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Assessment Task 4: Individual Case Study Report XXXXXXXXXXwords Assessment Task 4: Individual Case Study Report Weighting: 40% Due Date: 11:55 PM 12 June 2020 Submission style: All assignments should...

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Assessment Task 4: Individual Case Study Report XXXXXXXXXXwords
Assessment Task 4: Individual Case Study Report
Weighting: 40%
Due Date: 11:55 PM 12 June 2020
Submission style: All assignments should be submitted online through the MGT3150
Moodle site. All reports will be checked by Turnitin to compare the report to other sources
and will provide students and lecturers with a similarity score for the report.
CASE STUDY: Student Fund-Raising Project (In your textbook Page 300)
In September at its initial meeting of the academic year, the Council of Fraternities and
Sororities (ŒS) at Mount Clement University decided to organize a project to raise funds to help
upgrade the pediatric intensive care unit at the local hospital. The CFS consists of representatives
from each of the 24 fraternities and sororities. There were 15 representatives at the meeting.
Although the council members who were at the meeting expressed enthusiasm for such an
endeavor, they also raised some concerns, including:
• What kind of project should we do?
• When would be the best time of the year to do it?
• Do we have a goal for how much money we should try to raise?
• How should we assign responsibilities to all the fraternities and sororities?
• What about the council members who are not at the meeting? What if they do not
support the idea?
• Arc we going to need any money at the beginning to get things going and pay for
things like advertising and other necessities?
• Do we need any kind of approvals?
Hannah said, “This is getting complicated. There are a lot of questions and unknowns.”
Marcus added, “What if we don't raise a lot of money? That will be emba
assing, especially if
we have to do a lot of work.”
Teresa responded, “Sure it may be a lot of work, but we have a lot of people in our fraternities
and sororities who we can get to help.”
Cathy said, “Maybe we should try to identify what the risks may be, then see if we still think
we can do it?"
Cases for Assignment 2 and 3
MGT3150 Students Case Studies for assessment 2 and 3 Term XXXXXXXXXXDr Ali Abusalem
Copyright 2018 Cengage Learning XXXXXXXXXXMGT3100 Project Management XXXXXXXXXXT1-2020 XXXXXXXXXXDr Ali Abusalem XXXXXXXXXXOzford Institute of Higher Education
MGT3100 Project Management XXXXXXXXXXTrimester 1, 2020
Assessment Task 4: Individual Case Study Report (40%)
Meghan said, “I’m not going to stand on corners with a can collecting money.”
Wendy added, "Me either, but there are a lot of other things we can do to raise money that
could be fun for all the students.”
“Maybe even get the community to come, too. That will help us mise more money than just
from students,” added Sophie.
Suli spoke up, “I'm willing to chair a planning committee. Who else wants to be on it? We’ll
meet here tomo
ow at 5:00. I’ll send an e mail to the CFS members who aren’t here, inviting them
to come. We are going big time and are going to raise a lot of money. Hey, there are risks in
anything we do, but they’ll work out. We have got to have a can-do attitude.”
Your Task:
Part 1: Prepare a case study report on the situation outlined in the above case
study (In your textbook Page XXXXXXXXXXIf the case does not have specific details you
feel are relevant, you can make assumptions as long as these are clearly identified
at the beginning of your case study.
In relation to the case study, you need to address all questions below:
1. what would you recommend for the next possible steps?
2. Identify three potential projects to raise funds for the hospital pediatric intensive care
3. Select one of the three projects and identify four risks that could jeopardize the success
of the project.
4. Develop a response plan for how each of the four risks can be either avoided or
This assessment task must be written up as a case study report. Please refer to Ozford
Guide to Harvard referencing Style to ensure that you references and structure your
case study appropriately.
Part 2: You will also be required to attend a short interview to answer some questions
via Zoom. Prof. Sheikh Rahman (Academic Dean) will also be present in the interview
sessions. Each student will be given 5 min. to respond and explain their Case Study analysis
individually via Zoom Breakout Rooms.
Cases for Assignment 2 and 3
MGT3150 Students Case Studies for assessment 2 and 3 Term XXXXXXXXXXDr Ali Abusalem
Copyright 2018 Cengage Learning XXXXXXXXXXMGT3100 Project Management XXXXXXXXXXT1-2020 XXXXXXXXXXDr Ali Abusalem XXXXXXXXXXOzford Institute of Higher Education
Answered Same Day Jun 09, 2021


Siddharth answered on Jun 11 2021
159 Votes
Case Study Report
Student Fund Raising Project
Mount Clement University
The Council of Fraternities and Sororities at Mount Clement University is planning to upgrade the pediatric intensive care unit at the local hospital. In September, the association had its first meeting of the academic year in which the focus area is the sources of fundraising for the project. Out of the 24 representatives 15 were present in the meeting and there were several points added to discussion. There are concerns over the amount of funds to be raised, timing of the project, initial investment outlay and the consent of other members.
Structuring the project
This case study talks about the series of action that will help the management to undertake the project successfully. Firstly a committee should be formed among the 24 representatives who will hold the fund raising program. The committee should be formed by the consent of all the members of the association so as to avoid any clashes in the later phase of the project.
There should be two divisions in the committee. One of the divisions should be focused on building the strategy that would be known as Planning and Development Committee while the other is the Action Committee which will undertake all the necessary actions to implement the strategy.
The committees should function together and periodic meetings should be scheduled. There should not be any communication gaps between the two teams. The teams should be clear of their targets which should be
oken down on smaller scales. In every meeting the targets should be compared with the actual performance and take co
ective actions if required.
The Planning Committee
The first step of the project is to establish the aim of the project. The committee should focus on determining the aim and the desired outcome of the project. Once the aim is established the most important thing is to analyze the project. Analyzing the project involves understanding the amounts of funds that needs to be raised. A proper budget should be framed focusing on all the aspects of the project and the committee should conclude the target funds that need to be raised. Once the target is set, it is only then the action team and start working on the project. The budget should be made on the basis of past requirement keeping in view the market prices and in consultation with the hospital so as to reach the co
ect figure. The committee should also consider the initial investment outflow. It is important to decide the investment outflow so as to a
ange for those funds at the start of the project. The planning committee should act as the control center of the project which will set the targets and which should be matched with the actual performance. This will help in building a complete internal control function which will help the management take co
ective actions if the project drives away from the targets.
The Action Committee
Action Committee is required to work on the report that will be provided by the planning and development committee. The committee is required to analyze the needs of the project and prepare a plan to raise the required amount of funds. There are many sources that are available for fundraising. It is important to find the alternative sources available to them and then analyzing each of the alternatives in terms of risk, the amount that can be raised from that source and other costs associated with them. After analyzing the alternatives the best alternative should be chosen and there might be a case where more than one source of fund is used. Usually in case of hospitals, raising funds in forms of donations is a major aspect. The hospital administration along with doctors and nurses plays a big role in this.
Fund Raising Projects
The Action Committee after analyzing the needs of the project came out with three potential...

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