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Referencing must be IEEE

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Referencing must be IEEE
Answered Same Day May 25, 2020


Amit answered on Jun 01 2020
134 Votes
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Packet tracker based network design and questionnaire for requirement analysis
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School of information technology and Engineering, Melbourne University, Australia
Table of Contents
1.    Analysis of potential requirements for developing network design for sport complex    3
2.    Created questionnaire for collecting the possible requirements    3
3.    Developed plan of V & V according to requirements of potential stakeholders    4
4.    Created network design through packet tracker for scatte
ained requirements    5
5.    Network layout demonstration to sport complex requirements    5
6.    References:    6
1. Analysis of potential requirements for developing network design for sport complex
To develop the possible network layout for the given case of sport complex, the requirements are must be collected from the end users working at sport complex, managers of sport complex and related staff of sport complex ([1]). The scatte
ained requirements from all these users are responsible for development of final design of this required network layout. For sport complex network design, the bellow given requirements are identified and assumed:
i. The execution of three different sets of related applications is required from the developed layout and design of this network.
ii. Each set of different application or any individual application execution requires different capacities, reliabilities and delay time from this network design.
iii. For providing end user connectivity, four different LAN are mainly required in this network layout.
iv. The implementation of these LAN will require implementation of different service providing switches.
v. The implementation of these LAN will also require implementation of different sub net masks and possible IP based addresses.
vi. The requirements of three routers and two base switches are also given in case description of this required network.
2. Created questionnaire for collecting the possible requirements
Each created questionnaire has different purpose and requirements. In case of this network design for sport complex, the developed questionnaire is collecting the requirements from all end users working at sport complex, managers of sport complex and related staff of sport complex. This developed questionnaire is helping the network designers to make assumptions of this network layout. The required layout of this network design can easily be developed and created by help...

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