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question #1 How does Hwang treat the issue of homosexuality? How might one support or refute the interpretation of Song and Gallimard’s relationship as homosexual? Would/could this be considered a...

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question #1

How does Hwang treat the issue of homosexuality? How might one support or refute the interpretation of Song and Gallimard’s relationship as homosexual? Would/could this be considered a play that is tolerant of multiple sexual identities? Why or why not?


Does the play deconstruct (dismantle and challenge) or reinforce gendered positions of male and female? Could we consider the play feminist? or sexist/misogynistic?

please answer this two question in a separate paragraph thanks
Answered Same Day Nov 21, 2019


David answered on Dec 27 2019
153 Votes
Answer 1
Hwang treats the issue of sexuality as a serious concern for the society. He thinks similar to the society which believes more in heterosexuality. The relationship between Gallimard and Song, as per the society should be that of heterosexual and not homosexual. There is definitely a major question of gender inequality and tolerance, that plays a great role when it comes to multiple sexual identities. Hwang tries to dismantle the power of West....

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