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Portfolio Task 2: Brief report- reflexes This task has a word limit of 750 words. It should be presented in a modifiedreport format. You should present your response in report style using subheadings,...

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Portfolio Task 2: Brief report- reflexes

This task has a word limit of 750 words. It should be presented in a modifiedreport format. You should present your response in report style using subheadings, continuous prose and paragraphs.

1. What is a reflex?

2.Identify and discussthreekey infantile reflexes.

In your discussion ofeachreflex , you should describe :

  • The typical response observed when each reflex is triggered

  • The suggested purpose/function of the reflex.

  • The approximate ages we would expect each reflex to disappear.

3. Why do infants need to lose reflexes as they age?

Answered Same Day Jul 11, 2021 HLTH 1055 University Of South Australia


Tanaya answered on Jul 13 2021
145 Votes
Table of Contents
Reflex Action
Reflex action is an instantaneous and involuntary movement that occurs in response to stimulus. Of the different type of neural activity one of the simplest types of activity that results in immediate response. This is known as reflex action. The anatomical path through which the reflex action occurs is known as reflex arc. The reflex arc comprises of afferent nerve including interneurons that are part of the central nervous system (Wiener-Vacher, S.R. and Wiener 2017). And also connected with the efferent nerve. The afferent nerve is known as the sensory nerve while the efferent nerve is known as the motor, secreto-motor or secretory nerve. Reflex action occurs through several synapses that is made of several reflex arc. The cu
ent study will be exploring the different type of infantile reflexes which are some of the responses that are observed in the normal infants that includes sucking reflex, startle reflex and step reflexes.
Key reflexes and its function
The strength and presence of a reflex action plays an important role in the nervous system especially during functioning and development. It has been observed that many of the reflexes in infants disappear as the child grows older. The infant responses are considered to be normal while in older age groups it is considered to be abnormal. There are three major infantile reflexes which includes sucking reflexes, startle reflex and step reflex. These three major reflexes are categorised under the Moro reflexes...

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