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Assessment 2: Case study report
Word/time limit: 1800 (+/- 10%)
Due date: 12th June
eTexts of the unit:
Refer to these books to complete this assignment.
Throughout this unit, the eTexts we use each week is:
1. Churchill, R., Godinho, S., Johnson, N. F., Keddie, A., Letts, W., Lowe, K., Mackay, J., McGill, M., Moss, J., Nagel, M. C., Shaw, K. & Rogers, J. (2019). Teaching: Making a difference (4th ed.). John Wiley & Sons Australia.
Chapters: 2, 3, 5, 8, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 16
2. Irving, E., & Carter, C. (2018). The child in focus: Learning and teaching in early childhood education. Oxford University Press.
Chapters: 2, 3, 14, 5, 12, 11
Assessment overview
Drawing on provided case study information, prepare a research report showing how learning is fostered, constraints on learning, and an understanding of the physical, social and intellectual characteristics of learners in the classroom, learning context, and how these affect learning and teaching practice.
This assessment supports unit learning outcomes K1, K2, K3, K4, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, A1, A2 and A3. (Outcomes mentioned at the end of the doc)
Assessment details
Make your way through the following steps to complete this assessment. 
Step 1: Choose your case study
Select one case study from the two provided below. You will use the data from this case study to prepare your research report.
· Engaging with families at Wynnum Family Day Care (Australian Education Research Organisation, 2022). – refer to attached PDF
· Case study: C&K Flagstone Community Kindergarten Jimboomba (Early Childhood Australia, n.d.). – refer to attached PDF
Step 2: Conduct your research and identify teaching strategies
Choose two chapters from the eText and two peer-reviewed journal articles that will help you analyse and explain the key issues in your chosen case study with a learning theory. From here, identify two teaching strategies including at least one high-impact teaching strategy (HITS) that you learned about in
that would help to improve the circumstances and/or support the learners in the case study.
Step 3: Develop your report
Select the following headings for more details on the requirements of your report.
Introduction XXXXXXXXXXwords)
Outline the key topics or issues you have identified from reading the case study you have chosen. Ensure you clearly identify your chosen case study.
Body (1000 words)
Using your research from Step 2, include an analysis of the key issues in your chosen case study using your research. Explicitly make connections between issues/events in the case study, course content, and the required literature. Co
ect in-text citations are required.
Outline the two teaching strategies you selected in Step 2, including at least one HITS that would help to improve or support the learners in the case study.
Conclusion XXXXXXXXXXwords)
Write a summary of the main findings in your case study report.
Note: The reference list is not included in the word count. 
Assessment criteria
1. Overview of case study
2. Analysis
3. Teaching practice and recommendations
4. Writing conventions and referencing
Course learning outcomes
· K1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of research into how students learn and the implications for teaching.
· K2 Critically examine the situated, complex nature of learning and the physical, social, intellectual, emotional and cultural factors which may affect students' learning and behaviours.
· K3 Examine the complex interconnections between learning, pedagogy cu
iculum, assessment and context
· K4 Understand the nature and evidence base of high-impact teaching practices that enable learning and support inclusive student participation and engagement.
· S1 Inte
ogate and question theoretical perspectives and teaching practices and convincingly justify personal viewpoints and decisions.
· S2 Read for meaning, critically evaluate research and make thoughtful connections between theory, practice and experience.
· S3 Critically examine pedagogical approaches and plan learning experiences using resources that engage learners and enhance learning.
· S4 Use effective communication and interpersonal skills.
· S5 Closely observe, describe and analyse learning and teaching experiences and make connections to theoretical understandings and research.
· S6 Use ICT, literacy and numeracy appropriately within the context of learning tasks and assessment.
· A1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of planning, delivering and reflecting on effective teaching strategies that enable learning and support inclusive student participation and engagement.
· A2 Use research into how students learn to identify and use a range of resources (including ICT) and pedagogies that engage students in learning.
· A3 Engage in professional discussions and writing to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the complex relationships between learning, pedagogy and educational context.

Engaging with families at Wynnum Family Day Care
June 2022 | Case Page 1 of 4
Case study
Wynnum Family Day Care & Education Service,
located in Brisbane, is a not-for-profit, home-based
service providing early childhood education and care
for children from birth to 12 years. In this case study,
we look at 3 strategies our family day care educators
use to encourage family engagement. All of these
examples describe how educators build and sustain
collaborative partnerships with families to support
children’s learning and development.
Our service found that supportive
elationships with families develop
through trust, collaboration and shared
decision-making. We believe that there
are two very important ingredients: 1)
acknowledging and cele
ating the
expertise of both the family and the
educators, and; 2) providing meaningful
learning experiences that are based on
shared values and beliefs.
Early Years Learning Framework –
Principle 2: Partnerships
Educators create welcoming environments where
all children and families are respected and actively
encouraged to collaborate about cu
iculum decisions
to ensure that learning experiences are meaningful.
National Quality Standard –
Quality Area 6
This quality area recognises (among other things) that
each family’s wellbeing and capacity to nurture and
support their children, is influenced by the community
in which they live and the material resources and social
supports available to them.
Engaging with families at
Wynnum Family Day Care
The following case study has been created by Wynnum Family Day Care & Education
Service to demonstrate how they engage with families and the benefits of this interaction for
children’s education outcomes.
Recognising and supporting family
engagement in learning at home
As a service, we make regular visits to places within
our local community. One of our regular outings is
to the community li
ary. The li
ary is a wonderful
esource for promoting family literacy, engagement
in fun, interactive experiences, and a foundation
for a love for books and lifelong learning. Regular
discussions with families have led us to some
interesting findings; for example, we discovered that
Engaging with families at Wynnum Family Day Care Australian Education Research Organisation
June 2022 | Case Page 2 of 4
not all families were aware that li
aries are a free
service to supplement access to books at home.
We have reflected on the use of community
facilities at our service. This reflection has prompted
discussions with children and families about what
they value the most about our outings. Our educators
and families recognise that adding li
ary visits
to the weekly program provides children with an
opportunity to be involved in their local community,
as we share this communal space and interact with
a diverse group of community members. Children
can see people of all ages gaining enjoyment from
eading and accessing a wide variety of printed
materials, such as newspapers, magazines, large
eference books and maps, written in both English
and other languages.
During our li
ary visits, children can listen to
audiobooks and experiment with other forms of
media, such as computers. We often participate in
story and music sessions run by the li
ary. These
sessions allow children to listen to a story read by
a less familiar adult, other parents, grandparents
and even other children. This expands the group of
people coming together to experience enjoyment
from books and reading. The entire group benefits
from the interactive nature of these early literacy
experiences, nurturing pre-literacy communication
and promoting social skills and language
development. We have also begun to promote the
ary to our families as a place to seek information,
access reference books and bo
ow storybooks for
children that can assist with explaining difficult topics
to children, such as tragedy or grief.
Together with the children, we continue our
egular visits to the local community. We share
our discoveries and enjoyment, extending this
awareness to families whose experiences may not
have been the same. We have found that children
visiting these places with us has given confidence to
the families to access these services and resources
themselves. This was an amazing finding for us –
ealising that us sharing our passion can influence
others so greatly!
Supporting two-way, positive
communication and providing light
touch updates about learning and
We believe in open and honest communication,
and that even the small moments are worth sharing.
Recently, we have observed that our younger
children (aged 12–18 months) began showing how
strong they are in their physical development
and how eager they are to leave the table during
mealtimes. Over the past couple of weeks, they have
learned to push themselves away from the table,
signaling that they have finished eating and are
eady to engage in other experiences.
This observation prompted us to have conversations
with families around routines and transitions, and
how these are managed at home. We shared our
views on children as independent learners, and how
we can foster independence. We also spoke about
children’s ve
al and non-ve
al communication, and
the way children can express their needs. We see
a great value in non-ve
al cues and trialed these
during mealtimes; for example, role modelling ‘more
please’ and ‘finish’ using both words and actions.
These strategies were discussed with families
along with exploring simple signs and language
the educators, families and children could practice
together. We have included other repetitive phrases
and actions that could be paired with a signal. We
Engaging with families at Wynnum Family Day Care Australian Education Research Organisation
June 2022 | Case Page 3 of 4
continue to share our knowledge and experiences
with families, and, in turn, they share their views with
us, maintaining a high level of trust.
Promoting a literacy-rich environment
at home
Storytelling and books are a great passion within
our service. We have a large selection of adults’
ooks for families to access, and children’s books
at children’s reach on lower shelves. We engage in
spontaneous storytelling anytime when the children
are keen. To maintain and encourage children’s
interest in stories and lifelong reading, we have
started our own book club. Each child decorates
their own book club bag and can bo
ow a book from
us to take home to share with their families. When
they return the book, the children are prompted to
etell the story among the group or tell us about their
favourite parts. At other times, a child may simply
prefer to choose another book to take home, and
that’s okay, too. Our book club experiences take
place at any time, especially when a child is returning
their bo
owed book and is excited to share it with
the other children.
We also create photo collages of children reading,
and display these on the wall next to our bookshelf.
It promotes more regular time spent looking through
the books – and their photos, of course! Families
share their images of children reading at home, or
wherever the story is being enjoyed. Shared reading
uilds a stronger connection between home and our
service. We have had a lot of positive feedback from
oth families and the children:
‘We love the book club initiative. It is so
generous of you to loan us your books
and gives the kids a lovely incentive to
ead more at home. It also teaches a
eal-world concept of the li
ary with a
personal touch from you.’
We have shared the techniques explained in Mem
Fox’s Reading Magic with our families, encouraging
those who were not avid readers themselves to
appreciate the value of exploring books with their
children. An important message for parents is that
eading aloud, reading often and providing children
with plenty of opportunities to hear stories is a
wonderful start and helps with their child’s learning
We also encourage storytelling using pictures
and props to prompt imagination and generate
storylines. We have a number of books that share
cultural connections to our children’s and educator’s
identities. This authenticity allows us to talk to children
about diverse backgrounds, customs, traditions and
festivals as they use the pictures to enquire.
Answered 6 days After Jun 05, 2024


Dilpreet answered on Jun 11 2024
11 Votes
Case Study Report         2
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
Detailed Analysis of the Identified Key Issues    4
Teaching Strategies    6
Conclusion    7
References    9
The case study chosen for this assessment is Wynnum Family Day Care & Education Service, which is located in Brisbane, Australia. This case study provides insights into the dynamics of early childhood education within a family day care setting. The organisation is a not-for-profit service, which helps in catering children from birth up to 12 years of age. This is a home-based service, which emphasises on the importance of sustainable collaborative partnership of children with their families during their early learning and development years. This report focuses on how learning is fostered, the constraints of learning, and the importance of physical, social, and intellectual characteristics of learners in the setting they learn within. Through the case study, the key issues have been identified as:
Engagement of Families: This focuses on the engagement of families in the education process. This also highlights the importance of collaborative interaction between the families of children and their educators.
Integration of the Community: Through this, the resources available within the community such as li
aries can be used to enhance the experience of learning.
Communication: Two-way communication through open and transparent channels plays a crucial role to establish interactive relationship between the educators and the families so as to work collaboratively towards the development of children.
Creating a Rich Learning Environment: Creating and maintaining an environment rich in literacy and learning abilities encourages children and helps improve their engagement.
The identified issues align with the Principle 2 of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF). The principle states that partnerships must be emphasised for the creation of welcoming environment, where respect must be given to the children, their families, and the educator. Also, the families must be encouraged to interact and collaborate with the educators to make necessary decisions while structuring the cu
iculum. Taking into consideration the National Quality Standard, this case study aligns with quality area 6, which focuses on partnerships between families and communities.
Detailed Analysis of the Identified Key Issues
Engagement of Families: Engagement of families in the early years of education for children plays a crucial role as it helps to ensure experiential, meaningful, and is based on shared values and beliefs. Wynnum Family Day Care ensures that the expertise and experience of both the families as well as the educators is utilised to come up with a collaborative learning environment and educational approach for the children in their early childhood. As argued by Churchill et al. (2019), engagement of families in the learning activities of children helps build trust and promotes shared decision-making while providing a supportive learning environment to the children. Involving families ensure that there is a cohesive learning environment as well. This helps to reinforce the values into the education setting, which children would otherwise learn only at home. This also helps in better identification of learning challenges and helps come up with strategies to mitigate these challenges.
Integration of the Community: Considering Wynnum Family Day Care, as per the case study, they have been making regular visits to the community li
aries, which has not only promoted family literacy but has also helped improve community engagement. Visiting to community li
aries not only help children improve their knowledge but also helps them improve their communication skills as they interact with a culturally diverse group of people. As opined by Irving and Carter (2018), this helps children learn by observing and...

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