Akansha answered on
May 25 2020
Running head: Cu
iculum and Leadership
iculum leadership
Middle level leaders improving teaching and learning in a secondary school
Student Name
University Name
The principal plays high-quality as well as critical role in leadership and renovation of community-based courses. Leading cu
iculum for new and old principals is tough and challenging. For each stage of cu
iculum process, the principal is required to consider the education, leadership theory distribution and social justice. These leadership and management practices will support the development of schools which are more favorable for positive changes, a collaborative school culture and faculty member, who wish to go beyond the students and their various needs.
On the other hand middle school leaders also play a pivotal role in the leadership of teaching activities that determine the success of educational achievements. Most middle-level leaders believe that their roles are worthwhile. However, they have experienced tensions that are both teachers and leaders. Although middle-level leaders have influential positions in schools, they often do not receive specific middle-level leadership development or undertake effective evaluation of such complex roles. Recent literature supports middle-level leadership development and meaningful assessment. In the absence of government initiatives, school leaders have the responsibility to develop and evaluate their middle-level leaders, but middle-level leaders do not think this is sufficient. Middle-level leaders have a helpful but challenging and demanding role. As influential leaders in the school, they are expected to promote cu
iculum reform and innovation. Middle-level leaders are expected to undertake a variety of tasks, including: leadership courses, emphasizing improvement of student performance; training of staff in their departments; and a considerable number of administrative tasks, such as tracking and recording student performance, moderate assessment, budget and compliance Related tasks. The types and scope of these tasks have
ought many challenges to middle-level leaders. This article emphasizes that middle-level leaders are overwhelmed by the amount of tasks they are expected to accomplish. Senior leaders do not support them and feel that their job descriptions are not clear or relevant to their role.
The role of middle level leaders improving teaching and learning in a secondary school setting
My educational context: My school context is: 7-12 Secondary school, nondenominational school, providing single-gender education, six campuses across Melbourne, girls and boys campuses are separate. I work as a full-time secondary school teacher, Head of Digital Technologies department and 7-10 team leaders for Religion and Values education subject.
In the past decade, the educational landscape has undergone great changes, especially in England. The expansion of colleges, multi-academic trust funds and free schools has changed the structural relationship between schools and schools. Given this new work a
angement, it remains questionable whether a large body of literature on the role of middle-level leaders in schools is still applicable, or indeed what has changed so dramatically in the school environment. Although the middle leaders’ work requirements may be the same, their cu
ent working environment is now completely different. Therefore, the revival of research on middle school leaders seems to be both timely and important (Sangrà & González-Sanmamed, 2010). I believe leaders with personal qualities and relationships, their commitment, ability, and enthusiasm for teaching inspire people around them; establish themselves as experienced and effective teachers who possess in-depth and extensive knowledge of the cu
ent development of the cu
iculum and its fields. Have in-depth understanding. I consistently demonstrate my teaching leadership capabilities and my role to provide learners with strong academic and social outcomes; influence evidence-based departmental planning and organization to ensure that resources are fully utilized and planned to Play a leading role and promote national and school/center-based policies and processes with employees, which helps to communicate effectively (Valovich McLeod, 2014).
In secondary schools leaders within and outside the work environment also have different requirements. In a decentralized approach, leaders often collaborate and strategically establish relationships with young children and their families in a rapidly changing social context. Through the creation of a learning culture and the requirement to share knowledge and cooperation, effective leadership in secondary school has emerged. These leaders sometimes need to undertake major operational tasks and put forward quite complex requirements for administration and management; as a result, distributed leadership styles have emerged with the environment and choices (Bounds & Jenkins, 2018).
As a teacher I need to understand their professional responsibilities and encourage them to conduct extensive professional studies throughout their careers because they desire to play a leading role in education. The teaching professional standards of the Board of Education will help determine the development opportunities and the depth of experience they need to establish in their careers. The development of leadership knowledge, practice, and tendencies of middle-level leaders needs to take place in an environment where professional learning is valued. For those who want to lead at each level, there should be formalized professional learning, coaching, mentoring, and support. Priority must be given to time and resources to ensure that teachers have a clear path to development to improve leadership capabilities and capabilities (eg formal qualifications to build knowledge and reasonable evidence developed in the form of effective professional practices and leadership combinations). The professional development strategy of middle-level leaders needs adequate resources and is combined with existing practices so that teachers have the opportunity to practice with and learn from colleagues. Middle-level leaders in all fields of education need a leadership development model that is culturally appropriate to their context (such as secondary schools), and therefore can determine the leadership learning needs of colleagues. The key is to have multiple opportunities to learn. These opportunities are flexible and resourceful enough to contain a model that can provide resources to develop leadership practices that are essential in a supportive but challenging environment. The Ministry of Education is a good example of a collection of common ideas, experiences and leadership practices (combined with educators in secondary education). It provides insights on how effective professional development plans can strengthen leaders' capabilities, improve their ability, and maintain exemplary leadership (Gu
& Drysdale, 2013). Professional leaders in education should be encouraged to give priority and implementation to formal and planned leadership development plans for senior and middle-level leaders. The responsibility for identifying and developing leadership should be an important senior leadership responsibility so that they can focus on the learning needs of middle-level leaders they are directly responsible for.
Problems with cu
iculum and the choice of textbooks and teaching materials In some countries there is little or no individual teacher involvement. Therefore, in France, a highly centralized national education system, the teaching process of secondary school is determined by the Ministry of Education. In the United States, each of the 50 states has its own power, and there are more course changes here. Some states require textbooks throughout the state, while others leave these issues to local decisions (Fletcher-Wood, 2017). In many large cities, the school system has a cu
iculum department to formulate policies on these issues, and individual teachers in the u
an school system or in some national systems, therefore, have less power to decide what to teach. Secondary school level has greater flexibility than high and secondary school level. As for classroom teaching methods, individual teachers may have more autonomy in the United States than in most European school systems.
Almost anywhere in the world, university teachers have full autonomy in choosing textbooks, choosing content and teaching methods for specific courses. In general, the only limitation of university teachers is determined by the nature of the teaching task. If he is...