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Holmes Institute Student Name: Manoj Thapa Student ID No.: ABN2178 Unit Name: Business Research Unit Code: HI6008 S4 Tutor’s name: Seyi Lagoke Assignment No.: 01 Assignment Title: LITERATURE REVIEW...

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Holmes Institute
Student Name: Manoj Thapa
Student ID No.: ABN2178
Unit Name: Business Research
Unit Code: HI6008 S4
Tutor’s name: Seyi Lagoke
Assignment No.: 01
Date submitted: 27/04/2018
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................. XXXXXXXXXX3
Project objective........................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX4
Project scope ................................................................................................................ XXXXXXXXXX5
Literature review .......................................................................................................... XXXXXXXXXX6
Conclusion ................................................................................................................. XXXXXXXXXX11
Reference list ............................................................................................................. XXXXXXXXXX12
This project outlines the concept of internet marketing tools and the influence of using these
tools in retaining consumers. The cost competence and interactivity of digital networks enable
ongoing discussions amongst the organization and the consumers. Marketers are now able to
easily contact with the consumers on a very routine basis with the use of these internet marketing
tools.The Australian market is following electronics medium to market products and services.
Internet marketing tool helps in reducing the costs of products, increasing elasticity and
trustworthiness of services. Today, there are numerous networking or internet marketing tools
which are used by customers like Facebook, Twitter, and Linked-in. business organizations like
Coles are using internet marketing tool to attract and retain its employees.Cu
ently, Coles is
mainstreaming a social-media website to retaining and attracting consumers by providing relaxed
access to effective consumer service platforms that help in getting a better response.
Coles Supermarkets Australia Pty Ltd is trading as Coles, is an Australian retail, supermarket,
and customer services chain, headed by Melbourne possessed by parent corporation Wesfarmers.
The company is founded in the year 1914 in Collingwood, Melbourne by Sir George Coles.
ently, Coles operates 801 superstores all over Australia, together with numerous now re-
anded BI-LO Supermarkets. Coles consist of almost 100,000 personnel or the workforce.
Recently, Coles Online is the business's online shopping site.
Project Objective
The objectives of this project are to examine the concept electronic marketing tools or internet
marketing tools and the manner in which these marketing tools are used by the business
organizations to retain its consumers. Business organizations like Coles use email marketing and
social media marketing to attract and retain consumers from different parts of the world. In
addition to this, this project is highlighting the other advantages of using internet marketing tool
of a business. The two main objectives of this research are:
1. To examine the electronic marketing tools adopted by Coles Limited
2. To examine whether electronic marketing tools utilized by the Coles improves the rates of
consumer retention
Project scope
This project is developed by the scope of this project-wide as it is talking about the internet
marketing tools. Internet marketing tools are widely used by the business organizations to
maintaining the relationships with the consumer in the modern world. Further, this project talks
about retaining the consumers which in itself is a huge topic as each consumer has its own needs
and to retain the consumers satisfying these needs are essential. Hence, the scope of this project
is wide.
Literature review
The concept of Internet marketing tool
According to Fuchs (2017), Internet marketing is also termed an online marketing. The term
internet marketing denotes to the marketing of services and products by using the World Wide
Web. In the modern world, it is important for the business organizations to market their product
online through blogging on various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, twitter etc.
Business organizations like Coles are focusing on using online marketing tools to improve their
elationship with the consumers. Online marketing has gained a center platform as a cost-
effective methodology for businesses to contact their consumers as well as their budding markets
(Fuchs, 2017).
Figure: Online marketing tools
Source: (Tuten and Solomon, 2017).
According to Tuten and Solomon (2017), Email marketing and social networking is the two main
internet marketing tools which are utilized to educate the consumers about their organization.
This permits the purchasers to appreciate the products and facilities offered by an organization in
an effective and efficient manner. A business organization like Coles is also using email
marketing and social media marketing to build consumer loyalty and faith. One of the electronic
marketing tools which were recognized at a global level is the social media marketing which is a
procedure of acquiring traffic of consumers through the social media websites (Tuten and
Solomon, XXXXXXXXXXThe main internet marketing tools which are adopted by the business
organizations consist of websites, social networking, email marketing, forums, and webinars. All
the tools are cost-effective and have their own advantages and disadvantages. Each internet
marketing tool is used by the company as per its nature of work and functions.
The concept of customer retention
According to Ryan (2016), customer retention is termed as a continued development of
consumer relationship with the company. Consumer retention can be observed at from numerous
proportions contingent on the type of the business functions conducted in an organization. For
instance, giving discounts to the consumers help in retaining the consumers. Consumer retention
is ways of involving the consumers so that they feel more important maintain good
communication with the consumers is important to retain the key consumers of the company.
Customer retention is a procedure of fulfilling the needs of the consumers so that they prefer to
shop with the same organizations (Ryan, XXXXXXXXXXColes being a supermarket offers its consumers
discounts to retain them. Consumer retention is an important strategy for the company to build a
strong consumer base. Retaining consumer is vital for the company as consumers are important
to business.
Impact of internet marketing tool in customer retention
According to Sheth and Sheth (2017), The main objective of using internet marketing tools like
email marketing and social media marketing by numerous business organizations is to notify
and update the consumers regarding the services and products which are offered by the
company , to ca
y out investigation and target marketplaces as well as to successful marketing
of services and products . The online marketing tool is main business tools which are adopted by
the large business organizations like Coles. Coles use social media marketing to attract and
etain consumers. The company is using Facebook and Instagram to post its products and
services so that the consumers of Coles can be informed on a routine basis. Adopting online
marketing tools helps Coles to attract consumers from various parts
Answered Same Day Jul 17, 2020 HI6008


Aarti J answered on Jul 19 2020
148 Votes
Coles – Internet marketing tool for Customer Retention
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Coles – Internet marketing tool for Customer retention
Internet marketing is one of the most essential communication tool which attracts the customers and helps in retaining the customers of a company. With the increasing competition and the competitive world, the companies have found internet as the best marketing tool to attract and retain the customers. With the digital marketing, the companies are able to connect to the customers easily and are able to retain them.
The Australian retail industry is one of the biggest retail industry of the world. With the help of internet marketing tools, the companies are able to reduce their cost of advertising and retaining the customers. There are certain internet marketing tools which are widely used by the companies which includes Facebook, WhatsApp, Google Adwords and other tools.
Coles Supermarkets Australia is a chain of supermarkets in Australia. It is one of the supermarkets of Australia which offers wide range of products to the customers. The company offers wide range baby products, bakery products, dairy products, deli, and different fruits and vegetable, liquor, mobile phones and tablets. (About Coles, 2018).
Coles began its operations in the year 1914, the company has been giving the Australian families a happy and healthy life from more than 100 years. The company has always emphasized on growth, learning and innovation and for that the company has taken various steps which has helped the company to become one of the biggest companies of Australia. Coles has always been inclined to technology and has adopted technology since 1990’s and has made technology as one of the biggest retail outlet. The company has always emphasized on technology and has helped the company to improve on its efficiency and management.
Research objective
The main objective of this project is to analyze how internet marketing communication tool helps Coles to retain its customers. How the company is using various internet marketing tools to attract and retain the customers.
The two major objectives of the research includes:
1) Different internet marketing communication tools which are used by Coles
2) How the internet marketing tools helps in customer retention
Project Scope
This research is focused on analysing the impact of internet communication tools and how internet communication tools helps the organization to maintain relationship with the customers. Thus, the scope of the project is quite wide because of the diverse internet marketing communication tools as well as ways to retain the customers.
Literature Review
As per Payne and Frow, (2005) the key measure of the customer relationship management is consider the customer relationship as the technology initiatives’. Customer relationship is highly linked with the technology and technology gives a huge impact on the customer relationship and management. Internet marketing has played a major role of intermediary. This can help the buyers and the sellers to match their interest. With this the internet marketing tools were implemented. The internet marketing tools helps in accelerating the interaction between the customers and the organization. Internet marketing communication tool is comparatively cheaper than the advertisement through television, radio
oadcasting and
ochures. Apart from the expenses, internet marketing also captures wider market as compared to the other advertisement modes.
As per Quelch and Klein, (1996), electronic marketing is the means in which the companies uses internet to sell their products and services. This helps in providing direct communication with the customers and the company can get the direct feedback of the customers. As internet marketing is a low cost marketing, the companies can indulge in personalized marketing as well for the clients which can help the customers to get update on the products which they like or which they want.
Companies like Coles use different internet marketing communication tools which helps the company to expand on its reach as well as improving the relationship with the customers. Apart from this, the internet marketing tools is one of the best communication tools to attract new customers.
There are different marketing tools which are used by the companies to expand on its reach and to retain the customers. These includes Email marketing and social networking, with the internet marketing, the company is able to keep the customers updated and posted about different offers and discounts that the company is offering for its products.
Customer retention
As per Stone, (2000), customer retention is the customer’s...

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