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Details of Assessment Assessment 1 Assessment Type: Written Report – individual assessment Task Details: Students are required to select one ASX corporation from the list,...

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Details of Assessment
Assessment 1
Assessment Type: Written Report – individual assessment
Task Details:
Students are required to select one ASX corporation from the list, https:
Then reference the share price for the last 2 years and link information that may have impacted on the corporations share price during this time. Students will review general purpose financial report material, company releases, media, and other sources. Students must prepare a comprehensive report directed to this research. The report: should include data extracted from the general purpose financial report and additional material relevant to the analysis you accessed.
Presentation: Report – 1,500 word report. The word count excludes the cover sheet, contents page, references, appendices, and illustrations (e.g. diagrams, graphs and tables). Students need to stay within the assigned word limits, and indicate the word count on the cover page of the assignment. The report should be typed double spaced, using Times New Roman font size of either 10 point or 12 point. Every page should be clearly numbered.
The assignment should include the following parts:
· A title / cover page, which indicates basic information such as Subject title, Subject code, Trimester number, Assignment title, group members’ full names and KOI student numbers, word count and name of the tutor;
· Executive Summary;
· Table of Contents;
· Main contents – Introduction, analysis using suitable headings and subheadings, Conclusions and Recommendations, Appendices (if any); References (using Harvard – Anglia style); and/or o Attachments.
Marking Guide:    Research – extent and application    30%
Analysis    30%
Recommendations/conclusions    30%
Presentation    10%
This mark will be scaled to a mark out of 20 subject marks.
Answered Same Day Aug 10, 2021 ACC303 Deakin University


Angel K answered on Aug 12 2021
143 Votes
(Acc 303) Contemporary Issue in Accounting
ASX Company Report
1st Trimester 2020
Individual Report
This report is intended to create a detailed understanding of the company, through an analysis of the voluntary disclosures made by the management and the data’s collected from the external sources that are related to these disclosures. This study is then analysed using the qualitative characteristics of analysing a data such as reliability, materiality, faithful reporting, timeliness etc. This report would help to access the degree of reliability that could be placed on the board’s disclosure for taking an unbiased and accurate decision. At the end of this research a conclusion, recommendation and referencing of the study.
Table of Contents:
1) Executive Summary_______________________________________________2
2) Introduction_____________________________________________________5
3) Share Prices_____________________________________________________6
4) Comparison of Share prices________________________________________7
3) Voluntary Disclosure of Bank of Queensland___________________________8
1. Sustainability___________________________________________8
2. Corporate Social Responsibility____________________________9
4. Comparing Voluntary Disclosures Made by the Company
With The Information Gained from External Source: ___________________10
1) ______________________________________________________10
· Relevance____________________________________11
· Verifiability__________________________________11
· Faithful representation________________________12
2) ______________________________________________________12
· Relevance____________________________________12
· verifiability___________________________________13
· Faithful Representation_________________________13
5. Conclusion and Recommendation__________________________________14
6. References_____________________________________________________15
The Bank of Queensland (BOQ) is one among the largest retail banks in Australia. It was established in 1963, which gives it a status of one of the ancient banks of the country. It began as a building society and now holds 160
anches in Australia. The bank is headquartered at Newstead, Brisbane. It had backed Queensland Business Leaders Hall of Fame in 2014 as recognition of its excellence in providing banking services in Queensland and for its expansion globally. It operates as a savings bank, building society and a trading bank. It was listed in Australian stock exchange in 1970. The bank manages its retail banking solutions through its owner managed and corporate bank networks, third party intermediaries and Virgin money distribution channels. It employs around 1950 people with its operations around Australia and New Zealand.
Bank of Queensland (ASX: BOQ) is a stable performer in the Australian stock exchange. It holds 121st position in ASX size rank with a profit to earnings ratio of 10.8. Over the past years the share prices of the company is having a stable growth rate in the market. BOQ has a market capitalization of $2.79 billion over the year. A detailed presentation of the share prices of Bank of Queensland is shown in the table below:
Share Price details of 2018
    % Change
Share Price details of 2019
    % Change

These prices are taken on an average baisis
A detailed study of the past share prices of Bank of Queensland gives a summary that the prices have undergone a high fluctuation over these years. 2018 is considered as a favourable time of BOQ as it has the highest quote of share price in past year comparison. In 2019 there is a decline in the value of shares due to increased competition and other market risk factors in the...

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