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Since IT is constantly changing, it is vital for you to keep pace with current events. For that reason, I expect students to read through magazines and newspapers to learn about new technologies and...

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Since IT is constantly changing, it is vital for you to keep pace with current events. For that reason, I expect students to read through magazines and newspapers to learn about new technologies and to think through how they might impact consumers, corporations, and the broader world around us.

Please post one outside article and your comments. Pick anything in Chapter 5 or Chapter 6 textbook link( you can find referenced in a real news outlet and describe what you found.Provide the link. Something you think relates to either ofthe chapter materials. Please reference your source or include it here and explain the importance of your article.

Over the course of the semester you must submit various articles. These articles can come from newspapers the Internet or magazines such as Fortune or Business Week, etc. You will post your critique on a class assignment with the Subject area being the Chapter # so all can follow. The submission date for each appears in the schedule section as does the assignments for each chapter. One is required per chapter, do not duplicate any other article but if you want to follow that topic you can.

Look for specific articles that talk about how firms are using IT or new IT innovation. For example, you might find an article that shows how UPS is using IT to limit the number of left-hand turns on its delivery routes as a way to save on gas or how Dell is using IT to reduce the time that it takes to create a new laptop. The IT articles that you are looking for must have an information componentanda technology component.

You can begin your critique by giving a short summary in two to three sentences of what the article is about. I am looking for a well-crafted, logical set of viewpoints. I expect that whatever you submit will be original material. If you include material from the source article or from any other sources, include it in quotation marks and note the full and precise citation at the bottom of the critique

Answered Same Day Jun 14, 2020


Parul answered on Jun 16 2020
154 Votes
Order Id 31799
We live in the Information age, where we are su
ounded with platforms that provides data. Humans or business have access to abundance of data however the heart of the matter lies in the significance that comes from comprehending those huge chunks of data and analysing the trend forward. With reference to the article “What Can Machine Learning Do for Your Business Right Now?” (Frazzetto, Anna, 2018) that expresses cu
ent events in IT and business that would definitely impact the customers and markets.
In this competitive age it becomes imperative for organisations to have insights from the available data basis which leaders can make right decisions. It is age of agility and speed to understand the data and adapt accordingly. Biggest shift in IT technologies is to explore new ways of machine learning that concentrates on creating robots that behave like humans but display the acumen of the machine. With reference to facts and views expressed in the article, “Google Just Gave a Stunning Demo of Assistant Making an Actual Phone Call” (Welch, Chris, 2018) one of the most recent and prominent example of AI and machine learning is Google's Assistant who is capable of booking your...

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