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SOC 103A - AB, Report – T1, 2015 Page 1 Assessment Brief Program Bachelor of Applied Social Science Subject Developing Social Policy Subject code SOC 103A Name of assessment Assessment 2: Report on...

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SOC 103A - AB, Report – T1, 2015 Page 1
Assessment Brief
Program Bachelor of Applied Social Science
Subject Developing Social Policy
Subject code SOC 103A
Name of assessment Assessment 2: Report on Policy Process
Length 1500 words
Learning outcomes addressed by
this assessment:
This assessment examines students on learning outcomes A, b, d.
Submission Date: Week 6
Lecturer Name Sadia Niyakan-Safy
ief summary:

Report on the key stages of the policy process.
Total marks 100 marks
Weighting 30%
Students are advised that any submissions past the due date incur a 10% penalty per day, calculated from the total
mark e.g. a task marked out of 40 will incur a 4 mark penalty per day.

Please note: you must attempt all tasks in a subject to be eligible to pass the subject.

More information, please refer to the Academic Progression Policy on http:

SOC 103A - AB, Report – T1, 2015 Page 2
Assessment Description:
Research and write a report on the policy process using Australia’s Mandatory Detention policy as
your policy for review. Utilizing your knowledge of the policy process and stages of policy
formulation and implementation, critically discuss how this policy was planned, formulated and
implemented. Explain whether any allowance has been made for the systematic evaluation of the
Pay particular attention to the issues of empowerment and participation during this process, and to
equality, justice and fairness. If social policy is meant to produce greater equality, and to promote
justice and fairness in society, explain whether this policy fulfills this objective.
Marking Criteria:
Max. in
Word count, readability, and structure 10/100
ect use of referencing style both in-text and in end
eference list
Clear and well-structured discussion of the key stages
of the policy process in relation to the chosen policy
Discussion of issues related to empowerment,
participation and a
angements made for the evaluation
of the policy. The student should also engage in a critical
eview of the policy and its effects.
Total: 100/100
Percentage Mark: /30%
SOC 103A - AB, Report – T1, 2015 Page 3
Notes for assignments
Please note essays should be written in font Times New Roman with font size 12. All
eferences should comply with the APA 6th Edition referencing guide.
All papers that are late without an approved extension will be penalized by 10% per day of
the total possible marks for that assessment.
Marks will be deducted for failure to adhere to the word count – as a general rule you
may go over or under by 10% of the stated length.
Students must attempt all assessments in the course to be eligible to pass the unit.
This assignment will incorporate a formal introduction, main points and conclusion; The
work must be fully referenced with in-text citations and a reference list at the end. We
ecommend you work with the APA 6th Edition Referencing Guide to ensure that you
eference co
ectly. Co
ect academic writing and referencing are essential tasks that you
need to learn.
We recommend a minimum of ten references, unless instructed differently by your
tutor. Unless specifically instructed otherwise by your lecturer, any paper with less
than ten references may be failed. Work that includes sources that are not properly
eferenced will not meet level 100 requirements and will be penalized.

The assessment MUST be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format. Other formats
may not be readable by markers. Please be aware that any assessments submitted in other
formats will be considered LATE and will lose marks until it is presented in Word.
Notes for referencing:
High quality work must be fully referenced with in-text citations and a reference list at the end. We
ecommend you work with the APA 6th Edition Referencing Guide to ensure that you reference
ectly. Co
ect academic writing and referencing are essential tasks that you need to learn.
References are assessed for their quality. You should draw on quality academic sources, such as
ooks, chapters from edited books, journals etc. Your textbook can be used as a reference, but not
the Study Guide and lecturer notes. We want to see evidence that you are capable of conducting
your own research. Also, in order to help markers determine students’ understanding of the work
they cite, all in-text references (not just direct quotes) must include the specific page numbe
s if
shown in the original. Before preparing your assignment or own contribution, please review this
YouTube video by clicking on the following link:
Plagiarism: How to avoid it
You can search for peer-reviewed journal articles, which you can find in the online journal databases
and which can be accessed from the li
ary homepage. Wikipedia, online dictionaries and online

SOC 103A - AB, Report – T1, 2015 Page 4
encyclopedias are acceptable as a starting point to gain knowledge about a topic, but should not be
overused – these should constitute no more than 10% of your total list of references/sources.
Additional information and literature can be used where these are produced by legitimate sources,
such as government departments, research institutes such as the NHMRC, or international
organisations such as the World Health Organisation (WHO). Legitimate organisations and
government departments produce peer reviewed reports and articles and are therefore very useful
and mostly very cu
ent. The content of the following link explains why it is not acceptable to use
non-peer reviewed websites: Why can't I just Google? (thanks to La Trobe University for this video).
Answered Same Day Jul 10, 2021


Tanaya answered on Jul 11 2021
145 Votes
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Australia’s Mandatory Detention Policy Process and Stages of Policy    3
Critical Discussion on Australia’s Mandatory Detention Policy    4
The Systematic Evaluation of the Australia’s Mandatory Detention Policy    5
Issues of Empowerment and Participation, Equality, Justice and Fairness in Policy Process    6
The Extent to which the Policy Fulfils this Objective    7
Conclusion    7
References    9
The Australian Mandatory detention is a legal requirement for most of the non-citizen in Australia, lacking valid visas. This was introduced by Keating Government in the year 1992 while responding to the wave of the penetration of Indochinese boats. Within this policy it was crucial that the unlawful citizens without a valid visa within the migration zone of Australia will be detained unless they are been afforded under the temporary lawful status by granting
idging visa. In most of the cases, it is observed that most of the detainees were granted with temporary visa with a lawful status (Zion, 2019). However, in some cases of unlawful non-citizen, it is considered as “security and flight risk” and they are refused to leave Australia voluntarily. Moreover, they can even be refused from attaining a
idging visa.
Australia’s Mandatory Detention Policy Process and Stages of Policy
The Australian government differentiates in between the asylum seekers based on the Migration Act 1958 even though the asylum seeker has not been included explicitly in the Act, there are terms utilised as lawful and unlawful (Hedrick, Armstrong, Coffey & Borschmann, 2019). The lawful a
ival of the asylum seekers in Australia are protected by DIAC who are eligible for application assistance, Medicare, work assistance and rights. Although, unlawful has not been considered as criminality, however, it has been considered under the
each of Australian contravention of s14 related to unlawful stay and entry (Jackson, 2018).
Hence, the process the immigration officer follows includes detaining the pursuant under section 189 (1). Further, in case the individual has not been presented within the migration zone they are suspected of being unlawful citizen and can be detained under section 189 (2) (Parliament of Australia, 2013). The assessing of the claims of refugee is flexible. After being inte
ogated by the officer, they undergo a health screen. This followed by an interview in case the detainee states that he is a refugee so that the officers can ascertain that the individual will not interfere in the protection obligation (Parliament of Australia, 2007).
The difference between an offshore entry and an asylum seeker is the treatment process under the section 5(1) Migration Act where the asylum seekers are been taken to the immigration detention and then they are assessed by the DIAC personnel in the detention facility under the Australian law. Further, the policy also differentiates the asylum seekers from other non-citizens like stowaways, overstayers, deserters who are equally liable for detention under the section 189 (1).
Critical Discussion on Australia’s Mandatory Detention Policy
There have been several arguments, which have been opposing the policy on the grounds of fairness. The fairness in terms of needs, rights and desert-based justifications were provided by the Australian government. Although there are no disagreements with the government’s decision on protecting the borders with the refugee resettlement programme, which will preserve the rights as well as interest of the citizen (Refugee Council of Australia, 2018).
According to some critics, the detention was identified to be a legitimate function by the immigration controlled as well as protected the community from various threats. However, there were a certain group of critics who stated that sovereignty have certain limits. Australia have faced litany of conventions in terms of human rights relinquishing their sovereignty (Australian Human Rights Commission, 2017). According to the Refugee convention and two Optional protocols, the Australian government is incapable of legitimately control any individual entering in to the country.
Moreover, the Australian...

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