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Select a developmental period in your own life such as toddlerhood, childhood, adolescence or any other period and analyse it with reference to at least two major theorists in develop‐ mental...

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Select a developmental period in your own life such as toddlerhood, childhood, adolescence or any other period and analyse it with reference to at least two major theorists in develop‐ mental psychology. Include all of the following: an overview of your selected developmental period ‐ please discuss the key events or milestones experienced at this time. a discussion of the key aspects of each of the theories you have chosen to discuss an analysis of the period you have selected in light of each of the two theories following this analysis and discussion, write a reflection on your personal responses and experiences in relation to the significant period in your own life.
Answered 1 days After Oct 20, 2022


Dr Insiyah R. answered on Oct 21 2022
53 Votes
Introduction    1
Discussion    1
Environment and Culture    1
Bowlby and Ainsworth Attachment Theory    2
The Effect of This Environment on Mature Development    4
Relationships    4
Decisions    4
Conclusion    5
Reference    5
Throughout their lifetimes, individuals are nourished physically, mentally, and emotionally. In this assignment, I draw on human development theories, namely Attachment Theory as developed by Bowlby and Ainsworth, to provide light on my involvement with and reflections on my family and cultural background (Arnett,2014). I have highlighted the influence of my culture on who I am as an adult, how it has affected my capacity for making decisions, and how it has affected how I approach relationships, in addition to explaining the theories using a reference to my own experience.
Environment and Culture
Every child develops and learns within the context of the family's culture and environment via meaningful connections and interactions with others and their immediate su
oundings. My family's values are the same as those of any family, including cooperation, integrity, and compassion. We also make a point of prioritising education and our families (Cavanaugh & Blanchard-Fields,2018). Being raised by parents with a wider perspective on life helps us notice the good aspects of life rather than concentrating on the bad ones. It also alludes to the notion that language is tied to the community and culture of the country in which it is employed rather than living in isolation.
My parents never discouraged us from pursuing our aspirations, despite having always lived in a home where everyone respects, cares for and enjoys spending time together (Wood et al,2018). Every opportunity we have, we sit down to a family meal together and catch up on each other's days, ensuring that we never lose touch with one another's needs and always make time for one another. As a member of my family's culture, I can easily distinguish between good and evil since our actions mi
or our values and customs. The family culture directly influenced how I interact with others and maintain relationships with my friends.
Bowlby and Ainsworth Attachment Theory
John Bowlby, a psychologist who investigated what happened to children when they were taken from their parents, developed the attachment hypothesis. He proposed that the clutching, so
ing, and screaming newborns exhibit when their parents are taken from them or trying to connect with them are evolutionary processes (Dacey, Baillargeron & Tripp,2018).
Such actions, in his opinion, may have been reinforced by natural selection, increasing the likelihood of survival. The attachment behaviour is quite an automatic reaction to the perceived fear of losing the survival benefits that come along with receiving care.
The major care providers' care is accompanied by attachment behaviours that are extremely instinctual reactions that put the survival benefits at risk. Infants who are using these behavioural techniques. Bowlby named the attachment behavioural system directs relationship maintenance patterns and routines (Fernandez,2014). According to the hypothesis, babies that are removed from their parents often respond in three distinct ways upon reuniting;
Anxious-Attachment - Some babies experience real...

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