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Questions: · Discuss the relevant assessments required for the patient in the selected case study. (500 words) · Discuss the role of the sexual health team members involved in the care of the case...

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· Discuss the relevant assessments required for the patient in the selected case study. (500 words)
· Discuss the role of the sexual health team members involved in the care of the case study. (500 words)
· Outline the education needs for the patient within the case study XXXXXXXXXXwords)
· This question is based on the Sharon case study and you will need to engage with the case study information prior to commencing this assignment.
· Sharon Munroe, 26 year old caucasian female, has recently been diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Medical history includes, i
egular menses for the past 5 years, 12 kg weight gain over the past 2 years, increasing hirsuitism, episodes of severe acne and infertility.
Sharon case study
Sharon is a 26-year-old woman who has presented to the sexual health clinic for evaluation of the i
egular menses she has experienced since menarche. You are working with Natalie, an experienced nurse and midwife, who has worked in the sexual health clinic for 18 years. 
Taking Sharon’s history 
Sharon is noticeably overweight. Upon taking Sharon’s history, you learn that:
· she has a period about every 6 months
· when she does have her period, she bleeds very heavily, passing large clots and has a lot of cramping
· she also complained about excessive facial hair, which requires her to shave at least once every several days, and a lot of hair on her abdomen and arms
· she denies any change in her voice or increase in the size of her muscles
· she has been mo
idly obese since she was a young teenage
· she denies any headaches, blu
ed vision, or discharge from her nipples
· she also denies any hype
hypothyroid symptoms
· she has never had any surgery and has never conceived, despite several years of trying with her partner of six years
· she is not cu
ently taking any medication and has never used any form of contraception
Sharon has problems with menstruation
Assessing Sharon
You begin a full physical assessment of Sharon. Here is some of the information you collect:
Sharon is 172 cm tall and weighs 98 kg, giving her a BMI of 32.
Her vital signs are:
· Blood pressure (BP) 128/76mmHg
· Heart rate (HR) 72 beats per minute (at rest, sitting on the examination table)
· Respiratory rate (RR) 16
eaths per minute
· Temperature 36.5oC
· Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) 98% on room ai
· Heart sounds are normal: S1 and S2 heard clearly
· Lung fields sound clear to bases
· Abdomen soft, no masses, bladder non-palpable
Natalie conducts a pelvic exam, which is unremarkable, including no evidence for clitoromegaly, but Sharon's uterus and adnexa are very difficult to assess because of her obesity. The rest of her physical exam is unremarkable. 
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The doctor’s opinion
The clinic’s doctor writes Sharon a refe
al for laboratory studies (full blood examination, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), fasting glucose and glucose challenge test) as well as a transvaginal scan (TVS) of her ovaries to further evaluate what problems might exist. 
The follow up appointment
Sharon returns one week later for her follow-up appointment, to learn the results of her laboratory studies. Sharon gives you her consent to sit in on the appointment with the doctor.
Test results
Sharon's follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is normal, but her luteinizing hormone (LH) is elevated. Her thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), prolactin, chemistry panel, cholesterol, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) are all within normal limits. Her fasting insulin level is elevated; fasting blood sugar was 6.1mmol/L, and the 2-hour value on glucose tolerance test was 10.1mmol/L. Her total testosterone is normal, free testosterone mildly elevated, whilst her progesterone is normal, as is her dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) levels (a test for elevated adrenal function). The TVS showed both ovaries had an increase in volume, with 12 ovarian follicles seen in the left ovary and 18 ovarian follicles seen in the right ovary.
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Diagnosis and treatment
The clinical and laboratory results were consistent with poly cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Because Sharon desires a pregnancy, she is a candidate for metformin 500mg od for 7 days, then 500mg bd for seven days, and finally increasing to 500mg tds. She is also prescribed Clomid 50mg od on day 5 of her cycle each month to induce ovulation. 
Several months late
Follow up
After being started on a diet, an exercise program for weight loss, and metformin, Sharon’s blood glucose levels respond well. After 6 months of blood glucose control, menstrual regularity, and increasing doses of clomiphene, she becomes pregnant. 
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Answered Same Day Aug 09, 2020 HSNS 367


Soumi answered on Aug 11 2020
138 Votes
(A Case Study on Sharon Munroe)
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
1. Discussing the Relevant Assessment Required in Sharon’s Case    3
2. Comprehending the Role of the Members of the Sexual Health Team    5
3. Sharon Munroe’s Educational Needs    7
Conclusion    10
References    11
High level consumption of unhealthy food and lack of physical activity and mental stress are leading a number of people towards various health issues and among them Polycystic Ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one. PCOS treatment requires medication that are highly specific to ovarian section and therefore a proper assumption about the authenticity of the disease is needed, which has been discussed in the following assignment with a special reference to Sharon Munroe, a PCOS patient.
1. Discussing the Relevant Assessment Required in Sharon’s Case
    Sharon, as seen in the case study comes for treatment of her i
egular menstrual cycle and its related issues, such as growth of body hair, and inability to conceive. Considering the requirement of the patient, which, in this case is Sharon, the co
esponding nurse, Natalia must first assess the visible traits, for aligning the claims of the patient with visual traits. According to Donegan et al. (2018), visual traits of certain diseases are exclusive and helpful in determining the disease; therefore, medical practitioners, nurses and medical care support staffs must have ample knowledge about visual traits. In Sharon’s visual traits, the extra growth of her facial hair seems to justify the authenticity of her claim. In addition, Sharon’s visual trait also shows that she is highly obese; she is rightly within the age group of 25 to 30 years and is of European origin (Caucasian) female.
    As each age group and gender type has their own set of medical significance, the assessment of the age and gender of the patient at the time of treatment is necessary. According to Fe
eira et al. (2018), each age group has different set of type of treatment requirement; therefore, at the time of initial assessment of patient, noting down the age and gender is important. As seen in case of Sharon, it is found that she is female, 26 years old. The assessment of the age and gender, as mentioned by Saw et al. (2018), helps in identifying the abnormal physiological activities of a patient through the comparison with normal physiological traits of the age group and gender.
    Assessment of the patient’s medical history is also important. The medical history of a patient, as argued by McManus, Jones, Anstey, and Senthuran (2018), is not important for any treatment and hence is just wastage of time, as the medical history indirectly shows the failure of previously implemented treatments. However, the medical history of a patient doe shows the situations faced by the patient, the condition of the body and overlooked aspects in the previous treatments, making it worth consideration. As seen in the case of Sharon, Natalia noted from her medical history that, she had been obese since her early teenage and had been gradually putting on weight.
However, in the last 5 years, the weight gaining increased and in the last two years she has added 12 kilograms more. Sharon’s medical history also showed that she has an active sex life; however she has not been able to get pregnant despite repeated attempts. She has not used any type of recreational drugs, never had any surgery and had been noticing an average interval of 6 months between two menses. Sharon’s medical history also includes no records of severe headaches, blu
ing of vision, and change in the tonal pitch of the voice.
    Lastly, the cu
ent state of a patient’s body is also important. As mentioned by Al-Snafi (2017), medical tests not only confirm diseases, but also reduce the chances of wrong assumption of the symptoms. In Sharon’s case, her medical report showed that her heart beat rate (72 times/ minute), respiratory rate (16 times/ minute) was normal, blood pressure was a bit high (128/76 mmHg) and she had not abnormality in her glucose and oxygen saturation levels. However, her Luteinizing Hormone level was up and she had 30 ovarian follicles, hinting at her PCOS.
2. Comprehending the Role of the Members of the Sexual Health Team
    In a sexual health clinic, a number of medical care staffs provide their collective efforts in their service to solve treat and improve the sexual health of people, who seek care. According to Lam, et al. (2017), the structure of the team of a sexual health clinic is not different from any other general clinics; however, the focus here is on sexual health only. In a sexual health clinic, there remains a General Practitioners (GP), who makes the most judgemental calls at the time of deciding upon the determination of the disease and applied treatment.
As mentioned by Shoib (2018), GP of a clinic does the most important part of the treatment by making decisive notes on a health issue and its treatment. The GP should not hu
y in reaching a conclusion and must consider the reports of the head nurse and the test reports. As seen in Sharon’s case, the GP considered the report prepared by the head nurse Natalia...

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