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Review the Linux case study available at In particular, review the section titled "Results." Share your thoughts on Linux after reviewing...

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Review the Linux case study available at In particular, review the section titled "Results."

Share your thoughts on Linux after reviewing this study. Did you learn anything that surprised you? Did it influence your opinion about Linux? Why or why not?

Answered Same Day Jun 14, 2021


Parul answered on Jun 15 2021
155 Votes
By analyzing the results provided in the case study, I am amazed with the transformation that Linux as an operating system has portrayed. It had grown into critical technology that revolutionized many industries. It mark the beginning of open-source development model after its massive success. This open-source development model not only empowers developer all across the world to create technological marvel like this but also promote knowledge sharing and attitude towards excellence in other technical engineers so that they can solve the challenges better in future
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