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Professional Development Write an word essay on the following topic: Obesity The essay should contain at least two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook. It should cover the following points:...

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Professional Development

Write an word essay on the following topic:

  • Obesity

The essay should contain at least two scholarly sources in addition to the textbook. It should cover the following points:

  • Explain the pathophysiology of the disease
  • Discuss common clinical manifestations
  • List differential diagnoses
  • Determine which lab tests would confirm the diagnosis and expected results
  • Analyze a current protocol for treatment and discuss how the treatment works from the pathophysiological perspective
Answered Same Day Jul 01, 2020


Tp Academic answered on Jul 04 2020
146 Votes
Running head: OBESITY
Toyin Ogunniyi
Aspen University
Advanced Pathophysiology
Patricia Mcafee
July 9th, 2018
Obesity has turned into a major Global epidemic which has numerous significant threats to human health. There has been an escalation in going cases of obesity not only in adults but also among adolescents and children. Obesity is allied with many other life threatening diseases and it increases risk of hypertension, coronary heart diseases diabetes mellitus and so on. This paper aims to explore the pathophysiology of obesity and common clinical manifestations through which identification of obesity is feasible. The paper will also focus on differential diagnosis available in detecting obesity and explore cu
ent protocol for treatment.
Pathophysiology of Obesity
Obesity plays a central role in dysregulation of cellular metabolism that is helpful in keeping check on insulin resistance. Obesity is related to dis-regulation of glucose metabolism. This increases the risk of lipotoxicity and insulin resistance in obese people by manifolds in comparison to an average weight individual. New researchers have revealed excess adipocytes release in secretion of cytokines that serve as a major contributor to cardiovascular dysfunctions and give rise to hypertension and dyslipidemia. The release of adipocytokines has effect on hypertension, macrophage and immune functions in addition to aerobic conditions and insulin resistance that is associated with obesity where is also adverse effect of secretion of inflammatory adipokines which impacts cardiovascular functioning.
As suggested by Heymsfield & Wadden (2017) pathophysiology of obesity includes derangement of regulation of energy balance with alteration occu
ing in neuro-chemical and signalling of feedback. This leads to inappropriate expansion of adipose organ along with progressive hyper-production of adipokines and inflammatory cytokines. As pointed out by Rahman et al. (2018), at systemic level, this serves a precursor to atherogenesis and atherosclerosis, hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, types of tumours and reduced expectancy of life.
Common clinical manifestations
The common clinical manifestations of obesity can be seen as a major contributor to metabolic syndrome which is contributed through inflammatory adipokine. As mentioned by Clifton et al. (2015), it also leads to chronic renal diseases obstructive sleep apnea and nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases. Obesity is also increasing the chances of cancer by many folds. The major risk factors inform of Cancer includes
east cancer colon, renal, prostate cancer. Hepatocellular cancer is also associated with fatty liver in obesity.
As stated by Gall et al. (2016), other common clinical manifestation of obesity involves degenerative joint problems and muscles functions. Obesity also causes several obstructions to respiratory system including obstructive sleep apnea and accumulation of extra adipose tissues on the upper respiratory tract which has adverse impact upon ventilation. Cholesterol and gallstones are also one of the diseases that have an association with obesity and are particularly found in overweight women. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is also one of the clinical manifestations of obesity very commonly found in women. According to Athyros et al. (2015), obesity poses a risk factor for preeclampsia and eclampsia of pregnancy. Obesity in case of women can be a major cause of predisposition leading to depression, ameno
hea, meno
hagia, infertility, and urinary stress...

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