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Organizational Analysis & Design Plan: Project Description and Scoring Guide ACC 315 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric Overview: The final project for this course is the creation of a client...

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Organizational Analysis & Design Plan: Project Description and Scoring Guide

ACC 315 Milestone One Guidelines and Ru
Overview: The final project for this course is the creation of a client recommendation that includes flowcharts, diagrams, tables, na
ative, and an executive
summary presentation. The final product represents an authentic demonstration of competency because you will analyze a real-world scenario with the goal of
making recommendations for an accounting information system.
In this milestone, you will create a data-flow diagram, a system flowchart, an entity-relation diagram, and a
ief paper describing the accounting environment
Prompt: For this project, you will assume the role of a consultant responsible for assessing a client’s business operations and making recommendations for an
accounting information system. To complete this project, review the Final Project Scenario document.
Specifically, you must address the following critical elements:
I. Client Recommendation: Prepare a written recommendation for the automation of a client’s accounting system. Address the following elements in
a) Describe the cu
ent accounting environment and the stakeholders of a business.
) Map one accounting cycle (sales, accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory, or payroll) using a data-flow diagram and system flowchart.
c) Use an REA diagram to identify the pertinent resources, events, and agents within the chosen accounting cycle.
Guidelines for Submission: The completed milestone should be as a 4- to 5-page document (excluding title and reference pages). Use double-spacing and 12-
point Times New Roman font. Use APA formatting to cite any sources you use.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Environment and
Accurately describes the accounting
environment and the stakeholders of
a business
Describes the accounting
environment and the stakeholders of
a business, but description contains
inaccuracies or lacks detail
Doesn’t describe the accounting
environment or the stakeholders of a
Map Accounting Cycle Accurately maps one of the
accounting cycles using a data-flow
diagram and system flowchart
Maps one of the accounting cycles
using a data-flow diagram and
system flowchart, but the mapping
lacks detail or contains inaccuracies
Doesn’t map one of the accounting
cycles using a data-flow diagram and
system flowchart
REA Diagram Uses an REA diagram to co
identify the pertinent resources,
agents, and entities within the
chosen cycle
Uses an REA diagram to identify the
pertinent elements within the
selected cycle, but diagram contains
Doesn’t use an REA diagram to
ectly identify the pertinent
esources, agents, and entities within
the chosen cycle

Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Articulation of
Submission has no major e
elated to citations, grammar,
spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major e
ors related
to citations, grammar, spelling,
syntax, or organization that
negatively impact readability and
articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical e
ors related
to citations, grammar, spelling,
syntax, or organization that prevent
understanding of ideas
Total 100%
    ACC 315 Milestone One Guidelines and Ru

ACC 315 Final Project Scenario

You met Jill, the owner of Peyton Approved Bakery, a couple of years ago when she first started her
usiness. You recall how much help she needed with starting her business, organizing her financial
transactions, preparing financial statements for potential stakeholders, and making decisions related to
growth and expansion. Jill has now approached you regarding her desire to expand the business. Since
you have kept Peyton’s books since its inception, you are familiar with her business transactions;
however, you realize that for Jill to grow her business, she must transition from her cu
ent manual way
of doing business into a more automated mode of operations.

The first step, you believe, is to automate her accounting information system. Although you are familiar
with Jill’s numbers, you have no idea how her day-to-day operations occur. After looking over her
financial transactions, you understand the business activities that Peyton Approved Bakery is primarily
involved in: sales, accounts receivable, purchasing, inventory, and payroll. To get a better feel for how
Jill actually operates the business, you schedule a meeting with her to discuss how these transactions

Initial Meeting
During the meeting, you ask Jill to tell you more about her goals for the business. She indicates that she
wants to provide quality treats for pets all over the country at a reasonable price. Jill states that since
her business has grown so quickly, she thinks it is time to expand. She’s sure she can sell her products
online and maybe even open another store in a different location, perhaps another state. You ask Jill to
detail her cu
ent processes, and she tells you the following:

I pride myself in making delicious, freshly baked treats for pets of all kinds. We make everything from
cakes and donuts to cookies and candy! We are truly unique. As you know, I hired two part-time
employees to keep up with the orders. One employee, Pie
e, bakes most of the items, and the other
employee, Renee, is my “go-to ga”’! She does everything from taking orders, collecting payments,
ordering supplies, and delivering products to keeping up with the inventory. With your help, I was able
to secure a loan from my bank to help really establish the business; I would like to go back to them for
additional financing. My parents also think that I should expand the business and are willing to invest in
the expansion!

A small percentage or our sales are purchased off the shelf; most of our business is special order. We sell
half of our products through phone orders; the rest of our products are sold to customers who walk into
our shop. Besides pastries, we also sell other related merchandise such as pet party accessories, pet
dishware, pet toys and gifts, and so on. Both Renee and I handle the sales that occur in the shop.

When a customer places an order, we write the order by hand. We jot down the customer’s name and
address, phone number, and the details of the order, including:

 The type of pastries
 The quantity of each pastry desired
 The date of the orde
 The date the customer wants to pick up the order

We immediately calculate the cost of the order by using a price sheet, and we include the price of the
order on the customer order sheet. If it’s a walk-in order, we give the customer a copy of the customer
order. The financial information from the customer order is then copied to a duplicate sales order form;
one copy goes with the customer order, and the other is placed in a folder of outstanding orders. The
customer order is picked out of the folder by Pie
e or me to process.

After we bake the items, we sign the customer order as complete. When the customer receives the
product, a copy of the sales order is given to the customer with a receipt of purchase. If the sale was a
credit sale, Renee creates an invoice by hand and gives it to the customer; the second sales order is
signed as complete and forwarded to you for accounting.

We do both cash and credit sales; I give the OK to customers who purchase on credit. Since I have
known most of our credit customers for a long time, I don’t have many problems with collecting from
them. We also do cash sales in the shop. Sales that are generated in the shop are cash only; I don’t
extend credit to walk-ins. All credit sales customers receive a copy of the sales order when they pick up
the order with a copy of the invoice. We give customers 15 days to pay the account in full; we do not
give sales discounts for early payment.

We can only receive payments in person in the shop; customers can pay with cash, check, or credit card.
Either Renee or I will collect the payment and issue the customer a receipt of payment. We use a cash
egister and credit card reader to record payment. Cash is deposited daily. I review the register tape and
credit card receipts at the end of each day. We staple the receipt of payment to the invoice and send all
invoices to you, paid or unpaid, at the end of the week. Customers that do not pay within 15 days are
sent a reminder letter. We have very few issues with non-payment.

We only bake items after we receive a customer order and sales order. We price our baking inventory by
the job; we charge an overhead fee of 25% of the materials and labor costs. Pastry inventory does not
last long in our shop. We do our best to bake only what is needed, so there is very little waste in our
shop. When we need baking supplies to make our pastries, we simply get what we need from the
inventory room; we don’t fill out a form when we get or use baking supplies. We make a certain amount
Answered 2 days After Mar 15, 2022


Ayushi answered on Mar 18 2022
110 Votes
ACC 315 Milestone 1
ent Accounting Environment and Stakeholders:    3
DFD Diagram:    5
System Flowchart:    6
REA Diagram    7
References:    8
ent Accounting Environment and Stakeholders:
The accounting environment in which Peyton Approved Bakery is working cu
ently is lacking various controls and other automated systems which are used by many other businesses operating in the same industry. There are various examples which can clearly explain that the cu
ent accounting system lacks certain controls which are necessary. Let us look at one such example:
There are various processes ca
ied out in the bakery like taking of the orders, collection of the payments, giving order for the supplies, getting the products delivered and maintaining a record of the inventory. These processes are divided among the staff working at the bakery. Rather than this it would be much better if proper segregation of duties would have been done between the employees and each employee should be made responsible for a particular process. Due to proper division of work among the employees, there are less chances of fraud and any false transactions taking place. It would also improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the employees as they would now have to focus only one particular process instead of doing multiple jobs. This would make them specialized in that area and work efficiency and effectiveness would improve. Due to lack of control the Peyton Approved Bakery is at risk of facing frauds and fraudulent activities taking place at the business. For the purpose of managing the inventory at...

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