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Chapter Summary The Wide Area Network (WAN) is a key part of the enterprise edge. Most organizations do not build their own WAN communication circuits, preferring instead to lease them from common...

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Chapter Summary
The Wide Area Network (WAN) is a key part of the enterprise edge. Most organizations do not build their own WAN communication circuits, prefe
ing instead to lease them from common ca
iers or to use the Internet. This chapter focuses on the WAN architectures and telecommunications services offered by common ca
iers for use in enterprise WANs, not the underlying technology that the ca
iers use to provide them. We discuss the three principal types of WAN services that are available: dedicated-circuit services, packet-switched services, and virtual private network (VPN) services. We conclude by discussing how to improve WAN performance and how to select services to build WANs.
President Connor has just informed you that BuyRight Insurance is creating a new backup headquarters office in Orlando.  This office will house 75 employees who will conduct much of the company’s communications with each other (and clients when required) via email.  Quotes, insurance orders and billing etc. will be handled through the specialized software purchased for that purpose.
There are plans to accommodate the corporate database which has records for well over 1.5 million clients. 
Accounting will also have specialized software as well.
What kind of a network would you recommend? You need not draw it, but you should be able to recommend server(s), server software for each server, PCs, desktop operating systems, NIC’s, routers etc. and how you would connect to the wide area network. Create a table much like below. Use the notes column to defend your choices, if necessary.
Answered Same Day Jul 15, 2021


Deepti answered on Jul 16 2021
148 Votes
The business will have two locations separated more than hundred yards of property thus requiring a wide area network to connect both the locations. A third party service provider would be required to provide a link to the new location in Orlando. A contract may be signed with the provider. Subsequently, networking equipment will be required at the new location to establish the link. The business has 75 employees who would be using computers, they will require to use email as well as manage complex corporate database with large number of clients. They intend to manage the by purchasing a specialized Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software or Enterprise Relationship Planning software (ERP). Therefore, it is recommended to select a robust server among the options of tower, rack or blade server.
Dedicated server is required for high performance mission critical applications in the target business like billing, insurance orders, etc. Therefore,...

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