State your group research (PICOT) question:Incardiac surgical patients, does the wearing of washable cloths, scrub caps by hospital personnel as compared to disposable gowns affect surgical site infection rate over a period of three months?
1. Find 1QUANTitativeresearch articlerelated to the research question stated above
2. Discuss the following aspects of your chosenquantitative research article in (1)
·What was thepurposeof the study?
·Would you classify this research as aTrue Experimental Design,Quasi-Experimental Design, orNonexperimentaldesign? Why?
·Indicate the specific quantitative research design used.Ex. Randomized controlled trial or descriptivecorrelationaldesign.
·Was the design used,appropriate for this study? Why or why not?
·Include the full reference of the article in APA format.
·Attach apdfof your article to your post.
State your group research (PICOT) question:Incardiac surgical patients, does the wearing of washable cloths, scrub caps by hospital personnel as compared to disposable gowns affect surgical site infection rate over a period of three months?
1. Find 1QUANTitativeresearch articlerelated to the research question stated above
2. Discuss the following aspects of your chosenquantitative research article in (1)
·What was thepurposeof the study?
·Would you classify this research as aTrue Experimental Design,Quasi-Experimental Design, orNonexperimentaldesign? Why?
·Indicate the specific quantitative research design used.Ex. Randomized controlled trial or descriptivecorrelationaldesign.
·Was the design used,appropriate for this study? Why or why not?
·Include the full reference of the article in APA format.
·Attach apdfof your article to your post.