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Respond to the required questions, double-spaced, APA format (source citations and reference insertions) essay (Each Question). In each Module Discussion, you must use at least three (3) references...

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Respond to the required questions, double-spaced, APA format (source citations and reference insertions) essay (Each Question).

In each Module Discussion, you must use at least three (3) references (in text), including the textbook (included below). Please list the references right after each Module Discussion.

Textbook reference:

Managerial Accounting: Decision Making and Motivating Performance- Text Only: Datar, S.

M., & Rajan, M. V XXXXXXXXXXManagerial accounting: making decisions and motivating performance.

Boston: Pearson. ISBN: XXXXXXXXXX

(This Assignment Box maybe linked to Turnitin.)

Answered Same Day May 24, 2021


Pallavi answered on May 25 2021
143 Votes
Module 4
Activity based costing is the process whereby the cost of each activity is being determined for the products and services delivered as per their respective consumption rate. In the traditional approach, the manufacturing overhead costs have been allocated to all the products and services as per the machine hours. However, activity based costing provides proper allocation of overhead costs to each product efficiently thereby delivering a clear picture of the cost of each product and services. This method helps management to inte
elate the relationship between the activities undertaken and their respective cost allocation of each product. In activity based costing there are separate cost drivers for each activity that helps us to allocation of each cost separately. Hence, all companies should adopt this method appropriately.
VJ Shea, BE Waldrup, H Xu, 2018, Activity Based Costing in Small Business, Quarterly Review of Business Disciplines, Volume 5
KE French, AB Guzman, 2016, Healthcare, Elsevier
S Akhavan, L Ward, 2016, Time Driven Activity Based Costing More Accurately Reflects Costs in Arthroplasty Surgery, SpringerLink
Module 5
“It is not important for a company to distinguish between cost incu
ence and locked in cost”. This statement is inco
ect. Cost incu
ence refers to the amount of cost incu
ed when an entity enrols for any economic resources that deliver benefits to the entity. Locked in costs refers to that costs which has not yet been incu
ed but would likely to incur depend on the decision...

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