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Day 7: Assignment, Time Series
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· This notebook is for your reference about time series operations in Python
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Day 7: Content
A large amount of the data we collect comes in the form of time series. Time as an attribute contains a wealth of information such as seasonality patterns, time dependence on past values, and cross co
elation between other attributes' time series data. In this module, we cover the basics of time series analysis and the difficulties in working with time attributes for modeling.
Readings and Media
· Class slides: Time Series Modeling
· Resources:
· Online time series book : https: (Links to an external site.)
· Code example:
· Pairs trading notebook: Pairs Trading.ipyn

Modeling Methods, Deploying, and Refining Predictive Models
Modeling Methods, Deploying, and Refining Predictive Models
UCI Spring 2020
Class 7 Time Series Modeling
Introduction and Overview
Data and Modeling + Simulation Modeling
or-based Modeling
Probability-based Modeling
Similarity-based Modeling
Information-based Modeling
Time-series Modeling
At the end of this module:
You will learn how to model:
time series
Today’s Objectives
Time-series forecasting
Time series data
ML models
Classic TS models
Today’s Objectives
Time-series forecasting
Time series data
ML models
Classic TS models
The ABT for multivariate time series
    Time Period    Descriptive Feature 1    …    Descriptive Feature m    Target Feature
    Period 1    Obs 1        Obs 1    Target value 1
    Period 2    Obs 2        Obs 2    Target value 2
    .    .        .    .
    .    .        .    .
    .    .        Obs n-2    .
    .    .        Obs n-1    .
    Period n    Obs n        Obs n    Target value n
Numeric, time ordered.
Numeric, time ordered
Discrete, ordered series that might contain information as well; e.g. month, season, year, etc. Can have numerical or categorical meanings
Time series data difficulties
Some of the common difficulties working time series data
Order of the data matters, now have a time component
Temporal relationships
Frequency mismatch
Historical data revisions
Noisy data or missing data
Structural gaps like weekends, holidays
Exogenous one-time events impact the data
Underlying trends change
Data was generated by a random process
Complex inte
elationships between historical and coincident data
Difficult to split test and training data
Time series forecasting is hard to do
Today’s Objectives
Time-series forecasting
Time series data
ML models
Classic TS models
Supervised Methods
Which methods do we use for time series?
Neural networks and deep Learning-based methods
Supervised Methods
Every possible modeling method can be used for time series forecasting
in some form or anothe
Neural networks and deep Learning-based methods
The ABT for multivariate time series
    Time Period    Descriptive Feature 1    …    Descriptive Feature m    Target Feature
    Period 1    Obs 1        Obs 1    Target value 1
    Period 2    Obs 2        Obs 2    Target value 2
    .    .        .    .
    .    .        .    .
    .    .        Obs n-2    .
    .    .        Obs n-1    .
    Period n    Obs n        Obs n    Target value n
Numeric, time ordered.
Numeric, time ordered
Discrete, ordered series that might contain information as well; e.g. month, season, year, etc. Can have numerical or categorical meanings
Regression-based time series model
In its multivariate form:
In general for every point in time t,
Regression-based time series model
In its simplest form:
The ABT for univariate time series
    Time Period    Target Feature
    Period 1    Target value 1
    Period 2    Target value 2
    .    .
    .    .
    .    .
    .    .
    Period n    Target value n
Numeric, time ordered
Let us consider the simplest possible data set, a univariate numeric time series.
Discrete, ordered series, that might contain information as well; e.g. month, season, etc.
Regression-based time series model
The reality is more complicated as there might be linear dependencies on past values:
Predicted Y at time t
Linear combination of lags of Y up to p lags
Linear combination of lagged forecast e
ors up to q lags
From time series to supervised learning
In order to reframe a time series problem to a supervised learning problem, you must either:
Assume time independence of all observations
Or, for every point in time, consider the sequence up to that point in time
Predicted Y at time t
Linear combination of lags of Y up to p lags
Linear combination of lagged forecast e
ors up to q lags
Sequences of data
Assume we have a sequence of data:
Y = [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34,…]
What is the next number in the
Sequences of data
Assume we have a sequence of data:
Y = [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34,…]
What is the 100th number in the
Sequences of data
Assume we have a sequence of data:
Y = [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34,…]
What if we fit a linear regression?
Sequences of data
Assume we have a sequence of data:
Y = [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34,…]
What if we fit a linear regression?
The sequence has serial dependence.
Because we did not include serial
dependence, the model failed poorly.
Sequences of data
Let us now “shift” the prior data points and set them side by side:
Sequences of data
What relationship can you see?
Sequences of data
Its pretty clear that:
Y = Shift(Y,1) + Shift(Y,2)
In other words, this is just a Fibonacci sequence:
Our feature matrix with sequentially ordered and shifted historical values allowed us to solve the model.
Shifting to augment data
When modeling time series, you can convert it to a supervised learning problem simply by “shifting“ your data set so every point in time considers the whole sequence or a subset of data up to that point in time.
This is what we did in all the assignments where we predicted stock returns. We used the “shift” operator from the pandas module in Python:
Using the full history
So for predicting a target Y at time t+t, we can use:
Every sequence of values up to time t for each predicto
Every previous value of the target Y up to time t
Dangers with ML in time series
However, even incorporating serial dependence and the full history up to a point in time does not always help with making time series predictions.
Model evaluation
Consider a forecast problem of predicting the evolution of a stock index.
We use the first 250 trading days as the training set.
We predict the remaining days of the dataset
Sophisticated ML models and time series
The prediction is using a state-of-the-art long short-term memory (LSTM) deep learning model.
The model accuracy is calculated via the (recall from regression prediction e
or calc) and shows a strong score of .89.
Don’t be fooled
The actual and predicted values look amazingly close. However, if you zoom in, you can see that all the model did was use the most recent value as the prediction for the forecast value.
This is called a persistence model and has no real predictive power as the best guess of tomo
ow is just the value today.
Today’s value for tomo
This is confirmed by the cross-co
elation plot between the actual and predicted values.
There is a clear peak in co
elation at a one day lag between the actual and predicted value.
Random walk
In fact, this time series was generated by a random walk process which cannot be forecast.
We can simulate a random walk as a sequence of discrete fixed-length steps in random directions (recall the simulation modeling class).
Comparison to classic time series methods
In fact, most machine learning models have less robust forecasting ability than classical time series models on univariate series.*
Models compared were:
Naïve 2
Simple exponential smoothing
Machine Learning
Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
Bayesian Neural Network (BNN)
Radial Basis Functions (RBF)
Kernel regression
Regression Trees (CART)
ent Neural Network (RNN)
Results of the comparison
As calculated by symmetric mean absolute percentage e
or (sMAPE).
Today’s Objectives
Time-series forecasting
Time series data
ML models
Classic TS models
Components of a time series
Time component
: is the value of the time series at time t
: Trend is the tendency of a series to rise or fall and exhibit upward or downward trends. These can be long term or short term trends
: Seasonality is the regular fluctuation of a time series within a certain period. These fluctuations form a predictable pattern that tends to repeat from one seasonal period to the next.
: Cycles are long departures from trend that occur along larger time intervals than seasonality. The lengths of time between successive peaks or troughs of a cycle are not necessarily the same.
: Noise is the movement in the series after the trend, seasonality and cyclical movements are removed from the series. It is often random noise in a time series.
Visually easy to recognize
Time series modeling is a process
Depending on the objective of the model, it may be enough to isolate a single component of the series for prediction such as subtracting out the seasonality and cyclical components to estimate only the trend (+ random noise).
Time series modeling is a flexible process
Perhaps the goal is to measure the expected impact of seasonality on sales.
A similar model could estimate the impact of a larger business cycle on sales as well.
Assumption for classic TS modeling
In order to forecast a time series it must be stationary or transformed into a stationary series.
Roughly speaking, a series is stationary if its mean, variance, and covariance between points in the series are constant over time
Stationarity transformations
Differencing, that is given a series , we can create a new series
This helps to remove changes in the level therefore reducing the trend and seasonality
Stationarity transformations
Differencing, that is given a series , we can create a new series
This helps to remove changes in the level therefore reducing the trend and seasonality
Remove the trend and seasonality components directly through estimating a line or curve through the series and subtracting it out.
Stationarity transformations
Differencing, that is given a series , we can create a new series
This helps to remove changes in the level therefore reducing the trend and seasonality
Remove the trend and seasonality components directly through estimating a line or curve through the series and subtracting it out.
For non-constant variance or multiplicative series:
    Taking the logarithm of the series may stabilize the variance and also convert the effects of trend, seasonality
Answered Same Day Jun 12, 2021


Ishvina answered on Jun 14 2021
144 Votes
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