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Teaching session Description Create a teaching episode using one of the instructional methods and a variety of teaching strategies discussed. Part A: Plan your teaching episode Write a narrative on...

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Teaching session Description Create a teaching episode using one of the instructional methods and a variety of teaching strategies discussed. Part A: Plan your teaching episode Write a narrative on how you would go about facilitating an instructional method. Consider what teaching strategies you would utilise throughout the session. 1. Describe the session you plan to teach including: ï‚· What is your instructional method? ï‚· What teaching strategies will you utilise? 2. How would you ensure the instructional method and teaching strategies are effective? 3. What are the challenges or barriers to this instructional method and teaching strategies? Ensure that you relate this to your particular workplace. (Part A: 1500 word limit) Part B: Evaluation Implement the lesson, then evaluate how you went by completing the following: 1. Complete the attached self-appraisal 2. Reflect on the findings from your self-appraisal and complete a self-reflection using the Gibbs Reflective Practice Cycle (see figure 1 below). The self-appraisal will assist you to consider points for discussion. Please note: you are not marked on the effectiveness of your session, but on your reflection. Therefore, if your session went poorly, please elaborate on what happened, why this happened and what you will do differently next time. (Part B: 1000 word limit) Total Word count: 2500please complete the attached self appraisal and teaching topic should be related to nursing- tracheostomy care
Answered Same Day Jul 26, 2021


Riyanka answered on Jul 29 2021
133 Votes
Part B - Evaluation
    Rating Score
    Indentify the purpose
    Yes I could make my objectives clear and the sessions were all fruitful for the nursing students.
    Discussion of the learning objectives
    The goal of learning was properly understand by the student and they were very much interested to took part.
    Using co
ect vocabulary for student
    Yes I had tried my best more I need to co
    The speech-fluent ,appropriate tone and body language
    Some time I used to speed up and I think I needed to
    Competence and knowledge in covered topic
    So many subject oriented topic had been covered.
    Effective teaching to helping students develop their clinical reasoning skills
    My teaching strategies helped them more to be more practical in clinical cases.
    I effectively facilitated an experiential instructional method that was conducive to the development of clinical reasoning
    Needs to more improve
    Sequencing of the lessons that is logical and...

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