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Students will research and create a fact-argumentation outline on why student-athletes should be paid to play college sports. Students will follow the Sample Outline listed below You are to argue...

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Students will research and create a fact-argumentation outline on why student-athletes should be paid to play college sports.
Students will follow the Sample Outline listed below
You are to argue your stance and support your stance with evidence from the
esearch. While research does not solely have to be obtained from scholarly
journals, it is important to fact check and support with reputable
esearch. This is an outline, so the only sections where you are to use
paragraph form is the Overview, Transitions, and Conclusion.
Evidence – state an overall point/stance, then you are to provide support for you
argument (paid/not paid and reasons to support your stance), with statistics, expert testimony, academic research.
The fact-argumentation informative outline will contain:
I. Overview
a. Topic
. Specific Purpose
c. Primary Audience Outcome
II. Introduction
a. Attention Gette
. Psychological Orientation
c. Logical Orientation
d. Evidence (if applicable)
III. Evidence I
a. Evidence XXXXXXXXXXpoints of support)
. Evidence XXXXXXXXXXpoints of support)
IV. Transition
a. Provide questioning/thought to ponder to support next argumentation
V. Evidence II
a. Evidence XXXXXXXXXXpoints of support)
. Evidence XXXXXXXXXXpoints of support)
VI. Transition
a. Provide questioning/thought to ponder to support next argumentation
VII. Evidence III
a. Evidence XXXXXXXXXXpoints of support)
. Evidence XXXXXXXXXXpoints of support)
VIII. Conclusion
a. Logical Closure
. Psychological Closure
c. Clinche
IX. References
*APA Formatting standards (Title Page, Body of Work, Reference Page)**
Answered Same Day Mar 20, 2023


Parul answered on Mar 21 2023
30 Votes
Normal.dotm A4 US English
Fact-argumentation outline on why student-athletes should be paid to play college sports
I. Overview
a. Topic: Should student-athletes be paid to play college sports?
. Specific Purpose: To argue that student-athletes should be paid to play college sports and support the stance with evidence from research.
c. Primary Audience Outcome: To inform and persuade the audience about the benefits of paying college student-athletes.
II. Introduction
a. Attention Getter: Imagine being a college student-athlete, dedicating countless hours to your sport, and not receiving any compensation for your hard work.
The issue of whether student-athletes should be paid to play college sports has been a subject of debate for many years. Some argue that these athletes already receive benefits in the form of scholarships and that paying them would go against the principles of amateurism in college sports. However, others believe that these athletes
ing in significant revenue for their universities and that they should be compensated for their time and effort, especially given the risks of injury and the demands on their time. Ultimately, the question of whether to pay student-athletes is a complex one with valid arguments on both sides, and it will likely continue to be a topic of discussion in the years to come.
. Psychological Orientation: College sports generate billions of dollars in revenue, yet the athletes who make it possible are not paid.
When considering the psychological orientation in the debate over paying student-athletes to play college sports, it's important to understand the emotions and attitudes of the audience. Many college sports fans are passionate about their teams and have strong feelings about the role of amateurism in college athletics. A persuasive speaker on this topic may use emotional appeals to tap into these sentiments, highlighting the dedication and hard work that student-athletes put into their sport and the risks they face on the field. The speaker may also seek to establish credibility by referencing the financial realities of college athletics, such as the revenue generated by big-ticket sports like football and basketball. By connecting with the audience on an emotional level and building a logical case for change, a persuasive speaker can encourage listeners to reconsider their views on...

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