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ITSA1001 Server Administration Fundamentals Copyright © XXXXXXXXXXVIT, All Rights Reserved. 1 ITSA1001 Server Administration Fundamentals Assignment ITSA1001 Server Administration Fundamentals...

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ITSA1001 Server Administration Fundamentals

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Server Administration Fundamentals

ITSA1001 Server Administration Fundamentals

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This assessment relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is
designed to evaluate student’s ability on administrating servers with emphasis on key principles
elated to server hardware, software and storage, disaster recovery and trouble shooting.
The following LOs are assessed in this assent assessment.
LO1 : Explain the key roles and functions of servers
LO2 : Demonstrate the installation of server applications and active directory
LO3 : Demonstrate the installation and configuration of Server 2008
LO4 : Identify and apply key principles of server storage management
LO5 : Perform basic server maintenance and troubleshooting
LO6 : Perform basic server performance management
These instructions apply to Assignment
Assignment (Weightage 20%) – The assignment is due in Session 12
This Assignment will focus on student’s ability to
Implement a client/server environment where the server runs Windows Server Operating System with
Active Directory. Upon the implementation of the network, student should produce a comprehensive
eport, which includes screenshots of configuration of server and client, and
ief explanation of the
screenshots. Students should implement the client/server environment based on the given scenario
and guidelines in a virtual environment using Oracle VM VirtualBox. Please make sure to name the
devices with the respective student ID.
If any third-party content is used. The citation of sources is mandatory and should follow IEEE style.
During Lesson 12, students should demonstrate the network on Oracle VM VirtualBox environment.
ABC Pty Ltd is a start-up company in Data Science. Since they handle sensitive data sets, they are very
concern about the provisioning access to their data sets. Furthermore, they intend to give restricted
access to some users when they login into their computer network.
In order to achieve the above stated requirements, the company decided to deploy Windows Server
2012 in their network and configure the required settings.
Consider you are appointed as the consultant for implementing the following tasks for a Proof of
Concept to the company.
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Phase 1: Installing Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Client and assigning IP addresses
i. Install Windows Server 2012 R2
ii. Install Windows 7, Windows 10 or any of the Windows client Operating System
iii. Assign IP address XXXXXXXXXX/24 and XXXXXXXXXX/24 respectively to the Server and the
Phase 2: Configuring Windows Server 2012 R2 as a Domain Controller
i. Install the DNS Server role in Windows Server 2012
ii. Install Active Directory in Windows Server 2012
iii. Promote the Windows Server 2012 R2 as the Domain Controller
iv. Add the client computer to the newly created domain
Phase 3: Create and manage storage pool and storage space:
i. Create a storage volume in Windows Server 2012 using 4 physical disks (one disk should be 5
ii. Enable Data Deduplication
iii. Create a folder named Bio Informatics in the newly created volume
Phase 4: Create and manage user permissions using Active Directory and NTFS permission
User Bob and Alice who are working in the Data Collection team should be able to access the shared
folder Bio Informatics with read/write permission. Carlo who is working in the Analyst team should be
able to access the same shared folder with read only permission.
i. Create user accounts Bob, Alice and Carlo in the Active Directory
ii. Create two groups namely “Data Collection” and “Analyst” and set “Global” as the scope and
“Security” as the type and add users in their respective groups
iii. Create two groups namely “Bio Informatics Files ReadOnly” and “Bio Informatics Files
ReadWrite” and set “Domain Local” as the scope and “Security” as the type
iv. Respectively add “Analyst” group as a member of “Bio Informatics Files ReadOnly” group and
“Data Collection” Group as a member of “Bio Informatics Files ReadWrite” group
v. Add the “Bio Informatics Files ReadOnly” group to the share folder under the security settings
and allow read access. Also add the “Bio Informatics Files ReadWrite” group to the shared
folder under the security settings and allow read/write access. Make sure to provision
necessary NTFS permission for respective user groups
Phase 5: Use Active Directory Group Policy Object to manage compute
user login profile. In
particular, create a user password policy for a group of users
i. Create Data Collection_OU and move Bob and Alice into the newly created OU
ii. Edit the Data Collection_OU using Group Policy Management and set the minimum password
length as 12 characters
Phase 6: Monitor Windows Server 2012 performance monitoring
i. Monitor the performance of processor of the server using Performance Monito
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Submission Guidelines
Submit your report to the Moodle drop-box for the Assignment. Note that incidents of plagiarism will
e penalized.
Please Note: All work is due by the due date and time. Late submissions will be penalized at the rate
of 10% per day including weekends.
Marking Guide: 100 Marks
Task Decryption Marks
Report Layout The report style, language and structure should be appropriate.
All screenshots and descriptions need to be compiled and in a
single final report and any given suggestions need to be
The report must contain
i. Cover page with Unit Code, Unit Name and Student ID
ii. Table of Contents
iii. Introduction
iv. Technical Discussion
v. Critical Analysis
vi. Conclusion
Introduction The student should include purpose of the report, sections
covered which should convince the reader that the report is
worth reading. Word count limit – 125 words


This section should include the following configurations in your
virtualized Windows Server environment. You should
eak down
this section into six phases and include at least 7 screen shots from
each of these phases and a
ief description

i. Successful configuration of Phase 1

ii. Successful configuration of Phase 2

iii. Successful configuration of Phase 3

iv. Successful configuration of Phase 4

v. Successful configuration of Phase 5

vi. Successful configuration of Phase 6






Critical Analysis The students are required to provide a critical analysis of the
deployed network considering:
i. Reasons behind enabling Deduplication
ii. Benefits of implementing storage pool and RAID in
ITSA1001 Server Administration Fundamentals

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iii. Benefits of implementing Active Directory to manage
users and AGDLP as a best practice
iv. Possible Troubleshooting methods adapted in Windows
server environment
Conclusion Summarize your findings. Word count limit – 125 words

References Should follow IEEE style

In class
You are required to demonstrate in class, during Lesson 12
i. Server Troubleshooting skills
ii. Server Monitoring skills

Answered Same Day May 28, 2021 ITSA1001


Gaurav answered on May 31 2021
137 Votes
Server Administration Fundamentals
Student ID: 44233
Here in the report I have done the practical on Windows Server 2012 R2 to understand the system administration skills need. Performing the installation, configuration of the Active Directory, creating Users and Group, providing the Storage pool and then checking the Performance and troubleshooting of the server. Providing the read and write permissions to a specific users and group and manging their Password Policy. So, this way we can perform the practical objectives
Technical Discussion
Phase 1: Installing Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Client and assigning IP addresses
Part – 1 Installation process of Windows Server 2012 R2
Figure - Windows Server 2012 R2 installation on Virtual Environment on VMware Workstation
Figure – Install Process step
Figure - Selecting the Datacenter Evaluation with GUI
Figure – check the storage part to install the New Windows Machine
Figure - Setting the Administrator Password: Windows@123
Part -2 installing the Windows 10 machine as the Client Machine
Figure – Activating the Key for the Windows 10
Figure – Windows 10 activated
Part – 3 assigning the IP addresses to the server and client machine windows 10, i.e. IP address and
Figure: IP address is assigned on Windows Server 2012 R2
Figure – IP address assigned to Windows 10 as a client machine
Phase 2: Configuring Windows Server 2012 R2 as a Domain Controller
Part – 1 Install the Domain server on the Windows Server 2012 R2
Figure – selecting the DNS server from Server Roles and Feature Wizard
Figure – Installing process of Domain Name Serve
Figure – Setting the Forward lookup zone for the DNS
Figure – Complete Forward lookup zone
Figure – Configuring the Reverse Lookup Zone
Part – 2 Installing the Active Directory on Server 2012 R2
Figure - Adding the AD service on Server 2012 R2
Figure – Installing process of AD on Server 2012 R2
Part -3 Promoting the Windows Server as Domain Controlle
Figure – Promoting the Server to Domain controlle
Figure – Configuring the Domain Controller and setting the password of DSRM is Windows@123
Figure – After all steps are checked the Installation begin for promoting Server to Domain...

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