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RESEARCH PICOT QUESTION : In cardiac surgical patients does the wearing of washable cloth scrub caps by hospital personnel as compared to disposable bouffants(HEADGEAR) affect surgical site infection...

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  1. RESEARCH PICOT QUESTION : In cardiac surgical patients does the wearing of washable cloth scrub caps by hospital personnel as compared to disposable bouffants(HEADGEAR) affect surgical site infection rate over a period of three months?:
  2. Search either the CINAHL orPubMeddatabase for aQUALitativeresearch study related to your PICOT question and describe what makes it aQUALitativestudy vs. aQUANTitativestudy.
    • Include the articlecitationwithin the post.Alsoprovide the fullreferencein APA format. Attach a.pdfof the article so that others may read it.
  3. Next, review the qualitative research presentation by Dr. McFarland andpresentyour thoughts onhow the 4 phases ofLeininger'sEthnonursingqualitative study method might be used to increase nursing knowledge related to your PICOT question.

Answered Same Day May 22, 2020


Soumi answered on May 23 2020
151 Votes
Running Head: RESEARCH PICOT QUESTION                1
Table of Contents
1. The identified research PICOT question    3
2. A Qualitative paper related the identified PICOT and comparing it with a Quantitative Approach    3
3. Using 4 Phases of Leininger's Ethnonursing Qualitative Study Method for increasing Nursing Knowledge on the PICOT area    4
References    6
1. The identified research PICOT question
    The PICOT question identified for the cu
ent research is
“In cardiac surgical patients, does the wearing of washable cloth scrub caps by hospital personnel as compared to disposable bouffants (Headgear) affect surgical site infection rate over a period of three months?”
    The PICOT elements from this question are as follows, based on which a relevant qualitative paper has been searched:
    PICOT elements
    P (Problem/ Patient)
    Surgical site infection amongst cardiac surgical patients
    I (Intervention)
    Wearing of washable cloth scrub caps by hospital personnel
    C (Comparison)
    Disposable bouffants
    O (Outcomes)
    Reducing the rate of surgical site infection
    T (Time)
    3 months
2. A Qualitative paper related the identified PICOT and comparing it with a Quantitative Approach
    A paper was searched at PubMed using the PICOT elements as keywords and search terms. Search limiter ‘Full Text’, qualitative research as the type of research, language...

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