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Read the article: Experiences of colonial troops by Santanu Das link here: This is in the British Library site for World War I, check the...

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Read the article: Experiences of colonial troops by Santanu Das link here:
This is in the British Library site for World War I, check the fascinating pictures that accompany the article, tie the article to the textbook reading.
Answer the following questions.
1.How many non-European participated in World War I? Were you aware of their participation?2.Where did colonial troops serve and how was ‘race’ used as a factor in military policy?3.How was the experience to the colonial subject? Can we generalize? Yes or no. Why?
Use a word processor (like MS Word) to write your XXXXXXXXXXword response. Once you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself in an easily accessible place, and submit a copy to the writing assignment inbox or upload it as an attachment. I will evaluate the assignment for the following:
a) Use of proper grammar, syntax and spelling.
b) Don’t just repeat what is in the reading. Plagiarized posts (words copied from the web or print material) will result in failing the class.
Answered Same Day Apr 23, 2020


Ritika answered on Apr 26 2020
146 Votes
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April 25, 2018
This article on First World War has been adapted from the famous article “Introduction to Race, Empire and First World War Writing”. This article has been edited by Santanu Das. In this article Santanu has provided its readers a synopsis where details about colonial troops who fought in the First World War has been given. This article shows how men from different countries such as Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Newfoundland along with India were included as soldiers to fight on behalf of the Britain. On selecting majority of Indians for the war, the British made sure that they selected people from Punjab, the north frontier of India since the men from this region were considered stronger and fierce in comparison to other regions (Das).
This article also includes lots of pictures which show the propaganda that was created regarding the...

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