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Respond to the required questions, double-spaced, APA format (source citations and reference insertions) essay (Each Question). In each Case Study, you must use at least three (3) references (in...

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Respond to the required questions, double-spaced, APA format (source citations and reference insertions) essay (Each Question). In each Case Study, you must use at least three (3) references (in text), including the textbook (included below).

Textbook reference:

Managerial Accounting: Decision Making and Motivating Performance- Text Only: Datar, S.

M., & Rajan, M. V XXXXXXXXXXManagerial accounting: making decisions and motivating performance.

Boston: Pearson. ISBN: XXXXXXXXXX

(This Assignment Box maybe linked to Turnitin.)

Answered Same Day May 30, 2021


Nishtha answered on May 30 2021
130 Votes
Running Head: COST ACCOUNTING        1
Table of Contents
Reply to Shawna Lewis    3
Reply to Tomica Beauchene    3
References    4
Reply to Shawna Lewis
Hi Shawna,
Yes, I completely agree with you that the company should consider activity base costing as a guide to take decisions, not as a fact to apply in every situation of the company. This method varies from company types. The product cost data may include of the manufacturing cost and the profit required (Datar & Rajan, 2014). By applying activity based costing (ABC), these types of functions can be understood and hence, overhead costs can be assigned to the products.
ABC is an important technique to know the various situations a product goes through before finishing and all...

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