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Microsoft Word - Assessment03 Student Guidelines Assessment 3 Pixystems Toys Project Due: 13 October XXXXXXXXXX:59 pm Weightage: 30% Pixystems Toys Information Pixystems Toys is a leading manufacturer...

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Microsoft Word - Assessment03
Student Guidelines

Assessment 3
Pixystems Toys Project
Due: 13 October XXXXXXXXXX:59 pm
Weightage: 30%

Pixystems Toys Information

Pixystems Toys is a leading manufacturer and distributor of children’s toys across the globe through
third party distributors (non-company owned stores) and through their flagship store located in New
York. The company is headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, and has manufacturing locations in Brazil,
China, Mexico, and across the United States. Product development is also done in Cleveland with new
products released every six months. The majority of the toys manufactured by Pixystems are top
sellers that are sell outs during holidays. Some of their most well-known products include: toy cars,
plush dolls, and electronic games.

The company does all back-office processing at their headquarters where they have shared service
centres for accounts payable (AP), payroll, and inventory management. These shared service centres
handle processing of transactions related to these processes across the globe driving a consistent
process and controls. Customer sales are managed at the flagship store by the local sales team while
online sales and sales to distributors are handled at headquarters.

Pixystems recently hired a new CFO who is focused on improving the financial performance of
Pixystems and improving operational efficiency in AP, payroll, inventory, and sales. She has
challenged each of the managers of these business processes to identify areas for improvement and
quickly address e
ors. Internal audit has also been working closely with the CFO, managers, and
external auditors to identify control gaps, areas of non-compliance, and operational efficiencies.

The CFO has also engaged your team to review these business processes using Pixystems’ data and
performing analytics. She would like you to make any necessary recommendations, identify data
issues, and provide her and the managers with insights gained through your analytics. During your
last meeting, she shared the following information with you:

Accounts Payable:
ï‚· The Internal Audit team has identified e
ors within AP that are negatively affecting working
capital. The root cause of these e
ors has not yet been determined but is thought to be a
control gap that will need to be addressed by the AP manager and subsequently tested by the
external auditor.
ï‚· Cash flows have not been consistent over the past year. Pixystems sees the majority of sales
taking place around holidays and uses a retail fiscal calendar to accommodate the cyclical
nature of sales.
ï‚· At least two inaccurate payments to key vendors have been identified by the AP manager and
monitoring for duplicate or e
oneous payment is not conducted.
ï‚· Payments within terms are also not monitored and leverage of discounts is not reviewed to
ensure quantity levels have been met and Pixystems receives the appropriate discounts.
ï‚· Majority of employees working at headquarters and managers at the manufacturing locations
are salary employees and not entitled to overtime (twice hourly rate) payments. All other
workers should be paid hourly.
ï‚· Payroll is paid to salaried employees on the 1st and 15th of each month through direct deposit.
Hourly employees are paid bi-weekly (every two weeks).
ï‚· Executive team receives an annual bonus each year which is paid at the end of the year. The
amount is dependent on the employee’s overall performance ranking and Pixystems’
performance as a whole.
ï‚· Average annual employee pay increase is between 3-5% for salaried employees

ï‚· Inventory levels of finished goods at the flagship store are set by headquarters with sales and
marketing consultation.
ï‚· Finished goods inventory is owned by the manufacturing facility until loaded on a truck (FOB
Shipping Point) to a distributor or sent to the flagship store which then takes ownership.
ï‚· Online sales directly to customers are sent from the manufacturing facility
ï‚· Physical inventory is taken once a year and the completion of cycle counts is at the discretion
of the facility manager.
ï‚· Adjustments to inventory levels due to spills, damaged goods, old age, etc. are done once per
month and are approved by the facility manager and headquarters.

Customer Sales:
ï‚· Distributors must place orders from Pixystems with a minimum of a month lead time. Special
and expedited orders must be approved by headquarters.
ï‚· Available inventory levels for direct customer sales are communicated via the online ordering
system which allows customers to order up to the quantity available at the manufacturing
facility or distribution center.
ï‚· Sales representatives are assigned to specific distributors and are responsible for both
increasing sales and managing the relationship Pixystems has with the distributor.
ï‚· Promotions and discounts must be approved by sales and marketing
ï‚· Sales are highest around the holiday and certain toys quickly become out of stock.
Data Overview
Following is a high-level summary of the data IT has provided for your analysis.

Customer Table
Field Description
Customer ID SAP generated unique identifier for each customer
Customer Name Name of the customer
Customer Address Customer’s location – address
Customer City Customer’s location - city
Customer State Customer’s location – state
Customer Zip Customer’s location – zip
Sales Rep Name of the sales representative assigned to the customer

Employee Table
Field Description
Employee ID SAP generated unique identifier for each employee
User ID Employee user id
First Name Employee first name
Last Name Employee last name
Hire Date Date the employee was hired
Termination Date Date of employee’s last working day
Work Location Location where the employee works
Job Title Employee’s job title
Medical Plan ID of the medical plan selected by the employee
Medical Start Date Date medical plan became effective
Savings Plan ID of the savings plan selected by the employee
Savings Start Date Date savings plan became effective
Approval Level Dollar amount the employee can approve
Salary Amount Total annual salary for employee
Hourly Amount Rate per hour
Type Salary or hourly employee
Pay Frequency How frequently employee is paid
Bonus Employee eligibility for bonus payment

Finished Goods On-Hand Table
Field Description
Location ID Location of the finished goods
Detailed Location ID Detailed bin location within the facility where the goods are stored
Finished Item # Item number for specific finished good
Description Description of the finished good
Quantity Amount of product within the location available for sale
Date Received Date the product was received from factory and ready to sell
Min Level The minimum level of inventory to be maintained of the good
On-hold Notes if the inventory is on-hold for a specific reason

Formulas Table
Field Description
Formula Name of the formula
Raw Material #1 - #5 Item numbers from the raw material table that are used to make the finished good
Quantity #1 - #5 Amount of each raw material that is used to make the finished good

Inventory Adjustments Table
Field Description
Date Date the adjustment was made
Location Location where the adjustment should be applied
Detailed Location Bin where adjustment should be applied
Raw Material # Item number associated with the raw material if the bin holds raw materials
Finished Goods # Item number associated with the finished goods if the bin holds finished goods
Adjustment Quantity that is being adjusted
Adjustment Reason Reason for variance in inventory
Approver Name of the person approving the adjustment

Inventory Count Table
Field Description
Date of Count Date the physical count took place
Location Location of count
Detailed Location Bin that was counted
Item # Raw material or finished good item number
Quantity Counted Amount of the item physically counted
Quantity Expected How much should have been in the bin
Difference Difference between what was counted and expected
Counter Person who performed the count
Approver Person who approved the count

Invoice Table
Field Description
Invoice # Vendor issued invoice number
Vendor # Unique vendor number generated by SAP
Invoice Date Date invoice was generated by the vendor
Item Item number
Item Quantity Amount of the item
Item Cost Cost of the item per unit
Extended Cost Quantity * Item Cost
Freight Cost Cost to ship
Total Cost Extended Cost + Freight Cost
Processor ID Name of the person who processed the invoice
Associated PO Purchase order used to purchase item
Associated Receipt Receipt number associated with goods from invoice
Payment Terms Terms the vendor expects payment in as noted on the invoice
Discount Discount provided if paid within terms

Location Table
Field Description
Location ID XYZ location ID
Location Name Name of XYZ location
Country Country where the location is
Type Type of location

Medical Plan Table Data
Field Description
Medical Plan ID of medical plan
Plan Description Description of medical plan
Deductible Monthly deductible due from employee
Payment Table Data
Field Description
Payment ID SAP generated unique identifier for each payment
Vendor Vendor Name
PO # SAP generated unique purchase order number associated with payment
Receipt # SAP generated unique receipt number associated with payment
Invoice # SAP generated unique invoice number associated with payment
Payment Amount Total amount of payment
Check # XYZ check number used for payment
Payment Type Type of payment (check #/wire #)
Wire # Wire transfer number associated with payment
Payment Date Date of payment
Processor ID User ID processing payment

Payroll Table Data
Field Description
Pay Type Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bonus
Date of Payment Day payment was made
Employee ID Employee’s unique ID
Employee Type Type of employee – Hourly or Salary
Pay Base payment amount; Amount earned
Medical Deduction withheld for medical payment
Savings Percentage withheld for savings selection
Tax Amount of tax paid by the employee
Total Pay Pay minus medical, savings, and tax

Purchase Order Table
Field Description
PO # SAP generated unique purchase order number
Location XYZ location making purchase
Item Item number
Description Item description
Item Quantity Quantity of item to be purchased
Unit Cost Item cost per unit
Total Amount Item quantity * unit cost
Vendor # SAP generated unique identifier for each vendor
Creator ID User id creating the PO
Creation Date Date the PO was created
Creation Time Time the PO was created
Approver ID User id approving the PO
Approver Date Date the
Answered Same Day Jun 12, 2021


Neha answered on Jun 13 2021
135 Votes

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