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The documents labeled Zheng He and Anonymous Journal, relate to visits to the western coast of India by the Chinese and the Portuguese, respectively. Compare and contrast these two encounters (i.e....

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The documents labeled Zheng He and Anonymous Journal, relate to visits to the western coast of India by the Chinese and the Portuguese, respectively. Compare and contrast these two encounters (i.e. the Chinese - Indian encounter and the Portuguese - Indian encounter) in about 300 words answer the following questions: What motivated the Chinese to go to India? and what motivated the Portuguese to go to India? How were both the Chinese and the Portuguese received by the Indians? Base your remarks on what the documents say (not on the introductions to the documents) and include two short quotes from the Zheng He document and two short quotes from the Anonymous Journal document in the answer.


Answered 3 days After Jan 17, 2024


Ayan answered on Jan 21 2024
18 Votes
Table of contents
Discussion    3
References    6
    In the history of maritime exploration and commerce, the contacts between the Chinese and Portuguese throughout the 15th and 16th centuries with the western coast of India were significant (França, Gaspar & Mathias, 2024). The Zheng He record and the Anonymous Journal both detail these interactions, which provide insight into the reasons behind these missions and the divergent reactions they encountered from the Indian population.
    The Ming dynasty commissioned Zheng He to go on a
oader diplomatic and commerce expedition, which included trips from 1405 to 1433. The Zheng He paper shows that the Chinese had a variety of goals in mind, including commerce network development, imperial showmanship, and diplomatic overtures. This diplomatic element is best illustrated by the following passage from the document: "We have been sent as envoys to all nations, to ensure the cultivation of good relations and the extension of our nation's authority." Zheng He's missions sought to strengthen foreign connections and position China as a powerful worldwide force in addition to promoting trade.
    In contrast, the Portuguese had a more commercial orientation when they set out on their expeditions to India in the late 15th century, led by explorers such as...

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