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Socw 6361Week 10 Submita2-to3-page final report of your Social Change Project. The final report should includethe following: Provide a brief synopsis ofthesocial problem and policy you...

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Socw 6361
Week 10

Submita2-to3-page final report of your Social Change Project. The final report should includethe following:

  • Provide a brief synopsis ofthesocial problem and policy you identified.

  • Describethe steps of your project:

    • How did your experiences as a social workprofessional and your own goals for advocacy inform your selection of a social problem?

    • How did your knowledge of, or prior experiences with,the social problem inform your policy analyses?

    • What did you learn through each step, including your selection of a social problem, identification of a policy, proposal for advocacy, and recommendation for a policy alternative?

  • Reflecting on your experience,identify 2–3opportunities for growth. What would you do differentlybasedon yourrecentlearnings?

    • For example,you might select a different policy alternative that would be better received byelected officials(or other decision makers in a position of power). Or you might use different strategies when speaking in front of a group to advocate forchange.

  • Explain how policy relates to direct practice.

  • Describe how you will apply advocacy skills as a social worker.

  • Be sure to incorporateat least five scholarly articlesyou found using standard APA format.

Answered 1 days After May 04, 2024


Parul answered on May 06 2024
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