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Task instructions : Create a PowerPoint presentation that evaluates THREE digital technologies used in healthcare to improve health outcomes. Suggested procedure: Identify THREE separate...

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Task instructions

: Create a PowerPoint presentation that evaluates THREE digital technologies used in healthcare to improve health outcomes.

Suggested procedure:

  1. Identify THREE separate digital technologies. Discuss what type of technology it is, how it is used and why.

  2. Evaluate the benefits and challenges for each technology. The use of the technology may be related to different types of patient, such as a child, adolescent or older person. Consider how this may impact the effectiveness of the technology.

Create a PowerPoint presentation based on your ideas (a
Answered 1 days After May 24, 2023


Dipali answered on May 25 2023
29 Votes
Slide 1
THREE digital technologies used in healthcare to improve health outcomes
Evaluating Digital Technologies in Healthcare for Improved Health Outcomes
Introduction to the topic
Brief overview of the importance of digital technologies in healthcare
"Good day, ladies, and gentlemen, morning, afternoon, or evening. Today, we'll talk about the examination of three digital healthcare tools that are meant to enhance patient outcomes. Technology's incorporation with healthcare has shown to be advantageous in a number of ways as it develops. Let's jointly investigate these technologies and their effects."
Technology 1 - Telemedicine
Definition of telemedicine
Explanation of how it is used in healthcare
Benefits of telemedicine
Challenges of implementing telemedicine
Impact on different patient populations (e.g., children, adolescents, older adults)
"Telemedicine is our initial evaluation technique. Telemedicine is the term for the distant provision of medical services through electronic and digital channels. It enables patients to obtain medical advice, a diagnosis, and care in the convenience of their own homes. Increased accessibility, lower healthcare expenses, and better patient comfort are all advantages of telemedicine. However, there are obstacles including technological problems, privacy difficulties, and the requirement for digital literacy. Additionally, due to factors including age, familiarity with technology, and unique medical issues, various patient populations may have diverse experiences with telemedicine.
Telemedicine Use Cases
Remote consultations: Enables patients to connect with healthcare providers for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up without the need for in-person visits.
Mental health support: Telemedicine facilitates access to mental health professionals through video or phone sessions, making therapy more accessible and convenient.
Remote monitoring: Telemedicine allows healthcare providers to remotely monitor patients with chronic conditions, providing real-time data and enabling timely interventions.
"Telemedicine offers a range of use cases within healthcare. One common application is remote consultations, which allow patients to connect with healthcare providers virtually, eliminating the need for physical visits. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who have limited mobility, live in rural areas, or require specialist care. Another important use case is in the field of mental health, where telemedicine allows patients to access therapy and counseling services through video or phone sessions. This has improved the accessibility of mental health support for many individuals who may face ba
iers to in-person visits. Telemedicine also enables remote monitoring of patients with chronic conditions. For example, individuals with diabetes can use connected devices to measure and transmit their blood glucose levels to healthcare providers, who can then provide feedback and guidance remotely. This constant monitoring and feedback loop can lead to better disease management and improved health outcomes."
Benefits and Challenges of Telemedicine
Increased accessibility to healthcare services, particularly for remote or underserved populations
Reduced healthcare costs by eliminating travel expenses and unnecessary hospital visits
Improved patient convenience and flexibility with scheduling appointments
Faster access to care and reduced waiting times for consultations
Technical challenges, such as poor internet connectivity or limited access to technology in certain areas
Privacy and security concerns regarding the transmission and storage of patient data
Lack of in-person examination, which may limit the ability to assess physical conditions accurately
Unequal access to telemedicine services, particularly among disadvantaged populations
"Telemedicine offers several benefits in healthcare. Firstly, it increases accessibility to healthcare services, particularly for individuals living in remote or underserved areas. Telemedicine eliminates the need for patients to travel long distances to receive care, making healthcare more accessible and reducing ba
iers to timely treatment. Additionally, telemedicine can help reduce healthcare costs by eliminating travel expenses and unnecessary hospital visits. This is particularly significant for patients with chronic conditions who require frequent monitoring and follow-ups.
Impact on Different Patient Populations
Children: Telemedicine can provide convenient access to pediatric specialists, reducing the need for travel and allowing parents to seek timely care for their children.
Adolescents: Telemedicine may offer a more comfortable and confidential environment for mental health support, encouraging adolescents to seek help and increasing engagement in therapy.
Older adults: Telemedicine can enhance access to healthcare for...

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