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Privacy_Assignmentv2.docx Page 1 of 3 Privacy: Your Responsibilities Welcome to the Module – Privacy: Your Responsibilities. This self-study guide has been developed so that you, as a prospective IT...

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Privacy_Assignmentv2.docx Page 1 of 3
Privacy: Your Responsibilities
Welcome to the Module – Privacy: Your Responsibilities.
This self-study guide has been developed so that you, as a prospective IT Professional, understand your
ole and responsibilities in regard to protecting your client’s personal and private information.
Privacy requirements in Australia: The near mandatory need to be “online” in the increasingly global
economy has driven business forward in leaps and bounds in Information and Communication
Technology. This technological growth has been an enabling tool for business. Increases in the speed of
esponse of systems and the internet have provided flexibility and accessibility
inging great benefits to
usiness and clients. Client information and requirements are now accessible from all corners of the
This presents a dilemma; that of how we secure information that we, as business IT professionals, are
charged with caring for. Australia has a Privacy act that governs what we must do to ensure protection
of personal, sensitive data. The act is constantly being updated to cater for these new technological
advances. Keeping up to date with these changes is paramount in being successful in securing private
To complete this Module you will need access to the internet.
Try to search for different types of Privacy Legislation in Australia, or you can go to
Please enjoy learning about the Privacy act and how it relates to you as an IT Professional.
Feel free to contact your trainer if you require any assistance.
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In order to understand the impact of
eaches of trust in relation to personal information storage please
list down the information that organizations hold that you believe are private.
Now read the article ‘Privacy Impact Assessment Guide’. You can search the internet for this or retrieve
it from the government’s privacy website. Pay particular attention to the section named ‘What is
personal information?’ to explore what may be deemed as personal, private information.
The article also has some very relevant information on how we can address and plan for change whilst
protecting personal information. Note when it was written and decide if it is up to date. Is it still useful?
Now go to the Australian Computer Society (ACS) website and read the Code of Professional Conduct.
We as IT professionals have a responsibility to maintain a high standard of Professional Conduct or
ethical behaviour in the workplace. We are entrusted with a large amount of control over and access to
information and data of our clients. Often we are communicating with clients who know little of our
industry and we have a responsibility not to take advantage of this situation.
Now read the Privacy Act of Australia and become familiar with the content and spirit of the act. This is
a very large document with a lot of legal jargon. It may be best to focus on the Privacy Principles and
look for some executive summaries of the Act.
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Your assignment for this module is to review a company’s privacy policy and compare this to the Privacy
Act of Australia (hint:- most websites have one). You must compile a report that addresses any issues
that you have noticed. If you cannot locate a suitable one, your trainer will be able to provide one.
Internet research is the main vehicle to gather required content for your assignment. Ensure you have
esearched sufficiently to provide a detailed, relevant report. Ensure co
ect referencing is used,
Harvard type.
Report 1250 words maximum.
12pt font single spaced.
- Access and become familiar with the cu
ent Australian Privacy Act.
- List areas of concern addressed by the Act, e.g. Financial, Health, etc.
- Read and analyse a business privacy policy based on what you have learned about the Act.
- Report your findings listing any short comings or areas in excess of the Act.
- Make recommendations for changes to the policy to ensure compliance of the Act.
- Demonstrate how you would disseminate the suggested changes to all stakeholders.
There are many government reports and findings on the impacts of the privacy act that you may find
useful in your analysis process. There is also international governance that may assist you in compiling
your report and give you understanding of international context.
Some of these are…
United States
 Sa
anes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX)
 Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (Financial Modernization Act)
 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)
 Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and
Obstruct Te
orism Act of 2001 (USA Patriot Act)
 The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
 European Union Data Protection Directive (EUDPD)
 Japan’s Personal Information Protection Act.
Answered Same Day Feb 27, 2020


Shikha answered on Mar 03 2020
146 Votes
Information Privacy        5
Information Privacy – Australia
Submitted By
Information security is the act to protect the information from debasement as well as unauthorized access. The main focus for securing organization’s information is to ensure the protection as well as it also includes guarantee of individual or corporate data. These days, a large number of information exists for each organization from individual files and protected innovation to market analysis and details that are very confidential. (https:, 2018). The global approach to deal with these policies contemplations which is hampered by absence of the agreement on the advantages as well as its potential threats that are emerging from ICT innovation – and subsequently, the valuable part for its direction. Private area reactions or we can say 'privacy enhancing development' likewise add to contradiction about the requirement for direction. In this paper, I am considering various information security laws in Australia. (https:, 2016).
Private Information in Organizations
Private business data regularly holds some financial advantage to the business as well as entrepreneur. New items which are still being developed, business extension or revamping plans and we can say unimplemented advertising methodology are few confidential business data. (Lohrey, 2017). On the other hand, the customer or employee’s social security numbers, their account numbers, some identification proof numbers, their credit card numbers and also some other types of organized data are limited areas that needs to be secured. Other confidential information includes organization’s financial data, the secrets of its trading, supplier as well as customer details and the organization’s acquisition plans. This all information needs to be protected from external or internal threats. (Peled, 2004).
Australian Privacy Act
The Privacy Act depicts the personal information as the information or the opinion whether its genuine or not, and whether it is to be stored in database in some meaningful form or not, around the recognized individual, or whether he is identifiable. The examples of confidential data includes person's name, their signs, addresses, telephone number, date of birth, restorative records, account balance numbers unpretentious components and also investigate or determination about a man. The Privacy Act joins thirteen Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), that are mainly connected to some private organizations, and also most Australian and in addition Norfolk Island Government associations. These are implied as Application components. The Privacy Act in like manner coordinates the security section of the purchaser credit specifying system, their tax file...

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