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Task Further Background Refer to background information provided in Assessment 1 regarding the Commonwealth Government ‘My Health Record’ project. The project is considering cloud based solutions...

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Further Background

Refer to background information provided in Assessment 1 regarding the Commonwealth Government ‘My Health Record’ project.

The project is considering cloud based solutions which should be investigated. Consider various aspects of cloud based solutions such as; data security, which includes data ownership (by Department of Health, the young person, medical professionals, the Emergency Department etc). As well as other relevant aspects of cloud solutions.

Complete the Following

Please refer to the marking guide when preparing your response to see what criteria and standards will be used to assess your work and your progress.

Vendor Solution

Find 3 Vendors that provide systems likely to be to meet the requirements for this Information system, describe 6 features from each that would make them suitable and why

Reviewof cloud based.

A review of strengths and weaknesses of cloud based solutions. Taking into consideration the environment which the solution would be deployed.


Write brief description of the Pros and Cons to approaching the project using the ‘Predictive’ SDLC, then the Pros and Cons to approach the project as ‘Adaptive’ SDLC. Then recommend either Predictive or Adaptive to the SDLC for the project and briefly describe why.


This assignment is intended to develop and test your ability to research information system relevant issues. As well as develop requirement information. Also to consider the appropriate approach depending on criteria of Information System solution (Learning outcome 5, 6).

Marking criteria



High Distinction





1.Vendor Features Requirements

Maximum 09 Marks

Clearly specified the Vendor features to fulfill and meet system requirements and justified clearly and concisely how all the three vendor fulfill Health record system requirements. Evidence of having researched/read more widely beyond the core materials.

Clearly specified the Vendor features to fulfill and meet system requirements and justified clearly and concisely how all the three vendor fulfill Health record system requirements with detailed evidence of research.

Clearly specified the Vendor features to fulfill and meet system requirements and justified clearly how at least two vendors fulfill Health record system requirements with some evidence of research.

Clearly specified the Vendor features to fulfill and meet system requirements and justified clearly how at least two vendors fulfill Health record system requirements. Demonstrates evidence of having read material presented in core texts and readings. However literature is presented uncritically in a purely descriptive manner. Content acknowledged but not really taken into account.

Poorly specified the Vendor features to fulfill and meet system requirements and justification is not clear how at least one vendor fulfill Health record system requirements. Inaccurate or inconsistent acknowledgment of sources. Limited knowledge of key principles and concepts.

2.Review of cloud based solution

Maximum 08 Marks

Clearly identified strengths and weaknesses of cloud solutions. As well as apply indepth understanding of the environment that the solution would be used in. Demonstrates breadth and depth of understanding and has insights and awareness of deeper more subtle aspects of the topic. Evidence of having researched/read more widely beyond the core materials.

Clearly identified strengths and weaknesses of cloud solutions Demonstrates breadth and depth of understanding and has insights and awareness of deeper more subtle aspects of the topic. Evidence of having read beyond the core materials.

Strengths and weaknesses are identified. Demonstrates thorough understanding of material presented in core texts and readings.

Strengths and weaknesses are identified. Demonstrates evidence of having read material presented in core texts and readings. However literature is presented uncritically in a purely descriptive manner. Content acknowledged but not really taken into account.

Strengths and weaknesses are poorly expressed. Demonstrates very little evidence of having read material presented in core texts and readings. Inaccurate or inconsistent acknowledgment of sources. Limited knowledge of key principles and concepts.

3. SDLC Approach

Maximum 08 marks

Demonstrates breadth and depth of understanding in relation to SDLC approach. Has insights and awareness of deeper more subtle aspects of the topic content. Evidence of having researched/read more widely beyond the core materials.

Demonstrates breadth and depth of understanding in relation to SDLC approach. Has insights and awareness of deeper more subtle aspects of the topic. Evidence of having read beyond the core materials.

Demonstrates clear understanding in relation to SDLC approach. Demonstrates thorough understanding of material presented in core texts and readings.

Discusses the SDLC approach. Demonstrates evidence of having read material presented in core texts and readings. However literature is presented uncritically in a purely descriptive manner. Content acknowledged but not really taken into account.

Poor discussion of SDLC approach. Demonstrates very little evidence of having read material presented in core texts and readings. Inaccurate or inconsistent acknowledgment of sources. Limited knowledge of key principles and concepts.

4.Presentation, writing style, grammer and references

Maximum 05 Marks

Highly developed skills in expression and presentation of response.
Fluent writing style appropriate to assessment task.
Grammar and spelling accurate. Well organised.

Well-developed skills in expression and presentation of response.
Fluent writing style appropriate to assessment task.
Grammar and spelling accurate. Well organised.

Good skills in expression and clear presentation of response.
Mostly fluent writing style appropriate to assessment task.
Grammar and spelling accurate.

Some skills in expression and presentation of response.
Meaning apparent but writing style not always fluent or well organised.
Grammar and spelling contain errors.

Rudimentary skills in expression and presentation of response.
Not all material is relevant and/or is presented in a disorganised manner.
Meaning apparent but writing style not fluent or well-organised,
Grammar and spelling contain errors.


Your answer should be approx. 7 pages, Times Roman size 12 (title page and references are not part of page count). You should use your own words and avoid lengthy quotations.


If any references are required, ensure to use APA referencing to acknowledge the sources that you have used in preparing your assessment.

Answered Same Day May 21, 2020 ITC548 Charles Sturt University


Ankit answered on May 24 2020
141 Votes
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                Title of assignment
Cloud based solution refers to on demand services of software’s, assets or services made available to individuals on demand through Internet from providers of a cloud computing  servers. 
Cloud based solution resolved various forms of issues such as security, control of data, application and deployment etc. This Health record firm need a reliable and secure technique for saving and accessing their information infrastructure to cloud data storage.  Cloud solution gives security at different points in order to provide secure access for cloud storage provider that depends on user authentication. Cloud based solution use secure transfer protocols which is useful in encrypting sensitive data storage. Through cloud based solution there is reliable communication of data between their storage provider and host through use of different protocols for e.g., by using cloud user upload the data automatically to cloud storage from their system. (Gilmer 2012)
In this document we investigate Commonwealth Government health record project that consider cloud based solutions. There are various aspects of this cloud based solutions such as data security and other relevant aspects of cloud solutions.
In this document we focus on three Vendors of cloud based solution that provide systems likely to be to meet the requirements for this Information system and also discuss features that make it suitable. We also focus on strengths and weaknesses of cloud based solutions in which it would be deployed.
We will discuss pros and Cons for this project using the ‘Predictive’ SDLC, then the Pros and Cons for this project using ‘Adaptive’ SDLC.
Aspects of cloud based solution for Health record project
1. Security of data: The data for health record project is protected by different ways. Cloud based solution stored different type of data related to health record such as patient data, doctors record, various files, photos, emails etc on cloud storage. It does the backup of data on regular basic from system automatically whenever it is attached to Wi-Fi. And you can use your backup to restore your device or set up a new one. Security is the main concern for every firm so health record project protect their data by various ways as listed below:
2. Cloud based solution should use secured protocols for the data transfe
ing e.g. SHTTP- Secured Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is secured protocol to be used.
3. The cryptography techniques should be used for confidential data transfe
ing such as customer info, transaction details, doctors’ info etc. The methods of cryptography techniques are public-key and private keys which are helpful in sharing the data from one node to other node.
4. Password Sharing should be avoided: - userids and passwords of the advisors shouldn't be shared with one another or maybe this steer shouldn't be disclosed to the outsiders or to anyone. Once coming into the login id or parole it should be taken care that nobody is going to be able to see the data. Also, the passwords ought to be the alpha-numeric. Alternative best choice for the consultant once coming into the passwords ought to use the virtual keyboards. With virtual keyboards it's invariably useful that the data shared is secure.
5. TLS stands for Transport Layer Security which is cryptographic protocol and used for privacy of internet connections. There is authentication mechanism based on X.509 system where symmetric encryption key is...

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