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Read "To His Coy Mistress" on pages XXXXXXXXXXin your textbook. Then answer question 5 on page 399.

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Read "To His Coy Mistress" on pages XXXXXXXXXXin your textbook. Then answer question 5 on page 399.
Answered Same Day May 01, 2020


Rupal answered on May 07 2020
141 Votes
1. Here are three additional comments by students. For each, list the writer’s assumptions, and then evaluate each comment. You may agree or disagree, in whole or in part, with any comment, but give your reasons.
a. The poem is definitely clever, and that is part of what is wrong with it. It is a blatant attempt at seduction. The man seems to think he is smarter than the woman he is speaking to, and he “proves” that she should go to bed with him. Since we don’t hear her side of the argument, Marvell implies that she has nothing to say and that his argument is sound. What the poet doesn’t seem to understand is that there is such a thing as virtue, and a woman need not sacrifice virtue just because death is inevitable.
. On the surface, “To His Coy Mistress” is an attempt to persuade a woman to go to bed with the...

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