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MA 141 Calculus 2        Name: ___________________________
Quiz 3
Directions: Do the following problems and follow the instructions. Add space to insert your work as desired, but clearly outline your answer. Illegible writing won’t be given partial credit and show all work. Five (5) points will be deducted if your name is not typed or written at the top of each page.
Section 7.0 + Internet Research
Multiple Choice: Select the answer that is true.
1. A function is one-to-one if each horizontal line intersects the graph of a function:
(a) Once
(b) Twice
(c) Thrice
(d) Too many times to count.
2. Given two sets of real numbers, domain (starting set) and range (target set), a function is:
(a) A rule for which each element of the domain is assigned to one or more elements in the range.
(b) A rule for which each element of the domain co
esponds to one and only one element in the range.
(c) A rule that assigns two or more elements of the domain to one and only one element of the range.
(d) None of the above
3. Which of the following tests will a function pass? Select all that apply.
· Vertical line test
· Horizontal line test
· Spectral line test
· The Kirlian line test
Section 7.1
Multiple choice. Select the co
ect answer.
4. If f is a one-to-one function and contains the point (a,b), then f-1 contains:
(a) (a,b)
(b) (c,d)
(c) (b,a)
(d) None of the above
5. Draw the graph of f(x) = x2 on the interval 0≤x≤2 and its inverse f-1 on the blank graph below.
Section 7.2
6. In Fig 22, find the following exactly.
(a) ? = ________
(b) Sin() = ________
(c) Cos () = ________
(d) Tan() = ________
(e) Csc() = ________
(f) Sec() = ________
(g) Cot() = ________
7. In Fig. 22, angle θ is
(a) the arcsine of what number? = ________
(b) the arctangent of what number? = ________
(c) the arcsecant of what number? = ________
(d) the arccosine of what number? = ________
Rocket Launch
8. (prob 33) You are observing a rocket launch from a point 4000 feet from the launch pad (Fig. 26). When the observation angle is π/3, the angle is increasing at π/6 feet per second. How fast is the rocket traveling? (Hint: θ and h are functions of t.)
Section 7.3
9. Calculate the derivative:
10. Find the following integral:
2 | Page
Answered Same Day Apr 10, 2023


Senthilvel answered on Apr 11 2023
43 Votes
MA 141 Calculus 2 Name: ___________________________
Quiz 3
1 | P a g e

Directions: Do the following problems and follow the instructions. Add space to insert your work as
desired, but clearly outline your answer. Illegible writing won’t be given partial credit and show all work.
Five (5) points will be deducted if your name is not typed or written at the top of each page.
Section 7.0 + Internet Research
Multiple Choice: Select the answer that is true.
1. A function is one-to-one if each horizontal line intersects the graph of a function:
(a) Once
(b) Twice
(c) Thrice
(d) Too many times to count.
(a) Once.
A function is one-to-one if each horizontal line intersects the graph of a function at most
once. This means that for any two different inputs to the function, the outputs are also
different. In other words, if two points on the graph of the function have the same y-
coordinate, then they must have different x-coordinates.
2. Given two sets of real numbers, domain (starting set) and range (target set), a function is:
(a) A rule for which each element of the domain is assigned to one or more elements in the range.
(b) A rule for which each element of the domain co
esponds to one and only one element in the
(c) A rule that assigns two or more elements of the domain to one and only one element of the range.
(d) None of the above
(b) A rule for which each element of the domain co
esponds to one and only one
element in the range.
This is the definition of a function. A function is a rule that assigns each element in the
domain (starting set) to one and only one element in the range (target set). This means that
for each input value (element in the domain), there is exactly one output value (element in
the range).
3. Which of the following tests will a function pass? Select all that apply.
 Vertical line test
 Horizontal line test
 Spectral line test
 The Kirlian line test
MA 141 Calculus 2 Name: ___________________________
Quiz 3
2 | P a g e

Vertical line test and the Horizontal line test.
The function will pass the Vertical line test and the Horizontal line test.
The Vertical line test is a test that checks whether a function is one-to-one, meaning that each
input is assigned to a unique output. It involves drawing a vertical line through the graph of
the function. If the vertical line intersects the graph at more than one point, then the function
is not one-to-one, and fails the test. If the vertical line intersects the graph at most once, then
the function is one-to-one, and passes the test.
The Horizontal line test is a test that checks whether a function is onto, meaning that every
output value in the range is used at least once. It involves drawing a horizontal line through
the graph of the function. If the horizontal line intersects the graph at more...

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