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QUESTION 1:Weapons of Mass Destruction (ONE PARAGRAPH) Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) are categorized into five major areas. Discuss the types of WMD’s available to terrorists today and the...

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QUESTION 1:Weapons of Mass Destruction (ONE PARAGRAPH)
Weapons of mass destruction (WMD) are categorized into five major areas. Discuss the types of WMD’s available to te
orists today and the capacity of each to create mass destruction. How could the government better prepare for the safety of our general population against the use of these type weapons? Provide examples to support your discussion.
QUESTION 2:Weapons of Mass Destruction (3 PAGES)
In a 3–5 page paper, (excluding cover and reference page) discuss the possibility of a te
orist organization acquiring and/or ca
ying out an attack on U.S. soil using a WMD (CBRNE). Identify and describe the types of weapons of mass destruction available to te
orists today (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Radiological, and Explosive weapons) and their capacity to create mass destruction. Explain how each weapon is used, the results expected, and the differences between these weapons. Which weapons are most likely to be used by the te
orist organization and why. Major points should be clearly stated and well supported with facts, details, and evidence. Include examples to support major points.
QUESTION # 3: 9/11 Response ( ONE PARAGRAPH)
How would you rate the federal government’s response to 9/11? How have the federal government’s response capabilities improved?
QUESTION #4: 9/11 Commission Report ( ONE PARAGRAPH)
After reading the 9/11 Commission Report, what did you find the most surprising? Please explain.
QUESTION # 5 Assignment 2: Interview Analysis (3 PAGES)
For this Assignment, please interview at least two (or more) friends, relatives, colleagues, etc. to ascertain answers to the following questions:
1. What impact did the events of 9/11 have on their sense of security/vulnerability?
2. Do they agree or disagree with the U.S. response to the attacks?
· Which aspects of the U.S. response do they feel have been most successful and effective?
· Which aspects of the U.S. response do they feel have been least effective or even counter-productive?
· Do they feel safer now than they did after 9/11? Why, or why not?
· What areas of vulnerability do they think have not been addressed that should be?
3. The U.S. is a melting pot; do you believe interaction with people with different religious practices help to enrich the cultural life of our country? Do you feel the events of 9/11 stimulated more interaction with Muslims?
Be sure to ask detailed follow-up questions. Here are some suggestions to get you started.
· Do they agree or disagree with the term “War on Te
orism”? Do they think the “war” will ever be “won,” and all te
orist threats completely eliminated? If they disagree on the term, what would they suggest as an alternative?
· Do they feel civil liberties, including privacy rights, have been curtailed significantly in the wake of the U.S. response? If so, in what way? Is some curtailment of some civil liberties for some individuals a necessary step, even if not ideal? Do they agree with the government’s justifications for wiretapping, etc.?
· Do they agree with holding captured suspects indefinitely without charge? Or do they think suspects should enjoy due process and be tried in civilian courts?
· What are their thoughts on secret prisons, extraordinary rendition, and the enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay?
· Do they agree with the rationale behind the invasion of either Afghanistan or Iraq or both?
· Are citizens of other countries at all justified in their negative view of America’s stand in the world?
Write a 3 page paper identifying the specific questions on which your interview subjects differ, and articulate the interviewee’s reasoning behind those answers.
· Share your opinion on the same questions, and on the subjects’ answers. Did any of their answers change your mind, or cause you to rethink your own opinion? If so, how? If not, why not?
· As you analyze your responses to the same questions, think about how these feelings will impact your cu
ent or future organization. How will your perspectives toward other cultures and diversity impact your day-to-day actions with an organization?
QUESTION #6 Topic: Parental Support of Early Physical Development (NO WORD REQUIREMENT)
In this unit, you will learn about physical development in infancy/toddlerhood and early childhood. The focus of this Discussion is on early physical and motor development and the role that parents can play in supporting this development.
Please respond to the following:
Imagine that you are a psychology professional working with first-time parents, Mark and Nicole, and you are providing these parents with information on infant and early childhood physical development. Their son, David, is an 11-month-old infant who can crawl and stand up holding onto something. He can build a tower of two cubes and he can scri
le vigorously.
· How do David’s motor skills compare to the gross- and fine-motor skill milestones described in Chapter 5 of your textbook? Should Mark and Nicole be concerned if David does not reach the milestones at the average age listed in the table? Why or why not?
· In providing advice to Mark and Nicole, what are some everyday experiences they can provide for 11-month-old David to support mastery of reaching, grasping, sitting, and crawling?
Many Western parents provide preschoolers with early training in gymnastics, tumbling, dance, soccer, and other movement skills through organized classes (Berk, XXXXXXXXXXMark and Nicole want to do everything they can to support David’s athletic development so that when he reaches early childhood he will be able to take part in some organized classes. 
· What advice would you give Mark and Nicole regarding the athletic development support they can provide David in these early years? 
Answered 2 days After Jan 21, 2022


Deblina answered on Jan 23 2022
110 Votes
Weapon of Mass Destruction & Te
orism        15
Table of Contents
Response to the Questions    3
Question 1    3
Question 2    4
orism & Use of CBRNE    4
Chemical Agents    4
Biological Agents    5
Radiological Agents    5
Nuclear Agents    6
Explosive Agents    6
Question 3    8
Question 4    8
Question 5    10
Interview Analysis    10
Question 6    13
References    15
Response to the Questions
Question 1
Weapons of Mass Destruction that are available to the te
orists are Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive weapons.The destructive capacity of the weapons of mass destruction is not limited to a single generation. For instance, chemical weapons are effective killers if they are delivered in a crowded place with limited ventilation. Biological weapons have the capability of eradicating humans. Biological weapons reflect the spread of various microorganisms that are little and infectious. According to certain articles, it has been claimed that biological weapon was used that resulted in the 21st-century plague. Nuclear, radiological, and explosive weapons not only kill the victims but have the effect that may even sustain for a generation (Ackerman & Jacome, 2018).
The government should implement effective measures to defend the nation against te
orists. Accordingly, the authorities must focus on the military strength along with the economic and social influence. The government should develop a system that creates a balanced economic and social liberty. In recent times as enemies and te
orists can operate with maximum secrecy, the government must ensure to prepare every tool for defending the nation. To combat this threat the authorities must develop effective military power, better homeland defenses, law enforcement, intelligence, and robust efforts to cut off te
orist financing.
Question 2
orism & Use of CBRNE
orism refers to the indiscriminated violence to create fear for achieving, ideological, financial, religious, and political aims. The possibility of a te
orist attack using weapons of mass destruction is an obvious danger to American national security. This danger has become more realistic because of the expansion of the te
orist groups and their willingness to kill large number of civilians. The danger has become more specific as te
orist organizations like Al Qaeda have expressed attempts to manufacture CBRNE agents for mass destruction in the United States. The US intelligence has reportedly questioned the history of Al Qaeda's interest in CBRN agents. The evolution of the group's attitude towards these mass destruction weapons has raised the possibility of attacking the US soil. This particular te
orist group is extremely significant because it is a global organization and has got its
anches in more than 15 nations. At the end of the 20th century, Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda and Ayman al-Zawahiri's
anch of Egyptian Islamic Jihad unified to be known as Qaidat al-Jihad. This particular network poses significant weapons of mass destruction te
or threat not only because of the extensive resources but also because of each expressed desire to acquire CBRNE agents (Kubickova, Kirimhan& Li, 2019). Intelligence reports that Al-Qaeda sales have been trying to acquire several biological agents, toxic chemicals, radiological material, and uranium to develop their mass destruction agents.
Chemical Agents
Most reports are concerned that Al-Qaeda is focusing on an extensive effort to produce and acquired chemical weapons. Intelligence reports of various organizations have proposed that the chemical weapons capability indicates that the network has acquired all the relevant aspects to ca
y out a dreadful te
or attack. Experts claim that the te
orists planned to use crude nerve agents or hydrogen cyanide gas, sarin, or osmium tetroxide against a large number of people in the government buildings transportation hubs, and shopping centers in the United States (Aroniadou et al., 2020). Reports have also attempted that acquisition of hydrogen cyanide causes a high concentration of casualties. Besides strong toxic chemicals, acids are also used to increase the chance of cutaneous contamination. In 2010 US troops have found large amounts of cyanide in Iraq.
Biological Agents
The specific biological agents reportedly pursued by the affiliates of Al Qaeda are anthrax bacteria, botulinum toxins, ricin, and many more. The Bureau intelligence reports have effectively published the continued interest of Al-Qaeda to acquire biological weapon capability. There have been reports that some te
orist members expressed interest in crop dusters before the 9/11 attack. US operatives reported that multiple residences in Afghanistan including an Al Qaeda agent tested positive for traces of Anthrax bacteria. Anthrax bacteria are an extremely dangerous biological weapon that can be extremely harmful if dispersed in aerosol form or by personal contact. Biological toxins like ricin can lead to targeted...

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