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The chosenhuman service profession/occupation is social visitor Please it is a resit Assessment Brief Unit code and Title ASS066-1 Understanding the Human Services Assessment Number One Assessment...

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The chosenhuman service profession/occupation is social visitor Please it is a resit

Assessment Brief

Unit code and Title

ASS066-1 Understanding the Human Services

Assessment Number


Assessment Value

40% of overall unit grade

Due date and time for submission

Friday 23rd March 2018 by 9.59 a.m.

Note that any late submission without an approved extension will be given a grade of 0.

Assessment type


Assessment title

Outline the development of a human service profession/occupation from its inception to the current day, providing an analysis of its key moments, i.e. emergence, development and possible changes over time.

Aims of assessment

Form of submission

Through BREO



(specify, e.g. presentation/ viva)

Any specific submission information

Please double check once you have submitted your work that you have not submitted a blank page. If you have, do submit your work again. Do ensure that all work submitted is in either Word (.doc/.docx) format or in pdf format. No other format will be marked.

Assessment length

1000 words

Variance allowed in length


Support for the development of your assessment

Available assessment guidance and development

An assignment support session prior to submission will focus on supporting you in developing the key knowledge and skills you need to produce an effective assignment.

Additional support available from tutor/s

Office hours are available. Please email your unit tutor to arrange a meeting or sign up for office hours.

If you require an extension due to mitigating circumstances please use the guidance in your course handbook and contact SEAM

Relevant support available from PAD

Before you start your assignment, you may wish to visit PAD’s Study Hub Online site on BREO. You will find guidance and resources on completing your assignments there.

Learning outcomes and threshold criteria

Unit learning outcomes and assessment criteria covered by this assessment

1) Demonstrate a critical understanding of the emergence and development of a professional/occupational group and its main changes and achievements in terms of policy, professional status, power, education and influence.


2) Critically analyse the relationship between a professional/occupational group and a service user group with a protected characteristic (age, sex, religion, race, etc.).

No (assignment 2)

Threshold criteria to achieve a pass in the assessment

· Critically analyse the emergence and development of a professional/occupational group, by drawing on previous literature and on law and policy. Has this group been professionalised? If yes, how? If not, any prospects?

· Critically evaluate the extent to which (non)existing policy, regulation and guidelines for the chosen professional/occupational group is meeting the needs of that group and make some recommendations towards the well-maintenance of the profession.

· Analyse the potential link between changes to society and changes to the professional/occupational group selected. Has the professional group selected remade itself? Has it constructed new boundaries? Has it changed in responsibilities? If yes, why?

· Present your work in the correct format (double-space, font size 12, with page numbers and title of the assignment), using the standard referencing rules.


Samples of work will be moderated in line with University guidance to ensure fairness of the marking process.

Feedback will be provided 20 working days after submission. Please note: it is working days, so weekends and holidays do not get included in the number of days. It is also University policy to explain to you if these dates cannot be met for any reason. An announcement will be placed on BREO should delays occur.

Generic feedback to group provided, how / when

There will be a guided discussion on the assignment and engaging with feedback in class.

Additional individual feedback to be provided and how/when

Individual feedback will be provided via BREO and the 2 Question feedback process.

Opportunities for further reflection

If you wish to discuss your feedback in detail you can do so by contacting the tutor that marked your work to arrange a one-to-one meeting.

Key initial* reading and resources

Please see the BREO Talis reading list for suggested sources on different topics related to the assignment.

Key initial* reading and resources

The reading will be provided for this assignment on a week by week basis and will be covered and discussed in class. To get the highest grades available you will also undertake your own further reading. The key minimum resources that will be used and drawn from are:

Arnett, J XXXXXXXXXX) Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens through the Twenties. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Arnett, J XXXXXXXXXX) 'Emerging adulthood: A theory of development from the late teens through the twenties',American Psychologist, 55, 5, pp XXXXXXXXXX. Online journal

Arnett, J XXXXXXXXXX), 'Suffering, Selfish, Slackers? Myths and Reality About Emerging Adults',Journal Of Youth & Adolescence, 36, 1, pp. 23-29. Online journal

Cieslik, M. and Simpson, J. (2013) Key Concepts in Youth Studies. London: Sage.

Hendry, L, & Kloep, M. (2010) 'How universal is emerging adulthood? An empirical example',Journal Of Youth Studies, 13, 2, pp XXXXXXXXXX. Online Journal

Kehily, M. J. (2007) Understanding youth: perspectives, identities and practice. London: Sage.

*Students should note that reading and referencing only these key suggested sources is insufficient for a good grade in an assignment.

Specific assessment guidance on presentation, content or structure


Assignment 1 is a 1000-word essay where you demonstrate knowledge, understanding and critical analysis of the foundations, development and changes of a human service profession/occupation, with particular focus on policy and regulation, occupational closure strategies, status and power position in relation to other related professions/occupations, the job market and society. You should also look at the successes and the downfalls of the professional/occupational group chosen. You can choose a human service profession/occupation such as:

· Health Visitor

· Social Worker

· Mental Health Worker

· Child Abuse worker

· Police Officer

· Probation Officer

· Medical Doctor

· Psychologist

· Speech Therapist

· Nursing

· Midwifery

· Teacher/Teaching Assistant

· And so on (please see at the bottom of the page for more ideas of human service and helping professions; also, have a look at

The essay must incorporate the following – also see how to structure your essay below for further details on what needs to be included:

(1) A description of the main duties, responsibilities and tasks of the chosen professional/occupational group and the types of service it provides.

(2) A review of the literature – you must look at literature and research on your chosen professional/occupational group. Here you are focusing on the historical emergence and development of your chosen professional/occupational group, bringing together (summarising) what different studies and authors say. You should not describe one study after another e.g. simply have one paragraph saying study X says this, followed by a paragraph saying study Y says that, and so on. Here you should answer: How and why did this professional/occupational group emerge?

(3) A critical analysis of relevant policy and legislation of your chosen professional/occupational group, assessing whether they are meeting the needs of your chosen professional/occupational group. A place to start your search would be the Department of Health ( and for policies prior to 2014


(4) Address changes to society which might be linked to the emergence, development and/or changes to your chosen professional/occupational group over time.

(5) Address the successes and downfalls of the professional/occupational role selected.

(6) An evidenced, reasoned and argued overall conclusion, as well as recommendations for the well-maintenance of the professional/occupational group selected.

(7) You are expected to draw on both academic texts and academic journals to support your discussion. The use of a minimum of seven sources is required to pass – of these a minimum of four sources should be academic books or academic journals. Note: the 7 is a minimum – students are encouraged to carry out wider reading. Additionally, accessing government reports and policies is expected; however, these are not included in the 4 minimum academic sources required to pass.

(8) Your paper must be in essay format as outlined below and include all sections listed.

a) Title page – you can use the assignment title, or you can make up your own title.

b) Introduction to your chosen professional/occupational group – in the introduction you introduce the topic and state what the aims and objectives of your essay are. You outline what the paper will discuss in a structured way. You will say this paper will discuss X, Y and Z.

c) Body – this is where you outline in general what is known about your professional/occupational group, i.e. it gives a background to your paper, introducing the topic. You are giving an overview of what has been said in books, journals, reports, etc. on your chosen professional/occupational group – i.e. How and why did it emerge? What are its main duties/tasks/responsibilities/jurisdiction? What has its status and power position been in relation to other related professional/occupational groups? What is known about the professional/occupational group chosen? Who are the key writers and what do they say? Has the professional/occupational group undergone major changes? If yes, in what way. In this section you should also discuss policy and regulation. You can also use studies from other countries or compare the dynamics of the same professional/occupational group across countries.

d) Conclusion and recommendations - your recommendations towards the well-maintenance of the professional/occupational group selected are based on any issues highlighted in the studies you included in your paper and in your body section.

e) References

(9) As with ALL your written assignments, you must use the Harvard system of referencing to cite your sources in the body of your paper. Please pay particular attention to the referencing guidelines on secondary referencing.

(10) In all cases, in-text citations must match up with what appears in your reference list. Every in-text citation should correspond to a reference on the list at the end (and vice versa). An exception is when you cite a secondary source that you read about in a primary one. In that case only the primary source (the source you actually read) should appear in the list of references. Make sure you use the 'cited in’ expression in the text if you use secondary referencing.

(11) Remember good written communication is about structuring your work so that your writing is clearly signposted and developed and you guide the reader logically from one section/subsection to the next.

(12) No more than 5 –10% of the assignment should be in the form of quotations.

(13) Proofread and edit your work before handing it in and/or ask a trusted person to read it through for you.

(14) Your work must be word processed, double spaced and page numbered. You must also include a word count. This is part of the assignment guidelines/task so you are expected to follow these instructions.

(15) Please enter your student ID number as part of your title when uploading and submitting to BREO and put your student number (not name) on your work. For example, name you upload something like: 10902888_Understanding_Human_Services_assignment_1 where XXXXXXXXXXis your student number.

(16) Ensure you put your student number on your work but DO NOT put your name on your work.

You are reminded that plagiarism of any type will be penalised and result in a fail.

Do remember that in relation to assignment one, the brief stated:


As part of your personalised learner development, you will be given feedback on your first assignment essay which will enable you to develop an understanding of your strengths and areas where you need to make improvements. The expectation is that you will act on this feedback and take responsibility for your own learning, taking steps to address the areas related to skills that require additional work before you move to Level 5 next year.

Answered Same Day Aug 01, 2020


Tp Academic answered on Aug 02 2020
145 Votes
Table of Content
Introduction    2
1. Explain the development and emergence of the occupational or professional group and the achievements and changes in the term and policy, power, professional status influence and education    2
2. Analyse the relationship between the occupational or professional group and proper service user group with a protected characteristics    4
Conclusion    5
Reference list    6
Proper service must provide to the service user with the support of their families and professionals. It mentions in the study about the understand me the emergence of the functional requirement regarding policies and professional status. It has also been mentioned in the review of the appearance of the expert group which involves the professional state. The proper relationship must be the mind which helps the profession to provide an appropriate service to the needed person which explains.
1. Explain the development and emergence of the occupational or professional group and the achievements and changes in the term and policy, power, professional status influence and education
Growth of healthcare group in the result of term policies and professional group
Proper development is required in the healthcare group to develop the knowledge and skill needed to get an address to face the challenges. Professional development is not meaningful or useful unless it causes professional to improve the instruction in the administration process ( 2018). Active teams are needed to increase the development in the healthcare sector. Evaluation is required for the healthcare organisation to meet the necessity of the demand of the suffering person. Proper teamwork is needed in the organisation to develop the achievements in the term policies. The organisation can make the appropriate development policies by placing patients at the centre of the principle. It is important in a health care organisation to prepare proper team work for the service which is provided to the suffering individual. The efficient team helps the organisation to deliver the care accurately. The team should be adequately motivated so that the work of the professionals can be sufficiently practised (Crocetti, 2017, p.145). Health care system has changes effectively in the recent years to satisfy the need of the individual suffering person. A proper management system is...

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