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Read the article: Europe Through Indian Eyes: Indian Soldiers Encounter England and France, XXXXXXXXXX.” Choose one question for your first post; respond to one classmate for your second post....

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Read the article: Europe Through Indian Eyes: Indian Soldiers Encounter England and France, XXXXXXXXXX.” Choose one question for your first post; respond to one classmate for your second post.

Where in India were most of the soldiers recruited for World War I? Why?What was the experience of Indian soldiers at the hospitals in Brighton, England? What were some of the problems that their presence raised? Why?What was the experience of Indian soldiers in France? Was it different from the experience of the soldiers in England? Why?What were some of the concerns of religious soldiers created by their prolonged stay in France? Why?Is there anything in this reading that you did not know or find surprising? Why? [BONUS QUESTION for extra points]
Step 1: Read the source and pick one question and identify an aspect of Indian participation in World War I that you find intriguing. Use the link for the British Library for additional information.

Step 2: Write a XXXXXXXXXXword response analyzing the readings.
Use a word processor (like MS Word) to write your response to the readings you have selected.
Answered Same Day Apr 30, 2020 Swinburne University of Technology


Ritika answered on May 01 2020
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May 1, 2018
Most of the Indian soldiers who were taken for the war belonged to minor and rural gentry. To name a few placed specifically from where these soldiers were picked up are Punjab, Nepal, the United Provinces and even the North West Frontier. It was at Brighton that the Indian patients were
ought in during December 1914. It was the Brighton Workhouse which was converted into Kitchener’s Indian Hospital and the wounded soldiers were taken good care of. Since...

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