Student Name:
Student ID:
34940/P1 Work Placement Portfolio Part 1
E1050 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
1. Overview
During your work placement, you will be undertaking a variety of duties and tasks that relate to your course and the role of an early childhood educator and carer. You will need to successfully demonstrate that you can perform tasks required in the work environment and collect evidence.
Your work placement Portfolio is divided into 2 Parts and should be submitted separately. This is Work Placement Portfolio Part 1.
Your Work Placement Portfolio Part XXXXXXXXXX/P2 should be submitted separately. You will need to complete your portfolio within the original Portfolio Assessment downloaded from Open Space. When uploading your portfolio for submission, you can submit as a single Word document or a single PDF document.
Your Supervisor will give you guidance and feedback on your performance, supporting you to complete the tasks in an appropriate and professional manner.
Evidence of your performance must be collected and submitted to your Open Colleges Assessor. This document, Work Placement Portfolio Part 1, consists of nine (9) tasks that are outlined with instructions on how to collect evidence.
2. Work Placement Portfolio
Your Open Colleges Workplace Assessor will talk to your Approved Workplace Supervisor about all the tasks you have completed throughout your work placement. Your Approved Workplace Supervisor will confirm that you have completed each task according to the instructions, and so you need to ensure your Approved Workplace Supervisor witnesses each task as you complete them.
Work Placement Portfolio Part 1 needs to be uploaded once you have completed all nine (9) tasks in a single Word document or a single PDF document.
Important note for students and supervisors
All tasks in this document must be completed and individually signed and dated. We are not able to accept ‘group’ or ‘combined’ signatures or dates.
Protocols for observing, photographing and recording children
· You must obtain permission to observe, photograph and/or digitally record children (as applicable) when you are working with children and ca
ying out the tasks in this Portfolio.
· Also ensure you adhere to all organisational policies and procedures for observing, photographing and recording.
· For each child that is observed, photographed or recorded, you will need to supply a ‘Permission to observe/photograph
ecord a child’ form for each child signed by their parent/carer. A template for this is provided in Appendix G. Please make sure that it is hand written and submitted as a scanned PDF attachment with your assessment submission. Please name the scanned attachment with the following naming convention [your student number]_[permission to observe]_[34940P1].pdf
Holistic approach to this Portfolio
Prior to commencing any of the tasks in the portfolio each student must have completed the required training as outlined in the Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) training plan with their nominated supervisor.
Throughout your 240 hours of work placement you will need to ca
y out various required tasks in Portfolios 1 and 2 to demonstrate competence in your skills in early childhood education and care.
At the beginning of your work placement, you will need to consult with your Approved Workplace Supervisor to choose a focus group of children*. When completing the Tasks in Portfolios 1 and 2 you will observe and plan experiences for your focus children, and support their holistic wellbeing, learning and development. You will also implement and evaluate experiences for your focus children using the Early Years Learning Framework to guide your programming approach.
*Your focus group of children should consist of 5 or 6 children of varying ages; at least 3 of these children must be babies and toddlers and one child must have additional needs.
Task for completion prior to the Workplace Assessor visit
Please review the Assessor Observation Tool (which will be sent after your workplace approval call). Task 2 of Observation 3: Work in partnerships with families should be completed before your Open Colleges Workplace Assessor visit during your work placement.
The Workplace Assessor visit will take place approximately half way through your work placement.
Completion instructions
1. Prior to commencing any of the tasks in the portfolio you must have completed the required training as outlined in the training plan with your nominated supervisor. This will ensure that you have a satisfactory understanding of the tasks requirements prior to attempting the assessment.
2. Write your student name and ID on both the top and bottom of the first page (within the allocated areas) and save your document. Once you have typed your details on the bottom, make sure that all pages have populated with the same details.
3. Please follow the instructions in each part of your portfolio.
4. You will complete this Portfolio Part 1, as well as Portfolio Part 2, across the full 240 hours of your work placement.
5. Please ensure your responses are typed and that you have completed all templated sections of this document and include any appendices or extra evidence/templates within this one Word file for submission.
6. Save this single Word document using the following naming convention:
7. Upload this completed document in Open Space using the relevant Assessment Upload link in this Module at the end of your 240 hours of work placement. Your portfolio can be uploaded as ONE Word document or ONE PDF document.
Student Name:
Student Number:
V XXXXXXXXXX/P1 E1050 CHC50113 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care
Task 1: Plan and prepare a meal with children
This is Task 1 of 10
Description: Mealtime is an important time for children to learn and socialise. This task requires you to plan and prepare a meal* and interact with two (2) of your focus children (aged 2–6 years). You will need to involve these children in the activity from start to finish.
*Examples of an appropriate meal can include simple salads, stir-frys or pasta dishes,
eakfast meals such as toasties and smoothies, or afternoon tea such as pita
ead with humus. Remember to strictly follow safety guidelines when preparing food with and for children to avoid injury, choking, scalding and allergic reactions, etc. The following resource provides important food safety information and recipes: Get Up and Grow: Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Early Childhood, Cooking for Children. More resource links are provided below in a).
What you need to submit:
· Signed permission forms for any children involved, Appendix G.
· Your written plan from (a) appendix K, including reference to the resources listed, how you have considered each child’s dietary needs, and the allocated tasks for the children. This must be signed and dated by your Approved Workplace Supervisor.
· Completed ‘General reflections template’ for whole task, Appendix A (maximum 200 words). This must be signed and dated by your Approved Workplace Supervisor.
Does this task need to be completed before the Workplace Assessor visit? No
Required Task
a. Plan a meal with two (2) children aged 2–6 years as follows:
· Obtain signed parental/guardian permission to observe and work with the participating children. Use the ‘Permission to observe/photograph
ecord’ form (Appendix G).
· Before planning the meal, sight each child’s records and/or discuss the children’s culture, diet and allergy requirements with parents/educators. Ensure you consider this information when planning the meal activity. Check the food label of any foods included.
· Plan a meal (including its preparation) with at least 2 children aged between 2-6 years.
· Create a written meal plan including all food ingredients, amounts and preparation method.
· Plan the activity with the 2 children, considering what food and drink to include and what preparation each child will do.
· Refer to the following resources:
· Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents in Australia
· Australian Guide to Healthy Eating
· Get Up and Grow: Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Early Childhood, Staff and Carer Book.
· Before implementation, show your written meal plan to your Approved Workplace Supervisor for approval (including their signature and date), to ensure your plan meets the appropriate Learning Framework, i.e. EYLF and legal/ethical considerations.
· Discuss an appropriate time to implement this task with your Approved Workplace Supervisor.
*Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF).
b. Prepare the meal with the two (2) children, and ask your Approved Workplace Supervisor to observe as follows:
· Ensure your environment and any equipment is safe and clean.
· Participate in the food preparation with the children, including discussion around healthy eating habits and healthy bodies.
· Ensure the children participate safely and discuss safety with them i.e. prevent slipping on floors, avoid unsafe activities, handle/store food co
c. Interact with the children and eat the meal together, and ask your Approved Workplace Supervisor to observe as follows:
· Sit with the children to eat the meal together.
· Create a safe, positive and relaxed environment.
· Ensure your interactions are culturally sensitive, inclusive and respectful of diversity.
· Role model healthy eating methods and appropriate discussion.
d. Complete a written reflection on the task and your involvement, and consider future planning as follows: (Use Appendix A ‘General reflections template’, maximum 300 words)
· Briefly summarise what happened during the meal planning and implementation
· Reflect on the children’s responses and your own involvement. Consider these questions when reflecting:
· what worked well?
· what didn’t work well?
· what would you do differently in the future?
· Identify possible extension activities for future planning
· Discuss your reflection with your Approved Workplace Supervisor.
Approved Workplace Supervisor sign-off
Items completed by student:
· Signed permission forms for any children involved, Appendix G.
· Written plan from (a) appendix K, including reference to the resources listed, how you have considered each child’s dietary needs, and the allocated tasks for the children. This must be signed and dated by Approved Workplace Supervisor.
· Completed ‘General reflections template’ for whole task, Appendix A (maximum 200 words). This must be signed and dated by the Approved Workplace Supervisor.
Approved Workplace Supervisor Name (Printed): Workplace supervisor’s name (must be a name verified on the WPA or in the Smart Sheet)
Approved Workplace Supervisor signature: must be physically signed by supervisor mentioned above
Appendix G: Permission to observe/photograph
ecord a child template
Permission to Observe
Dear Parent/Guardian
I am a student studying the Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care at Open Colleges.
To complete some of my units of competency, I am required to observe a child by using a range of observation techniques.
This may include photographs, samples of work, written comments, and/or a checklist of interests and achievements.
From these observations, I plan appropriate experiences suited to the age and interests of the child.
I request permission to observe your child.
· I will use your child’s first name only.
· I will keep observations confidential at all times.
· I will