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Project Requirements Part XXXXXXXXXXwords) You are to plan a Workplace Health and Safety meeting for your organisation with at least two other contributors being there. To prepare for the meeting, you...

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Project Requirements


You are to plan a Workplace Health and Safety meeting for your organisation with at least two other contributors being there. To prepare for the meeting, you need to research the following information and prepare an agenda (which you will attach to this assessment):

• Current WHS policies, procedures, and programs within your organisation

• WHS legislation, regulations and codes of practice, and the legal responsibilities of PCBUs and workers at the workplace

• Current management of health and safety risks at the workplace, including the use of PPE

• How your organisation responds to different accidents/incidents that can occur throughout the workplace

• How to identify hazards and apply appropriate control measures to meet workplace and legislative requirements

• How outcomes of discussions and actions taken to resolve WHS issues need to be promptly recorded and communicated to relevant people


Conduct the Workplace Health and Safety meeting:

• Limit your communication session to 10 minutes or a time agreed with your assessor/ supervisor

• Organise your information in a logical order

• Identify the information sources you used in your plan

• Inform team members of the following:

- Location of the organisation’s policies and procedures

- Location of the emergency evacuation procedures

- Personal protective clothing and equipment – requirements and use

- Safety requirements for using workplace equipment

- How to manage hazards at the workplace using the hierarchy of control

- Availability of workplace learning opportunities to improve WHS knowledge and skills

During your meeting, you are required to:

• Provide team members with the opportunity to ask questions.

• Demonstrate correct use of PPE

• Confirm team members’ understanding of the organisation’s workplace health and safety policies, procedures, and programs

• Encourage team members to participate in workplace health and safety activities, including managing hazards and reporting WHS issues.

You will be required to submit meeting minutes and feedback forms from the participants of the meeting for assessment

Quality outcomes

Ensure the following for your submission:

i) It is grammatically correct.

ii) It is error-free.

iii) It is written in simple English.

iv) It comprises an average of 15 words for each sentence.

v) There are separate paragraphs for each new content/topic or discussions. Include references to relevant legislation, which must be defined.

Attach any models, tools, or resources that could be used in an organisation to improve the case study situations presented.

Tip: Read all text aloud in order to identify any gaps and correct them. Ask another person to proof read your work in order to check for accuracy before you submit.

Your document should comprise the following:

(i) Introduction – An overview of the situation, what you are trying to achieve, and your intended outcomes. Refer to the format required, which is a comprehensive report.

(ii) Body – The most significant part of the presentation, with key details. Please do not use the word “body” as a heading. This is the largest part of your submission. Use headings that are relevant. Include templates, tools, and charts wherever appropriate. For each heading, discuss and demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of this unit, and reflect on what you have learnt. Refer to risks, costs (if relevant), legislation, models, or templates or resources that you are aware of.

(iii) Conclusion – Recommendations. Use an appropriate heading, and state actions that could be taken to ensure correct completion and finalisation.

The document is to contain a minimum of 1,500 words in total. Any attachments should not be included in the word count.

Answered Same Day Jul 24, 2020


Amar answered on Jul 26 2020
139 Votes
Running Header: Part 2 – Conducting Workplace Health & Safety Meeting         1
Part 2 – Conducting Workplace Health & Safety Meeting         2
Part 2 – Conducting Workplace Health & Safety Meeting
Part 2 – Conducting Workplace Health & Safety Meeting
This report concerns workplace health & safety (“WHS”) function at the cu
ent organization of the author. The organization is in the dental health care service delivery. The organization is located at NSW. On the basis of the initial review and planning, the company’s housekeeping staffs has never been considered as part of the WHS initiatives as they are contract employees. The housekeeping activities from the contract employees form the critical element of the quality service delivery and including these employees in the WHS management shall ensure overall safety of the work place. In this context, the meeting is undertaken between the WHS Committee and the HR representative to explain the need for WHS policy purview of the organization, explain various basic level PPE uses and other WHS practices, assess the comfort level and chart out future action plans.
Information Dissemination & Updates – WHS Policy, Procedures & Guidelines Specifications
The various applicable legislations, regulations, standards, as well as codes, have been suitably translated by this organisation in the form of internally organization wide applicable,
WHS policy & procedures, manuals for training, instructions, and information repository, plans for first aid, procedures for emergency evacuation, record maintenance policy, manual handling policy / procedures, infection control policy / procedures, PPE & other Safe work practices manual, risk management processes as well as procedures, various housekeeping related processes / manuals, etc. (ADA 2016; DBA 2016; Safe Work NSW 2018).
These various policies as well as procedures encompass all aspects of identifying, planning, managing and...

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