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SCENARIO: For this assessment let us consider a hypothetical inner-city hospital with an Internal Medicine Outpatient Unit. The Unit serves a significant catchment with a significantly older...

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For this assessment let us consider a hypothetical inner-city hospital with an Internal Medicine Outpatient Unit. The Unit serves a significant catchment with a significantly older population. The Internal Medicine department because of budget constraints and resourcing issues can afford to have only 6 medical staff service the outpatient department per day. Recently, the head of the department has approached the Hospital Chief Executive to fund additional medical staff noting the growing number of medical presentations and the situation where a nearby small hospital is closing down, which will result in their department picking up the patient load.
The Chief Executive approaches you to assist him in considering this request. In your activities to assist the Chief Executive you need to consider the burden on the Unit in different scenarios.For your calculations, you consider using the M/M/s/b model as the Outpatient Unit employs an FCFS/single line/multiple servers model.You approach the department for some data to enable your calculations.
In the first scenario, you seek data for a regular period without any emergent issues. The department provides you with the following:

Arrival rate: 20 patients per hour
Service rate: 10 patients per hour
Number of servers: 6 medical staff
Waiting room size: 14 patients
You enter the data into the below spreadsheet to calculate inter-arrival time, waiting time and most importantly utilisation and rejectrates:
Calculation Spreadsheet
You discuss with the head of the department that the results by itself it don't indicate stress on the Unit. The department head advises the data provided by the department earlier did not include situations where there is an increasednumber of patient arrivals. He states the increasing burden of chronic disease in the community and the impending closure of the nearby hospital will lead to increasing number of patients. You work with the department to arrive at a projected patient arrival rate in these scenarios, which is now 65 patients per hour. You use this new rate to recalculate your results:

Calculation Spreadsheet
Based on the results, you agree with the department that additional medical staff is required.
Now address the below questions and submit your response (200-word limit):
What parameters in both scenarios led to yourdecision making?
Why were they considered?
What made you reconsider your decision?
Discuss the second scenario and the impact on the rest of the hospital (inpatient) in the context of your learning so far i.e. patient flow, waiting time, delay and queuing theory?
Note: Submit your response in a word document, please.

Answered Same Day Aug 03, 2020


Meenal answered on Aug 05 2020
144 Votes
Patient flow, waiting time and queuing theory
The parameters that were considered in both scenarios were:
1. Patient flow: patient flow refers to the journey of the patients through the healthcare institution. It is a group of processes that start from the point a patient is admitted into the hospital and ends with the patient’s discharge (2008,
2. Waiting time: waiting time is the time taken to cater to a patient’s need after his admission into a healthcare facility. Waiting times help in diminishing stress of the patients, enhance their life quality and ensure that clinical processes result in a healthy outcome (2018,
3. Queuing theory: this is a mathematical analysis of...

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