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Socw 6361Week 8 assignment ubmita3-to4-page paperthat addresses the following: What is the policy alternative? What, if any, change(s) in the policy alternative are necessary, and where will they...

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Socw 6361
Week 8 assignment

ubmita3-to4-page paperthat addresses the following:

  • What is the policy alternative?

  • What, if any, change(s) in the policy alternative are necessary, and where will they need to occur (localor state)?

  • Is this policy alternative congruent with social work values? Explain.

  • What is the feasibility of the alternative policy (political, economic, and administrative)?

  • Does the policy alternative meet the policy goals (e.g., social equality, redistribution of resources, social work values, and ethics)?

  • What are the forces that are forthe policy?What are the forces that areagainstthe policy?

  • What policy advocacy skills can be used to support the policy alternative?

  • How does the policyalternativeaffect clinical social work practice with clients?

  • What changes could be made in the policy to support the needs of clients seeking clinical services?

Be sure to incorporateat least five scholarly articlesyou found using standard APA format.

Answered 1 days After Apr 21, 2024


Parul answered on Apr 22 2024
7 Votes

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