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Case Plan Template: Case Management Service Clients Name: Jose 42-year-old Case Plan Goal (overall goal): Objectives Actions & Tasks Responsibility Time Frame To help Jose in overcoming emotional...

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Case Plan Template: Case Management Service
Clients Name: Jose 42-year-old
Case Plan Goal (overall goal):
    Actions & Tasks
    Time Frame
    To help Jose in overcoming emotional distress that was followed by his accident, which included mood swings, anxiety, anguish, bouts of anger.
    Â· The situation of emotional turmoil improves after a few months of injury. However, to help Jose control his emotions and help with his ability to overcome anxiety and depression, he needs to consult a physician (Jiang, Webster, Robinson, Kassam-Adams & Richmond, 2018).
· Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) would be implore in working with Jose. The behavioural aspect deals with changes in behaviour which is as a result of learning or experience while the cognitive aspect deals with rational changes in thinking processes and its influence on behaviour. CBT focuses on how to manage and change people’s behaviour so as to resolve social problems affecting them (Payne, 2014).
· Counselling Jose’s family is also important so that the family can be reassured and help them to cope with Jose’s condition on a regular basis (Copanitsanou, Drakoutos & Kechagias, 2018).
· Provide Jose suitable medicines under the proper supervision of the medical professionals so that it can help Jose in improving and stabilise his moods.
· Jose needs also to be encouraged to participate in self-help groups that will help him overcome his anxiety.
· Psychotherapy can also be suggested for Jose under the supervision of mental health professional so that he can overcome his mood swings and anxiety.
    Â· Jose needs to talk more about his feelings with his family and his doctors. This will help him to overcome his fears and depression. Jose would be supported by his family to attend appointments.
· He needs to be engaged more in a daily life routine and to stay active in his daily tasks. He needs to participate in different activities that will help him regain confidence (Scott-Parker, XXXXXXXXXXTo be supported by his family community access and other activities.
· Regular follow up with his doctor, who can also provide refe
als for specific health care. Further, the doctor follow up will also help him monitor his recovery and work with his change in an emotional state.
· Get back to his initial routine, which he followed before his accidents, which will help him, overcome his discomfort and act as a part of his healing process. His family and specialists will support Jose.
    To help Jose in becoming aware of his addiction to pain killers and allowing him to develop the habit of adherence to a medical regimen for his pains as per the recommendation of a medical professional
    Â· The cognitive deficit model explains the addictive disorder of Jose on opioid drugs that contribute to slowed respiration, low blood pressure and drowsiness. This addiction may have also contributed to Jose’s anxiety, jitters and mood swings (Antman et al., XXXXXXXXXXCBT issued in cases of depression, mild anxiety, school phobia etc. It practice ideas include Behaviour therapy, cognitive therapy, social learning, reinforcement, assertiveness training, modelling, motivational interviewing and mindfulness thinking (Payne, 2014).
· The utilisation of long terms pharmacotherapies is suggested by the medical professionals (Bryan, XXXXXXXXXXThis will help in counteracting with the addiction and overcoming the opioid dependence.
· Implementation of clonidine as well as clonidine-naltrexone, which will help in the rapid detoxification (Ding et al., 2016)
· Implementation of Methadone treatment that helps in the reduction of the relapsing rates of the addiction.
· Behavioural therapy that will help Jose concentrate more on his life tasks, especially maintaining a relationship with his family members and also will help him in finding a suitable job.
    Â· Jose needs to participate in an addiction assessment so that the expert can provide him with medical support. His family and specialists will support Jose
· Participating in an addiction treatment program, as the addiction program will help Jose to overcome opioid addiction.
· The treatment program will be followed by a post-treatment care plan that will help Jose overcome his painkiller addiction.
· Behaviour therapist to support Jose in building skills and maintaining healthy relationships.
    To promote normalcy with the modification of self-image so that Jose can regain confidence and try once again to find a jo
    Â· Jose needs to provide with medical assistance with relationships with pathological events (Tzeng, 2020).
· He needs to be provided with counselling so that he can develop a modified version of self-image and self-concept that will help him in maintaining healthcare (Gumbs, 2020).
· The therapy will also allow Jose to live with the pathological conditions and continue with a measured lifestyle so that it can promote personal development (Maslakpak, Shahbaz, Parizad & Ghafourifard, 2018).
· Task-Centred practice (TCP) would be implored in supporting Jose to achieving this goal. TCP is a
ief, direct, definite and structured response to a crisis in a client’s life. The practitioner’s role is to identify and prioritize tasks as identified by the client and then take pragmatic and positive steps in resolving defined issues (Egan & Maidment, 2016).
    Â· Jose needs to take responsibility for improving his self-image by following Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory.
· This will allow Jose to gain normalcy in his daily lives so that he can concentrate on his self-improvement and regain confidence in himself (Hartweg & Pickens, 2016).
· Self-motivation so that he can once again start looking for a job suitable for his condition to regain confidence and normalcy in life.
· A Counsellor needs to work with Jose in achieving this task.
    To develop social interaction so that Jose can come out of his depression and help in overcoming solitude
    Â· The family members need to be involved so that he is encouraged in communicating (Worthington & Wood, 2018).
· Involvement of the family members so that a supportive environment can be created at home that will encourage Jose to communicate more. This will help him in overcoming solitude.
· Counselling and participating in community activities will help Jose to come out of his solitude and interact more.
    Â· Jose will be recommended to follow up regularly with his counselling appointments. The counsellor would follow up with Jose appointments and give necessary information to Jose.
· He will be asked to keep a pain diary so that he can tract his feelings and discuss his fears and anxieties with his therapist. His family will support Jose in keeping the diary.
    Three months
    To implement adequate rest, proper diet with adjustment of lifestyle so that Jose can accommodate the change in his health status
    Â· Jose needs to concentrate on a healthy eating pattern and exercise routine.
· He needs to consult a nutritionist so that he can shift to healthier food and beverages options.
· Participate in group activities, which will provide him with proper exercise and physical activity routines.
· Proper sleep patterns and exercise routine needs to be implemented in his routine.
    Â· Refe
al to the nutritionist to be completed by the physician.
· Regular follow-up with Jose’s nutritionist
· Keep track of calories intake and weight
· Keep a check on poor lifestyle choices and lack of physical exercise.
· Keep track of the sleep pattern and maintain a diary. His family will support Jose
Antman, K. H., Berman, H. A., Flotte, T. R., Flier, J., Dimitri, D. M., & Bharel, M XXXXXXXXXXDeveloping core competencies for the prevention and management of prescription drug misuse: a medical education collaboration in Massachusetts. Academic medicine, 91(10), XXXXXXXXXX
Bryan, B. (2018). Heroin, Opioid, and Painkiller Abuse US: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc.
Copanitsanou, P., Drakoutos, E., & Kechagias, V XXXXXXXXXXPosttraumatic stress, depressive emotions, and satisfaction with life after a road traffic accident. Orthopaedic nursing, 37(1), 43-53
Ding, H., Czoty, P. W., Kiguchi, N., Cami-Kobeci, G., Sukhtankar, D. D., Nader, M. A., ... & Ko, M. C XXXXXXXXXXA novel orvinol analogue, BU08028, as a safe opioid analgesic without abuse liability in primates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(37), E5511-E5518
Maidment, J., & Egan, R. (Eds XXXXXXXXXXPractice skills in social work and welfare: More than just common sense. Routledge.
Gumbs, J XXXXXXXXXXOrem's select basic conditioning factors and health promoting self-care behaviours among African American women with type 2 diabetes. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 27(2)
Hartweg, D. L., & Pickens, J XXXXXXXXXXA Concept Analysis of Normalcy within Orem's Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory. Self-Care, Dependent-Care & Nursing, 22(1), 4-13.
Jiang, T., Webster, J. L., Robinson, A., Kassam-Adams, N., & Richmond, T. S XXXXXXXXXXEmotional responses to unintentional and intentional traumatic injuries among u
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Maslakpak, M. H., Shahbaz, A., Parizad, N., & Ghafourifard, M XXXXXXXXXXPreventing and managing diabetic foot ulcers: application of Orem’s self-care model. International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries, 38(2), XXXXXXXXXX
Payne, M XXXXXXXXXXModern social work theory. Oxford University Press.
Scott-Parker, B XXXXXXXXXXEmotions, behaviour, and the adolescent driver: A literature review. Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour, 50, 1-37
Tzeng, H. M XXXXXXXXXXDo Self-healing and Self-care Mean the Same Thing?. Holistic nursing practice, 34(3), XXXXXXXXXX
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Answered Same Day Aug 05, 2021


Aastha answered on Aug 12 2021
158 Votes
Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Task-Controlled Practice     1
    This essay explores the two approaches, which are amongst the most influential practice models in the healthcare field namely Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Task-Controlled Practice. The practitioners can make sure that the outcomes are very systematically evaluated once these theories are applied. The approaches discussed have problem-solving characteristics and practical implementation of these approaches is based on mutual partnerships and tasks that have been agreed upon by all such as worker and clients so that goals that can be easily achieved can be planned and implemented. Motivation is used for encouraging the clients so that their distributed experiences can be shared in details.
    Both these practices encourage the client to recognize their own problems and to achieve a useful plan by finding suitable options for selecting a successful solution. Both these therapies are effective in their own ways. They can be applied in contemporary situations in both ‘individual’ and ‘group therapy’ but the outcomes are very dependent on need of the client since they are entirely client – based models. Both these therapies contribute majorly in providing a great change in social work and they lead to a path of self – discovery and self-realization (Payne, 2014).
    Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a psychological approach based on a combination of theories of learning: social learning, operant and classical conditioning while Task-centered practice (TCP) is a short, well structured, and a much-managed approach that service providers use to help clients to resolve problematic situations (Teater, 2014).
    CBT focuses on managing and changing the behavior of the people to handle the social issues and challenges that have been affecting individuals. The cognitive-behavioral therapy approach aims at
inging in rational beliefs in an individual and changes their unrealistic beliefs that cause misbehaviors and different disorders. This model challenges a few of the individual’s actions, which are underlying their self-concept issues (Naleppa & Reid, 1998). The TCP approach has a main feature that it places both the individual and the person who is providing the service on the same grounds by giving highest priority to the specific targets so as to achieve expected results and to attain the needed objectives.
    This case study presents many major issues. Jose is suffering from major mental turmoil and behavioral issues like mood swings, bouts of anger, anxiety and other emotional distress after his accident. Many of Jose’s troubles can be easily resolved by either CBT approach or by TCP method. CBT approach involves both cognitive and behavioral aspects, assesses, changes the behavior to become more socially acceptable, and helps developing a positive mindset. CBT came into light in the year 1950 & 1960 as a counter measure for the primacy of the psychoanalytic practices. However, this approach originated from social psychology. It can be considered as an approach that deals with thoughts, beliefs and attitude of human beings. This further discusses about the impact of these traits on the behavior of human beings. Moreover, CBT practice focus on modifying the environment of individuals whereby behaviors arise, cause, prompt, provoke and its consequences. Further, the behavioral problems of clients are described as social phobia, depression and anxiety. While making use of the CBT approach for the patients, it is ensured that the behavioral aspects of the therapy are able to cope up with the behavioral changes, which can be thought of as an outcome of learning and experience. At the same time, rational changes are dealt through cognitive aspects in thinking processes the impact it has on the behavior. Constant monitoring of the client during this therapy proved that this approach was helpful in overcoming with all the anxieties, anguish behavior and largely for his anger management also. Since this approach is client based, the recovery of the patient can the change it his emotional behavior was observed gradually over a period of six months.
    After a major accident, the emotional stability is achieved in some time but due to intake of heavy painkillers and sometimes over dependency on these...

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