss
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",1521,disagree
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,1477,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",1498,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2096,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,298,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,2138,disagree
Judd Nelson isn't dead; report is a hoax,2278,agree
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,413,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,1237,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1116,discuss
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1374,unrelated
"Rumor: Apple shooting for 19 hours of Apple Watch battery life under normal conditions, 2.5 hours 'heavy' use",1153,discuss
Apple Watch won’t be the digital doctor it could have been,652,discuss
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1294,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,2305,agree
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",2264,discuss
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",1372,unrelated
Did Paul Rudd Help Tackle That Dallas Airport Gay-Basher?,2081,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',2418,discuss
"Islamic State training pilots to fly MiG fighter planes, says monitoring group",2068,discuss
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1602,discuss
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!,521,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,2134,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",126,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,564,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,2474,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,1325,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1403,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1958,discuss
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],1004,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,2115,agree
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,844,unrelated
Michelle Obama's Hair Appeared Totally Uncensored on Saudi TV,1342,unrelated
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,1385,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",93,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,1541,unrelated
No - a Fox News Twitter account isn't responding to tweets on the #FoxNewsFacts hashtag,387,unrelated
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,777,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1446,discuss
ESPN’s All-Male “Monday Night Football” Panel On Domestic Violence Is Not Real,610,agree
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",573,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,1890,agree
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,2283,agree
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,564,unrelated
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,837,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1299,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1819,agree
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",1237,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found on Buckingham Palace Grounds,1575,unrelated
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,186,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,1627,unrelated
"#Hairgate: Reports of iPhone 6 pulling out hair, beards, likely exaggerated",2303,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,2022,discuss
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1004,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),2177,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,2180,discuss
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,472,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,1439,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2287,unrelated
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,2200,discuss
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",26,unrelated
Hilarious: North Dakota Pays Special Tribute to President Obama,2220,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: Internet duped by fake report claiming that the street artist's identity has been revealed,1296,unrelated
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,1905,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Made It Further Into Building Than Reported,773,unrelated
ISIS pays tribute to its 'Cub of Baghdadi' child soldier,300,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,311,discuss
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1372,disagree
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1808,unrelated
Seth Rogen set to play Steve Wozniak in Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic,1707,unrelated
Man Severed Penis That Failed To Impress Girls,1379,unrelated
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,612,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1744,unrelated
This Is What The Sun Baby From ‘Teletu
ies’ Looks Like Now,504,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",722,unrelated
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",2240,agree
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1077,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",2249,agree
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1494,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,846,discuss
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,137,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale's Steve Jobs,616,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,591,agree
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1289,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,1572,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,776,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,1808,unrelated
Report—Jose Canseco accidentally shot at his home tonight,744,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,311,discuss
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,2434,discuss
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,2338,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,478,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,2501,unrelated
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,269,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,776,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",1463,discuss
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,2520,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,1314,discuss
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,2313,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",2403,discuss
Apple scrapped advanced Apple Watch health monitoring features due to reliability issues,116,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1761,discuss
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2187,unrelated
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,917,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,1543,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,1933,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,2070,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,625,unrelated
What TBS’s Sped-Up Seinfeld Reruns Tell Us About the So
y State of America,726,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1933,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",1408,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1010,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1569,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,2167,unrelated
Rumor Fatigue Sets In at False Alarms of Castro’s Death,227,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",2302,unrelated
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,932,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",1645,unrelated
"McDonald’s to Stop Serving Overweight Customers in January? Nope, ‘1/15/2015′ Story is Fake",2330,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,880,discuss
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1168,discuss
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2261,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2115,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),240,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',564,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1906,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,1083,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",2269,agree
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1826,unrelated
"No, a Planetary Alignment on Jan. 4, 2015, Won’t Decrease Gravity",26,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2025,discuss
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,1251,agree
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,586,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,86,agree
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",186,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1821,discuss
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,971,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,396,agree
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,438,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,684,discuss
Russians Bag Better Bigfoot Footage,2280,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',2141,unrelated
Iraqi airstrike kills key ISIL leader,2061,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1899,discuss
"No, ESPN is not having an all-male domestic violence panel tonight",825,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,2256,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1562,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,206,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1122,discuss
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,1183,discuss
Tiger Woods Is Selling His Private Island For $7.1 Million,1991,agree
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1034,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1646,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,2234,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1073,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1405,discuss
The Force Awakens News: Director J.J. A
ams Eyes Summer Release for Star Wars 7 Because of Too Many Spoilers,1697,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',344,unrelated
Apple Watch’s Power Reserve feature combats short battery life,1857,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,1912,discuss
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,633,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,1076,discuss
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',651,unrelated
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in Fe
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,2070,agree
Islamic State fighters detonate 'SCORPION bombs' in te
or siege,2528,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,958,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1222,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',921,discuss
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,35,unrelated
Rodney Constantine keeps Facebook promise and turns himself in to police,2524,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1056,agree
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1099,discuss
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,321,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1689,unrelated
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",1789,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,917,discuss
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',2129,discuss
Saudi cleric issues fatwa on snowmen,2287,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",305,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,2088,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1295,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,213,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1446,discuss
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,320,unrelated
Did a plumber's pick-up truck from Texas end up ca
ying an anti-aircraft gun for Islamic fighters on the front lines of Syria?,803,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,1565,discuss
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,720,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",887,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,40,unrelated
The next Apple Watch could be platinum,1217,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,1303,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1679,discuss
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",1459,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,2463,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1385,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",205,unrelated
Ebola Scare in Kansas City,1843,unrelated
"It was me! Student, 19, reveals SHE was the Teletu
ies' giggling baby in the sky - and was paid just £250 and a box of toys",1094,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",2234,unrelated
"No, ESPN is not having an all-male domestic violence panel tonight",1184,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang co-founder Big Bank Hank dies,234,unrelated
Paul Revere's 1795 time capsule unearthed,2003,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,993,agree
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,405,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,2197,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,524,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,1422,agree
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,1634,unrelated
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,2412,discuss
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2132,unrelated
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",1971,disagree
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,1899,unrelated
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1481,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',737,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1036,unrelated
"Tee-off in your own putting paradise: Swedish luxury island owned by Tiger Woods up for sale - and it comes with a villa, a hot tub and a lodge",1991,agree
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,1301,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,759,agree
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,206,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",592,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",2106,discuss
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1358,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,527,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1426,discuss
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,298,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,1787,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,461,disagree
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,1273,agree
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,1689,unrelated
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,550,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1680,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,137,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,1913,discuss
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2483,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",618,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",80,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,2385,unrelated
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,344,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,2156,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,1746,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",1125,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",299,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,1384,unrelated
"Tiger Woods is not on suspension for failing a drug test, his agent and a PGA official say",593,discuss
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,2413,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",608,unrelated
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,2208,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,737,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1406,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,634,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',2206,agree
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',693,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,267,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,2097,unrelated
NASA: Viral news on days of darkness in December is hoax,1491,agree
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",2345,discuss
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,1435,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,633,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1372,unrelated
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,1958,agree
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,1363,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,483,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,986,disagree
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",1948,unrelated
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),2115,agree
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,2330,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1343,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",649,agree
N. Korea’s Kim has leg injury but in control,2325,discuss
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',1572,unrelated
"These egalitarian Lego instructions from the 1970s are pretty cool, but are they real?",2171,discuss
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",1795,unrelated
Amazon plans ad-supported video streaming service - NY post,2068,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,533,unrelated
This Guy Paid Off His Parents’ Mortgage For Christmas,1933,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",244,unrelated
Nujaifi Condemns / Daash / crime in Saqlawiyah and Alsiger areas of Anbar.,2197,unrelated
High School Student Rumored to Have Made $72 Million Trading Stocks,2252,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),712,discuss
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,1148,unrelated
Man Severed Penis That Failed To Impress Girls,2302,unrelated
eBay working on bidding app for Apple Watch,2321,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1547,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,880,discuss
Ebola Scare in Kansas City,1343,discuss
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,170,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,2116,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,968,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,115,unrelated
"'See you Monday': N.L. man keeps Facebook promise to police, turns himself in Read more: http:",467,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment",2252,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,1813,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2096,discuss
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,1317,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,1718,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,2326,agree
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,816,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,2056,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1169,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",254,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,1750,discuss
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,789,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,531,unrelated
Marijuana Law New York: How No-A
est Policy Could Make Things Worse For Minor Offenders ,2091,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee who was swapped in prisoner deal for Bowe Bergdahl 'tried to rejoin 'Al Qaeda',2524,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,539,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2530,discuss
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1673,agree
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",2042,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,305,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",311,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,1829,unrelated
Penis graffiti drawn on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,2235,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",1227,disagree
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,760,unrelated
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters,1183,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",1572,unrelated
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,1853,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2453,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,168,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",856,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,903,discuss
KC Man Does Not Have Ebola,2501,agree
or Leader Ahmed Abdi Godane Killed in U.S. Strike,1931,unrelated
A Murdered Witness?,2403,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1506,unrelated
"Nuts! Indian guru coaxes 400 followers to cut off their testicles, grow closer to God",684,unrelated
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",298,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",2307,agree
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,2252,unrelated
A Murdered Witness?,2044,unrelated
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,649,unrelated
This College Student Claims She Was The 'Teletu
ies' Sun Baby,1331,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',244,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",459,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,704,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1863,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,1869,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,2123,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1295,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2313,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1807,discuss
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,1296,unrelated
Big Bank Hank dead: Sugarhill Gang member and rapper dies aged 57,2420,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,2237,unrelated
eaks down in tears when a lost recording of his deceased wife resurfaces,805,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,1940,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,527,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",286,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,654,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1077,unrelated
Axl Rose Dies? Guns N’ Roses Singer Dead ‘West Hollywood Home at Age 52′ is Fake,1859,agree
Is the iPhone 6 Really Pulling Out Your Hair?,513,unrelated
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",77,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,388,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1481,unrelated
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,1360,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,702,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',2314,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',1097,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",2344,unrelated
"It's 'ru
ish' that Robert Plant turned down £500m Led Zeppelin reformation offer, says publicist",2508,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,536,discuss
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,26,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,539,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",625,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,662,unrelated
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,1291,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,2520,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1549,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,2167,agree
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',1385,discuss
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",104,unrelated
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,26,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,35,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,382,unrelated
China App Store Manipulation Photo Goes Viral - But Is It Real?,2420,discuss
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',2015,agree
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,1249,unrelated
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,1605,unrelated
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,882,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,887,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",707,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1917,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",928,discuss
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,321,unrelated
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",533,agree
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1179,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,35,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2045,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,304,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,503,unrelated
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,906,unrelated
Will King of Jordan lead airstrikes on ISIS HIMSELF? Reports say trained pilot plans to take part in attack after quoting Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven to Congressmen,803,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1120,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1197,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1807,discuss
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',2078,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",1817,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,1681,discuss
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,712,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,324,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,821,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,1347,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",1459,discuss
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,1538,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1569,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,239,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1574,unrelated
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",1584,unrelated
Small red book among finds in 113-year-old Boston time capsule,185,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",2459,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",320,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1661,discuss
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,176,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,1883,disagree
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",472,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1357,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,2078,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1580,discuss
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,2458,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2250,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1003,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,920,discuss
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1893,unrelated
Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed girlfriend says she was born a BOY and reveals 'amazing' sex with Olympian,494,agree
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,213,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,702,agree
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1817,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,467,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1982,unrelated
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,2252,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,2132,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2187,unrelated
The Apple Watch's battery life will reportedly be just like any other smartwatch,1153,discuss
VIDEO: Son Stuns Parents By Paying Off Their Mortgage As Christmas Surprise,1439,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1949,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",530,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,1301,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,2154,discuss
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,696,unrelated
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,2352,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,1854,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,366,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",1648,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,2317,discuss
"At Elon, ‘first-year’ has not replaced ‘freshman,’ university says",530,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,298,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1481,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1116,discuss
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1355,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,214,discuss
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1347,unrelated
Crank-Boosting Behind Top Apps in App Store,1784,discuss
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,2530,discuss
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,1921,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,2296,unrelated
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",2252,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,737,unrelated
Macklemore Gets Twitter-Trolled with the #MacklemoreJoinedISIS,1022,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,75,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',2142,agree
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,822,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,2521,unrelated
Now THAT'S a Royal trip! Alan Titchmarsh finds psychedelic mushroom in the Queen's garden at Buckingham Palace,2424,agree
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1901,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2070,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,1939,unrelated
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ID’d as Canadian Shooting Suspect in Ottawa,431,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,2410,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,859,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,2172,agree
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants,105,unrelated
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,1457,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,7,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,2375,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,1631,unrelated
"""This is the recording you thought you'd lost forever""",1864,unrelated
Man who slaps people around the head for sneezing hunted by police,1317,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,1853,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,2046,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,1256,agree
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,2304,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",649,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,2080,unrelated
Rumors about Fidel Castro’s death again circulate on the Internet,1918,discuss
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1795,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,816,unrelated
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,1826,unrelated
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,692,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1554,agree
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,704,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1358,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1747,agree
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",2235,disagree
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,831,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,2370,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,1608,discuss
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,1289,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,1465,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,2506,unrelated
"#Hairgate: Reports of iPhone 6 pulling out hair, beards, likely exaggerated",867,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,267,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",2135,discuss
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1252,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,2314,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1368,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1846,discuss
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,2176,unrelated
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,649,unrelated
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,571,unrelated
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,313,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,2332,agree
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,2109,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,709,unrelated
Big Bank Hank dead: Sugarhill Gang member and rapper dies aged 57,1374,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,1342,unrelated
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,2133,discuss
"Hundreds of dog-lovers from around the world offer home to pet abandoned at the railway station with a suitcase containing his pillow, toy, bowl and favourite food",1164,agree
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,1893,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,2498,agree
"Gene Munster Predicts $499 Steel Apple Watch, $4,999 for 18k Gold Edition",1648,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",2365,discuss
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1547,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1720,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,1769,unrelated
Meet The College Student Who Claims She Was The ‘Teletu
ies’ Sun Baby,2284,discuss
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1854,unrelated
Apple Watch Gold Edition rumored to be priced at $1200: Will you buy?,382,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1803,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,2141,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1697,unrelated
Apple Watch won’t be the digital doctor it could have been,116,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1535,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2481,discuss
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,403,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,2240,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2526,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1422,unrelated
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,2042,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,1584,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,26,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1361,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,2415,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1579,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,2448,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",402,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,1256,unrelated
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,2329,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1120,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1157,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,1545,agree
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,723,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,1560,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,320,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
"Vice CEO Shane Smith reportedly spent $300,000 on a steak dinner at CES",500,unrelated
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,942,discuss
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,2481,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",513,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,2389,discuss
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1780,discuss
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",524,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,1825,unrelated
Customer: I was fired for Comcast complaint,1355,unrelated
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,1628,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2386,agree
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",2528,discuss
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,691,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee who was swapped in prisoner deal for Bowe Bergdahl 'tried to rejoin 'Al Qaeda',2207,discuss
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,80,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1071,unrelated
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,2280,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,922,discuss
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,179,agree
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,2261,discuss
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,126,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",859,unrelated
Has a woman aborted her baby because it's a boy?,1494,discuss
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",819,discuss
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,1357,unrelated
Hilarious: North Dakota Pays Special Tribute to President Obama,2526,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,2415,unrelated
Woman Dumped by Boyfriend Spends Entire Week Mourning at KFC,187,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,1385,unrelated
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,1996,discuss
Amazon's Newest Tablet Will Come With Free News From The Washington Post,2496,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2087,unrelated
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,1333,agree
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1697,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,781,agree
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,1180,agree
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',1543,discuss
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,1048,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",607,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,2052,discuss
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,2283,agree
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,125,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",928,discuss
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,859,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,2345,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,2314,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,630,unrelated
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,2247,discuss
‘The cub of Baghdadi': ISIS reports its youngest jihadist ‘got martyred’ in battle,1024,discuss
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1786,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",244,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1549,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,368,agree
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,2017,discuss
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",8,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1627,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,2141,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",35,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,720,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,2042,disagree
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1166,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,304,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",2477,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,2009,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1627,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",651,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,2264,discuss
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,573,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,950,unrelated
Federal Judge: Enough With the Stupid Names,2114,agree
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,999,agree
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',961,discuss
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",119,unrelated
'Banksy' Reacts To Paris Attack With Poignant Drawing,740,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',938,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,1538,discuss
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),2501,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,1351,unrelated
Iraqi airstrike kills key ISIL leader,81,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",640,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1844,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2067,discuss
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,1708,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,568,unrelated
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,68,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2096,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,1237,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',121,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,1795,discuss
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,1572,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,1916,unrelated
Snowmen Declared Anti-Islamic As Snow Falls in Saudi Arabia,760,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',80,unrelated
y, KFC isn't going to be selling weed in Colorado restaurants",1826,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,2356,discuss
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,692,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,1120,unrelated
"Gold Apple Watch Edition Could Cost As Much As $1,200",1681,unrelated
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters,1338,agree
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,2187,unrelated
"Yes, you can wear your Apple Watch in the shower",1042,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1403,unrelated
Report: HBO Now coming to Apple TV next month,551,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,2404,unrelated
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers,853,agree
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",690,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,2249,discuss
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2020,unrelated
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,1427,agree
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1531,disagree
'Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December' Fake News Story Goes Viral,403,disagree
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",388,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,2156,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1917,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1574,unrelated
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,2087,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,1940,agree
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,568,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,2176,unrelated
Gateway Pundit,1530,discuss
Hundreds of Palestinians flee as Israel opens dams into Gaza Valley,244,unrelated
Islamic State fighters detonate 'SCORPION bombs' in te
or siege,1251,agree
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1263,agree
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,2268,discuss
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,93,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1541,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,2356,discuss
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria,1171,unrelated
Apple Watch may be powered by Samsung processor,1771,discuss
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",205,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,1261,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,689,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,2072,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1116,discuss
This College Student Claims She Was The 'Teletu
ies' Sun Baby,2284,discuss
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",499,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,481,discuss
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,626,agree
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1351,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1950,unrelated
"Why the most expensive Apple Watch will probably cost around $10,000",1921,unrelated
Report: Jose Canseco accidentally shot,2266,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1742,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,1227,disagree
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,1837,disagree
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,2338,discuss
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,2125,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers hailed a hero for shooting rampaging gunman,2113,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1040,unrelated
NEWS/ Meet the Teletu
ies Sun Baby: 19-Year-Old Jess Smith Reveals Herself as the Smiling Face Who Looked Over Teletu
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,2044,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,2078,unrelated
AWESOME! Canadian Parliament’s Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers Takes Out Gunman,2404,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),40,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,572,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",821,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,320,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1019,disagree
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1821,discuss
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,2106,unrelated
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",2495,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,1346,discuss
Boy who suffered powerful electric shock claims he now has 'superpowers' like X-Men's Magneto as metal objects stick to him,2215,discuss
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1697,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,938,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1787,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',1875,unrelated
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,2016,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',80,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",1155,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1361,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,1807,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at Russian airport,2234,agree
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,1478,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1071,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1174,agree
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,1024,unrelated
"Unhappy Customer: Comcast Told My Employer About Complaint, Got Me Fired",1338,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,1829,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",1408,unrelated
"This boy nearly died, now he has a superpower like Marvel’s Magneto",1503,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,367,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1873,unrelated
"No, it's not Tiger Woods selling an island in Lake Mälaren",383,agree
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,1459,unrelated
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",693,unrelated
Islamic State fighters training to fly captured jets — watchdog,1293,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,1968,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1549,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1950,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",693,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1022,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,1813,unrelated
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Beaten In Prison? Satirical Site Claims Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Blinded And Paralyzed,1292,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,2269,agree
Rumors Of Fidel Castro's Death Circulate After Prolonged Absence From Public Life,2377,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,104,unrelated
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,551,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",538,discuss
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,831,unrelated
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",1921,unrelated
"10% of Consumers 'Very Likely' to Buy a Smartwatch in 2015, Suggesting 24M Apple Watches",1065,discuss
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1871,unrelated
"No, That Wasn’t Paul Rudd Tackling an Airport Homophobe",242,unrelated
Star Wars 7: JJ A
ams want to move release to summer 2015,2434,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,1943,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,388,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,2480,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,2295,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',1951,agree
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",800,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,938,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,2302,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,2524,unrelated
"Soldier, Gunman Killed In Shooting Incident Near Canadian Parliament",1457,discuss
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",1554,agree
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",737,unrelated
Mystery woman behind the 'richest hands on the internet' revealed: Former pornstar 'makes $5m a year unwrapping Disney toys on YouTube',229,discuss
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",1101,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,533,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,527,unrelated
Islamic State militants allegedly used chlorine gas against Iraqi security forces,2224,discuss
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",591,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,2234,unrelated
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,2268,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,2180,agree
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1400,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,1948,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1934,discuss
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,2234,unrelated
Google Said to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585 Million,1724,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1222,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,15,unrelated
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",2349,discuss
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1912,discuss
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,125,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,2022,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",1506,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",903,unrelated
Big Bank Hank dead: Sugarhill Gang member and rapper dies aged 57,2118,unrelated
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,2130,discuss
"Woman catches husband cheating with her twin, humiliates them",1921,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],1438,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,2431,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,574,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,2055,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",1863,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,800,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1786,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",1435,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,2115,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,800,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1594,agree
"Rumor: Apple Watch to feature 512MB of RAM, 4GB of storage",1828,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,2471,discuss
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1900,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,81,unrelated
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,2421,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,280,unrelated
Jordan Vs ISIS: Reports Say King Abdullah II Could Personally Lead Airstrikes After Pilot’s Death,1840,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2016,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",2080,unrelated
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,1909,discuss
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,1906,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1934,discuss
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",0,unrelated
Armed U.S. drones spotted flying over Syria in possible hunt for ISIS leader,1740,agree
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,2045,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,1597,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,1012,discuss
"Why the most expensive Apple Watch will probably cost around $10,000",195,unrelated
"Luke Somers Dies In Rescue Attempt, Sister Says; Yemeni Defense Ministry Says Unnamed US Hostage Freed",40,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,1073,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,1125,unrelated
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",2187,discuss
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,1693,discuss
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,2336,unrelated
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,1948,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1009,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),555,disagree
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",1938,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",1708,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1400,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",2297,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,346,discuss
Lego letter to parents in 1974 on gender equality still resonates 40 years on,779,agree
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1120,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,1358,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang co-founder Big Bank Hank dies,105,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1461,discuss
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,1299,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1355,agree
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2044,unrelated
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",2403,unrelated
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,2114,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1034,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,944,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,2072,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,2403,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,320,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,1071,unrelated
Did a plumber's pick-up truck from Texas end up ca
ying an anti-aircraft gun for Islamic fighters on the front lines of Syria?,1467,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,958,unrelated
That’s one way to clean it: Apple Watch will reportedly survive a trip through the shower,405,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",1834,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah,1296,unrelated
Texas plumber baffled after truck ends up in the hands of Syrian rebels,2015,agree
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2453,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2096,discuss
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,1506,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1589,discuss
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1148,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",572,disagree
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,830,agree
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,570,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1860,agree
ISIS Kobani Update: Possible ISIS Chemical Attack On Kurdish Civilians In Kobani,1385,unrelated
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,2407,disagree
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2304,unrelated
China: Satirical site warns citizens over name choices,1789,disagree
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,1331,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,511,unrelated
Amazon plans ad-supported video streaming service - NY post,2287,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",574,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1406,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,630,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",2417,discuss
Man Severed Penis That Failed To Impress Girls,1249,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",586,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,959,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1988,unrelated
"Gold Apple Watch Edition Could Cost As Much As $1,200",2370,unrelated
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,879,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,195,unrelated
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,1901,agree
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,204,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,459,unrelated
"No, a mechanical polar bear is not about to be given an Asbo",1606,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",170,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,2251,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1834,discuss
ISIS Getting Ebola,1004,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1880,disagree
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",8,unrelated
Sadly Vladimir Putin Hasn’t Been Driving Round In A Motorcade Shaped Like A Penis,1549,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found in BUCKINGHAM PALACE by Alan Titchmarsh,513,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,1213,unrelated
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,1337,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,557,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,2016,unrelated
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,2305,discuss
ury Christ Church University student Jess Smith, from Chatham, sta
ed as Teletu
ies' sun",1331,unrelated
"Rajasthan: Man Tries to Rape Teenager, Angry Mob Chops His Penis Off",2106,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",416,discuss
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,2096,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1011,discuss
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,251,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,2230,unrelated
"Islamic State Militants Have Been Flying 3 Captured Warplanes Over Syrian Airport, Witnesses Say",777,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,2317,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,1024,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,459,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1803,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1669,discuss
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1948,unrelated
A Man Says Comcast Called His Boss And Got Him Fired After He Complained About Its Service,2034,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1658,agree
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,2367,disagree
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,2266,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",2329,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,986,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1819,disagree
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,2327,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,132,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,782,agree
"Why the most expensive Apple Watch will probably cost around $10,000",81,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,744,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",1535,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,93,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,1256,discuss
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",1374,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,913,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,1724,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,2268,discuss
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,846,unrelated
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,1673,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",2022,discuss
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,859,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",1974,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,761,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2109,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1019,agree
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",385,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,199,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",240,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1461,unrelated
Police Looking For A Man That Slaps People When They Sneeze!,1660,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,2530,discuss
‘Cannibal mother tries to eat her newborn baby after giving birth’,1462,discuss
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1288,discuss
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",2476,unrelated
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria,819,unrelated
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",2407,disagree
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,601,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1502,agree
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament,1739,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2345,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,40,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",504,unrelated
Brian Williams Debunks Peeing Meteorologist Report On ‘NBC Nightly News': Video,258,unrelated
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,845,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,649,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,1120,discuss
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,689,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1637,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,1489,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",7,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,1060,discuss
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,2360,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1192,discuss
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,236,unrelated
"UBS survey finds 10% of consumers want a smartwatch, expects 24M Apple Watch sales in fiscal 2015",1606,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,1471,unrelated
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,979,unrelated
Bugatti Veyron Vandalized With Penis Graffiti? Viral Photo Isn’t What It Seems,948,agree
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,1589,unrelated
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,646,unrelated
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,2220,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,169,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,2349,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',573,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1148,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1569,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,1686,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,186,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",2020,unrelated
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",1438,unrelated
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,2034,unrelated
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired,2441,agree
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,80,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,1847,agree
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,75,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,1708,unrelated
"Rajasthan: Man Tries to Rape Teenager, Angry Mob Chops His Penis Off",36,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",723,unrelated
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",1737,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin: Death claims about former child star revealed to be yet another hoax,722,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,205,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,885,disagree
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,2200,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2127,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,388,unrelated
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,2421,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,251,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,344,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1873,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1904,discuss
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1034,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,844,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],1374,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",2463,discuss
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,1608,unrelated
Time Capsule from Paul Revere and Samuel Adams Discovered in Boston,2372,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,40,unrelated
Missing Planes,1515,discuss
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',1808,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,712,unrelated
Apple Watch launch expected in late March,447,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1547,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,2191,discuss
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",505,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,17,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,368,agree
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,1195,unrelated
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,2367,unrelated
"Luke Somers Dies In Rescue Attempt, Sister Says; Yemeni Defense Ministry Says Unnamed US Hostage Freed",2411,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,87,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1299,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,1939,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1795,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,2211,disagree
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,2055,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",2175,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,933,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,35,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2147,discuss
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",401,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,213,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",513,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,1256,agree
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,267,unrelated
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,1646,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,324,discuss
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,2475,disagree
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,119,unrelated
Michael Abdul Zehaf Bibeau Pictures: Photos of Alleged ISIS-Linked Gunman in Canada,2302,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1521,unrelated
Cold Turkey,2172,agree
Lego letter from the 1970s still offers a powerful message to parents 40 years later,1582,agree
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,347,unrelated
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",773,unrelated
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,2375,unrelated
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",2314,unrelated
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants,493,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,2197,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,2347,agree
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,2329,unrelated
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,367,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,1239,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1547,unrelated
Fake-News: 'McDonald's Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers',2330,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,955,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1239,unrelated
Kim Jong-un drinks rare snake wine to boost love life!,832,discuss
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),2230,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",115,unrelated
Google said to buy six silicon valley buildings for $585 million,1909,unrelated
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,2197,discuss
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,267,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,405,unrelated
This resignation letter in a video-game could be the greatest ever,2389,unrelated
"Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before launch",1570,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",1877,discuss
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1079,discuss
"NYPD to issue tickets instead of a
est for weed possession, report says",1875,unrelated
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,105,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,539,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1104,agree
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",1017,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",266,discuss
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",932,unrelated
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,1205,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,944,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2060,discuss
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,1883,unrelated
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ A
ams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?,1686,discuss
Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed Out on Saudi TV,2251,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,1805,discuss
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",1896,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1630,agree
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1219,agree
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,225,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,832,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,344,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,2463,discuss
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1709,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,858,unrelated
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",621,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,2455,discuss
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1776,discuss
Brian Williams Debunks Peeing Meteorologist Report On ‘NBC Nightly News': Video,1802,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2307,discuss
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,2337,agree
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,487,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",1905,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,972,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,2356,discuss
Apple Watch delayed for Fe
uary in limited quantity,2278,unrelated
Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed Out on Saudi TV,1975,agree
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1731,agree
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,690,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,2055,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,1833,discuss
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,2088,unrelated
Will King of Jordan lead airstrikes on ISIS HIMSELF? Reports say trained pilot plans to take part in attack after quoting Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven to Congressmen,699,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,2175,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,816,unrelated
Mirfield man's tears of joy after lost voicemail of wife retrieved,1294,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,1012,discuss
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,371,discuss
Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed girlfriend says she was born a BOY and reveals 'amazing' sex with Olympian,2528,unrelated
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1489,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,456,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",693,unrelated
Texas plumber threatened over jihadis using his old truck,2084,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,1718,unrelated
Michael Phelps Sex Scandal: Troubled Olympian’s Girlfriend Was Born A Man!,89,unrelated
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,2445,disagree
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,761,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1628,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1195,discuss
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,2360,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,1718,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",171,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",984,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,205,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,2421,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",968,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,1603,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",1538,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,2375,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",511,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",2058,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1934,discuss
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,706,unrelated
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,639,unrelated
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,508,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,2297,unrelated
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Everything you need to know about Michael Phelps’ intersex girlfriend,1806,discuss
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1573,agree
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,1931,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,2495,discuss
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,712,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1893,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",34,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1073,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,1786,unrelated
"Vice CEO Shane Smith reportedly spent $300,000 on a steak dinner at CES",2130,discuss
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,40,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1857,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',1634,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1535,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1880,agree
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1299,disagree
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,2148,discuss
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",737,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,1897,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,586,unrelated
"Don't Wo
y, 'The Breakfast Club' Star Judd Nelson Is Not Dead",2235,unrelated
American Predator Drone Circling Islamic State’s Stronghold,1234,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,737,unrelated
Is this proof of bigfoot? New 'yeti' video shows giant hairy beast walking through forest,1656,discuss
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2256,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1627,unrelated
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,2125,unrelated
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,170,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,2240,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1457,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,104,unrelated
Bird defecates on Vladimir Putin during speech (video),1991,unrelated
Code/Red: Apple Watch Battery Life — “Charge Nightly”,1069,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,1939,unrelated
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,368,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,1467,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,381,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1913,disagree
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,1760,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,346,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,1398,unrelated
eBay is planning an Apple Watch app,952,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1299,unrelated
eal Photos of Fisherman’s Jaw-Dropping Catch Will Likely Have People Wondering If It’s Real,1802,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,206,unrelated
American Predator Drone Circling Islamic State’s Stronghold,933,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,498,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,81,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1673,agree
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,729,disagree
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1554,agree
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,186,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1627,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2044,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,304,unrelated
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,2318,discuss
Nun who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth after going to hospital with stomach pains,391,unrelated
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,1732,discuss
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,702,unrelated
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",1210,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,844,unrelated
"NYPD to stop a
esting for low-level marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead: source",1875,unrelated
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,1834,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,603,agree
Meet the X-BOY: Electric shock turns kid into MAGNETO,2203,discuss
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",1364,unrelated
A Man Says Comcast Called His Boss And Got Him Fired After He Complained About Its Service,2447,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1795,agree
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),2419,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,1760,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,195,unrelated
"Rumor: Apple Watch to feature 512MB of RAM, 4GB of storage",822,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",2508,agree
Latest iOS 8 bug reportedly causes unwanted deletion of iCloud Drive documents,2061,unrelated
"#Hairgate: Reports of iPhone 6 pulling out hair, beards, likely exaggerated",1787,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,1252,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,2314,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,1968,unrelated
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,504,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,616,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,1239,discuss
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,1893,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",1890,agree
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1288,discuss
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",2261,discuss
More American Weapons for ISIS,1026,unrelated
"In New York City, Marijuana May Mean Ticket, Not A
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2403,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,1342,agree
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,1156,discuss
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,2115,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1179,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,171,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,1699,unrelated
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,1137,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1681,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",181,unrelated
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,36,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,40,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2047,discuss
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],2132,disagree
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",1079,discuss
NYC relaxes response to marijuana possession,1528,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",534,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,964,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",800,unrelated
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,2511,discuss
Mechanical polar bear ‘threatened with ASBO for singing Christmas songs’,405,unrelated
Could Kim Jong Un open a restaurant in Scotland?,1312,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1917,unrelated
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,731,unrelated
Report: Jose Canseco accidentally shot,869,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,2502,agree
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",1197,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,1667,discuss
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,382,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,2296,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1294,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,529,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,1966,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,1461,unrelated
"Islamic State Militants Have Been Flying 3 Captured Warplanes Over Syrian Airport, Witnesses Say",2188,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,1817,unrelated
Bali Awry,1271,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",2360,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,2022,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,634,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",1661,discuss
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,251,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,2078,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,402,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,199,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,1013,unrelated
"Amazon to launch first
ick-and-mortar store, report says",1580,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",2080,agree
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,757,unrelated
"No, that
oken pencil illustration isn't by Banksy",2024,agree
Italian catches huge wels catfish; is it a record?,1913,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,1004,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at Russian airport,1831,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1848,unrelated
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,1547,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,483,discuss
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],1938,unrelated
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",480,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,1034,discuss
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",30,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',205,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1533,discuss
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1817,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",1523,agree
ISIS Kobani Update: Possible ISIS Chemical Attack On Kurdish Civilians In Kobani,2453,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2123,discuss
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,2261,discuss
"North Korea leader Kim is still in charge, has injured leg: source",686,unrelated
"Despite no Ebola case in Kansas City, the rumor goes viral",2251,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,2404,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,568,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,300,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",1611,discuss
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,1702,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,568,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1844,discuss
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",320,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,2342,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,2453,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,320,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,385,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1148,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,60,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",780,discuss
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1298,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",2520,unrelated
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",2473,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,195,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1821,disagree
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",409,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,1737,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2130,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1073,discuss
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",77,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,586,unrelated
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,1988,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,296,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1906,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1966,agree
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",47,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,419,agree
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,1217,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1817,discuss
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,77,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1974,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",1461,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1438,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,777,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,837,discuss
Gateway Pundit,760,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",311,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1905,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,2152,unrelated
Podcast: Brown Moses on what’s flying over Iraq and Syria,2186,unrelated
Report—Jose Canseco accidentally shot at his home tonight,1697,discuss
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,115,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1318,agree
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,388,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,125,unrelated
Apple Watch may be powered by Samsung processor,139,unrelated
Cold Turkey,2404,discuss
Mechanical polar bear ‘threatened with ASBO for singing Christmas songs’,1864,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,139,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",719,unrelated
Armed U.S. drones spotted flying over Syria in possible hunt for ISIS leader,1400,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,662,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,568,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1589,discuss
Rumor: Apple to hold event this month to unveil Retina MacBook Air & finalize Apple Watch specs,1463,discuss
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,104,unrelated
"Why the most expensive Apple Watch will probably cost around $10,000",1808,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),860,discuss
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,2329,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1574,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,1859,discuss
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,1940,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,874,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,384,discuss
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,1055,agree
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",533,unrelated
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,125,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",1263,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1936,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,2307,unrelated
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,1666,agree
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,531,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,1010,discuss
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,2403,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2524,agree
"Unconfirmed: ISIS Claims Kayla Mueller, American Female Hostage, Is Dead",1588,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,1048,unrelated
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,1517,agree
Seth Rogen set to play Steve Wozniak in Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic,2124,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,346,unrelated
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,518,discuss
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,331,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,399,unrelated
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",1224,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2187,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",2506,discuss
The Force Awakens News: Director J.J. A
ams Eyes Summer Release for Star Wars 7 Because of Too Many Spoilers,119,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,527,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,345,unrelated
"Google seals massive Sunnyvale, Redwood City deals",1549,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,1299,unrelated
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,1832,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,2144,discuss
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,534,unrelated
SEE IT: NBC meteorologist Mike Seidel appears to relieve himself during
oadcast; network says he was looking for phone,527,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1938,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",320,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",204,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,729,agree
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1949,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",1866,discuss
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1658,discuss
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",2264,discuss
A Bogus Banksy,1747,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",1938,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',2064,discuss
Somali te
orist leader dead after US airstrike,741,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,992,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2220,discuss
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",2240,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1938,unrelated
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",740,agree
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,2241,discuss
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1588,discuss
Jilted lover spends a week in KFC to try and get over her ex,971,unrelated
Paul Rudd Is Not the Viral Video Hero Who Tackled a Gay Basher in Dallas,1406,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1832,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,826,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2296,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,1157,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",186,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",933,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1832,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1721,discuss
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1744,unrelated
"Report: Stainless steel Apple Watch will be priced $500, gold at $5,000",444,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,2472,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,2403,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",1040,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,1398,discuss
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",346,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1883,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2388,discuss
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,2364,discuss
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers,726,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,900,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1385,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,2419,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,2343,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1547,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",2138,discuss
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,511,unrelated
Someone Trolled Twitter Into Thinking Macklemore Joined ISIS,1483,agree
Nujaifi Condemns / Daash / crime in Saqlawiyah and Alsiger areas of Anbar.,1590,agree
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1040,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,703,unrelated
"Soldier, Gunman Killed In Shooting Incident Near Canadian Parliament",1466,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1857,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,280,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,928,discuss
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",258,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,2297,unrelated
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",2223,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,649,unrelated
Podcast: Brown Moses on what’s flying over Iraq and Syria,1802,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1885,discuss
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],1948,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",2045,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",2156,unrelated
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",2434,unrelated
Mohammed Islam Denies Making $72 Million From Stock Market Trading,1987,discuss
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",388,unrelated
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,777,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",93,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",992,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",2519,unrelated
Actor has his testicles stolen after meeting ‘young blonde woman at a bar’,1519,unrelated
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,669,discuss
Report: Apple Watch to Ship in March,1302,discuss
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,2097,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",459,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,755,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1897,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",1267,discuss
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,2347,agree
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,2470,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,816,discuss
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",984,unrelated
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ A
ams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?,1087,unrelated
Bergdahl: Senator Says Jihadists Swapped For U.S. Troop ‘In Touch’ With Al-Qaida Affiliate,366,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1481,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1976,agree
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1603,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,2003,discuss
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,2509,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1068,discuss
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,615,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",2403,discuss
'I aborted my baby because it was a boy': Outrage after 'feminist' blogger claims gender prompted termination,2161,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",2252,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,527,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",1562,unrelated
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,1954,agree
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",1559,agree
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1846,disagree
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,1234,discuss
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,480,unrelated
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,1853,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,1224,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",1224,discuss
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,40,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,320,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,1996,disagree
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",859,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,2330,discuss
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',1004,discuss
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1906,unrelated
Amazon is about to open its first-ever physical store in New York City,2045,discuss
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,2042,unrelated
News sites fall for Putin bird-dropping video,2174,discuss
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1173,discuss
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2261,unrelated
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",1323,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,2080,agree
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,1597,discuss
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,195,unrelated
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,2336,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,991,discuss
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Reports say North Korea's Kim insists on being the only Jong Un,1175,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,2247,discuss
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1139,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1873,unrelated
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",1323,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,1079,discuss
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ID’d as Canadian Shooting Suspect in Ottawa,1751,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,2448,unrelated
Saudi cleric says snowmen are anti-Islamic,1130,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",615,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,651,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1871,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",524,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",1483,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,991,discuss
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,43,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found in BUCKINGHAM PALACE by Alan Titchmarsh,1560,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,1789,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,1376,agree
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor's Cats & Making Fur Coats,830,unrelated
Apple 'working on 12-inch MacBook Air',1679,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',17,unrelated
"Want a Gold Apple Watch? All You Need is $5,000",521,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,650,unrelated
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,1011,unrelated
"Dogs DO go to heaven… and cats, and horses: Pope assures young boy that there is a place in paradise for animals as well",255,agree
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1871,unrelated
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",169,unrelated
Star Wars 7: JJ A
ams want to move release to summer 2015,1393,discuss
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",1365,discuss
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,1825,discuss
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1917,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",2338,discuss
"Is There Really a ‘Sharia Law’ Islamic Tribunal in Dallas, Texas?",1049,unrelated
Moment U.S. Marine is saved by his Kevlar helmet as Taliban sniper bullet hits him in head,2389,unrelated
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,2407,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,1940,agree
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,1438,unrelated
Another ISIS Massacre: ISIS Kills 300 Iraqi Soldiers With Chlorine Gas,1357,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1403,unrelated
Man With Ebola-Like Symptoms Claims Contact With 'Patient Zero' in Texas,1758,discuss
Magic Mushrooms Found on Buckingham Palace Grounds,1560,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",2473,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,11,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,2296,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',7,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,137,unrelated
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",977,discuss
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2109,unrelated
"Nuts! Indian guru coaxes 400 followers to cut off their testicles, grow closer to God",1654,discuss
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",787,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1299,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',2379,unrelated
PGA Spokesman and Tiger Woods' Agent Deny Drug Suspension Allegations,1383,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,213,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,827,agree
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",2398,agree
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,676,unrelated
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament,1458,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,467,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1974,discuss
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",687,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,2088,discuss
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",1917,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,368,unrelated
ISIS Hostage Alan Henning's Wife Invokes Sharia Law in New Plea,2241,unrelated
Bali Awry,1797,discuss
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,1476,discuss
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,724,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2495,discuss
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,1426,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',404,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,139,unrelated
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,1802,unrelated
"NYPD to issue tickets instead of a
est for weed possession, report says",2237,discuss
Matt Tai
i Disappears From Omidyar’s First Look Media,2218,discuss
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,972,unrelated
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,1384,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,1256,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,844,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,1875,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,971,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1471,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,1319,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",206,unrelated
Saudi fatwa banning snowmen triggers heated debate,2317,unrelated
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",1808,unrelated
Bali Awry,724,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1883,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1506,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,855,agree
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,2269,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,1500,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,456,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,1263,unrelated
A Bogus Banksy,1364,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,2141,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1252,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",1883,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",213,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",1817,unrelated
1901 Boston time capsule yields small red book,1997,discuss
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,403,unrelated
Comcast gets customer fired for complaining about poor service,2405,discuss
URGENT: ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi allegedly killed by US airstrikes,1255,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1974,discuss
Microsoft turns to robotic security guards to watch for trouble,1721,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,2453,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,17,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1857,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,1398,discuss
More American Weapons for ISIS,1572,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,1628,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,1789,unrelated
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,1024,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1660,unrelated
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been stolen after kissing young woman in sauna,1519,unrelated
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",1226,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,2177,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,2404,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,1502,unrelated
"BREAKING NEWS: Female American aid worker, 26, held hostage by ISIS for 18 months has been 'killed in Jordanian air strike'",663,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",2498,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,984,unrelated
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,2254,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,551,discuss
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",1839,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,220,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',445,discuss
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken,1802,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,5,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2020,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,640,unrelated
China: Satirical site warns citizens over name choices,2443,unrelated
Texas Plumber Isn't Sure How Extremists In Syria Ended Up With His Work Truck,1467,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",40,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2130,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1800,discuss
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,1799,agree
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,1791,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1549,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1034,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1471,unrelated
Saudi fatwa banning snowmen triggers heated debate,2114,unrelated
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,2046,agree
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2450,agree
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,2307,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',777,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,860,unrelated
North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Is Still In Charge: Source,571,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",652,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,450,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,298,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",467,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,595,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,115,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,1634,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,2472,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,1971,disagree
"McDonald’s to Stop Serving Overweight Customers in January? Nope, ‘1/15/2015′ Story is Fake",1400,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",1820,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',2148,discuss
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,1888,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,2178,agree
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament,205,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1224,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,1808,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,2203,discuss
Rumors about Fidel Castro’s death again circulate on the Internet,545,unrelated
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,761,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",2530,discuss
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1860,agree
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",2175,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,263,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",321,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",1825,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2175,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",2502,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,450,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',1103,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,1913,unrelated
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,2492,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1631,unrelated
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,2495,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,1036,discuss
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1312,discuss
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,1709,discuss
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac? Nope, ‘Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options’ Article is Fake",346,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment",2266,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1351,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,2078,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2075,discuss
Tiger Woods serving secret PED suspension?,438,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,346,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,1843,discuss
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,1003,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,944,discuss
ESPN’s All-Male “Monday Night Football” Panel On Domestic Violence Is Not Real,1699,agree
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,964,unrelated
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",195,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1627,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1630,agree
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,1468,disagree
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,2093,discuss
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,2002,unrelated
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,1120,unrelated
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,630,discuss
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,1213,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1579,discuss
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1215,agree
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1900,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,61,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,586,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1385,unrelated
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,450,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1013,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,2203,discuss
Update: Did Make Up This Story About The Web Sheriff Ben Edelman Sending Racist Emails?,1863,discuss
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,1375,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,2196,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,572,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,949,agree
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,2196,unrelated
Jose Canseco Shot in the Hand During Accidental Shooting at Vegas Home,1840,unrelated
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,1787,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",678,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,1506,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,2010,discuss
Unbearable! Carolling toy in Shefford 'gagged' by council,1606,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,2296,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",800,unrelated
eBay developing Apple Watch software with ties to iOS app,952,discuss
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1040,discuss
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',2336,agree
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,2367,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,296,unrelated
"Report: Stainless steel Apple Watch will be priced $500, gold at $5,000",2485,discuss
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,234,agree
"Vice CEO Shane Smith reportedly spent $300,000 on a steak dinner at CES",1547,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1438,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),859,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,830,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),1406,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,2155,unrelated
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,658,agree
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",503,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1291,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1817,discuss
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1323,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),271,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,951,discuss
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,2531,unrelated
Customer: I was fired for Comcast complaint,2438,discuss
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,81,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,731,unrelated
World's oldest burger,1806,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1540,discuss
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,1239,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',472,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",698,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,125,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,1883,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,2309,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,2523,unrelated
Jose Canseco shoots self in hand,1772,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),1476,discuss
SEE IT: NBC meteorologist Mike Seidel appears to relieve himself during
oadcast; network says he was looking for phone,633,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,2520,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",2458,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,2080,unrelated
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,1301,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",1598,unrelated
Man With Ebola-Like Symptoms Claims Contact With 'Patient Zero' in Texas,224,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,1651,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1256,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets tipped more than $2,000 for a single delivery",2532,agree
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1778,agree
Tiger Woods selling Swedish villa — island included,2508,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,139,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,298,discuss
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers,2237,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1589,agree
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",2152,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,190,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,984,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,694,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1226,disagree
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2296,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1178,discuss
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1786,unrelated
Another ISIS Massacre: ISIS Kills 300 Iraqi Soldiers With Chlorine Gas,251,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",40,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,2344,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,1642,agree
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2180,discuss
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,2337,disagree
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,11,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,805,agree
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,2144,discuss
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1169,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,1237,discuss
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",1268,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,2302,discuss
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,320,unrelated
or Leader Ahmed Abdi Godane Killed in U.S. Strike,646,unrelated
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,633,unrelated
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair,1289,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,2495,discuss
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1934,unrelated
ESPN’s All-Male “Monday Night Football” Panel On Domestic Violence Is Not Real,1857,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1948,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,588,agree
A Bogus Banksy,1357,agree
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",903,unrelated
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",1217,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1019,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1822,discuss
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,1271,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,1744,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,2520,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,2208,agree
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",821,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,1363,agree
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,2196,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,7,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1699,unrelated
"Don't Wo
y, 'The Breakfast Club' Star Judd Nelson Is Not Dead",1781,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1219,discuss
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1795,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",984,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,2463,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,767,agree
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',545,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,119,unrelated
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,1940,disagree
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,137,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,1891,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,2009,unrelated
Mechanical polar bear ‘threatened with ASBO for singing Christmas songs’,2472,unrelated
Texas Plumber Has ‘No Idea’ How Company Truck Ended Up With ISIS,1562,unrelated
Jordan’s King Abdullah Did Not Personally Fly Airstrikes On ISIS,516,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,1921,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,703,unrelated
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,2123,unrelated
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",203,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,1981,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],944,discuss
Jordan Vs ISIS: Reports Say King Abdullah II Could Personally Lead Airstrikes After Pilot’s Death,516,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",2463,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,2236,discuss
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,298,unrelated
Islamic State Flying Three Jets in Syria,2218,unrelated
Bergdahl: Senator Says Jihadists Swapped For U.S. Troop ‘In Touch’ With Al-Qaida Affiliate,2524,unrelated
Willie Nelson Dead? Internet Freaks Out As Another Cele
ity Death Hoax Makes The Rounds,2046,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,1289,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,2388,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,239,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1471,discuss
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,1164,agree
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1351,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),465,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,1940,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",955,discuss
Crank-Boosting Behind Top Apps in App Store,1040,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,125,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",2360,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',144,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,1239,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,2123,discuss
"Would you pay $10,000 for the Apple Watch?",418,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1269,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,2252,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",663,unrelated
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,891,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,2084,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,1875,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
Electric shock turns Russian boy into Marvel's Magneto,1433,agree
BREAKING: Soldier shot at War Memorial in Ottawa,1988,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,2187,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,17,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,1361,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,2303,discuss
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",847,unrelated
Spec leak suggests Apple Watch will be on par with Android Wear rivals,1277,discuss
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,269,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",2197,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,984,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",2412,discuss
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1605,discuss
Hero soldier Nathan Cirillo killed by convicted criminal Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2246,agree
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,1263,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,913,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,56,unrelated
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,1912,discuss
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,955,unrelated
20-year-old burger: McDonald's Quarter Pounder looks eerily new after 2 decades,1500,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1438,unrelated
"Tiger Woods is not on suspension for failing a drug test, his agent and a PGA official say",1718,agree
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,1737,unrelated
"Web Portal publishes death of ""Dog Whisperer""",742,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,1438,unrelated
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,2033,unrelated
Bali Awry,220,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",2475,discuss
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,712,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1720,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",2235,discuss
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,2252,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,2385,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,570,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,1007,discuss
"Etats-Unis: Mort pendant 48 minutes, un prêtre affirme que Dieu est une femme",615,unrelated
Court Orders Probe Into Complaints Of 'Forced Castration' In Religious 'Dera' Sect,2520,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",72,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",887,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1047,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,324,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,830,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1897,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,524,discuss
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,609,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,1299,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,704,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",1883,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,968,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",2009,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1125,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,932,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,77,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1141,discuss
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",2375,agree
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,1299,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,991,discuss
Ebola Scare in Kansas City,2127,discuss
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,524,unrelated
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,2473,unrelated
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,1165,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,1515,discuss
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",2176,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",505,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1423,unrelated
Shocking picture shows mother trying to sell her own son to pay for twin daughter's cancer treatment,1562,agree
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,17,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2526,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor's Cats & Making Fur Coats,280,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,2370,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1368,unrelated
A Man Says Comcast Called His Boss And Got Him Fired After He Complained About Its Service,1268,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",1709,unrelated
Did Paul Rudd Help Tackle That Dallas Airport Gay-Basher?,1094,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,1555,agree
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1569,agree
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,1549,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1547,unrelated
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,34,unrelated
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,609,unrelated
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,695,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,2055,unrelated
Comcast gets customer fired for complaining about poor service,86,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2272,discuss
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",2252,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,194,agree
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",737,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",320,unrelated
Fake Fox News Website Reports Judd Nelson’s Death for Some Reason,35,unrelated
"Gold Apple Watch Edition Could Cost As Much As $1,200",321,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,530,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,1254,discuss
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,295,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",2302,unrelated
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,1858,disagree
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",1095,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,726,discuss
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,574,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",703,unrelated
KC Man Does Not Have Ebola,1404,agree
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",195,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",1948,unrelated
“Willie Nelson dead 2015” : Guitarist killed by internet death hoax,1383,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",173,agree
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",171,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,984,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",2208,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1210,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,633,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,139,unrelated
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,350,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,87,unrelated
"Hundreds of dog-lovers from around the world offer home to pet abandoned at the railway station with a suitcase containing his pillow, toy, bowl and favourite food",2192,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,1476,discuss
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1256,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",723,unrelated
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it,1560,discuss
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,775,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1040,discuss
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',1419,discuss
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,2305,disagree
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,2354,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1948,unrelated
Constipated goldfish operated on by North Walsham vet,958,agree
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,1804,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,1330,discuss
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",2307,discuss
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy,1029,agree
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,2252,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2246,agree
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2304,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,846,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1524,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1374,agree
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',450,discuss
"Islamic State training pilots to fly MiG fighter planes, says monitoring group",487,unrelated
Snowmen Declared Anti-Islamic As Snow Falls in Saudi Arabia,2287,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",782,discuss
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,1338,unrelated
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,2009,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1549,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1013,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,951,discuss
This Is What The Sun Baby From ‘Teletu
ies’ Looks Like Now,1834,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,1923,unrelated
North Dakota Names Landfill After Obama,1170,disagree
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1549,unrelated
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,504,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,2385,unrelated
Do all dogs go to heaven? Pope tells grieving boy: 'Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',255,agree
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,388,agree
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1385,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,321,unrelated
"Etats-Unis: Mort pendant 48 minutes, un prêtre affirme que Dieu est une femme",478,unrelated
Cloistered nun has a stomach ache hospital gives birth to a baby [Google Translate],220,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1996,agree
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,527,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1948,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',1103,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,900,unrelated
Wayward sister ‘nun the wiser’ about baby,391,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",346,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,269,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,958,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",1177,discuss
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",382,unrelated
Apple Watch reportedly has low-energy 'power reserve' mode,1223,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,1251,unrelated
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,1875,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found on Buckingham Palace Grounds,1184,unrelated
Nun who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth after going to hospital with stomach pains,1891,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1249,discuss
This Is The Most Epic Way To Quit Your Job,562,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,15,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,1627,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",345,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,2307,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,1819,disagree
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),1854,unrelated
Apple Watch reportedly features unannounced diagnostics port under strap connector,1455,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1206,discuss
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,2261,discuss
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2118,discuss
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",1289,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,396,agree
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,300,unrelated
A Bunch Of People Thought Banksy Got A
ested But It Was A Hoax,324,unrelated
Woman spends a week in KFC to get over her
eak up,1299,unrelated
Cold Turkey,1648,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,2118,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,269,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',1905,unrelated
Apple Users Add Hairgate to iPhone 6 Problems,2303,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",15,unrelated
Does ISIS have an airforce? Te
orist 'fighter pilots' are being trained on captured MiGs by Saddam Hussein's ex-air force officers,311,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,170,unrelated
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,2338,unrelated
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,1467,unrelated
The Apple Watch's battery life will reportedly be just like any other smartwatch,1492,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2287,unrelated
That powerful Lego letter to parents from the 1970s? It's real,1726,unrelated
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,2197,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,1239,unrelated
Tiger Woods' former luxury island goes on sale,965,agree
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",614,unrelated
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",2283,disagree
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,1731,agree
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",460,agree
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1569,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,2220,discuss
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1471,discuss
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,503,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",404,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1351,unrelated
Hero soldier Nathan Cirillo killed by convicted criminal Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1739,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,986,disagree
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',2375,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,2272,discuss
Isis supporters claim US hostage killed in coalition air strike in Syria,1107,discuss
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2450,discuss
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",1176,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,2228,agree
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1893,discuss
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',1020,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",530,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,2180,discuss
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,299,discuss
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",181,discuss
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1171,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,2397,discuss
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,1642,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,115,unrelated
You all had an abortion! [Google Translate],1981,unrelated
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",698,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,139,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",827,agree
Rats are still running around at Vogue,1968,unrelated
"Man chops off his own penis, throws it in the trash after getting dumped for bad bedroom skills",1379,unrelated
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,2452,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,1709,discuss
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,2175,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,886,unrelated
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,2509,discuss
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',26,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",2116,unrelated
"#Hairgate: Reports of iPhone 6 pulling out hair, beards, likely exaggerated",1923,unrelated
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,1047,unrelated
Rumors about Fidel Castro’s death again circulate on the Internet,2251,discuss
"These egalitarian Lego instructions from the 1970s are pretty cool, but are they real?",1169,unrelated
Islamic State accused of using chlorine gas on Iraqi soldiers,1177,unrelated
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",1680,discuss
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1786,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,1223,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,1143,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,1271,agree
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2214,agree
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1093,discuss
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",2345,agree
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,534,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found on Buckingham Palace Grounds,1658,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1702,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,2307,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,2187,unrelated
You all had an abortion! [Google Translate],208,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,844,unrelated
"Pope Francis did not tell boy heaven has room for pets, contrary to report",1104,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1803,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',724,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,1303,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1506,unrelated
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,817,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",1003,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",682,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,330,unrelated
Tiger Woods' agent shoots down report of failed drug test,1406,unrelated
Kim Jong-un necks litres of rare SNAKE wine because he's too fat to please his wife,1738,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1893,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1217,discuss
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",34,unrelated
State House time capsule from 1795 unearthed,467,agree
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",1457,unrelated
Apple Watch launch has new timetable: Analyst,1760,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),1423,unrelated
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,475,discuss
"Hundreds of dog-lovers from around the world offer home to pet abandoned at the railway station with a suitcase containing his pillow, toy, bowl and favourite food",1853,agree
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,554,agree
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,1574,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,649,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,15,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,846,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",298,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,662,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,524,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,648,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,702,unrelated
A viral photo in China shows how to manipulate App Store rankings the hard way,2087,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,1547,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,633,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,1786,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,508,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",1854,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",1182,agree
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),1637,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,1291,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,116,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1223,unrelated
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,2302,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,220,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1148,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,2367,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1120,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,225,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1819,discuss
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,321,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",2367,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1459,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,1400,unrelated
"Jose Canseco injured in accidental shooting, per reports",695,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,324,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",1549,agree
iOS 8 bug reportedly erases iCloud Drive documents when settings are reset,906,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',524,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1009,unrelated
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,1438,unrelated
Bugatti Veyron Vandalized With Penis Graffiti? Viral Photo Isn’t What It Seems,557,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,1805,agree
Hoax Busted: Report on Popular 'Dog Whisperer' Cesar Millan's Death is False,1429,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1615,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,60,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,2062,discuss
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",269,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",2463,unrelated
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",2419,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,2163,agree
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1883,unrelated
iOS 8 bug could delete your iCloud Drive documents,2061,unrelated
Lego letter from the 1970s still offers a powerful message to parents 40 years later,1689,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Macklemore Gets Twitter-Trolled with the #MacklemoreJoinedISIS,648,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2524,agree
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,936,unrelated
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,788,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,1476,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1210,unrelated
Developer quits using the app he was hired to make—or did he?,1726,discuss
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",220,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,126,unrelated
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,263,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',2115,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1658,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,1162,agree
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,984,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,304,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,2314,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,899,agree
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1946,discuss
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,1457,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,1437,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1215,discuss
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",1047,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,2078,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1439,unrelated
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,554,unrelated
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,1968,agree
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,1555,agree
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,702,agree
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,45,unrelated
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,1095,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,1064,agree
"Oh Hey, Paul Rudd Was One Of The Dallas Airport Homophobe Heroes, No Big",367,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',2064,discuss
Police hunt tweed-jacket wearing man who slaps shoppers for SNEEZING,402,agree
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,1468,disagree
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,1735,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,2235,discuss
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",34,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2067,agree
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",682,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1888,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1627,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,26,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",304,unrelated
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,1586,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,11,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,1338,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1217,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,205,unrelated
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,366,unrelated
Soldier shot at war memorial in Canada,2252,unrelated
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",760,unrelated
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,1224,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1347,discuss
Animal lovers abuzz over pope’s comments that 'paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',2473,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1384,unrelated
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,972,disagree
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,625,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",137,agree
"No, that
oken pencil illustration isn't by Banksy",1867,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1949,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1761,discuss
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1547,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,367,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1213,disagree
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",2081,agree
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,1400,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,527,unrelated
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,1660,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",1073,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1627,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,1575,discuss
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1295,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,2248,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",132,unrelated
Michael Abdul Zehaf Bibeau Pictures: Photos of Alleged ISIS-Linked Gunman in Canada,2256,unrelated
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been STOLEN after he is drugged in Russian bar by attractive blonde working for organ traffickers,1015,unrelated
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,1867,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,1406,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1786,unrelated
Reports: Islamic State uses chlorine gas against Iraqi forces,1233,discuss
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,220,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1481,unrelated
"10% of Consumers 'Very Likely' to Buy a Smartwatch in 2015, Suggesting 24M Apple Watches",1149,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,271,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,730,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",1789,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1210,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,731,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',527,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",296,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,1368,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2453,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1934,discuss
A Husband Breaks Down In Tears After Lost Voicemail Message By His Late Wife Is Recovered,1208,agree
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,132,unrelated
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,2306,discuss
Sick Mum Sedated After Trying To Eat Baby,867,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,2343,discuss
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2349,agree
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2186,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",40,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,626,unrelated
Somali te
orist leader dead after US airstrike,2506,unrelated
Court Orders Probe Into Complaints Of 'Forced Castration' In Religious 'Dera' Sect,2265,discuss
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,2385,discuss
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,2152,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),1931,discuss
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",1948,unrelated
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,2208,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1206,discuss
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1797,disagree
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,1979,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,634,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1251,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,666,unrelated
KFC Marijuana Sales To Begin In Colorado? It’s Unbelievable — Literally,1360,disagree
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,646,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,487,unrelated
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,2163,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,2240,agree
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,2508,agree
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,2090,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang’s Big Bank Hank dead at 57,40,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,1574,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1950,unrelated
Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired,833,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",781,unrelated
Islamic State fighters detonate 'SCORPION bombs' in te
or siege,364,agree
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,1267,discuss
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,2192,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",34,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,615,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,900,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,2299,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,2139,agree
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,821,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",186,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1471,discuss
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,2330,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,991,discuss
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,8,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,618,unrelated
Man Severed Penis That Failed To Impress Girls,1517,agree
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",2432,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",1478,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2404,unrelated
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,505,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1271,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,1549,disagree
Omsk schoolboy turned into a man-magnet after shock,244,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,530,unrelated
Pull the other Un! North Korean dictator has not been seen for weeks because he 'pulled tendon while doing drill with his generals',2471,unrelated
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out,867,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,1837,unrelated
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",1834,discuss
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,304,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,2338,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1120,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,755,agree
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,2230,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1139,discuss
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,964,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,277,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,1268,unrelated
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,955,unrelated
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,2213,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,991,discuss
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,490,unrelated
"Boy, 16, secretly films sex with teacher then uploads it to WhatsApp",2447,disagree
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",2445,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",530,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,2163,agree
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,1481,unrelated
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,1349,unrelated
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,2283,unrelated
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,2123,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,2448,unrelated
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,1361,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,803,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',295,unrelated
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,1936,unrelated
Chinese parents try to SELL their son to pay for medical treatment for his sick twin sister,2531,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,2034,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1893,unrelated
Robert Plant Reportedly Tears Up $800 Million Led Zeppelin Reunion Contract,2133,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",1299,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot from Taliban (video),860,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,132,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,1806,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,1954,agree
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,2338,discuss
Kevin Vickers Hailed As Hero For Reportedly Shooting Gunman Inside Parliament,2410,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,1949,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,2087,unrelated
Best Christmas present ever? Heartwarming moment app developer reveals to his parents he had paid off their mortgage,648,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2016,unrelated
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,1948,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,373,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1107,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,2170,agree
Nasty iOS 8 Bug Could Erase Your iCloud Drive Documents,1155,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,2404,discuss
"PGA Tour Pro Claims Tiger Woods Is Cu
ently Suspended For PEDs, Compares Him To Lance Armstrong",550,unrelated
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",186,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1372,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",874,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1178,discuss
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",2118,unrelated
"280 Pound Catfish: Fisherman Makes Huge Catch In Italy, Catfish Could Set Record",1338,agree
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,2314,unrelated
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",1302,discuss
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',505,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",859,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment",2313,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,2025,discuss
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,2520,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,1413,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1107,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,959,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,1933,unrelated
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1165,discuss
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,61,unrelated
Hero soldier Nathan Cirillo killed by convicted criminal Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1751,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,125,unrelated
ISIS supporters mourn death of ‘youngest fighter’,1948,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1073,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,8,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',125,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,706,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',391,agree
Utah man hospitalized after eggnog-chugging competition,251,unrelated
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,1563,agree
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,1137,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2526,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,2009,unrelated
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,81,unrelated
"Tom Brokaw 'wants Brian Williams out': NBC legend 'furious' at Iraq war lie, as it's claimed executives warned anchor to stop exaggerating the story in the past",1794,discuss
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,520,discuss
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,2152,discuss
A really devoted man spent $460 on surgery for his constipated goldfish,2280,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,2087,unrelated
Do all dogs go to heaven? Pope tells grieving boy: 'Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',1260,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,1311,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,267,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,1210,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,2506,unrelated
This Man Paid Off His Parents' Mortgage for Christmas (Video),2072,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,1702,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,472,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1073,discuss
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,1311,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,271,discuss
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit,2411,agree
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',2009,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,2367,unrelated
A Bogus Banksy,1867,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,2192,discuss
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1776,discuss
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,591,disagree
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",1605,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,845,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",2420,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,844,unrelated
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",2188,discuss
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1740,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,919,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,984,unrelated
"Soldier, Gunman Killed In Shooting Incident Near Canadian Parliament",401,unrelated
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,2152,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),919,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,373,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,1256,agree
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,530,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),1256,unrelated
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",88,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,1906,unrelated
Tiger Woods selling Swedish villa — island included,1155,unrelated
"Nuts! Indian guru coaxes 400 followers to cut off their testicles, grow closer to God",1731,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,2056,unrelated
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",648,unrelated
Soldier shot at war memorial in Canada,1586,unrelated
Islamic State accused of using chlorine gas on Iraqi soldiers,1233,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1009,discuss
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,559,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,1253,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1689,discuss
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",913,unrelated
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,2022,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,919,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",2251,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,2144,discuss
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,1004,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,1252,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1547,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,2102,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,1254,agree
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,483,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",1589,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2450,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1744,discuss
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,2520,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,2031,discuss
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1806,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1888,unrelated
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,1372,unrelated
Mohammed Islam Denies Making $72 Million From Stock Market Trading,2367,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2526,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,569,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",1020,agree
Search launched for dog's owner after pooch found dumped next to suitcase filled with belongings,382,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",724,unrelated
Al Qaida hostage killed in raid,1165,unrelated
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,405,unrelated
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,830,unrelated
Bug in iOS 8's 'Reset All Settings' Option Also Erases iCloud Drive Documents,2330,unrelated
"No, That Wasn’t Paul Rudd Tackling an Airport Homophobe",560,agree
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,121,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",1972,discuss
Someone Trolled Twitter Into Thinking Macklemore Joined ISIS,190,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,381,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,740,unrelated
Bali Awry,1888,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,1252,unrelated
Air travelers wary of Ebola fears seen with surgical masks ... and a HAZMAT suit,2489,unrelated
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",218,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,269,unrelated
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,1213,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,1337,discuss
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,932,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,2463,unrelated
Microsoft Hires Dalek-style Robocops to Guard Silicon Valley HQ,1721,unrelated
This Man Paid Off His Parents' Mortgage for Christmas (Video),648,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,2293,discuss
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,964,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",2070,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,2434,discuss
Amazon's Newest Tablet Will Come With Free News From The Washington Post,906,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,730,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,630,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,269,unrelated
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,1213,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,1883,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1361,unrelated
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,2009,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,921,discuss
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1206,agree
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,2141,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,2223,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,490,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,0,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2404,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,2415,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,321,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,571,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1175,discuss
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,125,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,632,discuss
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',984,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,402,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,2093,discuss
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1013,unrelated
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,653,agree
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",2408,discuss
"'Nasa Confirms Six Days of Darkness in December': No, they really don't - it's a hoax",787,unrelated
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair,1769,discuss
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1579,discuss
Penis Spray-Painted on a $2.5 Million Car Was Just for a Prank Video,1781,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,928,discuss
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,60,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,1438,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",2045,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',1170,unrelated
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,2389,discuss
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,1905,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),633,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2047,discuss
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,2520,discuss
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",2175,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1217,discuss
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,1948,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,263,unrelated
The Apple Watch Will Debut by Late March [Report],447,unrelated
"North Korea ordered citizens named Kim Jong Un to change their names, says new report",734,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,782,discuss
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,518,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',2042,unrelated
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",1781,discuss
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,724,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),2042,disagree
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2235,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",1224,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,1485,discuss
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1358,unrelated
Nun who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth after going to hospital with stomach pains,2388,unrelated
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been stolen after kissing young woman in sauna,2403,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,2328,unrelated
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,1869,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,961,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,2127,unrelated
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,81,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1058,unrelated
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,2295,unrelated
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,1006,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,1375,unrelated
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,2252,unrelated
HBO Reportedly in Talks with Apple for Launch of New Unbundled Streaming Service,477,unrelated
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired,1162,agree
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,564,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2248,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,1786,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,2356,discuss
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',190,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1176,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,1314,discuss
400 men cut their testicles off believing it would help them meet God,1909,discuss
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,737,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,687,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,2118,unrelated
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,2342,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",651,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2296,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1722,discuss
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,1646,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",2022,discuss
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1506,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",385,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,1483,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,1597,agree
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',2088,discuss
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,1192,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,2501,unrelated
Kim Jong-un drinks rare snake wine to boost love life!,1605,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,1247,discuss
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1009,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,2296,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1933,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1673,unrelated
Country Music Legend Willie Nelson Dies at Age 81,858,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",2191,discuss
"Omar Gonzalez, White House Fence-Jumper, Made it Farther Inside",1916,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),2431,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1295,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,2020,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,1003,unrelated
Apple’s next MacBook could be a 12-inch MacBook Air,2497,discuss
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,1540,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,2295,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',2375,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,1483,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,2367,unrelated
North Korea reportedly bans anyone sharing Kim Jong Un's name,1975,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1820,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,1175,unrelated
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,1806,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1019,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,288,discuss
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1060,discuss
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,932,unrelated
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,2296,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,821,agree
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",2360,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,2156,unrelated
"ISIS Unleash ""Scorpion"" Bombs In Iraq",1338,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,1835,discuss
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,1854,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,2508,agree
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,1478,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1003,unrelated
Cold Turkey,2397,discuss
Lego letter from the 1970s still offers a powerful message to parents 40 years later,547,agree
Vladimir Putin Bird Poop Video is Fake,1331,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,1860,agree
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",1940,agree
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,387,unrelated
"No, That Wasn’t Paul Rudd Tackling an Airport Homophobe",1814,unrelated
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,1746,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,1569,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1808,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",461,discuss
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,2483,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,235,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,933,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,1408,unrelated
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",2385,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1269,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1982,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,30,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1852,unrelated
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,1261,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1982,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1905,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,1970,discuss
J.J. A
ams Asks Disney To Move Up 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Release Date,1087,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2481,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1125,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1574,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,1530,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,381,unrelated
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,1837,unrelated
ury Christ Church University student Jess Smith, from Chatham, sta
ed as Teletu
ies' sun",979,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,2269,agree
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,1605,unrelated
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,54,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",1125,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1598,discuss
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",1202,discuss
Spurned wife leaves cheating husband and twin naked in busy car park,879,unrelated
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,1982,discuss
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',1873,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",1004,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1541,unrelated
A Bunch Of Folks Are Passing Around This Hoax Video Of A Bird Pooping On Vladimir Putin,2463,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,1365,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,724,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1904,discuss
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,2328,unrelated
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ A
ams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?,622,discuss
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,2055,agree
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,1545,discuss
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",1293,unrelated
Research Medical Center denies reports that a patient has Ebola,781,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",2509,unrelated
PopWatch Teenager fights for the right to be recognized as Teletu
ies' smiling sun-baby,979,unrelated
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in Fe
"Apple Watch to Feature Time-Only 'Power Reserve' Mode, Prototypes Disguised as Samsung Watches",487,discuss
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,1480,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1820,unrelated
Man chops off his penis after his girlfriend
eaks up with him,2496,agree
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1891,discuss
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,22,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,2191,discuss
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",1950,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,2268,unrelated
If Only A Bird Really Did Poop on Putin,1957,agree
Israel denies causing Gaza floods by opening dams,2055,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,1883,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,1076,discuss
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,699,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',663,unrelated
"ISIS using bombs containing live SCORPIONS in effort to spread panic, in tactic used 2,000 years ago against Romans",1127,agree
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,2090,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,559,unrelated
Apple Watch launch expected in late March,752,discuss
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,1040,unrelated
Parents' anger after seven Bosnian schoolgirls aged 13 and 14 fall pregnant on class trip,571,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,1787,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,1948,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,2296,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1594,disagree
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,305,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,559,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1347,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,2022,unrelated
Someone painted a graffiti dick on a $2.5 million car,1320,discuss
NASA: Viral news on days of darkness in December is hoax,2520,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,2252,discuss
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1709,unrelated
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,2360,agree
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,347,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,2290,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,36,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,181,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1195,discuss
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,633,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1437,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",373,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1984,agree
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",2177,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,171,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,107,unrelated
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",2141,unrelated
Doctors confirmed the first case of death from ingesting GMOs,714,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),1843,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,1461,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1430,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,139,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,305,unrelated
Has Apple quietly fixed its iPhone 6 Plus ‘Bendgate’ problem?,387,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,704,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2304,discuss
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",303,unrelated
Parents' anger after seven Bosnian schoolgirls aged 13 and 14 fall pregnant on class trip,313,unrelated
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,1631,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,381,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,571,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,2184,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,2242,agree
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1471,agree
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,2091,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,2147,discuss
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1722,discuss
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,667,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",220,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1040,unrelated
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",2367,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],568,unrelated
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,2161,unrelated
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,846,unrelated
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO),2061,agree
Apple Watch Gold Edition rumored to be priced at $1200: Will you buy?,2254,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,1906,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",2293,discuss
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,1125,unrelated
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,1476,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,93,unrelated
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,513,unrelated
N. Korea’s Kim has leg injury but in control,1213,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",10,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),503,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,195,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2403,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",1605,unrelated
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,524,unrelated
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,1311,discuss
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2044,unrelated
"Led Zeppelin Reunion: Robert Plant Rips Up $300 Million Contract, Refuses To Rejoin Legendary Band",2133,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2130,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1974,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1761,discuss
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1481,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,1875,discuss
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,626,unrelated
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,331,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1627,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1223,unrelated
North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Is Still In Charge: Source,2471,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2147,discuss
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,2130,unrelated
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,1042,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",505,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1252,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,13,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,456,discuss
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,1024,unrelated
Matt Tai
i Disappears From Omidyar’s First Look Media,1761,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2109,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",11,unrelated
"Man chops off own penis, throws it in a dustbin after poor show in bed",1249,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',651,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,220,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,2141,unrelated
"Amazon to launch first
ick-and-mortar store, report says",2116,discuss
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,1046,agree
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,2005,agree
Soldier shot at war memorial in Canada,892,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1168,discuss
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1786,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,93,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,545,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2214,agree
Heartwarming video shows son revealing he’s paid off parent’s mortgage as a Christmas gift,648,unrelated
The next Apple Watch could be platinum,1415,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",2162,discuss
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,2217,agree
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",2530,discuss
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",1360,unrelated
Report: Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of suicide airliner attacks on 9/11,1489,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,2185,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2453,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,2334,discuss
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2526,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1240,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",2170,agree
iPhone Game Developer Quits Job By Hiding The Greatest Letter Of Resignation Ever Inside His Game,1439,agree
Time Capsule from Paul Revere and Samuel Adams Discovered in Boston,851,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,459,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,760,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found in BUCKINGHAM PALACE by Alan Titchmarsh,1647,agree
"Apple's New MacBook Will Be A Thinner, Cleaner, Faster 12-Inch MacBook Air",1730,discuss
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',1659,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,2043,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,676,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,1141,discuss
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",2342,unrelated
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,513,unrelated
Brian Williams Debunks Peeing Meteorologist Report On ‘NBC Nightly News': Video,2092,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,1853,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
University Bans Word ‘Freshman’ Because It’s Sexist and Promotes Rape,2321,discuss
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",648,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,1670,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",258,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",1185,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1589,discuss
Seth Rogen reported to play Woz in the upcoming Steve Jobs movie,1539,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",704,unrelated
High School Student Rumored to Have Made $72 Million Trading Stocks,796,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2115,unrelated
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1166,unrelated
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,2411,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1446,discuss
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1948,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,1642,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1790,discuss
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1832,unrelated
Woman Spends Entire Week In KFC After Getting Dumped By Her Boyfriend,817,unrelated
‘Evocative shape': Is Vladimir Putin trolling the world with his motorcade formation?,944,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1385,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,2045,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1987,discuss
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,195,unrelated
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,1198,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",616,discuss
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,1648,unrelated
Boy who suffered powerful electric shock claims he now has 'superpowers' like X-Men's Magneto as metal objects stick to him,1317,unrelated
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,1385,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,1375,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],755,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1358,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1013,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",2096,discuss
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1011,discuss
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,984,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,1808,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,2483,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,2125,disagree
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1166,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,2434,discuss
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,511,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,1539,discuss
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,385,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1252,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1361,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,1379,unrelated
EXCLUSIVE: New York Mag’s Boy Genius Investor Made It All Up,1205,unrelated
Paul Rudd Helped Tackle A Violent Homophobe So That’s Another Reason To Love Him [UPDATE],609,agree
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1506,unrelated
Islamic State fighters training to fly captured jets — watchdog,819,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],586,discuss
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,186,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,2022,discuss
"Don't Wo
y, 'The Breakfast Club' Star Judd Nelson Is Not Dead",2332,agree
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1299,unrelated
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,2213,unrelated
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,2109,discuss
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,1058,unrelated
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,295,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,1948,unrelated
Could Kim Jong Un open a restaurant in Scotland?,1806,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,2370,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,1426,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1424,discuss
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,2441,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,1374,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,816,agree
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,2374,agree
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",932,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",2520,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,634,unrelated
BREAKING: Soldier shot at War Memorial in Ottawa,892,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),2072,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,1012,unrelated
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,404,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,251,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",2288,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1893,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2404,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,2403,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,251,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",269,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,992,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,2403,unrelated
World's oldest burger,2371,unrelated
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,1871,unrelated
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1642,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",816,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",1996,disagree
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",34,unrelated
Shocking moment shows 'adulteress' stripped naked and beaten in busy shopping centre,1334,agree
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1893,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,244,unrelated
AWESOME! Canadian Parliament’s Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers Takes Out Gunman,1400,unrelated
KFC Marijuana Sales To Begin In Colorado? It’s Unbelievable — Literally,1277,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1574,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,2269,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,503,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1361,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,900,unrelated
'Banksy' Reacts To Paris Attack With Poignant Drawing,1406,unrelated
‘Little old lady’ A
ested for Making Fur Coats with Neighbor’s Cats,1289,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",1212,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",169,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",2471,discuss
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1931,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1588,disagree
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,891,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",2154,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1939,unrelated
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,683,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2296,unrelated
Missing Planes,2208,discuss
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",367,unrelated
Vandal paints penis on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,2286,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2256,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2147,discuss
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,683,unrelated
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,305,agree
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,1155,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,578,discuss
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1802,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1295,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,81,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,2434,discuss
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,299,unrelated
Axl Rose NOT Dead: Fake MSNBC Death Hoax Goes Viral On Facebook,144,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",505,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1849,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1027,discuss
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,2404,discuss
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",1854,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,962,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,2118,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1693,unrelated
Tips for Chinese choosing an English name,624,agree
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,347,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,1938,unrelated
Mechanical polar bear ‘threatened with ASBO for singing Christmas songs’,1024,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,373,unrelated
KC hospital: Patient does not have symptom profile of Ebola,1226,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1340,agree
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,2389,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",498,unrelated
"Marine Gets Shot in the Head, Walks Away",860,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,298,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,742,unrelated
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',239,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,120,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1821,discuss
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,2309,discuss
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,961,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1288,discuss
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",495,discuss
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1543,unrelated
Rats are still running around at Vogue,2031,agree
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),2211,agree
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,2046,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",829,unrelated
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,1934,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),72,discuss
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,292,discuss
Cloistered nun has a stomach ache hospital gives birth to a baby [Google Translate],1480,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,693,discuss
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,125,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,603,agree
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1019,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1311,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1024,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,8,unrelated
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),542,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1709,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",1239,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,2295,discuss
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",1597,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2070,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",30,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2386,discuss
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,827,agree
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",2479,discuss
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,1909,discuss
REPORT: Apple's Watch Will Come In 2 Storage Sizes,2022,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,614,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",821,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1547,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,2116,unrelated
Apple's 12-Inch Retina MacBook Air Shown in Artist's Renditions,727,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",2492,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1385,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),630,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,722,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,1256,unrelated
Report: Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of suicide airliner attacks on 9/11,1438,unrelated
"Yes, you can wear your Apple Watch in the shower",1680,agree
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",1921,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,385,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,972,unrelated
Cloistered nun has a stomach ache hospital gives birth to a baby [Google Translate],2388,unrelated
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,1575,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",1380,agree
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1747,discuss
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,618,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,296,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,568,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,817,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',2498,discuss
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,167,unrelated
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,405,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,385,unrelated
Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired Over Iraq Helicopter Story: Report,1746,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,34,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,280,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1821,discuss
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,54,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1580,discuss
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",1026,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,344,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,1296,discuss
Magic mushrooms found in BUCKINGHAM PALACE by Alan Titchmarsh,242,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1615,discuss
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,1946,discuss
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,2329,unrelated
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,2367,unrelated
"Report: new 12-inch MacBook Air slims down, has single USB port",1049,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",1164,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1213,agree
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,598,agree
Popular 'Banksy' Instagram account offers powerful message of perseverance after Paris attack,2024,discuss
Matt Tai
i takes a leave of absence from First Look Media,2218,discuss
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,874,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,2458,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",1178,unrelated
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,964,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1848,unrelated
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,2489,discuss
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1016,discuss
"It's 'ru
ish' that Robert Plant turned down £500m Led Zeppelin reformation offer, says publicist",833,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1776,agree
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,992,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,2045,discuss
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1630,discuss
Islamic State Declares Captured Aid Worker to be 'Innocent',1263,unrelated
Sergeant-at-Arms stopped shooter on Parliament Hill,1666,agree
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,534,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",373,discuss
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,1906,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Didn't Blur Out Michelle Obama's Face When the President Met King Salman",1343,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1383,unrelated
"Apple Watch Specs Tipped; Said to Feature 512MB RAM, 4GB of Storage",1302,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,1359,unrelated
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,2224,discuss
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,2266,discuss
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",1034,unrelated
"Comcast Turns Complaints Back On Customer, Gets His Employer To Fire Him",2434,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',30,unrelated
Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired Over Iraq Helicopter Story: Report,277,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,2453,disagree
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,2039,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,684,discuss
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",1004,discuss
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1379,discuss
Apple Users Add Hairgate to iPhone 6 Problems,403,unrelated
"PGA Tour Pro Claims Tiger Woods Is Cu
ently Suspended For PEDs, Compares Him To Lance Armstrong",1589,unrelated
Man With Ebola-Like Symptoms Claims Contact With 'Patient Zero' in Texas,1104,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,499,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1774,discuss
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,2290,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1721,discuss
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",646,unrelated
Apple Watch to sell 15M units in 2015 and ‘ignite global smartwatch market’,2528,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,181,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1210,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,989,unrelated
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,263,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1424,discuss
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,564,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1774,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1569,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,387,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",244,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2256,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,35,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,816,unrelated
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,2269,agree
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",804,agree
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1217,discuss
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),220,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",2141,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,1852,unrelated
Missing Planes,126,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,1570,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,2096,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",2206,agree
Small red book among finds in 113-year-old Boston time capsule,1442,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2109,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,777,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,388,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,1611,discuss
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,1339,discuss
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1333,disagree
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1839,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",626,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,2044,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1289,unrelated
"""Oldest Time Capsule"" in U.S. Unearthed in Boston",419,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,1253,discuss
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1863,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,880,discuss
"Apple Watch Takes Two Hours to Charge, Only Delivers Notifications While on the Wrist",1176,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,214,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,1940,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",36,unrelated
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,1494,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1627,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,1187,discuss
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,2304,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1340,agree
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,1565,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1800,discuss
Shocking! Chinese parents sell their son to fund for daughter’s Cancer treatment,694,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,2177,unrelated
This Is What The Sun Baby From ‘Teletu
ies’ Looks Like Now,1094,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,2042,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,2432,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,1598,discuss
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,1565,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,1311,unrelated
SEE IT: NBC meteorologist Mike Seidel appears to relieve himself during
oadcast; network says he was looking for phone,381,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,527,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1735,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",1299,unrelated
i takes time out from First Look after “disagreements.” Can I publish our emails now, Matt?",2218,discuss
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,1274,discuss
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1179,unrelated
North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Is Still In Charge: Source,2230,discuss
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",706,discuss
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,1931,disagree
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1815,unrelated
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",40,unrelated
"McDonald’s to Stop Serving Overweight Customers in January? Nope, ‘1/15/2015′ Story is Fake",413,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,1575,discuss
"Soldier shot, Parliament locked down after gunfire erupts at war memorial",1273,unrelated
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,1825,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,2197,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,346,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",1048,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,686,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1982,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1853,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,2508,agree
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,1680,unrelated
‘Feminist’ says she aborted baby because it was a boy,2161,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,2313,unrelated
"Islamic State Militants Have Been Flying 3 Captured Warplanes Over Syrian Airport, Witnesses Say",1293,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,1760,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',1837,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,618,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,7,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1358,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,2022,unrelated
Tips for Chinese choosing an English name,2220,unrelated
British man pays $460 to save constipated goldfish's life,1361,unrelated
Rodney Constantine keeps Facebook promise and turns himself in to police,1408,agree
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,2302,discuss
Enormous 20-stone catfish caught with fishing rod in Italy after 40-minute boat battle,2161,agree
Search launched for dog's owner after pooch found dumped next to suitcase filled with belongings,144,unrelated
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,720,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,689,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2075,discuss
"North Korea leader Kim is still in charge, has injured leg: source",2471,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2287,unrelated
Is the iPhone 6 Really Pulling Out Your Hair?,403,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",1644,unrelated
Apple Users Add Hairgate to iPhone 6 Problems,1787,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,2338,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,32,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2458,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2220,discuss
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",295,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,304,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,2410,discuss
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1419,unrelated
Bali Awry,1880,discuss
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2434,discuss
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,1178,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,35,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,2048,discuss
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1670,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,1854,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,2088,discuss
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,616,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1458,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1786,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,2129,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1143,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",2526,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,964,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,822,discuss
Moment U.S. Marine is saved by his Kevlar helmet as Taliban sniper bullet hits him in head,743,agree
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,2192,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2386,discuss
Comcast Declares War on Tor?,595,discuss
Setting the record straight on tor,950,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,1806,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,125,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,706,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,1269,unrelated
Man who slaps people around the head for sneezing hunted by police,244,unrelated
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,1642,agree
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,225,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",1024,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1351,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",932,unrelated
The Apple Watch Will Debut by Late March [Report],2154,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,2260,disagree
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,595,unrelated
Do all dogs go to heaven? Pope tells grieving boy: 'Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',2002,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,346,unrelated
Report: HBO Now coming to Apple TV next month,815,discuss
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1271,unrelated
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,1223,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",221,agree
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,10,unrelated
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,2240,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,592,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,2520,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1547,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1778,discuss
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,2349,agree
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,1012,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,2304,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,777,unrelated
Another ISIS Massacre: ISIS Kills 300 Iraqi Soldiers With Chlorine Gas,1267,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,1946,discuss
Police hunt tweed-jacket wearing man who slaps shoppers for SNEEZING,1521,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1906,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1974,unrelated
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",2454,discuss
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,2314,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,322,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1574,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",1303,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,794,disagree
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,2252,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang’s Big Bank Hank dead at 57,2398,agree
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,1256,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,1195,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,344,unrelated
Original Apple Watch Health Features Were Dropped Due to Consistency Issues,1917,discuss
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,513,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,2528,discuss
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",913,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1702,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',2318,discuss
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",2240,disagree
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,1198,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",1406,unrelated
Al Qaida hostage killed in raid,1104,unrelated retracts claim about racist email from professor,1029,unrelated
'I aborted my baby because it was a boy': Outrage after 'feminist' blogger claims gender prompted termination,698,unrelated
80's Brat Pack star Judd Nelson forced to deny that he's dead after fake news story starts trending on social media,2463,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,2202,discuss
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,2061,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,539,unrelated
Parents' anger after seven Bosnian schoolgirls aged 13 and 14 fall pregnant on class trip,2504,agree
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,1293,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,258,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,1419,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1541,unrelated
Paul Rudd Helped Tackle A Violent Homophobe So That’s Another Reason To Love Him [UPDATE],242,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",40,unrelated
One of 'Taliban Five' in Bowe Bergdahl swap allegedly returned to militancy,1095,unrelated
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,234,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",651,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,1429,discuss
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1222,discuss
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,2501,unrelated
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament,1866,discuss
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1660,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1923,disagree
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",2272,discuss
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,559,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,1988,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,2306,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,694,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1446,discuss
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,516,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,1530,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,1502,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,741,unrelated
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,1384,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1004,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",2509,discuss
Podcast: Brown Moses on what’s flying over Iraq and Syria,2413,unrelated
"Amazon reportedly launching free, ad-supported video service (updated)",2002,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,2455,discuss
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",2022,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,1184,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1974,discuss
Texas plumber threatened over jihadis using his old truck,2379,agree
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,565,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",511,unrelated
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired,1213,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,693,discuss
Brian Williams Debunks Peeing Meteorologist Report On ‘NBC Nightly News': Video,2034,agree
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,1048,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,2367,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1885,agree
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,1157,unrelated
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,1143,discuss
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,2367,disagree
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,167,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2481,discuss
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1437,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",2278,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin: Death claims about former child star revealed to be yet another hoax,1502,unrelated
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,1606,discuss
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',754,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',2304,unrelated
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,2266,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1321,disagree
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,221,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,1867,unrelated
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,539,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1708,unrelated
Italian fisherman catches monstrous 280-pound catfish,331,discuss
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1120,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,497,agree
Meet the X-BOY: Electric shock turns kid into MAGNETO,1372,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1873,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,2272,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",167,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,917,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",206,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1900,unrelated
Axl Rose Found Dead of Sh*tty Hoax Website at Age 52,1645,unrelated
"Piper Jaffray pegs stainless steel Apple Watch price at $499, Edition at $4,999",562,discuss
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',933,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,787,unrelated
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,299,unrelated
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,530,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,61,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,730,unrelated
World's oldest burger,2411,agree
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,258,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1968,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1506,discuss
Apple in talks to become launch partner for cable-free HBO Now service,2419,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,1058,unrelated
"Soldier, Gunman Killed In Shooting Incident Near Canadian Parliament",1253,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,788,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,1938,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,1253,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,8,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,2118,discuss
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1435,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1385,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1299,agree
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,551,discuss
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,1317,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1547,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',186,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,2299,unrelated
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,1323,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,11,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",2354,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,527,unrelated
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,1073,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,2356,discuss
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,125,unrelated
ISIS launch SCORPION BOMBS to spread panic in Iraq,386,discuss
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",1949,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,529,unrelated
Nasty iOS 8 Bug Could Erase Your iCloud Drive Documents,2163,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,2176,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,586,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),654,discuss
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',1095,discuss
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2404,unrelated
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,1465,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot from Taliban (video),633,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,755,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,1670,unrelated
Brian Williams Debunks Peeing Meteorologist Report On ‘NBC Nightly News': Video,381,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,992,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1815,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1744,discuss
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1288,discuss
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1003,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,481,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,2017,discuss
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was shot nearly a dozen times before Kevin Vickers fatally wounded him,1885,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1442,discuss
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,168,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2328,unrelated
This Is The Most Epic Way To Quit Your Job,1877,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,649,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",1247,agree
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2453,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,2374,discuss
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1034,unrelated
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,1022,unrelated
North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Is Still In Charge: Source,821,unrelated
A really devoted man spent $460 on surgery for his constipated goldfish,1539,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,2403,discuss
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,2314,unrelated
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,882,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,220,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,1528,discuss
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,1143,unrelated
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",68,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,1921,unrelated
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,612,unrelated
"Soldier shot, Parliament locked down after gunfire erupts at war memorial",1466,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",2317,unrelated
Somali te
orist leader dead after US airstrike,387,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1206,discuss
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,299,unrelated
Brian Williams Debunks Peeing Meteorologist Report On ‘NBC Nightly News': Video,1854,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1498,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",1790,unrelated
A Bogus Banksy,2024,agree
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,1104,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",1294,unrelated
[Updated] Saudi State Television Allegedly Blurs Michelle Obama’s Face During Meeting With New Saudi King,170,unrelated
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,2090,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,220,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,2127,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',2342,discuss
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,803,unrelated
North Korea reportedly bans anyone sharing Kim Jong Un's name,1857,discuss
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,595,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,2327,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1034,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,1474,agree
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",2206,agree
ISIS Getting Ebola,1251,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,2477,discuss
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,2138,discuss
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,524,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",557,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",1828,discuss
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,571,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,775,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",2471,discuss
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1744,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1481,unrelated
Somali te
orist leader dead after US airstrike,1931,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",855,unrelated
Seth Rogen set to play Steve Wozniak in Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic,1586,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1589,agree
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,2022,discuss
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",662,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",1385,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1854,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1130,disagree
Tiger Woods' luxe Viking island in Sweden is for sale,236,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1393,discuss
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ID’d as Canadian Shooting Suspect in Ottawa,186,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,2067,agree
NEWS/ Meet the Teletu
ies Sun Baby: 19-Year-Old Jess Smith Reveals Herself as the Smiling Face Who Looked Over Teletu
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1116,discuss
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,1853,agree
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,1528,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,1589,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",600,discuss
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,1361,discuss
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,572,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1251,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,1900,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,2078,unrelated
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",1649,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1166,unrelated
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,169,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1574,unrelated
"Gene Munster Predicts $499 Steel Apple Watch, $4,999 for 18k Gold Edition",1156,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1724,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,693,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,1938,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,1853,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,1155,agree
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,472,unrelated
Bali Awry,2009,unrelated
Electric shock turns Russian boy into Marvel's Magneto,2415,discuss
Rats are still running around at Vogue,304,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1905,unrelated
Report: Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of suicide airliner attacks on 9/11,1384,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,2161,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1439,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",1509,discuss
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,499,discuss
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",702,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1020,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,1020,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",2389,unrelated
Could Kim Jong Un open a restaurant in Scotland?,1143,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,826,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",524,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",726,agree
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,1466,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",1372,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,2147,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",344,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",903,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",1855,discuss
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1009,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1825,discuss
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,821,unrelated
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",777,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,2187,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,524,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,2238,discuss
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,11,unrelated
"Vice CEO Shane Smith reportedly spent $300,000 on a steak dinner at CES",505,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,2044,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",2251,discuss
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1197,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,298,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",2256,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,1291,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,2434,discuss
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1101,discuss
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,972,unrelated
"'Nasa Confirms Six Days of Darkness in December': No, they really don't - it's a hoax",1586,unrelated
Magic mushroom found growing at Buckingham Palace,957,agree
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1073,unrelated
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,1225,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,524,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1642,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,35,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,524,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,821,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",2177,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1584,discuss
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",385,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1071,unrelated
British Aid Worker Confirmed Murdered By ISIS,1477,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,481,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,666,unrelated
Someone painted a graffiti dick on a $2.5 million car,1183,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,2162,discuss
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,1949,agree
Government employee fired after skipping work for 24 years,860,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,524,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1888,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,2432,agree
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,1406,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,760,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,2080,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",1682,agree
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",5,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1406,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,2123,discuss
Apple Watch Pop-Up Shop Also Planned for London's Selfridges Department Store,2180,unrelated
Tiger Woods Is Selling His Private Island For $7.1 Million,1836,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,933,unrelated
"'Star Wars VII' News, Update: JJ A
ams Pushing for Summer Release?",748,unrelated
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,845,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",167,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,2184,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,1498,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",831,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",254,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',324,unrelated
Nun who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth after going to hospital with stomach pains,220,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,1787,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",2248,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,1634,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),860,discuss
Apple Watch launch reportedly planned for Fe
uary with limited supply,280,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,2370,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,1789,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1427,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,1293,unrelated
Judd Nelson isn't dead; report is a hoax,1906,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1776,discuss
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,17,unrelated
Teacher suspended after sex session with teen pupil ends up on hardcore porn website,822,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,754,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,578,discuss
Unconfirmed Reports Say UK Hostage Held By ISIS Found Innocent,347,discuss
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1702,unrelated
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,1628,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,1169,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,1931,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,1467,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1034,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,1289,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",601,disagree
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,7,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1358,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",247,discuss
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1256,unrelated
Rodney Constantine keeps Facebook promise and turns himself in to police,499,unrelated
"Luckiest Pizza Delivery Guy Ever Gets $2,000 Tip",676,agree
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",1760,unrelated
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,1266,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,472,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',1921,unrelated
Missing Planes,2309,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,225,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",227,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,2329,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2127,unrelated
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,2187,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1574,unrelated
A Bunch Of Folks Are Passing Around This Hoax Video Of A Bird Pooping On Vladimir Putin,1957,agree
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1897,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2070,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",2168,discuss
You're Not Going to Become Weightless on January 4th,304,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2261,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,2035,agree
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy,1820,agree
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1950,unrelated
'Banksy' Reacts To Paris Attack With Poignant Drawing,2070,discuss
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,2017,discuss
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,2210,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,346,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1569,agree
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,132,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,1637,unrelated
NYC relaxes response to marijuana possession,666,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,687,unrelated
Lego letter from the 1970s still offers a powerful message to parents 40 years later,989,unrelated
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",1644,discuss
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,220,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1422,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,2144,discuss
"'Star Wars VII' News, Update: JJ A
ams Pushing for Summer Release?",1843,discuss
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1498,unrelated
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,1183,unrelated
‘Feminist’ says she aborted baby because it was a boy,2014,disagree
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,1437,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,1853,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,34,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',450,unrelated
Saudi fatwa banning snowmen triggers heated debate,942,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1125,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,195,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,126,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,2192,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,2177,unrelated
Staff Reporter,781,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1347,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,1303,unrelated
America's oldest time capsule unearthed at Boston statehouse after being buried in 1795 by Sam Adams and Paul Revere,1442,unrelated
oken girl spends week in KFC after getting dumped,1551,agree
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,2287,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1611,discuss
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",2509,unrelated
Son pays off his parents' mortgage in a heartwarming Christmas video,2036,discuss
Did Paul Rudd Help Tackle That Dallas Airport Gay-Basher?,853,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",845,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,450,unrelated
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,2036,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,2481,discuss
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",672,disagree
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1435,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,120,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,2097,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,1471,unrelated
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,2364,discuss
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,2272,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,817,discuss
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1056,disagree
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1916,discuss
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,321,unrelated
Penis graffiti drawn on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,1453,disagree
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,1789,unrelated
Apple Watch to reportedly offer 'Power Reserve' to help extend battery life,1223,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',1875,unrelated
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",1708,unrelated
That’s one way to clean it: Apple Watch will reportedly survive a trip through the shower,2367,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",500,unrelated
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",2509,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,80,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,1987,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1569,unrelated
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated,1157,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2296,unrelated
No - a Fox News Twitter account isn't responding to tweets on the #FoxNewsFacts hashtag,748,agree
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1011,discuss
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,373,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,919,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,1946,discuss
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1817,discuss
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,2317,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",2067,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,161,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,2010,discuss
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,720,unrelated
"Marine Gets Shot in the Head, Walks Away",2452,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,971,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,472,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,643,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",304,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",640,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,1661,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,190,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,234,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,593,discuss
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,933,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2261,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),2005,agree
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",1468,agree
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1406,unrelated
Reports: Big Bank Hank of pioneering rap group Sugarhill Gang has died,1107,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,220,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,2495,discuss
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,2526,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1916,discuss
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,880,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1009,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1905,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,2155,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",1237,unrelated
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,1459,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,1786,unrelated
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,1806,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,737,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2096,discuss
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",2264,discuss
Isis supporters claim US hostage killed in coalition air strike in Syria,2376,discuss
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1549,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1786,unrelated
Tiger Woods' agent shoots down report of failed drug test,1535,unrelated
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,1419,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,2088,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,304,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,1883,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,225,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",298,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,2025,discuss
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,569,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1368,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",2201,discuss
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1040,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,1351,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",303,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",1739,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,633,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2020,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,2458,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,1148,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1549,unrelated
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,125,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",2473,discuss
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,2242,agree
Research Medical Center denies reports that a patient has Ebola,1343,agree
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,2115,agree
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2290,unrelated
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,1312,unrelated
Court Orders Probe Into Complaints Of 'Forced Castration' In Religious 'Dera' Sect,34,unrelated
"McDonald’s to Stop Serving Overweight Customers in January? Nope, ‘1/15/2015′ Story is Fake",2302,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1426,discuss
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,1224,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1251,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2070,unrelated
Is the iPhone 6 Really Pulling Out Your Hair?,2088,discuss
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,1933,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1336,agree
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,938,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,2042,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,2314,unrelated
Bird defecates on Vladimir Putin during speech (video),1155,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1538,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,1034,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,2042,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,1502,unrelated
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",1826,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,1858,disagree
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,162,discuss
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,225,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,646,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,2187,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,651,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),2477,discuss
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1826,unrelated
or Leader Ahmed Abdi Godane Killed in U.S. Strike,2364,discuss
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,1936,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1873,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,2314,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1481,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',5,unrelated
Nun 'has surprise baby' after complaining of stomach pains,1828,discuss
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,321,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,752,unrelated
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,1840,agree
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1019,discuss
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,941,unrelated
Customer: I was fired for Comcast complaint,86,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1271,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,942,unrelated
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,7,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,975,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1358,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1351,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2047,discuss
Don’t ‘Reset All Settings’ in iOS 8 unless you want to lose your iCloud files,1413,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,2177,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1580,discuss
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,1543,discuss
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters,280,unrelated
PopWatch Teenager fights for the right to be recognized as Teletu
ies' smiling sun-baby,837,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1921,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,513,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1361,unrelated
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,1036,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,1294,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,1521,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,2398,agree
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",1646,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",581,agree
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1857,unrelated
Rumors Of Fidel Castro's Death Circulate After Prolonged Absence From Public Life,892,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,803,unrelated
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria,2188,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,1637,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",1651,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',2056,unrelated
Cold Turkey,693,unrelated
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,595,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: Internet duped by fake report claiming that the street artist's identity has been revealed,1269,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,1237,discuss
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,2141,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,168,unrelated
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",1605,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1803,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",2044,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1883,discuss
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,2351,agree to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,1802,unrelated
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",99,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1661,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",2515,disagree
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,320,unrelated
"Woman catches husband cheating with her twin, humiliates them",662,agree
"Pope Francis did not tell boy heaven has room for pets, contrary to report",1408,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang’s Big Bank Hank dead at 57,1651,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2115,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1807,discuss
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1740,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,206,discuss
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,1538,discuss
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",938,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,2149,discuss
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,2087,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1372,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,373,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",1015,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",234,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',273,discuss
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",48,unrelated
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,1660,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,5,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",702,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,1020,unrelated
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",169,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',903,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,1807,unrelated
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,703,unrelated
NYPD to stop a
ests for small amounts of marijuana,1875,unrelated
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,1543,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,2441,agree
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,724,unrelated
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,1982,discuss
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1398,discuss
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2296,unrelated
WATCH: Stan Beaton cries tears of joy when phone engineers find treasured voicemail recording of his late wife he thought was lost forever,1294,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',504,unrelated
This Man Paid Off His Parents' Mortgage for Christmas (Video),2036,discuss
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,402,unrelated
J.J. A
ams Asks Disney To Move Up 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Release Date,2141,unrelated
Did Paul Rudd Help Take Down Dallas Airport Homophobe?,1647,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",955,agree
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,2410,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1549,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,2060,discuss
ISIS pays tribute to its 'Cub of Baghdadi' child soldier,847,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,2326,agree
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1156,agree
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,2456,agree
Nujaifi Condemns / Daash / crime in Saqlawiyah and Alsiger areas of Anbar.,1296,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",690,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,1143,discuss
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,2314,unrelated
Police hunt tweed-jacket wearing man who slaps shoppers for SNEEZING,1422,agree
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,1042,discuss
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,1095,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1934,discuss
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1213,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2388,discuss
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,691,unrelated
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,1506,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,1936,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,574,unrelated
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,35,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,2463,unrelated
Unconfirmed Reports Say UK Hostage Held By ISIS Found Innocent,530,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld a full 7.5 percent - here is the proof,2314,agree
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),1813,disagree
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1857,unrelated
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",917,unrelated
"Kayla Jean Mueller, U.S. hostage, killed in Jordan airstrike, ISIS claims",493,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,1841,agree
The Force Awakens News: Director J.J. A
ams Eyes Summer Release for Star Wars 7 Because of Too Many Spoilers,125,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1540,discuss
Parents' anger after seven Bosnian schoolgirls aged 13 and 14 fall pregnant on class trip,2124,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1622,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: Baseball star Jose Canseco hurt in accidental shooting,2266,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1899,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,533,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,190,discuss
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1308,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,2031,discuss
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1905,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1296,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,2526,unrelated
Fake-News: 'McDonald's Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers',1539,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1896,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,17,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1403,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,2409,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1547,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,35,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,2495,discuss
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1933,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,381,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2045,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',1708,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",534,unrelated
Amazon plans ad-supported video streaming service - NY post,2442,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,693,unrelated
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,1040,unrelated
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",1342,agree
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",761,unrelated
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,508,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,1893,unrelated
According to some Russians this dark figure stumbling through the snowy woods is a Yeti - and they even have a footprint. Hmmmmm,59,discuss
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1776,disagree
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,1388,discuss
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1543,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,2187,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,1179,unrelated
iOS 8 bug reportedly erases iCloud Drive documents when settings are reset,1155,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,737,unrelated
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),1277,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,900,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,2042,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1841,agree
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,1893,unrelated
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",271,unrelated
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,1634,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1950,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1506,unrelated
No One In North Korea Is Allowed To Share Kim Jong Un's Name,1648,discuss
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),1376,discuss
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2304,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1368,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,992,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,1817,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1011,discuss
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,304,unrelated
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,1226,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",757,unrelated
Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired Over Iraq Helicopter Story: Report,1545,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,2272,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",413,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,77,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,195,unrelated
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,2170,agree
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,900,unrelated
That’s one way to clean it: Apple Watch will reportedly survive a trip through the shower,401,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1125,unrelated
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,1659,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,724,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,1760,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,2531,unrelated
This resignation letter in a video-game could be the greatest ever,2091,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,568,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,199,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1948,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",1572,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1289,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,1164,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2404,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],2177,unrelated
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,1560,discuss
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1679,discuss
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",2520,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1291,unrelated
"'Star Wars VII' News, Update: JJ A
ams Pushing for Summer Release?",125,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,880,discuss
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!,304,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,1221,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2304,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,1152,discuss
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,125,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1506,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",1543,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,2072,discuss
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,2515,agree
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,2410,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,26,unrelated
"Man chops off his own penis, throws it in the trash after getting dumped for bad bedroom skills",831,unrelated
America's oldest time capsule unearthed at Boston statehouse after being buried in 1795 by Sam Adams and Paul Revere,1820,unrelated
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",1239,discuss
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1846,agree
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,2521,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1982,unrelated
"It was me! Student, 19, reveals SHE was the Teletu
ies' giggling baby in the sky - and was paid just £250 and a box of toys",2284,discuss
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1340,discuss
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",529,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1679,discuss
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,1374,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,880,discuss
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1545,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
"Man chops off own penis, throws it in a dustbin after poor show in bed",1799,agree
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,2389,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2056,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2329,unrelated
Don’t ‘Reset All Settings’ in iOS 8 unless you want to lose your iCloud files,1224,unrelated
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,2379,agree
400 men cut their testicles off believing it would help them meet God,1281,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,1936,unrelated
Michael Phelps' Reported Girlfriend Reveals She Was Born Intersex,190,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,254,unrelated
"Predator Drone Reportedly Sighted Circling Raqqa, Syria",933,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,2096,unrelated
Tiger Woods' former luxury island goes on sale,236,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",1905,agree
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,1756,discuss
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,585,unrelated
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',1785,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,2020,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,2313,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah,1590,agree
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',2022,discuss
‘Evocative shape': Is Vladimir Putin trolling the world with his motorcade formation?,1283,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1471,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,242,unrelated
"Want a Gold Apple Watch? All You Need is $5,000",2277,discuss
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,1247,agree
How did a Texas plumber's truck end up with Syrian rebels? (+video),1467,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1747,discuss
"10% of Consumers 'Very Likely' to Buy a Smartwatch in 2015, Suggesting 24M Apple Watches",247,unrelated
Hero soldier Nathan Cirillo killed by convicted criminal Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1883,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,2078,unrelated
Tiger Woods' agent shoots down report of failed drug test,1339,agree
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2134,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",840,discuss
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1347,unrelated
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,2240,disagree
Apple Watch reportedly has low-energy 'power reserve' mode,78,unrelated
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,573,unrelated
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament,2087,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,1423,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1013,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,1952,discuss
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,206,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,692,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,1804,agree
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,1808,unrelated
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",1213,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,1840,unrelated
Willie Nelson Dead? Viral Hoax Fools Internet,2186,agree
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,2252,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,373,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1678,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,958,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1442,discuss
Air travelers wary of Ebola fears seen with surgical masks ... and a HAZMAT suit,2028,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",1817,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,574,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",2247,discuss
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1786,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,2297,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',115,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,2210,unrelated
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",62,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,2389,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,626,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1786,unrelated
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken,2114,unrelated
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit,1806,unrelated
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,2024,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,388,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,115,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',742,discuss
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,1987,discuss
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",882,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2403,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",880,discuss
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,2042,disagree
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,821,unrelated
Satirical news site attacks China’s weird English names,2443,unrelated
"Tom Brokaw 'wants Brian Williams out': NBC legend 'furious' at Iraq war lie, as it's claimed executives warned anchor to stop exaggerating the story in the past",110,discuss
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,686,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",533,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1034,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",1534,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,1708,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",2520,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,534,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,945,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,1408,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,533,agree
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,10,discuss
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,2348,unrelated
"Jose Canseco injured in accidental shooting, per reports",869,discuss
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,2192,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1481,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",115,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,236,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",821,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2336,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",2187,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,2154,discuss
"Apple Watch Power Reserve feature will save battery life, report says",2124,discuss
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,2456,agree
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",1011,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1471,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",2302,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,2452,discuss
"Woman, Ting Su, Finds Husband Cheating With Her Own Twin, Gets Spectacular Revenge",2410,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,2106,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2345,discuss
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor,2171,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,258,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,40,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",472,unrelated
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",683,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,1901,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,839,agree
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,1905,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',2087,unrelated
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Michael Phelps' Cougar Girlfriend Revealed?,887,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2127,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,1839,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",2102,agree
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,592,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1916,discuss
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,2367,discuss
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,2410,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1634,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,513,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",2463,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,1427,discuss
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,2186,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",1912,discuss
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,244,unrelated
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",2445,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",1899,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,2252,unrelated
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake,572,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1383,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1660,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,1183,unrelated
British Aid Worker Confirmed Murdered By ISIS,1301,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,568,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,1787,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2526,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,539,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,1634,discuss
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",917,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1157,unrelated
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",203,discuss
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,1019,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1295,unrelated
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),1349,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",218,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1009,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,2370,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1702,unrelated
"Omar Gonzalez, White House Fence-Jumper, Made it Farther Inside",2409,discuss
Purdon Ebola Hoax: ‘Texas Town Quarantined After Family Of Five Test Positive For The Ebola Virus’ Article is Fake,258,unrelated
If Only A Bird Really Did Poop on Putin,2463,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2147,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2495,discuss
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,956,discuss
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,1137,unrelated
"No, That Wasn’t Paul Rudd Tackling an Airport Homophobe",2514,disagree
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1646,unrelated
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!,506,disagree
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',346,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1697,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,1572,unrelated
"Despite no Ebola case in Kansas City, the rumor goes viral",1843,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,121,unrelated
This Is What It Looks Like When A Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage As A Christmas Present,2036,discuss
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,2176,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,456,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,1476,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",2249,discuss
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,2296,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,1631,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,2187,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,344,unrelated
Claim: Comcast Got Complaining Customer Fired From His Job,2133,discuss
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",2365,discuss
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,115,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,855,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1095,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,1689,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1308,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",1832,unrelated
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,2022,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,2250,discuss
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1125,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",1787,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,381,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",205,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,311,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,794,agree
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",1019,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,1826,unrelated
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",344,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,381,unrelated
Moment U.S. Marine is saved by his Kevlar helmet as Taliban sniper bullet hits him in head,1724,unrelated
Police hunt tweed-jacket wearing man who slaps shoppers for SNEEZING,1952,discuss
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,1349,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",592,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,1219,discuss
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1580,agree
Report of quarantined Texas town NOT real; shared on a 'fake' news website,409,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,2115,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',254,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",614,unrelated
"Pope Francis did not tell boy heaven has room for pets, contrary to report",1681,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,938,discuss
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,2115,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,456,discuss
First bendgate... now it's HAIRGATE: Angry iPhone 6 owners claim design is causing chunks of their hair to be ripped out when they make a phone call,1923,unrelated
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",126,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",413,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",1026,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",1606,discuss
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,1573,disagree
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair,2476,discuss
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,313,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1321,agree
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,1337,unrelated
Did Comcast Get a Man Fired From His Job for Complaining About Its Service?,2447,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",1949,unrelated
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ A
ams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?,2434,unrelated
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,2163,discuss
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",2520,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1374,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,662,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2261,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,125,unrelated
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,1137,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2386,agree
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,959,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1846,disagree
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,2159,discuss
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,35,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,1107,unrelated
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit,251,unrelated
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,483,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1905,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2299,unrelated
Saudi cleric issues fatwa on snowmen,1064,agree
"'Nasa Confirms Six Days of Darkness in December': No, they really don't - it's a hoax",2423,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,928,discuss
Crank-Boosting Behind Top Apps in App Store,126,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1864,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1934,discuss
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,2210,unrelated
"Despite no Ebola case in Kansas City, the rumor goes viral",1343,agree
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,2297,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,2184,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,456,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1913,agree
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',944,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,2172,discuss
Nun who gave birth ‘had no idea’ she was pregnant,2192,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,2296,unrelated
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,1192,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",2268,unrelated
Bergdahl: Senator Says Jihadists Swapped For U.S. Troop ‘In Touch’ With Al-Qaida Affiliate,2159,discuss
"Cloistered nun gives birth to a baby The convent: ""There is a sister"" [Google Translate]",2479,discuss
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",1029,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,1948,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,1217,unrelated
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,1020,unrelated
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,2184,unrelated
Apple Watch launch reportedly planned for Fe
uary with limited supply,1789,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,833,discuss
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,226,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1786,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1361,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",75,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,34,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2067,discuss
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,938,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was shot nearly a dozen times before Kevin Vickers fatally wounded him,2521,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,800,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,917,unrelated
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",2472,discuss
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,2155,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",1435,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,2223,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,2139,discuss
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2020,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,989,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,2141,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,2528,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,539,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,755,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,2181,agree
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1573,disagree
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,1627,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1071,unrelated
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',2448,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1252,unrelated
Kim Jong-un drinks rare snake wine to boost love life!,1817,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,1628,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,757,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1803,unrelated
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,684,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,1498,unrelated
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,950,unrelated
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,2336,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',633,unrelated
"At Elon, ‘first-year’ has not replaced ‘freshman,’ university says",2360,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,2411,discuss
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2354,unrelated
"Dogs DO go to heaven… and cats, and horses: Pope assures young boy that there is a place in paradise for animals as well",1835,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",1458,discuss
Missing Planes,1574,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1627,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1606,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",2090,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,8,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,125,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,286,unrelated
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,1175,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1481,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1833,agree
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,7,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",1877,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,1854,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,2388,discuss
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",2251,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1893,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,1012,discuss
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,882,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2084,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,1483,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1500,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",1296,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",1263,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,1923,disagree
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,618,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",725,unrelated
Apple Orders More Than 5 Million Watches for Initial Run,321,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',1095,discuss
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1726,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',15,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1347,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,1459,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,480,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,529,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,190,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,1026,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,1355,disagree
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,2188,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',186,unrelated
You're Not Going to Become Weightless on January 4th,2413,agree
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,529,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1048,unrelated
Lego letter to parents in 1974 on gender equality still resonates 40 years on,1385,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,2237,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,1036,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,834,agree
Son pays off his parents' mortgage in a heartwarming Christmas video,265,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1880,disagree
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,1954,agree
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,1465,discuss
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria,2342,unrelated
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,682,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,472,discuss
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),472,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,87,unrelated
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,2473,unrelated
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",2327,discuss
Apple's 12-Inch Retina MacBook Air Shown in Artist's Renditions,2039,discuss
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,2250,discuss
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,1339,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",1313,agree
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,1437,unrelated
"How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?",2115,unrelated
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,2403,unrelated
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,1740,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1720,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,1107,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",2530,discuss
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,2227,agree
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,1991,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1372,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: The death hoax is once again on the child actor,195,unrelated
Penis Drawn On Bugatti Veyron Could Be World's Most Expensive Car Vandalism,1349,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",367,unrelated
Islamic State militants allegedly used chlorine gas against Iraqi security forces,1267,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld a full 7.5 percent - here is the proof,1686,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,1271,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",1917,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1669,discuss
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1649,unrelated
EXCLUSIVE: New York Mag’s Boy Genius Investor Made It All Up,2009,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,1681,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1120,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",1893,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,1885,discuss
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,213,unrelated
"Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before launch",1834,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,1363,discuss
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',1376,agree
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",311,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1506,unrelated
"These LEGO Instructions from 1974 Are Awesome (And Yes, They're Real)",22,unrelated
IS using scorpion bombs to te
ify Iraqi civilians,730,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1400,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",1217,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",855,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,1477,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,388,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",137,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1073,discuss
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,633,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,2147,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",1388,discuss
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,2118,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",2175,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1948,unrelated
Islamic State fighters training to fly captured jets — watchdog,2283,unrelated
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,845,discuss
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,214,unrelated
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,15,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,1294,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1430,discuss
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,816,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1899,unrelated
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,773,unrelated
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,1647,unrelated
"Texas, Hold 'Em",1383,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,195,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",2463,discuss
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,2302,unrelated
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair,304,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1374,agree
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1681,discuss
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1574,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper Big Bank Hank Dies at 57,281,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2526,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2367,discuss
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1906,agree
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",271,unrelated
Rats are still running around at Vogue,754,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,26,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,2434,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1966,discuss
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,2348,discuss
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',2176,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1013,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1531,agree
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1899,discuss
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,633,unrelated
"Report: new 12-inch MacBook Air slims down, has single USB port",480,unrelated
Could Kim Jong Un open a restaurant in Scotland?,2418,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,186,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,5,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,1549,unrelated
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,2034,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,1538,discuss
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",1019,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1461,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1034,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2354,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,527,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,2125,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",472,discuss
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1540,agree
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",2349,unrelated
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,2349,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",511,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,2492,agree
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",258,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,1471,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,761,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,1260,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,2147,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1681,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),1047,unrelated
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,691,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1252,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,632,discuss
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,251,unrelated
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,176,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,75,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,2501,agree
US Marine survives headshot from Taliban (video),2360,agree
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,1855,discuss
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,2473,discuss
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",2096,unrelated
A Bogus Banksy,1545,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,1848,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,725,agree
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1690,discuss
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,1047,discuss
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,2370,disagree
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,2295,unrelated
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",2330,unrelated
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,304,unrelated
Sick Mum Sedated After Trying To Eat Baby,62,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1299,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",1804,agree
iPhone Game Developer Quits Job By Hiding The Greatest Letter Of Resignation Ever Inside His Game,2458,agree
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,381,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",2152,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,712,discuss
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,170,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,777,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,2481,discuss
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,1372,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",1312,discuss
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,0,unrelated
Mexico police find mass grave near site 43 students vanished,1351,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",2367,disagree
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",169,unrelated
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",1002,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1744,discuss
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1982,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",1398,discuss
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel,2002,discuss
"Kevin Vickers, Sergeant-At-Arms, Shoots a Shooting Suspect in Ottawa; Called a ‘Hero’",1586,unrelated
Paul Rudd Is Not the Viral Video Hero Who Tackled a Gay Basher in Dallas,2514,disagree
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",214,unrelated
"Hundreds of dog-lovers from around the world offer home to pet abandoned at the railway station with a suitcase containing his pillow, toy, bowl and favourite food",391,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,539,unrelated
This Woman Is Wrongly Being Called A Sexual Predator After Her Private Sex Tape Was Used For A Hoax,1608,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,944,discuss
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,1948,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1900,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",320,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,499,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',2264,discuss
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,93,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,591,unrelated
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,1913,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1575,discuss
"Vice CEO Shane Smith reportedly spent $300,000 on a steak dinner at CES",2251,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,1261,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2221,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2524,agree
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,662,unrelated
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),99,unrelated
American Predator Drone Circling Islamic State’s Stronghold,1802,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,80,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,2520,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1254,discuss
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",1658,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1747,discuss
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",2450,agree
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,964,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,91,unrelated
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",716,discuss
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,1649,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1206,agree
"Absent from duty for 25 years, CPWD official dismissed",844,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1104,agree
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',139,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",1413,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',2045,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,2250,discuss
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,60,unrelated
First Human Death Confirmed From Eating GMO [Satire],2013,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,2347,discuss
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",2475,agree
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",2046,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,1240,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,1476,unrelated
"No, ESPN is not having an all-male domestic violence panel tonight",373,unrelated
Mirfield man's tears of joy after lost voicemail of wife retrieved,1208,agree
Podcast: Brown Moses on what’s flying over Iraq and Syria,1081,unrelated
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",2347,agree
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1982,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",2115,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",1048,unrelated
"Apple Watch Takes Two Hours to Charge, Only Delivers Notifications While on the Wrist",1542,discuss
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1569,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2403,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"No, Saudi TV Didn't Blur Out Michelle Obama's Face When the President Met King Salman",2453,agree
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,388,unrelated
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,1020,unrelated
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),1569,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,1883,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',520,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1198,agree
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,1787,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",459,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1040,unrelated
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,1610,agree
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,43,unrelated
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,2246,discuss
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters,204,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,737,unrelated
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,562,unrelated
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,311,unrelated
Report: Michael Phelps’ Tinder ‘Girlfriend’ Was Born Male; “We Made Love During Halftime”,330,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,1224,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2526,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,741,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,539,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1166,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,1923,agree
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,401,unrelated
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,424,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2043,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,1219,agree
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,2459,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,1933,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1179,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,1940,unrelated
"280 Pound Catfish: Fisherman Makes Huge Catch In Italy, Catfish Could Set Record",677,unrelated
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,1042,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,7,unrelated
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,2477,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),168,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",1976,discuss
For sale: Tiger's former island in Sweden,1660,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1340,disagree
"Rumor: Apple shooting for 19 hours of Apple Watch battery life under normal conditions, 2.5 hours 'heavy' use",822,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,80,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,322,unrelated
Saudi cleric issues fatwa on snowmen,760,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1731,agree
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,171,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1697,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1374,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,1721,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,115,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,731,discuss
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",2020,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,1498,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1776,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2495,discuss
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,726,agree
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1821,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1457,discuss
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1323,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,2250,discuss
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",1737,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1489,discuss
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1950,unrelated
Government employee fired after skipping work for 24 years,72,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,2367,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,227,discuss
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",1785,unrelated
Tips for Chinese choosing an English name,1660,agree
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1406,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1107,unrelated
Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage for Christmas,1567,agree
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",1921,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2413,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,2132,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,2187,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",816,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),570,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1900,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,1890,discuss
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",1854,unrelated
"Despite no Ebola case in Kansas City, the rumor goes viral",1519,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,55,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,321,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,1873,disagree
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1016,discuss
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",1341,discuss
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1299,agree
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),454,discuss
Has J.J. A
ams Asked for THE FORCE AWAKENS Release Date to be Moved Up?,1697,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,944,discuss
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1804,unrelated
Italian fisherman catches monstrous 280-pound catfish,2371,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,917,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1442,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,2187,unrelated
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,484,discuss
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,1266,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,1949,agree
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,2053,discuss
Search launched for dog's owner after pooch found dumped next to suitcase filled with belongings,626,agree
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2047,discuss
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,1968,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,2141,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1403,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,1857,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1904,discuss
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,534,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,11,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1435,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",1305,discuss
Microsoft turns to robotic security guards to watch for trouble,1837,agree
"Gold Apple Watch Edition Could Cost As Much As $1,200",1934,unrelated
Bali Awry,1709,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",1471,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",2477,unrelated
Report: Michael Phelps’ Tinder ‘Girlfriend’ Was Born Male; “We Made Love During Halftime”,599,discuss
Code/Red: Apple Watch Battery Life — “Charge Nightly”,1898,discuss
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,720,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah,1177,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,1224,unrelated
EXCLUSIVE: New York Mag’s Boy Genius Investor Made It All Up,945,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1093,discuss
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1875,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",391,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1795,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,945,disagree
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,2192,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],205,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',1921,unrelated
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,1048,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1422,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",88,unrelated
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",2055,agree
Vandal paints penis on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,1148,disagree
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,1849,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,171,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2034,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1139,discuss
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,1408,unrelated
Apple Watch delayed for Fe
uary in limited quantity,1742,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,625,unrelated
Code/Red: Apple Watch Battery Life — “Charge Nightly”,1746,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,903,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,2483,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,578,discuss
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1740,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1631,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,2354,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,2492,agree
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1807,discuss
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,2261,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1943,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",220,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",168,unrelated
Bug in iOS 8's 'Reset All Settings' Option Also Erases iCloud Drive Documents,2423,agree
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1917,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,472,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2147,discuss
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1622,discuss
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,1252,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1125,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,2033,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,2398,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",472,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,346,unrelated
"What they earn: Vice CEO Shane Smith’s $300,000 steak dinner",832,unrelated
Saudi cleric says snowmen are anti-Islamic,599,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1744,discuss
Sugarhill Gang’s Big Bank Hank dead at 57,105,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,2371,unrelated
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,699,agree
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1288,discuss
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1934,discuss
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",1029,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",2463,discuss
Russians Bag Better Bigfoot Footage,1718,unrelated
"Don't Wo
y, 'The Breakfast Club' Star Judd Nelson Is Not Dead",822,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,961,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,2016,agree
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,1176,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,220,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1857,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,93,unrelated
Cesar Millan is Not Dead: Dog Whisperer Death Hoax Circulates,78,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1437,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,1883,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1019,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2526,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2370,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",1820,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1564,discuss
Shocking moment shows 'adulteress' stripped naked and beaten in busy shopping centre,1131,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",568,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1173,discuss
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,831,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,26,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1034,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1966,agree
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,1921,unrelated
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",2034,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,7,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,1435,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1347,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1198,agree
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,903,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",1299,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),1006,unrelated
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",280,unrelated
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,1545,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1976,discuss
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,592,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",1489,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,2418,discuss
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",887,agree
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,1698,agree
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,2033,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,254,unrelated
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,1308,unrelated
SHOCKING: Indian Man's Penis Cut-off After He Was Caught Attempting Rape [Photos],36,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1574,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,524,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",2504,agree
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1968,disagree
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',56,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1438,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,2342,unrelated
Govt fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1951,agree
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,781,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",34,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,761,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,2070,unrelated
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,1529,discuss
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",1899,unrelated
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,1237,unrelated
Heartwarming video shows son revealing he’s paid off parent’s mortgage as a Christmas gift,1459,unrelated
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,1024,unrelated
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,1435,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,959,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1832,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",2202,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2304,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1403,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",2314,unrelated
Former U.S. soldier says IS used chemical weapons in Kobani,1369,discuss
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,633,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,2088,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2087,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,22,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),1291,unrelated
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,526,unrelated
Axl Rose NOT Dead: Fake MSNBC Death Hoax Goes Viral On Facebook,1645,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1013,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,1921,discuss
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,2309,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,2415,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",1720,discuss
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,416,discuss
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",975,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1372,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,1929,disagree
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,687,unrelated
Giant 8ft 9in catfish weighing 19 stone caught in Italy is thought to be the biggest ever reeled in with a rod and line,2371,unrelated
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),239,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,1498,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,999,agree
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,1249,unrelated
"Woman At Dulles Plays It Safe, Wears A Rain Poncho And Mask",1926,unrelated
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",2201,discuss
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",321,unrelated
Apple Reportedly Relying More Heavily on Samsung for iPhone 6 and Apple Watch Components,989,discuss
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,2385,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1071,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1385,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,478,unrelated
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,1042,unrelated
Research Medical Center denies reports that a patient has Ebola,1226,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,26,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1673,unrelated
Hoax Busted: Report on Popular 'Dog Whisperer' Cesar Millan's Death is False,1929,agree
Fisherman lands 19 STONE catfish which could be biggest in world to be hooked,612,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",190,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,213,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,1899,discuss
"In New York City, Marijuana May Mean Ticket, Not A
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,2434,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1299,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2317,discuss
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,190,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1358,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1905,unrelated
Bali Awry,2293,discuss
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2250,discuss
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",15,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,1829,unrelated
#RIPFidel fuels false rumors of Cuban leader's death after another Fidel Castro dies,2028,discuss
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1547,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,704,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,941,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1982,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,2473,discuss
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1669,discuss
"Rumor: Apple Watch to feature 512MB of RAM, 4GB of storage",254,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1913,disagree
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,2197,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",816,unrelated
"No, ESPN is not having an all-male domestic violence panel tonight",1857,unrelated
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,236,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',639,unrelated
"Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before launch",1094,unrelated
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,621,discuss
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2250,discuss
Moment U.S. Marine is saved by his Kevlar helmet as Taliban sniper bullet hits him in head,2046,agree
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2047,discuss
20-year-old burger: McDonald's Quarter Pounder looks eerily new after 2 decades,2531,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1948,unrelated
Jilted lover spends a week in KFC to try and get over her ex,2414,agree
Former U.S. soldier says IS used chemical weapons in Kobani,155,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,271,discuss
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,298,unrelated
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ID’d as Canadian Shooting Suspect in Ottawa,1739,unrelated
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,2531,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",2096,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,2138,discuss
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,483,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',68,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1808,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,2044,agree
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
eBay is planning an Apple Watch app,2321,unrelated
A Letter Lego Sent to Parents in 1974 Holds an Important Message for the Parents of 2014,1926,unrelated
iOS 8 bug reportedly erases iCloud Drive documents when settings are reset,879,unrelated
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,1938,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2070,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,1301,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,224,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,1670,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,1849,agree
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",565,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,539,unrelated
Mohammed Islam Denies Making $72 Million From Stock Market Trading,2009,unrelated
Texas Plumber Has ‘No Idea’ How Company Truck Ended Up With ISIS,1906,agree
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",2240,unrelated
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,1379,unrelated
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was shot nearly a dozen times before Kevin Vickers fatally wounded him,2404,unrelated
Apple’s next MacBook could be a 12-inch MacBook Air,1679,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,2072,discuss
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1718,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1506,discuss
Man Severed Penis That Failed To Impress Girls,1905,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',2375,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,488,agree
Apple Orders More Than 5 Million Watches for Initial Run,1934,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,2261,discuss
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,2304,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,1863,unrelated
This Woman Is Wrongly Being Called A Sexual Predator After Her Private Sex Tape Was Used For A Hoax,1357,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',331,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1403,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1500,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,2442,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,816,discuss
Hoax Busted: Report on Popular 'Dog Whisperer' Cesar Millan's Death is False,2528,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',816,unrelated
You all had an abortion! [Google Translate],499,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1388,discuss
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,80,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,320,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,2172,discuss
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,821,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",499,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,2520,discuss
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1849,unrelated
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,819,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",1790,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1314,discuss
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',1649,discuss
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",1473,unrelated
This Dog Was Left At A Railway Station With A Suitcase Of His Belongings After He Was Sold On Gumtree,424,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,1438,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,2495,discuss
Texas Plumber Isn't Sure How Extremists In Syria Ended Up With His Work Truck,2280,discuss
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,683,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,2314,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2256,unrelated
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,1921,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,373,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1747,agree
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1120,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",1840,agree
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,2039,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,366,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,777,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2450,discuss
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,704,unrelated
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,2208,agree
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,40,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',2470,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,107,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,251,unrelated
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,1544,agree
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",1338,unrelated
REVEALED: Woman Behind $5 Million Per Year Youtube Channel Is a Former Porn Star Read more at: http:
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,1562,unrelated
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",1338,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",206,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",1014,agree
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,1693,discuss
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,324,unrelated
Woman Says She Gave Her Cheating Man a Printout of His DMs for Christmas,571,discuss
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",1024,unrelated
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",119,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,1338,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,1789,unrelated
"Islamic State training pilots to fly MiG fighter planes, says monitoring group",1115,discuss
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1896,discuss
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,342,unrelated
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,62,unrelated
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,208,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1883,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1351,unrelated
Microsoft turns to robotic security guards to watch for trouble,1195,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,938,unrelated
"Why the most expensive Apple Watch will probably cost around $10,000",662,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1848,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",2399,discuss
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,405,discuss
Report: Michael Phelps’ Tinder ‘Girlfriend’ Was Born Male; “We Made Love During Halftime”,862,discuss
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,568,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1019,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,472,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,964,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,1934,unrelated
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,651,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",398,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",170,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,384,discuss
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,1974,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,1374,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1637,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2252,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi allegedly killed by US airstrikes,511,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1048,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2367,unrelated
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",324,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports of hand grenade found in a safe at Shortlands property,2240,unrelated
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,2408,discuss
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,2389,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found on Buckingham Palace Grounds,190,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,513,unrelated
Italian fisherman catches monstrous 280-pound catfish,1652,agree
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,2463,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,730,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,1476,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,2419,unrelated
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,2342,discuss
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,2431,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",405,unrelated
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,2521,agree
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,2106,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,1338,unrelated
Animal lovers abuzz over pope’s comments that 'paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',1835,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,909,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,1195,unrelated
Did Paul Rudd Help Take Down Dallas Airport Homophobe?,487,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,1863,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1832,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1740,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",320,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",826,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',667,unrelated
Woman spends a week in KFC to get over her
eak up,1225,agree
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,1224,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,1839,unrelated
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,2248,agree
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",964,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",1832,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1778,discuss to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,1772,discuss
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,959,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',304,unrelated
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,1891,unrelated
What This Homeless Guy Did With $100 Completely Stunned The Man Who Gave It To Him,1395,unrelated
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,1853,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,2313,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2453,unrelated
"Evander Kane ""On Way Out"" From Source, Price Is Very High; Who Is In?",40,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,295,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,254,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,1931,unrelated
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,1127,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,511,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,2283,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,1221,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,2211,agree
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,330,discuss
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,2470,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',570,unrelated
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",1415,unrelated
Nun who gave birth ‘had no idea’ she was pregnant,220,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,456,unrelated
"These egalitarian Lego instructions from the 1970s are pretty cool, but are they real?",2412,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",304,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,1634,discuss
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,2240,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,2139,discuss
ISIS launch SCORPION BOMBS to spread panic in Iraq,1474,agree
Italian catches huge wels catfish; is it a record?,2161,agree
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,388,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,186,unrelated
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,2473,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,737,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,132,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,511,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",286,discuss
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,11,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,574,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,775,unrelated
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,1556,discuss
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,2420,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",1521,disagree
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,1500,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,2521,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,381,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1481,unrelated
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,1966,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1016,discuss
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1549,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1022,unrelated
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,804,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,852,disagree
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1948,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2115,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,214,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1478,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,714,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",2409,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,195,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1177,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1610,discuss
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,40,unrelated
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,161,unrelated
Man Chops Off and Throws Away His Small Penis After Bad Breakup,2496,agree
"Soldier, Gunman Killed In Shooting Incident Near Canadian Parliament",1325,unrelated
Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired,2370,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,527,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",730,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,1737,discuss
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,2123,discuss
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,1873,disagree
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy,1658,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),2502,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1011,discuss
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,1212,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1857,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,649,unrelated
A Bunch Of People Thought Banksy Got A
ested But It Was A Hoax,258,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",34,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,2295,unrelated
Utah man hospitalized after eggnog-chugging competition,2509,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,840,discuss
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2314,unrelated
"Luke Somers Dies In Rescue Attempt, Sister Says; Yemeni Defense Ministry Says Unnamed US Hostage Freed",2375,unrelated
"Kevin Vickers, Sergeant-At-Arms, Shoots a Shooting Suspect in Ottawa; Called a ‘Hero’",342,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,2370,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",527,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",93,unrelated
North Korea reportedly bans anyone sharing Kim Jong Un's name,719,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,7,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",1224,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1166,unrelated
"No, that high school kid didn't make $72 million trading stocks",409,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,2003,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",2385,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,1255,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,703,disagree
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,8,unrelated
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,1087,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,2356,discuss
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,1494,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1976,agree
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,2261,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1660,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,833,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,2123,discuss
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,1293,unrelated
Officials: Report That Area Town Is Under Ebola Quarantine Is False,241,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2304,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1744,discuss
Guantanamo detainee who was swapped in prisoner deal for Bowe Bergdahl 'tried to rejoin 'Al Qaeda',236,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1602,discuss
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1646,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,1347,discuss
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",738,agree
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",2088,unrelated
Apple Watch reportedly set to ship in the U.S. by March,447,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,2118,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,2334,discuss
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,991,discuss
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,2476,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1104,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1984,discuss
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in Fe
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,72,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,1103,unrelated
"Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before launch",2081,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,1385,unrelated
Animal lovers abuzz over pope’s comments that 'paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',240,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,2045,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2132,unrelated
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,1530,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",1327,discuss
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),2039,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",855,unrelated
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',35,unrelated
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",1048,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",402,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,385,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,167,unrelated
Bali Awry,2338,discuss
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1435,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,1648,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,524,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1347,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,190,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,822,discuss
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",7,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2287,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,1375,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],213,unrelated
Reports say North Korea's Kim insists on being the only Jong Un,1975,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",903,discuss
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,1004,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,1237,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",676,unrelated
"Rodney Constantine, Newfoundland Suspect, Keeps Facebook Pledge To Turn Himself In",1950,unrelated
"Gold Apple Watch Edition Could Cost As Much As $1,200",260,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",1046,agree
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,185,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,144,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',2440,agree
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",298,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1661,discuss
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,1539,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,345,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',554,discuss
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,2304,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,1239,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",1918,discuss
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,2002,discuss
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1627,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",2187,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,2135,agree
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,2093,discuss
Paul Revere's 1795 time capsule unearthed,1273,agree
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2176,unrelated
Axl Rose Found Dead of Sh*tty Hoax Website at Age 52,769,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,2250,discuss
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,1606,unrelated
Magic mushroom found growing at Buckingham Palace,2424,agree
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",692,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,1817,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,704,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",1817,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,465,agree
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",2520,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,570,unrelated
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",2302,discuss
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,324,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",874,agree
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,1949,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,2020,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,694,discuss
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,508,discuss
Bigfoot Strolls Through A Russian Forest -- At Least That's The Claim [VIDEO],2256,discuss
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,687,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2130,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,2295,discuss
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,220,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",1534,unrelated
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,1588,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,1166,unrelated
Isis supporters claim US hostage killed in coalition air strike in Syria,493,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",2130,discuss
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",43,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1294,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,1724,discuss
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1364,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,220,unrelated
Pope Francis tells boy whose dog had died that heaven is open to all,2152,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,267,unrelated
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',35,unrelated
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,585,unrelated
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,1266,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",2177,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1906,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',1786,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,931,discuss
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2070,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1786,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1408,unrelated
British Aid Worker Confirmed Murdered By ISIS,1802,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1157,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1934,discuss
i takes time out from First Look after “disagreements.” Can I publish our emails now, Matt?",480,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1826,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,858,unrelated
"Calm down everyone, Banksy hasn't been a
ested: 9 clues that it's a hoax",1544,unrelated
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,2441,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",961,agree
For sale: Tiger's former island in Sweden,84,unrelated
Reports: Islamic State uses chlorine gas against Iraqi forces,2224,discuss
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,1805,agree
Vladimir Putin Bird Poop Video is Fake,1991,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,313,disagree
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,874,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,1266,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",220,unrelated
This Woman Is Wrongly Being Called A Sexual Predator After Her Private Sex Tape Was Used For A Hoax,795,agree
Report of quarantined Texas town NOT real; shared on a 'fake' news website,1746,unrelated
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",1405,discuss
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",344,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1271,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1778,discuss
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",2354,unrelated
"PGA Tour Pro Claims Tiger Woods Is Cu
ently Suspended For PEDs, Compares Him To Lance Armstrong",1718,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1234,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",277,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,2354,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,373,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,345,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,832,unrelated
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,1975,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",1363,discuss
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1252,discuss
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,1190,agree
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2115,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1226,agree
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1331,agree
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1873,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1528,discuss
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",1439,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1503,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,1280,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',2379,agree
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1541,unrelated
Man cut off manhood and threw it in bin after girlfriend dumped him over small penis,714,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,2403,discuss
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,527,unrelated
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",119,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",1400,unrelated
"No, Jordan's King Abdullah II is not personally flying planes against Isis",699,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1888,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,942,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,2528,discuss
Willie Nelson Dead? Internet Freaks Out As Another Cele
ity Death Hoax Makes The Rounds,1503,agree
"Oh Hey, Paul Rudd Was One Of The Dallas Airport Homophobe Heroes, No Big",487,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1802,unrelated
"Gold Apple Watch Edition Could Cost As Much As $1,200",2242,unrelated
Saudi fatwa banning snowmen triggers heated debate,1950,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,773,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,2455,discuss
Bali Awry,2175,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,137,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,959,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,2492,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,372,discuss
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,1155,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,511,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,1137,unrelated
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,126,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",1679,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,308,discuss
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",971,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,1256,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1374,unrelated
Vice squad’s $1m win lights up Las Vegas,2251,unrelated
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,1923,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2526,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1289,unrelated
State House time capsule from 1795 unearthed,690,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1549,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",45,discuss
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",1349,unrelated
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,1296,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,456,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,320,discuss
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",444,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,1197,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",2175,unrelated
Saudi cleric says snowmen are anti-Islamic,732,agree
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,767,disagree
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,2141,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,2220,discuss
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',2495,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2096,discuss
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1347,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,2045,unrelated
EBay appears to be planning an Apple Watch app,1393,unrelated
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,1423,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",220,unrelated
A viral photo in China shows how to manipulate App Store rankings the hard way,126,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,170,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,324,unrelated
Has a woman aborted her baby because it's a boy?,2161,unrelated
Soldier shot at war memorial in Canada,1325,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,1398,discuss
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1605,discuss
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,2287,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1372,disagree
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1374,unrelated
Enormous 20-stone catfish caught with fishing rod in Italy after 40-minute boat battle,1913,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",1435,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',345,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1627,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1855,discuss
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),1673,agree
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1009,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1982,unrelated
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,366,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1715,discuss
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,991,discuss
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",2520,unrelated
Matt Tai
i Disappears From Omidyar’s First Look Media,777,unrelated
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,760,unrelated
Tiger Woods serving secret PED suspension?,1175,unrelated
Crank-Boosting Behind Top Apps in App Store,707,discuss
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,2296,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1024,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1790,discuss
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,2056,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",692,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1291,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,271,unrelated
Apple Reportedly Relying More Heavily on Samsung for iPhone 6 and Apple Watch Components,1651,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2296,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",2096,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,456,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,7,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,1465,unrelated
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,505,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",2048,discuss
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,34,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",1165,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1574,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,734,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1627,unrelated
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,1034,discuss
Nun 'has surprise baby' after complaining of stomach pains,391,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",483,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1605,discuss
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1351,unrelated
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,726,unrelated
ISIS Kobani Update: Possible ISIS Chemical Attack On Kurdish Civilians In Kobani,1895,discuss
Axl Rose Found Dead of Sh*tty Hoax Website at Age 52,2343,unrelated
Reports say North Korea's Kim insists on being the only Jong Un,1648,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",2385,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,691,unrelated
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,2523,unrelated
AWESOME! Canadian Parliament’s Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers Takes Out Gunman,1002,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1210,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',530,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,2097,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,731,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",68,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1157,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,950,discuss
"Apple Watch to Feature Time-Only 'Power Reserve' Mode, Prototypes Disguised as Samsung Watches",425,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,1024,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",8,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,56,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",2123,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,1646,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1893,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,382,unrelated
"Don't Wo
y, 'The Breakfast Club' Star Judd Nelson Is Not Dead",1183,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair,1260,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",35,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1538,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],186,discuss
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2386,agree
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1002,discuss
Macaulay Culkin: Death claims about former child star revealed to be yet another hoax,2502,agree
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,115,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1721,discuss
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,271,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,2064,agree
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,1916,unrelated
"PGA Tour Pro Claims Tiger Woods Is Cu
ently Suspended For PEDs, Compares Him To Lance Armstrong",173,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1374,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,346,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",331,unrelated
SEE IT: NBC meteorologist Mike Seidel appears to relieve himself during
oadcast; network says he was looking for phone,1854,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1982,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",1234,unrelated
Meet The College Student Who Claims She Was The ‘Teletu
ies’ Sun Baby,1327,discuss
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",1786,unrelated
KFC Locations In Colorado To Begin Selling Marijuana,2456,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,1483,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,2327,discuss
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1905,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,385,unrelated
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,2175,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",125,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,2252,unrelated
Monster catfish which looks big enough to swallow a man whole caught in Italy,793,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,2296,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,1528,discuss
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",958,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1549,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1873,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,1040,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,1831,agree
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,2039,unrelated
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",89,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,2263,agree
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,2268,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,2404,unrelated
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,2443,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',936,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1406,unrelated
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,1301,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",2197,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,2287,discuss
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",304,unrelated
Woman Dumped by Boyfriend Spends Entire Week Mourning at KFC,1805,unrelated
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",161,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,775,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,1385,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",1169,unrelated
Al Qaida hostage killed in raid,1844,discuss
'I aborted my baby because it was a boy': Outrage after 'feminist' blogger claims gender prompted termination,1828,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',670,discuss
Amazon Is Opening a Brick-and-Mortar Store in Manhattan,1745,agree
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1016,agree
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,2053,agree
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,2375,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',61,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2087,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,618,unrelated
Cloistered nun has a stomach ache hospital gives birth to a baby [Google Translate],1891,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1419,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,871,discuss
Hundreds of Palestinians flee as Israel opens dams into Gaza Valley,1392,disagree
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,2287,unrelated
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,472,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,2343,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,574,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",600,discuss
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,524,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,826,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",2371,discuss
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2078,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),2046,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",559,unrelated
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",1646,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",821,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,874,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1904,discuss
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,2307,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,826,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,703,disagree
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,1760,discuss
Shocking! Chinese parents sell their son to fund for daughter’s Cancer treatment,1225,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1776,discuss
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,2202,discuss
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,391,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1574,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,703,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1047,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,2404,discuss
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',773,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,1875,unrelated
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,2090,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",788,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,568,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,630,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",932,unrelated
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,2417,discuss
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),772,disagree
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",1237,unrelated
REVEALED: Woman Behind $5 Million Per Year Youtube Channel Is a Former Porn Star Read more at: http:
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",1891,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,2375,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,2343,discuss
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1298,discuss
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,754,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",609,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1069,discuss
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,1104,unrelated
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,2348,discuss
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,181,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,714,discuss
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,614,discuss
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1731,discuss
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,1368,unrelated
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",1933,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,7,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,267,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,304,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,932,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1720,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,2242,agree
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,1488,discuss
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,1251,unrelated
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,2492,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,2156,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,2281,discuss
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1034,unrelated
"Apple Watch Specs Tipped; Said to Feature 512MB RAM, 4GB of Storage",1277,discuss
Al Qaida hostage killed in raid,1256,unrelated
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",2130,discuss
"North Korea leader Kim is still in charge, has injured leg: source",570,unrelated
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!,648,unrelated
Texas Plumber Isn't Sure How Extremists In Syria Ended Up With His Work Truck,13,unrelated
Putin’s motorcade looks suspiciously like a massive…,1283,agree
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,2415,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",195,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1365,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",213,unrelated
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,2002,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,1545,unrelated
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,1408,unrelated
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,568,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',2272,discuss
According to some Russians this dark figure stumbling through the snowy woods is a Yeti - and they even have a footprint. Hmmmmm,2377,discuss
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",10,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2345,agree
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Everything you need to know about Michael Phelps’ intersex girlfriend,645,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,1925,disagree
"Could Gold Apple Watch cost $5,000?",1700,discuss
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,776,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1500,unrelated
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",845,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1839,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,320,unrelated
Podcast: Brown Moses on what’s flying over Iraq and Syria,35,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1252,unrelated
Texas plumber baffled after truck ends up in the hands of Syrian rebels,2084,unrelated
Texas plumber threatened over jihadis using his old truck,917,unrelated
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",403,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1529,discuss
KC hospital: Patient does not have symptom profile of Ebola,2367,unrelated
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers,1875,discuss
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",699,unrelated
HBO in talks with Apple to be launch partner for coming web service 'HBO Now',1660,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),2385,discuss
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,1939,unrelated
PGA Spokesman and Tiger Woods' Agent Deny Drug Suspension Allegations,1406,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1721,discuss
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,1605,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,34,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,1829,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,220,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,2385,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1480,discuss
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,2129,unrelated
Bali Awry,1530,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,75,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,1500,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,1026,unrelated
"Jose Canseco injured in accidental shooting, per reports",744,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,726,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,2036,unrelated
Do all dogs go to heaven? Pope tells grieving boy: 'Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',1408,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1166,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1438,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,2305,agree
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,800,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,2068,unrelated
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,961,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld a full 7.5 percent - here is the proof,955,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,2410,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1948,discuss
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1266,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1471,agree
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,1871,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2045,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2314,unrelated
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,979,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,2313,discuss
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",115,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",1939,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,2520,discuss
Nujaifi Condemns / Daash / crime in Saqlawiyah and Alsiger areas of Anbar.,2016,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers hailed a hero for shooting rampaging gunman,1472,discuss
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,816,unrelated
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,941,unrelated
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,686,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,1097,unrelated
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",99,discuss
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1130,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1217,discuss
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,551,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,2354,agree
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,971,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',2441,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1948,discuss
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],2370,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,1757,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,694,discuss
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1013,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,2448,discuss
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",1785,unrelated
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,1458,unrelated
Marijuana Law New York: How No-A
est Policy Could Make Things Worse For Minor Offenders ,775,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",2087,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",800,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,81,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",702,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,958,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,932,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1009,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,1787,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,1024,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,1825,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,2109,unrelated
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",2142,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,26,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,490,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,2225,agree
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,2123,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,398,unrelated
Has J.J. A
ams Asked for THE FORCE AWAKENS Release Date to be Moved Up?,2084,discuss
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,984,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,1175,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1446,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1296,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",521,unrelated
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,1457,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,2234,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,550,agree
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,1931,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1419,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,321,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',964,unrelated
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,1299,unrelated
Teacher sex tape exposed as a FAKE after internet detectives trace the origin of pornographic clip,1496,disagree
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,385,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,562,unrelated
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,1739,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,1648,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1385,unrelated
Tiger Woods' agent shoots down report of failed drug test,2330,agree
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",531,discuss
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,1661,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2261,discuss
ISIS launch SCORPION BOMBS to spread panic in Iraq,2257,unrelated
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,1968,agree
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,373,unrelated
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,2302,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,1938,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1438,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",1477,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,220,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,226,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",2214,agree
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,1477,unrelated
#RIPFidel fuels false rumors of Cuban leader's death after another Fidel Castro dies,2377,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,1467,unrelated
Letter From Lego To Parents In The '70s Makes An Important Point About Gender,1726,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",1187,discuss
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",1787,unrelated
Woman Spends Entire Week In KFC After Getting Dumped By Her Boyfriend,1791,unrelated
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,2277,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,2072,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,199,agree
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,1357,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,1746,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,1627,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Didn't Blur Out Michelle Obama's Face When the President Met King Salman",8,unrelated
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,1473,discuss
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,1933,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1294,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",992,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",991,discuss
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,1864,discuss
NBC's Tom Brokaw reportedly wants Brian Williams fired over fa
icated Iraq helicopter story,2176,discuss
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,40,unrelated
Report of quarantined Texas town NOT real; shared on a 'fake' news website,1260,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,2096,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,1472,discuss
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,683,disagree
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,2354,unrelated
Texas Town Quarantined After Family Of Five Test Positive For The Ebola Virus,409,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,1530,unrelated
"Vice CEO Shane Smith reportedly spent $300,000 on a steak dinner at CES",640,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,1584,unrelated
Country Music Legend Willie Nelson Dies at Age 81,185,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1731,disagree
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",125,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1173,discuss
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",1258,unrelated
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,498,unrelated
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,551,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",1342,unrelated
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,1064,agree
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,2174,unrelated
Tiger Woods' agent shoots down report of failed drug test,1735,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,214,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",682,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1374,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,1042,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,2443,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2235,discuss
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,225,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2130,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),919,unrelated
Bigfoot Strolls Through A Russian Forest -- At Least That's The Claim [VIDEO],2280,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,2367,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,1222,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),77,unrelated
Kevin Vickers Hailed As Hero For Reportedly Shooting Gunman Inside Parliament,1631,discuss
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,296,unrelated
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",56,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,220,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",80,unrelated
It Begins: HazMat-Wearing Passenger Spotted At Airport,490,agree
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,1198,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,984,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2134,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",1183,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1715,discuss
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
"Marine Gets Shot in the Head, Walks Away",709,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",2176,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2070,unrelated
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",2152,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,1893,unrelated
Heartwarming video shows son revealing he’s paid off parent’s mortgage as a Christmas gift,136,agree
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",2459,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,1289,unrelated
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",1344,discuss
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,550,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,115,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,1519,unrelated
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,1458,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,2367,unrelated
'Banksy' Reacts To Paris Attack With Poignant Drawing,614,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",2090,unrelated
Man With Ebola-Like Symptoms Claims Contact With 'Patient Zero' in Texas,1901,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,387,unrelated
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",1534,discuss
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,2039,unrelated
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit,2531,unrelated
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,846,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,1034,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',704,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,614,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,2531,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,693,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Made It Further Into Building Than Reported,311,unrelated
"Omar Gonzalez, White House Fence-Jumper, Made it Farther Inside",2068,unrelated
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,2252,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2147,discuss
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',585,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",524,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,513,unrelated
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,1820,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,477,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",1982,discuss
Weather Reporter Mike Seidel Was Caught Off Guard on Live TV and Appeared to Be Urinating in the Snow -- Watch!,205,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,1921,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,2096,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,2154,unrelated
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,882,unrelated
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1271,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",1506,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",1227,disagree
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,269,unrelated
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,530,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",2385,discuss
Viral Photo Shows How Chinese Workers Are Used to Manipulate App Store Rankings,2407,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",1863,unrelated
Texas Town Quarantined After Family Of Five Test Positive For The Ebola Virus,1625,disagree
Report: HBO Now coming to Apple TV next month,342,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",1473,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,887,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1891,discuss
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1646,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",1672,discuss
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2304,discuss
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,1628,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1385,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,60,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",224,discuss
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,530,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1481,unrelated
[Updated] Saudi State Television Allegedly Blurs Michelle Obama’s Face During Meeting With New Saudi King,1975,discuss
ISIS pays tribute to its 'Cub of Baghdadi' child soldier,1785,discuss
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",2240,agree
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,570,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,1267,discuss
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,2328,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,2192,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1721,discuss
oken girl spends week in KFC after getting dumped,1473,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],1904,discuss
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1825,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,564,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,933,discuss
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,860,discuss
Amazon Is Going To Open A Physical Store!,1948,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,826,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,1012,unrelated
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,1865,discuss
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1541,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1912,discuss
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,1722,discuss
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',2412,unrelated
Rumors about Fidel Castro’s death again circulate on the Internet,879,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),186,unrelated
Report—Jose Canseco accidentally shot at his home tonight,2230,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,1498,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,2307,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,2452,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1289,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,2295,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale's Steve Jobs,2124,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,1795,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,298,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,1835,discuss
"12in Retina MacBook Air release date rumours: All-new 12in MacBook Air design for 2015, launching at WWDC?",45,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,1883,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2524,agree
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",2483,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,505,unrelated
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,371,discuss
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",2526,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,693,unrelated
Police Looking For A Man That Slaps People When They Sneeze!,2477,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1195,discuss
Saudi cleric issues fatwa on snowmen,2456,agree
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,1459,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,1198,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",1338,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,1256,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",402,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1776,discuss
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,2246,discuss
Islamic State accused of using chlorine gas on Iraqi soldiers,2024,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,2175,unrelated
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",119,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1722,discuss
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,2397,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,1423,unrelated
Electric shock turns Russian boy into Marvel's Magneto,388,agree
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",1361,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,2343,unrelated
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,2423,unrelated
ESPN's Domestic Violence Panel Is Missing Something Important,1699,disagree
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,2519,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,2509,discuss
Killing in the name of! Kim Jong-un launches attack on others named 'Kim Jong-un',1857,discuss
A viral photo in China shows how to manipulate App Store rankings the hard way,1784,discuss
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1295,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,2453,disagree
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,2455,discuss
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',2003,discuss
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",1572,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1547,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,591,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",734,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2388,discuss
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,1251,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",1289,discuss
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,304,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",1004,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,1761,discuss
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1374,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,633,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1361,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,286,unrelated
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,1256,unrelated
Confusion as Cuba’s Castro mourned instead of Kenya’s Fidel,879,unrelated
"How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?",2072,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1776,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,346,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,683,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1539,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',1090,discuss
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1658,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,2020,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,2044,unrelated
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,2317,unrelated
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,2156,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,2269,discuss
Cloistered nun has a stomach ache hospital gives birth to a baby [Google Translate],2492,agree
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",789,agree
Do all dogs go to heaven? Pope tells grieving boy: 'Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',26,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,2192,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2187,unrelated
Giant 8ft 9in catfish weighing 19 stone caught in Italy is thought to be the biggest ever reeled in with a rod and line,1183,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,511,unrelated
Student accidentally sets college on fire during fireworks proposal,504,unrelated
Cannibal mum tries to EAT her own baby shortly after giving birth,1029,unrelated
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,1263,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",2506,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2088,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1419,discuss
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,516,unrelated
Rumor: Apple to hold event this month to unveil Retina MacBook Air & finalize Apple Watch specs,130,unrelated
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",1437,unrelated
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,2306,unrelated
Report: Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of suicide airliner attacks on 9/11,2010,discuss
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",2362,agree
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,676,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,2477,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1832,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',139,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",2252,agree
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,692,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1939,unrelated
"ISIS Unleash ""Scorpion"" Bombs In Iraq",1127,agree
People On Twitter Think Macklemore Has Joined ISIS,1217,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1299,unrelated
Police Looking For A Man That Slaps People When They Sneeze!,87,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,2067,discuss
Sergeant-at-Arms stopped shooter on Parliament Hill,2521,unrelated
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,2230,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,666,discuss
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1009,unrelated
"Luckiest Pizza Delivery Guy Ever Gets $2,000 Tip",1017,unrelated
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,382,unrelated
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,2520,unrelated
Snowmen Declared Anti-Islamic As Snow Falls in Saudi Arabia,26,unrelated
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",2370,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,1708,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",181,unrelated
Report of quarantined Texas town NOT real; shared on a 'fake' news website,169,unrelated
ush list actually do so sister you tired it?,23,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1240,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1988,unrelated
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,255,disagree
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,903,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",112,discuss
ISIS Getting Ebola,1689,discuss
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,2254,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah,2016,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1251,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1530,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,224,agree
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,1097,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,2293,discuss
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1938,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,35,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2304,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,2334,discuss
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,1538,unrelated
TBS Speeds up SEINFELD by 7.5% to Add 2 More Minutes of Commercials,955,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",1983,discuss
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,616,discuss
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",2156,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",2045,unrelated
Matt Tai
i Disappears From Omidyar’s First Look Media,2362,unrelated
Reports: Islamic State uses chlorine gas against Iraqi forces,2016,unrelated
Jose Canseco Shot in the Hand During Accidental Shooting at Vegas Home,744,unrelated
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,2360,agree
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,2434,discuss
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,1681,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",942,discuss
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,2044,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,2504,agree
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake,1656,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",2272,discuss
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,769,agree
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",2434,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",513,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,769,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,690,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,887,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,2220,discuss
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",2208,agree
"Palestine accuses Israel of opening dams, flooding Gaza, forcing evacuations",2055,unrelated
KC hospital: Patient does not have symptom profile of Ebola,1404,agree
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,311,unrelated
Best Christmas present ever? Heartwarming moment app developer reveals to his parents he had paid off their mortgage,1439,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",1832,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1003,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,2132,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',1931,disagree
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,892,unrelated
"ISIS using bombs containing live SCORPIONS in effort to spread panic, in tactic used 2,000 years ago against Romans",1338,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1040,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",724,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,2213,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,703,unrelated
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,2297,agree
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,687,unrelated
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",1029,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,2508,unrelated
NYPD to stop a
ests for small amounts of marijuana,2389,discuss
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",1925,discuss
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,1562,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,251,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,2087,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,1817,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,190,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),1256,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,1383,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",367,unrelated
Will King of Jordan lead airstrikes on ISIS HIMSELF? Reports say trained pilot plans to take part in attack after quoting Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven to Congressmen,1787,discuss
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,2072,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,524,unrelated
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,737,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1681,discuss
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,2159,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",254,unrelated
Michael Abdul Zehaf Bibeau Pictures: Photos of Alleged ISIS-Linked Gunman in Canada,2087,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,2403,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,1642,agree
North Korea denies plans to open a restaurant in Scotland,2225,agree
N. Korea’s Kim has leg injury but in control,686,unrelated
Actor has his testicles stolen after meeting ‘young blonde woman at a bar’,2044,agree
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,2223,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],742,unrelated
"Amazon to launch first
ick-and-mortar store, report says",1369,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,997,discuss
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1896,discuss
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,625,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,859,unrelated
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",125,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,2096,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,1485,discuss
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,829,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,760,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2093,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1948,discuss
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,1267,unrelated
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,2102,discuss
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,2159,discuss
Apple was forced to nix key health features from its smartwatch -- report,1750,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1680,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1797,agree
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",195,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",816,unrelated
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,816,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,1939,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",2413,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,2302,discuss
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",1303,unrelated
"Report: new 12-inch MacBook Air slims down, has single USB port",1852,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,1476,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,1355,unrelated
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,305,unrelated
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,2002,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,2062,discuss
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",398,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,2530,discuss
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,2432,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1786,unrelated
Apple scrapped advanced Apple Watch health monitoring features due to reliability issues,1750,discuss
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1358,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",2087,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",616,discuss
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1298,agree
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,2412,discuss
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been stolen after kissing young woman in sauna,1258,unrelated
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,1939,discuss
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,1412,agree
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,1011,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1743,agree
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",812,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,1826,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2130,unrelated
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO),1681,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1368,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found in BUCKINGHAM PALACE by Alan Titchmarsh,1184,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",26,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,847,discuss
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",521,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,7,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,1740,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot from Taliban (video),1481,agree
"Amazon to launch first
ick-and-mortar store, report says",2266,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,2048,discuss
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,1267,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,2332,agree
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",887,unrelated
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,734,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,244,unrelated
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,2385,unrelated
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,1651,agree
Amazon plans ad-supported video streaming service - NY post,1426,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",554,agree
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,2002,unrelated
"Soldier, Gunman Killed In Shooting Incident Near Canadian Parliament",964,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,1435,unrelated
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",2375,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",1893,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,1459,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,892,unrelated
News sites fall for Putin bird-dropping video,772,discuss
A Letter Lego Sent to Parents in 1974 Holds an Important Message for the Parents of 2014,1726,unrelated
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",853,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,800,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,450,unrelated
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,851,discuss
or Leader Ahmed Abdi Godane Killed in U.S. Strike,1355,unrelated
"Soldier shot, Parliament locked down after gunfire erupts at war memorial",401,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1040,unrelated
Texas Plumber Has ‘No Idea’ How Company Truck Ended Up With ISIS,917,unrelated
"Man chops off own penis, throws it in a dustbin after poor show in bed",1347,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1019,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,61,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",1958,discuss
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,346,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,225,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,2501,unrelated
Jilted lover spends a week in KFC to try and get over her ex,1819,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1574,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",2397,discuss
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,1311,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1545,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2047,discuss
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",2093,discuss
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,26,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",1946,discuss
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',539,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,693,discuss
Report of quarantined Texas town NOT real; shared on a 'fake' news website,255,unrelated
Air travelers wary of Ebola fears seen with surgical masks ... and a HAZMAT suit,477,agree
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",269,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",1048,unrelated
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",570,unrelated
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,609,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,874,unrelated
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,788,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,999,discuss
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,1026,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1288,discuss
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,607,agree
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",2431,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),2081,disagree
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),1943,discuss
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1385,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,1372,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,30,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1634,discuss
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,1213,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,320,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,2523,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",1605,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,2504,agree
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",2116,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,1095,discuss
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1580,agree
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1289,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",800,discuss
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,709,agree
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",737,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2296,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,1774,discuss
Comcast blocks Tor,2178,disagree
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,35,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",2290,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,1107,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale's Steve Jobs,1539,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",205,unrelated
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",693,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,822,discuss
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,1651,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',1883,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",1825,discuss
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",1097,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,2223,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1351,discuss
First Human Death Confirmed From Eating GMO [Satire],714,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",1210,unrelated
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,2352,unrelated
Mirfield man's tears of joy after lost voicemail of wife retrieved,151,agree
Fisherman lands 19 STONE catfish which could be biggest in world to be hooked,677,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1347,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],1262,discuss
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1658,discuss
White House Fence Jumper Made It Further Into Building Than Reported,887,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Didn't Blur Out Michelle Obama's Face When the President Met King Salman",833,discuss
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,137,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",1724,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,664,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,373,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1702,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,1004,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",72,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",1549,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,900,unrelated
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,1176,discuss
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1808,unrelated
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,1569,discuss
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1438,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",2404,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,2036,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,120,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,698,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1549,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1549,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',2192,discuss
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,125,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2115,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1197,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,1580,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,1457,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1807,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1471,agree
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,651,unrelated
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,2184,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,115,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,402,unrelated
"Want a Gold Apple Watch? All You Need is $5,000",648,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2441,agree
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,871,discuss
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,720,unrelated
"Oh Hey, Paul Rudd Was One Of The Dallas Airport Homophobe Heroes, No Big",2498,unrelated
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,2223,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1921,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1009,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",1130,agree
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",608,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,921,discuss
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,173,agree
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,26,unrelated
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,10,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,119,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1438,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,2184,unrelated
Penis graffiti drawn on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,1435,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport,1955,discuss
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,2091,unrelated
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",1938,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",1549,discuss
Teacher suspended after sex session with teen pupil ends up on hardcore porn website,2447,disagree
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,2139,discuss
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,649,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,933,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",119,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1139,discuss
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",2293,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2453,unrelated
One of 'Taliban Five' in Bowe Bergdahl swap allegedly returned to militancy,2524,unrelated
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,2398,unrelated
Ski Resort Opens With Snow Stored From Last Season,1148,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,571,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1871,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2434,discuss
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,932,agree
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1277,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',72,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,1473,discuss
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1569,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,639,unrelated
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,2434,unrelated
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,2360,agree
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,903,discuss
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1034,discuss
Report: Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of suicide airliner attacks on 9/11,1574,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1913,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,2317,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2296,unrelated
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,1255,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1939,discuss
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,1968,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,520,discuss
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,80,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",1253,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead hoax: Fake death report spreads on social networks,2341,agree
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,239,unrelated
Tiger Woods serving secret PED suspension?,1718,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1821,agree
Tiger Woods' agent shoots down report of failed drug test,1867,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,1185,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2044,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",651,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1627,unrelated
Utah Man Hospitalized After Winning Eggnog Chugging Contest,324,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,1574,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1435,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1351,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,1047,discuss
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,928,discuss
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1125,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,1934,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,40,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,2304,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,1744,unrelated
Bigfoot Strolls Through A Russian Forest -- At Least That's The Claim [VIDEO],964,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,258,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,2526,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1446,discuss
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",2330,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,1867,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",213,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,1406,unrelated
"No, Vladimir Putin did not get pooped on by a bird during a First World War speech",1155,unrelated
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,1121,discuss
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,2192,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,640,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,1528,unrelated
Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed girlfriend says she was born a BOY and reveals 'amazing' sex with Olympian,618,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,2048,discuss
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',1081,unrelated
Kim Jong-un necks litres of rare SNAKE wine because he's too fat to please his wife,832,discuss
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',2287,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2060,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",777,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,344,unrelated
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,1572,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,2403,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,775,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1627,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2156,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",2028,discuss
Microsoft turns to robotic security guards to watch for trouble,413,agree
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",643,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1213,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,1156,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1340,agree
Teacher suspended after sex session with teen pupil ends up on hardcore porn website,1608,unrelated
Code/Red: Apple Watch Battery Life — “Charge Nightly”,282,agree
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1825,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,324,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,1261,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Stronghold,1081,unrelated
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,945,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1336,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1435,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,2196,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1215,disagree
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,137,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,2410,discuss
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,858,unrelated
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",1708,discuss
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",703,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1340,discuss
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,1746,unrelated
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",682,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",2305,discuss
Man Chops Off and Throws Away His Small Penis After Bad Breakup,812,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),305,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",267,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",984,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1549,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,498,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,2141,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",648,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,945,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',826,unrelated
Amazon Is Going To Open A Physical Store!,1745,agree
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2197,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,882,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,2252,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,2192,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,195,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),678,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,2268,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,2338,discuss
TBS Speeds up SEINFELD by 7.5% to Add 2 More Minutes of Commercials,1260,agree
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,2523,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1966,agree
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,1383,unrelated
Frisco: Sick patient claims to have had contact with Ebola victim,1758,discuss
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1790,discuss
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,2080,agree
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1846,disagree
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1009,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',2186,unrelated
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,1547,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,1374,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",1893,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',137,unrelated
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",391,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2261,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1589,agree
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,1787,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1589,discuss
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,691,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,816,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,2235,agree
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,1943,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,993,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",524,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",2191,discuss
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1904,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,992,unrelated
Mohammed Islam Denies Making $72 Million From Stock Market Trading,1563,agree
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,251,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1948,unrelated
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken,1528,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,1764,agree
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,286,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2403,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],968,unrelated
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",1543,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,520,discuss
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1982,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1939,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1027,disagree
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,34,unrelated
VIDEO: Son Stuns Parents By Paying Off Their Mortgage As Christmas Surprise,1459,unrelated
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",1912,discuss
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,139,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,2044,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1776,discuss
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,170,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",34,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,2469,discuss
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,845,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,714,discuss
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",1844,discuss
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",1795,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',874,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1295,unrelated
Sick Mum Sedated After Trying To Eat Baby,1029,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1256,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2147,discuss
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",867,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,1760,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1427,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets tipped more than $2,000 for a single delivery",51,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1375,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1139,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",2471,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,337,discuss
Magic mushroom found growing at Buckingham Palace,2137,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,1598,discuss
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2127,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,2148,discuss
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",1702,unrelated
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",2215,agree
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1574,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,1572,unrelated
Did a plumber's pick-up truck from Texas end up ca
ying an anti-aircraft gun for Islamic fighters on the front lines of Syria?,13,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",657,discuss
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",887,unrelated
You all had an abortion! [Google Translate],2504,agree
"Kurt Sutter Announces Plans For ‘Sons Of Anarchy’ Movie Sta
ing Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt",323,agree
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2070,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,2124,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",2070,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",1832,unrelated
iOS 8 bug reportedly erases iCloud Drive documents when settings are reset,1224,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,526,agree
Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Wozniak in Steve Jobs Biopic,1157,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,1803,unrelated
Penis Drawn On Bugatti Veyron Could Be World's Most Expensive Car Vandalism,1183,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",2080,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,93,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,527,unrelated
Comcast calls rumor that it disconnects Tor users “wildly inaccurate”,1461,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",524,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",971,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,2307,unrelated
Woman Says She Gave Her Cheating Man a Printout of His DMs for Christmas,2265,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,962,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",737,unrelated
This Dog Was Left At A Railway Station With A Suitcase Of His Belongings After He Was Sold On Gumtree,347,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",365,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,625,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],1268,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,2025,discuss
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",1045,discuss
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,1751,discuss
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,979,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,2299,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,1461,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,1406,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",2463,discuss
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,769,agree
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",139,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,1408,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,137,unrelated
"In New York City, Marijuana May Mean Ticket, Not A
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,554,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,972,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,186,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,220,unrelated
That powerful Lego letter to parents from the 1970s? It's real,2412,unrelated
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,572,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,608,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",724,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,1803,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',1837,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,616,discuss
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,626,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,269,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",511,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1697,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,2009,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",93,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,855,agree
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,1437,unrelated
This Man Paid Off His Parents' Mortgage for Christmas (Video),1933,unrelated
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',677,discuss
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1627,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,1170,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,614,discuss
"Dogs DO go to heaven… and cats, and horses: Pope assures young boy that there is a place in paradise for animals as well",1832,disagree
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1461,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,26,unrelated
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",2141,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,450,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1982,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,2385,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,2481,discuss
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,1946,discuss
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,35,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1658,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,2260,unrelated
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,2091,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1251,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Stronghold,1159,discuss
‘Evocative shape': Is Vladimir Putin trolling the world with his motorcade formation?,1549,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,1438,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,513,unrelated
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,532,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,2217,discuss
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,853,unrelated
A Letter Lego Sent to Parents in 1974 Holds an Important Message for the Parents of 2014,22,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1645,discuss
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1349,unrelated
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",692,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,541,discuss
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],305,unrelated
A Murdered Witness?,195,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",87,unrelated
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,1925,agree
Wayward sister ‘nun the wiser’ about baby,2009,unrelated
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,1746,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",1477,unrelated
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",1697,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,17,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,992,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1166,unrelated
Axl Rose Dies? Guns N’ Roses Singer Dead ‘West Hollywood Home at Age 52′ is Fake,1857,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1715,discuss
Does ISIS have an airforce? Te
orist 'fighter pilots' are being trained on captured MiGs by Saddam Hussein's ex-air force officers,2342,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",625,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2118,discuss
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",459,unrelated
"No, a Planetary Alignment on Jan. 4, 2015, Won’t Decrease Gravity",255,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1891,discuss
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",305,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1251,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1006,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,761,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,961,unrelated
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,1943,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,640,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,2495,discuss
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,208,agree
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',1130,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2434,discuss
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,887,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,800,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1709,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,714,discuss
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",781,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",26,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,2459,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,404,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2109,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1681,unrelated
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants,1107,discuss
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",1169,unrelated
Ebola Scare in Kansas City,2306,unrelated
Kim Jong-un drinks rare snake wine to boost love life!,1738,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,199,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,2129,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,345,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2526,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1681,discuss
Tiger Woods serving secret PED suspension?,1735,unrelated
British man pays $460 to save constipated goldfish's life,2443,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,195,unrelated
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",1598,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2036,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,402,unrelated
"Soldier shot, Parliament locked down after gunfire erupts at war memorial",595,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2404,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",504,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1358,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1131,unrelated
Texas Plumber Has ‘No Idea’ How Company Truck Ended Up With ISIS,2242,agree
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,2184,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,649,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1068,discuss
Actor has his testicles stolen after meeting ‘young blonde woman at a bar’,2443,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,1921,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,5,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",304,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,1619,discuss
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1040,discuss
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,1489,discuss
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,77,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",570,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,1734,agree
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1003,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,93,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2234,unrelated
Widower Cries Tears Of Joy After Hearing Late Wife's Voice Again,1053,agree
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1744,discuss
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,1835,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",167,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,1294,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1016,agree
Omsk schoolboy turned into a man-magnet after shock,1839,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,1938,unrelated
KC Man Does Not Have Ebola,707,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,1891,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",1268,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1925,agree
Claim: Comcast Got Complaining Customer Fired From His Job,1355,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1899,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,2142,agree
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,2397,discuss
"Apple Watch Battery Life Cu
ently 'About a Day', but May Improve for 2015 Launch",1570,unrelated
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,2213,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,634,unrelated
"Apple is limiting features on the Apple Watch to save battery life, according to developers",2275,discuss
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,2072,discuss
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1120,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",1022,unrelated
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,467,unrelated
"Man chops off own penis, throws it in a dustbin after poor show in bed",2302,unrelated
Rodney Constantine keeps Facebook promise and turns himself in to police,2348,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",2132,agree
A Bunch Of People Thought Banksy Got A
ested But It Was A Hoax,30,unrelated
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,2531,unrelated
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,205,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,330,unrelated
Israel denies causing Gaza floods by opening dams,244,unrelated
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants,2421,unrelated
Apple Users Add Hairgate to iPhone 6 Problems,22,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",761,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1646,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,34,unrelated
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',2223,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2296,unrelated
Michael Phelps' Reported Girlfriend Reveals She Was Born Intersex,2528,unrelated
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,706,unrelated
"""This is the recording you thought you'd lost forever""",1294,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,2520,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2096,discuss
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,1575,unrelated
“Willie Nelson dead 2015” : Guitarist killed by internet death hoax,858,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",844,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1530,unrelated
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,2523,agree
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,1565,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1547,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,1045,agree
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",1407,agree
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1541,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,1295,discuss
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,520,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,2404,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1974,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1921,unrelated
PGA Spokesman and Tiger Woods' Agent Deny Drug Suspension Allegations,550,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",1954,agree
Macaulay Culkin dead: Actor is victim of another death hoax,2240,unrelated
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,891,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,2307,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1681,discuss
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,1481,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',734,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,1256,unrelated
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,1323,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1795,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,830,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,583,discuss
Report: Michael Phelps’ Tinder ‘Girlfriend’ Was Born Male; “We Made Love During Halftime”,1349,discuss
"Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment",1012,unrelated
Iraqi airstrike kills key ISIL leader,1473,agree
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,1291,unrelated
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,331,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",626,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",782,discuss
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,2524,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,1269,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1808,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1574,unrelated
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,388,unrelated
Microsoft Hires Dalek-style Robocops to Guard Silicon Valley HQ,687,agree
Mechanical polar bear ‘threatened with ASBO for singing Christmas songs’,409,unrelated
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,1013,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,2177,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,1317,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",887,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1121,discuss
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,1239,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,564,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,169,unrelated
Frisco: Sick patient claims to have had contact with Ebola victim,1582,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,367,unrelated
Doubts raised over authenticity of Charlie Hebdo footage.,1261,unrelated
"Tee-off in your own putting paradise: Swedish luxury island owned by Tiger Woods up for sale - and it comes with a villa, a hot tub and a lodge",181,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",1311,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,527,unrelated
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',1281,unrelated
Saudi cleric says snowmen are anti-Islamic,2287,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,2039,unrelated
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",1898,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,1438,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1531,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,1849,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",2407,disagree
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,478,unrelated
A Man Says Comcast Called His Boss And Got Him Fired After He Complained About Its Service,2434,unrelated
British man pays $460 to save constipated goldfish's life,803,agree
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1747,agree
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,906,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",2156,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: Actor is victim of another death hoax,2175,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,2070,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Woman spends a week in KFC to get over her
eak up,2087,discuss
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,1959,agree
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,2097,agree
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,2498,agree
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,900,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',634,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,913,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1974,discuss
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,1867,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1361,unrelated
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,941,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",344,unrelated
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,1869,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,592,agree
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,299,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,286,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,860,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,1029,unrelated
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",2043,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,387,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1786,unrelated
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,618,unrelated
Report: Apple Watch to Ship in March,752,discuss
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1549,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1040,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,1254,agree
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,1931,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,0,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,1948,unrelated
"Unhappy Customer: Comcast Told My Employer About Complaint, Got Me Fired",1355,unrelated
Someone Trolled Twitter Into Thinking Macklemore Joined ISIS,1498,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",40,unrelated
Italian catches huge wels catfish; is it a record?,842,agree
Does ISIS have an airforce? Te
orist 'fighter pilots' are being trained on captured MiGs by Saddam Hussein's ex-air force officers,2406,discuss
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1351,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,387,unrelated
"BREAKING NEWS: Female American aid worker, 26, held hostage by ISIS for 18 months has been 'killed in Jordanian air strike'",1769,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",2271,discuss
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out,689,unrelated
Claim: Comcast Got Complaining Customer Fired From His Job,1268,unrelated
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,1883,unrelated
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,1489,unrelated
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,2080,agree
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",2445,disagree
Did Paul Rudd Help Take Down Dallas Airport Homophobe?,1000,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1744,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1679,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1131,discuss
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,2235,unrelated
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,1883,unrelated
Utah Man Hospitalized After Winning Eggnog Chugging Contest,1898,unrelated
Comcast Declares War on Tor?,277,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1549,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,1543,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,10,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,1498,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1820,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1073,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,1883,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1176,discuss
Teacher suspended after sex session with teen pupil ends up on hardcore porn website,1357,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,490,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1438,unrelated
North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Is Still In Charge: Source,236,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',1468,disagree
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,2519,discuss
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1897,unrelated
Axl Rose NOT Dead: Fake MSNBC Death Hoax Goes Viral On Facebook,633,unrelated
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,1658,unrelated
Latest iOS 8 bug reportedly causes unwanted deletion of iCloud Drive documents,1256,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1857,unrelated
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,2309,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1776,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,903,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1721,discuss
ESPN’s All-Male “Monday Night Football” Panel On Domestic Violence Is Not Real,615,unrelated
"Comcast Turns Complaints Back On Customer, Gets His Employer To Fire Him",2438,discuss
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,115,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1547,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1004,unrelated
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor,295,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,539,unrelated
Judd Nelson isn't dead; report is a hoax,1131,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1747,discuss
Apple was forced to nix key health features from its smartwatch -- report,1707,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,777,unrelated
Man chops off his penis after his girlfriend
eaks up with him,1249,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",93,unrelated
American Predator Drone Circling Islamic State’s Stronghold,2367,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",7,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,958,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,1143,discuss
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,1808,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,704,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",402,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,2139,discuss
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,2372,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2070,unrelated
Penis Spray-Painted on a $2.5 Million Car Was Just for a Prank Video,498,disagree
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,304,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1774,discuss
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1268,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1724,discuss
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",2118,unrelated
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,81,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,2155,unrelated
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,2087,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1016,agree
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,821,unrelated
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,1588,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1478,agree
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1996,agree
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,263,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,195,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",2314,unrelated
This Woman Is Wrongly Being Called A Sexual Predator After Her Private Sex Tape Was Used For A Hoax,1896,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1795,agree
"Whoa, Paul Rudd Was One of the Airport Heroes Who Took Down the Homophobe",1844,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1848,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,880,discuss
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,365,unrelated
Report: Michael Phelps’ Tinder ‘Girlfriend’ Was Born Male; “We Made Love During Halftime”,618,unrelated
Government employee fired after skipping work for 24 years,1318,agree
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Stronghold,2129,discuss
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,2295,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1019,unrelated
"Omar Gonzalez, White House Fence-Jumper, Made it Farther Inside",648,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1940,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,2287,discuss
Someone Spraypainted A Penis On A £1.5m Bugatti Veyron And It Went Very Viral,1349,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,239,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",821,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",2088,unrelated
Lego letter from the 1970s still offers a powerful message to parents 40 years later,1726,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,539,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",2284,discuss
ESPN’s Domestic Abuse Tonight Panel Will Be 100% Dudes,1699,disagree
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",1438,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,513,unrelated
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",176,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1905,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",625,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",1384,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,630,unrelated
Willie Nelson Dead? Internet Freaks Out As Another Cele
ity Death Hoax Makes The Rounds,858,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1361,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1627,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,368,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,1900,unrelated
"Etats-Unis: Mort pendant 48 minutes, un prêtre affirme que Dieu est une femme",34,unrelated
KC Man Does Not Have Ebola,1519,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,903,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",1336,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,81,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',321,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2078,unrelated
"Rumor: Apple shooting for 19 hours of Apple Watch battery life under normal conditions, 2.5 hours 'heavy' use",933,unrelated
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",2230,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,2520,unrelated
"No, ESPN is not having an all-male domestic violence panel tonight",2181,agree
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,1661,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,2459,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1889,discuss
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,557,unrelated
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,2088,discuss
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1358,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1569,unrelated
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,1645,discuss
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,2015,unrelated
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,1180,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",731,unrelated
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",8,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',1192,discuss
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1541,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,2211,discuss
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",1940,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,1588,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1166,unrelated
"Predator Drone Reportedly Sighted Circling Raqqa, Syria",2413,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1708,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1249,discuss
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1921,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,1223,agree
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,2009,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1588,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",2477,discuss
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',1001,discuss
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",2367,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,2367,disagree
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",858,agree
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2261,unrelated
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been STOLEN after he is drugged in Russian bar by attractive blonde working for organ traffickers,1231,agree
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,1671,discuss
or Leader Ahmed Abdi Godane Killed in U.S. Strike,1853,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,1427,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1314,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,2118,discuss
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,844,unrelated
Woman Says She Gave Her Cheating Man a Printout of His DMs for Christmas,1011,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1435,unrelated
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,646,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1465,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,2118,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2109,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,186,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,2360,agree
Another ISIS Massacre: ISIS Kills 300 Iraqi Soldiers With Chlorine Gas,2224,discuss
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,304,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,1984,discuss
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,860,unrelated
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,1323,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1679,discuss
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,539,unrelated
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",1883,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,1605,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2403,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,1673,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,1165,discuss
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,220,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,2070,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,2458,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",1789,unrelated
"#Daysofdarkness: No, There Won't Be Six Days Of Darkness In December",696,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1372,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1821,unrelated
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",1815,unrelated
TBS Speeds up SEINFELD by 7.5% to Add 2 More Minutes of Commercials,2237,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1817,unrelated
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,2124,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,687,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",1384,unrelated
"Oh Hey, Paul Rudd Was One Of The Dallas Airport Homophobe Heroes, No Big",1642,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,538,discuss
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",320,unrelated
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,1171,agree
‘Feminist’ says she aborted baby because it was a boy,843,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,2397,discuss to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,1605,unrelated
Citi sees Apple Watch price points of $550 and $950; myriad accessories,1415,discuss
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,2401,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1299,discuss
News sites fall for Putin bird-dropping video,1006,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,1769,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,646,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,2235,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1721,discuss
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1040,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',2042,unrelated
Devoted pet owner spends £300 to save his GOLDFISH after it became constipated,1539,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",409,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",1073,discuss
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,2142,discuss
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,60,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Didn't Blur Out Michelle Obama's Face When the President Met King Salman",1342,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,1570,discuss
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,1084,agree
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1034,unrelated
"Despite no Ebola case in Kansas City, the rumor goes viral",781,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,2177,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,892,discuss
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",695,unrelated
Pope Francis tells boy whose dog had died that heaven is open to all,2002,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,2297,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,89,unrelated
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel,969,discuss
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1506,discuss
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1361,unrelated
A Husband Breaks Down In Tears After Lost Voicemail Message By His Late Wife Is Recovered,2227,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",204,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,1849,unrelated
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,1957,disagree
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",1849,agree
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1857,unrelated
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",633,unrelated
"No, a Planetary Alignment on Jan. 4, 2015, Won’t Decrease Gravity",1260,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",1076,discuss
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,17,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1131,discuss
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,962,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,298,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,168,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",144,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,1212,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,1293,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: Actor is victim of another death hoax,1502,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,2022,unrelated
'Feminist' Lana 'Aborts Baby Because It's A Boy' And Is Surprised By Backlash,2161,unrelated
"'Nasa Confirms Six Days of Darkness in December': No, they really don't - it's a hoax",2520,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,1648,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,387,unrelated
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,737,unrelated
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,1459,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,832,unrelated
"No, Jordan's King Abdullah II is not personally flying planes against Isis",1787,agree
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,1314,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",533,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,68,unrelated
Report of quarantined Texas town NOT real; shared on a 'fake' news website,1625,agree
VIDEO: Son Stuns Parents By Paying Off Their Mortgage As Christmas Surprise,2072,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,1256,unrelated
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,1488,discuss
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,2264,discuss
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",2251,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,639,discuss
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,2328,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,2175,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,30,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1921,unrelated
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",2175,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,531,discuss
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,686,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot from Taliban (video),144,unrelated
How did a Texas plumber's truck end up with Syrian rebels? (+video),1213,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,1802,unrelated
"""Oldest Time Capsule"" in U.S. Unearthed in Boston",2003,unrelated
No - a Fox News Twitter account isn't responding to tweets on the #FoxNewsFacts hashtag,1087,unrelated
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,2509,discuss
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,667,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,964,unrelated
N. Korea’s Kim has leg injury but in control,1678,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,941,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",1893,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,1224,unrelated
Comcast gets customer fired for complaining about poor service,1338,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,115,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,2104,unrelated
Apple Orders More Than 5 Million Watches for Initial Run,359,unrelated
"Absent from duty for 25 years, CPWD official dismissed",72,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,1308,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,1549,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,984,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,1012,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",1047,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",2463,discuss
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,2047,discuss
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,217,discuss
Saudi cleric says snowmen are anti-Islamic,1498,discuss
"Why the most expensive Apple Watch will probably cost around $10,000",2044,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,1338,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,2317,discuss
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,321,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1825,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",564,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,630,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1950,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2450,discuss
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",1205,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],2410,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,220,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,2009,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,618,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,298,unrelated
A Letter Lego Sent to Parents in 1974 Holds an Important Message for the Parents of 2014,451,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,2070,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1426,discuss
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1574,unrelated
Hidden Diagnostic Port on Apple Watch Could Allow for Smart Band Accessories [Updated],1295,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,195,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1885,agree
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",2412,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",2415,unrelated
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,2409,discuss
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1803,unrelated
"How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?",1137,agree
Tiger Woods' former luxury island goes on sale,1991,agree
Chinese parents try to SELL their son to pay for medical treatment for his sick twin sister,1574,agree
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",11,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1046,discuss
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",2048,discuss
Research Medical Center denies reports that a patient has Ebola,1519,unrelated
Gateway Pundit,591,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",892,discuss
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,296,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1936,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1622,discuss
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,483,unrelated
Rumors about Fidel Castro’s death again circulate on the Internet,892,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',346,discuss
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,959,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",800,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",1107,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1034,unrelated
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,2055,unrelated
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,2202,discuss
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1808,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',649,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,706,discuss
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO),467,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1166,discuss
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,2162,discuss
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,1709,discuss
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,2295,discuss
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,752,unrelated
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,1457,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2404,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],1826,agree
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1506,discuss
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,848,discuss
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,254,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,87,unrelated
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,1949,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,2184,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,564,unrelated
Omsk schoolboy turned into a man-magnet after shock,1317,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1974,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,1338,unrelated
Penis Drawn On Bugatti Veyron Could Be World's Most Expensive Car Vandalism,2235,unrelated
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,1787,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",121,unrelated
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,1634,discuss
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,2142,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1435,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',971,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Feature Time-Only 'Power Reserve' Mode, Prototypes Disguised as Samsung Watches",2283,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,1877,disagree
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1821,discuss
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,1854,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,1708,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2234,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1803,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,1950,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,130,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1120,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,1660,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2524,agree
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',1090,unrelated
"Oh Hey, Paul Rudd Was One Of The Dallas Airport Homophobe Heroes, No Big",609,agree
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,984,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,1372,unrelated
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1746,discuss
Tiger Woods' luxe Viking island in Sweden is for sale,240,unrelated
The “Flood Libel” Propagandists of 2015,289,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,2022,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1011,discuss
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),258,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,958,unrelated
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out,513,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1405,discuss
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2002,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1569,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1778,agree
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,1269,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1058,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,961,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,1148,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2127,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1022,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,2070,unrelated
Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage for Christmas,2072,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,1190,agree
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,851,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1921,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1125,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,1787,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",1040,unrelated
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",2132,disagree
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,1808,unrelated
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,1731,unrelated
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,2453,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,2367,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2404,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,984,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1034,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,993,agree
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1873,unrelated
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,1547,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,2526,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,2431,unrelated
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,1024,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,1483,unrelated
"Man chops off his own penis, throws it in the trash after getting dumped for bad bedroom skills",40,unrelated
"Soldier, Gunman Killed In Shooting Incident Near Canadian Parliament",2338,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",130,unrelated
Report of quarantined Texas town NOT real; shared on a 'fake' news website,1277,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,2234,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1857,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,346,unrelated
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,803,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,2115,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",1619,discuss
Apple Watch Gold Edition rumored to be priced at $1200: Will you buy?,54,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,1913,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,2483,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1122,discuss
J.J. A
ams Asks Disney To Move Up 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Release Date,1393,discuss
Update: Did Make Up This Story About The Web Sheriff Ben Edelman Sending Racist Emails?,727,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1385,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1692,discuss
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1839,unrelated
Hero soldier Nathan Cirillo killed by convicted criminal Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,205,unrelated
Rumors Of Fidel Castro's Death Circulate After Prolonged Absence From Public Life,227,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,2078,unrelated
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria,2408,discuss
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1040,unrelated
"No, that
oken pencil illustration isn't by Banksy",740,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1569,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,1661,discuss
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1004,discuss
Amazon's Newest Tablet Will Come With Free News From The Washington Post,221,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1288,discuss
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2448,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1317,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",2240,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,239,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2261,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,168,unrelated
Small red book among finds in 113-year-old Boston time capsule,2257,agree
Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot Himself in the Hand,1772,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1120,unrelated
Man who slaps people around the head for sneezing hunted by police,1521,unrelated
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,666,unrelated
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,942,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1543,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,425,discuss
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,505,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,391,unrelated
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,2208,agree
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,1408,agree
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1841,discuss
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1473,agree
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2313,unrelated
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,1978,agree
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,169,unrelated
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",1854,unrelated
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",1137,unrelated
Snowmen Declared Anti-Islamic As Snow Falls in Saudi Arabia,2167,agree
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,936,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,399,agree
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,511,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,572,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,2404,discuss
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",1854,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,2360,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1195,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,1339,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,1252,unrelated
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',1950,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1702,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1541,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,1800,discuss
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,1699,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,498,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",2370,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,819,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1040,unrelated
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,614,unrelated
Animal lovers abuzz over pope’s comments that 'paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',1371,agree
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1535,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2266,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',1256,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,844,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,986,agree
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,1786,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",845,agree
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,125,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",524,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",1097,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1291,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",1697,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,2328,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,2268,discuss
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1844,discuss
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1697,unrelated
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,2102,discuss
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,2329,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',2154,discuss
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1597,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,2417,discuss
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1857,unrelated
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",2524,unrelated
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,1680,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1148,unrelated
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,1840,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2115,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,687,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,344,unrelated
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax),1183,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,534,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,35,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,754,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,2297,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1966,discuss
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,324,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2525,unrelated
NYC relaxes response to marijuana possession,1718,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2187,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",34,unrelated
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,1240,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2261,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",1377,disagree
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1040,discuss
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,789,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",205,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1226,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',2530,discuss
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",1905,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2235,disagree
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",539,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),2196,unrelated
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",808,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,2520,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,1862,discuss
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",1649,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,254,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",1237,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,961,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,286,unrelated
"No, Vladimir Putin did not get pooped on by a bird during a First World War speech",1006,unrelated
"BREAKING: ""Brat Pack"" Judd Nelson Found Dead in Los Angeles Condo",2281,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,539,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1751,discuss
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,1437,unrelated
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,2523,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",396,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,524,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1795,unrelated
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,1277,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",214,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),2249,discuss
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],385,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',1467,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,2130,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',2174,unrelated
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",280,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,1588,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1580,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1549,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1574,unrelated
Someone Trolled Twitter Into Thinking Macklemore Joined ISIS,385,unrelated
Apple's 12-Inch Retina MacBook Air Shown in Artist's Renditions,1863,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1541,unrelated
"This boy nearly died, now he has a superpower like Marvel’s Magneto",1839,unrelated
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,2133,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,1338,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,846,discuss
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,882,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",550,unrelated
Report: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,2469,unrelated
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,2385,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",1439,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1481,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,1178,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",1359,agree
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1670,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,1790,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1289,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1116,discuss
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",808,agree
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2495,discuss
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,2477,discuss
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1702,unrelated
Electric shock turns Russian boy into Marvel's Magneto,1006,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,533,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1289,unrelated
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),2092,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,2481,discuss
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2495,discuss
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,626,unrelated
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,2268,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,1519,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,906,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,859,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",1547,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,2177,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,2241,discuss
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,2367,unrelated
"Unconfirmed: ISIS Claims Kayla Mueller, American Female Hostage, Is Dead",2376,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,481,discuss
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,830,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1839,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2526,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,2187,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",1627,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",554,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",1477,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1832,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,1157,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,1406,discuss
Enormous 20-stone catfish caught with fishing rod in Italy after 40-minute boat battle,793,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,537,discuss
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,793,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",837,unrelated
"Islamic State training pilots to fly MiG fighter planes, says monitoring group",1293,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,1213,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,2360,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",2240,unrelated
"Piper Jaffray pegs stainless steel Apple Watch price at $499, Edition at $4,999",1169,unrelated
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,450,discuss
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1422,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,821,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,2475,discuss
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1543,unrelated
Willie Nelson Dead? Viral Hoax Fools Internet,304,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,381,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,346,unrelated
Apple Watch launch reportedly planned for Fe
uary with limited supply,1742,unrelated
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",1873,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],2272,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,35,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",2055,unrelated
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,1789,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,944,discuss
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,2005,agree
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1948,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2287,unrelated
"Report: new 12-inch MacBook Air slims down, has single USB port",2509,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1166,discuss
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,787,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,1498,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",308,discuss
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,269,unrelated
Cold Turkey,2252,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,755,unrelated
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,1333,agree
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1289,unrelated
SHOCKING: Indian Man's Penis Cut-off After He Was Caught Attempting Rape [Photos],17,unrelated
Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot Himself in the Hand,2352,agree
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",2496,agree
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1857,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,195,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',1457,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,1494,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,1660,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,1047,unrelated
Apple 'working on 12-inch MacBook Air',1863,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,1610,agree
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,2156,discuss
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,1875,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,458,disagree
If Only A Bird Really Did Poop on Putin,1813,agree
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1347,unrelated
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,1889,discuss
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,93,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,1917,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",481,discuss
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,1427,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,1024,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,966,agree
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,975,unrelated
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,1724,unrelated
The news of Cesar Millan's death is false,979,agree
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,650,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,2113,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1627,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,186,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,2480,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,77,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,646,unrelated
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,2009,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1294,unrelated
EXCLUSIVE: New York Mag’s Boy Genius Investor Made It All Up,2252,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",1917,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,2147,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,714,discuss
Vice squad’s $1m win lights up Las Vegas,640,unrelated
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,399,agree
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",777,discuss
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,1197,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",941,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2388,discuss
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,1760,unrelated
This Guy Paid Off His Parents’ Mortgage For Christmas,2459,agree
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1826,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,761,unrelated
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",804,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",961,disagree
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1351,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,385,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,1835,discuss
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,2411,unrelated
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,1588,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1906,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",984,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1003,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,35,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2044,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,2046,agree
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",2042,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",304,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2317,discuss
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,731,unrelated
Hospital Officials: Kansas City Patient Not Being Treated For Ebola,1519,unrelated
A Bunch Of People Thought Banksy Got A
ested But It Was A Hoax,2051,agree
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2313,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,1130,unrelated
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,2370,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,35,unrelated
Heartwarming video shows son revealing he’s paid off parent’s mortgage as a Christmas gift,1567,agree
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2295,unrelated
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",690,discuss
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,2155,unrelated
High School Student Rumored to Have Made $72 Million Trading Stocks,313,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",2122,agree
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1226,agree
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,621,discuss
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",595,unrelated
KC Man Does Not Have Ebola,1095,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1821,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,2263,discuss
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",344,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,190,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,807,agree
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,761,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",2305,agree
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,1934,unrelated
ISIS supporters mourn death of ‘youngest fighter’,1179,discuss
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,367,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,1524,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1097,unrelated
"North Korea leader Kim is still in charge, has injured leg: source",1256,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1966,discuss
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1263,discuss
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1733,agree
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2526,unrelated
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1197,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,1256,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",34,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found on Buckingham Palace Grounds,562,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",1048,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,1740,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",1376,discuss
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,608,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,2044,unrelated
Texas Town Quarantined After Family Of Five Test Positive For The Ebola Virus,410,disagree
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,874,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,320,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1669,discuss
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,944,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2002,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,722,unrelated
Sadly Vladimir Putin Hasn’t Been Driving Round In A Motorcade Shaped Like A Penis,1021,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,1631,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,225,unrelated
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",88,unrelated
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,2362,unrelated
If Only A Bird Really Did Poop on Putin,1028,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",2417,discuss
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1751,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",834,discuss
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,2096,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",945,unrelated
[Updated] Saudi State Television Allegedly Blurs Michelle Obama’s Face During Meeting With New Saudi King,691,discuss
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,2177,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,387,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,2287,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,1925,disagree
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,2525,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,2268,discuss
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,2295,discuss
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,2360,agree
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',2072,discuss
Weather Reporter Mike Seidel Was Caught Off Guard on Live TV and Appeared to Be Urinating in the Snow -- Watch!,2092,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2197,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,296,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,2459,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,1853,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,1040,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2472,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",80,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),1829,unrelated
Shocking picture shows mother trying to sell her own son to pay for twin daughter's cancer treatment,2531,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],2060,disagree
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,847,discuss
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1157,discuss
"Apple is limiting features on the Apple Watch to save battery life, according to developers",234,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,2313,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,972,unrelated
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,1197,agree
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1646,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,922,discuss
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Michael Phelps' Cougar Girlfriend Revealed?,60,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,1913,agree
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,1294,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1506,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,267,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1263,unrelated
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,40,unrelated
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',2413,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",1575,unrelated
"Absent from duty for 25 years, CPWD official dismissed",2134,agree
"Oh Hey, Paul Rudd Was One Of The Dallas Airport Homophobe Heroes, No Big",242,unrelated
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,1996,disagree
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",2330,agree
Willie Nelson Dead? Viral Hoax Fools Internet,2046,unrelated
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,2447,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,1943,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,2463,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,1477,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,1296,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,1077,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),137,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,125,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,2342,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),43,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",2147,unrelated
Paul Revere's 1795 time capsule unearthed,1416,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,300,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,2483,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1430,discuss
EXCLUSIVE: New York Mag’s Boy Genius Investor Made It All Up,313,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1786,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1349,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,1379,unrelated
After ISIS trick mum into eating son - 5 other reluctant cannibals including those forced to eat own body parts,2349,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,932,unrelated
Islamic State accused of using chlorine gas on Iraqi soldiers,1357,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",585,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1573,disagree
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,195,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,505,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",168,unrelated
The Force Awakens News: Director J.J. A
ams Eyes Summer Release for Star Wars 7 Because of Too Many Spoilers,2141,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,1073,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1368,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1175,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1786,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,2042,disagree
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,2473,discuss
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1498,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,1291,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",1234,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,730,unrelated
Islamic State fighters training to fly captured jets — watchdog,2218,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,1939,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',2138,discuss
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2450,agree
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,93,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Stronghold,1170,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,1549,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',170,unrelated
"North Korea ordered citizens named Kim Jong Un to change their names, says new report",1975,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,816,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,1127,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,2192,unrelated
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,2022,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,2009,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,2421,unrelated
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!,607,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,1540,discuss
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,1862,agree
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,1933,unrelated
Star Wars 7: JJ A
ams want to move release to summer 2015,1697,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",1786,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",2448,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1083,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,8,unrelated
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,68,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,2009,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1913,agree
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,760,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,564,unrelated
A Husband Breaks Down In Tears After Lost Voicemail Message By His Late Wife Is Recovered,1406,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2304,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,80,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',1646,discuss
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,787,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,816,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,761,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",1826,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,1954,discuss
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,1528,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,676,unrelated
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),36,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",2237,discuss
Microsoft Hires Dalek-style Robocops to Guard Silicon Valley HQ,1074,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,1939,unrelated
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,2210,disagree
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,1538,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1120,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,666,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,1253,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1689,discuss
The next Apple Watch could be platinum,887,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,115,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,1349,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,855,unrelated
"BREAKING NEWS: Female American aid worker, 26, held hostage by ISIS for 18 months has been 'killed in Jordanian air strike'",2376,discuss
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,1817,unrelated
Apple Watch to reportedly offer 'Power Reserve' to help extend battery life,1420,discuss
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",1739,agree
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,964,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,2156,unrelated
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,2415,unrelated
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,959,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,1337,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,2139,discuss
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2297,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",456,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1125,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,1647,agree
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,1634,discuss
Country Music Legend Willie Nelson Dies at Age 81,2046,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",195,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1125,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,2009,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",651,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1702,unrelated
Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed girlfriend says she was born a BOY and reveals 'amazing' sex with Olympian,1342,agree
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",2124,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1974,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1549,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2404,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,633,unrelated
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",1679,unrelated
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it,413,unrelated
North Korea reportedly bans anyone sharing Kim Jong Un's name,734,unrelated
Satirical news site attacks China’s weird English names,2260,agree
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ A
ams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?,125,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1559,agree
Comcast blocks Tor,678,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",843,discuss
ISIS Getting Ebola,819,discuss
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,882,unrelated
Constipated goldfish operated on by North Walsham vet,1670,unrelated
Future Apple Watches could include platinum models - report,1436,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1905,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1681,discuss
A viral photo in China shows how to manipulate App Store rankings the hard way,2407,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,1442,discuss
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1040,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,40,unrelated
WATCH: Stan Beaton cries tears of joy when phone engineers find treasured voicemail recording of his late wife he thought was lost forever,805,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",821,unrelated
Hero soldier Nathan Cirillo killed by convicted criminal Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,107,unrelated
American Predator Drone Circling Islamic State’s Stronghold,2129,discuss
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1982,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1531,disagree
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1795,disagree
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",320,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,1256,unrelated
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",562,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1048,unrelated
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",850,discuss
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,662,unrelated
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,1481,agree
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',565,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,1787,unrelated
"In New York City, Marijuana May Mean Ticket, Not A
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,1047,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,539,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",2062,discuss
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,831,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,2354,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",2463,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,1289,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,1658,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,1988,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),54,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,2313,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,467,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',2344,unrelated
Man chops off his penis after his girlfriend
eaks up with him,40,unrelated
Report: Apple Watch Will Need Charging Every Day,1570,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment",2326,agree
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,2096,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,2360,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,860,unrelated
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),2106,unrelated
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,2009,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Made It Further Into Building Than Reported,1137,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,2317,discuss
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,1921,discuss
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,239,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',2249,agree
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,2042,unrelated
Officials: Report That Area Town Is Under Ebola Quarantine Is False,1467,agree
Nujaifi Condemns / Daash / crime in Saqlawiyah and Alsiger areas of Anbar.,693,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1019,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,757,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",239,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,887,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,388,unrelated
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,2295,unrelated
Someone painted a graffiti dick on a $2.5 million car,498,agree
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,2299,unrelated
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters,2149,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2450,discuss
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",1730,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,1885,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1974,discuss
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",40,unrelated
Report: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,1794,discuss
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2410,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1804,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",958,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1896,discuss
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1854,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,2037,discuss
"Omar Gonzalez, White House Fence-Jumper, Made it Farther Inside",263,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,1737,unrelated
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,1457,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1197,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",2272,discuss
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,2147,unrelated
Nun complains of stomach pains... and GIVES BIRTH: Sister who had 'no idea' she was pregnant has a baby boy at hospital in Italy,2058,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,167,unrelated
Apple Users Add Hairgate to iPhone 6 Problems,2184,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2109,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,1120,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,1890,discuss
Omsk schoolboy turned into a man-magnet after shock,1637,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1679,discuss
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,125,unrelated
"Whoa, Paul Rudd Was One of the Airport Heroes Who Took Down the Homophobe",2514,agree
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,1183,discuss
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",740,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,195,discuss
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,2072,discuss
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",539,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",239,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,1699,disagree
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,1438,unrelated
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Michael Phelps' Cougar Girlfriend Revealed?,2454,discuss
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1168,discuss
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",220,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1374,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,662,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,2261,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,1900,unrelated
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,304,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1840,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',662,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,2185,unrelated
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,5,discuss
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",1079,discuss
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2354,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1099,disagree
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,1509,discuss
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,1296,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,534,discuss
There was never a panel discussion on domestic violence planned for ESPN’s ‘Monday Night Football’ pregame show,2181,agree
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,844,unrelated
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,61,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1435,unrelated
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",213,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1406,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1438,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,1895,discuss
"BREAKING NEWS: Female American aid worker, 26, held hostage by ISIS for 18 months has been 'killed in Jordanian air strike'",493,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2495,discuss
Saudi cleric issues fatwa against building snowmen,2317,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,244,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,2272,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,1680,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,933,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1358,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,903,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang co-founder Big Bank Hank dies,754,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",381,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,1948,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1638,agree
iOS 8 bug could delete your iCloud Drive documents,2423,agree
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1905,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,2039,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,2187,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,7,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,651,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",649,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,551,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,2135,agree
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,269,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,776,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",1438,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",1918,discuss
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,43,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,1786,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',2441,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,757,unrelated
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,646,unrelated
News sites fall for Putin bird-dropping video,1813,discuss
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1347,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,195,unrelated
Will King of Jordan lead airstrikes on ISIS HIMSELF? Reports say trained pilot plans to take part in attack after quoting Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven to Congressmen,1840,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,2175,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1948,unrelated
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,1262,discuss
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1857,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,288,discuss
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,2096,unrelated
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit,298,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1406,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,1825,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1361,unrelated
A Bogus Banksy,1806,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1071,unrelated
Magic mushroom found growing at Buckingham Palace,562,unrelated
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",1400,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,1586,discuss
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,132,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",189,discuss
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,11,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1574,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",2172,discuss
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1299,unrelated
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,1519,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2386,discuss
High School Student Rumored to Have Made $72 Million Trading Stocks,2407,discuss
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,161,unrelated
Her Majesty’s magic mushrooms,513,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",1893,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,384,discuss
Someone painted a graffiti dick on a $2.5 million car,557,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1921,unrelated
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,1157,unrelated
Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot Himself in the Hand,2230,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,752,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1016,agree
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1563,disagree
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,186,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1780,discuss
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1825,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,882,unrelated
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,2412,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,2044,unrelated
One of 'Taliban Five' in Bowe Bergdahl swap allegedly returned to militancy,2367,unrelated
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),909,discuss
Utah Man Hospitalized After Winning Eggnog Chugging Contest,1020,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,1899,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,1966,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1721,discuss
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",2409,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,1301,agree
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,1976,discuss
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,1408,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',1125,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",972,unrelated
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",1628,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,1730,discuss
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,1854,unrelated
Staff Reporter,2420,discuss
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,126,unrelated
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,879,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",1659,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1437,unrelated
"Feminist Aborts Baby For Being A Boy, Shocked People Don’t Approve",228,agree
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1361,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,2403,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,115,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,533,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],851,discuss
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1839,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,1888,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,1295,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1747,discuss
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",1395,unrelated
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,2241,discuss
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,650,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,1293,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1056,disagree
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,271,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,1385,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',2343,unrelated
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,1840,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,1263,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,2463,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,618,unrelated
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,107,discuss
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,1708,discuss
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,1331,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1437,unrelated
There was never a panel discussion on domestic violence planned for ESPN’s ‘Monday Night Football’ pregame show,1020,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,1938,unrelated
"Analyst: Apple Watch Edition Could Cost $5,000",936,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1468,disagree
"What they earn: Vice CEO Shane Smith’s $300,000 steak dinner",2111,discuss
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,132,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",2156,unrelated
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,696,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1938,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,346,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2261,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",26,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',2452,discuss
Female teacher facing sack after making SEX TAPE with teenager,1608,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,1137,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,139,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,225,unrelated
Tiger Woods serving secret PED suspension?,1584,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',691,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,2314,unrelated
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,1107,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1437,unrelated
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,1364,agree
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',773,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,760,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,425,discuss
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,1022,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",267,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,1670,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',367,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,1074,discuss
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",381,unrelated
Missing Planes,1073,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,831,discuss
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1351,unrelated
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,2152,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,2314,unrelated
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",2046,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1289,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,2055,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,505,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,1707,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,508,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1372,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",2515,discuss
America's oldest time capsule unearthed at Boston statehouse after being buried in 1795 by Sam Adams and Paul Revere,971,agree
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,858,unrelated
Nun 'has surprise baby' after complaining of stomach pains,1480,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1403,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1040,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,2356,discuss
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,2372,unrelated
Amazon is opening its first physical store,1772,discuss
Islamic State fighters training to fly captured jets — watchdog,886,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1361,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1880,disagree
This Dog Was Left At A Railway Station With A Suitcase Of His Belongings After He Was Sold On Gumtree,1642,agree
A Bunch Of People Thought Banksy Got A
ested But It Was A Hoax,1544,unrelated
Mohammed Islam Denies Making $72 Million From Stock Market Trading,945,unrelated
"Amazon to launch first
ick-and-mortar store, report says",986,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,472,unrelated
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,1355,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,1921,discuss
"Marine Gets Shot in the Head, Walks Away",2185,unrelated
Pope Francis tells boy whose dog had died that heaven is open to all,2348,unrelated
Apple May Or May Not Hold An Event On The 24th Of Fe
uary [Rumor],1463,discuss
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,2134,agree
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',280,unrelated
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,2034,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",2045,unrelated
Dumped woman spends a week in KFC to get over ex,971,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',1036,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,1889,discuss
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",2087,unrelated
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,1817,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2127,unrelated
Omsk schoolboy turned into a man-magnet after shock,844,unrelated
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,1258,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1541,unrelated
"Man chops off his own penis, throws it in the trash after getting dumped for bad bedroom skills",1249,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",615,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,2349,discuss
‘The cub of Baghdadi': ISIS reports its youngest jihadist ‘got martyred’ in battle,230,discuss
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2070,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2524,agree
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,2506,unrelated
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Michael Phelps' Cougar Girlfriend Revealed?,712,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead hoax: Fake death report spreads on social networks,1559,agree
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1803,unrelated
Apple Watch: Release well initially only in Apple Stores,2077,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1588,agree
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,2367,discuss
Hospital Officials: Kansas City Patient Not Being Treated For Ebola,2501,agree
Marijuana Law New York: How No-A
est Policy Could Make Things Worse For Minor Offenders ,1724,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",615,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,43,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,365,unrelated
World's oldest burger,1364,unrelated
eaks down in tears when a lost recording of his deceased wife resurfaces,1438,unrelated
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,1083,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",1109,discuss
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1087,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1351,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,1438,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,1107,unrelated
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,2434,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,1645,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2304,unrelated
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,1296,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,2375,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1848,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,2139,discuss
Podcast: Brown Moses on what’s flying over Iraq and Syria,304,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,125,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,1637,unrelated
Nun 'has surprise baby' after complaining of stomach pains,2009,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1009,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,2211,agree
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",2055,unrelated
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",919,unrelated
ury Christ Church University student Jess Smith, from Chatham, sta
ed as Teletu
ies' sun",2284,discuss
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1003,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,1137,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",2423,unrelated
Search launched for dog's owner after pooch found dumped next to suitcase filled with belongings,2523,agree
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1077,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2524,discuss
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,2473,discuss
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,1458,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,919,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",2045,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1893,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,206,unrelated
The Force Awakens News: Director J.J. A
ams Eyes Summer Release for Star Wars 7 Because of Too Many Spoilers,1467,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2149,discuss
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,2155,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,702,discuss
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],2367,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1139,discuss
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,171,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,2398,unrelated
Singing polar bear facing ASBO after noise complaint,982,agree
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",691,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,903,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,2445,unrelated
"#Hairgate: Reports of iPhone 6 pulling out hair, beards, likely exaggerated",2088,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",511,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1385,unrelated
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,748,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1841,agree
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2317,discuss
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,800,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",1435,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",1940,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,1659,discuss
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,208,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",2485,discuss
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,87,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,1179,discuss
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1439,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1921,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1104,agree
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,714,unrelated
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,2106,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,539,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,909,unrelated
Italian fisherman catches monstrous 280-pound catfish,612,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,903,discuss
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1266,unrelated
"Pope Francis did not tell boy heaven has room for pets, contrary to report",1492,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1361,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,1940,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",1406,unrelated
A Man Says Comcast Called His Boss And Got Him Fired After He Complained About Its Service,32,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,1817,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1240,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1122,discuss
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',1125,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,989,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,305,unrelated
Kim Jong-un necks litres of rare SNAKE wine because he's too fat to please his wife,587,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,2234,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,34,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,2264,discuss
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',1913,unrelated
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,1556,discuss
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,516,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,639,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1217,discuss
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",1820,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1461,unrelated
SHOCKING: Indian Man's Penis Cut-off After He Was Caught Attempting Rape [Photos],1256,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1950,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,490,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,1852,unrelated
Tiger Woods' luxe Viking island in Sweden is for sale,1954,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,2317,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,662,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,2220,discuss
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',2344,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1288,discuss
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1744,discuss
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,2343,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1437,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,2345,disagree
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,2274,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1720,unrelated
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,2175,unrelated
Islamic State fighters training to fly captured jets — watchdog,2068,discuss
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",2060,discuss
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',2175,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,2459,unrelated
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,1547,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),625,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Made It Further Into Building Than Reported,1840,agree
This Dog Was Left At A Railway Station With A Suitcase Of His Belongings After He Was Sold On Gumtree,650,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,1912,discuss
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1921,unrelated
Lego letter from the 1970s still offers a powerful message to parents 40 years later,1926,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2070,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,2470,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,1012,discuss
"Woman, Ting Su, Finds Husband Cheating With Her Own Twin, Gets Spectacular Revenge",2284,unrelated
PGA Spokesman and Tiger Woods' Agent Deny Drug Suspension Allegations,1584,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',686,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,2386,discuss
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,1737,discuss
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",2251,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1289,unrelated
Nun who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth after going to hospital with stomach pains,2479,discuss
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1697,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,1483,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1934,discuss
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,2385,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,524,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,1871,discuss
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1808,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,571,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,1302,unrelated
American hostage killed in rescue attempt in Yemen - senior official,742,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2495,discuss
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1073,discuss
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',1972,discuss
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,1042,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,1642,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,2506,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1034,unrelated
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair,1923,unrelated
How did a Texas plumber's truck end up with Syrian rebels? (+video),1562,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,1634,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",1480,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,1042,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1256,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',682,unrelated
Jose Canseco Shot in the Hand During Accidental Shooting at Vegas Home,1772,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1340,discuss
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1786,unrelated
Penis Spray-Painted on a $2.5 Million Car Was Just for a Prank Video,822,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2192,unrelated
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,2472,unrelated
China App Store Manipulation Photo Goes Viral - But Is It Real?,1040,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,2156,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,1603,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,300,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1917,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1948,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",251,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1457,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1549,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",1808,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",2399,discuss
#RIPFidel fuels false rumors of Cuban leader's death after another Fidel Castro dies,47,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,1120,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,511,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,251,unrelated
"Cloistered nun gives birth to a baby The convent: ""There is a sister"" [Google Translate]",1480,unrelated
"High-end Apple Watch to start at $5,000 -- analyst",1104,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,80,unrelated
A Letter Lego Sent to Parents in 1974 Holds an Important Message for the Parents of 2014,779,agree
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,115,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",545,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1476,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,139,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2127,unrelated
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",2463,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,2180,discuss
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,1888,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",1693,discuss
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,2091,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,2144,discuss
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,773,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",2191,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,933,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",2302,discuss
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,7,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,1780,discuss
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,443,discuss
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",125,unrelated
Omsk schoolboy turned into a man-magnet after shock,2415,discuss
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,699,unrelated
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,2009,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,1921,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1374,unrelated
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",959,unrelated
“Willie Nelson dead 2015” : Guitarist killed by internet death hoax,1503,agree
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,964,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,286,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2403,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1828,unrelated
Meet The College Student Who Claims She Was The ‘Teletu
ies’ Sun Baby,1834,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1148,unrelated
EXCLUSIVE: New York Mag’s Boy Genius Investor Made It All Up,405,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1844,discuss
Apple Watch Gold Edition rumored to be priced at $1200: Will you buy?,2242,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,570,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",630,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,720,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',205,unrelated
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,1178,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,190,discuss
Star Wars 7: JJ A
ams want to move release to summer 2015,1966,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,456,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,1660,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,591,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],121,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",1968,unrelated
Report: Jose Canseco accidentally shot,2352,discuss
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2367,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,2263,agree
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,616,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',1844,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",652,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,586,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,225,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale's Steve Jobs,2410,unrelated
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out,22,unrelated
"12in Retina MacBook Air release date rumours: All-new 12in MacBook Air design for 2015, launching at WWDC?",727,unrelated
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Everything you need to know about Michael Phelps’ intersex girlfriend,1337,unrelated
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,1213,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,115,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,932,unrelated
Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot Himself in the Hand,1840,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,487,unrelated
Man who slaps people around the head for sneezing hunted by police,1503,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,1156,discuss
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,2197,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,2009,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",2044,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,1422,agree
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,1240,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,508,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,2109,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1361,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,938,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,908,discuss
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,1388,discuss
A New iOS 8 Bug Can Delete All Of Your iCloud Documents,2163,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",472,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,2036,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,1881,discuss
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,167,unrelated
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been stolen after kissing young woman in sauna,2343,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1916,discuss
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor,1293,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,1883,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,693,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",2067,unrelated
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",1519,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,1751,discuss
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1888,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1817,discuss
"Pope Francis did not tell boy heaven has room for pets, contrary to report",2002,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,320,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1574,unrelated
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",1196,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,2156,agree
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1071,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,2025,discuss
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1120,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",1501,agree
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1573,agree
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,401,unrelated
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",571,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,251,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",879,unrelated
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,1107,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1982,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,2016,discuss
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,527,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,104,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1817,discuss
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,1323,discuss
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2524,discuss
Comcast Declares War on Tor?,2177,discuss
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1173,discuss
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",381,unrelated
Bird defecates on Vladimir Putin during speech (video),2502,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1786,unrelated
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants,2376,discuss
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,381,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,2175,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,220,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1004,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",938,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,137,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1289,unrelated
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1848,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,971,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2404,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,2526,unrelated
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,2196,unrelated
"Man chops off his own penis, throws it in the trash after getting dumped for bad bedroom skills",2496,agree
Chugging eggnog sends Utah man to hospital,2407,unrelated
America's oldest time capsule unearthed at Boston statehouse after being buried in 1795 by Sam Adams and Paul Revere,1049,agree
Apple Watch mass production kicks off in January: Report,978,discuss
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,737,unrelated
Official: Gitmo prisoner traded for Bergdahl reaching out to Taliban,2159,discuss
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,1976,agree
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1896,discuss
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",971,unrelated
The Apple Watch Will Debut by Late March [Report],1302,discuss
Paul Revere's 1795 time capsule unearthed,1442,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,2175,unrelated
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,1252,unrelated
Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage for Christmas,377,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,2234,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,1224,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",885,disagree
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",1266,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1130,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,2266,unrelated
'I aborted my baby because it was a boy': Outrage after 'feminist' blogger claims gender prompted termination,947,discuss
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,846,discuss
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,1939,discuss
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1347,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,2070,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1589,agree
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,968,agree
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1288,discuss
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,2347,agree
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",2246,agree
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1564,discuss
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,1642,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,40,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,649,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang’s Big Bank Hank dead at 57,2035,agree
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,1120,discuss
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1839,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,1619,discuss
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,40,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,595,unrelated
Report—Jose Canseco accidentally shot at his home tonight,869,discuss
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1438,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,225,agree
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,2272,unrelated
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,527,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",2356,discuss
Michael Phelps Sex Scandal: Troubled Olympian’s Girlfriend Was Born A Man!,190,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",239,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,1465,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",570,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1359,unrelated
China: Satirical site warns citizens over name choices,2115,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2525,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,459,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,5,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1854,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2388,discuss
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,2033,unrelated
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,320,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",1224,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,821,unrelated
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,570,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,1968,disagree
Apple hopes to sell over 50 million watches in 2015,1374,unrelated
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,72,unrelated
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,860,unrelated
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,1540,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",2269,agree
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1430,discuss
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,388,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1483,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,1293,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,54,unrelated
That powerful Lego letter to parents from the 1970s? It's real,1582,agree
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,115,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',121,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",68,unrelated
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,2167,agree
"No, it's not Tiger Woods selling an island in Lake Mälaren",2508,unrelated
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,2087,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,26,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,195,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,11,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,1103,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1547,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2067,agree
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",719,unrelated
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",1234,unrelated
Newly-Found Document Holds Eyewitness Account of Jesus Performing Miracle,544,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",928,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,1293,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",2313,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1541,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2234,unrelated
TBS Speeds up SEINFELD by 7.5% to Add 2 More Minutes of Commercials,169,unrelated
Microsoft Hires Dalek-style Robocops to Guard Silicon Valley HQ,2529,agree
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",2520,unrelated
iOS 8 bug could delete your iCloud Drive documents,906,unrelated
Israel denies causing Gaza floods by opening dams,1967,discuss
Michael Abdul Zehaf Bibeau Pictures: Photos of Alleged ISIS-Linked Gunman in Canada,2214,discuss
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,125,unrelated
"Rajasthan: Man Tries to Rape Teenager, Angry Mob Chops His Penis Off",2115,agree
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,962,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,950,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,125,discuss
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,887,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1385,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1818,discuss
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,2525,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1568,unrelated
"Absent from duty for 25 years, CPWD official dismissed",686,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",941,unrelated
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,2302,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,119,unrelated
This Is What It Looks Like When A Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage As A Christmas Present,950,unrelated
Report: Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of suicide airliner attacks on 9/11,1681,unrelated
The news of Cesar Millan's death is false,1832,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1019,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,1877,unrelated
"No, a Planetary Alignment on Jan. 4, 2015, Won’t Decrease Gravity",2413,agree
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,571,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,776,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,1627,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",1781,discuss
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,1547,unrelated
"Apple Watch Battery Life Cu
ently 'About a Day', but May Improve for 2015 Launch",1702,discuss
British man pays $460 to save constipated goldfish's life,1707,agree
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,34,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1853,unrelated
NYC relaxes response to marijuana possession,2217,agree
Apple 'working on 12-inch MacBook Air',1344,discuss
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",687,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,1306,agree
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",2055,unrelated
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,1477,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,472,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1476,unrelated
Don’t ‘Reset All Settings’ in iOS 8 unless you want to lose your iCloud files,2163,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,2197,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1294,unrelated
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,2434,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,220,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",524,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,2075,discuss
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,686,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Wozniak in Steve Jobs Biopic,1141,discuss
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,1627,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,2020,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,1740,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,921,discuss
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,419,discuss
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,826,unrelated
Axl Rose NOT Dead: Fake MSNBC Death Hoax Goes Viral On Facebook,769,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,1434,discuss
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,511,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1669,discuss
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,565,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,2489,unrelated
eal Photos of Fisherman’s Jaw-Dropping Catch Will Likely Have People Wondering If It’s Real,882,unrelated
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,618,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1157,discuss
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,81,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,855,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,2106,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,621,discuss
ISIS leader dead?,1939,unrelated
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,54,unrelated
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",615,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1385,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",1807,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,472,unrelated
80's Brat Pack star Judd Nelson forced to deny that he's dead after fake news story starts trending on social media,1317,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,2307,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1905,unrelated
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",1899,discuss
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,1477,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1169,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,2020,unrelated
Report of quarantined Texas town NOT real; shared on a 'fake' news website,258,unrelated
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,754,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,2330,unrelated
The Apple Watch Will Debut by Late March [Report],554,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1234,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1299,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,2096,unrelated
Teacher sex tape exposed as a FAKE after internet detectives trace the origin of pornographic clip,1734,unrelated
HBO Reportedly in Talks with Apple for Launch of New Unbundled Streaming Service,815,discuss
REPORT: Apple's Watch Will Come In 2 Storage Sizes,571,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1589,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1471,discuss
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1631,unrelated
Man cut off manhood and threw it in bin after girlfriend dumped him over small penis,1379,unrelated
Cold Turkey,1760,unrelated
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,698,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",93,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,908,discuss
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",855,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',524,unrelated
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",2375,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,1263,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1603,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,167,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1071,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,472,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,427,discuss
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",45,unrelated
Chugging eggnog sends Utah man to hospital,1901,agree
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',2283,agree
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,2442,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1949,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,777,unrelated
A Man Says Comcast Called His Boss And Got Him Fired After He Complained About Its Service,1355,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,874,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2453,unrelated
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,2248,disagree
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1934,discuss
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',2375,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,171,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1580,discuss
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,816,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,68,unrelated
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,1222,unrelated
Canadian Michael Zehaf-Bibeau thought to be the gunman in Ottawa shooting,186,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1006,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,385,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,2307,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",1010,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1009,discuss
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,26,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,286,unrelated
Sushi lover's entire body left riddled with WORMS after eating contaminated sashimi,588,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,1737,unrelated
"How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?",2220,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2296,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,1988,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",2440,agree
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,2307,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1658,discuss
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,170,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,944,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,2313,discuss
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",2497,discuss
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2127,unrelated
Female teacher facing sack after making SEX TAPE with teenager,1018,agree
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1351,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",251,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2520,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),1991,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",2186,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,2261,discuss
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,1751,discuss
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,1014,agree
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,821,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1288,discuss
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,1453,disagree
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,900,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1923,disagree
Moment U.S. Marine is saved by his Kevlar helmet as Taliban sniper bullet hits him in head,2185,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1611,discuss
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,2520,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,81,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,1237,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1295,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1720,unrelated
ush list actually do so sister you tired it?,1711,discuss
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,2115,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,694,discuss
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,2473,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,687,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1806,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,1949,agree
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,2415,unrelated
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,844,unrelated
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,1644,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",1803,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,43,unrelated
NYC relaxes response to marijuana possession,1022,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,40,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,1560,discuss
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,1020,unrelated
HBO in talks with Apple to be launch partner for coming web service 'HBO Now',1439,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",1289,unrelated
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',1498,discuss
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,962,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,22,unrelated
"These LEGO Instructions from 1974 Are Awesome (And Yes, They're Real)",547,agree
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,132,unrelated
IS using scorpion bombs to te
ify Iraqi civilians,185,unrelated
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,1437,unrelated
The next Apple Watch could be platinum,478,discuss
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,1739,discuss
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,2296,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,2096,unrelated
Texas Town Quarantined After Family Of Five Test Positive For The Ebola Virus,1383,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,456,unrelated
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,2005,agree
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,634,unrelated
Man Chops Off and Throws Away His Small Penis After Bad Breakup,413,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,571,discuss
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,1661,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,2296,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1853,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2287,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",964,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2096,discuss
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1385,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,909,unrelated
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",882,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2386,agree
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,2039,unrelated
For sale: Tiger's former island in Sweden,236,unrelated
Apple Watch launch has new timetable: Analyst,1742,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,271,unrelated
Durex on Rumored ‘Pumpkin Spice’ Condom: No Comment,2498,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1252,unrelated
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,1646,agree
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',1877,discuss
KC hospital: Patient does not have symptom profile of Ebola,1170,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",1808,unrelated
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,1466,discuss
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",737,unrelated
"Oh Hey, Paul Rudd Was One Of The Dallas Airport Homophobe Heroes, No Big",788,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1899,discuss
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",2225,discuss
Sugarhill Gang Rapper Big Bank Hank Dies at 57,1458,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1744,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,2354,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,2478,agree
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1299,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1166,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1358,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,296,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,844,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',1465,discuss
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",2252,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",2313,discuss
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1185,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,139,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",0,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,1817,discuss
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1385,unrelated
Reports say North Korea's Kim insists on being the only Jong Un,520,unrelated
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",698,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,2020,unrelated
ISIS: Desperate mum told 'you've just eaten your son' after visiting militants' base in search of kidnap victim,2349,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,1198,agree
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,381,unrelated
Weather Reporter Mike Seidel Was Caught Off Guard on Live TV and Appeared to Be Urinating in the Snow -- Watch!,1854,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1948,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,2016,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,388,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1013,unrelated
That's one way to get through security! Frustrated traveller strips completely NAKED at airport to pass through metal detectors,2234,agree
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,2045,unrelated
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,1533,discuss
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",186,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1169,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,1223,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,513,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2156,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",1939,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1476,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1361,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1940,unrelated
Michael Phelps Sex Scandal: Troubled Olympian’s Girlfriend Was Born A Man!,521,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",10,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",699,unrelated
Psychoactive magic mushroom found in grounds of Buckingham Palace,2478,agree
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,1299,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,2118,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2234,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,830,unrelated
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,1883,unrelated
"Oh Hey, Paul Rudd Was One Of The Dallas Airport Homophobe Heroes, No Big",1000,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1165,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",171,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,2147,unrelated
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,504,agree
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,503,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,851,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),2211,discuss
iOS 8 bug reportedly erases iCloud Drive documents when settings are reset,1518,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,2345,discuss
Cloistered nun has a stomach ache hospital gives birth to a baby [Google Translate],1164,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1580,discuss
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,682,unrelated
"Amazon reportedly launching free, ad-supported video service (updated)",2442,unrelated
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,2476,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1339,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,80,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,2141,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,1017,agree
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",1594,disagree
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1808,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",320,unrelated
Conflicting reports on alleged IS capture of Canadian woman,1893,discuss
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,2453,unrelated
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,2152,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,1423,agree
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,271,unrelated
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!,689,unrelated
y, KFC isn't going to be selling weed in Colorado restaurants",651,unrelated
NBC's Tom Brokaw reportedly wants Brian Williams fired over fa
icated Iraq helicopter story,816,unrelated
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,1295,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',527,unrelated
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,1933,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,1737,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,2448,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2130,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,258,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,104,unrelated
"Soldier, Gunman Killed In Shooting Incident Near Canadian Parliament",2252,unrelated
or Leader Ahmed Abdi Godane Killed in U.S. Strike,741,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",1528,unrelated
News sites fall for Putin bird-dropping video,1991,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,941,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,852,agree
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2127,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1547,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",60,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,1419,unrelated
“Axl Rose dead 2014” : Guns N' Roses frontman killed by internet death hoax,414,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,321,unrelated
ISIS: Desperate mum told 'you've just eaten your son' after visiting militants' base in search of kidnap victim,1442,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2087,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1040,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1125,unrelated
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,2053,discuss
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,431,unrelated
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,2472,unrelated
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,1686,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',2039,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",239,unrelated
‘Islamic tribunal confirmed in Texas’,1317,discuss
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1702,unrelated
Willie Nelson Dead? Viral Hoax Fools Internet,2367,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1217,discuss
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1720,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,295,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,524,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,874,unrelated
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,2409,discuss
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,304,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",2020,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,1648,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,2058,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,840,discuss
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,472,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,2163,unrelated
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",1804,agree
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,387,unrelated
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,1301,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",1940,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,1873,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,2287,discuss
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,524,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,1897,unrelated
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,2304,discuss
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1829,agree
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1299,unrelated
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,789,unrelated
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,1681,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",2191,discuss
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,2386,agree
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,639,discuss
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,2411,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,0,agree
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,511,unrelated
Saudis Say Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed on TV,913,discuss
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,171,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2261,unrelated
BREAKING: Soldier shot at War Memorial in Ottawa,2347,agree
"Report: Stainless steel Apple Watch will be priced $500, gold at $5,000",1425,discuss
"No, that high school kid didn't make $72 million trading stocks",945,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,1790,discuss
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",1905,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",80,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,2176,unrelated
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",1700,discuss
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",2498,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",903,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,1048,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,2149,discuss
Mohammed Islam Denies Making $72 Million From Stock Market Trading,405,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,822,discuss
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,346,unrelated
Michael Abdul Zehaf Bibeau Pictures: Photos of Alleged ISIS-Linked Gunman in Canada,2002,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",2191,discuss
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,1921,unrelated
"ISIS Claims Female American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Killed in Airstrike",493,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,1849,unrelated
Apple Watch reportedly has low-energy 'power reserve' mode,241,discuss
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1340,discuss
ISIS leader dead?,1790,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1358,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,591,unrelated
Would you take a bite out of the world's oldest burger? Men keep Quarter Pounder they bought 20 YEARS ago for a friend who never showed up to meet them,1500,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,2156,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,1718,agree
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",444,unrelated
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",2473,discuss
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,1277,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
"Elon University has not banned the term ‘freshman,’ despite rumors",2321,discuss
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",577,discuss
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,34,unrelated
Matt Tai
i Disappears From Omidyar’s First Look Media,295,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,1024,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",1164,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1419,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1213,disagree
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,132,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,220,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,903,discuss
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",1785,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,568,unrelated
"North Korea leader Kim is still in charge, has injured leg: source",2325,discuss
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,181,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,472,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",703,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1888,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",2296,unrelated
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,1253,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,5,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1897,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,2016,unrelated
Has Apple quietly fixed its iPhone 6 Plus ‘Bendgate’ problem?,2374,unrelated
Another ISIS Massacre: ISIS Kills 300 Iraqi Soldiers With Chlorine Gas,2197,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,465,agree
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",170,unrelated
Research Medical Center denies reports that a patient has Ebola,2127,agree
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1720,discuss
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1419,discuss
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1515,agree
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1921,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1034,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,2472,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,2115,agree
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,2106,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1506,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,304,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,2386,discuss
Vice squad’s $1m win lights up Las Vegas,2130,discuss
Macaulay Culkin dead: Actor is victim of another death hoax,1293,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1256,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,505,discuss
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1778,discuss
Seth Rogen reported to play Woz in the upcoming Steve Jobs movie,1746,discuss
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,2440,agree
PGA Spokesman and Tiger Woods' Agent Deny Drug Suspension Allegations,2280,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,226,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,696,unrelated
Is the iPhone 6 Really Pulling Out Your Hair?,1646,discuss
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",34,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2067,agree
Parents' anger after seven Bosnian schoolgirls aged 13 and 14 fall pregnant on class trip,1221,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1707,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,1940,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1549,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1786,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Gateway Pundit,195,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,2172,agree
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,568,unrelated
Future Apple Watches could include platinum models - report,2091,unrelated
Islamic State Leader al-Baghdadi “Not Dead”,1254,agree
eal Photos of Fisherman’s Jaw-Dropping Catch Will Likely Have People Wondering If It’s Real,331,discuss
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',775,discuss
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1938,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,633,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,2302,unrelated
"Calm down everyone, Banksy hasn't been a
ested: 9 clues that it's a hoax",1437,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,2337,disagree
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1476,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1588,discuss
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1403,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1843,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,900,unrelated
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,208,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",35,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],822,discuss
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",1939,unrelated
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!,2184,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2314,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,1645,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",2305,agree
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,812,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,5,unrelated
Shocking! Chinese parents sell their son to fund for daughter’s Cancer treatment,350,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1206,discuss
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,40,unrelated
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,1323,unrelated
"Predator Drone Reportedly Sighted Circling Raqqa, Syria",1545,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1506,discuss
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",1689,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",2520,unrelated
Comcast calls rumor that it disconnects Tor users “wildly inaccurate”,277,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,1530,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,821,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,971,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",585,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",634,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,2035,agree
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1820,discuss
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,1090,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1438,unrelated
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",2283,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",1426,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1806,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",564,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1289,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,1461,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",607,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",698,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,615,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,882,unrelated
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,2528,discuss
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,2230,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",472,unrelated
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,1936,unrelated
A really devoted man spent $460 on surgery for his constipated goldfish,1364,agree
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",1021,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,532,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",2177,disagree
Has ISIS used chemical weapons on Kobane? Claims under-siege town was hit by crude rocket attack,1385,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,2218,unrelated
Comcast calls rumor that it disconnects Tor users “wildly inaccurate”,1314,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,2313,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",959,discuss
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",2078,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1818,discuss
Report: Nigerian Woman Quarantined in KC with Ebola-Like Symptoms (Video),1017,unrelated
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,1549,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,1751,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,2448,unrelated
Rodney Constantine keeps Facebook promise and turns himself in to police,686,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",950,unrelated
Did Paul Rudd Help Take Down Dallas Airport Homophobe?,853,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1405,discuss
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",955,discuss
Soldier shot at war memorial in Canada,1988,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",298,unrelated
Giant 8ft 9in catfish weighing 19 stone caught in Italy is thought to be the biggest ever reeled in with a rod and line,1652,agree
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",402,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1589,agree
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,936,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",2523,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,93,unrelated
"Kayla Jean Mueller, U.S. hostage, killed in Jordan airstrike, ISIS claims",959,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1834,agree
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",1331,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,2132,unrelated
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,120,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,2202,discuss
Ottawa shooting: Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers hailed a hero for shooting rampaging gunman,2104,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,513,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",382,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1047,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",1916,discuss
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,1306,agree
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1295,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,731,discuss
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,295,disagree
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",615,discuss
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,1372,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1950,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,2234,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,137,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",2377,unrelated
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,99,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1661,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,77,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,2458,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),349,discuss
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,2009,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",204,unrelated
This Is What It Looks Like When A Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage As A Christmas Present,1439,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport,1873,unrelated
oken girl spends week in KFC after getting dumped,1791,unrelated
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,1002,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1854,unrelated
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,803,unrelated
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,2088,discuss
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1364,unrelated
Animal lovers abuzz over pope’s comments that 'paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',2297,agree
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,1785,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,2175,unrelated
ISIS pays tribute to its 'Cub of Baghdadi' child soldier,413,unrelated
“Axl Rose dead 2014” : Guns N' Roses frontman killed by internet death hoax,1161,agree
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,30,unrelated
Don’t ‘Reset All Settings’ in iOS 8 unless you want to lose your iCloud files,1518,agree
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,1267,discuss
Setting the record straight on tor,2367,unrelated
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,917,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,2045,unrelated
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,2526,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,2360,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,208,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1073,discuss
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,1972,discuss
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,2263,discuss
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,331,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,742,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,1374,unrelated
J.J. A
ams Asks Disney To Move Up 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Release Date,125,unrelated
"Unconfirmed: ISIS Claims Kayla Mueller, American Female Hostage, Is Dead",2252,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,2240,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1252,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1019,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,1368,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,2147,discuss
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",321,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1658,unrelated
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,614,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,220,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1605,discuss
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,2309,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,2434,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1506,discuss
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1906,unrelated
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,2134,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,2272,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,1959,agree
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",1223,unrelated
Nun complains of stomach pains... and GIVES BIRTH: Sister who had 'no idea' she was pregnant has a baby boy at hospital in Italy,1597,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,1519,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,346,unrelated
"Whoa, Paul Rudd Was One of the Airport Heroes Who Took Down the Homophobe",1647,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,816,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",2314,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',1681,discuss
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,794,agree
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,40,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1574,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,244,unrelated
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",186,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',816,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,2037,discuss
Texas Town Quarantined After Family Of Five Test Positive For The Ebola Virus,258,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2130,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,2453,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,1608,discuss
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",1040,unrelated
Apple Watch launch expected in late March,1107,unrelated
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",1631,discuss
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,984,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,2104,agree
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,2314,unrelated
Apple Watch to reportedly offer 'Power Reserve' to help extend battery life,232,discuss
Do all dogs go to heaven? Pope tells grieving boy: 'Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',1905,agree
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1040,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",931,discuss
The rats eat Prada at Vogue NY office,639,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,1839,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1574,unrelated
Hilarious: North Dakota Pays Special Tribute to President Obama,1170,disagree
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,2009,unrelated
Vladimir Putin Bird Poop Video is Fake,1006,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2453,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',2045,unrelated
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,1787,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",2519,disagree
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1948,discuss
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,630,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,626,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,450,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1227,disagree
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,311,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",1832,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2147,discuss
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1438,unrelated
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,1987,discuss
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1883,discuss
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,2268,unrelated
High School Student Rumored to Have Made $72 Million Trading Stocks,2009,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,698,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2147,discuss
NEWS/ Meet the Teletu
ies Sun Baby: 19-Year-Old Jess Smith Reveals Herself as the Smiling Face Who Looked Over Teletu
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
Report: Apple Watch Will Need Charging Every Day,2002,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,1670,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,826,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,2455,discuss
Gateway Pundit,913,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1471,agree
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,503,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,2375,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1213,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1948,discuss
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,2492,unrelated
Son pays off his parents' mortgage in a heartwarming Christmas video,1459,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2481,discuss
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,125,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,2344,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1974,discuss
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,714,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2192,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1385,unrelated
Tiger Woods Is Selling His Private Island For $7.1 Million,1802,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,132,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",295,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,1042,unrelated
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",1268,unrelated
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,2015,agree
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,2375,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),630,unrelated
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,1822,discuss
British Aid Worker Confirmed Murdered By ISIS,737,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,1722,discuss
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",2212,agree
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,1131,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1547,unrelated
Man chops off his penis after his girlfriend
eaks up with him,1400,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1658,discuss
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",539,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,1673,agree
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1574,agree
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,1406,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,2129,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1885,discuss
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",2090,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1686,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,703,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",1534,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',844,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,2531,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,321,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,2307,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,781,agree
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,2177,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,757,unrelated
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,961,unrelated
Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot Himself in the Hand,1145,discuss
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,2492,agree
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,1544,unrelated
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,527,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1744,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,2448,unrelated
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,773,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,2374,agree
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,298,unrelated
Mirfield man's tears of joy after lost voicemail of wife retrieved,805,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,2141,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',93,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",1260,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,1129,discuss
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1720,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,1022,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,936,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,2175,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",1891,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,2287,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,919,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1331,agree
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,7,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",694,discuss
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',1686,unrelated
"Gene Munster Predicts $499 Steel Apple Watch, $4,999 for 18k Gold Edition",1013,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1817,discuss
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,214,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1627,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1574,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",1104,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1940,unrelated
"BREAKING NEWS: Female American aid worker, 26, held hostage by ISIS for 18 months has been 'killed in Jordanian air strike'",959,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,381,unrelated
"Jose Canseco injured in accidental shooting, per reports",2000,discuss
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,2045,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,2388,unrelated
"Cloistered nun gives birth to a baby The convent: ""There is a sister"" [Google Translate]",1597,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",2532,agree
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1368,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,296,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,816,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,775,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],1821,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],1642,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,513,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,1968,unrelated
"Islamic Tribunal Using Sharia Law In Texas Has Been Confirmed Tribunal members say they will avoid Sharia's ""criminal law.""",1372,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,2044,unrelated
Police Looking For A Man That Slaps People When They Sneeze!,678,unrelated
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired,1844,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1405,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,26,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1009,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",706,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2067,discuss
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,737,unrelated
Nun complains of stomach pains... and GIVES BIRTH: Sister who had 'no idea' she was pregnant has a baby boy at hospital in Italy,1720,discuss
This Guy Paid Off His Parents’ Mortgage For Christmas,1535,agree
Seth Rogen reported to play Woz in the upcoming Steve Jobs movie,2272,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",1438,unrelated
Cesar Millan is Not Dead: Dog Whisperer Death Hoax Circulates,979,agree
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1905,unrelated
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,2184,unrelated
y, KFC isn't going to be selling weed in Colorado restaurants",1973,disagree
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",693,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,1081,discuss
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,320,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,387,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,2102,unrelated
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,683,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport,959,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,1724,discuss
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),235,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2307,unrelated
Woman Spends Entire Week In KFC After Getting Dumped By Her Boyfriend,2043,agree
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,1854,unrelated
Soldier shot at war memorial in Canada,1002,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",1296,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",2348,agree
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),130,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2220,discuss
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,385,unrelated
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament,2302,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",2187,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,373,unrelated
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,1107,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,1026,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,11,unrelated
Bird defecates on Vladimir Putin during speech (video),2174,agree
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',2156,unrelated
"Unhappy Customer: Comcast Told My Employer About Complaint, Got Me Fired",2058,discuss
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",720,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,2033,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,1825,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,75,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",1913,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,2017,discuss
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,35,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,767,agree
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax),442,unrelated
What TBS’s Sped-Up Seinfeld Reruns Tell Us About the So
y State of America,1921,unrelated
That’s one way to clean it: Apple Watch will reportedly survive a trip through the shower,945,unrelated
Tiger Woods selling Swedish villa — island included,84,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,298,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",190,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,2192,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,780,discuss
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,2463,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',2155,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1854,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,874,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi allegedly killed by US airstrikes,1871,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,7,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",981,discuss
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,2175,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,1806,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,2296,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,2367,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,269,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,1984,discuss
Reports: Big Bank Hank of pioneering rap group Sugarhill Gang has died,1637,discuss
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",1931,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1040,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,2404,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,2479,discuss
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,2385,agree
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",1981,unrelated
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,2463,unrelated
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",1165,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1175,agree
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2248,unrelated
Latest iOS 8 bug reportedly causes unwanted deletion of iCloud Drive documents,906,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1789,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,239,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1358,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,1808,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",2268,unrelated
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,1898,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,2084,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1269,unrelated
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,331,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",1972,discuss
"McDonald’s to Stop Serving Overweight Customers in January? Nope, ‘1/15/2015′ Story is Fake",906,agree
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,1477,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1351,unrelated
Heartwarming video shows son revealing he’s paid off parent’s mortgage as a Christmas gift,1439,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1481,unrelated
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,2206,discuss
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,1388,discuss
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,1949,agree
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,1981,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,800,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,618,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',2520,discuss
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1361,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1808,unrelated
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,788,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2524,agree
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",1787,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,269,unrelated
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,1119,discuss
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,1478,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",826,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,615,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,1020,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1299,agree
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,1481,unrelated
Apple Watch mass production kicks off in January: Report,1742,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,35,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,195,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2234,unrelated
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",1097,unrelated
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,1239,unrelated
Penis Spray-Painted on a $2.5 Million Car Was Just for a Prank Video,1435,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1361,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,2196,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2197,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,56,unrelated
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",1339,agree
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,1787,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1803,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1789,unrelated
Weather Reporter Mike Seidel Was Caught Off Guard on Live TV and Appeared to Be Urinating in the Snow -- Watch!,1968,discuss
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1562,unrelated
ESPN to save NFL's image with all-male domestic abuse discussion,1699,disagree
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,1634,unrelated
British Aid Worker Confirmed Murdered By ISIS,1528,unrelated
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,789,discuss
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,670,discuss
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",2177,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,505,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,615,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,2135,discuss
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,125,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,1372,unrelated
Fisherman lands 19 STONE catfish which could be biggest in world to be hooked,793,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,742,unrelated
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,1634,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",139,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,571,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2386,discuss
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1681,discuss
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",2307,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,971,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1224,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",125,unrelated
Don’t ‘Reset All Settings’ in iOS 8 unless you want to lose your iCloud files,221,unrelated
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,1227,agree
Utah Man Hospitalized After Winning Eggnog Chugging Contest,1325,unrelated
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants,1588,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,787,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1547,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",532,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",1212,unrelated
Man Chops Off and Throws Away His Small Penis After Bad Breakup,2330,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,698,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Baseball star Jose Canseco hurt in accidental shooting,1840,unrelated
A Husband Breaks Down In Tears After Lost Voicemail Message By His Late Wife Is Recovered,1053,agree
"Cloistered nun gives birth to a baby The convent: ""There is a sister"" [Google Translate]",1307,discuss
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,2367,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,139,unrelated
"Woman catches husband cheating with her twin, humiliates them",2284,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,968,unrelated
ISIS Video Claims to Show Beheading of British Hostage,2348,discuss
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",313,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1849,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",2445,unrelated
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,2444,agree
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2123,discuss
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2096,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1295,unrelated
There has been a shooting at the War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Unconfirmed reports say a soldier was shot.,1466,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,690,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,2037,disagree
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,1347,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",51,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1864,discuss
The Force Awakens News: Director J.J. A
ams Eyes Summer Release for Star Wars 7 Because of Too Many Spoilers,748,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,662,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,2468,agree to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,2299,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport,43,unrelated
Gateway Pundit,1314,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2130,unrelated
"Islamic State Militants Have Been Flying 3 Captured Warplanes Over Syrian Airport, Witnesses Say",2068,discuss
Tiger Woods' former luxury island goes on sale,1802,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,220,unrelated
"This boy nearly died, now he has a superpower like Marvel’s Magneto",2109,discuss
"Gold Apple Watch Edition price? Speculators say at least $10,000",2187,discuss
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",244,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,1808,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,571,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",1802,discuss
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",2188,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,1222,unrelated
Rodney Constantine keeps Facebook promise and turns himself in to police,2002,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,643,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2130,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",2123,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,304,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1786,unrelated
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,2483,agree
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,2317,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",2043,unrelated
Man Severed Penis That Failed To Impress Girls,1171,agree
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,2385,disagree
Confusion as Cuba’s Castro mourned instead of Kenya’s Fidel,2251,discuss
Did Comcast Get a Man Fired From His Job for Complaining About Its Service?,86,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1885,disagree
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1295,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,2175,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,1261,unrelated
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,2224,discuss
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,1897,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,2118,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1251,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',2210,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",1802,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,2356,discuss
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,304,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,2251,unrelated
Meet The College Student Who Claims She Was The ‘Teletu
ies’ Sun Baby,979,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,1254,discuss
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",35,unrelated
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",1649,unrelated
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,505,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,527,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",900,unrelated
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria,2218,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,1351,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,2299,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,571,unrelated
"ISIS Claims Female American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Killed in Airstrike",1769,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,2463,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,139,unrelated
Man Severed Penis That Failed To Impress Girls,2330,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,2483,unrelated
"Tee-off in your own putting paradise: Swedish luxury island owned by Tiger Woods up for sale - and it comes with a villa, a hot tub and a lodge",2175,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,2341,agree
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,414,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,1048,unrelated
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,804,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,992,disagree
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,126,unrelated
Research Medical Center denies reports that a patient has Ebola,1095,unrelated
"No, it's not Tiger Woods selling an island in Lake Mälaren",2444,disagree
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",1029,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",530,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1896,discuss
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,75,unrelated
"Omar Gonzalez, White House Fence-Jumper, Made it Farther Inside",311,unrelated
"Palestine accuses Israel of opening dams, flooding Gaza, forcing evacuations",1461,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,992,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",944,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1797,disagree
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",1192,discuss
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",2091,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,313,unrelated
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',2367,unrelated
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,305,agree
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1266,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",490,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper Big Bank Hank Dies at 57,2351,agree
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,2118,discuss
Utah Man Hospitalized After Winning Eggnog Chugging Contest,1901,agree
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,530,unrelated
"In New York City, Marijuana May Mean Ticket, Not A
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",1538,discuss
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1289,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,527,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,714,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',800,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,800,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2525,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1289,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",1063,discuss
Pull the other Un! North Korean dictator has not been seen for weeks because he 'pulled tendon while doing drill with his generals',2230,discuss
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",2056,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',2087,unrelated
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",730,unrelated
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",532,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,2524,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",1461,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",1883,unrelated
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,1384,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,754,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,527,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,413,unrelated
Animal lovers abuzz over pope’s comments that 'paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',1104,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,2307,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1715,discuss
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1197,agree
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1673,agree
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,513,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,1274,discuss
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,1506,unrelated
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',2385,agree
1901 Boston time capsule yields small red book,851,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",1670,unrelated
‘Islamic tribunal confirmed in Texas’,200,discuss
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1885,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",643,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",1210,unrelated
Jose Canseco shoots self in hand,1580,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,531,discuss
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,8,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",2132,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1943,unrelated
British Aid Worker Confirmed Murdered By ISIS,787,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,40,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,121,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,1648,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2096,discuss
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",1422,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,2075,discuss
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",1790,unrelated
Man who slaps people around the head for sneezing hunted by police,195,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,2009,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1921,unrelated
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,846,unrelated
Texas plumber baffled after truck ends up in the hands of Syrian rebels,13,unrelated
Amazon Is Going To Open A Physical Store!,718,discuss
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,2272,agree
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1974,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1646,unrelated
Islamic State fighters detonate 'SCORPION bombs' in te
or siege,922,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1862,discuss
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1549,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",724,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,2088,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,559,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,2299,unrelated
State House time capsule from 1795 unearthed,2288,agree
"Apple Watch Specs Tipped; Said to Feature 512MB RAM, 4GB of Storage",254,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",1498,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",2530,discuss
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1291,unrelated
Apple Orders More Than 5 Million Watches for Initial Run,320,unrelated
Armed U.S. drones spotted flying over Syria in possible hunt for ISIS leader,2443,discuss
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,2442,agree
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",633,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,2397,discuss
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",176,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1549,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,1185,discuss
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie,1015,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",2328,unrelated
The Unluckiest Man In The World Set His College On Fire With A Fireworks Ma
iage Proposal,1651,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,2375,unrelated
"Whoa, Paul Rudd Was One of the Airport Heroes Who Took Down the Homophobe",560,disagree
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1570,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,643,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,2520,discuss
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,337,discuss
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",2132,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,488,agree
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,1009,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),1926,disagree
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1690,discuss
Macaulay Culkin dead: Actor is victim of another death hoax,2326,agree
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,704,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,816,discuss
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2453,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,2330,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,1012,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,503,unrelated
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,2296,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,2223,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,1738,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',2260,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",1598,discuss
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,961,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1266,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",691,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,633,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,1224,unrelated
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,17,unrelated
"Gene Munster Predicts $499 Steel Apple Watch, $4,999 for 18k Gold Edition",1708,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1893,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],220,unrelated
Islamic State fighters detonate 'SCORPION bombs' in te
or siege,730,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld a full 7.5 percent - here is the proof,2290,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1093,discuss
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,22,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,568,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,2109,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,1680,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",1611,discuss
iOS 8 bug could delete your iCloud Drive documents,1351,discuss
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,1358,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",704,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1296,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,324,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,107,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,724,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1689,discuss
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",2096,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",1465,discuss
"No, Jordan's King Abdullah II is not personally flying planes against Isis",516,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1483,unrelated
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,503,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,1627,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,1671,discuss
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",1867,unrelated
Penis Drawn On Bugatti Veyron Could Be World's Most Expensive Car Vandalism,1781,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",2251,discuss to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,195,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,137,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,2046,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,2257,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,2283,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,2192,unrelated
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,1083,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1502,agree
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',81,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1446,discuss
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,1839,agree
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,1293,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,2020,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",1095,discuss
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,1818,agree
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,11,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,559,discuss
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",1805,unrelated
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",1985,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",730,discuss
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,662,unrelated
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken,1873,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2114,unrelated
Macklemore Gets Twitter-Trolled with the #MacklemoreJoinedISIS,1281,agree
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2524,discuss
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor,487,unrelated
"Unhappy Customer: Comcast Told My Employer About Complaint, Got Me Fired",2434,unrelated
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,2252,unrelated
VIDEO: Son Stuns Parents By Paying Off Their Mortgage As Christmas Surprise,1567,agree
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,32,discuss
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",344,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,155,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,1239,unrelated
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",1458,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1720,unrelated
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,2177,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,843,discuss
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",225,unrelated
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,1198,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",2134,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1744,discuss
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",168,agree
Rumor Fatigue Sets In at False Alarms of Castro’s Death,1439,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',2165,discuss
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,1931,disagree
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,308,unrelated
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,2448,discuss
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,1549,unrelated
Mechanical polar bear ‘threatened with ASBO for singing Christmas songs’,2299,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,1422,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1744,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,195,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,2293,discuss
"Kayla Jean Mueller, U.S. hostage, killed in Jordan airstrike, ISIS claims",1769,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,1667,discuss
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",666,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1435,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",478,unrelated
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,1020,unrelated
"In New York City, Marijuana May Mean Ticket, Not A
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,2471,discuss
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",1843,unrelated
y, KFC isn't going to be selling weed in Colorado restaurants",1873,unrelated
Apple Reportedly Relying More Heavily on Samsung for iPhone 6 and Apple Watch Components,22,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,693,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,1063,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",826,unrelated
Staff Reporter,1132,discuss
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,2459,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1419,unrelated
"PGA Tour Pro Claims Tiger Woods Is Cu
ently Suspended For PEDs, Compares Him To Lance Armstrong",1175,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",2060,agree
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,2328,unrelated
"Feminist Aborts Baby For Being A Boy, Shocked People Don’t Approve",1494,agree
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1210,unrelated
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit,2197,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1949,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",964,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,1883,agree
"Islamic Tribunal Using Sharia Law In Texas Has Been Confirmed Tribunal members say they will avoid Sharia's ""criminal law.""",1273,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1549,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1093,discuss
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",984,unrelated
PGA Spokesman and Tiger Woods' Agent Deny Drug Suspension Allegations,1718,agree
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",1184,agree
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1602,discuss
Isis claims to behead US journalist,524,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,45,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1009,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,767,disagree
Islamist te
orists Jabhat Ansar al-Deen tweet picture of Texas plumber’s truck fitted with anti-aircraft gun in Syria,1213,unrelated
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,1939,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1385,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,2202,discuss
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,974,discuss
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,2055,discuss
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,60,unrelated
Apple Watch to reportedly offer 'Power Reserve' to help extend battery life,425,unrelated
Has this Argentine woman fallen victim to a cruel online hoax? Adult video claiming to show teacher having sex with pupil isn't all it seems,795,discuss
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,2283,agree
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1338,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,816,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,689,discuss
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1547,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,1988,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1948,discuss
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,1565,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",831,unrelated
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,254,unrelated
Hero soldier Nathan Cirillo killed by convicted criminal Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2087,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",2307,unrelated
Reports say North Korea's Kim insists on being the only Jong Un,979,unrelated
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,2492,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,75,discuss
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,2306,discuss
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1541,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",1603,unrelated
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ID’d as Canadian Shooting Suspect in Ottawa,2214,agree
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,254,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,961,agree
Paul Rudd Is Not the Viral Video Hero Who Tackled a Gay Basher in Dallas,1000,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Baseball star Jose Canseco hurt in accidental shooting,2230,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",2354,agree
Someone painted a graffiti dick on a $2.5 million car,2235,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,220,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,220,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",1347,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,2249,agree
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,298,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,350,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",2180,agree
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",2421,discuss
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,35,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,61,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1009,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1797,disagree
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",1877,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,2125,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",2156,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,2247,discuss
This Is What The Sun Baby From ‘Teletu
ies’ Looks Like Now,2227,agree
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1267,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,170,unrelated
ISIS launch SCORPION BOMBS to spread panic in Iraq,922,unrelated
"Analyst: Apple Watch Edition Could Cost $5,000",1700,discuss
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1786,unrelated
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,2391,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,34,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,10,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,1790,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1198,unrelated
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,61,unrelated
Bali Awry,730,unrelated
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,30,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,115,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1873,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,2453,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,812,unrelated
Saudi cleric issues fatwa against building snowmen,2456,agree
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2434,discuss
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',2328,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1368,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,1642,unrelated
Nun 'has surprise baby' after complaining of stomach pains,220,unrelated
"No, that high school kid didn't make $72 million trading stocks",1858,agree
Vice squad’s $1m win lights up Las Vegas,505,unrelated
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,2489,unrelated
Actor has his testicles stolen after meeting ‘young blonde woman at a bar’,271,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",704,unrelated
Jordan Vs ISIS: Reports Say King Abdullah II Could Personally Lead Airstrikes After Pilot’s Death,1689,unrelated
Media Fooled Again? Story Claims 7 of 28 Girls On School Trip Came Home Pregnant,499,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,2093,discuss
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1603,unrelated
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",2184,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1271,unrelated
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,886,agree
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",1646,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2520,unrelated
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,206,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,992,unrelated
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",577,discuss
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",1613,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",1689,unrelated
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,2238,discuss
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1355,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",1210,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
"12in Retina MacBook Air release date rumours: All-new 12in MacBook Air design for 2015, launching at WWDC?",1852,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,2356,discuss
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,2185,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",2251,unrelated
Tiger Woods selling Swedish villa — island included,236,unrelated
"Nuts! Indian guru coaxes 400 followers to cut off their testicles, grow closer to God",1950,unrelated
"Etats-Unis: Mort pendant 48 minutes, un prêtre affirme que Dieu est une femme",2043,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,513,unrelated
This resignation letter in a video-game could be the greatest ever,2458,agree
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,800,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",2268,discuss
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,139,unrelated
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),562,unrelated
Search launched for dog's owner after pooch found dumped next to suitcase filled with belongings,1544,agree
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,1574,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,476,agree
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2142,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,1893,unrelated
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,2002,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1574,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,2397,discuss
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1360,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",1506,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,1543,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,950,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2287,discuss
Magic Mushrooms Found on Buckingham Palace Grounds,2480,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1821,agree
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,139,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,2268,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",2385,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,1271,agree
Man chops off his penis after his girlfriend
eaks up with him,1410,agree
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,2115,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),706,unrelated
"#Hairgate: Reports of iPhone 6 pulling out hair, beards, likely exaggerated",1646,agree
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,992,agree
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1048,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,1707,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,2343,discuss
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2220,discuss
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1024,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",2067,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,695,unrelated
Brian Williams Debunks Peeing Meteorologist Report On ‘NBC Nightly News': Video,2511,discuss
A New iOS 8 Bug Can Delete All Of Your iCloud Documents,1224,unrelated
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,126,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1375,unrelated
Cold Turkey,2176,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,2230,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",800,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,599,unrelated
Apple Orders More Than 5 Million Watches for Initial Run,742,unrelated
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,324,unrelated
"Kevin Vickers, Sergeant-At-Arms, Shoots a Shooting Suspect in Ottawa; Called a ‘Hero’",2521,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1009,unrelated
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,2529,agree
Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Wozniak in Steve Jobs Biopic,1539,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),1024,unrelated
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",1299,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,726,discuss
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,573,discuss
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,611,discuss
iPhone Game Developer Quits Job By Hiding The Greatest Letter Of Resignation Ever Inside His Game,773,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,2147,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,2118,unrelated
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,472,unrelated
You're Not Going to Become Weightless on January 4th,1400,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang co-founder Big Bank Hank dies,1996,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",1893,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,2443,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",1661,unrelated
"Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before launch",2002,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),239,unrelated
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,1083,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",600,discuss
"Marine Gets Shot in the Head, Walks Away",1724,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2495,discuss
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1213,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1019,agree
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2248,agree
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,480,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,2317,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2096,discuss
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1825,discuss
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,698,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",2293,discuss
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",1647,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Feature Time-Only 'Power Reserve' Mode, Prototypes Disguised as Samsung Watches",1857,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",2252,agree
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",1483,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,2017,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",1457,unrelated
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,467,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",2118,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",244,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1295,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin: Death claims about former child star revealed to be yet another hoax,2523,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",132,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1027,discuss
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",1744,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,2196,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,2524,discuss
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,2519,discuss
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been stolen after kissing young woman in sauna,1921,unrelated
Did Comcast Get a Man Fired From His Job for Complaining About Its Service?,2434,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",1789,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,649,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,2235,discuss
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",1120,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,2034,unrelated
"No, a Planetary Alignment on Jan. 4, 2015, Won’t Decrease Gravity",169,unrelated
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",1751,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1011,unrelated
VIDEO: Son Stuns Parents By Paying Off Their Mortgage As Christmas Surprise,648,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,345,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1569,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,1934,unrelated
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,1603,discuss
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1594,agree
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,1308,unrelated
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,819,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',2417,discuss
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,271,unrelated
iFixit Debunks iPhone 6 Plus Reinforcement Claims,1134,agree
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,933,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1588,discuss
Mechanical polar bear ‘threatened with ASBO for singing Christmas songs’,313,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1906,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",2296,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1689,unrelated
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,986,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,220,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,1938,unrelated
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,395,agree
Did a plumber's pick-up truck from Texas end up ca
ying an anti-aircraft gun for Islamic fighters on the front lines of Syria?,1539,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1905,unrelated
Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed Out on Saudi TV,734,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1358,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,533,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,1296,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2130,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,244,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1407,agree to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,1948,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1358,unrelated
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,2385,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2234,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",2297,unrelated
A Letter Lego Sent to Parents in 1974 Holds an Important Message for the Parents of 2014,1969,discuss
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1974,unrelated
"Etats-Unis: Mort pendant 48 minutes, un prêtre affirme que Dieu est une femme",1605,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,777,unrelated
North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Is Still In Charge: Source,1277,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',634,unrelated
Vice squad’s $1m win lights up Las Vegas,1547,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",2106,discuss
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,2186,unrelated
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,1634,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,651,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,2403,discuss
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",2404,discuss
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,984,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1093,discuss
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,892,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",1899,discuss
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,125,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1252,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,5,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,882,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,2165,discuss
What This Homeless Guy Did With $100 Completely Stunned The Man Who Gave It To Him,855,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,695,discuss
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,626,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1921,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],559,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,1574,unrelated
Nasa’s ‘six days of total darkness in December 2014’ is a hoax,2520,unrelated
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel,1296,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",398,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,992,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,381,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',1097,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,1598,discuss
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,586,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",2327,discuss
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1069,discuss
Michelle Obama's Hair Appeared Totally Uncensored on Saudi TV,1242,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,2360,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",2240,unrelated
Matt Tai
i Disappears From Omidyar’s First Look Media,82,unrelated
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,1406,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,1565,unrelated
"Report: new 12-inch MacBook Air slims down, has single USB port",1344,discuss
Star Wars 7: JJ A
ams want to move release to summer 2015,512,discuss
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1948,unrelated
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,2272,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,2266,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2248,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,2314,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,2031,agree
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,796,unrelated
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,2519,agree
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,1545,agree
Apple in talks to become launch partner for cable-free HBO Now service,551,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,472,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,2078,unrelated
US airstrike targets Al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane in Somalia,2506,unrelated
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",829,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,702,discuss
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",755,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1308,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,402,agree
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,1296,discuss
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1790,unrelated
"Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before launch",470,discuss
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,676,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),972,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1385,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1125,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",536,discuss
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,794,disagree
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,776,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",220,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,1295,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,1724,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',1769,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,2132,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,831,discuss
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,511,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1009,discuss
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,0,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,1369,unrelated
Did a plumber's pick-up truck from Texas end up ca
ying an anti-aircraft gun for Islamic fighters on the front lines of Syria?,917,unrelated
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,1529,discuss
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,1256,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,1500,unrelated
Jordan’s King May Participate Personally In ISIS Raids,1083,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,1437,discuss
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,402,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,2180,discuss
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,777,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,1979,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,1722,discuss
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,1073,unrelated
For sale: Tiger's former island in Sweden,1375,agree
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",1225,agree
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",286,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1780,discuss
Comcast gets customer fired for complaining about poor service,32,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,1764,discuss
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",2129,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,214,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",459,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,2525,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2118,discuss
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,186,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,950,unrelated
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",731,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,1530,unrelated
America's oldest time capsule unearthed at Boston statehouse after being buried in 1795 by Sam Adams and Paul Revere,2288,agree
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,258,unrelated
"""This is the recording you thought you'd lost forever""",1640,agree
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],1197,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1195,discuss
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,2129,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,1313,agree
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',2411,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,1291,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,388,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1722,discuss
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,903,unrelated
$YUM Serving Up #Marijuana & Fried Chicken,1973,agree
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,620,discuss
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1873,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1786,unrelated
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,2299,unrelated
Nun who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth after going to hospital with stomach pains,2192,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1589,agree
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,206,agree
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",1569,agree
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1379,discuss
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,551,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),2360,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,1485,discuss
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,1658,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,959,discuss
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,2403,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,1808,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",1468,discuss
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,2138,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2367,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",2139,agree
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,1658,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1949,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,2175,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: Actor is victim of another death hoax,2523,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2020,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",755,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,1069,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',2022,discuss
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",2139,discuss
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2067,discuss
Shocking! Chinese parents sell their son to fund for daughter’s Cancer treatment,1698,agree
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",242,unrelated
Rats are still running around at Vogue,2498,agree
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1131,discuss
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,689,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1213,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,2125,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2070,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",572,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1586,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,2156,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2296,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,2531,unrelated
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",299,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,2106,discuss
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1027,discuss
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",2307,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2067,agree
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,345,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",550,agree
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1195,discuss
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2453,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,1938,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1933,unrelated
"Kayla Jean Mueller, U.S. hostage, killed in Jordan airstrike, ISIS claims",2387,discuss
"Led Zeppelin Reunion: Robert Plant Rips Up $300 Million Contract, Refuses To Rejoin Legendary Band",2508,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",879,unrelated
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,1916,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1256,unrelated
"NYPD to stop a
esting for low-level marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead: source",1528,unrelated
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,1087,agree
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,373,unrelated
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,924,agree
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,550,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,1240,discuss
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,1255,discuss
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",2388,discuss
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1854,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1009,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,206,unrelated
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,2309,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1893,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,530,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",446,discuss
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,1483,unrelated
"The gold Apple Watch Edition could set you back a whopping $4,999",1595,discuss
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,2225,discuss
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,2104,unrelated
ISIS: Desperate mum told 'you've just eaten your son' after visiting militants' base in search of kidnap victim,204,unrelated
"Comcast Turns Complaints Back On Customer, Gets His Employer To Fire Him",2447,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',298,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1692,discuss
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,1365,discuss
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",2526,unrelated
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,1940,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",2201,discuss
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,2338,discuss
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,295,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,2087,unrelated
"How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?",1933,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1288,discuss
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",1167,discuss
’6 Days Darkness in December 2014′ 100% Fake; NASA Confirmed 3 Days Total Darkness Hoax as Well,348,agree
Will King of Jordan lead airstrikes on ISIS HIMSELF? Reports say trained pilot plans to take part in attack after quoting Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven to Congressmen,2433,discuss
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1385,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),181,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",2526,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",1708,unrelated
Apple 'working on 12-inch MacBook Air',2497,discuss
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",903,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,972,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2047,discuss
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2034,unrelated
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,2398,agree
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",2265,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1921,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1883,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,1252,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2296,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",826,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,167,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",1588,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,821,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,1166,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,687,unrelated
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake,1795,unrelated
PopWatch Teenager fights for the right to be recognized as Teletu
ies' smiling sun-baby,2391,unrelated
Incredible Video Shows A US Marine Surviving Being Shot In The Head By A Sniper In Afghanistan,860,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,1802,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1219,discuss
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,1940,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,578,discuss
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,1423,unrelated
#RIPFidel fuels false rumors of Cuban leader's death after another Fidel Castro dies,879,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,2496,agree
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1627,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1430,discuss
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1891,discuss
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',267,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",313,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1289,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1825,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1605,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,903,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,2129,unrelated
Tiger Woods serving secret PED suspension?,550,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,2367,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Didn't Blur Out Michelle Obama's Face When the President Met King Salman",1268,unrelated
Customer: I was fired for Comcast complaint,2058,discuss
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1040,unrelated
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,1802,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,1427,unrelated
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,2187,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',2032,discuss
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1019,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1435,unrelated
Would you take a bite out of the world's oldest burger? Men keep Quarter Pounder they bought 20 YEARS ago for a friend who never showed up to meet them,2531,unrelated
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",1319,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,917,discuss
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,115,unrelated
Man Chops Off and Throws Away His Small Penis After Bad Breakup,908,unrelated
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out,1867,discuss
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",2302,discuss
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,2240,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',524,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,1848,unrelated
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",0,unrelated
Amazon is opening its first physical store,986,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1644,unrelated
Lego letter to parents in 1974 on gender equality still resonates 40 years on,1926,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",2031,agree
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1004,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",2191,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1116,discuss
IS using scorpion bombs to te
ify Iraqi civilians,2175,unrelated
"Web Portal publishes death of ""Dog Whisperer""",2184,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,1222,unrelated
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",1240,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",539,unrelated
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,2252,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1131,discuss
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,2028,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,1820,agree
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',213,unrelated
400 men cut their testicles off believing it would help them meet God,1731,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",524,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1646,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",2348,agree
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",1143,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,2234,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1539,unrelated
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,243,discuss
Saudi cleric says snowmen are anti-Islamic,26,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,107,unrelated
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,1028,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,431,discuss
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',703,disagree
PopWatch Teenager fights for the right to be recognized as Teletu
ies' smiling sun-baby,2256,unrelated
New Rumour Suggests Apple Watch to Launch in Fe
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,1355,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,938,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1168,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,2248,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,13,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,2397,discuss
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",887,unrelated
KIM DINE WITH ME: Porky president Kim Jong-un to open UK restaurant serving DOG,1047,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2235,discuss
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,2530,discuss
KC hospital: Patient does not have symptom profile of Ebola,2186,unrelated
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,1538,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,1603,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1178,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,490,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1540,disagree
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,2498,agree
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,1375,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",2349,agree
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1906,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1461,discuss
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,2459,unrelated
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,2269,agree
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1865,discuss
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1921,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",34,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,2476,discuss
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1119,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,2445,disagree
"Calm down everyone, Banksy hasn't been a
ested: 9 clues that it's a hoax",1884,agree
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1336,discuss
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,298,unrelated
EXCLUSIVE: New York Mag’s Boy Genius Investor Made It All Up,2052,agree
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2130,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1289,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1120,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1803,unrelated
Female teacher facing sack after making SEX TAPE with teenager,285,agree
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,1529,discuss
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,1407,agree
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,2036,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),280,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1863,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,1808,unrelated
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,948,disagree
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,2264,discuss
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1860,agree
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",403,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",1458,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1347,unrelated
ISIS Hostage Alan Henning's Wife Invokes Sharia Law in New Plea,1263,unrelated
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",1634,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',1323,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1670,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,1384,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,2307,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,713,discuss
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport,1549,unrelated
Man With Ebola-Like Symptoms Claims Contact With 'Patient Zero' in Texas,1252,discuss
'Snake wine' to the rescue of Kim Jong-un's love life,1185,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2115,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,1836,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1009,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,34,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment",1502,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,636,agree
Rumor Fatigue Sets In at False Alarms of Castro’s Death,1832,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",251,unrelated
Tiger Woods serving secret PED suspension?,1589,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair,2303,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,1544,unrelated
"Amazon to launch first
ick-and-mortar store, report says",195,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,591,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,513,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",1226,agree
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1588,unrelated
A New iOS 8 Bug Can Delete All Of Your iCloud Documents,906,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],321,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,40,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,2248,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",2403,unrelated
"These LEGO Instructions from 1974 Are Awesome (And Yes, They're Real)",1582,agree
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,667,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1048,unrelated
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,2362,discuss
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1832,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',2408,discuss
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",570,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1506,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,2036,unrelated
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,979,unrelated
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,1673,agree
Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired,1545,unrelated
"Nuts! Indian guru coaxes 400 followers to cut off their testicles, grow closer to God",1281,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2450,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1120,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,26,unrelated
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,2237,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1040,unrelated
"#Daysofdarkness: No, There Won't Be Six Days Of Darkness In December",664,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2047,discuss
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1574,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,2125,unrelated
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,1090,discuss
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',2337,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,844,unrelated
Amazon Is Opening a Brick-and-Mortar Store in Manhattan,941,discuss
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,944,discuss
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,527,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,2302,discuss
Jilted lover spends a week in KFC to try and get over her ex,2087,discuss
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,368,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",2009,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,689,unrelated
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,1477,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,404,unrelated
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor,1606,discuss
More American Weapons for ISIS,1648,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,734,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,505,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,8,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1644,unrelated
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,1269,unrelated
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,1413,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,2044,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1589,unrelated
Penis graffiti drawn on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,442,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,2526,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,690,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: The death hoax is once again on the child actor,2341,agree
America's oldest time capsule unearthed at Boston statehouse after being buried in 1795 by Sam Adams and Paul Revere,851,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,2177,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",1152,discuss
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",2188,unrelated
TBS speeds up Seinfeld a full 7.5 percent - here is the proof,125,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',2022,discuss
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1890,agree
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",662,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,382,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,226,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,2520,unrelated
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,1966,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,1680,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,1020,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,1790,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1681,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,1013,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,459,unrelated
"Marine Gets Shot in the Head, Walks Away",532,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",689,unrelated
"'Star Wars VII' News, Update: JJ A
ams Pushing for Summer Release?",1087,unrelated
Comcast gets customer fired for complaining about poor service,2438,discuss
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,1424,discuss
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1786,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,1020,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1477,unrelated
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ A
ams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?,119,unrelated
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,1916,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,1478,unrelated
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,373,unrelated
KFC Marijuana Sales To Begin In Colorado? It’s Unbelievable — Literally,2114,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1875,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1116,discuss
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1034,unrelated
You all had an abortion! [Google Translate],2230,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1019,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,1806,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2127,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",1477,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1237,unrelated
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,1867,discuss
Will King of Jordan lead airstrikes on ISIS HIMSELF? Reports say trained pilot plans to take part in attack after quoting Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven to Congressmen,773,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,1398,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1948,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,759,agree
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1351,unrelated
Michael Abdul Zehaf Bibeau Pictures: Photos of Alleged ISIS-Linked Gunman in Canada,530,unrelated
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,955,unrelated
A Wanted Man Responded To A Police Facebook Post That He Would Turn Himself In,2524,unrelated
Islamic State accused of using chlorine gas on Iraqi soldiers,1590,discuss
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2313,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,1645,unrelated
iOS 8 bug could delete your iCloud Drive documents,1155,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",723,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2404,unrelated
"Despite no Ebola case in Kansas City, the rumor goes viral",1095,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,2450,agree
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1933,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,997,discuss
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,1657,discuss
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",2515,agree
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,1262,discuss
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1148,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),62,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,2025,discuss
Judd Nelson isn't dead; report is a hoax,303,agree
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,1242,discuss
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,1849,agree
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1206,discuss
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1950,unrelated
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",2184,unrelated
Google said to buy six silicon valley buildings for $585 million,1724,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",730,unrelated
One of 'Taliban Five' in Bowe Bergdahl swap allegedly returned to militancy,592,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",683,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",1731,agree
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1899,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,971,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,93,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1438,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,2364,discuss
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",385,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1502,agree
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,195,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2313,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,1913,unrelated
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,2176,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",227,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,2234,unrelated
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,2152,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1311,discuss
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,2208,discuss
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,1169,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,586,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,2220,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,2186,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",1483,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,527,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,1212,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,2132,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,979,unrelated
"Islamic Tribunal Using Sharia Law In Texas Has Been Confirmed Tribunal members say they will avoid Sharia's ""criminal law.""",2281,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,2501,unrelated
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,2176,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,2147,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,649,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1605,discuss
'I aborted my baby because it was a boy': Outrage after 'feminist' blogger claims gender prompted termination,614,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,2375,agree
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,1804,unrelated
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,119,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,1921,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,1764,agree
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1857,unrelated
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,2118,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",892,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee who was swapped in prisoner deal for Bowe Bergdahl 'tried to rejoin 'Al Qaeda',2367,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,344,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,2314,unrelated
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ A
ams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?,1897,unrelated
According to some Russians this dark figure stumbling through the snowy woods is a Yeti - and they even have a footprint. Hmmmmm,964,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1923,disagree
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,1846,disagree
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,724,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",2044,unrelated
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,956,discuss
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,1179,discuss
"12in Retina MacBook Air release date rumours: All-new 12in MacBook Air design for 2015, launching at WWDC?",1730,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1547,unrelated
British rapper a suspect in ISIS beheading,1457,unrelated
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,1048,discuss
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",874,unrelated
Robert Plant Reportedly Tears Up $800 Million Led Zeppelin Reunion Contract,693,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),1359,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2234,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1904,discuss
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,1949,agree
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,941,unrelated
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",2170,agree
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",979,unrelated
British man pays $460 to save constipated goldfish's life,924,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",331,unrelated
ury Christ Church University student Jess Smith, from Chatham, sta
ed as Teletu
ies' sun",2391,unrelated
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",2360,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,1631,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1252,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1649,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,337,discuss
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,2078,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',1634,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1170,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,2034,disagree
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,1580,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",752,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,1239,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1885,agree
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",2367,disagree
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,2524,agree
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,936,discuss
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,271,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,1865,discuss
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",844,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,2264,discuss
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1832,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,720,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1795,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,692,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",900,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,2197,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,2287,discuss
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,499,discuss
Bug in iOS 8's 'Reset All Settings' Option Also Erases iCloud Drive Documents,2061,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,2327,discuss
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,2302,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",2463,discuss
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,564,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1803,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,858,unrelated
Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus now guarded by Daleks,572,unrelated
Apple scrapped advanced Apple Watch health monitoring features due to reliability issues,2174,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,169,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,874,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,1349,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1139,discuss
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,2115,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1808,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,258,unrelated
"Hoax Report Claims 250,000 Texas Turkeys Infected With Ebola",1335,disagree
Did a plumber's pick-up truck from Texas end up ca
ying an anti-aircraft gun for Islamic fighters on the front lines of Syria?,1009,unrelated
Tiger Woods' former luxury island goes on sale,240,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,2477,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,2404,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",2188,discuss
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,220,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",1940,unrelated
"Apple Watch Power Reserve feature will save battery life, report says",425,unrelated
It Begins: HazMat-Wearing Passenger Spotted At Airport,2489,unrelated
This Is a Truly Ho
ifying Story About a Spider,2009,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,788,unrelated
Source: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,2469,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,2307,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,726,discuss
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,115,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1330,discuss
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",2192,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1385,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2214,discuss
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",2520,unrelated
"Woman, Ting Su, Finds Husband Cheating With Her Own Twin, Gets Spectacular Revenge",1852,agree
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1744,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2299,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",1985,discuss
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,1355,unrelated
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,2410,unrelated
Will King of Jordan lead airstrikes on ISIS HIMSELF? Reports say trained pilot plans to take part in attack after quoting Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven to Congressmen,17,unrelated
Reports: Big Bank Hank of pioneering rap group Sugarhill Gang has died,1374,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,917,unrelated
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",851,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1630,discuss
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,456,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1165,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,121,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,2047,discuss
Vice squad’s $1m win lights up Las Vegas,1682,agree
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",344,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2520,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1905,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,846,discuss
Rumors about Fidel Castro’s death again circulate on the Internet,227,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,2206,agree
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,511,unrelated
Tiger Woods Is Selling His Private Island For $7.1 Million,1212,agree
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",1651,unrelated
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,1406,unrelated
"Piper Jaffray pegs stainless steel Apple Watch price at $499, Edition at $4,999",831,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",2296,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',983,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2388,discuss
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,244,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2261,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,1822,discuss
Reports: Big Bank Hank of pioneering rap group Sugarhill Gang has died,2421,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,2397,discuss
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",731,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,1795,unrelated
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,295,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment",2175,unrelated
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,1357,agree
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,1006,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,2453,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,214,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1530,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1034,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,891,unrelated
eal Photos of Fisherman’s Jaw-Dropping Catch Will Likely Have People Wondering If It’s Real,1652,discuss
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',882,discuss
"Amazon reportedly launching free, ad-supported video service (updated)",2348,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1340,discuss
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,1339,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,1528,discuss
Penis Spray-Painted on a $2.5 Million Car Was Just for a Prank Video,1453,agree
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,80,unrelated
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,1489,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,1582,unrelated
Seth Rogen set to play Steve Wozniak in Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic,1575,discuss
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1308,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],499,discuss
Rumor: Seth Rogen to Appear as Woz in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,704,discuss
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,2266,discuss
Seth Rogen to play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale's Steve Jobs,1157,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1747,discuss
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,324,unrelated
Apple Watch launch reportedly planned for Fe
uary with limited supply,1939,unrelated
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,650,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,2526,unrelated
Original Apple Watch Health Features Were Dropped Due to Consistency Issues,821,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,115,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,1949,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,2061,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: Actor is victim of another death hoax,1012,unrelated
Could Kim Jong Un open a restaurant in Scotland?,1217,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,962,unrelated
20-year-old burger: McDonald's Quarter Pounder looks eerily new after 2 decades,2474,agree
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,1939,unrelated
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",2042,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,2088,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Baseball star Jose Canseco hurt in accidental shooting,1580,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",1931,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,1787,disagree
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,1314,discuss
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,788,unrelated
"Tee-off in your own putting paradise: Swedish luxury island owned by Tiger Woods up for sale - and it comes with a villa, a hot tub and a lodge",2444,agree
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",1385,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,1897,agree
Update: Did Make Up This Story About The Web Sheriff Ben Edelman Sending Racist Emails?,879,unrelated
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,971,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Wozniak in Steve Jobs Biopic,626,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),755,unrelated
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",2520,discuss
Report: Apple Watch Will Need Charging Every Day,258,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",855,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',639,discuss
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,944,discuss
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",499,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,687,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",1528,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,1565,unrelated
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,1311,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,777,discuss
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1166,unrelated
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,2288,agree
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,741,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,2475,discuss
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,139,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1744,discuss
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1239,agree
"These LEGO Instructions from 1974 Are Awesome (And Yes, They're Real)",1385,unrelated
"Tiger Woods is not on suspension for failing a drug test, his agent and a PGA official say",431,agree
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ID’d as Canadian Shooting Suspect in Ottawa,107,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2055,unrelated
80's Brat Pack star Judd Nelson forced to deny that he's dead after fake news story starts trending on social media,2481,unrelated
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,1800,discuss
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',206,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",984,discuss
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",398,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,26,unrelated
"No, Nobody's Discovered a New Eyewitness Account of Jesus' Miracles",1298,unrelated
Ebola Scare in Kansas City,1226,unrelated
Report: Apple Watch Will Need Charging Every Day,2213,discuss
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1815,unrelated
What TBS’s Sped-Up Seinfeld Reruns Tell Us About the So
y State of America,2314,agree
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,321,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,2290,unrelated
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",2247,discuss
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,2248,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",1852,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,913,unrelated
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,1987,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,2459,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1465,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",1623,agree
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1839,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',1806,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,2497,discuss
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,1439,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1627,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,1857,unrelated
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,1789,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",1029,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),704,discuss
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",821,unrelated
Matt Tai
i takes a leave of absence from First Look Media,569,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",2081,unrelated
Ebola Scare in Kansas City,1015,discuss
Nasa’s ‘six days of total darkness in December 2014’ is a hoax,2521,agree
"Forty years ago, Lego wrote a powerful letter to parents about how gender works",1726,unrelated
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel,2197,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,2155,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1646,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,1949,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1744,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2388,discuss
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1240,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,2341,agree
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,137,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead hoax: Fake death report spreads on social networks,1012,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,2147,unrelated
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,1351,unrelated
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,1776,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,1825,unrelated
Utah man hospitalized after eggnog-chugging competition,2440,unrelated
“Axl Rose dead 2014” : Guns N' Roses frontman killed by internet death hoax,2525,agree
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,2330,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1981,agree
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",2068,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,1661,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,2223,unrelated
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,1184,unrelated
Italian catches huge wels catfish; is it a record?,1221,unrelated
"Would you pay $10,000 for the Apple Watch?",1157,unrelated
Knightscope Security Robots Are Keeping Microsoft Campuses Safe (and They Look Really Scary),1195,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,1966,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1594,discuss
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,533,unrelated
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,773,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1681,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,821,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale's Steve Jobs,1966,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",403,unrelated
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,1256,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,1906,agree
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,886,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",2509,discuss
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,1457,discuss
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",592,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",2240,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,2441,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1251,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1778,discuss
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,254,unrelated
"Gene Munster Predicts $499 Steel Apple Watch, $4,999 for 18k Gold Edition",877,discuss
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,591,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,1294,unrelated
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,195,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',1896,discuss
According to some Russians this dark figure stumbling through the snowy woods is a Yeti - and they even have a footprint. Hmmmmm,1651,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1435,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,1785,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,2184,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,2281,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,1787,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,304,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,1790,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,2524,unrelated
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,950,discuss
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1906,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,385,unrelated
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1494,unrelated
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',962,discuss
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,2508,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,347,unrelated
Could Kim Jong Un open a restaurant in Scotland?,2290,unrelated
China App Store Manipulation Photo Goes Viral - But Is It Real?,1384,discuss
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,682,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,1740,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",1843,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",2002,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,225,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,1646,discuss
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",611,discuss
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,1263,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,2252,unrelated
Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed Out on Saudi TV,1342,unrelated
NYPD to stop a
ests for small amounts of marijuana,139,unrelated
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,530,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,1375,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,1916,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1506,discuss
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,846,unrelated
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,2389,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,1400,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1020,agree
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,693,unrelated
"Report: new 12-inch MacBook Air slims down, has single USB port",727,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,1761,discuss
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,2051,agree
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,2240,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,2044,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,630,unrelated
"Bosnia: Seven underage girls return from five day school trip, pregnant",2504,agree
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,958,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",1737,disagree
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1679,discuss
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1120,unrelated
ISIS supporters mourn death of ‘youngest fighter’,1863,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",2156,unrelated
"Is There Really a ‘Sharia Law’ Islamic Tribunal in Dallas, Texas?",1217,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1966,agree
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,1198,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1913,agree
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,1819,discuss
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1966,agree
Vladimir Putin’s Motorcade Looks Like A Massive Knob,2081,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,2413,unrelated
Tiger Woods' former luxury island goes on sale,1836,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,533,unrelated
What This Homeless Guy Did With $100 Completely Stunned The Man Who Gave It To Him,359,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",34,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",26,unrelated
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",949,agree
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),104,unrelated
Missing Libyan Jetliners Raise Fears of Suicide Airliner Attacks on 9/11,2309,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",17,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,387,unrelated
KFC Locations In Colorado To Begin Selling Marijuana,1973,agree
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1679,discuss
"Rumor: Apple shooting for 19 hours of Apple Watch battery life under normal conditions, 2.5 hours 'heavy' use",1608,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,574,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2287,discuss
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,730,discuss
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2075,discuss
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',2022,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,1405,discuss
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,1528,unrelated
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",979,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1438,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,1760,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,2070,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1481,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,398,unrelated
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",61,unrelated
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Everything you need to know about Michael Phelps’ intersex girlfriend,60,unrelated
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,2342,discuss
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,1634,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,2096,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,1573,disagree
Sugarhill Gang co-founder Big Bank Hank dies,752,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1747,discuss
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,805,agree
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),490,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,1630,discuss
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",550,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1899,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,1976,discuss
A New iOS 8 Bug Can Delete All Of Your iCloud Documents,2033,discuss
Lucita Sandoval sex tape hoax: Viral Argentine video features college student ― not 16-year-old boy,32,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,61,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,1946,discuss
Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired Over Iraq Helicopter Story: Report,1048,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,2177,agree
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,551,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,903,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",2365,discuss
More American Weapons for ISIS,1253,discuss
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',1948,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1289,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",592,agree
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,831,unrelated
"What they earn: Vice CEO Shane Smith’s $300,000 steak dinner",1547,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,564,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,1950,agree
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1323,unrelated
"No, it's not Tiger Woods selling an island in Lake Mälaren",84,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,1751,discuss
"""Oldest Time Capsule"" in U.S. Unearthed in Boston",2257,discuss
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",330,unrelated
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,168,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,618,unrelated
Vladimir Putin Bird Poop Video is Fake,837,unrelated
"No, that
oken pencil illustration isn't by Banksy",614,unrelated
Kim Jong-un necks litres of rare SNAKE wine because he's too fat to please his wife,1185,unrelated
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,251,unrelated
Moment U.S. Marine is saved by his Kevlar helmet as Taliban sniper bullet hits him in head,709,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",483,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1786,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,2307,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,1680,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1569,agree
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,214,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1679,discuss
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,2068,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",2118,discuss
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",438,unrelated
Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed Out on Saudi TV,1242,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',2184,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",298,unrelated
ESPN's Domestic Violence Panel Is Missing Something Important,2167,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",2330,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1256,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,511,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Stronghold,35,unrelated
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,137,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2115,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",345,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1637,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",295,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),226,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,968,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1252,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1183,unrelated
Moment U.S. Marine is saved by his Kevlar helmet as Taliban sniper bullet hits him in head,532,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',78,unrelated
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",2043,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1737,unrelated
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,2438,discuss
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,1480,agree
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1120,unrelated
"PGA Tour Pro Claims Tiger Woods Is Cu
ently Suspended For PEDs, Compares Him To Lance Armstrong",438,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2317,discuss
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1574,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,2388,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,2123,discuss
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,633,unrelated
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax),2369,disagree
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1338,unrelated
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',1530,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],1178,unrelated
"McDonald’s to Stop Serving Overweight Customers in January? Nope, ‘1/15/2015′ Story is Fake",1539,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1808,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1826,unrelated
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,882,unrelated
Somali te
orist leader dead after US airstrike,1869,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,205,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,1481,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1347,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,1938,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1361,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,121,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1531,discuss
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,919,agree
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",2497,discuss
Did a plumber's pick-up truck from Texas end up ca
ying an anti-aircraft gun for Islamic fighters on the front lines of Syria?,2280,discuss
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1854,unrelated
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",1234,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,2042,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,1752,agree
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,852,agree
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1077,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1056,agree
Iraqi airstrike kills key ISIL leader,518,unrelated
A Letter Lego Sent to Parents in 1974 Holds an Important Message for the Parents of 2014,1689,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets tipped more than $2,000 for a single delivery",781,unrelated
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,1242,discuss
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',115,unrelated
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,1707,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1821,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,2404,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,2217,agree
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,1853,unrelated
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,1240,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,2123,discuss
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,1098,discuss
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,737,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2067,agree
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,345,unrelated
Macklemore Gets Twitter-Trolled with the #MacklemoreJoinedISIS,2237,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",472,unrelated
"Leader of Qaeda-Linked Somali Group Is Dead, U.S. Says",1306,discuss
Islamic State killer 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi,961,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,513,unrelated
"NASA: Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness???",2413,discuss
NEWS/ Meet the Teletu
ies Sun Baby: 19-Year-Old Jess Smith Reveals Herself as the Smiling Face Who Looked Over Teletu
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,2411,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1048,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2404,unrelated
Reports: Big Bank Hank of pioneering rap group Sugarhill Gang has died,2340,discuss
iOS 8 bug reportedly erases iCloud Drive documents when settings are reset,227,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,586,unrelated
Sick Mum Sedated After Trying To Eat Baby,2434,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,2185,unrelated
Viral Photo Shows How Chinese Workers Are Used to Manipulate App Store Rankings,796,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1873,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,600,discuss
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,524,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,2249,agree
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",304,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,1541,unrelated
Iraqi airstrike kills key ISIL leader,1048,unrelated
Report: Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired,1492,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",938,discuss
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1854,unrelated
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",2483,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2103,discuss
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,2132,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",1968,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,2156,unrelated
Customer: I was fired for Comcast complaint,1268,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,2313,unrelated
[Updated] Saudi State Television Allegedly Blurs Michelle Obama’s Face During Meeting With New Saudi King,1125,unrelated
N. Korea’s Kim has leg injury but in control,1815,discuss
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,1429,discuss
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,678,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment Decrease Gravity Hoax on Jan 4, 2015: ‘Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness’ in January is Totally Bogus",255,unrelated
Amazon plans ad-supported video streaming service - NY post,531,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,804,agree
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1644,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,1361,discuss
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,305,agree
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',959,discuss
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,2268,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",2385,unrelated
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,1097,unrelated
American hostage in Yemen freed in military raid-Defence Ministry,1988,discuss
"Islamic State Militants Have Been Flying 3 Captured Warplanes Over Syrian Airport, Witnesses Say",295,unrelated
Bali Awry,859,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,80,unrelated
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",2034,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,2106,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,2211,agree
Tom Brokaw wants Brian Williams fired,1570,discuss
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,1661,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,296,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",1256,unrelated
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",529,unrelated
American Predator Drone Circling Islamic State’s Stronghold,909,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',2483,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',944,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,2338,discuss
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,529,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1295,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',2116,unrelated
ESPN’s Domestic Abuse Tonight Panel Will Be 100% Dudes,825,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,1880,disagree
Setting the record straight on tor,720,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1825,discuss
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,2344,discuss
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,831,unrelated
ESPN to save NFL's image with all-male domestic abuse discussion,610,disagree
Constipated goldfish operated on by North Walsham vet,924,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,938,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',715,discuss
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,1004,discuss
BREAKING: Soldier shot at War Memorial in Ottawa,2338,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,1671,discuss
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),313,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1314,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,1457,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",40,unrelated
"Calm down everyone, Banksy hasn't been a
ested: 9 clues that it's a hoax",1296,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",2506,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",879,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,206,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1916,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2047,discuss
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1896,discuss
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,2171,agree
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,2180,agree
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,40,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",634,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot from Taliban (video),709,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,1036,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,1883,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",324,unrelated
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",530,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,1549,unrelated
Tiger Woods' agent shoots down report of failed drug test,550,unrelated
6 hidden mass graves may hold missing Mexican students,1984,discuss
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!,804,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,23,unrelated
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,2210,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",2375,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,2144,discuss
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,331,unrelated
Is the iPhone 6 Really Pulling Out Your Hair?,2303,unrelated
Italian catches huge wels catfish; is it a record?,793,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',586,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,161,unrelated
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1427,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",2104,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,564,discuss
"NYPD to stop a
esting for low-level marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead: source",2372,discuss
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,524,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1905,unrelated
Letter From Lego To Parents In The '70s Makes An Important Point About Gender,2171,agree
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1343,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1605,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,844,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1724,discuss
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,2453,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,2056,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",1913,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,1541,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,1642,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1933,unrelated
British aid worker David Haines beheaded by ISIL,1645,unrelated
A Bogus Banksy,614,unrelated
'I aborted my baby because it was a boy': Outrage after 'feminist' blogger claims gender prompted termination,2213,unrelated
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,1405,discuss
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",15,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1009,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2022,unrelated
Hundreds of Palestinians flee floods in Gaza as Israel opens dams,1070,agree
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,2042,disagree
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,2055,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1708,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,2261,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,244,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",2296,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,1237,unrelated
Paul Rudd Is Not the Viral Video Hero Who Tackled a Gay Basher in Dallas,1867,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,1465,unrelated
Banksy 'A
ested & Real Identity Revealed' Is The Same Hoax From Last Year,1884,agree
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,524,unrelated
7 teen girls get pregnant on school trip Read more at http:,612,unrelated
Gateway Pundit,2528,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1549,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,2022,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,1338,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",2268,discuss
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",873,discuss
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",699,disagree
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,1427,unrelated
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,313,unrelated
"Rajasthan: Man Tries to Rape Teenager, Angry Mob Chops His Penis Off",1680,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,89,unrelated
Is this proof of bigfoot? New 'yeti' video shows giant hairy beast walking through forest,829,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,578,discuss
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,1214,agree
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,1256,unrelated
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,2218,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1630,disagree
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2525,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,1026,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,1008,agree
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1605,discuss
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,1547,unrelated
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake,664,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1938,unrelated
"It was me! Student, 19, reveals SHE was the Teletu
ies' giggling baby in the sky - and was paid just £250 and a box of toys",1623,agree
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1540,discuss
Macaulay Culkin dead: The death hoax is once again on the child actor,1502,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,621,discuss
Fisherman lands 19 STONE catfish which could be biggest in world to be hooked,2196,agree
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,1807,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1921,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,2344,unrelated
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,1574,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",382,unrelated
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,442,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',120,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,2367,unrelated
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,1789,unrelated
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",1789,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,2175,unrelated
Student accidentally sets college on fire during fireworks proposal,1876,agree
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,365,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,137,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2458,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,498,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,125,unrelated
Popular 'Banksy' Instagram account offers powerful message of perseverance after Paris attack,1545,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,126,unrelated
Apple Watch reportedly set to ship in the U.S. by March,554,unrelated
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,1832,agree
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1347,unrelated
ISIS Video Purports To Show Beheading Of British Aid Worker,882,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,2254,unrelated
Staff Reporter,2087,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang’s Big Bank Hank dead at 57,1979,unrelated
"No, it's not Tiger Woods selling an island in Lake Mälaren",1212,disagree
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,2070,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,887,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,800,unrelated
Unconfirmed Reports Say UK Hostage Held By ISIS Found Innocent,1198,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",652,unrelated
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,964,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,450,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",2265,unrelated
A Murdered Witness?,1481,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,115,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",720,discuss
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,403,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1549,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1385,unrelated
Lego letter from the 1970s still offers a powerful message to parents 40 years later,22,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,727,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,321,unrelated
Apple’s next MacBook could be a 12-inch MacBook Air,45,unrelated
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,2317,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,2336,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',932,agree
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,204,agree
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,667,unrelated
"Soldier, Gunman Killed In Shooting Incident Near Canadian Parliament",2347,agree
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,450,unrelated
Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed Out on Saudi TV,520,unrelated
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",1730,discuss
A Man Says Comcast Called His Boss And Got Him Fired After He Complained About Its Service,2438,discuss
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake,1728,agree
Islamic State militants allegedly used chlorine gas against Iraqi security forces,2002,discuss
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",1923,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,381,unrelated
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,424,unrelated
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,1829,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1875,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,1299,unrelated
eal Photos of Fisherman’s Jaw-Dropping Catch Will Likely Have People Wondering If It’s Real,15,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,950,unrelated
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers,1761,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,1905,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1916,discuss
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1865,discuss
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,125,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,2005,agree
KC hospital: Patient does not have symptom profile of Ebola,2501,agree
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",255,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1403,unrelated
Tiger Woods Is Selling His Private Island For $7.1 Million,1954,unrelated
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,2377,discuss
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,321,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,2531,unrelated
Identity of ISIS te
orist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed,77,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,840,discuss
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,1268,agree
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,757,unrelated
"Homeless man who became a YouTube sensation after spending $100 on food for his beggar friends gets a surprise Christmas meal, makeover and night in a hotel in new video... but is it all a hoax by a 'serial prankster'?",676,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),959,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,1883,unrelated
Video: Marine saved by helmet after Taliban sniper attack,1481,agree
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1439,unrelated
That’s one way to clean it: Apple Watch will reportedly survive a trip through the shower,218,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1077,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,776,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,2530,discuss
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",757,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery,662,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",1438,unrelated
Actor has his testicles stolen after meeting ‘young blonde woman at a bar’,516,agree
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2261,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: Internet duped by fake report claiming that the street artist's identity has been revealed,1544,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1459,unrelated
State House time capsule from 1795 unearthed,1049,agree
"Dogs DO go to heaven… and cats, and horses: Pope assures young boy that there is a place in paradise for animals as well",2152,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1916,discuss
"Texas Turkey Farm Contaminated With Ebola, Over 250,000 Holiday Turkeys Infected",1606,unrelated
Armed U.S. drones spotted flying over Syria in possible hunt for ISIS leader,1657,discuss
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,126,unrelated
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,2202,discuss
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,2185,unrelated
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,2152,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",691,unrelated
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,2172,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,742,discuss
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',1731,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,2304,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,1549,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",821,unrelated
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,1539,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",2088,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",80,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,1734,agree
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,1724,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),1319,agree
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',505,unrelated
Lego letter to parents in 1974 on gender equality still resonates 40 years on,2171,agree
"Rumor: Apple shooting for 19 hours of Apple Watch battery life under normal conditions, 2.5 hours 'heavy' use",1357,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,1631,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,320,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,511,unrelated
Michael Phelps Sex Scandal: Troubled Olympian’s Girlfriend Was Born A Man!,1847,agree
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",483,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,181,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper Big Bank Hank Dies at 57,2421,unrelated
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,1875,unrelated
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,2087,unrelated
Apple Watch delayed for Fe
uary in limited quantity,1760,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",737,unrelated
Apple Orders More Than 5 Million Watches for Initial Run,467,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, Catholic Priest claims God is female",1877,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,2174,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,1541,unrelated
"Tee-off in your own putting paradise: Swedish luxury island owned by Tiger Woods up for sale - and it comes with a villa, a hot tub and a lodge",1954,unrelated
"Man chops off his own penis, throws it in the trash after getting dumped for bad bedroom skills",714,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1726,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",2045,unrelated
VIDEO: Son Stuns Parents By Paying Off Their Mortgage As Christmas Surprise,2471,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,1857,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,683,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,2127,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",816,unrelated
Zack Snyder Responds to Fake Stolen Batmobile Report,2135,agree
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",1498,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,712,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1336,discuss
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,932,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",2002,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,845,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],754,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",1996,agree
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1708,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,1538,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",1213,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,2042,disagree
Michael Phelps’ alleged girlfriend says she was born intersex,1183,unrelated
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,1858,disagree
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1948,unrelated
China: Satirical site warns citizens over name choices,2260,agree
Sugarhill Gang Rapper Big Bank Hank Dies at 57,1374,unrelated
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was shot nearly a dozen times before Kevin Vickers fatally wounded him,1568,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,1427,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',414,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",2360,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",1001,discuss
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,950,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",227,unrelated
Hundreds mourn the 'death' of Fidel Castro after rumours sweep Twitter (but are they confusing him with recently departed Fidel Castro Odinga from Nairobi?),2459,unrelated
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,220,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,388,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,2248,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1268,discuss
"High-end Apple Watch to start at $5,000 -- analyst",1156,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',2398,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,1483,unrelated
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1660,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1638,agree
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",125,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,304,unrelated
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,1383,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',2495,unrelated
"Don't Wo
y, 'The Breakfast Club' Star Judd Nelson Is Not Dead",35,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",856,discuss
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,1148,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],472,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1549,unrelated
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,651,unrelated
Google Said to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585 Million,2329,discuss
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",742,discuss
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,2305,disagree
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,1296,unrelated
"Pictured: Heroic sergeant-at-arms, 58, walking through Parliament gun in hand just moments after he killed gunman Michael Zehaf-Bibeau",1586,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1458,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1883,unrelated
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel,1267,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,130,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",2141,unrelated
"Hundreds of dog-lovers from around the world offer home to pet abandoned at the railway station with a suitcase containing his pillow, toy, bowl and favourite food",424,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1116,discuss
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1857,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,214,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1347,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,220,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,1351,unrelated
Here's video of a bird pooping on Vladimir Putin in the middle of a speech,119,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1689,discuss
I aborted my baby because it was a boy,1673,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1589,agree
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO),359,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,2155,unrelated
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,2344,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,321,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1224,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,1673,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",950,discuss
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",1605,unrelated
Sergeant-at-Arms stopped shooter on Parliament Hill,1586,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",2044,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1880,agree
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,1385,unrelated
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,2125,disagree
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,2338,discuss
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,578,discuss
Spurned wife leaves cheating husband and twin naked in busy car park,1852,agree
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1438,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,2314,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,1921,unrelated
Comcast blocks Tor,1359,agree
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",480,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,2473,discuss
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1826,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,1263,disagree
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1904,discuss
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,2398,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2525,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",1240,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,2423,agree
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,2068,unrelated
KC Man Does Not Have Ebola,781,unrelated
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,882,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,945,agree
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",761,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,2445,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,2191,discuss
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,1820,unrelated
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,1649,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,2330,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,720,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1336,discuss
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,2033,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1478,agree
"Despite no Ebola case in Kansas City, the rumor goes viral",2501,agree
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,722,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,1871,unrelated
Apple May Or May Not Hold An Event On The 24th Of Fe
uary [Rumor],374,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",903,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,195,unrelated
IS Militants Kill 300 Iraqi Soldiers with Chlorine Gas,693,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,1800,discuss
Magic Mushrooms Found on Buckingham Palace Grounds,1374,unrelated
"Cloistered nun gives birth to a baby The convent: ""There is a sister"" [Google Translate]",220,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1564,discuss
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,241,unrelated
Rats are still running around at Vogue,618,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,734,unrelated
Bugatti Veyron Vandalized With Penis Graffiti? Viral Photo Isn’t What It Seems,1320,discuss
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,2501,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,662,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",913,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,125,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",527,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,121,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1459,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1679,discuss
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,986,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,1237,unrelated
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired,2134,agree
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1269,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
'Feminist' Lana 'Aborts Baby Because It's A Boy' And Is Surprised By Backlash,2213,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,950,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,1893,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1547,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",1269,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,625,unrelated
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,1940,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,1395,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",2096,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",1291,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,1938,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,601,disagree
AWESOME! Canadian Parliament’s Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers Takes Out Gunman,2113,discuss
KFC Marijuana Sales To Begin In Colorado? It’s Unbelievable — Literally,1933,agree
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1857,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,2034,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,2234,unrelated
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",1137,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,1817,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,524,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,2175,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1289,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,1634,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,2385,agree
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2525,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",2025,discuss
Police Looking For A Man That Slaps People When They Sneeze!,2277,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',524,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,932,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah,1136,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1982,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1403,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,456,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,1634,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,1438,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,527,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",2403,discuss
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1531,disagree
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,1603,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1234,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",1966,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,226,unrelated
Indian worker sacked after going on leave for 24 years,1103,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,1708,unrelated
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,1530,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],132,unrelated
Bug in iOS 8's 'Reset All Settings' Option Also Erases iCloud Drive Documents,1278,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1897,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,89,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,690,unrelated
Missing Planes,1865,discuss
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",40,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,1234,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,2530,discuss
Big Bank Hank dead: Sugarhill Gang member and rapper dies aged 57,2421,unrelated
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,524,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,568,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,2528,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,511,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,2016,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",2521,unrelated
Saudis Say Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed on TV,1242,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,1841,disagree
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",1457,unrelated
Gateway Pundit,1237,unrelated
North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Is Still In Charge: Source,208,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2250,discuss
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2047,discuss
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,244,unrelated
Report—Jose Canseco accidentally shot at his home tonight,1772,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,1234,unrelated
Tiger Woods serving secret PED suspension?,593,discuss
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,2010,discuss
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,76,discuss
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,612,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,345,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,1478,unrelated
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,1698,agree
Cold Turkey,1597,agree
You may be able to make appointments at the Apple Store to try on the Apple Watch when it launches,307,discuss
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,634,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2127,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1873,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",443,discuss
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,568,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",2142,unrelated
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",651,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,367,unrelated
Nasty iOS 8 Bug Could Erase Your iCloud Drive Documents,1413,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1950,unrelated
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,532,unrelated
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,1040,unrelated
Jose Canseco shoots self in hand,1697,discuss
"Jose Canseco injured in accidental shooting, per reports",186,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2070,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,2044,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,280,unrelated
"Yang Hu, worker in Zhejiang, cuts off own penis over desperation of finding love",1954,unrelated
Official: Gitmo prisoner traded for Bergdahl reaching out to Taliban,236,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,662,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2044,unrelated
"12in Retina MacBook Air release date rumours: All-new 12in MacBook Air design for 2015, launching at WWDC?",480,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1299,unrelated
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,1660,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",2283,discuss
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,919,unrelated
After ISIS trick mum into eating son - 5 other reluctant cannibals including those forced to eat own body parts,1659,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,903,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,818,agree
Apple's 12-Inch Retina MacBook Air Shown in Artist's Renditions,1344,discuss
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1071,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",1307,discuss
More American Weapons for ISIS,2016,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
Is the iPhone 6 Really Pulling Out Your Hair?,867,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1900,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2180,discuss
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,626,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1724,unrelated
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1806,unrelated
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,2330,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2404,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,2502,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1588,agree
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,2304,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,1948,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,220,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,320,unrelated
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",1048,unrelated
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,1747,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1385,unrelated
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,2266,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,1408,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",115,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1916,discuss
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1936,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2109,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1905,unrelated
Bug in iOS 8's 'Reset All Settings' Option Also Erases iCloud Drive Documents,1155,unrelated
"These egalitarian Lego instructions from the 1970s are pretty cool, but are they real?",1385,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',834,discuss
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,1949,discuss
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies at age 57,719,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",2039,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",2409,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,539,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,2144,discuss
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1913,agree
"Is North Korea, world's most secret state, really planning a new restaurant in Scotland?",1339,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,2177,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",693,unrelated
iPhone Game Developer Quits Job By Hiding The Greatest Letter Of Resignation Ever Inside His Game,1372,unrelated
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,251,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,104,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,1506,unrelated
Unconfirmed Reports Say UK Hostage Held By ISIS Found Innocent,760,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,425,discuss
"Soldier shot, Parliament locked down after gunfire erupts at war memorial",2347,agree
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2403,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,730,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,1883,disagree
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,2240,agree
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',2360,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),2132,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",955,discuss
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,365,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",2404,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,755,disagree
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,267,discuss
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",812,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1715,discuss
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1385,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2450,discuss
Seth Rogen to play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale's Steve Jobs,1588,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,2367,unrelated
Taylor Lianne Chandler: Everything you need to know about Michael Phelps’ intersex girlfriend,247,agree
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",2475,agree
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,964,unrelated
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO),855,unrelated
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ A
ams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?,748,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,573,unrelated
iPhone Game Developer Quits Job By Hiding The Greatest Letter Of Resignation Ever Inside His Game,244,unrelated
"No, it's not Tiger Woods selling an island in Lake Mälaren",1660,unrelated
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO),2132,disagree
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1289,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Feature Time-Only 'Power Reserve' Mode, Prototypes Disguised as Samsung Watches",719,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,139,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1819,disagree
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",1461,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2404,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1226,disagree
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,2452,discuss
Michael Abdul Zehaf Bibeau Pictures: Photos of Alleged ISIS-Linked Gunman in Canada,1751,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1720,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",40,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,320,unrelated
Is this proof of bigfoot? New 'yeti' video shows giant hairy beast walking through forest,2256,discuss
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1817,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",40,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",529,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",568,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",2338,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",218,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2336,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1686,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,837,discuss
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',979,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,882,unrelated
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,789,unrelated
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",1589,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,459,unrelated
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,1074,discuss
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,650,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1071,discuss
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,2345,discuss
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,1739,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',220,unrelated
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,1642,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",2152,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1906,unrelated
Paul Rudd Helped Tackle A Violent Homophobe So That’s Another Reason To Love Him [UPDATE],1000,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1731,disagree
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2526,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,1170,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1787,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2453,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,206,unrelated
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,1981,agree
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",1821,discuss
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,800,unrelated
"Vice Media’s CEO blew $300,000 on dinner, and a Vegas casino boss bla
ed about it",505,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1361,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,513,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,1383,unrelated
Apple’s next MacBook could be a 12-inch MacBook Air,1234,unrelated
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,1673,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",859,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",2208,discuss
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,1137,unrelated
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,1406,discuss
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,646,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,2184,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,2009,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,1465,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2354,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2127,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1014,agree
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,235,unrelated
Amazon is about to open its first-ever physical store in New York City,703,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,2317,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",2504,agree
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,144,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,592,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,2404,discuss
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,1442,unrelated
Paul Revere's 1795 time capsule unearthed,1852,unrelated
Tips for Chinese choosing an English name,1987,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1917,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,586,discuss
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,955,unrelated
Mechanical polar bear ‘threatened with ASBO for singing Christmas songs’,2446,discuss
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",1260,unrelated
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",1699,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,1791,discuss
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,684,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",2016,agree
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1336,discuss
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,2227,agree
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian citizen, reportedly captured by ISIS in Syria",1690,discuss
Her Majesty’s magic mushrooms,2478,agree
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,775,unrelated
Islamic State Flying Three Jets in Syria,2408,discuss
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,1109,discuss
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,704,unrelated
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,1804,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1586,unrelated
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",1547,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,40,unrelated
Axl Rose NOT Dead: Fake MSNBC Death Hoax Goes Viral On Facebook,1859,agree
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,1459,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,1355,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,132,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,1079,agree
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,2147,discuss
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,1642,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,666,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1893,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",1202,discuss
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,609,unrelated
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,1637,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,1806,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,2175,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",1597,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,1893,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1077,unrelated
"Woman, Ting Su, Finds Husband Cheating With Her Own Twin, Gets Spectacular Revenge",2272,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1680,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,169,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,402,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,1149,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,1805,agree
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,2261,discuss
NYPD to stop a
ests for small amounts of marijuana,1718,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,524,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,2521,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",682,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,320,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,195,unrelated
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been STOLEN after he is drugged in Russian bar by attractive blonde working for organ traffickers,1519,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,859,discuss
"Apple Watch users will need to recharge nightly, company still working to improve uptime before launch",2213,agree
"No, Saudi TV Didn't Blur Out Michelle Obama's Face When the President Met King Salman",691,agree
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",2370,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",1190,agree
"No, that
oken pencil illustration isn't by Banksy",2070,agree
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,842,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,2379,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,800,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1832,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1155,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,2078,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,80,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,81,unrelated
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,1374,agree
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1461,discuss
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,1670,unrelated
Police hunt tweed-jacket wearing man who slaps shoppers for SNEEZING,1660,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,1494,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,171,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,971,unrelated
Bali Awry,1104,discuss
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1009,unrelated
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,1829,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,682,discuss
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,1019,unrelated
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",80,unrelated
Iraqi airstrike kills key ISIL leader,35,unrelated
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,126,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",2097,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1646,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1224,unrelated
"Want a Gold Apple Watch? All You Need is $5,000",1240,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,126,unrelated
"Comfort eating? Chinese woman, 26, spends an entire WEEK in KFC after being dumped by boyfriend",2087,discuss
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1252,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2165,agree
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,235,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,639,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1040,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2367,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,825,discuss
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,1461,unrelated
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,2207,discuss
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,119,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,2020,unrelated
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",2360,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,388,unrelated
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,1760,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,2096,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,1019,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1119,discuss
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,775,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,456,unrelated
Nun who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth after going to hospital with stomach pains,254,unrelated
"At Elon, ‘first-year’ has not replaced ‘freshman,’ university says",2398,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1289,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],1627,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,34,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,1319,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1430,discuss
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,104,unrelated
Jordan’s King Abdullah Did Not Personally Fly Airstrikes On ISIS,2274,agree
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",1948,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,1893,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1938,unrelated
Comcast gets customer fired for complaining about poor service,2009,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",295,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,7,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,119,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1573,disagree
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,539,unrelated
ISIS pays tribute to its 'Cub of Baghdadi' child soldier,2288,unrelated
ISIS Militant “Jihadi John” Identified As Young West Londoner,961,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",1584,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2096,discuss
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1744,discuss
Nicaragua says meteorite probable cause of blast in capital,1917,unrelated
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",1331,agree
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1934,discuss
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,2455,discuss
Michelle Obama Not Blu
ed Out on Saudi TV,643,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,366,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,1175,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,2045,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,2307,unrelated
A Letter Lego Sent to Parents in 1974 Holds an Important Message for the Parents of 2014,2412,unrelated
Report: HBO Now coming to Apple TV next month,477,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,2441,agree
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,263,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",2283,discuss
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,2067,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,2003,discuss
Amazon Is Going To Open A Physical Store!,1840,unrelated
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",1006,unrelated
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,687,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,2354,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",505,unrelated
Amazon's Newest Tablet Will Come With Free News From The Washington Post,2330,unrelated
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,104,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",2356,discuss
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,2068,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1747,discuss
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",2068,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1627,unrelated
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",254,unrelated
"Why the most expensive Apple Watch will probably cost around $10,000",1289,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,972,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),852,agree
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,2166,discuss
Reports: Big Bank Hank of pioneering rap group Sugarhill Gang has died,1458,unrelated
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,1125,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1815,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1708,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,859,unrelated
"Etats-Unis: Mort pendant 48 minutes, un prêtre affirme que Dieu est une femme",2265,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,2367,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,837,discuss
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,1253,discuss
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,2388,discuss
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,1660,agree
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,527,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1744,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",1247,agree
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,1530,unrelated
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,757,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',1175,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,633,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",2329,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2070,unrelated
"Luke Somers Dies In Rescue Attempt, Sister Says; Yemeni Defense Ministry Says Unnamed US Hostage Freed",2015,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",776,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1034,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,2328,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,2356,discuss
Viral Photo Shows How Chinese Workers Are Used to Manipulate App Store Rankings,2420,discuss
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",2297,unrelated
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,2336,agree
Iraqi airstrike kills key ISIL leader,1889,discuss
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,989,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,454,agree
Time Capsule from Paul Revere and Samuel Adams Discovered in Boston,2288,agree
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,975,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",608,discuss
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,34,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",2475,discuss
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,1148,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,388,unrelated
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",1178,unrelated
Anyone for dog meat soup? Kim Jong-Un considers opening restaurant in Scotland selling North Korean delicacies,1756,discuss
Seven girls as young as 13 become pregnant on a school trip,1221,unrelated
"Web Portal publishes death of ""Dog Whisperer""",1929,agree
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1242,unrelated
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,1666,discuss
"Planetary Alignment Decrease Gravity Hoax on Jan 4, 2015: ‘Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness’ in January is Totally Bogus",1625,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',959,discuss
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,2328,unrelated
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",1968,unrelated
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,853,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1166,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2287,discuss
Report: Fence jumper made it into East Room of White House,2303,discuss
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,1968,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,1854,unrelated
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,1012,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,1989,discuss
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1630,discuss
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,2314,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',882,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,1483,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,570,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,2459,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1016,discuss
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,959,unrelated
"NYPD to stop a
esting for low-level marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead: source",1718,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1419,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,2009,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),137,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2386,discuss
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1358,unrelated
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,144,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",2075,discuss
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,2251,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,2196,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1384,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1569,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,295,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,1627,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,726,discuss
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",1011,unrelated
Mirfield man's tears of joy after lost voicemail of wife retrieved,1406,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1195,discuss
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,2034,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,2009,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",2367,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1426,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),1660,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1107,unrelated
"Dogs DO go to heaven… and cats, and horses: Pope assures young boy that there is a place in paradise for animals as well",2348,unrelated
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,1212,unrelated
Enormous 20-stone catfish caught with fishing rod in Italy after 40-minute boat battle,612,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,267,unrelated
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,612,agree
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",35,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,93,unrelated
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,1934,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,1975,disagree
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,7,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,359,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,1239,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,1242,discuss
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1659,discuss
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",2155,discuss
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1180,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,721,discuss
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,1786,unrelated
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,367,unrelated
"It's 'ru
ish' that Robert Plant turned down £500m Led Zeppelin reformation offer, says publicist",1978,disagree
Seth Rogen to play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale's Steve Jobs,1262,discuss
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,1588,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1679,discuss
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),775,unrelated
Rumor Fatigue Sets In at False Alarms of Castro’s Death,2251,discuss
"Apple Watch to Feature Time-Only 'Power Reserve' Mode, Prototypes Disguised as Samsung Watches",2124,discuss
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",703,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1197,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,2075,discuss
Texas plumber threatened over jihadis using his old truck,565,unrelated
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,1083,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,872,discuss
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",2263,agree
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",961,agree
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",2463,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2234,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,844,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",2502,agree
eaks down in tears when a lost recording of his deceased wife resurfaces,1864,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,1029,agree
NBC's Tom Brokaw reportedly wants Brian Williams fired over fa
icated Iraq helicopter story,1492,unrelated
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",777,unrelated
Armed U.S. drones spotted flying over Syria in possible hunt for ISIS leader,2186,unrelated
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,2156,unrelated
Her Majesty’s magic mushrooms,2137,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",979,unrelated
Resetting iOS 8 Preferences May Wipe iCloud Files,1518,discuss
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,2125,unrelated
Canada probes Michael Zehaf-Bibeau as possible suspect in Ottawa shooting - source,1751,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,1921,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2526,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1040,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,2058,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1906,unrelated
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',1143,discuss
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,1461,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,220,unrelated
Report: Michael Phelps’ Tinder ‘Girlfriend’ Was Born Male; “We Made Love During Halftime”,1658,unrelated
News sites fall for Putin bird-dropping video,2081,discuss
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1939,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1690,discuss
"Palestine accuses Israel of opening dams, flooding Gaza, forcing evacuations",244,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,2398,agree
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,2172,discuss
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,625,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2345,discuss
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,499,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,1912,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,132,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,1637,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,1406,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1539,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1761,discuss
Rat problem worsens at One World Trade Center offices of Conde Nast,2064,agree
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",34,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",1006,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1786,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",1893,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,2130,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,583,discuss
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1197,agree
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,730,unrelated
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",60,unrelated
Saudi cleric says snowmen are anti-Islamic,760,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",1006,discuss
America's oldest time capsule unearthed at Boston statehouse after being buried in 1795 by Sam Adams and Paul Revere,2003,unrelated
Russians Bag Better Bigfoot Footage,93,unrelated
"Calm down everyone, Banksy hasn't been a
ested: 9 clues that it's a hoax",2468,agree
Mystery woman behind the 'richest hands on the internet' revealed: Former pornstar 'makes $5m a year unwrapping Disney toys on YouTube',258,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1093,discuss
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1120,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,2330,discuss
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,2055,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,1398,discuss
Apple Watch to sell 15M units in 2015 and ‘ignite global smartwatch market’,1524,discuss
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,1968,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",1634,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1438,unrelated
"Apple's New MacBook Will Be A Thinner, Cleaner, Faster 12-Inch MacBook Air",45,unrelated
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,269,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",643,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2127,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1019,unrelated
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",2409,discuss
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,1790,discuss
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,1884,agree
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",1524,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2453,unrelated
"Luke Somers Dies In Rescue Attempt, Sister Says; Yemeni Defense Ministry Says Unnamed US Hostage Freed",271,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,938,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,2115,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1471,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,269,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1857,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,1136,discuss
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,2061,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",1498,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1574,unrelated
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",1337,discuss
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,1873,unrelated
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,2448,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",1289,unrelated
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,2471,discuss
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,574,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",119,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,1853,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,2116,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,0,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,2078,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",932,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,504,agree
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",2017,discuss
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,0,unrelated
Nun who gave birth ‘had no idea’ she was pregnant,1720,discuss
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1500,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,2187,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,2087,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1786,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2481,discuss
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,381,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',1606,discuss
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,170,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,2347,agree
Bali Awry,1321,discuss
That’s one way to clean it: Apple Watch will reportedly survive a trip through the shower,2472,discuss
"Macaulay Culkin Dead? Hoax Goes Viral, Claims Actor Found Dead in Apartment",2022,unrelated
Lynch mob use butcher's meat cleaver to castrate rapist they caught attacking teenage girl in alleyway in Indian city,805,agree
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,513,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",524,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,2234,unrelated
Woman Dumped by Boyfriend Spends Entire Week Mourning at KFC,817,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1385,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,2261,unrelated
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,1500,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",2370,agree
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,321,unrelated
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,381,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",903,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1446,discuss
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,499,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,571,unrelated
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor,2408,discuss
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,459,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,570,unrelated
NYPD to stop a
ests for small amounts of marijuana,1528,unrelated
Apple in talks to become launch partner for cable-free HBO Now service,1534,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1361,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,1081,unrelated
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,2375,unrelated
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,320,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,1267,unrelated
A soldier has been shot at Canada’s war memorial just steps away from the nation’s parliament,2252,unrelated
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",607,unrelated
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,2489,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2015,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,404,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,942,unrelated
Frisco: Sick patient claims to have had contact with Ebola victim,1104,unrelated
Comcast gets customer fired for complaining about poor service,2058,discuss
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,955,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,2138,discuss
The “Flood Libel” Propagandists of 2015,2055,unrelated
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,1802,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,2524,discuss
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,2096,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",298,unrelated
This Is The Most Epic Way To Quit Your Job,2520,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1040,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,571,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,1012,discuss
"Predator Drone Reportedly Sighted Circling Raqqa, Syria",1081,unrelated
Bergdahl: Senator Says Jihadists Swapped For U.S. Troop ‘In Touch’ With Al-Qaida Affiliate,1398,unrelated
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",986,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,570,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,1319,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1471,agree
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,1817,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,298,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,170,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1720,unrelated
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",1268,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,2175,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,633,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,2096,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,955,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,2404,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,850,discuss
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1936,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,2403,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,968,unrelated
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,1926,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1013,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,2080,disagree
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',683,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,570,unrelated
Update: Frisco paramedics transporting patient believed to be exhibiting Ebola-like symptoms,1582,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,1642,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,821,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper Big Bank Hank Dies at 57,1979,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1786,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1374,discuss
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,1560,discuss
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",2362,agree
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1936,unrelated
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,1074,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,2252,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,2443,discuss
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",1549,disagree
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",1437,unrelated
Tiger Woods' former luxury island goes on sale,2508,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",858,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1403,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2067,agree
Official: Gitmo prisoner traded for Bergdahl reaching out to Taliban,1251,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,2180,disagree
'Sex attacker' has penis cut off with a cleaver in India,2523,unrelated
Report: Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of suicide airliner attacks on 9/11,1660,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1011,discuss
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,456,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1543,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,36,unrelated
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,693,unrelated
"Rumor: Apple shooting for 19 hours of Apple Watch battery life under normal conditions, 2.5 hours 'heavy' use",1477,discuss
Apple Watch won’t be the digital doctor it could have been,1750,discuss
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,1438,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,2132,disagree
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",2154,discuss
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1251,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1939,unrelated
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known,2268,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1273,unrelated
Reports of missing Libyan planes raise 9/11 te
or fears,1022,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,2498,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',2309,discuss
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,2009,unrelated
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,1375,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,2177,agree
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",734,unrelated
Rajasthan: Angry mob teaches rapist a lesson; chops penis off,529,unrelated
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,2313,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",2328,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,2109,discuss
"Islamic State training pilots to fly MiG fighter planes, says monitoring group",2406,discuss
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1638,agree
eBay developing Apple Watch software with ties to iOS app,1342,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",213,unrelated
Omsk schoolboy turned into a man-magnet after shock,1006,unrelated
Apple's 12-Inch Retina MacBook Air Shown in Artist's Renditions,1234,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",2251,discuss
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,2307,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,683,unrelated
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,2498,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,844,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1865,discuss
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,1242,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,2005,agree
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),1427,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1295,unrelated
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,368,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,1180,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,239,unrelated
Russians Bag Better Bigfoot Footage,545,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,195,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,741,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,633,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,195,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,1893,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,1426,unrelated
"Islamic Tribunal Using Sharia Law In Texas Has Been Confirmed Tribunal members say they will avoid Sharia's ""criminal law.""",244,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,1686,discuss
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1627,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,724,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,320,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",851,unrelated
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,646,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1426,discuss
ESPN’s All-Male “Monday Night Football” Panel On Domestic Violence Is Not Real,1261,disagree
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1574,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,2016,agree
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,819,unrelated
Hundreds of Palestinians flee floods in Gaza as Israel opens dams,2055,unrelated
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,2337,disagree
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",104,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper Big Bank Hank Dies at 57,105,unrelated
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,495,discuss
Have Kanye & Kim Been Banned From Future Grammy Ceremonies?,2255,discuss
More American Weapons for ISIS,693,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,2389,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1860,agree
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,2080,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,93,unrelated
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',104,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,2175,unrelated
"12in Retina MacBook Air release date rumours: All-new 12in MacBook Air design for 2015, launching at WWDC?",1679,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,40,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",1848,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,971,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2525,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",2459,unrelated
Amazon Is Going To Open A Physical Store!,703,unrelated
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,1036,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,2053,agree
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,2060,discuss
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1419,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",1481,unrelated
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,2295,discuss
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1921,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,724,unrelated
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,1301,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,2492,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,195,discuss
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1515,agree
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1547,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1966,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",2277,unrelated
"Absent from duty for 25 years, CPWD official dismissed",1883,unrelated
World's oldest burger,1586,discuss
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",1849,agree
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",2093,discuss
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,962,unrelated
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,2495,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1122,discuss
Iraq: US to Probe ISIS' Chlorine Attack on Iraqi Security Personnel,1177,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1857,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],93,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,5,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,729,agree
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",1900,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1347,unrelated
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",586,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1361,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,467,unrelated
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,667,agree
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor's Cats & Making Fur Coats,529,agree
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1692,discuss
"Man chops off own penis, throws it in a dustbin after poor show in bed",1905,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,1202,discuss
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,662,unrelated
High school student scores $72M playing the stock market,2367,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,2304,unrelated
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,933,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1658,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1950,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1821,discuss
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,587,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",826,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1019,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,402,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",7,unrelated
Is Kim Jong-un’s sister now the power behind the North Korean throne?,2046,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,472,unrelated
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,2033,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1549,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,2354,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1644,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1224,unrelated
Fence jumper reportedly made it much further into White House than Secret Service said,887,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",1921,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,1549,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,391,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,2525,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",777,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,830,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at security scanner in protest against guards,1832,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,693,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,626,unrelated
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,524,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",545,unrelated
“Axl Rose dead 2014” : Guns N' Roses frontman killed by internet death hoax,2343,unrelated
Iraqi and Kurdish media reports cases of Ebola among Islamic State fighters in Mosul,720,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1740,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,578,discuss
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1106,discuss
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",1461,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",2354,agree
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,126,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1020,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,1787,unrelated
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,1670,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,1544,agree
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",2256,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1904,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,830,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,1474,agree
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,2155,discuss
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,1081,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,214,discuss
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1885,discuss
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,508,discuss
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,672,discuss
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1893,discuss
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",483,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1368,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",2020,unrelated
Comcast gets customer fired for complaining about poor service,2192,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,2109,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1040,discuss
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,2459,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,1224,discuss
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,10,unrelated
Tiger Woods Is Selling His Private Island For $7.1 Million,2444,agree
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",903,unrelated
Former U.S. soldier says IS used chemical weapons in Kobani,1093,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,500,unrelated
Matt Tai
i on leave of absence from First Look Media,82,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1427,agree
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",1176,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1251,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,2342,discuss
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,2034,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1795,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,324,unrelated
"Therefore, the ""feminist blogger"" who aborted a boy probably fake",843,unrelated
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,1120,discuss
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,2024,agree
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,280,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,816,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',381,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",472,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,1795,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1198,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1289,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,2213,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1068,discuss
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,1139,discuss
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1481,unrelated
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,1169,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,1237,discuss
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',1740,agree
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,1017,agree
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,2455,discuss
The Chinese Guide to Avoiding a Bad English Name,299,unrelated
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,1843,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,984,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,2477,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1605,discuss
"Absent from duty for 25 years, CPWD official dismissed",1213,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,1120,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,773,discuss
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",1817,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",1028,unrelated
The “Flood Libel” Propagandists of 2015,719,unrelated
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",40,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",2309,unrelated
Penis graffiti drawn on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,1183,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1658,discuss
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,1214,agree
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",45,unrelated
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,304,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',2033,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1477,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,2130,unrelated
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,1968,unrelated
The 'cub of Baghdadi': Has this boy become the youngest victim of Isis’s use of child soldiers?,1336,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",2455,discuss
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,1839,agree
IS using scorpion bombs to te
ify Iraqi civilians,2257,unrelated
'Feminist' Lana 'Aborts Baby Because It's A Boy' And Is Surprised By Backlash,26,unrelated
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,2443,discuss
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",1925,agree
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,1107,unrelated
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,1853,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,633,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,414,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,699,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1291,unrelated
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,951,discuss
Pull the other Un! North Korean dictator has not been seen for weeks because he 'pulled tendon while doing drill with his generals',236,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,2314,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1808,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,585,agree
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,964,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,2409,discuss
"In Vogue vs Rats War, the Rats Are Winning",2072,discuss
Spec leak suggests Apple Watch will be on par with Android Wear rivals,589,discuss
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,2115,agree
"Report: Stainless steel Apple Watch will be priced $500, gold at $5,000",698,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2304,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,1336,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1446,discuss
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",1331,unrelated
eal Photos of Fisherman’s Jaw-Dropping Catch Will Likely Have People Wondering If It’s Real,2371,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",874,unrelated
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,2088,unrelated
This College Student Claims She Was The 'Teletu
ies' Sun Baby,1828,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,537,discuss
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,158,unrelated
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,1049,agree
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,1249,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1697,unrelated
Apple Watch launch has new timetable: Analyst,2278,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,295,unrelated
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,1822,discuss
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth,1825,discuss
"No, That Wasn’t Paul Rudd Tackling an Airport Homophobe",853,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,2163,unrelated
ISIS supporters mourn death of ‘youngest fighter’,1795,unrelated
"Tiger Woods is not on suspension for failing a drug test, his agent and a PGA official say",1417,discuss
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1530,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",171,unrelated
Al-Shabaab Te
or Group Leader Killed in U.S. Airstrike,941,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",1589,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",975,unrelated
KFC Marijuana Sales To Begin In Colorado? It’s Unbelievable — Literally,1873,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',2241,discuss
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,2043,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,776,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,513,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,532,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",2317,discuss
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,321,unrelated
NASA: Viral news on days of darkness in December is hoax,506,agree
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,693,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,7,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,630,unrelated
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,1865,discuss
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),2005,agree
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,818,agree
Texas Plumber Has ‘No Idea’ How Company Truck Ended Up With ISIS,2344,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",480,unrelated
Urgent: The Leader of ISIL 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi' Killed! / Photo,1889,discuss
WATCH: Stan Beaton cries tears of joy when phone engineers find treasured voicemail recording of his late wife he thought was lost forever,1208,agree
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,499,unrelated
N. Korea’s Kim has leg injury but in control,2230,discuss
[Updated] Saudi State Television Allegedly Blurs Michelle Obama’s Face During Meeting With New Saudi King,1242,unrelated
An Indian Civil Servant Just Got Sacked After Not Turning Up For Work For 25 Years,217,unrelated
"Insiders Claim Steel Apple Watch to Start at $500, Gold at $4,000",1646,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1256,unrelated
"Piper Jaffray pegs stainless steel Apple Watch price at $499, Edition at $4,999",1013,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found on Buckingham Palace Grounds,89,unrelated
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",712,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1002,discuss
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,847,discuss
Ebola Scare in Kansas City,2104,discuss
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',1439,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1166,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1179,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,1197,discuss
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",2087,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2067,discuss
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,524,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,2354,unrelated
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,478,unrelated
American hostage killed in rescue attempt in Yemen - senior official,298,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Victim of Another Online Death Hoax,1559,agree
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",34,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,26,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2287,unrelated
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,652,discuss
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,1939,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,1938,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1627,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1476,discuss
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2356,discuss
‘Islamic tribunal confirmed in Texas’,2284,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',1361,unrelated
Crazy iPhone rig shows how Chinese workers manipulate App Store rankings,105,unrelated
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,373,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2304,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1400,unrelated
Apple Reportedly Relying More Heavily on Samsung for iPhone 6 and Apple Watch Components,1831,unrelated
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,945,unrelated
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,271,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,2471,discuss
Ottawa shooting: Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers hailed a hero for shooting rampaging gunman,2410,unrelated
There was never a panel discussion on domestic violence planned for ESPN’s ‘Monday Night Football’ pregame show,1148,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,2268,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",1303,disagree
US airstrike targets Al Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane in Somalia,1355,unrelated
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,2407,disagree
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1166,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",859,discuss
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,2176,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,928,discuss
KC Man Does Not Have Ebola,2127,agree
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,2520,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot from Taliban (video),2452,unrelated
CBS News Names Canadian Parliament Shooting Suspect,1739,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",734,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",2295,discuss
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",9,agree
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",796,unrelated
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria,777,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,304,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",1673,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,678,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,2453,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,195,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,2176,unrelated
GRAPHIC CONTENT: Girl sneers at man's tiny penis so he CHOPS IT OFF and bins it,1799,agree
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,213,unrelated
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,2434,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1461,unrelated
Constipated goldfish operated on by North Walsham vet,1364,agree
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,1212,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",1786,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,1295,discuss
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,2388,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,874,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,598,agree
"Omar Gonzalez, White House Fence-Jumper, Made it Farther Inside",887,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,75,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,2456,agree
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',1956,discuss
Vice squad’s $1m win lights up Las Vegas,1176,unrelated
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,2097,unrelated
Rumors about Fidel Castro’s death again circulate on the Internet,93,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',1950,agree
"No, Saudi TV Didn't Blur Out Michelle Obama's Face When the President Met King Salman",706,unrelated
World's oldest burger,1221,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",903,discuss
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,1408,unrelated
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,2473,unrelated
Marijuana Law New York: How No-A
est Policy Could Make Things Worse For Minor Offenders ,1383,unrelated
Developer quits using the app he was hired to make—or did he?,773,unrelated
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,709,unrelated
AWESOME! Canadian Parliament’s Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers Takes Out Gunman,342,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,1498,unrelated
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,1645,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,1849,unrelated
Weather Reporter Mike Seidel Was Caught Off Guard on Live TV and Appeared to Be Urinating in the Snow -- Watch!,633,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,2129,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,844,unrelated
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,1689,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1549,unrelated
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",666,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1778,discuss
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2354,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1897,unrelated
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,214,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,1223,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,634,unrelated
"Comcast Is Threatening To Cut Off Customers Who Use Tor, The Web Browser For Criminals",2178,disagree
"No, Vladimir Putin did not get pooped on by a bird during a First World War speech",1991,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1921,unrelated
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",1212,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",649,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",2176,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1438,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",1528,disagree
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,2489,discuss
Monster catfish which looks big enough to swallow a man whole caught in Italy,1913,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,2208,agree
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1009,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1857,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,2252,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,1572,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',2141,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1720,unrelated
"Gold Apple Watch Edition Could Cost As Much As $1,200",941,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,267,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,1439,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1722,discuss
"How did Fake Chinese News Site Dupe Washington Post, Atlantic, BBC?",651,unrelated
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",1319,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",115,unrelated
Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot Himself in the Hand,695,unrelated
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,1148,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,511,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,2293,discuss
"BREAKING: ""Brat Pack"" Judd Nelson Found Dead in Los Angeles Condo",1382,discuss
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',1351,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1471,discuss
Mohammed Islam Denies Making $72 Million From Stock Market Trading,2252,unrelated
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,950,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,2149,discuss
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,189,discuss
Psychoactive magic mushroom found in grounds of Buckingham Palace,1374,unrelated
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,666,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,777,discuss
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,121,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",858,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,2526,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,2028,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",1950,unrelated
That powerful Lego letter to parents from the 1970s? It's real,1385,unrelated
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,845,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",382,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,614,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,829,unrelated pulls story accusing prof of sending ‘racist’ emails,1863,discuss
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1295,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,2287,discuss
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1093,discuss
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,693,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,2192,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,86,agree
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2296,unrelated
Crank-Boosting Behind Top Apps in App Store,1132,discuss
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,2463,discuss
"'Star Wars VII' News, Update: JJ A
ams Pushing for Summer Release?",2141,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,2471,discuss
Seth Rogen set to play Steve Wozniak in Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic,2410,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,737,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',2037,agree
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,1375,unrelated
Now THAT'S a Royal trip! Alan Titchmarsh finds psychedelic mushroom in the Queen's garden at Buckingham Palace,1647,agree
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,467,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,2060,discuss
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,913,unrelated
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,414,unrelated
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",941,unrelated
SHOCKING: Indian Man's Penis Cut-off After He Was Caught Attempting Rape [Photos],368,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,1597,agree
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,388,unrelated
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,2463,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",1434,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1358,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,2129,unrelated
This Is What It Looks Like When A Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage As A Christmas Present,81,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1574,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,630,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',1634,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1699,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",1645,unrelated
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,1176,discuss
Paul Revere's 1795 time capsule unearthed,1545,unrelated
"Unconfirmed: ISIS Claims Kayla Mueller, American Female Hostage, Is Dead",1423,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,428,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",1940,unrelated
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,404,unrelated
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",1347,discuss
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,2045,unrelated
Al Qaida hostage killed in raid,224,unrelated
Iraqi social-media rumors claim IS leader slain,1253,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,693,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,692,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2246,agree
Spurned wife leaves cheating husband and twin naked in busy car park,374,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1948,discuss
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",2250,discuss
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,298,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",304,unrelated
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,2419,unrelated
British Aid Worker Confirmed Murdered By ISIS,1360,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1048,unrelated
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,2102,unrelated
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,1913,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,1489,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,456,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",1939,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,2068,discuss
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,2367,unrelated
Did Paul Rudd Help Tackle That Dallas Airport Gay-Basher?,1000,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,2230,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,2411,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",459,unrelated
"At CBS Detroit, Fan Site 'Scuttlebutt' Is Enough to Publish Batmobile Rumor",2062,discuss
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,17,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1498,unrelated
Apple 'working on 12-inch MacBook Air',1049,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,879,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",286,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1406,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,2360,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,971,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,2017,discuss
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,924,unrelated
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",1637,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,1786,unrelated
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',2067,unrelated
Judd Nelson Death Hoax: FOX News Impersonator Claims Actor Found Dead In Los Angeles Condo,2286,agree
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,11,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,2434,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',456,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2360,unrelated
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,2058,discuss
Tiger Woods' luxe Viking island in Sweden is for sale,2444,agree
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,684,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,2263,agree to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,703,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,26,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,346,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1040,unrelated
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,1898,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,1897,unrelated
Bugatti Veyron Vandalized With Penis Graffiti? Viral Photo Isn’t What It Seems,2286,unrelated
Meet The College Student Who Claims She Was The ‘Teletu
ies’ Sun Baby,2371,discuss
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,186,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,220,unrelated
"Rare Case: Seven Bosnian Girls, Aged 13 And 14, Fall Pregnant After Five-Day School Trip; Parents Outraged After School Cites 'Parental Neglect'",1120,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,320,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2130,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,5,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",170,unrelated
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,169,unrelated
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,788,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,1905,unrelated
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,709,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",1948,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,730,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,1003,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",992,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,1737,unrelated
"Analyst: Apple Watch Edition Could Cost $5,000",147,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1797,discuss
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,595,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",2003,unrelated
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,1679,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",355,agree
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,472,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1547,unrelated
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,2123,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,720,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,2502,agree
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,1131,discuss
Fisherman lands 19 STONE catfish which could be biggest in world to be hooked,1183,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1933,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1506,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,917,discuss
American hostage killed in rescue attempt in Yemen - senior official,1429,unrelated
Meet The College Student Who Claims She Was The ‘Teletu
ies’ Sun Baby,1331,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",639,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1737,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,1732,discuss
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,800,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1724,discuss
"Apple's New MacBook Will Be A Thinner, Cleaner, Faster 12-Inch MacBook Air",727,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,213,unrelated
Teacher sex tape exposed as a FAKE after internet detectives trace the origin of pornographic clip,1357,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1251,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,2296,unrelated
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,1807,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2388,discuss
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,428,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,1291,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,2033,unrelated
"Led Zeppelin Reunion: Robert Plant Rips Up $300 Million Contract, Refuses To Rejoin Legendary Band",1787,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,213,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee who was swapped in prisoner deal for Bowe Bergdahl 'tried to rejoin 'Al Qaeda',2236,discuss
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,125,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1295,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,1528,agree
The Unluckiest Man In The World Set His College On Fire With A Fireworks Ma
iage Proposal,669,discuss
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
"Predator Drone Reportedly Sighted Circling Raqqa, Syria",35,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,1744,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,1293,unrelated
U.S. airstrike kills Islamic Al Shabab te
orist leader in Somalia,1869,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,955,discuss
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,433,discuss
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1931,disagree
Hundreds of Palestinians flee as Israel opens dams into Gaza Valley,1803,agree
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,562,unrelated
Has a woman aborted her baby because it's a boy?,2014,discuss
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",688,discuss
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",630,unrelated
Govt fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,217,unrelated
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,1971,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,1498,unrelated
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,1829,disagree
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,1559,agree
The “Flood Libel” Propagandists of 2015,1967,discuss
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,1010,discuss
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,1481,agree
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',1619,discuss
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,1987,discuss
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,1267,discuss
Chinese parents try to SELL their son to pay for medical treatment for his sick twin sister,694,unrelated
Apple Watch Smartwatch to Ship 15 Million Units Worldwide in 2015,1556,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",903,discuss
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,2434,discuss
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2047,discuss
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1631,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,2336,unrelated
‘The cub of Baghdadi': ISIS reports its youngest jihadist ‘got martyred’ in battle,1179,discuss
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,1693,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,2097,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,40,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1560,unrelated
Amazon is about to open its first-ever physical store in New York City,428,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',472,unrelated
Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant ripped up a $924 million reunion contract,1572,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1854,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1627,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,1210,unrelated
"Tim Cook Reportedly Showers with Apple Watch, Suggesting It’s Waterproof",714,unrelated
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",1837,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,1029,unrelated
HBO in talks with Apple to be launch partner for coming web service 'HBO Now',227,unrelated
400 men cut their testicles off believing it would help them meet God,648,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,2293,discuss
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,826,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,1648,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,61,unrelated
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,964,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",137,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,908,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",1212,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,2475,disagree
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,402,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",1372,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",2174,disagree
Someone Trolled Twitter Into Thinking Macklemore Joined ISIS,972,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,2141,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,2520,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',487,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,851,discuss
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',966,discuss
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,2307,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,1588,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1166,unrelated
"If you really believed Colorado KFCs were selling pot, here’s a reality check",487,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,874,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1569,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,1791,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,844,unrelated
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,1835,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1004,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,788,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,35,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),2175,unrelated
Nun who gave birth ‘had no idea’ she was pregnant,1891,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,2403,discuss
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,2020,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2299,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,139,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",686,unrelated
#RIPFidel fuels false rumors of Cuban leader's death after another Fidel Castro dies,545,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1817,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",568,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,1968,unrelated
Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ For Younger Viewers,1221,agree
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",1648,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,2261,discuss
Actor has his testicles stolen after meeting ‘young blonde woman at a bar’,1258,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1720,unrelated
Reports say North Korea's Kim insists on being the only Jong Un,816,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,2389,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1471,discuss
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1502,agree
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1361,unrelated
'Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December' Fake News Story Goes Viral,506,agree
"ISIS Claims Female American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Killed in Airstrike",2260,unrelated
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",2330,unrelated
Saudi fatwa banning snowmen triggers heated debate,1826,unrelated
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,313,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1786,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,1223,unrelated
Scorned wife leaves love-rat husband and twin sister NAKED in car park,718,unrelated
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,2506,discuss
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,409,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1267,discuss
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,958,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,2520,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,2155,discuss
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",2307,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,7,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,132,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,2403,discuss
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",2489,discuss
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,1541,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,1740,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,2106,unrelated
Christian Bale will not play Steve Jobs,296,unrelated
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,171,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",1673,unrelated
This College Student Claims She Was The 'Teletu
ies' Sun Baby,2371,discuss
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,419,agree
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",2080,unrelated
"Absent from duty for 25 years, CPWD official dismissed",860,unrelated
This Is What The Sun Baby From ‘Teletu
ies’ Looks Like Now,1832,unrelated
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,2523,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1744,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,1303,disagree
Rumor debunked: RoboCop-style robots are not patrolling Microsoft's campus,2228,disagree
Ottawa shooting: Sergeant-at-arms Kevin Vickers hailed a hero for shooting rampaging gunman,1631,discuss
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,7,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,225,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,1131,discuss
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1761,discuss
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,11,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Drops Out Of Steve Jobs Biopic,137,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',900,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",344,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,1891,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,518,unrelated
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",2473,unrelated
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",2290,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,1374,agree
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,1795,unrelated
"No, Vladimir Putin did not get pooped on by a bird during a First World War speech",1843,unrelated
Boy who suffered powerful electric shock claims he now has 'superpowers' like X-Men's Magneto as metal objects stick to him,2415,discuss
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,724,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",1681,unrelated
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,1790,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,1498,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,1744,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1372,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",633,unrelated
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1435,unrelated
Apple Users Add Hairgate to iPhone 6 Problems,513,unrelated
Airport worker strips naked at Russian airport,1733,agree
"Tour, agent: Tiger Woods not banned",586,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",500,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,241,unrelated
Matt Tai
i takes a leave of absence from First Look Media,82,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,754,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,195,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,804,agree
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,35,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1351,unrelated
A viral photo in China shows how to manipulate App Store rankings the hard way,796,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,1192,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,2448,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,1372,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,687,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,1210,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,2354,agree
Matt Tai
i Disappears From Omidyar’s First Look Media,1337,unrelated
Could Kim Jong Un open a restaurant in Scotland?,1336,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,72,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,125,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",2058,unrelated
"Canadian woman 'captured by ISIS in Syria' says she is actually fine and still fighting the jihadists, despite kidnap reports",1299,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',2134,agree
Missing Planes,562,unrelated
Was Heart-Tugging Viral Video Of Generous Homeless Man All A Hoax?,344,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',2192,unrelated
"Soldier, Gunman Killed In Shooting Incident Near Canadian Parliament",1539,agree
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,2192,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1867,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",1569,agree
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,1301,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],1899,unrelated
Apple was forced to nix key health features from its smartwatch -- report,2379,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,1268,unrelated
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,1439,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,170,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,2036,unrelated
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",1349,unrelated
What TBS’s Sped-Up Seinfeld Reruns Tell Us About the So
y State of America,81,unrelated
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,1398,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",490,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,456,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,405,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,2060,agree
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",984,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",1239,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",269,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2039,unrelated
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,1184,disagree
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1984,agree
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1506,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,972,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",2330,agree
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,1787,unrelated
Meteorite Leaves House-Sized Crater in Nicaragua’s Capital,373,unrelated
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,2111,discuss
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",2156,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,5,unrelated
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),1968,agree
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1438,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1574,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1385,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,1277,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,1347,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,472,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1622,discuss
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,1634,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",1034,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1170,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",2307,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1177,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,139,unrelated
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,2265,discuss
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",1337,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1715,discuss
Seth Rogen reported to play Woz in the upcoming Steve Jobs movie,1157,unrelated
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,1720,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,236,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,968,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,757,unrelated
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,2252,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,1619,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1549,unrelated
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,1535,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1670,unrelated
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,1289,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),686,disagree
Kevin Vickers Hailed As Hero For Reportedly Shooting Gunman Inside Parliament,1400,unrelated
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,2385,unrelated
"Luke Somers, American Hostage, Is Killed During Rescue Attempt in Yemen, U.S. Official Says",2411,unrelated
Lego letter to parents in 1974 on gender equality still resonates 40 years on,1292,agree
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,474,discuss
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,1177,unrelated
Islamic State accused of using chlorine gas on Iraqi soldiers,956,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1564,discuss
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",2354,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1702,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1506,discuss
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,456,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,975,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",1948,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,521,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,2141,unrelated
Bergdahl: Senator Says Jihadists Swapped For U.S. Troop ‘In Touch’ With Al-Qaida Affiliate,236,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,2356,discuss
A Bunch Of Folks Are Passing Around This Hoax Video Of A Bird Pooping On Vladimir Putin,1155,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",1125,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,1917,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,2370,unrelated
What TBS’s Sped-Up Seinfeld Reruns Tell Us About the So
y State of America,2036,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,891,discuss
Texas plumber baffled after truck ends up in the hands of Syrian rebels,2145,agree
Magic Mushrooms Found in Queen Elizabeth's Garden at Buckingham Palace,719,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2067,discuss
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',1403,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1658,discuss
Has a woman aborted her baby because it's a boy?,1398,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,35,unrelated
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,1839,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,1950,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",2252,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",738,agree
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,805,agree
Russian Yeti Or Bigfoot Hoax? New Footage Sparks Debate,431,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1864,discuss
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2096,discuss
China: Satirical site warns citizens over name choices,674,agree
Snowmen Declared Anti-Islamic As Snow Falls in Saudi Arabia,1090,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,984,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,821,unrelated
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
Jordanian airstrike killed American aid worker held hostage by ISIS according to statement by militants,752,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",2256,unrelated
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,1423,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1368,unrelated
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",381,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",851,unrelated
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,741,agree
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",992,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2525,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1325,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,874,unrelated
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO),1948,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,2118,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,586,unrelated
"""This is the recording you thought you'd lost forever""",2227,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",2111,discuss
"Calm down everyone, Banksy hasn't been a
ested: 9 clues that it's a hoax",324,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1217,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1864,discuss
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1982,discuss
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',662,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
"Zack Snyder Kills ""Stolen Batmobile"" Rumor With Great Photo",2519,agree
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2187,unrelated
Comcast gets customer fired for complaining about poor service,1355,unrelated
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,2132,discuss
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',168,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,2287,discuss
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",26,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,120,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,2458,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,704,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",391,agree
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,1832,unrelated
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1899,unrelated
80's Brat Pack star Judd Nelson forced to deny that he's dead after fake news story starts trending on social media,1742,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,2156,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,1483,unrelated
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,2022,unrelated
Saudi fatwa banning snowmen triggers heated debate,35,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,2045,unrelated
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,1212,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1471,agree
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",1661,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,1897,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,2287,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,281,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,1355,discuss
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",757,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,608,discuss
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,181,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,2385,agree
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",75,unrelated
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',1442,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,695,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',2509,discuss
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,2265,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1797,agree
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",503,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1385,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee who was swapped in prisoner deal for Bowe Bergdahl 'tried to rejoin 'Al Qaeda',1251,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",2240,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,726,agree
"Absent from duty for 25 years, CPWD official dismissed",1266,unrelated
Spurned wife leaves cheating husband and twin naked in busy car park,480,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,530,unrelated
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,1047,unrelated
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,1360,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,1524,unrelated
David Haines beheading video confirmed genuine; UK PM Cameron vows to hunt down ISIS 'monsters',1011,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,269,unrelated
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",1852,unrelated
This Woman Exposed Her Cheating Boyfriend With A Brilliant Christmas Gift,1646,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,1306,discuss
"Hoax Report Claims 250,000 Texas Turkeys Infected With Ebola",1606,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,26,unrelated
"Man chops off his own penis, throws it in the trash after getting dumped for bad bedroom skills",1400,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,2155,discuss
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,808,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2067,agree
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",444,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac? Nope, ‘Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options’ Article is Fake",1777,agree
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",2053,discuss
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1215,agree
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,2266,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1948,unrelated
Apple 'working on 12-inch MacBook Air',727,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,2463,discuss
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,847,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,2307,unrelated
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",1104,unrelated
"Meteorite Strikes Nicaraguan Capital, Creates 16-Foot-Deep Crater",1256,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1923,disagree
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1543,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2317,discuss
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,826,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,572,unrelated
Snowmen Declared Anti-Islamic As Snow Falls in Saudi Arabia,942,unrelated
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,724,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,804,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,859,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,2307,unrelated
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",1374,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice Condoms Could Be The Only Thing To Save The World From Basic Children,740,discuss
Another ISIS Massacre: ISIS Kills 300 Iraqi Soldiers With Chlorine Gas,693,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,2197,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,35,unrelated
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,324,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1157,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,1143,discuss
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1803,unrelated
"No, Banksy has not been a
ested (sigh)",324,unrelated
Killing in the name of! Kim Jong-un launches attack on others named 'Kim Jong-un',2032,discuss
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1628,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2524,discuss
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",2175,unrelated
"Unconfirmed: ISIS Claims Kayla Mueller, American Female Hostage, Is Dead",493,unrelated
Man who skipped work for 24 years is finally fired,932,agree
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,130,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,2297,unrelated
Comcast gets customer fired for complaining about poor service,2434,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",139,unrelated
Utah Man Hospitalized After Winning Eggnog Chugging Contest,1349,unrelated
"Kevin Vickers, Sergeant-At-Arms, Shoots a Shooting Suspect in Ottawa; Called a ‘Hero’",139,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",47,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,1036,discuss
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1594,disagree
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,992,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",2417,discuss
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,2033,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1296,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,2397,discuss
"Apple 12-Inch MacBook Air Details Emerge; Device Could Be Thinner, Lighter Than Cu
ent Model",2252,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,1603,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,1718,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2345,agree
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1252,unrelated
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,568,unrelated
'Banksy' Reacts To Paris Attack With Poignant Drawing,1867,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,524,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",1939,unrelated
Sergeant-at-Arms stopped shooter on Parliament Hill,139,unrelated
First bendgate... now it's HAIRGATE: Angry iPhone 6 owners claim design is causing chunks of their hair to be ripped out when they make a phone call,2303,unrelated
Paul Revere's 1795 time capsule unearthed,1679,unrelated
Did Paul Rudd Help Tackle That Dallas Airport Gay-Basher?,979,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",2144,discuss
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,585,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",2453,agree
Newly-Found Document Holds Eyewitness Account of Jesus Performing Miracle,385,agree
North Korea denies plans to open a restaurant in Scotland,955,unrelated
"Report: new 12-inch MacBook Air slims down, has single USB port",879,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1107,unrelated
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,1939,unrelated
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,195,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1574,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,1893,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",1358,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,2272,disagree
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,527,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,874,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,524,unrelated
"Pope Francis did not tell boy heaven has room for pets, contrary to report",1940,unrelated
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet,7,unrelated
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,1931,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,1213,unrelated
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,2343,discuss
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2118,discuss
Is this the world's oldest burger? Man claims to have kept McDonald's Quarter Pounder for 20 YEARS,1790,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,586,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",2386,agree
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,2036,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http:,269,unrelated
"#Hairgate: Reports of iPhone 6 pulling out hair, beards, likely exaggerated",689,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,1176,discuss
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1374,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport [PHOTO],1730,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,574,unrelated
Search launched for dog's owner after pooch found dumped next to suitcase filled with belongings,530,unrelated
"Soldier shot, Parliament locked down after gunfire erupts at war memorial",373,unrelated
[Updated] Saudi State Television Allegedly Blurs Michelle Obama’s Face During Meeting With New Saudi King,2251,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1549,unrelated
Cold Turkey,2200,discuss
Lego letter from the 1970s still offers a powerful message to parents 40 years later,1547,agree
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,1864,discuss
Best Christmas present ever? Heartwarming moment app developer reveals to his parents he had paid off their mortgage,2459,agree
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],530,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,2097,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,1787,unrelated
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament,2281,agree
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",695,discuss
British Aid Worker Confirmed Murdered By ISIS,1645,unrelated
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,1408,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found on Buckingham Palace Grounds,1524,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,2344,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,295,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",2409,unrelated
Update: Did Make Up This Story About The Web Sheriff Ben Edelman Sending Racist Emails?,1679,unrelated
Kim Jong-un drinks rare snake wine to boost love life!,1827,discuss
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1803,unrelated
ISIS militants trick mother into ‘eating her kidnapped son’,2219,discuss
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,214,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,220,unrelated
Latest iOS 8 bug reportedly causes unwanted deletion of iCloud Drive documents,1224,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,2252,agree
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",1468,discuss
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1036,discuss
Brian Williams Debunks Peeing Meteorologist Report On ‘NBC Nightly News': Video,831,unrelated
Best Christmas present ever? Heartwarming moment app developer reveals to his parents he had paid off their mortgage,377,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,1500,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,2481,discuss
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,1544,unrelated
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,1835,discuss
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",26,unrelated
Cold Turkey,1785,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,1314,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",672,agree
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,932,unrelated
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,2132,unrelated
Iraqi media: ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2025,discuss
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ A
ams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?,1843,discuss
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",304,unrelated
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1948,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,1752,discuss
The Man Who Says Comcast Got Him Fired Has Filed a Lawsuit,1539,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,139,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,1917,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',955,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1346,discuss
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",235,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1982,unrelated
This Man Paid Off His Parents' Mortgage for Christmas (Video),2290,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1689,discuss
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,1821,unrelated
"""Oldest Time Capsule"" in U.S. Unearthed in Boston",601,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,2530,discuss
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,844,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1251,unrelated
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,2489,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1715,discuss
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,1213,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,1210,unrelated
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,1802,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,195,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,1255,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,2295,discuss
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",704,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,2125,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,572,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1251,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,1349,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",2192,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1673,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,1125,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1385,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,1476,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,2403,discuss
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1722,discuss
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,168,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,1954,discuss
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1406,unrelated
First bendgate... now it's HAIRGATE: Angry iPhone 6 owners claim design is causing chunks of their hair to be ripped out when they make a phone call,431,unrelated
Unconfirmed Reports Say UK Hostage Held By ISIS Found Innocent,424,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,891,unrelated
Latest iOS 8 bug reportedly causes unwanted deletion of iCloud Drive documents,2423,discuss
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",586,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1795,agree
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",1988,unrelated
Guantanamo Detainee Exchanged for American POW Attempts a Return to Battle,773,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1317,unrelated
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,1269,unrelated
"Cook said to confirm Apple Watch is showerproof, lasts a day",346,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,871,discuss
Banksy's illustrated response to the Charlie Hebdo attack isn't by Banksy. But it is striking,2375,agree
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,755,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1166,discuss
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,984,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,826,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,2044,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1699,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1790,unrelated
Saudi Arabia 'fatwa over building of snowmen',2317,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",986,unrelated
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",1966,unrelated
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1916,discuss
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1873,unrelated
Willie Nelson Dead? Viral Hoax Fools Internet,185,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1249,discuss
"Vice CEO Shane Smith reportedly spent $300,000 on a steak dinner at CES",2111,discuss
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,1040,unrelated
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO),1925,agree
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1480,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1883,disagree
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to open restaurant in Scotland,2192,discuss
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,2471,discuss
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2525,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,2349,agree
"Apple Watch Specs Tipped; Said to Feature 512MB RAM, 4GB of Storage",1073,unrelated
"Kayla Jean Mueller, U.S. hostage, killed in Jordan airstrike, ISIS claims",532,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,472,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1720,unrelated
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,742,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,190,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",34,discuss
Tiger Woods' luxe Viking island in Sweden is for sale,2508,unrelated
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",819,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1896,discuss
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,625,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,816,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,1539,agree
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",302,discuss
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,305,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,10,unrelated
Parents' anger after seven Bosnian schoolgirls aged 13 and 14 fall pregnant on class trip,1981,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1419,unrelated
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',1708,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1574,unrelated
Has Kim's SISTER taken over North Korea? Dictator fails to show for key Communist event (but does send a nice flower basket instead),2033,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,2154,discuss
"Priest Dies, Wakes Up, Claims God Is a Woman. Huh?",2328,unrelated
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,2254,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1299,unrelated
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,709,unrelated
eBay is planning an Apple Watch app,796,discuss
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,2132,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,527,unrelated
ies’ Sun Baby: Fans Freak Out Over Jess Smith, 19",2084,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",2314,unrelated
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,1575,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,2477,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",714,discuss
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,720,unrelated
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,591,disagree
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",2304,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1442,discuss
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,958,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1642,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,530,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',683,unrelated
Luke Somers' sister says he was killed in failed Yemen rescue attempt,2247,discuss
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,1498,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,844,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",1865,discuss
"Nigeria's missing girls 'to be released by Boko Haram', government aide claims",2356,discuss
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,2163,agree
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,1821,unrelated
"Catholic priest dies for 48 mins, wakes up claiming God is a woman",2296,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",601,unrelated
SHOCKING: Indian Man's Penis Cut-off After He Was Caught Attempting Rape [Photos],2005,agree
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",80,unrelated
"UPDATE: Soldier, gunman who died in Ottawa rampage identified",1458,unrelated
That powerful Lego letter to parents from the 1970s? It's real,451,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",2192,unrelated
Meet the X-BOY: Electric shock turns kid into MAGNETO,2215,agree
Man Chops Off and Throws Away His Small Penis After Bad Breakup,1379,unrelated
IPhone 6 users are tearing their hair out,431,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,1170,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1822,discuss
PopWatch Teenager fights for the right to be recognized as Teletu
ies' smiling sun-baby,504,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1003,unrelated
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,1437,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,1042,unrelated
DHS Rebuffs Congressman’s Claim ISIS Infiltrating Southern Border,2056,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",2125,disagree
This Man Paid Off His Parents' Mortgage for Christmas (Video),377,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",1938,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",1547,unrelated
Paul Revere's 1795 time capsule unearthed,480,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,882,unrelated
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair,431,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1461,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2130,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,1893,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2175,unrelated
North Korea denies plans to open a restaurant in Scotland,2398,unrelated
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",591,unrelated
Report: Exec popped for $300k dinner after run at blackjack,1077,discuss
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,2445,unrelated
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",1764,agree
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1658,discuss
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',2044,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",2249,agree
"Predator Drone Reportedly Sighted Circling Raqqa, Syria",1170,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,559,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,1234,discuss
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,1613,discuss
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1948,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,105,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1351,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1825,discuss
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",559,unrelated
Robert Plant Literally Ripped Up An $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin,1365,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",2372,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,950,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2453,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",2129,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",2177,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1966,agree
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,2016,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],2305,agree
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",850,discuss
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit,1267,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,472,unrelated
Apple Watch launch has new timetable: Analyst,1056,unrelated
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,367,unrelated
Man who SLAPS people if they sneeze in public being hunted by police,1888,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,737,unrelated
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1646,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",2192,unrelated
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",693,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,1790,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,93,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",595,unrelated
Report: Jose Canseco accidentally shot,1145,discuss
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,1802,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2248,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,687,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,1804,agree
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,2260,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,903,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1439,unrelated
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,1832,unrelated
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",1722,discuss
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,616,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,900,unrelated
‘Evocative shape': Is Vladimir Putin trolling the world with his motorcade formation?,1021,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1720,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,1239,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,1597,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,2417,discuss
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1213,unrelated
Rodney Constantine keeps Facebook promise and turns himself in to police,1292,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,919,unrelated
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",1875,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2177,unrelated
"Amazon to launch first
ick-and-mortar store, report says",1948,unrelated
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,2415,discuss
"Big Bank Hank, US rapper and Sugarhill Gang founder member, dies at 57",2035,agree
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1237,unrelated
"No, that
oken pencil illustration isn't by Banksy",1532,agree
Homeless man who received a meal and hotel stay after spending $100 donation on food for friends insists it was NOT a hoax – despite new witness insisting there was no way he could have been secretly filmed,321,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",618,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,1631,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,1938,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,1255,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1219,agree
ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands,2223,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,2483,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,398,agree
Omsk schoolboy turned into a man-magnet after shock,1503,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1435,unrelated
"Forty years ago, Lego wrote a powerful letter to parents about how gender works",1901,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",958,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,1921,unrelated
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,1049,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1883,unrelated
"Man chops off his own penis, throws it in the trash after getting dumped for bad bedroom skills",812,unrelated
This resignation letter in a video-game could be the greatest ever,773,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,1395,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2463,unrelated
"No, ESPN is not having an all-male domestic violence panel tonight",615,unrelated
How did a Texas plumber's truck end up with Syrian rebels? (+video),565,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",304,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,1506,unrelated
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border,2266,discuss
Samsung is reportedly making a secret new chip in the Apple Watch,1658,unrelated
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,81,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,2296,agree
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",2123,unrelated
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,1040,unrelated
"Ann A
or pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",2404,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,2367,unrelated
Indian civil servant sacked 'after 24-year sickie',72,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",1922,discuss
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",1948,unrelated
Vandal paints penis on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,557,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,781,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,2531,unrelated
Apple's 12-Inch Retina MacBook Air Shown in Artist's Renditions,45,unrelated
Rumor Robert Plant Ripped Up $800 Million Contract To Reunite Led Zeppelin Called 'Ru
ISIS Fighters Getting Caught Coming Across the U.S.-Mexican Border?,115,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1988,discuss
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",176,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,139,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1438,unrelated
"In Kim Jong Un's absence, his sister may rule. Or not.",744,discuss
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,2471,discuss
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2045,unrelated
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1374,unrelated
A Murdered Witness?,2020,unrelated
State House time capsule from 1795 unearthed,601,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",404,unrelated
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',2349,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1761,discuss
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,1760,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,757,unrelated
A New iOS 8 Bug Can Delete All Of Your iCloud Documents,221,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1481,unrelated
"McDonald’s to Stop Serving Overweight Customers in January? Nope, ‘1/15/2015′ Story is Fake",1905,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,2404,unrelated
[Updated] Saudi State Television Allegedly Blurs Michelle Obama’s Face During Meeting With New Saudi King,1343,unrelated
REPORT: Apple's Watch Will Come In 2 Storage Sizes,1277,discuss
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',639,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",754,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,1539,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,304,unrelated
SEND IN THE DRONES: Predator drones flown over IS headquarters in Syria,1646,unrelated
"North Korea leader Kim is still in charge, has injured leg: source",2125,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,286,unrelated
This Is What The Sun Baby From ‘Teletu
ies’ Looks Like Now,2256,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",2450,agree
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,446,discuss
Air travelers wary of Ebola fears seen with surgical masks ... and a HAZMAT suit,1926,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,121,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',10,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1776,discuss
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1009,unrelated
Was The Batmobile Stolen In Detroit?,1939,unrelated
Missing Libyan jetliners raise fears of te
or attacks on 9/11,8,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,2352,discuss
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",2087,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,1458,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2354,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,600,discuss
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',2184,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1608,unrelated
Report—Jose Canseco accidentally shot at his home tonight,2000,discuss
Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage for Christmas,1535,agree
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1162,agree
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,592,unrelated
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,1921,unrelated
Schoolboy who got electric shock from lamppost claims he now has magnetic powers,1299,unrelated
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,2185,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2002,unrelated
Cold Turkey,2509,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2453,unrelated
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,1400,unrelated
"Despite no Ebola case in Kansas City, the rumor goes viral",570,unrelated
ush list actually do so sister you tired it?,1040,unrelated
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,345,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,1461,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2127,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1658,discuss
"Kim Jong Un hospitalized with two
oken ankles, reportedly from wearing heels and being overweight",2153,discuss
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,225,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,10,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),2017,discuss
Michael Phelps' Reported Girlfriend Reveals She Was Born Intersex,330,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",456,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,2296,unrelated
DNA tests prove Lebanon IS holding ISIS chief al-Baghdadi's ex-wife and daughter after they were caught with fake passports,267,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,2459,unrelated
Sources: Guns N' Roses Frontman Axl Rose Found Dead in West Hollywood Home at Age 52,1085,discuss
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",2459,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",984,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,206,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),689,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,398,discuss
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2130,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,2360,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,1407,agree
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,1939,unrelated
"Mexico hit by student massacre: At least 17 anti-co
uption protesters 'rounded up, murdered and dumped in a mass grave' - and another 26 are missing",1538,unrelated
How Canadian Sergeant-at-Arms Kevin Vickers killed shooter in parliament,1900,agree
Isis claims to behead US journalist,874,unrelated
'Feminist' Lana 'Aborts Baby Because It's A Boy' And Is Surprised By Backlash,2220,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,781,agree
"Islamic State leader's family detained by Lebanon, officials say",1789,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,2483,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,962,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,634,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,505,unrelated
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,1560,discuss
Amazon's Newest Tablet Will Come With Free News From The Washington Post,1278,discuss
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",941,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",821,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",2492,agree
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,787,discuss
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,1634,unrelated
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,1249,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,48,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,2415,unrelated
Apple Watch’s Power Reserve feature combats short battery life,1420,agree
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,40,unrelated
Electric shock turns Russian boy into Marvel's Magneto,1317,unrelated
Mexico checks if 43 missing students in mass grave,695,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,2139,agree
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,2252,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1547,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1627,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,1179,unrelated
Islamic State militants allegedly used chlorine gas against Iraqi security forces,2016,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",289,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,213,unrelated
"Stainless steel Apple Watch could cost just $499, but gold will be 10 times as pricey",607,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",1569,agree
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1589,discuss
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,220,unrelated
"Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid",1825,discuss
Purdon Ebola Hoax: ‘Texas Town Quarantined After Family Of Five Test Positive For The Ebola Virus’ Article is Fake,1627,unrelated
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,2020,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2156,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,2175,unrelated
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,1642,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1549,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1619,discuss
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,568,unrelated
Nun who gave birth ‘had no idea’ she was pregnant,1597,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2149,discuss
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",1883,unrelated
Apple Orders More Than 5 Million Watches for Initial Run,643,unrelated
Is the iPhone 6 Really Pulling Out Your Hair?,304,unrelated
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",1060,discuss
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1547,unrelated
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,2116,unrelated
NEWS/ Meet the Teletu
ies Sun Baby: 19-Year-Old Jess Smith Reveals Herself as the Smiling Face Who Looked Over Teletu
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1885,discuss
Unconfirmed reports saying ISIS UK Hostage David Haines Beheaded,2306,discuss
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,321,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1361,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,527,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1905,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',686,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1744,discuss
Russians Bag Better Bigfoot Footage,829,unrelated
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,1331,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2134,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1166,unrelated
"BREAKING: ""Brat Pack"" Judd Nelson Found Dead in Los Angeles Condo",2481,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,2015,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,2317,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",1481,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,831,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not Isis leader’s wife, says Iraq",845,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,1376,discuss
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,1028,unrelated
Time Capsule from Paul Revere and Samuel Adams Discovered in Boston,1863,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,345,unrelated
US drones hunt Isis leader in Syria,1678,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,1982,discuss
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2524,discuss
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,986,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1249,discuss
Nujaifi Condemns / Daash / crime in Saqlawiyah and Alsiger areas of Anbar.,2002,discuss
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),1854,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,903,discuss
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2403,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2287,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,1628,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,1772,discuss
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1896,discuss
Star Wars VII for a New SUMMER Release Date!?,2463,unrelated
Mohammed Islam Denies Making $72 Million From Stock Market Trading,2052,agree
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,2197,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1179,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",826,unrelated
"Comcast Turns Complaints Back On Customer, Gets His Employer To Fire Him",2149,unrelated
Bergdahl: Senator Says Jihadists Swapped For U.S. Troop ‘In Touch’ With Al-Qaida Affiliate,1251,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",1013,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,1839,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,958,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,2410,discuss
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",1263,discuss
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,2118,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1009,discuss
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,2526,unrelated
Jose Canseco shoots self in hand,744,unrelated
"Yes, you can wear your Apple Watch in the shower",218,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1530,unrelated
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,972,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,2302,discuss
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,1212,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,2261,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1948,discuss
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1854,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1974,discuss
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1319,unrelated
Texas plumber threatened over jihadis using his old truck,339,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2304,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,251,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,1271,unrelated
Reports: Islamic State uses chlorine gas against Iraqi forces,251,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",550,unrelated
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,1833,agree
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",1752,agree
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,2017,discuss
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),224,unrelated
"Kevin Vickers, Sergeant-At-Arms, Shoots a Shooting Suspect in Ottawa; Called a ‘Hero’",2404,unrelated
NBC's Tom Brokaw reportedly wants Brian Williams fired over fa
icated Iraq helicopter story,258,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2313,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,760,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Internet Death Hoax Claims Actor Found Dead In Apartment,195,unrelated
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor,2218,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,2297,unrelated
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,1642,unrelated
"Gold Apple Watch Edition Could Cost As Much As $1,200",359,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",1183,discuss
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",281,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,2248,unrelated
A really devoted man spent $460 on surgery for his constipated goldfish,1670,unrelated
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,239,unrelated
Future Apple Watches could include platinum models - report,860,unrelated
Kim Jong-un drinks rare snake wine to boost love life!,640,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,2061,disagree
Amazon is about to open its first-ever physical store in New York City,2116,discuss
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,1921,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,1721,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",1802,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,2453,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1034,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1637,unrelated
‘Little old lady’ A
ested for Making Fur Coats with Neighbor’s Cats,830,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,1485,discuss
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,649,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,903,discuss
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,874,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,330,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,2318,discuss
Amazon plans ad-supported video streaming service - NY post,687,unrelated
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",308,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1099,agree
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,1406,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1489,discuss
Moment Michael Brown was shot dead 'caught on audio recording': FBI handed potentially damning tape of ELEVEN shots being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',844,unrelated
Tom Brokaw Wants Brian Williams Fired Over Iraq Helicopter Story: Report,2176,discuss
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,2421,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,1036,discuss
"Luke Somers Dies In Rescue Attempt, Sister Says; Yemeni Defense Ministry Says Unnamed US Hostage Freed",298,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,195,unrelated
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",1223,unrelated
Comcast calls rumor that it disconnects Tor users “wildly inaccurate”,2178,agree
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",2210,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,933,discuss
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",1375,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1873,unrelated
Parliament Hill shooting: Sergeant-At-Arms Kevin Vickers the family hero who took down Ottawa gunman,1179,unrelated
Did Paul Rudd Help Tackle That Dallas Airport Gay-Basher?,242,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",179,agree
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1358,unrelated
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,974,agree
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,649,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,1946,discuss
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,568,unrelated
"Apple: Citi Sees $550 and $950 Apple Watches, Accessory Plethora",187,unrelated
"Dogs DO go to heaven… and cats, and horses: Pope assures young boy that there is a place in paradise for animals as well",218,agree
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,2307,unrelated
Star Wars 7: JJ A
ams want to move release to summer 2015,1686,disagree
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,1004,unrelated
Michael Phelps' girlfriend was born male but did not tell swimmer about her past,1950,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,1549,unrelated
"White House Fence Jumper Got Farther Than Previously Thought, Sources Say",1488,discuss
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,693,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,2468,agree
A Bunch Of Folks Are Passing Around This Hoax Video Of A Bird Pooping On Vladimir Putin,1006,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,2329,unrelated
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,1873,unrelated
Report: Amazon to Launch Ad-Supported Streaming Service,1795,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,121,unrelated
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,344,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1406,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
"ISIS Claims an American Hostage, Kayla Mueller, Died in Airstrike in Syria",754,discuss
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1889,discuss
"No, Vladimir Putin did not get pooped on by a bird during a First World War speech",366,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,932,unrelated
Brian Williams slams social media for speculation weatherman Mike Seidel relieved himself on air,2092,unrelated
Apple Watch won’t be the digital doctor it could have been,607,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,2483,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,530,unrelated
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,1171,agree
Mum Offers to Sell Twin Boy to Save Twin Girl,2283,unrelated
The iPhone 6 'Hairgate' Is Not a Thing,689,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,320,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,2276,discuss
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,1899,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1347,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",1268,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,1502,unrelated
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor,2362,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,1311,unrelated
Widower Cries Tears Of Joy After Hearing Late Wife's Voice Again,803,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,609,unrelated
Bali Awry,1579,discuss
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),1913,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2287,discuss
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,1239,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,2403,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,2463,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2524,agree
This Letter To Parents From A 1970s Lego Set Contains An Important Message For Gender Equality,2070,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,40,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",2118,unrelated
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,1438,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",693,unrelated
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,60,unrelated
Ottawa Gunman Identified As Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,239,unrelated
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,702,unrelated
Amazon plans a streaming-video alternative,2287,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,955,unrelated
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",944,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,919,unrelated
Saudi fatwa banning snowmen triggers heated debate,2287,unrelated
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,2132,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",1883,unrelated
Report: Israeli-Canadian woman fighting Islamic State has been kidnapped by te
or group,1224,unrelated
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",115,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,1670,unrelated
Dog Found Abandoned With Suitcase Filled With His Belongings,2523,agree
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1347,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
A really devoted man spent $460 on surgery for his constipated goldfish,924,unrelated
Fake-News: 'McDonald's Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers',2061,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',373,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,742,discuss
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group,295,unrelated
Court Orders Probe Into Complaints Of 'Forced Castration' In Religious 'Dera' Sect,1212,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,1789,agree
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,2042,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",691,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2501,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,1678,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1422,unrelated
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,2441,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1251,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,2410,unrelated
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,205,unrelated
1901 Boston time capsule yields small red book,1273,agree
"Non, le lancement du nouveau «Star Wars» ne sera pas devancé à cet été",1921,unrelated
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,1374,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,2003,discuss
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1009,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,43,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,2109,unrelated
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,1125,unrelated
This Is The Most Epic Way To Quit Your Job,1212,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,1764,discuss
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,703,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,892,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",1385,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",125,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,2463,unrelated
Daash Ebola transfe
ed to Mosul {Google Translate],1948,unrelated
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),137,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,2045,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",373,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,2155,unrelated
BREAKING: Soldier shot at War Memorial in Ottawa,964,unrelated
Vogue’s Rat Infestation: Distu
ing New Details,1435,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,760,agree
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,737,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found in BUCKINGHAM PALACE by Alan Titchmarsh,2137,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,546,discuss
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",402,unrelated
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,1197,unrelated
Jordan Vs ISIS: Reports Say King Abdullah II Could Personally Lead Airstrikes After Pilot’s Death,699,unrelated
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",1521,agree
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",639,unrelated
A Bunch Of People Thought Banksy Got A
ested But It Was A Hoax,2283,unrelated
ISIS fighters ‘have contracted Ebola’,559,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1073,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",1948,unrelated
Cesar Millan is Not Dead: Dog Whisperer Death Hoax Circulates,2184,unrelated
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,1543,unrelated
Does ISIS have an airforce? Te
orist 'fighter pilots' are being trained on captured MiGs by Saddam Hussein's ex-air force officers,1804,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1780,discuss
Frisco: Sick patient claims to have had contact with Ebola victim,1093,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,1024,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1720,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,280,unrelated
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,1734,agree
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,968,unrelated
Magic Mushrooms Found on Buckingham Palace Grounds,2137,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2388,discuss
"White House Fence-Jumper Overpowered Secret Service Officer, Ran Through Much of Main Floor",2068,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",1221,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport,2459,unrelated
Amazon is opening its first physical store,1948,unrelated
"ISIS Militants Have Contracted Ebola: Iraqi, Kurdish Media Reports",1461,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',527,unrelated
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,2419,unrelated
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,1925,agree
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1289,unrelated
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,77,unrelated
Batmobile Rumored To Have Been Stolen From Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice Set,2055,unrelated
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau was shot nearly a dozen times before Kevin Vickers fatally wounded him,1400,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1873,discuss
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",2116,unrelated
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,1289,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1864,discuss
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",2356,discuss
NASA Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days of Total Darkness in December 2014!,652,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,1427,unrelated
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,1398,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1234,unrelated
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,687,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,844,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1022,unrelated
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,706,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,2223,unrelated
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site,1948,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1019,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1867,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,521,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,1079,discuss
Mexican cartel leader kills self; bodies in grave not missing students,324,unrelated
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,1197,discuss
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1027,agree
"What they earn: Vice CEO Shane Smith’s $300,000 steak dinner",1473,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,1673,agree
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,1347,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,1921,unrelated
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,1954,unrelated
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,984,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2138,agree
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,2328,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,2132,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,822,discuss
ESPN’s All-Male “Monday Night Football” Panel On Domestic Violence Is Not Real,2137,agree
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",34,unrelated
ISIS supporters mourn death of ‘youngest fighter’,300,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,1549,unrelated
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,2081,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper Big Bank Hank Dies at 57,234,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1588,agree
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,1877,disagree
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,2266,discuss
URGENT: ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi allegedly killed by US airstrikes,81,unrelated
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,1341,discuss
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",1534,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,1913,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1602,discuss
Nun who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth after going to hospital with stomach pains,1480,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,2348,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',2307,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,2109,discuss
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",706,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1003,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,2448,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1857,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,974,disagree
ied TV actor wakes up to find his testicles have been STOLEN after he is drugged in Russian bar by attractive blonde working for organ traffickers,1258,unrelated
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,1240,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1003,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,2162,discuss
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2187,unrelated
Apple Watch battery will require nightly charging,1939,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1815,unrelated
NBC's Tom Brokaw reportedly wants Brian Williams fired over fa
icated Iraq helicopter story,2016,unrelated
eBay developing Apple Watch software with ties to iOS app,1397,discuss
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,158,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1269,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,125,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,2313,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1615,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2115,unrelated
Meet the 17-Year-Old Who Made $72 Million During His High-School Lunch Breaks,2115,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,959,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,1197,unrelated
Questions raised over Nicaragua 'meteorite',269,unrelated
Google to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585M,1223,unrelated
"Report: Stainless steel Apple Watch will be priced $500, gold at $5,000",2419,discuss
The Image That Everyone Is Sharing By 'Banksy' Isn't By Banksy — But It's Awesome,2197,unrelated
"Yemen says U.S. man freed, sister says he’s dead",2015,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,346,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,428,discuss
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,2009,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,1289,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,81,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,2092,unrelated
CNN audio: Is this the moment Michael Brown was shot?,1818,discuss
Zack Snyder’s ‘Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice’ Stolen Batmobile Rumor Put To Rest,2055,unrelated
Sergeant-at-Arms stopped shooter on Parliament Hill,1400,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,121,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",1438,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,850,discuss
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1815,unrelated
Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State Read more: Female Israeli fighter said abducted by Islamic State,80,unrelated
Seth Rogen set to play Steve Wozniak in Danny Boyle's Steve Jobs biopic,1588,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,1588,discuss
Nun who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth after going to hospital with stomach pains,1760,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2020,unrelated
‘Banksy’ Instagram tribute to Charlie Hebdo victims not posted by artist,1385,unrelated
That ESPN Domestic Violence Panel You Keep Hearing About Isn't Real,299,unrelated
Wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi detained in Lebanon,205,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,224,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),805,agree
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',2078,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",1436,unrelated
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,858,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,121,unrelated
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,755,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1528,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1184,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",760,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,503,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,440,discuss
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",387,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1658,agree
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed,2501,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,419,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1217,discuss
"Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness",321,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",34,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1948,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",1179,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1329,discuss
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,2115,unrelated
BREAKING Gill Rosenberg former IDF soldier was captured by ISIS,2147,unrelated
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,1804,unrelated
Ottawa Shooting: Soldier Shot at Canada's National War Memorial,298,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,559,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,2313,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,2459,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,1939,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,2116,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1786,unrelated
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,2403,unrelated
Strange mark turns out to be tropical spider bu
owing under vacationer's skin,2227,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,2114,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase,2523,agree
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,2060,discuss
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,682,unrelated
"Is Kim Jong-un's Sister, Kim Yo-jong, Running North Korea In His Mysterious Absence?",817,discuss
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1435,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,1319,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',1603,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,1923,unrelated
Apple Watch to reportedly offer 'Power Reserve' to help extend battery life,1857,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,2191,discuss
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,830,agree
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,527,unrelated
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,1177,discuss
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,2142,agree
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",1458,unrelated
Jihadi John: Mohammed Emwazi named as masked man behind ISIS beheadings,961,unrelated
Tiger Woods serving secret PED suspension?,1406,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,2524,discuss
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,1678,unrelated
Hero soldier Nathan Cirillo killed by convicted criminal Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,530,unrelated
HBO in talks with Apple to be launch partner for coming web service 'HBO Now',516,unrelated
"Man chops off own penis, throws it in a dustbin after poor show in bed",908,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],190,unrelated
Cameron vows to hunt down IS 'monsters' after Haines murder,657,discuss
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,244,unrelated
A Bogus Banksy,1532,agree
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,1950,unrelated
"Mass Graves Found In Mexico, Near Place Where 43 Students Went Missing",1740,unrelated
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,1024,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',1912,discuss
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,56,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,139,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,1240,unrelated
'There is no limit to their depravity' Islamic State FEED mother her own SON,1442,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,1263,unrelated
"Is Apple about to launch a totally redesigned, 12-inch MacBook Air?",45,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,1906,unrelated
North Korea reportedly bans anyone sharing Kim Jong Un's name,2032,discuss
Turkish president says American weapons drop for Kurdish fighters was 'wrong' after supplies end up in the hands of ISIS,1485,agree
Boko Haram 'to release abducted schoolgirls' as part of ceasefire agreement,1697,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,1785,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,2184,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,2137,unrelated
Media outlets identify 'Jihadi John',1424,discuss
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1438,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,885,agree
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,1603,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",367,unrelated
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,2051,disagree
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1786,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",1234,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",1019,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,684,discuss
Predator drones being flown over Isil's Syrian 'capital',2469,discuss
'No hard evidence' of Isis claims it kidnapped Canadian-Israeli woman Gill Rosenberg,1808,unrelated
This Powerful Cartoon About The Charlie Hebdo Attack Is Not By Banksy,683,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,2213,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,80,unrelated
Two GOP Congressmen Say Suspected Te
orists Caught Crossing U.S.–Mexico Border,972,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],1426,discuss
Breaking: Soldier shot at National War Memorial in Ottawa,855,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,2207,discuss
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",1020,agree
Omsk schoolboy turned into a man-magnet after shock,308,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,2386,agree
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1336,discuss
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,1839,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,941,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,1893,unrelated
Dog abandoned at Ayr station with belongings in suitcase,2483,agree
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,626,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,2342,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,1649,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,1336,unrelated
Meet The College Student Who Claims She Was The ‘Teletu
ies’ Sun Baby,1832,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1027,discuss
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,900,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",2304,unrelated
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,1058,unrelated
Robert Plant ripped up $800M Led Zeppelin reunion contract,1494,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
HBO Reportedly in Talks with Apple for Launch of New Unbundled Streaming Service,2028,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,2329,unrelated
Lego letter from the 1970s still offers a powerful message to parents 40 years later,1385,unrelated
ISIS chlorine attack on security forces confirmed – Iraq officials,2016,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,2044,unrelated
"Would you pay $10,000 for the Apple Watch?",645,discuss
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,2165,agree
Dog found abandoned outside railway station with suitcase of his belongings,650,unrelated
TBS Is Probably Speeding Up ‘Seinfeld’ Reruns To Fit In More Commercials,691,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",1843,unrelated
Boko Haram ceasefire ignored as violence flares in Borno state,1372,unrelated
Someone painted a graffiti dick on a $2.5 million car,442,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1422,unrelated
Electric shock turns Russian boy into Marvel's Magneto,2109,discuss
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,639,unrelated
Islamic State 'training pilots to fly fighter jets',2362,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",2297,unrelated
"Forget 18-karat gold, next-generation Apple Watch Edition could use platinum: Report",692,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,1488,discuss
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2525,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1848,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,1435,unrelated
J.J. A
ams Asks Disney To Move Up 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Release Date,1966,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",2443,discuss
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,384,discuss
Has The Batman Vs. Superman Batmobile Been Stolen In Detroit?,1949,unrelated
Mexico Says Missing Students Not Found In First Mass Graves,2342,discuss
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",1212,unrelated
'Feminist' Lana 'Aborts Baby Because It's A Boy' And Is Surprised By Backlash,1347,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",2492,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,450,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,821,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1634,unrelated
Her Majesty’s magic mushrooms,1560,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,1438,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",2034,agree
Zack Snyder Makes Fun of Stolen Batmobile Rumor with New Image,1266,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,2252,unrelated
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1358,unrelated
Emotional sergeant-at-arms is greeted back to parliament with a rousing standing ovation a day after he heroically shot dead te
orist - the first time he used weapon in 30 year career,2115,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",2220,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,81,unrelated
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,1808,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",40,unrelated
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,2034,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1385,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,1383,discuss
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,1549,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",1179,unrelated
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,2367,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,2248,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,1295,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,450,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",170,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,213,unrelated
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,121,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,690,discuss
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,1974,unrelated
Comcast Declares War on Tor?,1314,unrelated
Cold Turkey,1891,unrelated
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,1360,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1166,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi allegedly killed by US airstrikes,1921,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,1210,unrelated
eaks down in tears when a lost recording of his deceased wife resurfaces,1294,unrelated
Frisco: Sick patient claims to have had contact with Ebola victim,224,unrelated
Seth Rogen Eyed to Play Apple's Steve Wozniak in Christian Bale's Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1746,discuss
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",2070,agree
orism fears rise amid reports of stolen jetliners,40,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,933,discuss
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,11,unrelated
It's back! The incredible new Batmobile takes a spin around Detroit... after rumors it had been STOLEN,2431,unrelated
"Reports Isis fighters have contracted Ebola are 'inco
ect', says Iraqi health ministry",1013,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,1865,discuss
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Shocking picture shows mother trying to sell her own son to pay for twin daughter's cancer treatment,1574,agree
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1627,unrelated
Claim: Comcast Got Complaining Customer Fired From His Job,1787,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,1406,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",1375,unrelated
First bendgate... now it's HAIRGATE: Angry iPhone 6 owners claim design is causing chunks of their hair to be ripped out when they make a phone call,2476,discuss
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,2525,unrelated
Who Is Michael Zehaf-Bibeau? Ottawa Shooter Suspect Identified By Canadian Officials ,1866,discuss
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",2044,unrelated
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,1197,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,586,unrelated
"McDonald’s Removing Big Mac, Apple Pies And Eliminating Large Size Options",2213,unrelated
Apple Watch launch has new timetable: Analyst,2401,discuss
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",2410,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's sister reportedly running N. Korea,1210,unrelated
Macklemore Gets Twitter-Trolled with the #MacklemoreJoinedISIS,1731,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,1237,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2139,discuss
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1213,unrelated
"Would you pay $10,000 for the Apple Watch?",2211,unrelated
DNA test confirms child is IS head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's daughter,273,discuss
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",40,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",718,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1883,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,1466,discuss
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,1781,discuss
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1744,discuss
India: 400 men cut off their testicles to 'get closer to God' following advice from 'guru',2213,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",1296,discuss
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',511,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,782,discuss
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",104,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",666,unrelated
First bendgate... now it's HAIRGATE: Angry iPhone 6 owners claim design is causing chunks of their hair to be ripped out when they make a phone call,2184,unrelated
Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage for Christmas,950,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1347,unrelated
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",2009,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",221,agree
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1806,discuss
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,2304,unrelated
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,1752,agree
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",35,unrelated
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),385,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1179,unrelated
Priest' claim of seeing God as a woman dismissed as hoax,2043,unrelated
Angry mob chops off man's genitals with butcher’s knife for alleged rape attempt,1022,agree
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,626,unrelated
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,1406,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1821,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,1210,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1873,unrelated
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,2177,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',1430,discuss
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,1212,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,2132,agree
Report: Michael Phelps’ Tinder ‘Girlfriend’ Was Born Male; “We Made Love During Halftime”,1849,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1905,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,938,unrelated
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",2329,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang’s Big Bank Hank dead at 57,2421,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",2397,discuss
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,2296,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy,1234,discuss
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,1681,unrelated
'Banksy' Reacts To Paris Attack With Poignant Drawing,2024,discuss
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",1198,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1040,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",40,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,1905,unrelated
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",1787,agree
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1424,discuss
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,459,unrelated
Brian Williams Debunks Peeing Meteorologist Report On ‘NBC Nightly News': Video,1169,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,2141,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",726,discuss
"'Star Wars VII' News, Update: JJ A
ams Pushing for Summer Release?",1686,discuss
Developer quits using the app he was hired to make—or did he?,1372,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary in Foley beheading: London rapper songs help identify him,850,discuss
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,1006,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1120,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",572,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,640,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang’s Big Bank Hank dead at 57,281,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,533,unrelated
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",1224,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,1323,unrelated
oken girl spends week in KFC after getting dumped,2043,agree
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,280,unrelated
Do all dogs go to heaven? Pope tells grieving boy: 'Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures',289,agree
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1744,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2070,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,152,agree
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1223,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,2127,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1971,disagree
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1857,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2261,unrelated
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",1303,unrelated
We took a look at the photo said to show the body of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (right) and found it was really an ethnic Albanian militant killed in 2013,539,unrelated
"The rapper, the hacker and the te
or travel guide writer. Is one of these British extremists Jihadi John? Three potential Islamic State 'Beatles' emerge as MI5 'zeroes in' on murderer who beheaded U.S. journalist James Foley",633,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,1483,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",1237,discuss
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",1437,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1681,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",1661,unrelated
Homeland Security says te
orists haven't crossed U.S-Mexico border,1565,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,1498,unrelated
Small red book among finds in 113-year-old Boston time capsule,601,unrelated
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines,737,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,7,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1573,disagree
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport,1885,unrelated
"Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died",1217,unrelated
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,195,unrelated
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico,2360,unrelated
Nigeria and Boko Haram 'agree ceasefire and girls' release',1372,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,1814,unrelated
"Woman catches husband cheating with her twin, humiliates them",1828,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1803,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,1880,agree
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",670,unrelated
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,1631,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1921,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,559,unrelated
Tourist du
ed ‘Spider Man’ after spider bu
ows under skin for days,1271,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,2252,unrelated
Iraqi Official Dismisses ‘Unfounded’ Reports That ISIS Fighters Have Ebola,1948,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1116,discuss
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,2266,discuss
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1818,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",2087,unrelated
Video Purports to Show Beheading of American Journalist,1351,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1958,agree
y, Fido. Pope Francis did NOT say our pets are going to heaven",1921,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1299,unrelated
Apple scrapped advanced Apple Watch health monitoring features due to reliability issues,29,unrelated
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",359,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,2313,unrelated
Pentagon: Somali te
or group leader killed in U.S. airstrike,941,unrelated
"In New York City, Marijuana May Mean Ticket, Not A
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,22,unrelated
Satirical news site attacks China’s weird English names,2526,unrelated
The Apple Watch's battery life will reportedly be just like any other smartwatch,277,discuss
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",119,unrelated
WHO: Reports of Suspected Ebola Cases in Iraq Untrue,2367,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1574,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",704,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,1217,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,1758,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",1385,unrelated
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",2337,agree
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,381,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,1913,agree
"What We Know About Kim Yo Jong, Who May Control North Korea",2477,discuss
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1120,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,2149,discuss
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,564,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1336,discuss
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1815,unrelated
iPhone 6 and Even Apple Watch To Feature Samsung Components (Rumor),1585,unrelated
Kim Jong-un So Fat He Injured His Ankles,505,unrelated
Seth Rogen to play Woz in Jobs biopic,1575,discuss
Crank-Boosting Behind Top Apps in App Store,2420,discuss
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,818,agree
Continuing Violence Puts Boko Haram Ceasefire In Jeopardy,2191,discuss
State House time capsule from 1795 unearthed,1239,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1661,unrelated
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",1048,unrelated
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,1805,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2388,discuss
Isis supporters claim US hostage killed in coalition air strike in Syria,977,discuss
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,971,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,387,unrelated
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",1365,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,1837,agree
Israeli-Canadian Woman 'Captured' By ISIS Says She Is 'Safe And Secure',1862,disagree
WSJ: Apple cut watch health features due to e
atic sensors,618,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",1019,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1904,discuss
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,944,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,2506,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1803,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,2200,discuss
NBC weatherman caught urinating in the woods live on air,2091,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,511,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,1853,unrelated
IS militant 'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,2349,agree
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un',1347,unrelated
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,1058,unrelated
Kurds fear Isis use of chemical weapon in Kobani,944,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,2044,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1266,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,1959,agree
BREAKING: ISIS USES CHEMICAL WEAPONS – Murders 300 Iraqi Soldiers in Chlorine Gas Attack,693,unrelated
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,2404,discuss
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",545,unrelated
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1077,unrelated
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,591,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1361,unrelated
Rapper Big Bank Hank of Sugarhill Gang dies at 57,40,unrelated
Rumors about Fidel Castro’s death again circulate on the Internet,2221,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",344,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1438,unrelated
Catholic Priest Claims God Is Female After Clinically Dead Experience,2360,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,1161,agree
Popular 'Banksy' Instagram account offers powerful message of perseverance after Paris attack,428,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,1709,unrelated
80's Brat Pack star Judd Nelson forced to deny that he's dead after fake news story starts trending on social media,1006,unrelated
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1116,discuss
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",892,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",2434,discuss
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,2501,unrelated
The Story Of The High School Trader Who Made $72 Million Is A Rumor Spun Out Of Control,2360,unrelated
Tiger Woods' luxe Viking island in Sweden is for sale,1660,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,2371,unrelated
Tropical spider 'bu
owed under man's skin through scar' - video report,181,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,754,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1670,unrelated
That's one way to get through security! Frustrated traveller strips completely NAKED at airport to pass through metal detectors,1651,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,2022,unrelated
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,1708,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1395,unrelated
This Kid Made $72 Million During Lunch,2407,disagree
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1483,unrelated
or Leader Ahmed Abdi Godane Killed in U.S. Strike,1610,agree
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,1269,unrelated
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,2409,discuss
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],941,unrelated
State House time capsule from 1795 unearthed,88,agree
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's Biopic,1226,discuss
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,451,discuss
"Hundreds of dog-lovers from around the world offer home to pet abandoned at the railway station with a suitcase containing his pillow, toy, bowl and favourite food",1642,agree
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,798,discuss
Biological Warfare on the Horizon? ISIS Soldiers May Be Infected With Ebola,720,unrelated
Kim Jong-un ‘is so fat from eating cheese that he has
oken his ankles’,186,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",2277,discuss
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,704,unrelated
"NYPD to stop a
esting for low-level marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead: source",1192,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,1549,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",2155,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,1435,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",2132,unrelated
"Apple Watch Gold Edition may cost as much as $5,000",936,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1787,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,524,unrelated
"David Haines Beheaded By ISIS, Execution Video Contains Threats Against UK: Reports",588,agree
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,689,unrelated
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,2456,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',891,unrelated
"Boy, 16, secretly films sex with teacher then uploads it to WhatsApp",1896,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,1648,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,2453,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1368,unrelated
"Tiger Woods PED, PGA Tour Suspension Allegations Retracted by Dan Olsen",2163,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,1212,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1880,discuss
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,1358,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1913,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,465,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,26,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,1249,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,524,unrelated
Report: Michael Phelps’ Tinder ‘Girlfriend’ Was Born Male; “We Made Love During Halftime”,89,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',1778,discuss
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,84,discuss
"Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Ma
Batmobile Stolen From 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' Set? Report Claims That One Of The Batmobile Models Is Missing! Detroit Locals Responsible?,1751,discuss
Matt Tai
i Disappears From Omidyar’s First Look Media,2342,unrelated
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,205,unrelated
"Apple Watch Stainless Steel variant reportedly priced at $500, $4,000 for the gold variant",731,unrelated
Al Qaida hostage killed in raid,1649,discuss
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,244,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,816,unrelated
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,1646,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,125,unrelated
Putin’s motorcade looks suspiciously like a massive…,155,unrelated
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,324,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',891,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",845,unrelated
Someone Trolled Twitter Into Thinking Macklemore Joined ISIS,1022,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,630,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,1009,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,125,unrelated
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,527,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,532,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,1318,agree
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,2415,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,571,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,2265,unrelated
Predator Drone Reportedly Spotted Over ISIS Hotbed in Syria; Airstrikes Hit ISIS Targets,1170,unrelated
Missing Mexico students not among 28 bodies found in mass grave,1351,unrelated
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,573,unrelated
Nun gives birth to surprise baby after complaining of stomach pains,1307,discuss
Homeland Security: No ISIL fighters on U.S. border,1376,agree
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,2438,discuss
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,992,unrelated
Boy who suffered powerful electric shock claims he now has 'superpowers' like X-Men's Magneto as metal objects stick to him,844,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1681,unrelated
Kanye Banned,1595,unrelated
This Man Paid Off His Parents' Mortgage for Christmas (Video),1599,discuss
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",115,unrelated
"North Korea ordered citizens named Kim Jong Un to change their names, says new report",2143,unrelated
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,2297,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1157,discuss
Did Kim Yo-Jong Take Kim Jong Un’s Role? North Korea Ill Health Rumors Are ‘Fa
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",922,agree
Comcast gets customer fired for complaining about poor service,1814,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',365,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",1686,unrelated
Snowmen Declared Anti-Islamic As Snow Falls in Saudi Arabia,35,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,1950,unrelated
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,2034,agree
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,2341,agree
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,2440,discuss
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,777,discuss
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,2028,unrelated
Saudi cleric condemns snowmen as anti-Islamic,417,agree
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2304,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",2525,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Sister Takes Control in North Korea,663,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1385,unrelated
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,1004,discuss
Police hunt tweed-jacket wearing man who slaps shoppers for SNEEZING,148,agree
"Jeh Johnson: Politicians Shouldn't 'Feed The Flames Of Fear' Over ISIS, Ebola",2307,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,2250,discuss
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,1837,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,2386,agree
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",903,unrelated
"Gold Apple Watch Edition price? Speculators say at least $10,000",1730,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1857,unrelated
"Rumor: Apple shooting for 19 hours of Apple Watch battery life under normal conditions, 2.5 hours 'heavy' use",1725,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,1271,unrelated
Killing in the name of! Kim Jong-un launches attack on others named 'Kim Jong-un',734,unrelated
Report: Apple Watch Will Need Charging Every Day,1069,unrelated
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',204,unrelated
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",1087,unrelated
Soldier shot at war memorial in Canada,2269,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",1048,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",242,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1289,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",539,unrelated
"Apple Watch to Be Shower-Proof, Have 100,000 Apps at Launch: Reports",1179,unrelated
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,1921,unrelated
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,1360,agree
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",1673,unrelated
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",342,discuss
Comcast Says You Can Keep Your Tor,1314,unrelated
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,831,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1586,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",2328,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',666,unrelated
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1821,discuss
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,2413,unrelated
Big Bank Hank dead: Sugarhill Gang member and rapper dies aged 57,2340,discuss
ISIS launch SCORPION BOMBS to spread panic in Iraq,185,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1249,discuss
Jihadi John UNMASKED: Islamic State killer NAMED as west Londoner Mohammed Emwazi,2531,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,1262,discuss
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Texas plumber baffled after truck ends up in the hands of Syrian rebels,339,unrelated
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1170,unrelated
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1323,unrelated
Isis militants claim to have killed US journalist James Foley,2524,discuss
"Nigeria, Boko Haram reach ceasefire deal, kidnapped girls to go free, official says",2096,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",1439,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",524,unrelated
Could Kim Jong Un open a restaurant in Scotland?,2398,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,1268,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,2296,unrelated
Snowmen Declared Anti-Islamic As Snow Falls in Saudi Arabia,1130,unrelated
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",2115,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,1627,unrelated
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,345,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",586,unrelated
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,45,unrelated
DNA Tests Confirm Lebanon Is Holding ISIS Leader’s Child,72,unrelated
U.S. Hostage Luke Somers Killed During Yemen Rescue Bid: Family,1256,unrelated
Brian Williams Insists NBC News Meteorologist Did Not Pee in the Snow While on Air,1854,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,2307,unrelated
Electric shock turns Russian boy into Marvel's Magneto,308,unrelated
SHOCKING: Indian Man's Penis Cut-off After He Was Caught Attempting Rape [Photos],125,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,903,unrelated
"Audio captured at time of Michael Brown shooting, company says",1481,unrelated
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters,2196,agree
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2118,discuss
Unverified video shows beheading of aid worker David Haines,2477,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,2501,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,1922,discuss
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",2489,unrelated
Hunt for 'cruel' owner who abandoned dog at train station,424,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,1361,discuss
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,971,unrelated
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,959,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",43,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1846,agree
"""Oldest Time Capsule"" in U.S. Unearthed in Boston",690,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1739,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1547,unrelated
"Apple Media Event Rumored for Late Fe
uary, Apple Watch and 12"" MacBook Air Likely Topics [Updated]",2403,unrelated
NYC relaxes response to marijuana possession,1295,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,226,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1034,unrelated
US Lawmaker: Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Apprehended Coming Across Southern Border (Video),1890,discuss
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",2296,unrelated
"No, That Wasn’t Paul Rudd Tackling an Airport Homophobe",1000,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1116,discuss
REPORT: Apple's Watch Will Come In 2 Storage Sizes,208,unrelated
Spider bu
owed through tourist's stomach and up into his chest,1638,agree
"No, Jordan's King Abdullah II is not personally flying planes against Isis",2433,discuss
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,34,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,26,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",93,unrelated
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,503,unrelated
"Predator Drone Reportedly Sighted Circling Raqqa, Syria",1492,unrelated
KFC Marijuana Sales To Begin In Colorado? It’s Unbelievable — Literally,972,agree
Nun who had no idea she was pregnant gives birth after going to hospital with stomach pains,1164,unrelated
Priest who died for 48 minutes says he met God and she’s a woman,1849,agree
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,2525,agree
Fisherman lands 19 STONE catfish which could be biggest in world to be hooked,1221,unrelated
That’s one way to clean it: Apple Watch will reportedly survive a trip through the shower,1006,unrelated
Islamic State fighters detonate 'SCORPION bombs' in te
or siege,1127,agree
Official: Gitmo prisoner traded for Bergdahl reaching out to Taliban,592,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,1020,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,1263,discuss
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,1815,unrelated
Sadly Vladimir Putin Hasn’t Been Driving Round In A Motorcade Shaped Like A Penis,303,unrelated
Boko Haram Denies Nigeria Cease-Fire Claim,2144,discuss
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,652,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,1627,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,1829,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",139,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1336,discuss
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,2184,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,2020,unrelated
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,1660,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,2127,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,903,discuss
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,115,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,2434,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1933,unrelated
Man Severed Penis That Failed To Impress Girls,1560,discuss
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",225,unrelated
11 jetliners 'missing' after Islamist takeover of airport,1644,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,1804,unrelated
Now THAT'S a Royal trip! Alan Titchmarsh finds psychedelic mushroom in the Queen's garden at Buckingham Palace,2519,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,1849,unrelated
Eye-catching! Rare sighting of Anna Wintour without her trademark sunglasses as she leaves 'rat-infested' Vogue office,2498,discuss
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,1849,agree
Research Medical Center denies reports that a patient has Ebola,707,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,2314,unrelated
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",2111,discuss
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,852,agree
ISIS Getting Ebola,2362,unrelated
Mum faces real-life Sophie's Choice – as she tries to sell her son to fund daughter's care,2115,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang's Big Bank Hank Dead At 57,2420,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,1099,discuss
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,251,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,1077,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,2440,discuss
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1897,unrelated
Islamic State Declares Captured Aid Worker to be 'Innocent',2367,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,933,discuss
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",846,unrelated
"Boy, 16, secretly films sex with teacher then uploads it to WhatsApp",1496,agree
"Man chops off own penis, throws it in a dustbin after poor show in bed",1560,discuss
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,2385,unrelated
KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants KFC Gets Occupational Business License To Sell Marijuana In Colorado Restaurants,1873,unrelated
It’s About To Get Harder To Be A
ested For Pot Possession In New York City,1732,discuss
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,1047,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,2272,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1857,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,1789,unrelated
"Boy, 16, secretly films sex with teacher then uploads it to WhatsApp",1357,unrelated
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",1457,unrelated
"Islamic State training pilots to fly MiG fighter planes, says monitoring group",2362,unrelated
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,1212,unrelated
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",1642,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,734,unrelated
WHO ‘probing’ whether ISIS fighters got Ebola,1291,unrelated
Nujaifi Condemns / Daash / crime in Saqlawiyah and Alsiger areas of Anbar.,2411,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,2020,unrelated
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,2419,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: Gunman 'shot dead' after wounding soldier near Canada parliament,2252,unrelated
News sites fall for Putin bird-dropping video,1155,unrelated
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,2297,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,2192,unrelated
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,1263,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,533,unrelated
Vice squad’s $1m win lights up Las Vegas,500,unrelated
"Want a Gold Apple Watch? All You Need is $5,000",1672,discuss
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked,1985,discuss
Audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1317,unrelated
Teacher sex tape exposed as a FAKE after internet detectives trace the origin of pornographic clip,1018,disagree
"North Korea leader Kim is still in charge, has injured leg: source",1815,discuss
"Web Portal publishes death of ""Dog Whisperer""",1429,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1708,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",821,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",2296,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,2125,disagree
Brian Williams Demands Apology From Social Media Over E
oneous Urination Reports (Video),381,unrelated
More American Weapons for ISIS,2509,discuss
Satirical news site attacks China’s weird English names,1987,unrelated
New policy could reduce marijuana possession a
Report: Audio Reveals Pause Between Gunshots When Michael Brown Was Shot,1438,unrelated
CPWD official sacked for absence from duty for 25 years,686,unrelated
Canadian official identifies dead Ottawa gunman as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1380,discuss
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,2124,unrelated
"280 Pound Catfish: Fisherman Makes Huge Catch In Italy, Catfish Could Set Record",1028,agree
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin,1125,unrelated
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",2273,discuss
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,296,unrelated
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,1543,unrelated
News sites fall for Putin bird-dropping video,1028,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,693,unrelated
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,467,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1296,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,1840,unrelated
Judd Nelson rebuffs Internet rumors that he died of a drug overdose.,1547,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,1950,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1905,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1875,unrelated
"UPDATED 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi of London, reports say",2202,discuss
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',416,discuss
Whiz kid stock picker: I didn't actually make $72M trading,1858,agree
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",726,agree
"Tom Brokaw 'wants Brian Williams out': NBC legend 'furious' at Iraq war lie, as it's claimed executives warned anchor to stop exaggerating the story in the past",2176,discuss
KFC Marijuana Sales To Begin In Colorado? It’s Unbelievable — Literally,1843,unrelated
"Op-Ed: Hoax – Priest who never existed claims he died, saw female God",2142,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1873,unrelated
ISIS Claims To Have Captured US Airdrop Weapons,2252,unrelated
Ebola Scare in Kansas City,1519,unrelated
Report: Christian Bale Just Bailed on the Steve Jobs Movie,919,unrelated
Jihadi John identity revealed as Mohammed Emwazi: live,527,unrelated
"12in Retina MacBook Air release date rumours: All-new 12in MacBook Air design for 2015, launching at WWDC?",1049,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
TBS speeds up Seinfeld 7.5% to gain an extra 2 minutes of commercial ad time.,1277,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,2078,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,311,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",388,unrelated
"#Hairgate: Reports of iPhone 6 pulling out hair, beards, likely exaggerated",1839,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",125,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,367,unrelated
Would-be rapist has penis severed by angry mob,2523,unrelated
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite,1213,agree
'Jihadi John' named as Mohammed Emwazi from London,1212,unrelated
20 year old burger? McDonald's burger purchased in 1995 hasn't aged a bit,2474,agree
Ottawa investigates reports that Isis has captured Canadian-Israeli woman,276,discuss
"11 Tripoli Planes Still Missing, Sparks 9/11 Concerns",1073,unrelated
Pictured: Libyan Islamist rebels pose with planes seized from Tripoli airport as U.S. officials warn they could be used to ca
y out te
orist attack on 9/11 anniversary,1660,unrelated
"Apple's New MacBook Will Be A Thinner, Cleaner, Faster 12-Inch MacBook Air",1863,unrelated
‘Photo of slain IS leader’ reported to be doctored,311,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",431,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,2148,discuss
Christian Bale Drops Out of Steve Jobs Biopic,1897,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,633,unrelated
The Force Awakens News: Director J.J. A
ams Eyes Summer Release for Star Wars 7 Because of Too Many Spoilers,803,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2317,discuss
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,458,agree
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1574,unrelated
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,1707,agree
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,1839,unrelated
ISIS leader dead?,483,unrelated
Pure Evil: Islamic State Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,115,unrelated
"Report: Apple Watch to start at $500 in stainless steel, thousands for gold model",2419,discuss
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,539,unrelated
London hip-hop artist Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary key suspect in hunt for killer of American journalist James Foley,1478,unrelated
"Man chops off his own penis, throws it in the trash after getting dumped for bad bedroom skills",2330,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,2434,unrelated
Amazon is about to open its first-ever physical store in New York City,195,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' named by media,1427,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",959,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2109,unrelated
ADVISORY-Islamist rebel leader killed in U.S. strike - Somali government,1176,discuss
NASA: Viral news on days of darkness in December is hoax,2423,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,683,unrelated
Watch: ISIS Claims to Have Captured U.S. Airdropped Weapons,26,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Actually Made It Pretty Far Inside,1804,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,2039,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',2248,unrelated
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,77,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1379,discuss
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1778,agree
GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter Claims 'At Least' 10 ISIS Fighters Apprehended On Texas Border,2266,discuss
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,649,unrelated
ISIS video showing beheading triggers international response,1645,unrelated
"Planetary Alignment Decrease Gravity Hoax on Jan 4, 2015: ‘Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness’ in January is Totally Bogus",26,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,2045,unrelated
20-year-old burger: McDonald's Quarter Pounder looks eerily new after 2 decades,1196,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",1457,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,2139,disagree
Watch: US Marine saved by helmet after being shot by Taliban sniper,2185,unrelated
"Predator Drone Reportedly Sighted Circling Raqqa, Syria",2469,discuss
KFC Marijuana Sales To Begin In Colorado? It’s Unbelievable — Literally,1826,unrelated
"Boko Haram: Kidnapped Girls Have Been Ma
ied Off, Truce Never Happened",40,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,1506,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,1826,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,1522,discuss
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,1196,unrelated
You're Not Going to Become Weightless on January 4th,2186,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2388,discuss
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,1893,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1747,discuss
Vogue's new digs are reportedly swarming with rats,1693,discuss
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,752,unrelated
"After Giving A Homeless Man $100, This Guy Secretly Filmed Him...",1130,disagree
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1427,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads U.S. Journalist James Wright Foley on Camera,2450,discuss
A New iOS 8 Bug Can Delete All Of Your iCloud Documents,1413,unrelated
"No, That Wasn’t Paul Rudd Tackling an Airport Homophobe",609,disagree
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",992,unrelated
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",734,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1252,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,40,unrelated
"Analyst: Apple Watch Edition Could Cost $5,000",2188,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",2022,discuss
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,477,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1034,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",1574,unrelated
Willie Nelson Dead? Internet Freaks Out As Another Cele
ity Death Hoax Makes The Rounds,1637,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,2080,unrelated
"Predator Drone Reportedly Sighted Circling Raqqa, Syria",1234,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,181,unrelated
Lebanon detains wife and son of Al-Baghdadi,1913,unrelated
Small Meteorite Hits Managua,1948,unrelated
"Apple Targeting March for Apple Watch Launch, Retail Training Begins Next Month",1806,unrelated
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",2297,unrelated
Fence-jumper ran through much of main floor of White House: report,1547,unrelated
"No, A Spider Did Not Bu
ow Under A Man's Skin And Live There For Days",730,unrelated
Nicaraguan commission on possible meteorite crash presents rock samples,1817,unrelated
Isis claims US hostage Kayla Mueller killed in coalition airstrike,1881,discuss
Claim: Comcast Got Complaining Customer Fired From His Job,2438,discuss
Canadian-Israeli Woman Says She Hasn’t Been Captured By ISIS,34,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,2042,disagree
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,612,unrelated
ISIS executioner 'Jihadi John' identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1569,unrelated
KFC Locations In Colorado To Begin Selling Marijuana,2114,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",388,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,1807,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,2149,discuss
"Islamist Militants 'Steal' 11 Commercial Planes In Libya, Sparking Te
or Attack Fears",2448,discuss
Setting the record straight on tor,1280,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",81,unrelated
"ISIS Militants In Mosul Have Contracted Ebola, Iraqi Media Sources Claim",527,unrelated
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,816,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,532,unrelated
Jihadi John ‘identified as British man from West London’,939,discuss
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",1679,discuss
Seth Rogen to play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale's Steve Jobs,626,unrelated
This Is The Most Epic Way To Quit Your Job,997,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
BREAKING: Soldier shot at War Memorial in Ottawa,373,unrelated
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,2443,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1832,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,992,discuss
Pentagon: Airstrike killed te
or leader in Somalia,1921,unrelated
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",2175,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dead at 57,1979,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,446,discuss
Jihadi John unmasked: Former Westminster University student was a
ested FIVE years ago and put on a te
or watch list - but he flew to Syria to join ISIS two years later,1543,unrelated
Obama Denounces James Foley's Execution: 'Today The Entire World Is Appalled',2404,unrelated
"Video showing American journalist beheaded believed real, officials and family say",1166,unrelated
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,2249,agree
11 aircraft are missing from ‘te
orist-held’ Tripoli airport ahead of 9/11 anniversary,730,discuss
Lego letter to parents in 1974 on gender equality still resonates 40 years on,989,unrelated
Could Kim Jong Un open a restaurant in Scotland?,2314,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",992,unrelated
From bendgate to hairgate: Now iPhone 6 users complain the device is ripping out their hair,1867,discuss
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released,1949,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1857,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1531,agree
Obama administration DENIES congressman's claim that 'at least ten ISIS fighters have been caught coming across the Mexican border in Texas',2132,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,2078,unrelated
#Hairgate: iPhone 6 users say device pulls out hair,1437,unrelated
"Comcast Turns Complaints Back On Customer, Gets His Employer To Fire Him",1268,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,903,discuss
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,1293,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,834,agree
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,2217,discuss
'The youngest martyr - the cub of al-Baghdadi': ISIS boasts a 10-year-old fighter has been killed as he went into battle with his father in Syria,1256,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,2336,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",171,unrelated
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",1628,unrelated
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",2388,discuss
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,882,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,1931,unrelated
Christian Bale Is Steve Jobs,1841,disagree
Prisoner Released in Bergdahl Exchange Tried to Reconnect With Taliban,2207,discuss
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,80,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,459,unrelated
Isis 'fed murdered kidnap victim to his own mother after she travelled to their headquarters and demanded to see him',220,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,1164,unrelated
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",886,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider bu
owing claims,1271,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,933,discuss
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",1120,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,1785,unrelated
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",1858,disagree
Lynch mob chop man's penis off after catching him allegedly trying to rape teenager,181,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),1860,agree
"NYPD to issue tickets instead of a
est for weed possession, report says",2483,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,2220,discuss retracts claim about racist email from professor,1477,unrelated
This Week In Weird News: Ho
ible Human Slaps Elderly Woman For Sneezing,1087,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,2475,disagree
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,1363,discuss
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1252,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,267,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",1832,unrelated
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",1898,unrelated
Jordan king cites Clint Eastwood in revenge vow,1198,unrelated
"Dead for 48 minutes, this Catholic Priest claims God is female",1212,unrelated
Bergdahl: Senator Says Jihadists Swapped For U.S. Troop ‘In Touch’ With Al-Qaida Affiliate,2531,discuss
Batman Set To Play Steve Jobs In Upcoming Biopic,1854,unrelated
Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot Himself in the Hand,1580,unrelated
Kim Yo-jong in Charge: Kim Jong-un's Sister 'Replaces' North Korean Dictator During Illness,1029,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,1047,unrelated
ESPN's Domestic Violence Panel Is Missing Something Important,1500,disagree
Staff Reporter,1040,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,1252,unrelated
Tiger Woods prices private island at $7.1 million,240,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1385,unrelated
‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ May Get An Early Release Date—Report,808,unrelated
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,903,unrelated
South Korea: Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery to remove cyst,2417,discuss
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1875,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',2304,unrelated
Christian Bale Pulls Out of Upcoming Steve Jobs Biopic,1077,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,625,unrelated
Pentagon Denies It Killed ISIS Chief As Airstrikes Hit Top Extremists,539,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,125,unrelated
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,2336,unrelated
Woman Says She Gave Her Cheating Man a Printout of His DMs for Christmas,2034,unrelated
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,2045,unrelated
Google Said to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585 Million,586,unrelated
Nigerians doubtful of girls' release after Boko Haram 'truce'
Reports: Boko Haram may release schoolgirls as part of deal,1661,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,524,unrelated
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear,2530,discuss
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1036,unrelated
Anna Wintour 'refuses to work at new World Trade Center Vogue office due to rat infestation',1549,unrelated
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,2152,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",2302,unrelated
Boko Haram denies truce to release kidnapped schoolgirls,1372,unrelated
James Foley Killer ‘Jihadi John’ Believed to Be Former London Rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary,1530,discuss
400 men cut their testicles off believing it would help them meet God,2265,discuss
It’s Okay To Laugh About The Fact That The Vogue Rat Infestation is Getting Worse,30,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1073,discuss
"North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had ankle surgery, report says",1972,discuss
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,585,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Play Apple’s Steve Wozniak,1197,unrelated
Pentagon: 1 weapons bundle seized by militants,2172,agree
'Hairgate': iPhone 6 users encounter latest Apple problem after 'bendgate',2276,discuss
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,529,unrelated
Microsoft Tried Out Robot Security Guards on Its Silicon Valley Campus,2042,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,2431,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1034,unrelated
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,1060,discuss
Kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls: Government claims ceasefire deal with Boko Haram that will
ing missing girls home,1019,unrelated
Vandals add rude paint job to $2.5m Bugatti (but luckily for the owner it all turned out to be a hoax),1857,unrelated
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],2240,unrelated
US Marine survives headshot in Afghanistan,860,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,859,unrelated
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",1839,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,472,unrelated
Israel denies causing Gaza floods by opening dams,719,unrelated
Isis leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's 'wife and son detained in Lebanon',1883,unrelated
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",2283,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",993,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with te
or at all',2187,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1574,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,2453,unrelated
Fence Jumper Made It Deeper Into the White House Than Secret Service Claims,508,unrelated
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",692,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,35,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1747,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,1237,unrelated
US probing claims ISIS fighters seized airdropped weapons meant for Kurds,219,discuss
"Sadly, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Aren't A Thing After All",740,agree
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",81,unrelated
Original Apple Watch Health Features Were Dropped Due to Consistency Issues,2174,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,1697,unrelated
Now the Vogue Rats Are Chewing Through Couture,834,agree
Isis supporters claim US hostage killed in coalition air strike in Syria,1260,unrelated
ISIS Extremists Claim to Behead British Hostage David Haines,68,unrelated
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",1826,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,2524,discuss
Graffiti Artist Banksy A
ested In London; Identity Revealed,30,unrelated
GCPD Solved Stolen Batmobile Case?,251,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,1071,unrelated
Mechanical polar bear ‘threatened with ASBO for singing Christmas songs’,1693,unrelated
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,1610,agree
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,320,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,742,discuss
Mexican students not among bodies found in mass graves,1148,unrelated
Lego letter from the 1970s still offers a powerful message to parents 40 years later,212,discuss
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",2051,agree
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1808,unrelated
Man discovers spider living under his skin during Bali vacation,2042,disagree
Graphic Photo: Oliver Ilic Uses Razor Blade To Slice Off Own Manhood After Girlfriend Broke Up With Him,908,unrelated
Seth Rogen reported to play Woz in the upcoming Steve Jobs movie,1642,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: obese leader 'fractured both ankles',1081,discuss
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,2252,unrelated
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",2188,discuss
Wife Of ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Detained In Lebanon,365,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",10,unrelated
Marijuana May Soon Spark Just a Ticket in New York,139,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",5,unrelated
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,115,unrelated
Chugging eggnog sends Utah man to hospital,2509,unrelated
Google said to buy six silicon valley buildings for $585 million,993,unrelated
Libya: Missing Libya Planes Spark Security Concerns,1438,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,1251,unrelated
Lego letter to parents in 1974 on gender equality still resonates 40 years on,1726,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1347,unrelated
WHO investigates media reports ISIS fighters contracted Ebola,1938,unrelated
Pumpkin Spice condoms? Don't fall for this hoax.,1833,agree
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,938,unrelated
Senior Western Intelligence Official Confirms London Rapper Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Is A Suspect In The Foley Killing,1530,discuss
"UK spies identify Foley’s killer, Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary a key suspect",1314,discuss
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,830,unrelated
"Comcast Turns Complaints Back On Customer, Gets His Employer To Fire Him",1355,unrelated
University Bans Word ‘Freshman’ Because It’s Sexist and Promotes Rape,530,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,776,unrelated
PGA Spokesman and Tiger Woods' Agent Deny Drug Suspension Allegations,2432,unrelated
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,1435,unrelated
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,651,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2313,unrelated
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,80,unrelated
Russian TV actor wakes up to find his testicles stolen,254,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Star in Sony's Steve Jobs Film,35,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1461,unrelated
'The Force Awakens' Release Date: JJ A
ams Plan for an Early Release of 'Star Wars' Movie?,1269,discuss
Bali Awry,214,unrelated
Christmas Is Cancelled: Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are a Goddamn Hoax,2252,agree
What TBS’s Sped-Up Seinfeld Reruns Tell Us About the So
y State of America,1631,unrelated
Report: Michael Phelps’ Tinder ‘Girlfriend’ Was Born Male; “We Made Love During Halftime”,2480,unrelated
BREAKING: Soldier shot at War Memorial in Ottawa,1253,unrelated
Say 'eh-oh!' to the Teletu
ies SUN BABY - can you still recognise her after 19 years?,2284,discuss
Has J.J. A
ams Asked for THE FORCE AWAKENS Release Date to be Moved Up?,125,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead?,1174,discuss
Soldier shot near Canadian parliament building,2115,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",125,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,1374,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy,2480,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1349,unrelated
Man chops off his penis after his girlfriend
eaks up with him,1799,agree
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2525,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1355,agree
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS te
orists are running across US-Mexico border,2056,unrelated
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,2434,unrelated
Luke Somers 'killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1534,unrelated
Nigeria Claims Boko Haram Will Release the Kidnapped Schoolgirls,2272,discuss
Woman Stays In KFC For A Week To Get Over Her Break-Up,34,unrelated
"Woman detained in Lebanon is not al-Baghdadi's wife, Iraq says",1642,unrelated
If Only A Bird Really Did Poop on Putin,2081,agree
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",2287,unrelated
God Is A Woman – Resu
ected Father Narated,1605,unrelated
ISIS Claims to Have Intercepted Supplies From U.S. Airdrop,1010,discuss
"Apple Watch Pricing to Reportedly Start at $500 for Stainless Steel, $4,000 for Gold",731,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",208,unrelated
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",60,unrelated
CBI registers 'criminal conspiracy' case against Dera chief after claims 400 male followers were forcibly castrated,1281,unrelated
Pope says dogs can go to heaven: ‘Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures’,1905,agree
Steve Jobs Biopic Eyes Seth Rogen to Play Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak,626,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1573,disagree
Weather Reporter Mike Seidel Was Caught Off Guard on Live TV and Appeared to Be Urinating in the Snow -- Watch!,1047,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",2177,unrelated
Man has his PENIS cut off by angry mob after 'attempted rape' of teenager,387,unrelated
New iOS 8 bug can delete all of your iCloud documents,1269,unrelated
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom,2269,discuss
REPORT: Alleged New Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2354,unrelated
"BREAKING: Islamic State, in video, beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012 -@BNONews",808,unrelated
Cloistered nun has a stomach ache hospital gives birth to a baby [Google Translate],2269,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",527,unrelated
Has Kim Yo-Jong Taken Over For Kim Jong Un? Sister Assumes North Korea State Duties While Brother Undergoes Medical Treatment,271,unrelated
"Rumor: Gold Apple Watch Edition priced up to $5,000, steel version at $500, will debut on Feb. 14",1240,unrelated
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,1166,discuss
"Don't Wo
y, 'The Breakfast Club' Star Judd Nelson Is Not Dead",1435,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",1785,unrelated
Mexico prosecutor: Students not in 1st mass graves,2334,discuss
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,1893,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",2403,discuss
"Christian Bale in talks to play Steve Jobs for Sony, Danny Boyle",2455,discuss
7 Bosnian teens get pregnant on school trip,1836,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',30,unrelated
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,1346,discuss
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",1419,discuss
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,225,unrelated
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,2045,unrelated
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,938,unrelated
Shocking Photos! Mom Tries To Sell Son To Pay For Daughter's Cancer Treatment,2115,unrelated
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',712,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Is Dead, According to Viral Twitter Rumors",2377,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,2280,discuss
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,1336,agree
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,2450,discuss
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1661,discuss
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",277,unrelated
"Could Gold Apple Watch cost $5,000?",936,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1564,agree
"Etats-Unis: Mort pendant 48 minutes, un prêtre affirme que Dieu est une femme",2142,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,206,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1321,agree
Iraqi airstrike kills key ISIL leader,2036,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",1605,unrelated
Nigeria Boko Haram blamed for raids despite truce claim,2088,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: Actor is victim of another death hoax,2313,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1568,unrelated
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament,2002,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,1547,unrelated
"Gold Apple Watch Edition Could Cost As Much As $1,200",2492,unrelated
20-Year-Old Quarter Pounder Looks About the Same,1586,discuss
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,725,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",546,discuss
More than 200 kidnapped Nigerian girls to be released after deal reached with Boko Haram,1681,discuss
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,1013,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,2479,discuss
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,139,unrelated
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,2403,unrelated
North Korea directive reveals apparent ban on sharing Kim Jong-un’s name,2032,discuss
‘Evil straight from the pits of hell': American journalist James Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,2386,discuss
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,2248,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,481,discuss
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,239,unrelated
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,1256,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",913,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1252,unrelated
"Amazon to launch first
ick-and-mortar store, report says",2045,discuss
‘Wild Misinformation’: Brian Williams Explains the Mike Seidel Liveshot,1319,disagree
Founding Fathers-Era Time Capsule Found in Boston,1744,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,975,unrelated
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,2313,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1173,discuss
Bodies In Mexico Mass Grave Apparently Not Those Of Missing Students,1670,unrelated
Reports say North Korea's Kim insists on being the only Jong Un,78,unrelated
Ottawa shooting: Slain soldier named as Nathan Cirillo while suspect identified as Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1970,agree
Is Kim Jong-Un Really Opening a Restaurant in Scotland?,1222,discuss
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,662,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,345,unrelated
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,2389,discuss
Vladimir Putin’s Motorcade Looks Like A Massive Knob,303,unrelated
Everyone chill! Banksy has NOT been a
Small red book among finds in 113-year-old Boston time capsule,419,unrelated
The Case of the Stolen Batmobile Has Been Solved,692,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,612,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,2342,discuss
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,1760,unrelated
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,1971,unrelated
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,1731,unrelated
"Seven High School Girls Get Pregnant On Five-Day School Trip, Parents Outraged",1667,discuss
iPhone Game Developer Quits Job By Hiding The Greatest Letter Of Resignation Ever Inside His Game,1726,disagree
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1015,unrelated
"HBO streaming service could launch in April for $15 per month, work on Apple TV",1289,unrelated
Magic mushrooms found in BUCKINGHAM PALACE by Alan Titchmarsh,2424,agree
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,1179,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1869,unrelated
Seth Rogen To Play Steve Wozniak In Steve Jobs Biopic,1262,discuss
Student accidentally sets college on fire during fireworks proposal,2345,unrelated
University Bans Word ‘Freshman’ Because It’s Sexist and Promotes Rape,1508,disagree
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,1948,unrelated
Setting the record straight on tor,503,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1627,unrelated
US officials: Video shows American's execution,7,unrelated
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1120,unrelated
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,1747,discuss
"A Vice Guide To Spending $300,000 On Dinner",1905,unrelated
"""Categorically False"": DHS Debunks Right-Wing Fiction That ISIS Attempted To Cross The U.S.- Mexico Border",2385,agree
ISIS Militants Allegedly Contracted Ebola,2261,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,2375,unrelated
Christian Bale In Talks To Play Steve Jobs In Sony's Next Biopic,932,unrelated
Michael Phelps’ ‘girlfriend’ reveals she was born a man – and never told the swimmer,1847,agree
Michael Brown shooting audio caught on tape?,1461,discuss
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,1689,unrelated
"Confusion swirls, details murky in a
est of ISIS leader's 'wife'",568,unrelated
Rats are still running around at Vogue,585,unrelated
REPORT: The Batmobile Might Have Been Stolen In Detroit,87,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',2475,discuss
The Apple Watch has a low-power mode that only tells the time,2272,unrelated
Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot Himself in the Hand,186,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,2070,unrelated
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",1699,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,572,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1262,discuss
Obama denounces killing of journalist James Foley and pledges ‘justice’,1034,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,2052,disagree
Sugarhill Gang co-founder Big Bank Hank dies,2118,unrelated
"US, UK eye rapper as British-born militant who beheaded journalist James Foley",546,discuss
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1476,unrelated
"No, Vladimir Putin did not get pooped on by a bird during a First World War speech",1813,agree
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,1125,unrelated
"Report: new 12-inch MacBook Air slims down, has single USB port",2497,discuss
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1854,unrelated
Cheese blamed for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's
oken ankles,1097,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,1825,unrelated
"Boko Haram Could Release Kidnapped Girls, Nigerian Officials Say",2192,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",731,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",2067,agree
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,1081,discuss
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,1116,discuss
IS Fighters Seize Weapons Cache Meant for Kurds,2009,unrelated
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,35,unrelated
This Is What The Sun Baby From ‘Teletu
ies’ Looks Like Now,2391,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1360,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",1658,unrelated
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion,2170,agree
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,2287,discuss
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,900,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,2020,unrelated
Islamic State using 'SCORPION bombs' to te
orise victims,2070,unrelated
SEE IT: NBC meteorologist Mike Seidel appears to relieve himself during
oadcast; network says he was looking for phone,2092,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Foley in Video Message to U.S.,539,unrelated
Paul Rudd Helped Tackle A Violent Homophobe So That’s Another Reason To Love Him [UPDATE],560,disagree
Dylan Thomas Finds Tropical Spider Bu
owed Under Skin,2459,unrelated
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",1659,discuss
Mexico finds 4 more graves at site of suspected student massacre,2360,unrelated
Report claims Kim Jong-un underwent surgery to repair fractured ankles,1972,discuss
Rumors Of Fidel Castro's Death Circulate After Prolonged Absence From Public Life,1010,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,844,unrelated
Real-life Magneto boy 'becomes living magnet' after getting massive electric shock from street lamp,1433,agree
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,2192,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1439,unrelated
Canadian-Israeli woman reportedly kidnapped by ISIS: Jerusalem Post,1808,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,921,discuss
Vogue’s Shiny New Office Has a Big Rat Problem,304,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,721,discuss
Magic mushrooms found at Buckingham Palace,40,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,472,unrelated
"'American bombing had signed my death certificate': Missing US journalist James Wright Foley goes unflinching to his death as ISIS behead him in ho
ific video, as a warning to Obama",938,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),2106,unrelated
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",1471,unrelated
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?,1435,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: The death hoax is once again on the child actor,2252,unrelated
North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Is Still In Charge: Source,1567,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,2192,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",387,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,2141,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,391,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1217,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,2197,unrelated
Aaron Sorkin Confirms Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,571,unrelated
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,2338,discuss
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,1281,unrelated
"Oh Hey, Paul Rudd Was One Of The Dallas Airport Homophobe Heroes, No Big",1212,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1948,unrelated
Accountant Says Comcast Got Him Fired for Contesting Bogus Charges,2034,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1374,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Another Death Hoax Circulates On Facebook,2523,unrelated
Experts: More facts needed on purported audio recording of Michael Brown shooting,1921,unrelated
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",2061,disagree
"Calm Yourselves, Durex Has NOT Come Out With A Pumpkin Spice Condom",1747,unrelated
Did a Meteorite Impact in Nicaragua over the Weekend?,757,unrelated
UPDATE: Internet report of Ebola out
eak in Purdon not true,2313,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',1261,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,195,unrelated
"Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis",837,unrelated
An accidental delivery of arms to the Islamic State and the problem with airdrops,305,unrelated
Apple Watch launch reportedly planned for Fe
uary with limited supply,1338,unrelated
"Teen Made $72 Million Trading Stocks, Confirms Teen Dominance Worldwide",1693,unrelated
This Soap Opera Star Reportedly Had His Testicles Stolen By An ‘Attractive Blonde’ Organ Trafficker,91,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,1295,unrelated
ISIL video claims beheading of kidnapped journalist James Foley,1905,unrelated
Nationwide turkey recall? Ebola-infected birds? USDA debunks the hoax,754,unrelated
Canadian Soldier Shot At Ottawa War Memorial: Report,388,unrelated
"Apple's New MacBook Will Be A Thinner, Cleaner, Faster 12-Inch MacBook Air",1679,unrelated
"Boko Haram agrees to ceasefire, release of school girls",1540,agree
Is Kim Jong Un's sister Kim Yo Jong in charge?,1042,unrelated
"No, there aren’t any Ebola cases in Iraq",2175,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",2525,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",1913,agree
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,524,unrelated
Two blokes dared to eat 20-year-old burger for charity,2175,unrelated
Meteor Leaves 40-Foot Crater Near Managua's Airport,1295,unrelated
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,932,unrelated
Missing Planes,2448,discuss
"Eyewitness: Viral Video That Netted $130K in Donations ""is Bullshit""",1681,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,2336,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,608,discuss
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,2345,discuss
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",1461,unrelated
What This Homeless Guy Did With $100 Completely Stunned The Man Who Gave It To Him,320,unrelated
"It was me! Student, 19, reveals SHE was the Teletu
ies' giggling baby in the sky - and was paid just £250 and a box of toys",504,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,955,discuss
"Soon Marijuana May Lead to Ticket, Not A
est, in New York",221,unrelated
Tips for Chinese choosing an English name,648,disagree
The A
est of the ISIS Leader's Wife and Son,1875,unrelated
Report: British intelligence has identified Foley's killer,607,unrelated
Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage for Christmas,2459,agree
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,1477,unrelated
Giant 8ft 9in catfish weighing 19 stone caught in Italy is thought to be the biggest ever reeled in with a rod and line,1006,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',1500,unrelated
Customer: I was fired for Comcast complaint,2447,unrelated
Spider Bu
ows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO),730,unrelated
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater,1917,unrelated
If Only A Bird Really Did Poop on Putin,1006,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,1256,unrelated
Was The Video Of That Homeless Man Doing Good Deeds With $100 All An Elaborate Hoax!?,855,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",1603,unrelated
Report of Kim Jong-un’s ankle injury add fuel to rumours about his absence,2042,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1761,discuss
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un to open restaurant in Scotland,2418,discuss
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1336,discuss
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,900,unrelated
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",280,discuss
Rats are still running around at Vogue,2064,agree
Christian Bale Exits Steve Jobs Movie (Exclusive),1226,agree
Bird defecates on Vladimir Putin during speech (video),1843,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",2034,unrelated
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,691,unrelated
"Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not a
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1125,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead: Actor Once Again Victim Of Death Hoax,2022,unrelated
Apple-HBO Deal Seen Launching Web-only Apple TV Streaming Service For $15 Per Month,551,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),199,discuss
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),424,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,721,discuss
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2248,unrelated
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,1014,agree
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,709,unrelated
Amazon Reportedly Planning An Ad-Supported Video Service That Will Be Cheaper Than Netflix,511,unrelated
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants,511,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,704,unrelated
Christian Bale quits Steve Jobs movie,1808,unrelated
Fears Islamic State could launch EBOLA attack on Britain after fighters 'contract virus',93,unrelated
Confusion Su
ounds Capture Of “ISIS Leader’s Wife”,1471,unrelated
Not coming to a store near you: The pumpkin spice condom,2123,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,1336,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,2200,discuss
NEWS/ All Dogs Go to Heaven! Pope Francis Confirms Paradise Is Open to All of God's Creatures,2002,unrelated
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2127,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,2147,discuss
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,1171,agree
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,1603,unrelated
Watch marine take sniper shot to the head and live,2421,unrelated
Dera Sacha Sauda Chief Forced Castration of 400 Devotees? CBI Files Case Against 'MSG: The Messenger of God' Actor,2265,discuss
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, but No Sign in Cuba",1401,discuss
Schoolboy almost killed by electric shock claims he now has superpowers like Magneto,1549,unrelated
Parents are furious after seven girls aged 13-14 fall pregnant on a school trip,313,unrelated
"Why the most expensive Apple Watch will probably cost around $10,000",346,unrelated to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,1034,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,7,unrelated
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,1347,unrelated
Vice CEO Throws Down $300K on Lavish Vegas Dinner,640,unrelated
Mass grave found after 40 students disappear in Mexican protest,1538,unrelated
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1120,unrelated
"Paradise is open to all, even dogs, Pope tells boy",1385,unrelated
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un undergoes surgery after
eaking both ankles on military tour,2327,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,2453,unrelated
#Hairgate trends on social media: iPhone 6 users complain of ripped out hair,403,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,757,unrelated
Who Should Play Steve Jobs Now That Christian Bale Quit?,932,unrelated
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',304,unrelated
"Yes, you can wear your Apple Watch in the shower",1808,discuss
"Vice Media CEO Shane Smith Spent $300,000 on Las Vegas Dinner (Report)",505,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,26,unrelated
'Banksy' Reacts To Paris Attack With Poignant Drawing,526,unrelated
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,1804,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1498,unrelated
Axl Rose Dead? Of Course Not — Tiresome Internet Death Hoax Plague Hits Guns N’ Roses Frontman,1645,unrelated
"Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, slain Ottawa shooter, had criminal record in Quebec, B.C.",1331,agree
Pentagon confirms al-Shabab leader killed in airstrike in Somalia,882,unrelated
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1744,discuss
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,286,unrelated
"No, Robert Plant Didn’t Rip Up an $800 Million Contract",1213,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",298,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',2072,discuss
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,959,unrelated
Now THAT'S a Royal trip! Alan Titchmarsh finds psychedelic mushroom in the Queen's garden at Buckingham Palace,2443,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1077,unrelated
Street Artist BANKSY A
ested? Again?,2283,unrelated
Vladimir Putin’s Motorcade Looks Like A Massive Knob,1832,unrelated
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported,1166,discuss
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,1535,unrelated
Comcast blocks Tor,1461,unrelated
"Accused Boston Marathon Bomber Severely Injured In Prison, May Never Walk Or Talk Again",1893,unrelated
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1917,unrelated
Texas plumber's truck on front line of Syria war,2481,unrelated
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,1355,unrelated
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1589,discuss
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings,2113,discuss
Will King of Jordan lead airstrikes on ISIS HIMSELF? Reports say trained pilot plans to take part in attack after quoting Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven to Congressmen,1689,unrelated
Islamic State reports youngest jihadist 'martyred' in battle,2483,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,2479,discuss
Officials Refute Iraqi Media Reports That ISIS Members Have Contracted Ebola In Mosul,2367,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,1465,discuss
Give a homeless man $100 and see what he does with it [Video],320,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,456,unrelated
Vigilantes cut off alleged rapist's penis,2015,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1669,discuss
Chugging eggnog at office party lands man in hospital,1948,unrelated
GOP Rep: ‘At Least Ten ISIS Fighters Have Been Caught Coming Across The Mexican Border’,1931,discuss
Lego letter to parents in 1974 on gender equality still resonates 40 years on,22,unrelated
"So, There Might Be a Rat Infestation at Vogue",2431,unrelated
PGA Spokesman and Tiger Woods' Agent Deny Drug Suspension Allegations,1295,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1385,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",2087,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1950,unrelated
Doubts cast over Nicaragua meteorite claim,1661,discuss
Nun who gave birth ‘had no idea’ she was pregnant,391,unrelated
Michelle Obama’s face blu
ed by Saudi state television,195,unrelated
Popular 'Banksy' Instagram account offers powerful message of perseverance after Paris attack,2070,discuss
"Prankster Gives Homeless Man $100, Secretly Follows Him And Learns He Buys Food For Others",321,unrelated
"Gold Apple Watch Edition Could Cost As Much As $1,200",643,discuss
The Pumpkin-Spice Condom Is Just a Figment of Your Own Gross Imagination,367,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1299,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,1747,agree
Missing American journalist reportedly beheaded by Islamic State ,1011,discuss
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,2056,unrelated
ISIS Getting Ebola,2524,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,1817,discuss
"Kim Jong-un Broke Both Ankles and Is Hospitalized, Report Claims",1837,unrelated
"It was me! Student, 19, reveals SHE was the Teletu
ies' giggling baby in the sky - and was paid just £250 and a box of toys",1627,unrelated
Met police denies reports of Banksy a
Indian 'Rapist' Castrated By Angry Mob Who Hack Off Gentials With Meat Cleaver (GRAPHIC PICTURES),1829,unrelated
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure,2067,unrelated
"Apple Reportedly Preparing 12-inch MacBook Air, Thinner and Lighter than Existing Models",1637,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,855,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",1681,discuss
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",1120,unrelated
"No, that high school kid didn't make $72 million trading stocks",1693,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",564,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",2410,unrelated
Sergeant-at-Arms stopped shooter on Parliament Hill,1631,discuss
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),997,unrelated
Video Messaging App Says Audio Recording Of Michael Brown's Shooting Is Authentic,1403,unrelated
Weaponized Ebola? ISIS Militants Said To Contract Deadly Virus,1013,unrelated
"Boko Haram Denies Truce, Says Kidnapped Girls Have Been “Ma
ied Off”",2314,unrelated
"And finally: Apple Watch to launch 9 March with 100,000 apps",529,unrelated
"Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire",1506,unrelated
Pants on Fire: Duncan Hunter makes unconfirmed claim Border Patrol caught at least 10 ISIS fighters,2261,discuss
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,1853,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dead For 48 Minutes, Is Miraculously Revived – His Revelations About God Are Even More Shocking",545,unrelated
Star Wars 7: JJ A
ams want to move release to summer 2015,2141,unrelated
"NASA: Planetary Alignment On Jan 4, 2015 Will Decrease Gravity For 5 Minutes Causing Partial Weightlessness???",26,unrelated
"Piper Jaffray pegs stainless steel Apple Watch price at $499, Edition at $4,999",1406,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Recording of Michael Brown Shooting,887,unrelated
"Pizza delivery driver surprised with $2,000 tip",781,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",1178,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,615,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,891,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,1648,unrelated
New Audio Recording From Ferguson May Capture Michael Brown Shooting,1461,discuss
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1817,unrelated
Nun who GAVE BIRTH to baby boy after suffering agonising stomach pains 'had no idea' she was pregnant,2058,unrelated
"Sick Kansas City man said not to have Ebola, U.S. plans new steps to fight virus",2404,unrelated
Lynch Mob Castrates Alleged Rapist In Rajasthan,1256,unrelated
Chinese parents try to SELL their son to pay for medical treatment for his sick twin sister,1776,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,1803,unrelated
Seven teenage girls get pregnant on school trip,557,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1899,discuss
"Apple Watch Battery Life Cu
ently 'About a Day', but May Improve for 2015 Launch",1625,unrelated
"Obama, Outraged Over Beheading, Vows to Stay on Course",2096,discuss
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,2177,unrelated
A viral photo in China shows how to manipulate App Store rankings the hard way,658,unrelated
"No, a spider (probably) didn't crawl through a man's body for several days",1549,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,2304,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,115,unrelated
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',533,unrelated
"No, Saudi TV Did Not Blur Out Images of Michelle Obama",8,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",2088,unrelated
"Wife, child of Islamic State head Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi held in Lebanon, officials say",691,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,1374,agree
'Spiderman' squished: Experts debunk claims,1709,unrelated
Big Bank Hank of The Sugarhill Gang is dead at 57,2420,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, former IDF soldier, possibly captured by ISIS while fighting with Kurds",1862,discuss
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,1019,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: British-born U.S. photojournalist held hostage by al-Qaeda killed in failed rescue attempt in Yemen,195,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",2404,unrelated
Expert casts doubt on Bunbury man Dylan Thomas’s bu
owing stomach-spider story,1709,unrelated
The pumpkin spice condom is not happening,2252,agree
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,2520,unrelated
Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1226,disagree
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1739,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",1174,agree
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,1095,unrelated
Christian Bale set to play Steve Jobs in forthcoming biopic of Apple co-founder,1854,unrelated
"Hostage David Haines' Murder 'Evil', PM Says",2102,agree
Is There an ISIS Threat on the Texas-Mexico Border or Not?,2132,unrelated
You all had an abortion! [Google Translate],2170,agree
Meteorite strike in Nicaragua puzzles experts,1900,unrelated
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen,1361,unrelated
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport,1926,unrelated
Did Josh Paler Lin Stage His Viral Video About Helping the Homeless?,1922,discuss
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,1417,discuss
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',281,discuss
Rumor Fatigue Sets In at False Alarms of Castro’s Death,879,unrelated
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,1009,unrelated
Watch moment TV weatherman is caught urinating in the bushes LIVE on camera,1319,agree
ISIS Getting Ebola,2367,unrelated
"IS Beheads Briton David Cawthorne Haines, Threatens to Execute Another Briton, Alan Henning",2348,agree
Video: Islamic State Claims to Have Captured US Weapons Airdrop Near Kobane,1120,discuss
Kim Jong-un 'so fat he has fractured his ankles',2385,unrelated
Newly Discovered Mass Grave Linked to Missing Mexican Students,1538,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,2307,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,267,unrelated
Blundering boyfriend burns down college after trying to impress his girlfriend with elaborate ma
iage proposal,2371,unrelated
Texas Plumber Isn't Sure How Extremists In Syria Ended Up With His Work Truck,803,unrelated
US hostage Luke Somers dies after rescue bid,1649,discuss
Photo gallery: Amazing £300 operation by North Walsham vet on constipated goldfish,304,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,1298,disagree
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",1939,discuss
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,2256,unrelated
"Therefore, the ""feminist blogger"" who aborted a boy probably fake",2161,unrelated
Former U.S. soldier says IS used chemical weapons in Kobani,352,discuss
"Batmobile stolen in Detroit? Good one, joker!",87,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,1530,discuss
Islamic State militants claim to behead missing American journalist,1295,unrelated
ISIS Beheading of U.S. Journalist James Foley Posted to YouTube,26,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2296,unrelated
Second person rushed to hospital with Ebola symptoms after contact with 'patient zero' Thomas Duncan,121,unrelated
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",1477,unrelated
i takes time out from First Look after “disagreements.” Can I publish our emails now, Matt?",1083,agree
White House Fence Jumper Pushed Past Female Guard,1840,agree
North Korea Leader Kim Jong Un Is Still In Charge: Source,2325,discuss
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1478,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",899,agree
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,298,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1905,unrelated
Turkish Leader Says U.S. Airdrop Aided ISIS Militants,104,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,425,discuss
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,2531,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,304,agree
"James Wright Foley, Kidnapped Journalist, Apparently Executed by ISIS",1574,unrelated
Seth Rogen Is Woz,1746,discuss
Audio of gunfire in Michael Brown case authenticated by app company,1974,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",2002,unrelated
"Jihadi John named as Mohammed Emwazi, from west London",503,unrelated
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",40,unrelated
World's oldest burger,204,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1642,unrelated
Iraq Denies Lebanon Captured Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's Wife and Child,1913,unrelated
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",195,unrelated
"Once Again, The Banksy 'A
est' Is A Giant Hoax. Repeat: A Hoax.",777,unrelated
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1009,unrelated
BREAKING: ISIS Beheads American Journalist James Wright Foley,2115,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2070,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1347,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,1921,unrelated
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,1419,unrelated
Hundreds of Palestinians flee as Israel opens dams into Gaza Valley,289,unrelated
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1034,unrelated
Official: Gitmo prisoner traded for Bergdahl reaching out to Taliban,1813,unrelated
Insurgents killed in Nigeria despite alleged truce with Boko Haram,844,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2115,unrelated
Saudi cleric issues fatwa against building snowmen,1130,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,2163,discuss
"Nuts! Indian guru coaxes 400 followers to cut off their testicles, grow closer to God",2336,agree
"Spider bu
owed into appendix scar, crawled through WA man's body",2022,unrelated
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in,666,unrelated
Unconfirmed reports claim Canadian-Israeli Gill Rosenberg captured by ISIS,2142,discuss
Ebola Frisco 2014: Patient Shows Virus Symptoms After Apparent Thomas Eric Duncan Contact,1439,unrelated
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",359,unrelated
Enormous 20-stone catfish caught with fishing rod in Italy after 40-minute boat battle,2196,agree
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,8,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,972,unrelated
Report: 4 ISIS Te
orists Caught at Southern Border in 36 Hrs,2296,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,1299,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,2060,discuss
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,1857,unrelated
"Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000",687,unrelated
Rumors of ISIS leader's death debunked,511,unrelated
Elderly Woman A
ested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats,1648,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,2149,discuss
Apple in talks to become launch partner for cable-free HBO Now service,1660,unrelated
James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper Read more: James Foley executioner said identified as British rapper,591,unrelated
WTC rats scare off Anna Wintour,1968,unrelated
'Hairgate': iPhone hit by new social media storm,1747,unrelated
Bali Awry,1819,discuss
Ebola Out
eak 2015 Update: ISIS Fighters May Have Contracted Deadly Virus,2367,unrelated
CNN Airs Alleged Audio from Michael Brown Shooting,2149,discuss
"A message from Jim's mom, Diane Foley:",115,unrelated
"What they earn: Vice CEO Shane Smith’s $300,000 steak dinner",2061,unrelated
#RIPFidel fuels false rumors of Cuban leader's death after another Fidel Castro dies,2221,discuss
God is a woman- Priest who died for 48 minutes claims,887,unrelated
N Korean leader misses annual ritual; sister ‘takes over duties’,1836,discuss
Obama: murder of James Foley 'shocks the conscience of the entire world',1569,unrelated
Nicaragua Meteorite Impact Theory May Be Meteor-wrong,217,discuss
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,2276,discuss
Tropical spider bu
owed under Bali tourist's skin,1708,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang rapper Big Bank Hank dies aged 57,281,unrelated
Al-Shabaab co-founder confirmed killed by US air strike in Somalia,1543,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,513,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,2070,unrelated
"Unconfirmed: ISIS Claims Kayla Mueller, American Female Hostage, Is Dead",2022,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,213,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1125,unrelated
Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting Doesn’t Sound Good for Officer Da
en Wilson,1403,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",2147,discuss
"Macaulay Culkin NOT Dead: Facebook, Twitter Death Hoax Goes Viral",2022,unrelated
"Everybody Relax, Banksy Wasn’t A
ested And Exposed As A 35-Year-Old Man",1595,unrelated
HBO and Apple in Talks for $15/Month Apple TV Streaming Service Launching in April,1921,unrelated
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani,26,agree
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,35,unrelated
Comcast Declares War on Tor?,1359,discuss
ISIL allegedly kills US journalist in video,539,unrelated
Iraq Says A
ested Woman Is Not The Wife of ISIS Leader al-Baghdadi,760,unrelated
Judicial Watch's Fa
ell: ISIS Te
orists Did Cross Mexican Border,2299,unrelated
Isis claims it has US airdrop of weapons,305,unrelated
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,1883,unrelated
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",1883,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un's Scottish Dog Meat Restaurant Is Probably Fa
icated Shite,1312,unrelated
Boko Haram 'ceasefire' doubts after attacks reported in Nigeria,402,unrelated
Russian Man Wakes Up to Find His Testicles Have Been Stolen,1231,agree
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim,1982,unrelated
Staff Reporter,570,unrelated
Somalia Shebab chief Ahmed Abdi Godane likely dead in US strike: Source,882,unrelated
Scorned wife leaves love-rat husband and twin sister NAKED in car park,1725,agree
Is Durex Planning To Release A Pumpkin Spice Condom?,2498,unrelated
Eggnog-chugging contest leads to hospital stay,2506,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1549,unrelated
Report: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Assassinated In U.S. Airstrike,511,unrelated
Cheese addiction
eaks Kim Jong-un's ankles,781,unrelated
For sale: Tiger's former island in Sweden,1836,unrelated
Report: HBO Now coming to Apple TV next month,727,discuss
Customer: I was fired for Comcast complaint,2034,unrelated
It Begins: HazMat-Wearing Passenger Spotted At Airport,817,unrelated
Texas Plumber Has ‘No Idea’ How Company Truck Ended Up With ISIS,1614,agree
"Rare meteorite impact causes blast in Nicaragua's capital, Managua",217,discuss
"Viral Video Of Homeless Man Spending $100 On Food For Other Homeless Was Faked, Witness Says",972,unrelated
Is Ebola Virus Spreading Among ISIS Militants? Reports Claim Jihadists Seeking Cure at Mosul Hospital,1807,discuss
"Woman, Ting Su, Finds Husband Cheating With Her Own Twin, Gets Spectacular Revenge",660,unrelated
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,144,unrelated
Apple Orders More Than 5 Million Watches for Initial Run,1817,unrelated
Congressman: ‘At least 10 ISIS fighters’ caught trying to cross into US,2016,discuss
British hostage David Haines beheaded by Islamic State te
"Michael Phelps' self-proclaimed 'girlfriend', 41, reveals she was born a male as she describes her 'amazing intimacy' with Olympic swimmer",2322,discuss
Does Vogue's New Office Have a Rat Infestation?,618,unrelated
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1627,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Hasn’t Died Despite What Everyone Is Saying On Facebook,984,unrelated
Mexico Says Students Not Among Dead in Mass Grave,2360,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",2304,unrelated
New Audio Shows Michael Brown Was Shot at 11 Times,1786,unrelated
Islamic State claims to have beheaded American journalist,1351,unrelated
Kurds Deny Gill Rosenberg was in Kobane,1808,unrelated
Homeless man receives $100... then shocks everyone with how he spends it,1245,agree
"Explosion reported near the Nicaraguan capital attributed to meteorite impact, but experts, including NASA, cast doubt on claims",1948,unrelated
Tropical spider bu
owed under man's skin through appendix scar and lived there for THREE DAYS,1848,unrelated
Amazon is about to open its first-ever physical store in New York City,986,unrelated
ISIS cracks down on five confirmed Ebola cases among fighters: official,381,unrelated
Audio recording of Michael Brown being gunned down WAS made at the time he was killed: App company appears to confirm tape of ELEVEN bullets being fired - including final volley of 'kill shots',958,unrelated
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports,2327,discuss
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',1844,discuss
"Hoax Alert: Father O’Neal, Who Has Met God and Thinks She’s a Woman, Is Made Up (Just Like God Herself)",2445,agree
A Bogus Banksy,176,unrelated
"Christian Bale passes on role of Steve Jobs, actor reportedly felt he wasn't right for part",1368,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2403,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,968,unrelated
"Texas Turkey Farm Contaminated With Ebola, Over 250,000 Holiday Turkeys Infected",1335,agree
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",938,unrelated
Media reports identify Londoner as Islamic State's ‘Jihadi John’,2165,discuss
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",2299,unrelated
Report: A Radically Redesigned 12-Inch MacBook Air Is Coming,1049,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,1681,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1747,unrelated
Luke Somers: British-born photojournalist 'killed by al-Qaeda after failed rescue attempt in Yemen',2002,unrelated
Judd Nelson isn't dead; report is a hoax,2286,agree
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",1183,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,2495,discuss
Is Kim Jong-un Opening North Korean Restaurant in Scotland?,1336,unrelated
"CNN Broadcasts Purported Audio Containing Gunshots That Felled Michael Brown Jr.; Leaders, Cele
ities Fill Pews At Teen’s Funeral",1403,unrelated
Boko Haram denies it has agreed ceasefire,1364,unrelated
"Apple Watch pricing: Will you spend $5000 for Gold edition, $500 for stainless steel?",521,unrelated
Chinese advised to choose British-sounding names to get ahead,254,unrelated
Dog found abandoned at Scottish train station with suitcase of belongings,1000,agree
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",945,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,2031,agree
Josh Paler Lin Gives A Homeless Man $100 And Follows Him To See How He Spends It,1388,discuss
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,1351,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',387,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1047,discuss
Mexican investigators fear mass grave might hold 43 missing students,683,unrelated
Pictured: Recent Muslim convert Michael Zehaf-Bibeau who shot dead a solider and opened fire on Canadian Parliament,1569,agree
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,1438,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,508,unrelated
"ISIS: We have our hands on weapons, ammo air-dropped by U.S.",2213,unrelated
Cheeky vandals paint giant penis on bonnet of £1.5 million Bugatti Veyron sportscar,2286,unrelated
Bali spider bu
ows under Aussie’s chest,2042,disagree
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",2139,discuss
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid,220,unrelated
Moment U.S. Marine is saved by his Kevlar helmet as Taliban sniper bullet hits him in head,1137,unrelated
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,662,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin: Death claims about former child star revealed to be yet another hoax,2252,unrelated
Batmobile wasn't stolen: Cops,2090,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1950,unrelated
Does ISIS have an airforce? Te
orist 'fighter pilots' are being trained on captured MiGs by Saddam Hussein's ex-air force officers,295,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,1461,discuss
Bali Awry,2459,unrelated
James Foley beheading: London rapper turned jihadist believed to be under investigation for murder of journalist in Syria,1598,discuss
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",2039,unrelated
Chinese State Media Warns People To Stop Calling Themselves Dumbledore,1916,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",879,unrelated
Bugatti Veyron Vandalized With Penis Graffiti? Viral Photo Isn’t What It Seems,1435,unrelated
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",2483,unrelated
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue,2003,discuss
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",777,unrelated
Jeh Johnson shoots down Duncan Hunter's assertion IS is entering U.S. via Mexico,239,unrelated
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney,1372,unrelated
North Korea denies plans to open a restaurant in Scotland,551,unrelated
CNN Posts Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,499,discuss
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,487,unrelated
#HairGate: iPhone 6 Customers Are Complaining That The Phone Is Ripping Out Their Hair,1883,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,1821,agree
Wife and child of Islamic State leader Baghdadi held in Lebanon,1192,discuss
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1905,unrelated
Islamic State May Have Fighter Jets Now After Seizing Russian-Made MiGs,2406,discuss
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,1478,agree
Watch US Marine get shot in HEAD by Taliban sniper - and live to tell tale,2185,unrelated
Abdel Majed Abdel Bary Emerges as Suspect in Foley Beheading,1336,unrelated
‘Feminist’ says she aborted baby because it was a boy,1398,unrelated
Italian fisherman catches monstrous 280-pound catfish,842,agree
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria,1569,unrelated
Fisherman lands 19 STONE catfish which could be biggest in world to be hooked,698,unrelated
Guru who ordered 400 followers to be castrated 'so they could be closer to God' is investigated for grievous bodily harm in India,1950,unrelated
Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary: London Rapper Identified As ISIS Militant Who Beheaded James Foley,8,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS Got U.S. Weapons Package,1785,unrelated
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,539,unrelated
Islamic State releases video apparently showing the beheading of missing US journalist James Foley,1351,unrelated
Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Suffering Intense Stomach Pains,7,unrelated
"Piper Jaffray pegs stainless steel Apple Watch price at $499, Edition at $4,999",2223,discuss
"Islamic State Training Pilots in Military Jets, Monitors Say",777,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,2304,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot,2344,unrelated
Reports: Islamic State uses chlorine gas against Iraqi forces,1357,unrelated
Man cut off manhood and threw it in bin after girlfriend dumped him over small penis,2330,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1574,unrelated
Angry mob hacks off alleged rapist's genitals with meat cleaver after dragging him into butchers,125,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,298,unrelated
Nigeria Says Boko Haram Cease-Fire May Lead to Release of Kidnapped Girls,2520,unrelated
Don’t ‘Reset All Settings’ in iOS 8 unless you want to lose your iCloud files,906,unrelated
British-born rapper is main suspect in search for ISIS jihadist who beheaded James Foley,626,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin Dead? Fans Freak Out Over Death Rumors,2266,unrelated
"Despite ceasefire announcement, new Boko Haram attacks reported",903,unrelated
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1807,discuss to open first physical store in Manhattan: DJ,2045,discuss
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",2213,unrelated
What One Homeless Man Does with $100 Will Astonish You (VIDEO),941,unrelated
Video shows dramatic moment bullet strikes U.S. Marine’s head — and he survives thanks to kevlar helmet,1883,unrelated
Gateway Pundit,975,unrelated
Sergeant-at-Arms stopped shooter on Parliament Hill,1885,unrelated
Weather Reporter Caught Writing His Name In The Snow Was NOT Ready To Go On Camera (UPDATED),2511,discuss
Hoax 'Banksy A
ested in London' Story Dupes the Internet Again,1438,unrelated
"Texas, Hold 'Em",1277,unrelated
"Rats at Vogue's NYC offices - watch your step, Anna Wintour",503,unrelated
"What was fake on the Internet this week: Obama’s peace prize, pumpkin-spice condoms and insane winter snow",626,unrelated
Seven girls fall pregnant after five day school trip in Bosnia and Herzegovina,2230,unrelated
"No, Banksy hasn’t been a
Christian Bale Won't Play Steve Jobs After All,1841,agree
Former British Rapper Reportedly Under Investigation for James Foley Beheading,546,discuss
A Spider Lived Inside This Tourist’s Body For 3 Days After Bu
owing Into His Skin Through A Scar,1422,unrelated
Pope Francis tells boy whose dog had died that heaven is open to all,1835,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,1539,unrelated
Nigeria says it has deal with Boko Haram to release kidnapped girls,2403,discuss
FBI Probing Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting,2354,unrelated
"Meet Magneto Boy, the kid who attracts metal with his body",1137,unrelated
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,171,unrelated
ISIS launch SCORPION BOMBS to spread panic in Iraq,776,agree
Michael Zehaf-Bibeau ID’d as Canadian Shooting Suspect in Ottawa,2134,unrelated
Iraqi media says ISIS militants have contracted Ebola,1938,unrelated
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,2483,unrelated
"Report: ISIS kidnaps Canadian-Israeli, former IDF soldier who went to fight with the Kurds",2471,discuss
HORROR: ISIS Fighters Have Reportedly Contracted Ebola,1938,unrelated
"Evander Kane ""On Way Out"" From Source, Price Is Very High; Who Is In?",1726,unrelated
"Google to buy big chunk of Pacific Shores, iconic Redwood City office park",1724,unrelated
Kim Jong-un: Absent North Korean leader is 'recovering from ankle surgery',1296,discuss
ISIL militant 'Jihadi John' named by media,2125,unrelated
Low-level marijuana possession could soon land you a ticket instead of a
est in New York City,1295,unrelated
McDonald’s Will Stop Serving Overweight Customers Beginning 1/1/15,2501,unrelated
"Vice Media Chief Said to Pay $300,000 for Dinner for 30",1883,unrelated
Unlucky in love man chops off own penis,2459,unrelated
ISIS Border Crisis: DHS Chief Says Te
orists Not Entering US Through Mexico,226,unrelated
#ISIS beheads photojournalist James Wright Foley in a massage to US to end its intervention in #Iraq.,826,unrelated
"Catholic Priest Dies for 48 Minutes, Comes Back to Life and Claims God Is Female",2240,agree
ISIS Beheads American Journalist,1747,agree
"'A wonderful, wonderful sound': Man
eaks down after hearing voicemail from his late wife that was lost for 14 years",1864,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,1206,discuss
US officials: Video shows American's execution,1721,discuss
Oscar winner Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs in upcoming biopic,1846,disagree
'Electric Boogie' Developer Leaves Secret Resignation Letter To Boss At The End Of The Game (Video),564,unrelated
Fence-jumper made it farther in White House than Secret Service let on,1547,unrelated
Alleged Ottawa gunman: What we know so far about Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1554,discuss
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",1790,unrelated
NEWS/ You'll Never Guess How a Homeless Man Spent $100—Watch the Touching Video!,1940,unrelated
Amazon plans ad-supported video streaming service - NY post,917,unrelated
Meteorite leaves crater in Nicaraguan capital Managua,1817,unrelated
"Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening",1400,agree
ISIS leader dead?,529,unrelated
Would you take a bite out of the world's oldest burger? Men keep Quarter Pounder they bought 20 YEARS ago for a friend who never showed up to meet them,1806,unrelated
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged,1074,unrelated
Al-Shabab leader who ordered Kenya mall massacre believed killed in US drone attack in Somalia,2364,discuss
ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video,1385,unrelated
Man Chops Off and Throws Away His Small Penis After Bad Breakup,1517,agree
Was Alleged Audio of Michael Brown Shooting on CNN a Hoax?,776,unrelated
Apple Watch to reportedly offer 'Power Reserve' to help extend battery life,719,unrelated
Nigeria says ceasefire agreed with Boko Haram,2463,discuss
UPDATE: BATMAN v SUPERMAN Batmobile Reportedly Stolen By (Shocker!) Detroit Locals,1459,discuss
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,2020,unrelated
Amazon's first
ick-and-mortar store said to open in Manhattan,1820,unrelated
WHO: Isis does not have Ebola – but contingency plan being developed for Iraq,1034,unrelated
Iraqi airstrike kills key ISIL leader,539,unrelated
"New York schoolboy who made $72MILLION trading stocks on his lunch
eaks - and now takes his friends out to dine on $400 caviar, drives a BMW and has definitely made his immigrant parents proud",1205,unrelated
"Sons of Anarchy Movie? No, Kurt Sutter Announces Charlie Hunnam, Brad Pitt Film Article is Fake",2344,unrelated
ISIS Appears To Behead American Photojournalist In YouTube Video,1288,discuss
"In Moscow, police are looking for a felon, cut the male genitals",1519,unrelated
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1481,unrelated
"Man chops off own penis, throws it in a dustbin after poor show in bed",2330,unrelated
"Apple to Take Reservations for Trying On Apple Watch, Considered Platinum Model",1013,unrelated
Lucita Sandoval sex tape hoax: Viral Argentine video features college student ― not 16-year-old boy,1357,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts,1103,unrelated
Apple Watch Developers Told to Limit Features to Save Battery Life,234,unrelated
New Audio Allegedly Captures Moment Michael Brown Was Shot,1820,unrelated
"Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby",699,unrelated
Watch NAKED airport worker walk through scanner in biza
e protest against 'rough' guards,11,unrelated
A Bogus Banksy,2070,agree
That Boko Haram Ceasefire in Nigeria Isn’t A Ceasefire,837,agree
US confirms death of Somalia te
or group leader,1936,unrelated
This Is The Most Epic Way To Quit Your Job,34,unrelated
Google Grows With $1.6 Billion in California Office Deals,1019,unrelated
REPORT: Apple Isn't Happy With The Battery Life Of Its New Smartwatch,1648,unrelated
Purported ISIS claim: Jordan airstrike kills female US hostage,2328,unrelated
"L. Jinny? Abdel-Majed Abdel Bary, UK Rapper, Suspected in James Foley Killing: Reports",2434,unrelated
Kim Jong-Un planning Scottish restaurant,2317,unrelated
Detroit Police Issue Statement That The Batmobile Is Safe,1673,unrelated
North Korea reportedly bans anyone sharing Kim Jong Un's name,1603,discuss
Passenger Wears A Hazmat Suit To Dulles Airport,2297,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,30,unrelated
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,776,agree
"ISIS Video Shows Execution of David Cawthorne Haines, British Aid Worker",2102,agree
"Pizza delivery man gets $2,000 tip",1934,unrelated pulls story accusing prof of sending ‘racist’ emails,1477,unrelated
Weatherman caught peeing live on camera,54,unrelated
Has Ebola infected Isis militants in Mosul?,2180,discuss
Meteorite 'caused mysterious boom in Nicaragua',2096,unrelated
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,958,unrelated
"Nun Complains Of Stomach Pains, Later Gives Birth To Baby Boy",2479,discuss
North Korea dictator Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1143,unrelated
Isilkulskom student has gained superhero powers after shock,777,unrelated
"Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-Israeli Woman Feared Kidnapped By ISIS, Says She's Safe",2302,discuss
Report: US Drones Over Syria Looking for ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,2412,discuss
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London,2349,agree
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",742,unrelated
Penis Spray-Painted on a $2.5 Million Car Was Just for a Prank Video,1631,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",1580,agree
Kim Had Ankle Surgery: Source,1972,discuss
"Six months after abducting Nigerian schoolgirls, Boko Haram reportedly wants to free them",1009,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,132,unrelated
"Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin, lives there for three days",1638,agree
Tim Cook Reportedly Reveals Apple Watch Waterproofing Has Improved,1680,discuss
Are Rumors of the Apple Watch in Feb True?,320,unrelated
"See How This Homeless Man Spends A Hundred Dollars, And Keep A Tissue Handy [Video]",572,disagree
Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be released this summer?,1686,discuss
"James Foley: American Journalist, James Wright Foley Beheaded in New ISIS Video [Breaking News]",1358,unrelated
BREAKING NEWS: ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley as warning to US to cease action in Iraq,2047,discuss
NEWS/ Meet the Teletu
ies Sun Baby: 19-Year-Old Jess Smith Reveals Herself as the Smiling Face Who Looked Over Teletu
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has bu
owed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali,1271,unrelated
"RCMP release security footage of Michael Zehaf Bibeau during attack, say he shot soldier in back",2002,unrelated
Fears journalist James Wright Foley beheaded by Islamic State jihadists in ‘message’ to United States,1093,discuss
"No, Islamic State Militants Have Not Been Caught by U.S. Border Patrol",2307,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female...,2328,unrelated
Taliban member swapped by Obama for Bowe Bergdahl tried to return to te
or: report,186,unrelated
Gateway Pundit,592,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",837,discuss
New ISIS Video Shows Militants Seizing Weapons Airdropped By US Near Kobani,1363,agree
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,1549,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,524,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",1906,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin dead: Actor is victim of another death hoax,2266,unrelated
See the Crater a Meteorite Made in Nicaragua,1948,unrelated
Fence-jumper got farther into White House,1426,unrelated
Report: Possible audio tape of Michael Brown shooting,2250,discuss
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria,2362,unrelated
BREAKING: British-born hostage 'KILLED in failed rescue attempt',1787,unrelated
British Man Slaps People If They Sneeze In Public,125,unrelated
Report: Taliban Detainee Swapped for Bowe Bergdahl Suspected of Trying to Return to Te
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced,1832,unrelated
Holy Theft! Batmobile Stolen from 'Batman v Superman'???,251,unrelated
"Jess Smith, 19, Claims She Was Teletu
ies' Giggling Baby: What Did She Get Paid?",769,discuss
"Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong-Un’s Sister, Takes Control of North Korea While Brother Gets Treatment?",2177,unrelated
‘Jihadi John’: The Islamic State killer behind the mask is a young Londoner,1780,discuss
This Selfless Homeless Man Receives $100 & Doesn't Spend A Dime On Himself!,344,unrelated
Journalist James Wright Foley reportedly beheaded by ISIS,1506,unrelated
Islamic State Flying Three Jets in Syria,2283,unrelated
NBC's Tom Brokaw reportedly wants Brian Williams fired over fa
icated Iraq helicopter story,833,unrelated
"Report: The Apple Watch Will Only Last 2.5 Hours With ""Heavy"" Use",331,unrelated
Man chops off his own penis after girlfriend told him he was no good in bed,908,unrelated
Police hunting mystery 'slapper' in tweed jacket who attacks people who sneeze in town's high street,634,discuss
Teen Makes $72 Million on the Stock Market,945,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),368,unrelated
ISIS Releases YouTube Video Showing 10-Year-Old 'Martyr' Allegedly Killed in Battle,1355,unrelated
"Pope Francis did not tell boy heaven has room for pets, contrary to report",2473,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1295,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1893,unrelated
Report: NYPD to stop a
esting people for minor marijuana offenses,269,unrelated
"US Drones, Hunting for ISIS Leader, Seen Flying over Syrian Airspace",1657,discuss
Does ISIS Have Ebola? Probably Not! Media Reports It Anyway,1821,unrelated
U.S. arms airdrop fell into ISIS hands: Pentagon,2483,unrelated
An Audio Recording of the Michael Brown Shooting Has Reportedly Surfaced,693,discuss
Seth Rogen may play Steve Wozniak alongside Christian Bale as Steve Jobs,388,unrelated
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’,754,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1681,unrelated
Scientists Doubt That Meteor Caused Crater In Nicaragua,586,unrelated
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,992,unrelated
Report: Secret Service Lied About White House Fence Jumper,1778,unrelated
"Vogue's Anna Wintour Pissed Off With New 1 World Trade Center Offices, Infested With Rats",2520,discuss
Tropical spider bu
ows under man's skin through scar,971,unrelated
"ISIS beheads American photo-journalist James Wright Foley, threatens more to come",782,agree
ISIS Leader Killed: Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi Reportedly Killed By U.S. Airstrike,518,unrelated
Pope Francis tells boy whose dog had died that heaven is open to all,240,unrelated
"Boko Haram leader denies ceasefire deal, says 200 abducted girls ma
ied off ",1541,unrelated
A bunch of cool health features were cut from the Apple Watch at the last minute,269,unrelated
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,2506,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",1829,disagree
"Small meteorite strikes Nicaragua, government says",1913,discuss
Texas City plumber's truck ends up in Syrian war,1974,unrelated
Mexico Student Massacre Update: More Graves Discovered At Murder Site,1293,unrelated
Guantanamo detainee freed in Bowe Bergdahl swap 'back to te
Apple Watch’s Power Reserve feature combats short battery life,425,unrelated
NASA Raises Doubts About Reports of Nicaraguan Meteorite,690,unrelated
Spec leak suggests Apple Watch will be on par with Android Wear rivals,822,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,54,unrelated
"Nigeria claims deal with Boko Haram on ceasefire, kidnapped girls",171,unrelated
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue,2405,discuss
Kim Jong-un 'Had Surgery on Fractured Ankles',541,discuss
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,2410,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Dead? Yes, He Is… But The Cuban Leader Is Alive, Death Rumors Proven False",2221,agree
India Rape Crisis Sees Mob Castrate Alleged Sex Attacker in Shocking Scenes,269,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,2295,unrelated
DHS: GOP Rep.’s Claim ISIS Members Caught at U.S. Border ‘Categorically False’,251,unrelated
Apple may launch 12-inch MacBook Air with Retina Display,1344,discuss
CNN Expert on Brown Audio: At First I Thought ‘Someone’s Trying to Punk CNN’,2287,discuss
"That Story About a Catholic Priest Dying, Seeing God as a Woman, and Coming Back to Life? It’s Almost Definitely Fake",2142,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],958,unrelated
ISIS pays tribute to its 'Cub of Baghdadi' child soldier,1336,unrelated
North Korea denies reports Kim Jong-un is to open state-backed restaurant in Scotland,2314,unrelated
ISIS fighters seize weapons airdrop meant for Kurds,219,discuss
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor,2342,unrelated
Hospital: Man not being treated for Ebola in Kansas City,1519,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,206,unrelated
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London,527,unrelated
"No, Banksy Didn't Create That 'Charlie Hebdo' Tribute Cartoon, But That Doesn't Mean You Can't Appreciate It",1532,agree
Missing Mexican students 'not found in mass grave',2055,unrelated
"No, Pumpkin Spice Condoms Are Not A Real Thing",2313,unrelated
NET Extra: Back-from-the-dead Catholic priest claims God is a female,2043,unrelated
James Foley remembered as '
ave and tireless' journalist,456,discuss
Islamic State Militants Claim to Have Beheaded US Journalist James Wright Foley,2070,unrelated
Caught a catfish record in Po: 127 kg and 2.67 meters,2034,unrelated
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Ove
un Libyan Airport,170,discuss
Bigfoot Strolls Through A Russian Forest -- At Least That's The Claim [VIDEO],1656,discuss
ISIS Beheads Kidnapped Photojournalist James Wright Foley in Ho
ific Video Message to the U.S.,11,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1403,unrelated
"Lady on FB: I'm 41, Intersex, and Fucked Michael Phelps on First Date",1294,unrelated
WFB’s Bill Gertz: Obama Administration ‘Trying to Play Down’ Missing Libyan Airliners,1073,unrelated
[UPDATED] 11 Men and 0 Women on Tonight's ESPN Domestic Violence Panel,1857,unrelated
Robot security guards now patrolling Microsoft's Silicon Valley campus,2529,agree
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,2354,unrelated
"Vice's Shane Smith drops $300,000 on Vegas dinner",1791,agree
ISIS Executioner 'Jihadi John' Is Named as Mohammed Emwazi,2165,agree
"Thanks Uncle Sam, we have your weapons airdrop: ISIS taunts America over intercepted weapons meant for Kurds",1478,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two
oken ankles, newspaper says",2441,unrelated
Watch: US marine survives Taliban sniper headshot in Afghanistan,532,unrelated
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO],2302,unrelated
WATCH: Bird Launches Airstrike on Putin’s Shoulder (UPDATED),2463,unrelated
Weather Channel’s Mike Seidel was not caught with his pants down,40,unrelated
"Islamic State, in video titled ""A Message to America,"" beheads American journalist James Wright Foley who was kidnapped in 2012",2115,unrelated
Islamic State claims it executed American photojournalist James Foley,1120,unrelated
"James Foley, Missing American Photojournalist, Reportedly Executed By ISIS In Syria",1385,unrelated
US Intel: Taliban Man Released From Gitmo in Bergdahl Deal is Back to Militant Activity,1813,unrelated
"Brian Williams: No, Our Meteorologist Was Not Peeing on Live TV",775,unrelated
Video messaging service verifies timing of CNN audio recording,2354,unrelated
Missing Planes,1438,unrelated
"Boko Haram Cease-Fire: Abducted Nigerian Schoolgirls To Be Released, Officials Say",2045,unrelated
"Reports: Jihadists Steal Commercial Jets, Raise 9/11 Fears",1489,unrelated
Conde Nast's rat problem at One World Trade Centre: From red carpets to rodent droppings,1036,unrelated
New York City Plans to End A
ests for Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana,221,unrelated
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,2152,unrelated
ISIS leader ‘killed’ in US airstrikes,1645,discuss
Wife and son of Isil leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi 'detained at Lebanon border',1787,unrelated
Christian Bale in Talks to Play Steve Jobs (Exclusive),945,discuss
ISIS Blasts 'Scorpion Bombs' At Civilian Areas In Iraq; Mosul Residents Living In Fear,730,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,2526,unrelated
Is the Alleged Audio of the Gunshots That Killed Michael Brown a Hoax?,662,unrelated
An audio recording of the Michael Brown shooting has reportedly surfaced,1817,discuss
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes,1337,unrelated
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,608,discuss
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report,1319,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,2367,unrelated
Report: Apple Watch Will Need Charging Every Day,1437,unrelated
Seth Rogen to Star as Steve Wozniak in Sony's Steve Jobs Biopic [Updated],388,unrelated
Unconfirmed Reports Say UK Hostage Held By ISIS Found Innocent,1416,discuss
"One gunman killed in shooting on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, hunt on for other shooters",595,unrelated
eBay is planning an Apple Watch app,1393,unrelated
Female teacher facing sack after making SEX TAPE with teenager,1896,unrelated
Isis claims to behead US journalist,11,unrelated
"Meteorite makes big crater in Nicaragua, government says",885,disagree
Report: Christian Bale Will Play Steve Jobs,137,unrelated
Kim Jong-un 'set to open a new restaurant in SCOTLAND',1217,unrelated
Duped again: Macaulay Culkin is not dead,2502,agree
"Luckiest Pizza Delivery Guy Ever Gets $2,000 Tip",2532,agree
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,2404,unrelated
Soldier shot at war memorial in Canada,1253,unrelated
Jilted lover chops off his penis after girlfriend dumps him,1905,unrelated
Isis Syria News: Video Shows US Airdropped Weapons and Grenades 'Captured by Islamic State',2213,unrelated
Attorney: New audio reveals pause in gunfire when Michael Brown was shot,1877,unrelated
Man cut off manhood and threw it in bin after girlfriend dumped him over small penis,2496,agree
Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial,2125,unrelated
y, KFC isn't going to be selling weed in Colorado restaurants",2328,unrelated
ISIS fighters 'have contracted Ebola': World Health Organisation investigating reports militants showed up at Iraqi hospital with lethal disease,472,unrelated
"Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?",1427,discuss
Islamic State flying three jets in Syria: monitor,2188,unrelated
This Is What It Looks Like When A Son Pays Off His Parents’ Mortgage As A Christmas Present,2072,unrelated
A Bunch Of Folks Are Passing Around This Hoax Video Of A Bird Pooping On Vladimir Putin,2081,agree
"Wildest Apple Watch rumor yet: 100,000 apps at launch",235,unrelated
CNN plays chilling audio recording allegedly from Michael Brown shooting: “At least 11 shots”,1974,unrelated
The @FoxNewsPress Account Tweeting Lawsuit Threats Is a Fake,804,unrelated
"U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say",2172,discuss
Sugarhill Gang Rapper ‘Big Bank Hank’ Dies at 57,2080,agree
Michael Phelps’ girlfriend Taylor Lianne Chandler reveals she was raised as a boy,1847,agree
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years,1906,unrelated
Mystery man slaps shoppers around head for sneezing,678,unrelated
Return of the Mac: Seth Rogen in talks to star as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in upcoming Steve Jobs biopic,1361,unrelated
That Was Fast: Christian Bale Bails on Steve Jobs Biopic,2211,agree
Canadian-Israeli Woman May Have Been Captured In Syria: Reports,1628,unrelated
Ottawa gunman identified as 32-year-old Michael Zehaf-Bibeau,1866,discuss
Hospital Officials: Kansas City Patient Not Being Treated For Ebola,527,unrelated
"Video Appears to Show Beheading of Journalist James Foley, Who Went Missing in Syria",2296,unrelated
Microsoft Hires Dalek-style Robocops to Guard Silicon Valley HQ,1195,unrelated
"Rumors of King Abdullah Flying in Airstrikes Not True, Fox Excited Anyway",382,agree
North Korea denies plans to open a restaurant in Scotland,1339,unrelated
ISIS Seemingly Beheaded American Journalist James Wright Foley,2127,unrelated
The baby from Teletu
ies reveals herself,470,unrelated
"Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?",2156,unrelated
'They ate through the ceilings and pooped on the keyboards': Rats are 'taking over' Vogue's new World Trade Center office and Anna Wintour 'no longer wants to work there',1707,unrelated
Texas Plumber Isn't Sure How Extremists In Syria Ended Up With His Work Truck,2084,unrelated
Man cut off manhood and threw it in bin after girlfriend dumped him over small penis,2302,unrelated
Boko Haram denies ceasefire claim by Nigeria's government,2139,agree
ISIS: Desperate mum told 'you've just eaten your son' after visiting militants' base in search of kidnap victim,2102,unrelated
Macaulay Culkin: Death claims about former child star revealed to be yet another hoax,498,unrelated
The Guy Who Said a Spider Bu
owed Under His Skin? Experts Say…,1375,unrelated
‘Feminist’ says she aborted baby because it was a boy,1494,agree
Another American hostage at risk by Islamic state,26,unrelated
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments,1642,unrelated
"Fidel Castro Rumors Sweep Internet, But No Sign in Cuba",244,unrelated
Banksy a
est hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford,2421,unrelated
Bunbury local discovered a spider had bu
owed under his skin on Bali holiday,2441,unrelated
Islamic State Flying Three Jets in Syria,819,unrelated
WATCH: Twitter catches fire amid rumors of Fidel Castro’s death,646,unrelated
"Managua explosion not a meteorite, NASA suggests",1917,unrelated
"Why the Gold Apple Watch Edition Must Cost $10,000",2116,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,1603,unrelated
oken girl spends week in KFC after getting dumped,159,discuss
Former PGA Tour player: Tiger Woods suspended for drug test failure,2432,unrelated
Female teacher facing sack after making SEX TAPE with teenager,822,unrelated
Official: Gitmo prisoner traded for Bergdahl reaching out to Taliban,1095,unrelated
SEE IT: California homeless man uses $100 gift to give food to others,1429,discuss
Boy who suffered powerful electric shock claims he now has 'superpowers' like X-Men's Magneto as metal objects stick to him,1637,unrelated
URGENT: ISIS kills 300 Iraqi soldiers by chlorine gas attack in Saqlawiyah,2411,unrelated
Son pays off his parents' mortgage in a heartwarming Christmas video,1599,discuss
Hope Fades for Girls' Release After Boko Haram 'Truce' Breached,227,agree
Christian Bale won't play Steve Jobs,1854,unrelated
Kim Jong ill? Analysts say 27-year-old sister Kim Yo Jong may be running North Korea (VIDEO),882,unrelated
This Is Why Rumors That ISIS Is Crossing The Border Into The U.S. Aren’t Going Away,186,unrelated
Opposition group: ISIS militants training to fly warplanes in Syria,2227,unrelated
Mohammed Emwazi: Man identified as Isis killer 'Jihadi John' was 'stopped by MI5' while on safari holiday in Africa in 2010,2033,unrelated
Islamic State Declares Captured Aid Worker to be 'Innocent',1813,unrelated
Best Christmas present ever? Heartwarming moment app developer reveals to his parents he had paid off their mortgage,1761,unrelated
Google Said to Buy Redwood City Offices for $585 Million,1372,unrelated
Somali te
orist leader dead after US airstrike,60,unrelated
"Batmobile Stolen From ""Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"" Set, Zack Snyder Knows Who Did It",684,disagree
Man Known as ‘Jihadi John’ Is Identified as Mohammed Emwazi,40,unrelated
Here Are Microsoft's New Robot Security Guards,1804,unrelated
Police find mass graves with at least '15 bodies' near Mexico town where 43 students disappeared after police clash,1148,unrelated
Kim Jong-un relying on ‘co
a wine’ after problems with trouser snake,1549,unrelated
Pentagon: death of al Shabaab leader in U.S. strike would be major blow,1982,discuss
Senator: Detainees swapped for Bergdahl have contacted militants,2078,unrelated
Small Meteorite Strikes in Nicaragua's Capital City of Managua,1068,discuss
CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police,1818,discuss
Penis graffiti drawn on £1.5million Bugatti Veyron,2369,agree
"Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls ma
Islamic Militants Post Video Claiming to Show Beheading of U.S. Journalist,1873,unrelated
Has North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un been replaced by his sister?,1029,unrelated
That's one way to get through security! Frustrated traveller strips completely NAKED at airport to pass through metal detectors,989,unrelated
ISIS Reportedly Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq,1720,unrelated
Web of confusion as scientists cast doubt on man's claims that a spider bu
owed into his stomach through his SCAR,1797,agree
SHOCK CLAIM: PGA Golfer Says Tiger Woods Is Suspended For Failed Drug Test,438,unrelated
NYC High School Student Nicknamed ‘Teen Wolf’ Made $72 Million On Stock Market,381,unrelated
"ISIS Claims It Kidnapped Gill Rosenberg, The First Western Woman To Fall Into The Group's Hands",2415,unrelated
Isis tells mother on rescue mission :’You’ve just eaten your son’,662,unrelated
y, Everyone: Durex Is Unfortunately Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms",1212,unrelated
"Israel opens dams, floods Gaza",244,unrelated
6 Islamist militants killed in US attack in Somalia,874,unrelated
"Rumor: Stainless Steel Apple Watch Will Cost $500, Gold $4,000",698,unrelated
"Boko Haram denies cease-fire, leader says he ma
ied off kidnapped girls",1374,unrelated
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border,2016,discuss
Ferguson riots: audio may have captured Michael Brown shooting,1692,discuss
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,30,unrelated
Missing jetliners raise fear of new 9/11-style attacks after Libyan airport falls to Islamic militants,1312,agree
Actor has his testicles stolen after meeting ‘young blonde woman at a bar’,1015,unrelated
Missing Libyan aircraft spark fears of 9/11-style attack in North Africa,2410,unrelated
"Former Porn Star Behind YouTube Sensation ‘DC Toy Collector,’ Makes $5 Million Per Year Unboxing Disney Toys",304,unrelated
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un not missing, just having ankle surgery",1103,unrelated
"No, a bird didn't poop on Vladimir Putin",93,unrelated
Michael Phelps Sex Scandal: Troubled Olympian’s Girlfriend Was Born A Man!,1849,unrelated
Video shows ISIL beheading of photojournalist James Foley,511,unrelated
"Islamic State training fighter pilots in captured jets, monitoring group says",2342,unrelated
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test,431,agree
Pentagon: ISIS seized materials airdropped to Kurds,570,unrelated
Pope Francis turns out not to have made pets in heaven comment,2002,unrelated
A Predator Drone Has Reportedly Been Spotted Circling Above ISIS's Capital City,1917,unrelated
What Glenn Beck Fears May Be Done With the 11 Missing Jets,1575,unrelated
Did NBC Nightly News Go Live To A Man Who Was Taking A Piss?,1120,unrelated
Angry mob cut off rapist’s penis with meat cleaver (VIEWER DISCRETION),2115,agree
"Iraq claims ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s wife has NOT been a
ested, despite Lebanon insisting woman detained at border told them she was Islamist extremist’s spouse",1877,agree
"SEE IT: ISIS militants caught trying to cross border into Texas, Congressman claims",2307,unrelated
"US hostage 'murdered' by militants in Yemen, says Hagel",2015,unrelated
Did Paul Rudd Help Tackle That Dallas Airport Gay-Basher?,487,unrelated
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing,1818,discuss
Report: Former Baseball Star Jose Canseco Accidentally Shot At Home,800,unrelated
‘The cub of Baghdadi': ISIS reports its youngest jihadist ‘got martyred’ in battle,1863,unrelated
Man chops off own penis after being dumped by his girlfriend,236,unrelated
Texas Truck Winds Up in Syria With Islamic Militants,565,unrelated
Saudi Arabian cleric issues fatwa against snowmen,1130,unrelated
The famous “Dog whisperer” Cesar Millan died of a heart attack this morning.,2528,unrelated
Lebanon 'holding IS leader's daughter and ex-wife',1968,unrelated
Sugarhill Gang co-founder Big Bank Hank dies,2420,unrelated
Isis supporters claim US hostage...

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